Ram 10-001-1973 Spiritual Session: Divine Guidance & Purpose
This is the first of the RAM readings where the source deferred to a higher source; Divine Guidance & Purpose. The child of the Sun and the child of the moon. The members of the group are told to be about the Father’s business which is: That of preparing the way, or that which is as the coming of the Son of Man in the earth.
They were told that time draws nigh. Besides the child of the Sun and the child of the moon the source identified itself as The Paschal Lamb.
Ram Reading 10-1 9-22-73
Our Father, our God, oh One of love, we come before You this night seeking to see and know Thy face, that Thy love and Thy mercy will go out to Thy children especially those who seek, those who have needs, oh Father. We ask in Jesus the Christ’s name, Thy love, Thy blessings be upon us and those who come before You, especially those who have the needs.
We thank Thee, Father.
Behold love. Behold peace. And be love and be peace by serving the one Master, the one Lord. For in that serving is that which is love, that which is peace, even as He the Prince of Love, the Prince of Peace, Jesus the Christ, the Example served the one, the living God.
We are here. We have the group. We are ready for this reading at this time.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 114, and 178. The date is September the 22nd, 1973, and the approximate time is 8:50 PM. You shall have before you the body and the mental condition of 129. (Person for whom a physical reading had been scheduled)
S We have the entity as given, the mind that is in turmoil at this time. Yes, we have the entity as given, the mental condition, the spiritual condition, and the physical conditions of the body. But we will not give the reading that is sought for at this time.
No, we will not give the reading that is sought for at this time. And yet, we would give a reading for this entity at the proper time, the proper place, which would be as the morrow rather than this time now.
For, though the situation is grave here, though there is a calling, we must bow now to that which is another Source, or that which is a higher Source for other reasons. That is to say, though the source here is that which is as the superconscious of the entity that is the channel, we would give forth to that which is as another Source. . .
Ala harin’ eh ho na; Ala harin’, en ah ho!
I am the child of the sun, the child of the moon.
Enoh ala ala harin’.
And I am the child, I AM. And I am here at this time to give forth that which is as the lesson or that which is as the plan or that which is the explanation, see, especially for the one that is the channel and those that are influential to the channel and to the channel’s way of going and the needs of same.
(From reading 10-019: 27. Q In a September 22, 1973, reading, a greeting is given in another language. Can you identify this language?
S Original Lemurian.
Q Should this be translated into English for purposes of transcribing the reading?
S It is only that which acknowledges the one God.
S For what purpose?)
There must be an explanation here, see, as to that which is as the purpose or the understanding of same. For at times the entity that is the channel is perplexed as to that which is the destiny, or that which is the overcoming, or the why and wherefore of the meeting of the odds, or the meeting of the temptations, or the meeting of the thoughts that sometime repel or compel the entity, and that which is as the entity to do and to be in this life, or the selection of same, or the influences of others upon self. Therefore, this as a work lesson, or as others have put, a work reading, rather we would give it as a lesson. There is a life by selection here that by selection of another time in another place, another day, and that of the day that is, to the overcoming or being of that which is beyond the mere messenger, see. We would give to the entity and those who would understand, those who would be as that which compels or helps or gives strength to, and purpose to the channel, that there is a selection here and has been a selection of being as more than the channel, see, of such as the readings you have heard or come through the entity; that here is the opportunity, that here is that by choice. And yet, how many have made the choice and not been answered? For the choice also has been made by that which is as the Supreme or the Motivating Power, or the Creative Force, or Love, as given, that the entity and those about the entity that is the channel, to be about the Father’s business.
What business?
That of preparing the way, or that which is as the coming of the Son of Man in earth.
As to the role of the entity that is the channel: to be the key – not a key but the key, see. We have here, then, that which perplexes, or that which confounds the channel at times and the non-understanding of the role, or even that which is the inkling of same. That the entity in facing those problems, those forces, those temptations (even that which is as stumbling blocks) is to find or must manifest in the life the pattern and the stream, that which is as representational of the life of the Prince of Peace, see.
As to those lives compressed into one in the overcoming before the attaining can be made, or be, to that which has been selected for the entity (and partially by the entity in another time, but also in this time) to be as that which is or must be as the representation. For what must come here is more than just that as you have now, a source or channel of readings or lessons – call it as you will. For just not advice, not just the advice of this or that, but the actual doing and being. For what must come as ordained, and yet step by step, not to be rushed, not to be given the date, but in the pattern as set, step by step as invoking or being as representational of that which is as the life of the Master.
There must come that which has not been seen since the time of the Prince of Peace upon this earth.
But step by step, even as He learned from others, through others, Who studied, Who became, so must this one, too, study, and become that the way may be used, that the way may be.
For the time draws near that there shall be the return of He Who walked this earth in love, in light, in peace that His brother, His sister might also find that peace, that oneness that is eternally theirs to find.
The entity, then, must perform more in the duties of prayer and meditation, and do more of that which is given as the channel of blessings of help to the needy, to those who must know, those who must see, and yes, those who must feel. There must be, then, the more diligent search for the truth in all that is available for the entity. And those around the entity must see, must bear that which is as help – especially through that which is the encouraging, the loving prayer. For it is not for one to be, but all must be. To do as that which is the part. We are ready for questions.
Letting God know they are prepared to serve.
Q I have three questions on this topic. In reference to a previous reading where the Source said we cannot wait for God to find us, but we must let God know that we are ready to serve and want to serve, how do we identify to God that we wish to serve Him?
S First, let us answer this, once again reminding, this is not the Source of the usual reading or lesson, but we have that which was given at that time. Yes. The entity that is the questioner now would bear remembering that the Father knows thine own thoughts before self knows them. The identifying must be to self and to the Source in self rather than to the Father that knows all and is all. Even in the deciding, the decision has been made. Even in the recognizing in self, the recognition has been made. For before either, the Father has known as He has always known.
Members asking how they can help the channel
Q Is there anything or any way that 114, and or 178 have failed in helping 110 and 199 in their service to humanity?
S No. Yet we find even more prayer power and more – well, we would just say more prayer power as oft thoughts throughout the day.
Q The third question you may have answered. How could 114 and or 178 best help, 110 and199 in their service. And you just said by prayers.
S Yes, by keeping the faith. Further questions?
Physical reading for 129 to be given the next day
Q It is my understanding, then, that the reading for 129 will be at another time?
S On the morrow.
Do members need to be present to support the channel
Q Yes, may I ask another question? Is it helpful to 110 to have 114 and 178 present at these readings? Do we give strength if we are present?
S The strength is given through prayer for prayers are never lost. It is helpful at times to be present but always to send the thoughts of love and understanding.
Source of the material identifies itself
Q Can anything be given to better understand the Source of the material we’re getting now – the child of the sun and the child of the moon? Is there anything more that can be given to satisfy our minds in this physical plane?
Q I have no further questions.
S Then we would give the love, the blessings of the one Father Who is ever present and always present. Love, love, love, love to each. The blessings of the Father and of the Son.
We are through with this reading at this time.