Revelation 16: Unveiling Divine Judgment and Spiritual TrialsThis document offers a spiritual interpretation of Revelation Chapter 16, focusing on Unveiling Divine Judgment and Spiritual Trials; the seven angels pouring out their vials, symbolizing divine judgments and the spiritual trials individuals and humanity must face. It explores themes of karma, spiritual awakening, and the consequences of one’s actions, emphasizing the importance of spiritual growth and the battle between light and darkness within each individual.

RAM Reading 10-123 

Channel – Prayer 

Oh Lord, in our hearts we know that You are true, that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Light. And therefore, oh Lord, we seek Thy love, guidance, mercy, that we, too, may become tools even as He, Jesus the Christ was Your tool in this world. Always, Your will, oh Lord within and through us. 


There is a righteous struggle. For that which is righteousness is the truth of God in motion. All individuals possess that which is the righteousness, the will, the Word of God. How it is used is the individual’s prerogative. And yet, how few would follow that which is the path of the Master, would walk in His footsteps. For that which righteousness prevents, that which is selfishness, and who among you is not selfish at this time? You act, you think, yes you breathe in that which is a material world and justifiably so, then do you have that taint of selfishness. For it is that which is the hallmark of this world and as you yet are within this world, you cannot be as that which is the spirit or that which is pure spirit. But have no fear for the spirit is within to be called forth at that time that you, too, would face the Master of Life as the intercessory to that which is the force of love, truth, that which is as the Builder of the Universe, the Master Planner of Life, that which is the Creative Force. 

Revelation 16:1 

And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.” 

S Then that which is the trial and tribulation of all will come to that time when there is the coming forth of that which are the akashic records of all people, all individuals, even as the individual then has called forth the angelic host or those levels of being from self that will then judge or give that which is the opportunity for salvation. 

Q What are the vials of the wrath of God? 

S The vials of the wrath of God are simply that which is given as to the facing of the law or that which you must have known as Karma or that which is judgment as God has transcribed for selves to face in selves, out of selves, through selves. 

Revelation 16:2 

And the first went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image. 

S Those that are earth-bound by that which is choice of action face that which is the action of old, the action of old and present where there has been injury to others and either the entities receive them as Job or receive them as Satan. For that which is Satan or the intellect misused, that which is selfishness, does not proclaim God or render to God that which is the understanding of “I have gathered that which I have sown myself.” Those are of (as) Job receive that as the cleansing, as the test, and honor God through that which is the love, the gratitude of life, and for life, as Jesus the Christ. 

Revelation 16:3 

And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. 

S The symbolism here is that life will be cut off from self. That which was the birthplace of the animal kind, or animal kingdom within your world, is as the waters of the sea, and from the waters of the sea, then, proceeded that which was to become the physical home of mankind, after much modification, you see, and conditioning. 

Revelation 16:4 

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. 

S You have the cutting off of the spirit, or the spiritual nature, by selection of mankind in their actions. These are those who do not accept that which comes their way (as Job accepted that which came his way), but complain, bear false witness towards others as to that which are the reasons of their own unhappiness and travail. 

Revelation 16:5-6

And I heard the angel of the waters say, “Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.” 

S Here is proclaimed that which is the power of God to render unto mankind that which they have chosen for themselves. It is also that as a reminder to those entities involved and those entities that will listen that you have a choice, lest you be cut off. 

Revelation 16:7-8 

And I heard another out of the altar say, “Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.” And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. 

S This is the cleansing process that will separate into the physical and mental worlds in this plane, causing the torment for those who would be both bodily and intellectually inclined towards selfishness. It is a war unbelievable within selves. 

Revelation 16:9 

And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues; and they repented not to give him glory. 

S Once again man has that choice, and those that are caught up in that which we have given, the intellectual self and the physical self (and even that which is the battle between the balancing of those two, even in selfish reasons) will blame God and all others for their roles and never accept that which is the reality of the situation, or that which they would see as the foolishness of repentance. 

Q This battle that you say is so terrible – does this take place with the knowledge of the conscious mind? 

S It is by selection of the conscious mind that the entity goes into this battle for the entity, though divided within self. And even as has been given in days of old, a house divided against itself cannot stand. A human divided against itself cannot stand. Therefore, one thing can emerge and only one thing – spirit. 

Q We were told previously to set aside the conscious mind. Is this to be accomplished in prayer and meditation only or are there additional things that can be done to bring this about. Please comment. 

S Prayer and meditation is the key and once true prayer and meditation have been achieved the door is open and the choosing has been made. For then the individual may walk the path as given to that which is the freeing of the forces within. For, you see, within your temple you have that which is the Thought. For there is nothing else but the Thought. This is the moving force. 

Revelation 16:10-11 

And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

S These especially call forth the deeds of the mouth, the tongue, that which is like a serpent that lashes, hurts, and cuts. And therefore, those who have made life after life as a staging point or area for that which is the tongue whipping, lashing, hurting, will writhe on their own casting and receiving. 

Revelation 16: 12 

And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. 

S The last, the last chance when there is the total committing of the spiritual to mankind’s survival. It is the last, the great river. It is that which is the life of the spirit within. For as that which the angels coming before have pointed out or led to the battle, even that which was the withdrawing the spiritual feeding as to the rivers, then there is the final withdrawing of that which is the God Force, as you know it to be, within selves. And yet, with that, there is the opening of the way for self to withdraw, to follow that which is the path of the riverbed and overcome the world as a king of God, rather than the king of this earth plane. 

Q Who are the kings of the east? 

S The kings of the east are retribution and reconciliation. That is the balance that man meets in the final stage where mankind faces the kings of the east and in accepting both may yet be saved in declaring themselves away or from the kings of the east. Then follow that which is the last step to the beast. 

Revelation 16:13-14 

And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty. 

S From that which is evil comes evil, and proclaims itself as just, right, and wonderful. Look about you and realize it is present in that which is given as the great goals of mankind. And once again, they are that which is hate, selfishness, and that which gathers all the rest within – foolishness. 

Q Is the dragon here the ego-mind, the ego?

S Yes. It is that which is even deeper than the ego-mind. It is that which connects itself to the negative forces that are held within the akashic records. 

Revelation 16:15-16 

Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon. 

S This is the time when you put upon yourself the whole armor of the Lord and go forth to battle to destroy that which is not of God within yourselves and by so doing become that which is a force for love, truth, justice, and good, that which makes the heart of your Savior, the Christ, ring with joy. For you are lights yet to be lit. You are songs yet to be sung. You are hope yet to be kindled. You are gods yet to be created. 

Q Instead of Armageddon being a big battle that involves the whole of mankind, it happens to each one individually? 

S Individually and yet collectively, even though at different times in occurrence.

 Q We were told in 1978 that “the fear, the turmoil, the destruction, is yet to come from the yellow race.” Has this been changed in light of recent overtures towards peace from China? 

S No. For the unleashing of the yellow race still is at hand. For look about you. Who yet is a voice as a nation crying in the wilderness? Who yet would lift mankind up? Not until that which is the Masonic idea melds with that which you would call the socialist idea, creating a Christian ideal, idea, will be that which is the unleashing of the yellow race be thwarted. For perilously close is that time where that which you would call the Soviets would goad, prod, and anger and trigger, the yellow horde’s unleashing. But be content in that. if you live, if you pray, if you meditate in the idea of “others first” what glories you may accomplish, what glories can your brothers and sisters accomplish through the use of the peace that lies within. But remember, remember the peace that lies within. His peace is not that which is tranquility as you would see tranquility to be. It is violence, it is force, it is thrust, it is power. But it is His peace which defies mankind’s understanding. 

Q What is the Masonic idea? 

S First, the Masonic idea can be studied by the entity, for there is abundant material upon the Masonic idea. It is the concept of brotherhood and the uniting force or the spiritual force of God. It is both metaphysical and spiritual. Do not confuse metaphysics with spiritual. They are different. It is that which is the organized idea of the ideal social order of mankind and mankind’s inner play between individuals and groups. The entity could study or inquire for literature that would give the entity much more understanding than we have time for here. [10-131] 

Q Will this trouble with the yellow race come about before or after the Master’s return? 

S You have here the flexibility of mankind’s choice. It will come about if mankind does not change. Perilously near if mankind does not change. If mankind changes even one iota, then that which is the coming will come first.

Q Are there a lot of people that are facing this Armageddon within right now that will change us? 

S All are facing Armageddon at this time and may change, we quote “us” unquote. For you see, as we have given so often in the past, you are connected one to the other – so the faith of the brother is the faith of the sister, the fate of each and every individual is linked. For you are as one. 

Q An Edgar Cayce reading said that the future of the world lay with the development of something equivalent to Christianity in Russia. What can we do as individuals to bring this about? What do we have to do as a nation to bring it about? 

S When this nation truly bears that, as a majority, of “other first, Father, others first” then that will be their gift as to the world and that which you would call Armageddon would be put off the more, that which is as the great war of the yellow horde would be dissolved, and mankind would then set on that which is a new and great throne, presented as the opportunity of grace and love. And yet, and yet it can be done. For as each individual gives self to God, so that which is the concentric circles of love, peace, forgiveness, is manifested into this world, into that which are the forces of this world. And remember this: if you could measure good as to a drop, one drop of good would dispel an ocean of that which you would deem as bad. 

Revelation 16:17-18 

And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, “It is done.” And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. 

S The choosing – it is done. The Master of Life also gave this as His epitaph – “It is done.” Each individual must face that, the rending of self – it is done. But what is done? Facing God in love, purity, humility, strength, goodness, repentance, or that which is facing God robed in selfishness, foolishness, hate. When that which is self hears the words as created by self, spoken through that which is the representative of God, “it is done,” mark you: then is the time that you cannot go back, or you may go forward. For those left will mark time to the seeds of their own destruction and must resurrect within themselves the opportunity, lest they, too, join that which is the mass that has no self, no personality as given by God, but become only that which has no thought or feeling or usefulness except to be as that which is. 

Q The earthquakes referred to here, is it referring to anything in addition to the earthquakes within? 

S It is mostly the earthquakes within, and yet there will be that which is so fierce, go great of such a magnitude, that even this earth will be affected. Even as the skies above will be affected and those poles, those forces, electrically, magnetically and thought will be affected. 

Q Has there been enough spiritual power developed to prevent the changes in the west, in California, sinking of the land, et cetera? 

S Only to some degree. 

Revelation 16:19 

And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath. 

S This is the facing of God. You as you are, totally aware of your being, totally aware of that which is Babylon, your creation, and that which has divided you spiritually, mentally, and physically, not yet approved. For you have chosen not to be approved. This is the reception, when you must face that which you would term as the wrath of God and drink of that which ye have made of your own choosing. For it has been given before, lest you have love, you have nothing. And even those great works to help mankind, to help the spirit of mankind, the morality of mankind, the morale of mankind, the physical mankind – all these things will be for naught but a bitter drink. 

Revelation 16:20-21 

And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men, blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great. 

S This is the actual physical and mental rending of self, facing that which is termed loosely “hell.” For then the awareness, physically and mentally, of that which has been done to the spiritual becomes reality, as reality is for those who are locked within this plane. It is the actual hurting, burning, tearing illness of the mind and the body that is a truth to those who have taken the physical to be true. It is in itself a horrible thought to take the physical as true. 


We would give you this for you to ponder, to cogitate upon. You are nothing. You are not even a dream. You are worse than foolish. You are filth. You are sadness, grief, hurt, pain. You are that which is sewage of the universe if you do not take that which is the love of God as offered. 

Thence you become that which is light; you become that which is manna; you become that which is a gift; you become sweet water; you become the song; you become the instrument; you become that which is the note of purity within creation; you become the hope, the standard bearer; you become that which is the right hand of Jesus the Christ. We give that which is love, peace, mercy, goodness. We give the Christ.