Ram 10-08 - 1974 Spiritual Insights: Prayer, Dreams, and GuidanceRam 10-08 – 1974 Spiritual Insights: Prayer, Dreams, and Guidance

This document dated April 12, 1974, includes a spiritual session with discussions on various spiritual and metaphysical topics such as prayer, dreams, spiritual guidance, and the interpretation of biblical passages.

Ram Reading 10-008    4-12-74


Father God, in Thy divine mercy, we call upon Jesus the Christ to be with us, as He has promised where two or more are gathered in His name, so now we gather in His name; if it be Thy will, Father, He will guide us, guard us, and show us the Way, the Light, and the Truth.


Behold, I come before His presence, in gladness, with a song, for though this is as the day of sorrows to many, it is the day of joy; for here is that which is the cleansing of the world and that which is the Doorway, the Truth, and the Light, that ye in truth may be set free. Free of what? Free of the burden, or that which ye would call karma. For that which is illusion is a law of illusion, but that which is as the mercy of the Father is a law unto itself or the law of reality. Thus, the law of illusion is for the illusion, and the law of reality, for reality. And that of reality is the Way, forgiveness, the mercy that must be found through the seeking of self but can be only accomplished through the Light. Who is the Light? Jesus is the Light. 

We are here, we have this group, and we will give this reading that is sought after. We are ready for questions.

C Those present in the room are 110, 114, 178, 101, 131, 199, 146, and 180. The date is April 12, 1974. The approximate time is 7:45 PM. You shall have before you this group, the inquiring minds of this group and shall answer the questions so desired.

S We have this group and we will answer those questions as we know is best for this group.

Spirit and the Holy Spirit

Q How can I use the Spirit to help me overcome the world both mental and physical? (180)

S Now as we have given earlier, understand that which is meant by Spirit. Only Spirit is the Oneness, the Truth. The spirit ye seek of lies within self, is that which is the I AM, or even the personification or that which is the action of the Father or that which is the breath of the Father in action, see, misunderstood by those early peoples, even the Hebrews, who gave name Jehovah to that which is a personality, not realizing this is only the action, and not the Father. Therefore, the action within self, the I AM, can be brought forth through becoming more that which is the Christ of self or the idea or the truth of self that God has of you, even as Jesus became the Christ, became that which is, in truth, the perfect man, the perfect thought, which is of God, which God sees self, thyself. Jesus became that. Then aim self at this, finding not fault with others; finding love, forgiveness, for what did He give on that day? “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” This then is the guiding light of self: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” And as a second thought: “Mercy, Father, mercy. Though I have sinned, I see the Light.” Q Considering the growth or outgrowth of the use of the Spirit, how can we obtain better use of the awakening and understanding? (199)

S Oh, children, children, have ye no faith? As it awakens, so it will outpour, as ye learn, even as a child to walk step-by-step. Who among you was taught to run, or to climb, or to laugh? The spirit, that which moves within thee, that which would become one with the Father in the ideal, or the idea as He holds it, will guide thee. Have no fear. This is faith. 

Q If one finds themself in the midst of unhappy or complaining people is it best to just remain quiet and listen when you know the other person or people are not receptive to suggestions? (199)

Questions about ways to proceed (as individuals and as a group) to help with His coming:

Q The Source gave, at one [time], that we were all of the Essene group earlier. How long did it take us to make the way possible the first time? (10)

S Four hundred years of concentrated effort.

Q Since we know our objective is to light the way for the Master, to make ready for His coming, could you help us by giving us a guideline for questions which we should ask when in this group that would be pertinent, that would help His coming? (199)

S First that which applies to each and every member as to that which is their personal search in seeking and understanding. And then to that which is as the general or broad for the pathway of many, or others who might seek. For those questions that are not pertinent, we will be the judge as to the justification of the answer, or answers.

Q What can I do to best help my peers? (180)

S By continuing to set self as an example, becoming more lovable, affable, by being thy brothers’ keeper, by being loving and understanding of those who fall short and seeing in others thyself in action, treating others as self would have self treated. And for God’s sake, get rid of the attitude that self has of self-condemnation that arises in so many ways, shapes and forms.

Q What is to be my role in the future and how can I best prepare for it? (180)

S Self may select the role though there are many places self has chosen before coming in at this time to be helpful in the making of the platform, to be a source of goodness for others, to be even that which is an example for others, to help others find the healing that arises in His wings, to make others aware of the return of the Prince of Peace to this earth, even more than that which is the spiritual, but that which is the physical. Self can choose, for much lies open to this entity. There is the choosing of the entity in another time to be as a focal point for group movement, even to that which is group sponsorship of those who would be about their Father’s business and the understanding of same, even as the entity has done before in other times and places.

The Seal of the Lamb representing the work

Q Yes. The Source mentioned that the seal that was given to us, would become to this age as the fish was to others in times past, and the Source has critiqued this. Does this now mean that each of us could use this seal as a pendant, or a ring or a wall-hanging or in any way that we each see fit? (178)

S It can, as a reminder of the promise that He will return and of that part that must be played by each and every individual. But as before, as we have given, let not this emblem, this sign, this seal, be as the crutch or be as a focus of. Only that which reminds self of the part that is to be played, of the greater part that will come, or His return. 

The platform and actions to build it/organizing the readings

Q You have said, the Source has said, that our building the platform consists of prayer, medica – meditation, and actions. Could you please elaborate on the actions? (178)

S Even as given, actions speak louder than words and it is medication even as the tongue slipped, see? The actions are beginning with self through the cleansing of self, becoming that which is truly the channel even as, well, so often misunderstood, the Christ Force within self. For understand this: the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit, and the Christ are not one and the same, see? The Christ being the idea that God has of you, or the truth of self rather than you are as you are now. Therefore, allow the Christ Force to work through self, or even that which is the spirit or the Holy Spirit which is the word of God or the law of God in action. And as the actions become through you in this group, and then through the other enterprises as one stone upon stone or brick upon brick are laid. These are the actions, these are the works, even as so often given, the smile, or that moment, that moment of non judgment, that moment of non-criticism, that moment of patience, that light of love is as an action. And when the actions become ideal, then the actions of others become ideal. It is as a reverse pyramid, see, building upon the actions of this group and then of other groups and of other things and plans held together by the action of the first, or even the cornerstone. And what is the cornerstone? That which was rejected, Jesus the Christ. Let then the Christ Force or even He, Jesus the Christ, to be as the action of self, never reaction, but action.

Q In the last reading the Source spoke of attracting other building blocks, for the building of the platform for the Prince of Peace to return. How should we go about this? And would (165) be such a person to be attracted? (101)

S First there will come that time in which there will be an expansion of this group by four and will hold at four until replacements, as those drop out, come. Each entity present will submit two names to be drawn by that which is the channel at the time of a reading and during the time of a reading. And they shall be read by another in this group at the time who will be called upon at that time by name. Then there shall come at other times, as the Source gives, the formation of other groups, again by selection by those who are the core group, of giving two names and each group shall be drawn in a number of eight, to be expanded to twelve and once again, repeated as new groups are to be formed. And at such time as new group formation or others are brought into this group shall come the revelation of that which is as the readings to that time so that they, too, may read, may understand, may question. For questions even of the readings, or the Source of the readings, from each is a must. For we want none to accept in blind faith or just curiosity.

Q Should we start indexing this material, these readings, while they’re still maybe manageable to do? (146)

 S They will become more ponderous as time goes on. Yes, it is best with the limited facilities and, not abilities, but time, that is available. It can be made as a start. There will come to this group others who have the time, the energy, the patience, and the drive to do same – even those with the material background to allow them the freedom of working with this.

Q Well, should we start now or wait till they come? (146)

S Oh, start now.

Q Should we develop a thesaurus, or should we use one that’s already developed such as the Sears Subject Headings? (146)

S The cross-indexing by headings.

Q By headings that we develop? That we determine ourselves? (146)

S Yes, that you determine. Always praying that the Holy Spirit will guide thee.

Q Should I do this? (146)

S Ah, ha! Why were you chosen?

Q Is our group progressing as we should? Are we neglecting anything that we should be doing? (10)

S Ha! Each neglects, but you are growing. If with that which are the abilities that you have clouded at this time you could see the aura of this group; you would know it has come from fishbowl size to room size in that which is the aura of white.

Q What other services are we capable of doing for others? (199)

S All; all services.

Q Would you elaborate on that, please? (199)

S What was promised? From prophesying to the raising of the dead. All may be accomplished as signs – signs of His coming, signs of His love.

Q Should we, should this group, be involved in special healing sessions when there is a need? (199)

S All services, as given.

Q With reference to the question of indexing which came up earlier, would there be any advantage to using the subject headings already chosen for the Cayce material? (114)

S This would be acceptable. 

Dealing with negative forces and attitudes towards the work

Q What would be the repercussions towards this movement and how should they be dealt with? (180)

S Oh, even from this that has been given so often, for they will hate thee. There will be those who oppress thee or oppose thee, and yet can the light be stopped? Can the sun be turned off? Can the earth be stilled? Only by that which is the hand of God and the hand of God surely will not rise against those who work for His Son and the return of same. How should they be treated? Even as you were given: “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” For many in their actions feel that they, too, are the instruments of the Father, and in their way they are, yet misunderstood; and for those who are just biased or hateful remember this: the 17th Psalm.

Q I would like to ask another question about the hatred that was mentioned in a previous reading and again tonight. At present I do not feel it and I would like to know if it is around us at the present or if this is something to come in the future? (101)

S It will come to a degree in the future. It exists now to a certain extent even though not pointedly at individuals in this group, but much to the Light. For even in the force of many is that which is the preference for the darkness. For even the Prince of Peace knew that there were those who had been shown the Light and yet preferred the darkness. The darkness cannot contend with the light and therefore turns that which is hatred, prejudice, bias, for there is an attraction, see, to the light of even the negative forces. 

Developing ESP and other abilities (spiritual gifts) to help others:

Q Please review my activities since the last work reading in the areas of teaching, telepathy, healing, and other forms of service to others. Please comment on these activities as how they could be, or could have been improved upon, giving specific examples as appropriate. (131)

S We find here much the spirit and yet remember it is not for self to be as a preachment but by example to those who seek from thee, rather than self, thrusting out the more, as in a zealous manner that self has so often taken in the past, and even in this incarnation at times. More bridle to the self, giving free reign to self and that which is the teaching of the methods when entirely asked to by others. This is the criteria that the entity must judge by, for self must be the judge and the regulator, always going into that which is, after such a session, to the meditation and allowing the truth to flow through self and also for the man to judge that as the fruits. For even to those that are given, often the seeds fall on barren ground and yet, and yet, by that token there are those also that fall upon the fertile ground. We would give to the entity, then, to be more constrained or restrained and only when questioned or asked in the fullest should the entity pour forth that which is the knowledge and the lead. We would give to the entity, then, to be very cognizant of the reaction of others, especially watch the eyes for the eyes are, in truth, the mirrors to the soul, to the mind, even to the subconscious of the entities. And in so doing the entity will know instinctively how much is being taken in, in truth, or how much is being thrown aside, or even what to say.

Q Are there any other spiritual gifts from my heavenly Father that I should be developing or using for the benefit of others? And if so, how may they best be brought forth? (131)

S There are many more but only slowly and steadily working on that which is within the grasp, within the range now; for the entity sometimes would expend self as a shotgun, see, scattering self all over when the force should be directed in one way at a time. Concentrate on that which was given to thee before to work on now and as it expands and becomes a living and true force within self, easily called upon, then take a step in another direction, and another, and another, as these bear fruit. 

Metaphysical and Theological questions:

Reincarnation and the Bible

Q What are the akashic records and where are they kept? (146)

S The akashic records are that which is karma, or the record of self, both positive and negative, through that which are the trips the entity has taken into the spheres of influence in this planet and in other planets, in this plane and in other planes. They are kept within the entity himself in those glandular centers even as recorded here although they are recorded in the skein of time and space. And yet remember that grace, and grace alone, gives cause, or rise to the cause, of the erasing of the karmic records. For there is the arising beyond that which are the mental and physical levels, to that which are truly the spiritual levels where there are no more centers; there is no more karma; there are no more akashic records. This is the return from the land of dream to the land of reality where only God is present as the Light; and the Light knows not of evil or misadventure. This is why God does not know of that which is karmic within self; only self does. For God acknowledges not your dreams, your nightmares. This is why the I AM presence, or the breath of the spirit, is present. For the spirit realizes your dreams, even though it knows that these nightmares exist not.

Q Yes, if these [akashic] records bear witness to our past lives, do they also bear witness to lives to come? (146)

S For there is only one life to come. That which is the life that He has opened the way to, the light; for if self, if self accomplishes, even at this time, then karma is obliterated; but if self does not, inborn in self, inbred in self, created by self, is the pattern for the next incarnation. But there is always that chance, always that opportunity, that self can push aside the karma of now, the karma of the past, throw away the karma of the future, and become in grace.

Q Does that happen [pushing aside karma] only by living as Christ did, or how does that happen that we can push this aside? (146)

S By becoming fully aware of that which is the Christ, or the idea of God, even as Jesus became aware fully at the time of the crucifixion, at the time of opening the gates for selves.

Oh, Father, Father, let them hear Thee. Oh, Father, let them know that they, too, may arise full-blown in Thy light, that they, too, may know the joy of reality, of the truth of Love, and wallow not in their darkness. Oh, Father, bless them.

Q I cannot quite reconcile in my mind the philosophy of reincarnation with the work of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that it is not according to our works of righteousness which we have done, but according to the grace of God through Jesus Christ that we are saved. What was the purpose of His death and assumption of our sins if we still have to work our way to God through reincarnation? (146) 

S Reincarnation is that which is a result of the illusionary or the karmic, the exploration into the world and all that is, that has trapped you, your brothers, your sisters. Jesus came to break that illusionary pattern to throw off that which is the law of the illusion even as given before in this reading, that the reality of self and the finding of self. For see, so often He is given as the man of sorrows. He is not. He is the man of joy, for He broke from that which is the dream (or the dream world) and lives in the eternal light where there is no night. Meaning what? Meaning He basks in the Light of God. No other entity, even of the sun, lights His day. He is in eternal light, for He is in the truth, He is in the idea, the ideal state. See? You are not. You are still trapped in that which is the illusionary, the nonreal–though real it seems to you. Reincarnation is as those steps forward in trying to understand or coming to that where the mind and the mind of the soul can come to grips with reality, that the illusion may be broken, that the faith will make ye whole.

S Would ye take on smallpox from a smallpox patient? Would ye cough for another’s cough? Praise God, love God, react as Jesus the Christ would react in your stead, finding the positive, overlooking the negative. For in truth, once again, it is an illusion of their creation; accept it not and go your way. Never, never applaud those or comfort their ideas, of those who are negative. It is better to remain silent, for even as given ‘silence is golden,’ than to go that step with those who are in the wrong understanding and centered on selves.

Q Would you please give an explanation of Leviticus, these excerpts from the 20th chapter of Leviticus: “A man also, or a woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard shall surely be put to death.” Also: “And a soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go whoring after them I will even set my face against that soul and will cut him off from among his people.” (146)

S Oh, yes. This is that which contends with the bringing into the mental conditions that which are as the influences of the darker side of the nature of individuals. For who has not allowed the darker side to come forth in them. This means the destruction, or the killing, of self. For it is self – the aware self – that brings these to the fore or surrounds self (even as the mental nature of selves, to some extent, have been put aside) now bringing to self not those as would be called wizards, or those which would be called the evil spirits, or those which would be called the murderers and adulterers, into its presence now, but bring forth that which is the light and love, and to an extent, temporarily, have to put aside or killed, that which is of the lower nature of self. This is the example that Jesus gave in the flesh of killing off the devils within self, personality, to find the true personality, to wash Himself by crucifying that which was of the flesh, or of the earth. See?

Q Is there a physical place of Hell, for instance, as the Bible says in Revelation, talking about the Lake of Fire? (146)

S The Lake of Fire is that which cleanses self internally when self becomes to that, which is as given so often, Judgment Day. Judgment by whom? Self, the God-self, in self, judging; not the God-Creator, but the force within self, the awareness of self, that which is as even lies sleeping or so dormant in so many. There is not a physical plane. There is a cleansing plane, remember, of another planet that self, or selves, may be sent to, to help the cleansing process through their atmospheres, see?

Q Is this also what is meant when it says Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire? (146)

S Satan is that which self has abuilded.

Q What is it that Jesus meant when He said, “. . . but the children of the Kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”? (146)

S There are those who will pass that time and not accept, even those who have taken on the sign of the beast, as so many even have now, who will not, cannot, for their ego, for that which is the belief of that which is of the material or the selves, cannot give up in any shape or manner and will elect not to go forth to those higher realms, and, oh, their hour of darkness will again be starting over at the bottom and working, working, through those eons of times, through each and every age that comes for another chance. Take this as that which is for selves to be about selves’ business. What business? As so often given, thy Father’s. For this is the opportunity, this is the chance that comes so few times for selves to rise above this plane 

Soul name

Q Yes. We have successive illusionary bodies, as you pointed out, and personalities that have names. Would we be allowed to know our soul names and the significances, and if we are, could you tell me mine? (178)

S Thy soul name would take thirty-five minutes to give. (After this session ended the channel stated that he had had the impression that this name would have to be sung.)


Q When (199) asked a question in a previous reading about rays, the Source said it was a matter of individual need. And since that time I’ve had an interview with (1157) – a South African who comes here from England who consults with people – recommended that I study a book by (1158) and gave me my rays. I don’t know if he was right. Does the Source believe that this is an individual need for me? (178)

S Any search can be used, but always regard the search with a balance of the intellect and a balance of the spiritual. In other words, don’t be overwhelmed this way or that, and use any means, any source of information, that you deem necessary or helpful. Always, though, balance it with this thought: Is this against that which I know of my ideal, Jesus the Man of Nazareth.

Q Well, I was simply wondering about the accuracy. I don’t like to study something that isn’t accurate. (178)

S But this is a learning procedure, see, where the mind feeds into itself and learns by that which is elimination of that which the entity can see is good or is not so good. Remember, there must be good and the not so good, that good may be measured against the not so good. For even in past times, or even now, there are those who reject that which is good for they are not ready or cannot see it as that. But that does not mean that that cannot be put into self. For regardless of that which is the mental conditioning or the awareness of the time, there is in self that which can compute or find where the element or the understanding can fit into place. For all has its place, even that which you would consider the negative experiences (or even thoughts or awarenesses of same) have their proper place within self. 

Earth changes

Q Does the Source see the Isle of Mann near Scotland as a present or potential spiritual center or spiritual haven? (178)

S Temporarily so. However, the foundations of the Isle will not hold up in the earth changes to come.

Q This may – this is probably a silly question, but I’ve wondered about it for a long time, because I saw a picture when I was little, and I’ve heard references to it many times, at long intervals. Is there really a civilization in the interior of this earth? (178)

S Is any question silly? In the eyes of God there has not been one serious question this night. For ye have not passed that stage, see? As to that in the interior of the earth, there is not a civilization but there are thought forms. There are mental images and even entities. Q Is the earth going to be in for a planned famine? (146)

S Man has planned diverse methods of insulting his divine origin. Famine and others among them, see. 


Q I’m asking this question, Sir, because of the confusion that lies around the subject, and help perhaps those that come after. The Catholics talk about grace as something they receive through the sacraments; the Protestants speaking generally talk about grace as something that comes as a gift. And would I be correct in defining it as the ability of an individual to follow the example of Jesus and thus get into a state of grace? (114)

S He is the grace. He gave himself that He might be grace. This is correct. The state of grace supersedes all things; and as you have given, when one reaches it, karma is no more. For as given so often, karma is the law of the illusionary, and grace is the law of reality.

Q Who was (1159-Hitler) in a previous life and why was he allowed to occupy a position for so long, to play such havoc with the Jewish race and, indeed, with the entire world? (146)

S We would give only this: man reaps what he sows. There are always those who are those tools of fulfillment. Even as given, woe unto them that are the tools of such, that are the implements or instruments. For man gave to the world that which was as the terror, or that which is as the Satanic ideas, through that which he abuilded not as individuals, but even as nations.

Q On the concept of karma, could the Jews have been those that oppressed the Jews during their long period of occupation of what we call the Holy Land prior to the coming of Christ? (114)

S Many so, and those who oppress Jews now were Jews before, and those who are Jews now have been others. For it is a vicious cycle created by many, even those here, and all have been Hebrew, or Jews, to begin. Those here have broken the cycle by that which was the acceptance of the others and the forgiveness of same, through the understanding of the Way.

Q (1159) was, must have been, a really great soul to have reached that position. He could have made another choice, couldn’t he? (114)

S He could have made another choice, but through his own failings, even as Judas, became that one to do the deed for he earned it.

Q Did you say that (1159) had been Judas? (114)

S No, even as Judas.

Q Oh, just by comparison. (114)

S Yes.

Recordings and affirmations:

Q I recorded a cartridge tape with a number of affirmations and positive suggestions that I’ve been playing back during sleep. Would you comment on the value, if any, of the use of this tape by me, by the channel, or by other members of this group. (131)

 S It has some benefit. However, it is best for self to affirm of yourself throughout the day, feeding into the subconscious mind that which is as feeding into a computer, that it may be fed back even at the times that the subconscious mind has more reign in the body.

Spiritual teachers, psychics and mediums:

Q Who is the entity (797)? What forces or powers does he represent? (131)

S This entity was much linked with the man you would call Confucius or Chung Fu Tze in those early times. Had much to do with the propagation of his ideas among the people, or the scholars of the day, spread his word and fame through that time. This entity has much to do with the thyroid at this time and the development of same. In the thyroid, you see, is a vital center for that which is as bringing together those other centers of the body. 

Q What is the relationship or attraction between that entity, (797), and the questioner? (131)

S The entity here first got that which is the idea of philosophies through this entity’s teaching.

Q Is there a prayer that would help me reach, that I could use? (180)

S This entity has been given affirmations. However, we would give to this entity the following:


Q Would it be helpful if the affirmations we are given be put on tapes to be fed into the subconscious as (131) asked previously? (199)

S And answered in just the same. To some degree helpful, but it is for the conscious mind to put into the subconscious mind. 

Miscellaneous Questions

Q Has Armageddon already begun? (146)

S It has begun.


Q Would it be beneficial to use self-hypnosis? (180)

S Not for this entity.

Q I notice that you said that self-hypnosis would not be good for (180). I have tried to use this. Is this suitable for me, or should I avoid that? (114)

S This entity may well use self-hypnosis to the extent of the overcoming disabilities or overcoming tendencies in self. It is acceptable here.

Q What should be the subject of our next reading? (101)

S What would you have it be?

Q Is our earth being visited by extraterrestrial beings? (146)

S There are extraterrestrial beings present in the earth atmosphere at this time. However, the centering of self’s thoughts should not be on these, but upon those divine forces that walk among you, even as angelic hosts that appear to be men and women. For it is true often ye have entertained them and spoken to them, not knowing of whom you have spoken.

Q You spoke of our questions. What can we do to get them into a more serious type? (146)

S By keeping on with them, by going forward, by searching. For even that which are the thought processes of the angelic host are so childish to the creative, or the creative thought, that would bring joyous laughter to higher beings. 

Dreams and visions and psychic experiences interpreted:

Q The first question is asked for (110). He had a dream concerning a terrible earthquake. The signs of the zodiac were lined up and the sign at the end fell off. (110) felt terrible that he hadn’t, that he didn’t warn other people about this earthquake. Would you comment on this dream? (199)

S We have that which is given. We have that which is the dream, or the vision and a twofold meaning of same. First for the entity that is the channel that there is a time and a place and a change, even that within self, as given, that there must be an awareness and an awakening in self of the mission, of the way of going and that the Word must be spread within self. And what is the earthquake in self? The devastation of the earthiness of self, the materiality of self, or that which binds self to the ego-centered world. And yet we have for those in this room and those others, even that which is spoken of in John [Revelation]21, as that which will come about, or the end of an age, or the destruction of same and the beginning of the new, the age-to-age. And it is true that which is given, there shall be earthquakes, there shall be this and that, even as spoken, before He comes with his leagues of angels, and the legions of angels and He upon the clouds return in the body, in the flesh, and even in the Spirit. This is a warning; this is a promise; this is a hope; this is the truth.

Q I have been asked recently If I would be willing to accept a position overseas. I had a warning dream several nights before this question arrived to me indicating that I shouldn’t go. I’m wondering–I will say no this time–I’m wondering that if the question comes again at some other time, what would the consequences be of my going both to this group work and to myself? (146)

S First, always look to yourself for the answers flow in truth. And as the truth tells you to do: do it! As if it is all there is to do. Your answers will be answered, in action, in fruits. Therefore, there is no further carrying on of an answer at this time as to that which would affect this group, or not affect this group. For self will reap the gains of that which is as the search into self, even as the dream of warning came to you, so others will follow telling you to do this or that, as is best at that time for that which is to come.

Q I have had three visual experiences this year which may or may not be related, but I’d like to ask about. The first was on the 14 January 1974, in the morning transitional period between sleep and wakefulness. I saw several color plates or pictures, the colors were red, orange, and yellow, with a number of valentine-shaped hearts of red. Who was sending and who was receiving? (131)

S Self was sending and receiving. This is the awakening of the spirit within self in symbology that the entity can understand, see?

Q I didn’t understand it; that’s the . . . (131)

S Ah, but self does understand it. Think, think, think,

Q At the Spiritual Frontiers Fellowship meeting on February 24, 1974, during an autogenic class, I saw a space filled with shimmering vibrating rings both golden and black in color. What was I witnessing and where? (131)

S Love and power that self and others were manifesting in the search or the trying to find the way, the understanding. Rings as self knows are the symbol of God, black in this case, power; gold, of course, love.

Q On the morning of March 15, 1974, during the transition from sleep to wakefulness, I saw a face. Who was it? (131)

S This was as one who was a guide to thee before in the flesh; a guide to thee, not in the flesh, earlier in this existence. This was as bidding farewell, for self needs no more help in that vein. For self is finding it through the angelic host; and, of course, through He that is the Prince of Love, the True Teacher, does self have the source of information that is coming to thee now.

Q Could you give me his name or . . . (131)

S Immaterial.

Q . . . or his relationship to me? Or you said it was a teacher, I guess? (131)

S Correct.

Q One evening last month following a particular attempt to flex a spiritual muscle, so to speak, I saw a wavy green and white pair of lines. This reminded me of an occasion almost three years ago, around June of 1971, when I saw a similar pair of wavy lines but with colors red and white. Do the particular colors relate to particular spiritual centers involved, or to the nadis or channels between spiritual centers, or both, or neither? (131)

S They relate to the centers. However, remember this: seek not in that which would delight the mind or fascinate the mind and thrust these aside and view them only as that which is, that which is the spiritual body making known to self that there is an awakening, that there is progress being made.

Q Can you tell me which centers those are involved with – the green and white, and red and white? (131)

S We find here the thyroid and we find here that which is as the solar plexus, see.

Q What is the significance, if any, of the small circular solid violet color within the larger circular solid green color that I saw one evening a couple of weeks ago just prior to sleep? (131)

S The jolting of the pituitary.

Q In 1966, I attended a long meditation session with a lot of others and on the sixteenth day, I think it was, I had a vision, an extraordinary thing, of first of all feeling feathers in my throat. And then opening my mouth with my eyes shut and then before my closed eyes, I saw in a vision an eagle in absolutely perfect symmetry with every feather, every color, exactly as a baldheaded eagle is. I’ve speculated on the meaning of this, and many people have. Could you tell me what it meant? (114)

S First, the entity knows which center this encounters. Secondly, the entity knows the sign the entity has graduated from, and into. The entity also was pulling upon the time when the entity used the symbol of the eagle to be as a force, a driving force, within the realm of the empire, see.

Q In some of my telepathic healing attempts, I have found myself experiencing various pains beyond that period of time when the attention was focused on the healing efforts. Were those carry-overs of the disease into self? Were these due to incomplete visualizations of healing perfection in the other entities or due to an imperfect attempt at setting aside personal ego, leaving it completely in the Father’s hands, or from some other cause? (131)

S From not putting self truly aside, being too much connected with the hope, with being the channel, and carrying over sympathetic vibrations. And until that time that the entity more puts self aside totally, and feels not even that which is the drawing in sympathy towards others, or even the wish that they may be made whole, will the entity find self free of such feelings.

Past life memories:

Q The first time I heard the story of the crucifixion of Jesus when I was a child, I was so overcome I cried. I get the same response when singing the hymn, “The Old Rugged cross.” Does this go back to an earlier involvement in the time of the crucifixion and if so, in what way? (101)

S It comes as a chain of reactions where the entity – well -the entity came from that which is even known as Qumran, descended to the plains to see again the man called Jesus. The entity saw and heard, was present, at the quaking of the earth, the war in the heavens, saw the rending of the cloth in the Temple and left knowing, in truth, this was the Son of God. This carried that close to self through these times, incarnations, and once again sets upon self even as the task of old, to bear witness, to prepare the way for the coming again. That coming, that will be of no crucifixion, but the crucifixion of all who would follow the way, would be the light, who would be the doorway, even as the platform.

Q I also had a conference with a person that you evaluated for (131), a (148). He gave me a picture of a nun who he said came from the southern part of France, who is supposed to be my chief helper or a guide or something. Is this right? (178)

S This is influential on self, brought forth from the subconscious, and that which are as connections before and several times after. The entity as pictured here has changed the mantle for covering self, because there is such an entity closely involved with self – not to that which there is an effect upon the entity’s well-being or direction, but merely as one who observes or watches. The mantle has changed from the white coif to the light blue surmounted by the deep blue-black, or the navy blue. 

Physical readings for members and friends and family

Q My daughter, (166), has been told that she may die of a liver condition. May I be told of her condition? (114)

S We have the entity. We indeed have an involvement; we have sustation. We have that which is at this time even benign tendencies that tend to break towards that which is as malignancy, and we have an involvement of deterioration at this time in the liver. Caused by what? Caused by that which is as the entity’s grasp upon karma, or the illusionary, that has followed self into this life, or that which is the reactionary of other lives, making presence, itself known. And yet we find that if in group therapy there is the placing of the hands upon that afflicted area, and the correct manner of prayer and meditation is set upon this, that there can be a cleansing and rejuvenation as long as there is an understanding in the group that it is not even the desires of the one who is (114), but only that the desire of the Lord be accomplished will the healing take effect. The placing of the hands may be in the mental condition of the questioner and that would be to the advantage of this entity to bring forth at this time, that is to say of the healing, the picture of this entity that may be put before the group and that their minds may focus upon this entity, clearing themselves of desire and yet focusing upon this entity in the ideal circumstances and then allowing that which is the will of the Father to be exercised. This is the healing method, always keeping in the mind before and after that the results are of the Father rather than of selves. And if there is this or that or even as you would feel no reaction, there has been a reaction, a receiving, an activity. Then it is in the hands of the Father as ever. For, in truth, no man can do, only that which is the Father, or the Prime Cause, or true causation.

Q I’ve suddenly, as a result of this tour, or on this tour, developed a very bad pain down my right leg and terrible pains in my knees. I have difficulty sleeping. I have difficulty getting into a comfortable position. Can I be told what this is and what I can do about it? (114)

S We have a manifestation of several things here. First, we see as the physical nature of self that can be relieved. We see two sets of nerves, one the greater sciatic, see, which is that which controls the forces in the body that rise (even in meditation) as to be out of joint, out of line. There can be adjustments here, to those areas that affect the entity as to the areas of the knee, especially that which lies below the patella and around same and the ligaments of such, to be relieved very much by hot packs of castor oil as applied at thirty-minute intervals to both legs. They may even be applied overnight to the entity if they are wrapped in body heat, applied to same to bring more relief to the entity. That, as to the karmic reason, or that which is the reactionary reason, there is yet in this entity the remnants of other times and places where the entity refused to bow his knees to that which is his Maker in humility. But, also, there is a time that rises from the subconscious of the entity where the knees were broken by an entity, too – not far removed from self at this time. Therefore, as part of that which would remove this stigma from self, is to pray even to God that those who self does not know have offended thee, or self has not known to have offended others, be forgiven, and ask forgiveness. Though the entity has done this at other times and places in this lifetime, there has not been the depth of understanding that is now acquired in the entity and may be used for same.

Q Sunday, March 31, we were waxing the floors at home. I had a very painful exacerbation in the condition of my arm which is just now subsiding. Was that from overuse or was that from the two small pieces of chocolate cake I had on Saturday night? What did I do wrong? I don’t want to do it again, whatever it was. (178)

S Overexertion to the most of this entity. In this case someone taking the palm of their hand, their right hand, to that area, rubbing dorsally while holding the left hand to the area of the brachia, or to that which is the elbow, and massaging for a few minutes, lightly, stroking always toward the dorsal area will give the entity much relief.

Q How can I best help (174) with overcoming some of her problems? (101)

S By finding in this entity those positive phases that this entity can concentrate upon; by bringing them to the attention of the entity that which is as the positive or the goodness of self; by making the entity aware of the power of good that lies within that entity rather than even paying too much heed to the negative aspects of the entity’s life, or those forces that pop up here and there, especially in the mental conditions of the entity.

Q Do I have any particular physical or other imbalances that need any specific attention at this time? (131)

S Lately there has been too much partaking of the starch contents and too much of the salts, or that which are as of the stimulants, or the taste stimulants as the pepper varieties, bringing down not the physical nature of self but rather the spiritual nature of self because of the tendency to excite the lower areas of the body, rather than the higher, or completing a more balanced system.

Q Should I work on my glandular centers? And, if so, how? (180)

S First by the dietary method, by, secondly, understanding the centers by even studying that which is Spirit Unto the Churches; for here is an excellent critique on that which are as the glandular centers, if it is taken at its face value.

Q I remember that the Source told me on one occasion that my thymus wasn’t working as well as it should, and I should instruct it to get busy. Do you mean that if I just say, “Thymus, get busy and do your work,” that it will do it? (178)

S If self believes it will, it will. But if self needs special prayers, then by all means, special prayers, or even ritual passing over this area with the hands, or the sprinkling on of holy water – whatever starts the motion within self is best, even if it is a casual thought, “Hey, get with it!” This will work if self believes in the method. 

Help sought for business/relationships and work related issues:

Q We have several applications to work at the (805). If I give the names and when they were born and the place where they are now, can you tell us whether they are suitable to work; can they cooperate with other people, and be part of a team? Should they be considered to be members of the cooperative group? (114)

S All who apply should be considered. Yet let the names be placed together that the one who is to be the driving force, or is the driving force in that which is the establishment for said center, be the one after suitable prayer that is the instrument of the Father in action that draws forth the names. For remember this, it is not just for that center that others come, but for their own trial, their own preparation, their own meeting of that which are as the lessons to be learned, even that which is cooperation or the giving up of selves, see?

Q I would like to ask another question about the hatred that was mentioned in a previous reading and again tonight. At present I do not feel it and I would like to know if it is around us at the present or if this is something to come in the future? (101)

S It will come to a degree in the future. It exists now to a certain extent even though not pointedly at individuals in this group, but much to the Light. For even in the force of many is that which is the preference for the darkness. For even the Prince of Peace knew that there were those who had been shown the Light and yet preferred the darkness. The darkness cannot contend with the light and therefore turns that which is hatred, prejudice, bias, for there is an attraction, see, to the light of even the negative forces.

Q The principal at my school has his entire intermediate staff demoralized; the nurse, the librarian, the ESL teacher want to get away; four of his teachers have asked for transfers and two more want to. How can he and his staff be helped? (178)

S First, by loving indifference, by making self a positive force. Not reacting but only acting, for much here is caused by the reactions of a few building up and poisoning the minds of others, poisoning the effects of others. Mind is ever the builder. Much has been builded here of the negative. Make self a nonreactive. For when negativeness comes towards thee, override it with positive, always finding other subjects or other things, or the positive that self has encountered day after day. Use that which is ‘mind is the builder’ in this case. And whether self knows it or not, it will spread among others and become a more positive, loving force. And even as given earlier, the motto of self, even as for another in this group, should ever be in this situation: forgive them, forgive them; they know not what they do.

Q In the last reading it was said that other means and methods as far as developing the funds through (132) than my going on lecture tours. Can anything be given about other methods and means that should now be . . . (114)

S Other methods and means are turning over the collections and the spreading of the word through other sources outside of self, or other channels, allowing others to bear the burden of pulling in that which are as dollars or even the help of other organizations such as the entity has come in contact with as spreading the word or the funding, see.

Q Would the use of the kit fall within this category? Is this where emphasis should be put? (114)

S Use all means, the kit included, to spread that which would bring in the revenue as needed.

Q Please critique my actions concerning my behavior to (175) in the last couple weeks. I’ve not been as helpful to him as I usually have been. I’ve been somewhat rebellious in a mild way and I’ve felt somewhat obstinate. (199)

S Wash self aside. Be helpful, but remember, there is a difference between being mild or milk-toast. There is a difference. For when self allows others to use self in that which is not the better purposes, you have not helped them one iota. There can be always that which is given or taken in the manner of being meek and mild and joyful without being that which is negative. For, you see, each must find his own level. Ye cannot help another find his own level by giving in and being subservient to that which is less than the best of motives or actions of others.

Q Can you give us a simple inexpensive design for capturing solar energy for conversion to use as a source of power? (146)

S There are designs present on the market and present on the drawing board, and especially some that will be revealed in the next six months to nine months through the media, especially of the magazines, that will help. There is under observation at this time at the University of Arizona some new and quite different ideas of the use of solar energy and the implementing of same, the storing of the energies and the reuse or the recycling of same.

Q Will this be practical and inexpensive enough for us to use at our camp? (146)

S To an extent, yes.

Q Is there anything that the Source would like to tell me at this time? (199)

S Put aside the ego and see self in a light that self tries to see self in of that which is the ideal, the perfect, the idea of God rather than seeing or subverting self to this misdirection and that misdirection, meandering back and forth between the priorities of the life. The priorities of the material must be subjected to the priorities of the spirit, but finding in each and everything the spiritual quality rather than that which so often pulls the entity towards the material or the sole material aspects of the life.

Q Is there any information which I should be aware of at this time? (180)

S That self has the key to success or failure in this enterprise. That it is as, or can be, an all-consuming ordeal for the entity.

Q Yesterday morning I met (1175) who claims to have given 6800 what we call ‘life readings,’ dealing with people’s previous incarnations, who was really anxious to meet me and anxious to have me cooperate with her in creating a cooperative organization in the metaphysical field. Do you recommend my following this up or ignoring it? (114)

S We see some good here. And yet much that comes from this entity is from the longing of the subconscious mind to be as one who is a seer or prophetess.

Q Can any outside sources help me so I don’t fail? (180)

S Seek only that which is your Brother who stands close to you now.

Q Is there anything I can do so He can help me more? (180)

S Accept Him in all ways and all things. Love Him, even as He loves you. Follow His commandment. Turn thyself to God and give all to God – the mind, the body, the spirit – to the Lord, thy God. But love.

Q How can I keep temptatious thoughts from entering my mind? (180)

S By acknowledging them not. If they come, let them wash over thee knowing that that happens to all, that even those who have achieved the highest have had same thoughts, same temptations. Thrust them aside, or better yet, react not to them. Acknowledge them not. Know that they are present, but acknowledge them as only that which is illusionary. They will come. It is not an easy task and do not be despaired at the failure at time and time again. It will happen and know that there is always a better time, a better place, for even as He gave Himself for thee, so He opened the way. And know that those who seek are as good as saved; even though they have not overcome themselves, the saving is there. It is guaranteed by Him who said even in the depths of Hell, He would be with thee. It’s true; it’s true. He gave Himself that you might have that helping hand, that way.

Oh, my brothers, my sisters, know this: that on this day as so dedicated, He gave to you the greatest gift. He gave you life and to have life more abundant through Himself. This is what is meant that He dwells in the Father and ye dwell in Him. All that is necessary is to turn to Him. For in turning to Him, He comes to thee.

And now, we would give to thee this thought: that He walks among thee, at this time stands with thee, and gives His blessing to thee. For He, in truth, is the Man of joy. Be joyous in your life, too. Can ye be less than He who gave more than ye can ever hope of giving?

We are through with this reading at this time.