Ram 10-003-1973 Session: Channeling and Divine Mechanics

Ram 10-003-1973 Session: Channeling and Divine Mechanics

The document is a transcription of a spiritual channeling session held on October 13, 1973. It delves into topics such as the mechanics of spiritual sessions, the role of a channel in communicating divine messages, and the significance of numerology in spiritual understanding. The text includes guidance on preparing for sessions, the importance of prayer and meditation, and the group’s role in supporting the channel and preparing for spiritual events.

Also contains an explanation of the concept “preparing the way” and that had then members of the core group had all been Essenes.

Ram Reading 10-003  10-13-73


Oh Lamb of God, Who taketh on the sins of the world, be with us now to be our loving Guide, Protector, our Answer. For we believe in thee; we gather in Thy name.


Behold the Lord God is at hand! And His law is everlasting, and that law is love and mercy. We are here. We have this group. And we are ready for this reading.

C Those present in the room are 110, 180, 199, 131, 178, 146, and 114. The date is October 13, 1973, and the approximate time is 8:20 PM. You shall have before you this group and the questions concerning the work readings.

S We have this group. We have the inquiring minds of the group. We have the purpose of the reading. And we will give this reading that is sought after. We are ready for questions at this time.

Preparing the way/sending the messenger

Q Concerning the lesson given on September the 22nd, 1973, the statement was made in the lesson about preparing the way. What is meant by preparing of the way?

S Behold, I send My messenger before thy face. He shall prepare thy way, see?

Q What was meant by the key?

S As given, behold, I send My messenger before thy face! This is as the key, that which goes before, as has been before, or even as that group known as Essenes came before too, see? In the preparation of the thought, in the preparation of the way, in the preparation or the presentation or the awakening or the awareness to give to that as the platform to that which will be as the awakened return of the Spirit or the One Who is Master of the Way, the Master of Life, the Master of Love, see?

Q The statement was made also of the actual doing and being. What does that mean?

S It means thus: as to live to the fullest and to become as the way, the means for the Way, to return, as to be the light or as given in John, to bear witness of the light, see? 

Channel identified

Q It was also stated that the channel was to be more than a messenger, more than a channel.

S As given. To be as witness to the light. For remember, it is said the darkness comprehended it not therefore, as in today the darkness comprehends not. Therefore, the light must return as first the bearing witness of the light, then cometh the light, see?

Q It was also mentioned in that lesson that the channel made the selection at a different time. When did (110) make this selection of being a channel, or being more than a channel?

S Over a period of time and places. Also mentioned in Matthew 14.

Q How much more time should the channel spend in meditation, prayer?

S Well, constantly in prayer until prayer joins and becomes constant meditation, as to be the example over the living example of the Master of Love in the earth. To be totally one. To live and be in a state of the highest consciousness or meditation at all times. Therefore, prayer and meditation should become as breathing, as thinking, as more than reflex, as the sum total of the life being.

Q We’ve been told, sir, that the channel (110) is the key in preparing for the coming of the Son of man. Does this refer specifically to the entering into the earth plane of our Master, Jesus of Nazareth, as He was?

S And He shall come again in glory, prepared by those who would form again, as before, that which was as the Essenes of old, see? And even the herald of the coming, see, that He may return as He left in body and in glory. See? 

Role of the group in supporting the channel and helping to prepare the way

All members of the group were Essenes

Q How are the members of the committee to assist the key in carrying out the mission? How does the mission  appliy to the material plane?

S First we would give this: as to become as of old, as these entities were before, as Essenes, see, to be the prayer, to be the cleansing force as a nucleus, to spread, to be the power, to focus upon that which is the law, that which is love, and each in his own way will be told in the proper time and place those specific things beyond that which is as meditation, prayer, love, and endurance, see? For it is an act of endurance to be about thy Father’s business in so many ways and to be as a channel of power, a channel of love, the basis, as given, the platform from which He will return upon.

Q Were there any members of this group in the earth during the period when the Master walked the hills of Galilee? If so, please identify each individual and indicate whether any of those experiences are pertinent to the task at hand.

S First we would say that each and every member in this room has been as an Essene in preparing the way. We have then each and every individual in this room who in one manner or another has dwelt, has come in contact with the Master of Life and even those in this room that have touched, that have eaten with the Master, among that being honey. But before we delve more deeply into the position, into the name, into the action of each member of this group, it is best that some time, and some lessons, and some work readings come in between. For at this time we would rather know, or have you know that He Who is the Lamb would give that which is to be given in the nature of that question asked, at a further time and place, naming the name to each who has come in contact with Him and once again renewing that which is the blessing of life, and love, upon each who is in truth His brother and His sister even as they were in the flesh. 

Search for God as a basis for preparation

Q Do we continue with working with Search For God groups as one of the bases for this preparation?

S Yes. For there shall be continuation not only among these peoples but other peoples as the work, as the light, as the message, grows bolder, grows stronger. It cannot be repressed, but to spread among that organization as it did in days of old from the Essenes to those others who believed, who became as the followers, as the disciples, as those who were Christians first, see?

Instructions for preparing for the sessions/frequency

Q Are there any specific preparations required before these work lessons?

S No more than normal except more concentration on selves being as a channel, rather than just the one that is as the channel at this time. For selves are channels of His blessing in many more ways than can be understood or even explained here. But, you see, it is as relay points. It is as boosters. It is as that which gives to the power output, the input, see, that each may serve at this time in the great capacity of bringing to a focal point the desires of all mankind, not just selves, but all mankind, for the Mercy to again come before the people that they may be washed clean of their sins. Even as His hems were touched, they were washed clean. So, it may be again as He walks among His people with all authority, with all power, with all love.

Q Is there to be any relationship between this committee and 132 (non profit based in Tucson supporting spiritual groups)?

S There will be a network of involvements, see? And this is one, where there will be a drawing together as the message goes forth, as the acts become known, as the light that cannot be hidden under the bushel basket.

Q Is the channel (110) to come out into the open and be known by more people?

S As one walketh toward the light, so shall this occur, in steps, not leaps and bounds, but steps, and in the proper time and the proper place, will come the unfoldment that can no longer be hidden. For as given before, the light shall shine in the acts of those present in this room. And those that see not, shall see, those that hear not, shall hear, the quick shall be given that which is as the mark for them to follow and the lame and the halt shall be made free, see? 

Q How often should the work lessons be held?

S At this time once a month is sufficient until there is as further need for more, as we see it, see?

Q Should the committee meet more than once a month for the work lessons?

S It is possible and good if there can be coming together to discuss, to go over, to find that which is as the points to follow or points in question until there becomes an understanding of that which is covered to the fullest extent.

Q How important is it to have all members of the committee present at each work lesson and should a work lesson be cancelled if all members of the committee cannot be present?

S Never cancel. It is best that most be there, never less than three, see?

Q During work lessons does the level of understanding of the individual committee members and the questions they ask influence the information given and to what extent?

S There is no influencing of this Source. There is that which is influencing of the entities and their questions beforehand for this is as the way the operation is, see, to bring forth through one and another as that which becomes the mesh or the chain that links all together with the oneness. For there is a purpose here in the understanding that all are part. And even as the spirit quickens each individual, so comes the questions and the replies that can be understood then by not only the individuals in this room, but by others in future times in the study of same, in the explanation of the giving, or that which is as the Source of these readings, these lessons, as they appear, see? 

Format for the sessions

Q Is the format that we are using at the present good, that is having individual members of the committee present their own questions?

S This is good. Committee members may meet together to study questions, especially to design a chain of questions that link one to the other, to understandings, to certain areas, and parts that selves may play. We would suggest that, as given, these meetings begin as suggested by the Lamb in that which is the prayer, in that which is to be followed, in that which is as the first lesson and that which followed, as to the suggestions of what prayers, what Psalms are important to this group, and to creating the passage. There will come a time, however, when no such thing is needed for there will be a free flowing of that which is as from the Son of man to the Children of One.

Q Should the fact of these work lessons and the purpose of the committee be known to anybody outside the committee?

S Not at this time. But presently they will be known for there will be reason to make them known through the acts, through the deeds of the people, to know. For as is indicated not only by that which is turmoil on this earth surface, there is that which cometh or the sign which comes soon, that to be seen in the heavens. That is the mark, not only as a warning but a promise, that He indeed shall return in greater glory than He left, even. That will be seen by all that live upon the face of this earth and will cause as wonder. But for those who are in the darkness, it will be as that light of nature and nature alone or a natural stead, see. But to those who understand, to those who are enlightened, illumined, it is as the sign, the warning, now get ye behind me, Satan, for now is the time, the preparing of the way is at hand and so there shall come once again the Light, the Love that will walk among man. Be ye ever faithful for He is at hand, even now.

Q For what purpose am I here in this group and what is my responsibility? (146 was a librarian)

S There will be more given to this entity in other times than we would give to this entity now. There will be a use of the training of this entity to prepare, to classify, and to send forth that which comes from such readings as this, or that which will prepare the way of the acts. For, as given even by the Lamb, these readings will be but a minor part of that which is to be played in the future times.

Q Is the seating order or arrangement during the work reading of any importance?

S Yes. There should be a circle rather than the distortion of same as now.

Q Should the placement of the channel be on the perimeter or in the center of the circle? 

S On the perimeter to help form or as be the hub, or the starting point, or that which is as the keystone to the circle.

Q Should there be any alternating male and female or any ordering by sun signs, ascendants, moon signs or other life path numbers, anything along that line?

S No. We find that each in his own way, when though again becoming attuned is as a link in a chain and the link may be anywhere or everywhere. For in the center, remember of the circle stands He that is the Master of Life. For as has been given, where two or more are gathered in His name, as now, so He is and believing, is in truth, here.

Q When we come together once a month, this should be more than just a study lesson. How long of a period should we give to prayer and meditation before starting the lesson, and should this be done while the channel is present or prior to the arrival of the channel?

S Let the channel be separated at that time, in the closet, but selves should at least pray and meditate at least a minimum of thirty minutes prior to that. There should be no eating by the entities involved for two hours before. Not that food interferes, see, but that the processes of digestion include much of the blood supply which in effect drains some from the brain and the areas of concentration used by the mind in the preparing of the way of being a channel in sessions such as this.

Q I have one more. Should we end these sessions with a healing prayer or does that not fit in with this?

S Not for these readings. Not for these lessons. Only as given, if the Lamb in the presence gives the healing word, the healing sign. This may be asked at the individual time. And we would give at this time, then, that there can be sessions upon healing, using the power that is in or inbred in each individual in this room or others to come forth to form that which is the wave of love, white and gold, as is the Master, to cleanse, to purify, to put in perspective. as is merciful, or best for, the individuals so asking. 

Numerology and the second coming/meetings

Q In the form of numerology based on the Hebrew cabala, the name Jesus is a 63 and the name Christ is an 81. Sixty-three plus eighty-one equals 144. Does this refer to the 144,000 souls mentioned by John?

S This is correct. It also is that which is the squaring of the sum total of the nerve centers of the body or that which are the cranial centers in perfection, see, each being the twelve outlets of same to the twelve, or the highest power of self, in cleansing self and uniting self with the highest elements, the Christ Force.

Q Would any of these numbers be associated with the Second Coming?

S All will be associated with the Second Coming.

Q In a modern form of numerology based on the English alphabet the name Cayce totals 37 as does the word Hades, the name Jesus totals 74, or twice 37 as does the word Messiah; and the word Christos totals 111 or three times 37. Is this a coincidence or does it indicate a relationship of significance and particularly with regard to this work?

S It is of significance for all things are significant. And all are part of plan. There shall come to this group even, that which is a furthering of the number or the numerential system, see, and that which is given or even that which can be given as to the time, to the day or the date of the return of the Master through the numbers given, but not at this time. It will be given to the name through that which will be as the word, or the truth, but preferring that which is given as the word and the number associated with the word or even with that which is the true name of God. 

Q. The dates of 19 October 1973, and 28 October 1973, have a numerological similarity with last Wednesday, 10 October, 1973. Should work sessions be scheduled for these two future dates or do they have other significance?

S Ten is the perfect number for meeting as this group should be, see. For as given, it is as in singular, the one, the oneness and that which is the circle, or God, or the perfecting, or the ending or the beginning again.

Q I have one more I didn’t ask. Another numerology question in modern form. The name Christ is a 77 or 7 times 11 and I was wondering whether the number 154, which is twice 77 or 7 times 22 be a significant number with regard to the Second Coming?

S It is as the name of the Second Coming or the revelation of the true name of God Himself, see? Thus, will come at that time, the giving of that which is asked here. In numerology, but actually in the word to be understood, for Jesus the Christ shall return with the true name of God, salvation, upon His lips for He is the Redeemer.

Q (101) who was unable to be here because of love, because it meant so much for her husband to have her with him when he went to the football game tonight, and so she couldn’t be here. It was a great disappointment to her. He only has one night a week, which is Saturday, and he is not interested in this project yet. Could there be another time than Saturday evening for these meetings?

S As we have suggested before, the tenth of each month would be as a better time or the date that compounds to a ten number.

Astrology and the Second coming

Q Evangeline Adams, the famous American astrologer, wrote that Jesus must have had a planetary conjunction of Mars and Neptune in His natal horoscope. Grant Lewi, another famous American astrologer, stated that the Mars-Neptune conjunction is the one sure sign that the native has either angels or devils on his side. The channel for this work (110) has the Mars-Neptune conjunction in the third house counting from the ascendant or eastern horizon which represents the house of communication; counting from the zenith or mid-heaven, the spiritual count, this would be the sixth house of health and service. Does this indicate that the path of being a spiritual channel in service to others was chosen by the channel prior to incarnating in this life?

S Chosen by the channel but also selected by that which is as the Creative Force Itself, see?

Q We have been told that “there is the gathering of the forces of God’s desire in individuals who are awaking and finding that they must let God know who they are and why they are rather than the idea of God finding them and awaking them to who they are and why they are.” Yet in the Gospel of St. John chapter 5, verse 31 it is written that Jesus said, “If I bear witness of Myself, My witness be not true.” Would you please clarify the apparent contradiction here?

S Of course! No contradiction. What the Master of Life was speaking about, if He bore witness of Himself, for He was not witness of Himself but witness of the Father. That is why He also said when one had seen Him, he had seen the Father. 

Subject for the next session given

Q Will you give us the subject for our next work lesson so that we could pray on it and meditate on it and then come up with the questions of the things we don’t understand that we can add to each other’s knowledge and better prepare ourselves for this mission?

S The next subject should be that of prayer and the activity of prayer, especially in starting or moving an organization or a fellowship as this, see, or as the first step in preparing the way. The lesson to many here will be as old stuff, old hat, but it is worth repeating for it is the foundation. It is your cornerstone for that step upward and all is based upon that. For even faith is that which comes through prayer rather than vice versa. Therefore, the subject should be prayer, the questions of same, about same, and in same. 

Advice given to members for spiritual growth

Q Is there anything I need to know? (180)

S The entity does not have the confidence that the entity knows in self. We find here the lack of faith in self and what self has been. For there is a part to be played by self that can only be played by self in that which is as the acts towards that which is the culmination of all the desires of those in this room, to once again walk this land hand in hand with the Master of Life in the flesh, in the glory and knowing self is one.

Q I have one that is more personal in nature, if I might ask it. The questioner has the Mars-Neptune conjunction in the sign of Virgo in the fourth house counting from the ascendant. This would represent the home, maternal parent, and or grandparent, and the latter part of life. For a spiritual count from the zenith or mid-heaven this would be the seventh house of marriage and partnerships. Does this indicate a spiritual marriage or partnership in the latter part of life for the questioner, or some other interpretation? I would appreciate as complete an interpretation as you would give me. (131)

S It involves both. For the entity will be in a spiritual membership or comradeship, or marriage if you would have it so, with that which is as the way or the truth, or the seeking of same or being as helpful or being as the light and also will come in contact with the possibility or the possible, if by choice, the marriage partner who also will be following the way, the truth, and the light and drawn to that which is this group as it expands as the way is necessary and needed, see?

Advice re Calcification of pituitary and pineal glands

Q We want to keep our physical bodies as fit as possible and the Source mentioned in a previous reading that many people now have calcified pituitaries and pineal glands. And recently (114) and I were impelled to go to California. We met a medical man who is dedicated to God, (133) who has developed a chelation therapy that clears people of this calcification and I’m wondering if we went over there to learn of this so we can be better to do this work or if we’re to try to draw him into this group? (178)

S All men may be drawn to this group whether they be prince, doctor, farmer, or even that which is considered garbage man. All men may serve the living God. As to that method given, yes it is good for many but that which is decalcifying to that or those centers mentioned, is prayer, meditation and the actual acts of love, real love, not falsified, not contorted or distorted, but real unconscious acts of love as part of the nature of each and every individual, not only in this room but all that are abroad. For the sign of the beast is that which is given, the mark upon the forehead is that which is as the dead, or that which is as the stunted centers of the higher self. See?

Q That concludes the questioning.

S Then we would give in love, in truth, to this group: be thou merciful in thy dealings with thy fellow man. Even as He is merciful to thee, so shall it be when one can share with another the love, the mercy and the truth. This, then, is that which this group must be, must do. Be as mercy; be as He gave, loving to thy fellow man, even as He loved thee, and loves thee now. And we would give to this group, then, the blessings of the Father and the Son Who are present in this room in all aspects. And now He holds His hand out to thee and promises that He will come and speak to thee as from person to person, in that time in the future when there will be another lesson in love and understanding.

 We are through with this reading at this time.