This document is an in-depth analysis of Genesis Chapter 12 from the Bible, focusing on Abram’s call and its spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It explores the call of Abram, his journey of faith, and the divine promises made to him. The material delves into themes such as obedience, divine guidance, and the establishment of a covenant, emphasizing the deeper symbolic meanings and spiritual lessons of this chapter.
Reading 10-138
Prayer – Channel
Oh God, we ask to be used as only You know how we are to be used. We also ask to receive for ourselves and for others, for God in honesty we know we need You more than You need us, and we pray, oh Lord, that in Your mercy, You will see and answer our needs and help us that we may help others to find the light, to be the door for our brother, Jesus the Christ.
He is the Light! He is the Mercy! He is the Way! He calls for that which is thy sacrifice. Of what? Of those things of this earth, those things that would lead astray. As so often given before but not heeded, simplify the life, simplify those things coming to you, and, in short, be of one mind, the single eye. Be of faith, be of hope, and thus be glorified through Jesus the Christ who is thy Lord, thy way, thy Savior.
Q Does the incarnation of Jesus as Adam represent a single incarnation or a series of incarnations in the beginning of each of the five races and then all five lives were symbolized as one in the Genesis story?
S There is a multiplication or a multipersona as represented here in Adam as being one in each of those races as they were created at a simultaneous movement of God.
Q Does that mean that He was actually, but . . .
S In a multiplicity of form: one Adam for per race, of one mind, one soul; but five distinct personalities or beings as seen by the five races.
Q How does the Adam that was Jesus fit in there, or where does He fit?
S Being part of that which came into existence before all creation; being that which is the One selected as to save mankind, humankind, or the races; being the leader of that which is the body of the soul forces as one. Therefore, Jesus as Adam was incarnated (or incarcerated rather) into the animal forms from the beginning onward and was present in all stages as the first Adam to the last Adam.
Q This example of Adam, this is a good example of aspects, isn’t it?
S This is correct and, in fact, the first example of aspects.
Q Chapter ten of Genesis deals with the generations of the sons of Noah. Do you wish to pass over this?
S We will pass at this time for it does not have bearing into the understanding or the needs of this group or those involved.
Genesis 11:1
S This also may be passed.
Q Even those first nine verses?
S This is correct. Even though there are those verses that have other than the
generations of.
Q I don’t understand. Do you want me to read the first nine verses?
S Negative.
Q Chapter twelve, then?
S This is correct.
Genesis 12:1-3
Now the Lord had said unto Abram, “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”
S Abram is the first step of mankind in the process of faith. And as faith is that which sets you free and culminates in that which is as Peter, the rock, or faith in Jesus Christ, so Abram was that which is the beginning of faith or that which answered to faith in the aspect of discipline, not yet risen faith as in Peter, but that which is the faith that follows directions, orders, discipline. And in the directions of the Lord here, Abram is demonstrating that which the individual must learn in the beginning – to follow the path even as Jesus the Christ followed the path and followed faith.
Q What is the difference between the “risen faith” of Peter and the faith of Abraham?
S Peter, or the rock, or that which is arisen in Peter is the awakening to that which might be likened to the finale, you see, of a symphonic production. You have those eons of time where the light is amongst the people and then the people comprehended not the light and darkness came upon the face of this planet that then there must come the light again. But the light is amongst the people and then the people comprehended not the light and darkness came upon the face of this planet that then there must come the light again. But the light must be preceded by the basis for the light which is then Abraham, the intelligence conceived in that place where intelligence, power, and light are all meaningful. Thus, you have then, the basic element from which all progress is made. Putting aside, then, that which is Jesus the Christ who became the Way, you have Peter as that which is representative of mankind in its basic form or element or that which is the awareness of the human side of life, the religious side of the human life, the physical side of the human life and still attaining in that which is, or was, the intellectual side of life – not really dominated by any, the perfect setting, then, to be called forth (that there would be) in the human line. For Jesus, being human, was beyond humanity in the sense that He was the awakened or developed spiritual receptacle and knew same from times before and into that life as Jesus from the time of the awakening at birth through the life as the One to be christed; whereas Peter knew only himself as Peter, his surroundings, his innermost thoughts, and found then the awakening as mankind can through that which he became to represent or came to represent – faith.
Q What is meant by “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee”?
S This is as in the discipline where those who follow the word, or those who do their duty, or those who follow the rules and live by the rules, shall be praised or are praised and those who do not are then disciplined, reprimanded, et cetera.
Q Could this be applied as karma in later generations?
S Yes it can be applied in that sense. 10-140
Genesis 12:4
So Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.
S A journey for the Lord must begin. This is the following in discipline. For no journey can be haphazard, the Lord cannot be found without discipline and in that which has been given to you to simplify. This is a discipline. Rationalization is that which is cast aside (even as the way was given for Abram that he would follow the certain way, veering not but following) so then this is simplified into that which is the number seventy-five, the numeral, which becomes then that which is the three number in total which is the spiritual or the combination of the mental, physical, and spiritual as one.
Genesis 12:5
And Abram took Sarai, his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.
S Sarai is that which represents the soul; Haran is that which represents the joy in faith, even as his brother became that which is the beginning of faith. But then as you set forth with the three positives you must have the negative influence or that which is the opposite influence that you might find the way, that you might understand the way. Thus, Lot is that which is the negative force or the opposite force of faith which is in itself, then, selfishness. Thus, you have the personification of what you might call evil raising its face, its head, its shape, along the path. For beginners this is the rationalization, this is the selfishness that would overcome the discipline. This is that which fights simplification, that which becomes or uses the intellect, the will, as its pawn.
Q Did I understand you correctly that Haran is Peter?
S No, this is Abram that became Abraham (or Obraham to be correct); is faith that becomes Peter. Haran is the joy, the unlimited joy of that which goes hand and glove with faith. It is the overcoming. It is the help.
Genesis 12:6
And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.
S The journey passes many phases, passes through the complexities of the life that is within and without. For all, there are ramifications. There are the powers without as expressed as the Canaanites, but there is that which is the driving force that gives faith its due, that follows the spiritual path regardless of the outer influences, whether they be that which appears good or that which appears bad. For sometimes appearances are opposites.
Q What is the driving force that makes us follow the path?
S There lies within the soul (or that which becomes Sarah), the twin of Jesus the Christ, even as Mary was the twin or the driving force for Jesus the Christ. So you have that which is Sarah within yourself that knows, that seeks, that must become in union with the Christ Force or God within yourselves, your world, or the saving element – even as Jesus was that element.
Q Is there any way of explaining the source of the Canaanites to the skeptic who wonders where they came from? The way the Bible is given, it traces the Jews, this one family. And where are these other people coming from? Is there any way of explaining this?
S Yes. Their origins or roots are in those lowlands by that which is the Aral Sea, or the Aral Sea, or so-called at this time, migrating then south and west through those lands later to be called Persia, into, then, the lands of the Fertile Crescent and thence into that which became, then, the plains, the hills, the valleys, which you would call the Holy Land.
Q Well, is there any blood relationship, as we look at it in our literal terms, between them and the family Adam started?
S No.
Genesis 12:7
And the Lord appeared unto Abram, and said, “Unto thy seed will I give this land:” and there builded he an altar unto the Lord, who appeared unto him.
S This is faith. The altar was in self, even as the altar must be, and is, within each individual. It is that altar that is returned to, after the waywardness, after those confused convolutions that each individual seems to travel in their search or their wandering – even as the Hebrews, even as Abraham searched and wandered – so the individuals in the mind and in the physical do wander and must return then to the altar that the first faith has created within selves.
Genesis 12:8
And he removed from thence unto a mountain on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the name of the Lord.
S As the 121st Psalm so gives, (that) your eyes shall be upon the mountain from whence cometh your help. This is the setting up of the altar. This is the abiding before the altar in the form of the tent where you live in the presence of your God and He will answer even as He answered Obraham.
Genesis 12:9-10
And Abram journeyed, going on still toward the south. And there was a famine in the land: and Abram went down into Egypt to sojourn there; for the famine was grievous in the land.
S This, once again, are contortions of the seeker. The famine was a famine of the spiritual nature not of that which concerns the physical being. And as you know, Egypt is that which represents the lower elements, or the lower forces that influence mankind. Thus, in his seeking Abram left the straight and true path. And yet it was a learning thing to do, for faith must be tried. Faith to become strong must be used.
Genesis 12:11-12
And it came to pass, when he was come near to enter into Egypt, that he said unto Sarai his wife, “Behold now, I know that thou art a fair woman to look upon: Therefore it shall come to pass, when the Egyptians shall see thee, that they shall say, This is his wife: and they will kill me, but they will save thee alive.”
S Rationalizing, rationalizing. Even as each individual in this group has rationalized and does rationalize, so here Abram, Abraham, rationalized. For he used then the soul force to face that which is the physical-mental world and this should never be done. For it disrupts that which is the balance that is the seeking. For the spiritual should not be placed until there is the buffer between it (the mind controlled by the will, the will controlled by the mind for the spiritual use rather than the mind) and the physical being as one unit or a balance of their own.
Genesis 12:13
“Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee.”
S Man ever is devious in the use of the mental or the mental forces when they see that which is beneficial to the selfish side or that which the mind can rationalize as a benefit, not seeking the inner guidance, not seeking the understanding of the spiritual as used by the Lord rather than the spiritual pushed forward into that which is the physical nature.
Genesis 12:14-15
And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair. The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into
Pharaoh’s house.
S This is the misuse of the spiritual directly – into the mental-physical world or the mental-physical being. It is that which is not to be. It is that which is as a curse, or a reaction must occur. It is as putting positive and negative forces together with no insulation. It cannot be. You have the disruption of the forces or the uses of either or either of them.
Q Can you give some examples of what needs to be between the physical, the mental, or the positive and the negative?
S In this case you should have the spiritual-mental working with that which is the mental-physical and you have then the mental and the mental being as the buffer. When you have the spiritual-mental-physical you do not have that which is the buffer, which is the mental-mental. See?
Genesis 12:16-17
And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels. And the Lord plagued Pharaoh and his house with great plagues because of Sarai Abram’s wife.
S This is as given, the curse or the results as seen in the physical body of those who often try to take the short-cut to the spiritual nature, not building that which is the discipline or the steps, or, as given, the discipline leading to the spiritual-mental, the mental-physical world. When you have that which is the by-passing you have then the conflict or the destruction or that which you would see as the mental breakdown, the physical breakdown, that so often happens in those who try to by-pass that which is the correct approach to the spiritual forces or the spiritual use.
Q It always seems strange to me that Pharoah was the one that was plagued rather than Abram who was the liar.
S Pharoah represents, represents that which is the physical-dominated human being, using the physical-dominated mind. You have Abram that became Abraham because he searched and found that which were the mistakes made by the spiritual-mental being, not being prepared to cope with the mental-physical being, mental-physical man. Would you fault Jesus the Christ for allowing Himself to be crucified or would you fault anyone?
Genesis 12:18-20
And Pharoah called Abram and said, “What is this that thou hast done unto me? Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Why saidst thou, She is my sister? so I might have taken her to me to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way.” And Pharaoh commanded his men concerning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and all that he had.
S This is the awakening, then, of the mental-physical man realizing what has happened in the misuse, or the mis-search, you might say, for that which are the powers of the spiritual, and that which is the curse upon the human mind, the human body, so misusing the search or the by-passing of the correct application of the search. It is the human side again blaming anyone or anything that can be blamed and not seeing, as Pharoah in this case (or the use of Pharoah’s name in this case) as equally at fault for not using the mental in such a tragic way.
Q What was the result to Sarai of this deception?
S Anguish. But remember that Sarah (which is the correct form now), the soul, still is in anguish. Yours is. All are. For they are imprisoned and not in the promised land. No freedom, no movement and only a glimpse now and then through prayer and meditation of the Lord which feeds the soul, nurtures the soul, calms and loves the soul.
Q You mentioned the Christ Force. Is it all right to use the Christ Force to alleviate a fear that you have from a past life that hasn’t been taken care of? Or how is it best to handle it?
S Faith alleviates all fear and that is the use of the Christ within, the Christ without. Of course, of course, this is the way to use the force of love.
Q You mentioned one time that the spirit has the negative force also or that negative part. What would that be?
S This is correct but not negative as you would see evil or wrong or bad. Negative as that which balances positive, even as you have that which is in the flow of electrons or electricity, you see, which is in itself a slight mirror of God or the force of God or the understanding of God – if we can get it so basic.
We give you the love, the peace, the presence of that which is the Lord. We give you that which is the peace, the love and presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. We give you that which is the love, the peace, and the presence of those that surround you and help you and walk with you. Keep the faith for the faith shall surely open your eyes and you will see those things and know those things and live those things that are beyond the scope of that which is human understanding. Peace, love go with you at this time.