This document is a spiritual and metaphysical interpretation of Revelation Chapter 1, focusing on Deeper Understanding of Divine Mysteries; the revelation of Jesus Christ, the significance of the messages to the seven churches, and the symbolic meanings of visions described. It explores themes like divine guidance, the unity of the Holy Spirit with God, and the deeper understanding of spiritual truths and prophecies.
Revelation 1:1-2
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record of the word of God, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw.
S Here you have that which is the raising within self beyond that which is as the normal or the understanding of meditation, where Jesus the Christ lifted up the entity, holding the entity then, proceeded to touch that which is the spirit of the Father, the Holy Spirit in action, that the Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God became one. Therefore, John became into that state, which through the Christ was connected to the Holy Spirit and the Father-Mother God, thus knowing creation in all things. This is an essential step in that which is the resurrection. For in the time of the resurrection, Jesus did become one with God the Father, one with the Holy Spirit, making that which is the triad.
Q Is the Holy Spirit a link between us and God?
S The Holy Spirit is God, but is that link between the Christ Force and God. It is the moving power of the universes. It is the power of the cosmos. It is the power that starts the Christ within you to work It is that which is that which is the word, the deed and the light. It is that which is beyond the human understanding, where the Christ Force can be understood by the human mind so desiring. [10-131]
Revelation 1:3
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.
S You have been given the word that He is to return. And yet, how many of you believe? Yes, it is at hand. Follow that which is given to you, and write upon the wisdom of self that which is given to you to know – that is the book of life, that is the book of wisdom. Do not mistake wisdom and intellect as being one. The use of the intellect, then, is to make self the more available for wisdom rather than the intellect dictating to the wisdom. For as these chapters unroll and unfold for you, you will see that the intellect cannot always grasp the meaning, cannot always understand or even indicate a way of following. But in wisdom you know that what is given to you is food for the body-physical, the body-mental, and manna for the spirit
Q Is the statement, “Behold He cometh with the clouds” a correct translation or should it be “through” the clouds?
S Either, for He will be upon the clouds with a radiance showing through the clouds.
Revelation 1:4-5
John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace be unto you, and peace, from him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven Spirits which are before his throne; And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
S You have, then, that which represents, as you spiritually raise up through the seven centers which are here, then, in this, meaning the candlesticks, to that which is holding them – the angelic host – which then are the seven heavens, as given, or the seven stages, or the seven rooms that you will proceed through. In understanding, then, that which is Jesus the Christ, Who is the Prince of princes, Who then overcomes the princes of this world, changing them, then, from that which is of the beast to that which is the spiritual in nature. And as given, He is the Prince that was dead and of the dead. For the dead are those which inherit this earth. And He, then, is the Shepherd or the Prince that will overcome the dead and awaken, within the dead, the life, and give back, then, that which is His to give – the spiritual love, the resurrection, the grace.
Q Are the rooms referred to the same as the many mansions in John 14:1?
S This is correct.
Q Does this mean the different levels of consciousness that we will go through as a rule?
S Yes, but beyond that, beyond this realm of consciousness, or the interpretation of consciousness, it is as given, more closely the heavens which are stages of God.
Q How is it that Jesus is the first begotten of the dead?
S He is that which is as the savior of the dead. He is the first to come in and receive death and overcome death. Therefore, He is the One Who laid His life upon the line spiritually, mentally, and physically, that there could be a resurrection for those who were dead to the spiritual laws and world. He is the Prince of a new living which is the living within God.
Q Please explain the meaning of “washed us for our sins in His own blood”.
S Water has ever been that which is a cleansing force and used in many religions as that which is a sacred symbol. Not only in Christianity, Judaism, but you find it in such a great among among the Hindi, among the Muslims and other peoples. To be clean in body and mind is represented by the washing in water, but the washing by sacrifice is the washing in blood. For He did shed the blood of the body and of the mind and even of the spirit that you might be set free. Is it not written that He shed great drops of flood in the time of agony, in the time of ecstasy, in that time of crucifixion? For it is true, the blood was shed for you and in the shedding of the blood is giving that which anoints the spirits of the individual soul forces that they, too be one with the Father through His sacrifice, finding the way then. This is what is meant by the washing clean by the blood of the Lamb. [10-130]
Revelation 1:6
And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
S This, then, are the stages you go through within yourself – first becoming priests. This is the one who offers the prayers, the supplications, who intones and incants. The king, then, the master of the body, the mind, and the spirit, becoming one, then, in the Way which is Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Revelation 1:7
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
S All that bear witness to the Christ will be as witness to that which is the Second Coming – that which is the physical and the spiritual coming. And that generation that He spoke of in His works in this earth shall be present, shall know and realize that the Prince of Life and Love, that the Master of Creation is at hand.
Q What are the clouds?
S The clouds are that which are the physical clouds that you see but also those clouds of glory, that which is as the bending of light, the displacing of mass, the movement of actual physical, molecular structures to enhance, then, the power and glory as seen by man of that which is the Christ returned.
Q Is the statement, “Behold, He cometh with the clouds” a correct translation or should it be “through” the clouds?
S Either here, for He will be upon the clouds with a radiance showing through the clouds. [10- ]
Revelation 1:8
“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,” saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.
S The Eliph and the Tau, the beginning, the end. You have risen through Him and return with Him, and all between then becomes naught. For the Christ is God and God is the Christ, and Christ is you and you are god. In the time of the resurrection, you, then, become one in the knowing. Even as you are an individual, you are god. This, then, is the love, the purity, the wonder of god.
Q What language is Eliph and Tau in?
S The Eliph and the Tau are as that (which you would be considered) that you would consider to be the priestly Tongue. Remember, it is first cousin [to], or rather even in its roots in being older than, that which is the Hebrew, and at the time of the Master was the accepted tongue for all those who would profess to be deeply religious thinkers, those who had insights, the secret teachings, whether they were basically Aramaic speaking peoples or Hebraic speaking peoples. many words are similar to either Hebrew or Aramaic. For, in truth, the source of both languages is from the Tongue, or the Tongue of Tongues.
Q Would Eliph be E-l-i-p-h?
S That’s close enough.
Q And, Tau? How would that be spelled?
S You may spell it as T-a-u or T-h-a-u as the pronunciation. [10-112]
Revelation 1:9
I John, who also am your brother, and companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
S Know this: that to receive this state of being, one is chosen and taken. For no one on their own can achieve this state. Once you reach that state of pure meditation, then it is God’s turn to touch, to use, as He sees fit. And through, then, the Christ that is given to you, you, too, then can reach this stage in the understanding that will lift up others. For this is what the resurrection is for – others.
Q Is the Isle of Patmos one that would be described as a jewel?
S Oh, yes.
Q This would be a multi-faceted, perhaps, a golden jewel?
S Yes.
Q In Cayce reading 281-16 the statement was made, “the Beloved, then, was banished to the Isle and was in meditation, in prayer, and communion with those saints.” Now, when was John banished? This was approximately eleven years or less after the crucifixion?
S Less. The banishment, though, really was in its real meaning the banishment from that which is the world as you know the world to be. For John concentrated then on that which is the spiritual, developing and following that as closely as possible as given to him by Jesus the Christ. John, even at a great age, you see, had practiced and practiced and yet fell short – even through well-chosen and well- founded and honest and true in the use of that which was given to him. For you see, all fall short the glory of God. And yet, as He gave, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Therefore, the resurrection and the life was brought to John by the choosing of the resurrection and the life, which is Jesus the Christ, that He then could give to you and to all that which are the means of achieving, even as John was given those things that would lift you up to the stage of revelation.
Q So John banished himself?
S This is correct.
Q With the statement, “John, even at a great age, you see, had practiced and practiced and yet fell short”, we assume that John the Beloved was not christed in that life. Is that correct?
S Well, you take first things first, that being of great age (meaning the individual) had established himself through the patterns of lives to be of the search, to be as that which he became, and yet had not attained to that which is the christing, nor has attained to the christing. For only One is truly christed and He being that which is the Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ.
Q Where did he fall short?
S Where all fall short. For all fall short the glory of God. For it is given, only He that came first as the First Son could lead mankind out to the finding. Therefore, in that lies the shortcoming. It is, then, through He that came first, Jesus the Christ (as you would have Him) is that which is the Key, the Door to the final christing of all. There is in that, then, the law – the law is as one, and one would be christed – then all in their due time, in all their process, all in their procession as He established. Therefore, to your understanding he did not fall short, for he could not attain to that which was beyond him to do, and now receives that which is the gift of grace through the Christ.
Q Must we wait, then, until resurrection and the life is brought to us, as John waited until the resurrection and the life was brought to him?
S John would not call it waiting. John would call it supplication, prayer, and love. You see, you are still the victim of those generations which, for good or not so good, has been given time, or a time frame to work from. And waiting, then, is a word and a state of being of time. John was able to a great extent to banish this till it came to him that a heartbeat was as a lifetime, a lifetime as a heartbeat, and there was no waiting for John – only the living in that which was grace.
Q Is there a direct path from the heart chakra to the Patmos, that spiritual state, without going through the fifth and sixth?
S No. The heart chakra will open up those other two, if conducted directly with no stage (as you would understand stage to be) of work, if it is done correctly. Though beware of the short cut. For often it has not been done correctly.
Q Can the heart be open to the Prime Force?
S If there is a choosing by that which is the Christ Spirit, or the working of the Holy Spirit, then there can be a jump from the lower centers to the highest centers and beyond.
Q Speaking from the standpoint of the heart following the mind but then not following the mind and opening self to the Prime Force?
S Well, yes. This is what you, I, would term as the short cut. Beware!
Q Please explain and expand on the meaning of “speaking from the standpoint of the heart following the mind but not following the mind and opening self to the Prime Force.”
S This is really commenting on the state of mankind and the philosophical viewing, or that which is the rationalizing of the human mind. In all phases man must think in that which is the combination, you see, guided by the spirit in this case. Therefore, the spirit mind is not the mind in the body. It is not the mental mind as see, but in cooperation with same. For once spirit, in all things, is adjudged to be correct by the mind and the body, then the entity moves forward into that state of being that is acceptable and can accept that which is the spiritual junket from this plane into that which are the higher realms of wisdom and knowledge.
Q We understand that we are moving forward on a path. Is this path also moving?
S Moving as in emotions for individuals, moving as that which represents movement of the spirit. Moving in that which is a cosmic thing, the path is moving and is taking those with them that would walk upon it. It’s an escalator to heaven. [10-130]
Revelation 1:10
I was in the spirit on the Lord’s day and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,
S This, then, is the still, small voice that becomes even as thunder. It is the speaking of the Christ within. It is the Messenger touching that which is the Holy Spirit. It is that which literally moves universes and creates same. It is that which causes love to govern the body, the mind, and it is the Spirit.
Q When it says, “the Lord’s day”: in John’s case, this would apply to every day, wouldn’t it?
S Yes, as John overcame time, so the Lord’s day was all time.
Revelation 1:11
Saying, “I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.”
S You have here, then, the awakening of the body through the use of that which is the force of God as the Christ, using that which is the wisdom as given to you in times past through the secret teachings, and now through that which we would term as readings of today. Therefore, you have a blending of the past and present, that you, too, may write in your book that which is the understanding, or that which is the awakening, that the Christ Force, Whose name is God, may revel through thy body, making, then, the spirit one with the mind and the way, that that which is the Mind of all minds, God, will direct, will rebuild, will give birth, then, to the spiritual nature of selves.
Q In Cayce reading 281-16 it mentioned that when John was in meditation in banishment that he was “in communion with those saints who were in a position to comprehend the needs of those that would carry on.” What was meant by this?
S These are those that have gone before, that have raised themselves up to a point that they may go beyond and yet hold in those environs about the earth and in the earth plane itself, ministering to that which are the spiritual, physical, and mental needs of those who would search, who would find the Way, to make, then, the answer to prayers that are of choice for them to concur with, and are outside of the angelic host’s workload, and perform same.
Revelation 1:12-13
And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.
S You have, then, (as) the workings through the seven centers of the body coming to that which is the throne of God, which is the Christ Force within. And that, then, as the golden girdle is that which is the symbol of the purity, the force of God.
Revelation 1:14-15
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.
S You have here the cleansing of the voice, which is the water that is the Spirit. You have that which is the two-edged sword used wisely. This is the Christ’s sword which will hew down those, then, that take not to God. For He Who has created these worlds, and implanted within them, then, all those things that you find, is He that will destroy these worlds and all those things you find therein. That which are the flames are the cleansing elements of the Christ Force. Through the cleansing then, you are saved from the sword if you will but accept that which is. And that which is the symbol of the white hair is the purity, the power, the wisdom. It is the God Force as is in the Christ.
Q What is meant by the two edges of the sword?
S This which cuts both ways – especially to those who have taken the sword but have turned aside. It cuts back on those who hold it. Then that which is the sword of the other blade, or the other side, the other edge, is that which severs, then, the negative from the positive, the pure from the demean.
Q Then Christ uses that two-edged sword through people?
S Amen.
Q Is the sword, two-edged sword, symbolic of the fifth chakra primarily?
S It is – misused or used correctly.
Q This is the will center, is it not?
S This is correct.
Revelation 1:16
And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.
S That which is raised, or the stars, is that which is as the overcoming of the physical-mental self, and this, then, is held aloft that you may follow your stars and return to that which is yours to be, the god self.
Revelation 1:17
And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, “Fear not; I am the first and the last:”
S If and when an entity meets that which is the Christ Force, though you may seem as if you are ready, and believe you are ready, you will experience that which has happened here to John. The force, the power, the vitality, the purity of that which is the Christ is beyond the scope of human understanding. It cannot be impressed upon an individual here or elsewhere. John then, even in the exalted state, realized the inferior position he held. The shock is almost a destructive one, and yet, the love, the strength, and the resurrection touched John even as it will touch all seekers and say, “Fear not.”
Revelation 1:18
“I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.”
S Hell and death are the separation from God. The keys are the Christ through the resurrection. He that was dead is Jesus, who completed his tour (as it might be called), and built through all things and knew all things, that He as an individual person would die, and He as an individual god-being would live, so to give you the way out, the pattern, the love and the strength, the hope. For this is, then, the rescue. This is the reason for these words. This is the reason that John gave, then, that which was given to him. Then you must, too, be as John, to live the Word, to be the Word, as close as you can to your interpretation of the Christ.
Q The word “amen” that’s used so frequently in Revelation – was this the word that was actually used or is it a translation?
S It’s a translation meaning almost the same.
Q What does it mean, sir?
S “Amen” as normally used indicates “let it be so.”
Revelation 1:19-20
“Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.”
S Now the meaning of this has now been given. For they are one and the same. The heavens responding to that, then, which is as within you – your centers, your understandings, your being. Use them, believe in them. Even if you do not understand them, seek them. Q Please clarify what was meant by the “The seven stars”.
S The seven stars have a multiple meaning here. This is a refreshing of that which are the forces within. It is a reminder of the seven heavens. It is that which, then, gives guidance in the metaphysical state, even as sailors, you see, in times of old, [and] those which fly your skies, read the heavens to find their guidance. So the seven stars within guide the individuals upon the search, the path. As ships are guided by the lights, aircraft are landed in your day by lighting systems, so the spirit is guided by lights. What better than symbolically to use them as stars which sing the song of the greatness of the creative ability of God both without and within. [10-111]