This document provides a comprehensive analysis of Genesis Chapter 6 from the Bible, focusing on the nephilim its spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It delves into the story of the Nephilim, the corruption of mankind, and the lead-up to the Great Flood. The material explores themes like divine judgment, human morality, and the preparation for the Flood, emphasizing the deeper symbolic meanings and spiritual lessons of this chapter.
Genesis 6:1-2
And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
S This, as many of you realize, is that time when those who had come into this earth to be about their Father’s business were captivated by that which was the animal form, the animal functions, and became mired in that which is the present chaotic state of mind and matter and spirit, which make this jumbled plane that you live in and upon.
Q The sons of God, as here stated, were they, as I understand, the undivided soul and in order to come into the earth had to divide?
S This is correct.
Q Please explain why the undivided soul had to divide in order to come into this earth.
S We’ve given that before. With a little study you will understand. You must have a positive and negative influence and when you come in with no such duality, therefore, you cannot develop the same. How would you, for instance, accomplish anything in that positive-negative force if there weren’t men and women?
Q I think maybe I don’t understand what is meant by a divided soul.
S This is where a soul (is) takes shape in male or female garb, see, although your soul is neither male nor female. It’s both. 10-138
Genesis 6:3
And the Lord said, “My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. “
S This is the awareness within mankind of the source or spirit or animal force or life itself within them and that there was a division between the spirit and the physical, though then the dwelling was given or a temporary time was given that there could be extraction from the earth if mankind used themselves to the greater degree or the spiritual-mental functions to the greater degree rather than the mental-physical or animal reaction the more.
Genesis 6:4
There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
S You have the fact that there were giants as physical structures or physical beings, but also there were those who acted as giants, who performed the work of the Lord, who lived in the way of God, who directed and helped the humankind upon its way, and this led to the expanding of the human element within the confines of the bestial society or the bestial plane.
Q You say there were giants, physical giants. What was their height at that time?
S All larger than others.
Q Were their bodies at that time temples of the Holy Spirit?
S Not as they are presently, but the Holy Spirit, or the spirit of God dwelled within each individual even as there is God spirit in all things. They also possessed the soul force which is the spirit of God individualized, in or under individual names and faces as each of you are.
Genesis 6:5-7
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”
S This is not God per se speaking or being quoted. It is the God Force within the individual or the collective human or humankind realizing that the animal forces or that which you would consider today to be selfishness or the ego-centered individual or individualism had reared itself and become the dominant force within the life or the life forms and no longer was there a distinctive or distinction in the mass of individuals of that time between spirit and animal-mental selves.
Genesis 6:8-9
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
S Noah was an individual who was driven by the mental self to clarify the spiritual self over that which is the physical self. Noah persisted in the search for the Lord and retained within himself that which were the laws as given of the worship of God and the understanding of the life force of God in all things. Noah was not perfect, but Noah epitomized that which is the one who searches against all odds, following the heart or the soul compulsiveness that would render the spiritual self the more important rather than the mental or the physical self. And this is why God saw Noah as that which was special of the time.
Q Is that what it means to walk with God?
S To walk with God is to be recognized by God because of that which is your search or your battle with yourself, your world, to find that which is the spiritual nature of yourself that it may balance out the mental and the physical rather than being that which is the low, “the low man on the totem pole.”
Genesis 6:10
And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
S You have here, then, the spiritual being, the physical being, and the intellectual or mind being as represented in the three sons.
Q Was Ham the spiritual?
S Ham was the physical being.
Q Then which was the spiritual being?
S Shem.
Genesis 6:11-13
The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah, “The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth.”
S The entities, or the entity of the time, even as the individuals that you are, yourselves, must come to that point where they see the actions, the reactions, the works of the mental-physical world, as counter to that of God, unless they are put in their proper place or directed by that which is the spiritual being or the spiritual force. Hence, the meaning here of the corruption, of the war, of that which is violence, because the spirit must overcome by force, by violence that which is corrupt or that which is deviated or has deviated from the path or the way of the Lord.
Genesis 6:14-15
“Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: The length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits.”
S The ark here represents that which you must accommodate within yourself. It must be a place set aside specifically (and these are the reasons for the measurements) where you will take the spiritual self within, you will take your mental being within, inside the physical being now, where you may ponder that which is the word of the Lord, you may concentrate upon that which is the way, you may meditate upon that which is the love and the feeding of God of His children. This is the meaning of the ark here, though an ark was built.
Q What is gopher wood?
S The gopher wood is part of that which is intended to show that there are laws or measurements to be followed. Gopher wood was exceedingly rare and very hard wood, especially hard to work with, but considered beautiful, rare, and very prone to emit almost a perfume, or considered a perfume at that time. It was that which turned away insects and the like.
Q Would the pitch be indicating to us that we should shut out that which is the world?
S This is correct, and not squander that which is within by letting it ooze out in non-use or be drained from yourself for those things which are not the paths of righteousness.
Genesis 6:16
“A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. “
S This is a reflection that you must find the method of going in and coming out of that which is sacred within you. This, then, is the path of meditation within and without. It sets the rules and it sets in motion within yourself that which becomes motionless, as you would see it, which is God the Father, the Creator, who has created and now is in non-motion, as you would see it.
Genesis 6:17
“And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die.
S This is the I of the I AM cleansing, ever cleansing, for water here is the spiritual force that goes through the body, through the mind, through all actions and reactions, cleansing and making, then, the drosses of the will, the mind, and the action, to be cleansed from that which is the spiritual word or the spiritual workings of an individual.
Genesis 6:18-20
“But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy son’s wives with thee. And of every living thing of all flesh, two of every sort shalt thou bring into the ark, to keep them alive with thee; they shall be male and female. Of fowls after their kind, and of cattle after their kind, of every creeping thing of the earth after his kind, two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive.”
S This is the bringing of what is precious within you into that sacred place or that place where you’ll meet the Lord. It is also as given in pairs of twos, male and female, being then here representing that which are the negative and the positive elements of all things that you might find the balance of this world or that which is, balances this world which is the spiritual or the spirit in nature or the communing with God within.
Genesis 6:21-22
“And take thou unto thee of all food that is eaten, and thou shalt gather it to thee; and it shall be for food for thee, and for them.” Thus did Noah; according to all that God commanded him, so did he.
S The spiritual man of the time, Noah, took within himself, in the spiritual nature through the use of the will, the mental powers, that which was the holiness of God from without and within, meeting in the sacred place or the ark within. Noah also built an ark for worship more as the temple seen later in the physical being or the physical synagogues, temples, what have you, where mankind came to worship. For remember, even as enlightened as Noah was, he was as the exception to the rule; whereas others worshiped the physical, even as your world now still worships the physical, then the mental, and last and least the spiritual.
Q Well, what was the flood?
S The flood is the cleansing of the individual. You are all facing the flood, the spiritual flood (not as you will see) the flood need not be a negative thing but a positive thing in yourself. It is seen negatively by those emotions, those actions, the history of self where the individualism has become the important part of self. It is the selfishness, then, that would see it as a negative aspect whereas the individualism of self in the spiritual nature, that which bears the name of God within you, that which develops the name that you are, will be, and have been; see it as a positive.
Q As the Source has said that some babies are born without souls, could you give us a further explanation as to why this happened and what is going on here?
S First, they are influenced by the mind functions of, or world thought of such things where people frequently deny the existence of the soul or even in your contemporary music or past contemporary music which often gives as one’s love for another’s physical being the offering of “selling the soul” for that which is the physical possession another. There are those functions that soulless beings must perform, too. That is the second reason. A third is, there are those who have brought these beings into their lives for the very fact that they do not understand what they have boasted so much about, that of not believing in the souls and that you are a mind-body individual rather than a spirit working with a mind-body.
Q When a soul has entered a new body, at the time or shortly after birth, is there a certain length of time in which it is possible for it to withdraw and another soul take over and inhabit that body? And if so, how long a period of time is there for this sort of thing to take place?
S Not long. It is rather not important to the spiritual search for it is a rarity, to be truthful, and does not often happen.
Q When you spoke earlier of cause and effect, it seems as though this world is based physically on cause and effect laws. Were you speaking only in relation to karma?
S We are speaking of all cause and effect as you see it in this place. For remember, your world is great and wide, huge, magnificent – whatever you would see it as, is but a speck, and it is not that which follows the law of God. You see your cosmos as that which is bound by the law of cause and effect, but this is for your being, your mental state, et cetera, rather cumbersome and awkward to beings that are not of your world or your status. Jesus the Christ removed cause and effect for all individuals who could come to that point of understanding what He had done and believing in His work, His way, His blueprint. Also, came He to then give the second way to release you from cause and effect, that which is following His footsteps and becoming as christed as you can, though not in His way, allowing you to ascend past that which is cause and effect.
Q That means, then, that once we understand completely that we will no longer then be on this plane?
S When you come to that understanding you may leave this plane, this chaotic manifestation of insanity, or you may stay and help those that are your brothers, your sisters, that they may lift themselves up to that position or point that the Lord thy God will entrust then the touching of the hand or the spiritual hand to theirs, enlightening and bringing them past that point where they (can) could have not passed before.
Q In what way may we help our brothers and sisters the best, say in Ethiopia where they’re starving? What is our work?
S By believing in the Lord thy God, in the spiritual premises that God is a loving God, remembering that which we have given in the beginning of this reading, that all that comes to you must be taken as joy. Hard as it may seem to you, harder for those in the more extreme situations that you have mentioned, and yet those that are caught in the cause and effect world must then take that which comes to them in joy and in understanding that since you are limited and have not passed that point of understanding that what comes to you is then the other way of lifting you up and overcoming that which you have created in yourself, outside of self, and within self, that you then may become one with the christed. Therefore, you see that in Ethiopia as a gift to those people and a gift for you to give love, positive thoughts, and material gifts.
Q Is human consciousness the cause and the effect of what we see in the world around us then? Are we reaping what we have projected or felt?
S You have two consciousnesses actually: that which is the mental-physical consciousness and the mental-spiritual consciousness in this plane. For true spiritual consciousness cannot function in this plane unless it is brought into somebody else’s being. Therefore, you have that which is the mental-physical consciousness which has created this world as you see it to be. Even the most beautiful part of this world, remember, is but a pale imitation of that which is on the spiritual or higher planes that you would never want to return to this plane again. Yet, see it in joy, see it in understanding that there are greater things for you. Remember, you have by your physical-mental creation cheated yourself out of the 110 abilities that you have to comprehend with and limited them to, then, the five basic senses plus that which you would term as the psychic sense.
Q Is the unused portion of the human brain meant to deal with these abilities?
S You don’t need a brain to use those abilities. You didn’t need much of a brain to lose it.
Q What is the unused portion of our brains, the huge amount that we don’t use, for? Why do we have it?
S This is, one might say, is superstructure to keep you from having a pinhead. It is relatively useless. However, it does represent the great unused portion of the mind. Can you imagine your scientists, your doctors – oh, my goodness – working with those if your head were the size of a golf ball? We enjoy you humans so much! (10-138)
S And now we would give that which is the love, the blessing, of God Almighty, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, the blessing of all upon you. Go in peace, love, and live that which is the word of God as you know is best. t h e