RAM 10-013-1974 Session: Angels, Channeling, ConsciousnessRAM 10-013-1974 Session: Angels, Channeling, Consciousness

This document dated December 4, 1974, is a transcription of a channeled spiritual session, covering diverse topics such as the process of selecting new group members, the mechanics of spiritual channeling, dealing with conflicts with other groups, the significance of symbols like diamonds in group dynamics, addressing race consciousness, and discussions on angels and archangels. It also touches on various aspects like the meaning of blessings, the glory of God, past life regressions, and the effects of marijuana, among other spiritual and metaphysical inquiries.

RAM Reading 10-13  12-4-74


Our Father, our God, show forth Thy love through us that we may do Thy bidding and be as You would have us be, that we may glorify Thee and not ourselves. Oh, Lord, so guide us now and through Jesus the Christ, make us Thy instruments of love, of guidance, to all that come to us that we, too, may glorify Thee, even as He.


Peace on earth, good will towards men, oh ye that come before Him in these times that ye would have in the remembrance of the Prince of Peace born into this earth. Then turn ye unto one another, thy brother, thy sister, and bring peace on earth, good will towards men. This, then, is what will redeem the world, will redeem thee, thy brothers and thy sisters.

We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.

Q Those present in the room are 110, 199, 146, 131, 101, 178, 114 and 180. The date is December the 4th, 1974, and the approximate time is 7:45 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group and answer the questions so asked.

S We have the inquiring minds of this group, and we will give forth with that which is as best for this group to know, to hear, and that which will not tax their understandings so much. We have this group, and we will give this reading.

Choosing of new members to join the core group

Q Has there been sufficient advancement and cooperation in the mental and spiritual outlooks of the members of this group since the last work reading, to permit the choosing of new members this evening for the expansion of this group?

S Well, that which is the minute growth within this group does not regulate that which is the choosing. We find there has been growth in this group and within each and every member. Yet it has not been sufficient to call growth, as we see growth to be. And yet, again, this is only the beginning and selves find thyselves in an embryonic stage, growing, nurturing and overcoming. And each day is that which ye must face, to grow and grow again. For there cannot be, there ever cannot be a continual rising up of selves. There must be that which is the inching forward and the falling back. Yes, you may in this time, this place draw for those who would be guided into this group by that which is the holy hand.

Q Would this be an appropriate time to have the channel draw the names and to specify who would read the names?

S We find that this would be an opportune time and the one that should read the names is that one which is (101).

Q Would you then, please, have the channel draw and select those names?

[The channel draws and as each is drawn (101) reads the name drawn aloud.]

(101): The first name is (107). The second name is (135). The third name is (169). The fourth name is (172).

Q What steps should this group take as concerning the new members who will be joining us? (10)

S First approach them as to that which is their understanding of Cayce, etcetera, and explain to them about the Source, about the channel, about the work. And then allow the entities to question and then after the questioning period bring forth the books that they, too, may read, learn, question.

Q Should there be any special subject matter at the next reading for them?

S No, let it be an open period where they may ask questions and those who the members are now may ask questions also.

Q Would you suggest that they have the privilege or the opportunity to listen to the tapes while they read the book?

S Let them read first and then listen to tapes later. 

Different ways the Channel works

Q Referring to the reading given on January the 19th, 1974, when referring to the channel, it was stated in the reading, “First we look at this that is the channel, for you see this is not that which is given as through many sources, on many channels, but one channel, one source, even at times diverted to one, or that which is the go-between.” Would you please explain the phrase or the sentence “even at times diverted to one, or that which is the go- between?” (199)

S Well, you’re getting into this which I don’t think you can understand, see, but we would give this. As that which is the information, even that which is the channeling, if you would have it so, is diverted through this entity that is acting as the channel in many ways, through the conscious awareness in this channel, or that which you would call the spiritual awareness, is a diverting. But the direct, that which is direct even as now, is as a clear channeling, not being interpreted so much as before, for you have two states here, see? One where the entity that is the channel interprets and operates through that which are the abilities and the spiritual sense of that individual entity. Whereas through this, or this channeling, the entity acts as more or less a filtering, or a conduit, see, to pour forth that which is the information that is being given. 

Being a threat to other groups

Q I was wondering. You have stated that we should never be a threat to other groups, if this is the kind of thing that would appear to be a threat? (10)

S Not so much. Threats are that which others would more or less imagine to draw from themselves or to take away from their ascendant, see?

Diamond as a focal point for the group

Q In the 14 December 1973 reading, I was told that the diamond is a focal point for use in this group, but solely in this group. I don ‘t understand what it means. (146)

S It means that concentration on same in meditation as a group, you might imagine or even use a diamond as a centerpiece, see? And focus the mind on the apex prism, see, that conjuncts, brings together as a conjunction of all the light, see, but for outside of this group is not to be used.

Race consciousness

Q How can we, members of this group, keep race consciousness from affecting us? (199)

S If ye term that which is race consciousness to be world thought, or that which are the feelings of the negative, then you must concentrate and make God the center of your life. It is as simple as that. In all you think and do, God must be present, must be the overriding, the central factor. This is the way, and the sole way. Ye may pray, ye may meditate, ye may say affirmations, but only when God is the center of the life, the center of the thought, may the negativeness that is as ye call race consciousness be thwarted within selves and, to an extent, with thy neighbors.

Q As God being the center of one’s life, I take this to be love, patience, kindness, this kind of thing?

S All that ye know of God is the center of life.

Meaning of “to bless”

Q What does it mean to bless? (146)

S Well, this is an involved situation. For if ye would have even in the olden times, or even in times of now, the manner of blessings, the idea of blessings, there are those blessings of the material, the blessings of the spiritual, the blessings of the mental. The truth of blessing is that ye would have the Christ force, the I AM within self, come forth. For this is that which controls the spiritual, the mental, and the physical, the material world, the esoteric world. It is the I AM ye are calling upon then, to come forth. And in days of old when even as Isaac would call upon Esau or his sons, the blessings, or that which would be as the blessings of the material and the mental, is calling forth within self those things. For even whether you would be Jacob, Isaac, Israel, Esau, it is all but self, see. And in the calling of blessings upon self for others, it is merely calling the God within, the I AM, to supersede that which is the “me”.

Q When you say, “God bless this food”, what does that mean?

S You are calling the I AM in self to use that which is the material to feed the material, the mental, and the spiritual, see?

Glory of God

Q What is the glory of God? Could you define it and tell us … ( 146)

S There is no defining the glory of God. It is past and beyond the understanding of mere man regardless of how highly developed even in that which is the spiritual nature. It is beyond. It is the glimpse of the cosmos. It is that force of creation, of movement, of stillness, of music, of love, of beauty, beyond that which the simple senses that those in this room, and upon this plane, possess. It is in itself the magnificence of God.

Q Is that what Moses experienced when he saw the rear of God, the rear glory of God?

S He saw that, even as ye would not see a comet, but the tail of a comet, see. For if ye could really and truly see that which is a comet in its true glory with your true eyes, it would be awe-inspiring rather than interesting. Yes, this is what he saw, but he saw only that which is the tailing and not the true glory.

Angels and Archangels

Q At the opening of the December 14, 1973, reading the Archangel Auriello and the Angel Veilizio (I’m not sure if we’re pronouncing that correctly) and the spelling looks like it should be Valissial , or something similar . Is that correct? (131)

S It is correct as to that which you can pronounce it to be.

Q Veilizio stated, “It was I and my brother who filled the ark and went before him.” What was meant by that statement?

S Those that gave at that time the word, or the truth, or the lesson, were those that carried the God Force within and walked or carried or became the ark (in an essence were the ark), that surrounded the ark, went before, calling the glory of God even that which was beyond the ears and the eyes of the human understanding. It called upon that which was the glory of the God without and the glory of God within. This is that, then, which they expressed as they, the brothers, that filled and went before.  For even as the Archangels are supported surrounded by a myriad of angels themselves, legions of same surrounded the ark, supporting it going before, over it. But only two were within.

Q In the last question of that December 14th reading, (180) asked for clarification of the Source of that reading. The answer was “as given, Auriello, and as given Veilizio, Archangel and Angel of Light. Brothers, see, in the” – and the next word we couldn’t make out. It sounded like arkon or harkon. Could you tell us?

S Either are correct, see. Arkon or harkon, meaning that the honor that only they could assume as to that which f il led the ark in t he presence 6f God within the ark, see. For He was present there, even more so than on the throne, see, where even the Archangels are but servants. Only two. These two filled the ark, gave companionship to that which was the force of creation within.

Q How do you spell arkon?

s A-R-K-A-I-N or H-A-R-A-K-I-N. 


Q Please discuss what is meant by co-creators. (101)

S We are assuming now that self is inquiring as to that which self will be with God. Correct?

Q Yes

S Co-creator: Self has been given a universe. Self has a universe to create within. Even though self is in a creation of God and given a creation of God, as ye set in a universe, a cosmos that God has created on a meagre, tiny planet of this creation, so within that very body of self is a universe, is a cosmos. And when properly brought forward and into fruitation, self will take all that self has been, and is, and create those universes out of the very atomic structure of self, into that which mimic(s) God Himself, as mimicry is that which is the greatest compliment, the greatest love, the greatest admiration. Therefore, ye walk with billions and billions of suns, planets, stars of all nature as you would call them. And all that ye find within the universe is within self.

Protection against negative thoughts (affirmation) 

Q Can you give us an affirmation to be used in cleansing oneself from the thoughts of others which can become part of self even though not agreed with? (101)


ARE – Association for Research and Enlightenment – Edgar Cayce organization – Original Study Group One

Vision of a member of ARE and an original member of Study Group One: Edgar Cayce telling her to reactivate Study Group One

Q (204 – member of Study Group One) says she had a vision in which Edgar Cayce appeared to her and told her that Group Number l, which wrote the Search for God, and had been deactivated since 1968, should be reactivated. Was this a true vision? If so, what was its purpose and its relation to (132)? (114)

S We have that. We have (204). In desperation and the need of this entity in seeing that which the entity has given so much and longed for so greatly has brought forth from within self the answering question or that which should be done, bringing forth that which is the group again to begin to fall back onto and resume that which are the right and the proper methods of doing and being, as that group was organized to be. As to that which is as (132 – Tucson non profit organization), well, no more significant than it is to any other group, see. It is as significant to members of this core group as it is to (132) or to the rest of (205 – ARE) that that organization and all other organizations begin to tread the proper way. For short is the time and necessary it is to begin again to reaffirm in selves, and among selves, the proper way, the proper being, the proper living, the proper worship, the proper love, forgiveness and all that goes with same. 

Q I never thought of it in relation to (132). I only thought it in relation to the core group. I’m sorry, it was a slip of the tongue. 

Jesus as archetype of the Way

Q At a recent meeting (142) stated that others had reached the level of perfection attained by Jesus of Nazareth and that His importance lies in the fact that He is the archetype. Please comment on this statement.

S Well, we don’t see any crowd around Jesus. We have many high souls and many that have come to reach their potential and yet, who can come before the first? Who can take His place? Yes, this is the archetype. This is the plan and all must go that way, but none surpasses the Crown Prince of Love. There may be princes yes, and princesses, but there is but one Crown Prince.

Marijuana – effects

Q Would you give me the effects of marijuana on the body, please? (180)

S We find that which you call marijuana to be affecting the body in 71 physical ways and in 52 spiritual ways, all having effects upon that which are the mental conditions also. Therefore, we have a complex structure here that upsets the chemical balance of the body, the biological functions of the body, the mental processes and the electrical impulses of the body and in the spiritual sense fragments the auras and detaches from self that which are the inner and outer relative communications with the higher forces that surround self, or the cosmic love.

Q Could you give apparent negative effects?

S Are you looking for the obvious physical? 

Q Yes.

s Well, you can see this in any critique on the subject. It affects the eyes. It affects the skin texture. It even affects the hair, the hair follicles, the pigmentation of same. And a misuse of same brings about (upon) certain reactions that would even imitate to an extent palsy, see. And then we have that which are the inabilities of the functions of the body to be as sharp, to be as functional, to be as quick, to be as smooth, and through much use of same, the gross use of same, becomes more and more apparent. For there’s a loss here, even to a great extent of that which are motor capabilities.

Soul and spirit and levels of mind

Q Can you relate the soul and spirit to the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds? (146)

S How would you have it related?

Q Well, I would like to know if they reside there – or function – or are part of the functions – I don’t know. I’m not sure.

S All right. You have the conscious and the subconscious and the many layers of same. You have that which is the spiritual. You have that which is the soul force. Confuse them not. They are parts and parcel of the whole, yes, but as given: parts and parcel. That which is the soul force of self, that which is the spiritual nature of self, dwells within the endocrine system of the entities. That which is the subconscious and conscious mind is partially that which dwells within that which is the endocrine system, but within that built-in-computer that is called the brain. The conscious mind, then, is regulated to that network of neurons that composes the brain structure, being primarily found in the dura mater(1) and the pia mater(2) and that which is the subconscious mind which you would find based mostly in that which is the area called the medulla oblongata(3), ranging down through the seven centers or those five centers below and the two above . They are related in the fact that as the soul force and all that is represented within the soul force leaves the body, they draw from the seven centers, then, the life force, leaving some life force, the essence of same, even the shadow as ye would see something in the sunlight, within that which is the medulla and that which is in the pia mater or the dura mater. See? This is that which is the conscious mind connected then to that which is the subconscious mind which becomes the true mind.

  1. Pia mater: A thin vascular membrane closely investing the brain and spinal cord and proximal portions of the nerves. The innermost of the three meninges.
  2. Dura mater: (Latin – Hard mother). The outer membrane covering the spinal cord and brain.
  3. Medula oblongata. Enlarged portion of spinal cord in cranium after it enters the foramen magnum of the occipital bone; the lower portion of the brain stem.
  4. Q How do you spell dura mater and pia mater?

S You may find them in any medical dictionary or related subject.

Q We were told that the conscious mind is the one we function with except during sleep or meditation. With what are we functioning during sleep and during meditation?

S That which is the subconscious mind, or the layers of same. See, now there are 600 layers of the subconscious mind.

A sign in the Heavens

Q Please comment on the sign to be seen in the heavens as mentioned in the October 13, 1973 reading. What will it be and when will it appear? (101)

s First will be that, as if another sun up in the sky, that which blinds this earth in grace, in beauty. That will be awe-inspiring, and yet terrify those who do not understand. It will bring forth a cosmic reaction. It will also bring about physical reactions within the earth plane. But for those who believe those who understand, even in the physical destruction or upheavals, will bring forth rejoicing , the love, and the expansion of the mind, the bodies, and the spiritual conditions of each and every entity, so chosen.

Serving others

Q Last time I suggested that (114) and I thought that we could serve (10) through (132 – Tucson non profit) but I didn’t mean (10 – the Core group). I meant serving God and helping (199) and (110) with their mission, and you chided – the Source chided me, or I felt the Source did – for stating that we thought we could serve. But, then, in Galatians 5 it says, “But through love, be servants of one another.”  Could you reconcile this for me? (178)

S Oh, yes. What is the glory of God but (being) serving each other? But serve God? None can serve God – no. What is implied here, you see, in Galatians is that which – “Be thy brother’s keeper”. Help and be the channel of love and goodness. For God is beyond being served, see, or even, in truth, waited upon, see, or entertained, see. For God is sufficient. But to please God, if that be the term that ye may understand, then serve by serving each other. Not as servants, no, but as helpers, as keepers. 

Past life regression – warning

Q A competent hypnotist has suggested that if I would submit to a reliving of that experience in the French convent which made it very difficult for me to go to church that I could overcome that. Is hypnosis the way for this? (178)

S Too traumatic for this entity. Bringing forth in self only by bits and pieces and even through bits of understanding is the safe secure method. The entity has not planned, not come in, to face the total situation, see. It’s dangerous when a person has not chosen to face the entirety of the situation. For you do not understand the deep trauma of that time. It would wring the mind. It would wrench the body. It would tear the spiritual. For that was such a time, see, where the entity was enveloped into a oneness almost complete, see, in the devotion to the Father. Too traumatic. Let it ease it’s way out, now and in the future. There’s plenty of time. Don’t worry about this time.

Sea water and minerals for the body

Q A prominent agronomist wrote a book, Health From the Sea and the Soil. He made the case that by taking sea water, that it contained all the 109 elements. Is this a sound conclusion and would this be a way for an individual to get the necessary missing minerals into his physical body? (114)

S Well, we have here a grain of truth. There is much here that can be added to the body. There is, or there are those, though not published yet, who are working on a capsulated form of sea water. See? By capsulated we mean, not only in capsule, but the elements brought in in proper amounts pertaining to the body 1evels and the body needs as computerized that will raise the body standards to a greater efficiency, a greater balance, see. But let us give you this understanding: as you find 109 elements as given, you are missing 13 elements, see, that are found in the core of this earth, too heavy to be brought forth, and in such minute quantities in self as to go undetected for the greater part at this time. And yet as the atom is being understood and even more particles come to light, so will the elements of same come to light within the individual, but first will be found in the substrata of the earth to be deciphered. For these heavy particles are that which holds the gravitation to the center of this earth. See?

Physical characteristics repeating between lifetimes

Q Do physical characteristics in one life carry over and manifest in a future life for the same soul?

S Quite often. The entity that asks the question (114) mirrors another incarnation among the Roman peoples.

Borderland and different levels or dimensions

Q When individuals make their transition do all pass through the same borderland or do they pass through different levels? (199)

S Well, in a manner of speaking they all pass through the same although the transition is so fast, you see, for some, that they step over areas of the borderland. You have a mental imaging that is incorrect of what the borderland you have (as we see into this entity now) a concept that this plane you are in is as a bull’s eye surrounded by rings or areas of borderland of higher – by higher status – it’s not as easily defined as that – remember, it’s vibration. You have enough vibration, enough materials in the tip of your finger to throw thousands upon thousands of entities in different areas and have them completely separated and not even in contact with one another. The concept, then, of space and time is essential but it must be brought into that which is the understanding of vibration, see, which is neither space nor time, but elements of same. Therefore, an entity that is highly developed in this existence or in this plane might be drawn to a higher area and not even know that self has stepped through the borderlands as you would call it or those other areas that we would call as grey areas to this.

Desire and will and the mind

Q Please relate desire to the will, the mind, et cetera, and tell us from where desire arises in us. (146)

S There are two desires. One is the correct desire. This is the desire of God or the desire to be of God, which in itself is desireless. That which is desire is that which is conceived in the aware, or the awake mind much often through the prompting of the subconscious mind through desires of past times. It is that which stems from the memories, or karma, as you’d have it, into that which are the areas that are affected by the will, or that which is even given, that mentality or the awareness in the brain cells, the brain structure, partially affected by that which is the material or the mental setup of the entity, the material world, the thought processes of others around and the absorption of same, but mostly directed from that which is the subconscious nature of self through the will or the birthplace or the driver of desire. Once the will is turned to the spiritual nature or the spiritual nature controls the will, then that which are the desires or impulses from that which is the subconscious, directs that which is the conscious mind or the material mind of each and every entity.


Q Please explain what the conscience is, where it resides, and what is the status of its reliability. (146)

S As given, the conscious mind is…

Q No, no. Excuse me. Conscience.

S Oh, the conscience. Well, that arises much from moral training and from that which is the spiritual nature of self and that which comes from the medulla center or that which ye would find as the subconscious mind.

Q What is the state of its reliability. Can we depend on it? It differs with each…

S Only to that which ye have been trained to. For there, see, there are those who have no such animal. There are those who have surpassed it, too, that live in a state of spiritual direction and need no such thing.

Ego – soul ego and common ego

Q In an individual reading given through this channel some time back, reference was made to the soul ego. Would you define the soul ego and relate it to the common ego? (131)

S Yes, there is no relationship. The soul ego is that which i s the awareness in the soul. It is the soul mind, the soul 1s understanding of what the soul and all is. This is the soul ego. This is the true ego, if you would have it as same. In regard to that which is the ego of the mind, this is that which has been built up which is understood to a great degree by psychiatrists and psychologists of the day, containing with that all that goes with it, the id and so forth, see. But this is really that which presents from the combination of the subconscious-conscious mind complex, partially that which comes from the past of the entity, the karma of the entity, where that which is as the ego of the soul is faultless and free, yet absorbs and knows all that goes on and all it affects, but in itself is not tainted. 

Soul appearing in separate bodies

Q In another individual reading referred to for a need to integrate an Egyptian incarnation that was experienced in two different physical bodies simultaneously. Would you comment on this please and in more detail? (131)

s Yes. It is as cell mitosis. You understand? Where a mirror image is produced from one cell. The two cells divide and become so. So that this entity might learn, might face self the more, even in the physical plane, the entity in question had a miotic happening to that which is the soul. It happens now and then, but not to a great extent, that this entity might learn, might advance the more. It was chosen. It’s a difficult choosing, for even self can see that many pitfalls can occur from same; the drawing back or the falling back could be disastrous.

Q Do these go back together again?

S Oh, yes.

Q That was reference to the need to integrate in this lifetime really, those two?

s Yes.

Awakened return

Q In the October 13, 1973 reading, please clarify what was meant by the awakened return in the second question. (101)

S The awakened return so mentioned here, well, this is an extensive understanding. The awakened return begins, you see, out in the cosmos in those spheres that surround this earth, that surround this universe, where the awakened understanding ·begins to accumulate; that the planets themselves begin to rearrange themselves; that the individuals that are, as ye would say “out there”, begin to arrange themselves; that the forces that abide in the spheres begin to arrange themselves; that the proper balances occur within and without even to the center where the occurrence will come, even in this sphere, this plane, among these peoples; that this may through the proper peoples here in the arranging of the mind, in the arranging of the mental structure (and this is not the mind but the mental structure) through that which is the understandings, the prayers, the love, the actions, may arrange in themselves, even as the cosmos, is a rearranging and balancing, will (whether they know it or not) begin the arranging of themselves cellularly, atomically, spiritually that all may be arranged to the proper and for the proper, the coming.


Q The plays presumably written by Shakespeare. Were they actually written by Shakespeare or by … (178)

S They were written by William Shakespeare. Q

Q Was this a pseudonym for somebody else?

S No. Q

Q How did he get his knowledge of Europe and the foreign courts and the high level of society which apparently, he didn’t come from?

S That entity was psychic and helped by others. 

Free enterprise and the way of Jesus

Q Can we reconcile the basic principles of the American free enterprise system with the way of Jesus or do we have to change? (114)

S Ha, there must be a change.

Q This is a follow-up in terms of what (114) asked also. Speaking of society today and also as one prepares for Christmas, how should we celebrate Christmas and what guidance could you give us in terms of gift giving and the roles that we generally take in our society in celebrating Christmas? (199)

S Well, first, the yard stick to measure by is “peace on earth, good will towards men”. This must be the center of your celebration of same – thanksgiving and love. It does not mean shower each other with gifts, but giving is always good. But give that which is for the best of another, rather than to please self or to – for – self’s enjoyment. Enjoyment may be had, the enjoyment of doing that which is good for others. In other words, if Aunt Mabel needs something, you don’t give her a Cadillac, see, you give her love first and that which is of real necessity, the spiritual, and then the material. But so much is given at this time of material and very little of spiritual. 

Prayer – spoken or mental

Q Which carries the most power: the spoken prayer or the thought prayer, the mental prayer?

S The action.

Q In relation to, I appreciate the action, sir, yes, living it; but in relation to the two I stated, if you’re praying for somebody and somebody…

S In that relation the spoken prayer is the greater until an entity has so mastered self and the mental capacity of self that the mind then is truly, even in thought, speaking.

Q Then when the first Cayce group was told the spoken prayer was the stronger that spoke of their level at that time, then?

S Quite correct.

Second coming: what needs to be done to prepare the Way

Q What major events would have to come forth to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus – like today if He came it would be inconceivable. (180)

S Well, it is inconceivable because there is not the basis or the platform for His coming. Those who live right, and by right we mean in the ways of the Lord. That does not mean a certain amount of prayer is given, a certain amount of washing is given, of feast days observed, of fasting days observed, but the fasting of the ego, the centering of self in God, and becoming servants of God by being thy brothers’ keeper. This is that which becomes the rock-hard base upon which to build. 

Creating with the spirit and creating with the mind

Q What is the difference between creating with the spirit and that of the mind? (199)

S Creating with the spirit is that which allows the spirit of self to go forth to create, even as God created, even in the little things – a smile, a true smile is a creation of the spirit. That which is created by the mental is the grin; and it bears fruit in all sections.

Good and evil

Q This life, or this world, seems to be a world of paradoxes. For example, evil being the other side of the coin of good. Is it true that good cannot exist without evil? (146)

S Only for your understanding. In the essence and in the end there is only good. It is even so that one can know white – one understands black; heat – cold, but in the end there is no such things.

Affirmation for meditation

Q Could you give me a mantra for meditation – not a visual one but an oral one? (146)


S It may be sung.

Jesus’ constant state of prayer

Q In the October 13, 1973, reading it was stated that (110) should be constantly in prayer until prayer joins and becomes constant meditation, “as to be the example over the living example of the Master of Love in the earth.” What is meant here? Could you clarify that, please? (131)

S Yes. I suppose it’s best to have you understand that over He who is the Prince of Peace became a mantle of prayer and meditation that he drew upon Himself, causing each and every action to be intertwined one and another with love and meditation until the spiritual nature of self was in possession of all the faculties of the body and the body in possession of the higher elements of His self, so that spiritual elements and higher elements, though not the same, were enmeshed in one, that the senses of the entity were all within that which is the spiritual nature of self and saw in all level of things. This then is that which we meant there.

A sign to appear in the heavens

Q In the same October 13, 1973, reading, the Source was describing a sign to appear in the heavens which would serve as a warning and a promise that He indeed shall return in greater glory than He left even. Further, that it shall be “seen by all that live upon the face of this earth” and shall cause some to wonder, but for those “who are in the darkness it will be as that light of nature and nature alone or a natural and then we missed a word here. It sounded like ” stead”, see? Was that the proper word “stead” , s-t -e- a-d?

S Yes, meaning as an area or thing or phenomena as they would term it to be. 

Joan of Arc – gifts and knowledge

Q We were wondering about Joan of Arc. We didn’t think that God took sides, and yet she seemed to have had guidance. Where did her guidance come from? (178)

s There was all kinds of guidance here. Guidance from entities on the other side, guidance from within to an extent. The entity was psychic, was influenced by the forces and remember there are many that cross, hang desperately on to this plane and do what they can to influence this plane, thus bringing chaos at times to those who would listen. It is always best to be very careful from guidance from that sort or from the other side, per se. She was a sensitive, see, somewhat unbalanced in the mental areas and yet driven by a desire for freedom, to rid the world of pain, did not see the world in eyes as most people would see it, suffered for same.

Q Where did her military genius come from?

S Past experience and that which was influenced by others who had passed over.

Ohum as a word for God

Q In what period of man’s development was the word ohum (o- h-u-m) used for the Creative Force. Did it describe an aspect of God, or did it just take the place of Jehovah, for example? (114)

S It was a word meaning the “all creative”. First used among the later Atlantean peoples and among those peoples so associated with that and Mu or Lemuria.

Sixth and seventh senses

Q Please explain this quotation from your Source on the 19th day of December, 1973: “the range of powers that are of basic sixth, and seventh sense proportions”. (114)

S We have here alluded to, you see, that which is the power that lies within each of the senses. Selves have developed to some extent to the sixth sense. Allowable on this plane is the seventh sense, which has not been used, you see, for these eons of time. This is the ability to withdraw out of the body, to assimilate self into other bodily processes, even of the mineral nature see, having the feeling, the understanding of the vibrational patterns and the life that and to test or to come in contact with the life – even in the minerals, the gasses, the other states. See? This, then, is alluded to, to an extent.

Q Then this is the sense that our souls used when they first came into the earth and defied the will of God. Is that right?

S Quite correct.

Desire to get drunk

Q What is the great desire now for people to get drunk and other things such as that? (180)

S You named it. It’s desire. It’s the ego self. Remember, much of that is brought upon by the centering of the understandings of the people of the day on the individual being the center of the cosmos, the center of the world. It is also that which comes up from the subconscious wanting to rid itself of the conscious mind, knowing full well what turbulent times lie ahead and what should be done within each and every individual. Therefore, it falls back upon that which was so developed in other times and places especially among the primitive peoples of this plane, this earth, and even developed among those peoples of Egypt, of North and South America, of portions of Africa and Asia.

Creatures that prey on other creatures

Q Why was the world designed with so many species of living creatures preying on other creatures? (146)

S This is the nature of the animal world that man has brought about by his, well, his delving into that which was not his to delve into and yet was there to bring forth even as given so often in times of old, ”idle hands are devil’s playthings”. So, they became – the devil being selves. Therefore, even as given, in that time when love returns to this earth in totality, the lion will sit down beside the lamb. There will no longer be that, even among the beasts, though the prime concern even of that line was the lion within self and the lamb within self.

Bible questions:

If your right eye offend thee – explanation

Q In the Bible, it tells us if our right eye offends us we should pluck it out. Is this actually the “eye” or could it be the first personal pronoun “I” and referring to negative aspects of our personalities? (178)

S First you have a double meaning here, see. One as interpreted in the tongues of the time, but differently than now, meaning that parts of the personality or that of actions of self, or the understandings of self being negative, being oppressive, being that which you be term wrong to be cast aside, change, to re-think, to re-be, to re-be born again – a renaissance of self, see. The second, meaning that which is as the metaphysical self, bringing forth the true eye rather than the eye of the physical, but the eye that is within self, or the I AM eye, the third eye as ye would know it, or that which is the spiritual nature of self, throwing aside that which is the physical, seeing the physical understanding, the physical being.

Q Does the right arm then have the same significance?

S It does.

Q Then why didn’t they say left?

S Because, you see, they would assume (even as most people at this time assume, that might is right) that most people in view of this room, or in other places in this nation, these peoples, happen to be righthanded, which goes to the left side of the mind, the animal nature of self, rather than higher self, which is the left going to the right – if you understand.

Judas Iscariot

Q When Judas betrayed Christ, in his own mind was he attempting to help Christ? Did he realize the consequences? (178)

S No one could recognize the consequences. The entity was battling with self. He was the proper one in the proper place at the proper time. Someone would have been there. If it were not Judas, it could have been another. But someone would have, and this time it was Judas. It’s happened before, to a lesser extent. The entity, Judas, was as closely to deranged mentally, physically and spiritually as an entity can, and still function. In the moment of lucidness, the entity had an inkling of what self had done, leading to the destruction of the body as given in the New Testament.

Q Was this the same soul that sold Joseph into slavery in Egypt for the same amount of money? (114)

S It was. 

Q Is this the reason the Master chose him?

S As we have given, it was done to a lesser extent before.

Q What deeds would a person would have have to have done to place them in such a role as being a Judas? (180)

S Well, greed, foolishness, selfishness, which it all is, leads that way. As one who is a glutton comes back to face gluttony in other forms and the results of same, so an entity builds even stone upon stone, ever, that which is the wall between himself and his God. This is what Judas did.

Q Would there be hope for someone like this?

S There is always hope.

Essenes then and now

Q Did the early Essenes have a counterpart to our Source and the channel? Did they have similar guidance?

S They did at times. These were called prophets.

Bible quote: judging angels

Q In I Corinthians 6:3, it is said of man “know ye not that we shall judge angels”. Since it is my understanding that angels are without free will and therefore, without sin, how is it that we shall judge them? (146)

S This is a misunderstanding of the word, or the misuse of the word “judge”. Judge means that self will judge the movements, will give them their orders, see? This is old terminology from those who translated, see, or those who put down. Judging meant the command over a person’s life.

Noah’s ark

Q Can you please explain the story of Noah’s ark. Is that a myth, a legend? (l46)

S No, it was an actual happening, see. And had metaphysical understandings to it, too.

Q I don’t understand how that could have been an actual happening – how you could get two beasts of every kind or everything in the ark.

S Let you understand this – even as a dictionary can contain thousands and thousands of words, see, so the hand of God can give to anyone the ability to do anything, though at this time, you see, the meaning here. There weren’t a great many beasts brought in. The beasts that were understood of the time and place were brought in, but the beasts contained in there was a warning in a way, you see. This is more metaphysical understanding. For it is the animal nature of self that has brought man down. What was contained in the ark but the animal or the animal nature, too, even though the dove of peace were aboard and that which were those who were the spiritually inclined people were aboard. Even in that which was the reconstruction of the world, or that place, as given, brought with it that which were the desires, that which was the animal nature, that which was the lower elements, once again to be faced, and to be overcome, before selves would destroy again.

Dream interpretation –  

Q I would like to ask for a dream interpretation (which took place) on the morning of November 27, 1974, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Several members of the core group, in this dream, were gathered around the bedside of (130 -HLC) who had been stricken in Phoenix at the start of the seminar scheduled in Phoenix this weekend, December 5th and 6th. In the first dream we were gathered around a hospital bed in a circle and included in this group was (206 – member of Tucson group) whom I had invited to join us for this healing circle. (206) was standing at (130’s) head and I was standing at his feet. Both of us were channeling healing energy to the patient, whereas others in the circle were channeling through us. This was late Friday evening. (130) had a complete recovery and continued with the seminar all day Saturday. Does this have any symbolic, or would you just please give me an interpretation? (131)

S Yes, we have that dream, or that revelation. First what is (130) but (205 – ARE) as it is now? (205) that is sick; and whence comes the source of renewal? But through this which is the culmination of that which are the purposes that (205) was founded upon, see, making it whole through the administration and the ministration of this group. As to that which is the second revelation the entity had, this deals even with the physical nature of that entity which needs much love, much help to reconstruct the destruction of the body cells. This entity has been going much in pain and doubt recently through that which is the physical nature of self, needing renewal, needing help.

Q After awaking and remembering that dream, I returned to sleep and had a second dream where the same theme was repeated. (130) was in his bed, this was then in a hotel or motel room, not in a hospital. A doctor was present and had just sent for an ambulance. In this dream there was no circle, and I didn’t see (206) present, although other members of this core group were present. Again, healing energy was channeled through this questioner and an immediate recovery was experienced before the ambulance arrived. Was there any significance other than a re-emphasis? (131)

S This again is reinforcing that which comes, before the ambulance can take the body physical and of the (205) and the body spiritual of (205) and that entity in the physical so involved away, that this group with thoughts, the prayers, the guidance can correct that which is the illness that lies within. Not by criticism, but by love, by understanding, forgiveness, patience, and wisdom.

Q One more question to follow up on that. Did my physical orientation at the time of the dreams, with my head toward the west, feet toward the east, have any influence on dreams, and if so, what? That’ s not my normal orientation. (131)

S Rather than a help it was disruptive to the entity. However, there was for this entity to be a message-bearer or receiver of the thought that this group, even in the expansion of the group, may begin to send those thoughts of reconstruction, of love and understanding and also by word and action of spreading the truth, or the understanding of the truth, to clarify that which came through the source of Edgar Cayce, to be understood the more and used the more practically than has been of late.

Q Yes. I’ve had three dreams in which (this is over a period of time) in which I’ve found myself with somebody else’s baby and in the last one I was trying to climb a flight of blue plastic narrow steps and I couldn’t do it carrying this baby. I had to hand it over to somebody. One other time on a train I had to put it up on a luggage rack and I would like to know why I keep dreaming that I have somebody else’s baby? (178)

S We will only give you a hint as to the meaning. You’re carrying somebody else’s baby meaning something that others should work with or do, self is making part of the work be  yours. And don’t do it. Put it aside. Get rid of it. Analyze self’s daily routine and what’s going on.

Physical reading – bruising of skin

Q Recently I have noticed that I have been bruising very easily without recalling particularly bumping myself that hard. Can you tell me is there something that should be corrected , that I should be doing differently? (101)

S Surround self with those loving thoughts of protection, remembering always to reaffirm in self before sleep and upon awakening in the morning that thy Elder Brother is at thy beck and call. Knock. Knock upon His door. For self has been receiving mental imaging from negative sources and has been the brunt of savage, unhappy thoughts. Not intended for self – no – but has received them nevertheless, causing damage within the entity’s epidermis and dermal structure. It is good for this entity to take massive amounts of Vitamin E at this time to repair the damage; Vitamin C to a great extent, too. Let self take in a lot of the lemon juice. It will help here. But the mental, the prayer is the best solution.

Atomidine – dosage

Q In following up something that (114) had asked, if one takes Atomidine would taking kelp interrupt the rhythm that was given in taking the Atomidine? For instance, when you take it, it’s recommended that you take one drop one day, two drops another day, and three drops the third day, and so forth. Would kelp interfere with this since they have the same … (199)

S No, unless the kelps are high in lead content. And as we find that which is mostly on the markets now to be almost lead free. It is the intaking of lead that disrupts the Atomidine, see?

Personal need denied

Q (208) has lost or loaned his book, The Clan Mac Neil, written by the MacNeil of Barra and autographed by him. This book is now out of print and the author has passed on. Could you tell us where the book is so that he could locate it? (101)

s It is not for this channel at this time to give such information.

Physical/health reading

Q* (114) ! Try a little rice wine with honey.

*(114) had been coughing earlier during this session, having been troubled for some time with bronchitis.

Q I appreciate the suggestion about rice wine and honey. By rice wine do you mean sake? (114)

S This is correct.

Q What proportion should it be? (114)

S About two ounces to one half teaspoonful.

Q Of honey? ( 114)

S Yes.

Q And should it be hot or cold? (114)

S Warm.

Q And how often, sir? (114)

s Well, I take it the entity likes saki, yes? No more than four times a day, but keep it down to two if possible.

Physical reading: backache

Q In November I had quite a lot of backache, back problems. Is there anything that I could do to prevent this and what has been causing it? (199)

S Realignment of the spinal column is causing quite a bit of this. We find a stretching of the muscles doing the most, and the ligaments, see, along especially the spinal column, those that attach to the shoulder blades, even down to that which is especially on the left side to the ilium and ischium.

Q Is that part of … (199)

S The pelvic girdle, see?

Q Well, what would be causing also the ache within the arms? (199)

S It is partially that which is sympathetic. You see when you involve the muscular structure, the ligament structure, you involve the nerves and some of them are parallel nerves. For instance, if the entity would think in the terms of past experience: sometimes having a headache will upset the stomach or will upset-or eye problems will upset the stomach. These are sympathetic, they run in pairs, they are warning systems.

Q Is there a symbolic reason for this happening? (199)

S Oh, yes. It stems from self’s thinking and self’s past. But forget that symbology here. Work on the mental conditions of self and the everyday and forget the past.

Physical reading for sister

Q Last January I asked about my sister (140) who was at that time in the hospital. She is now at her home. I wonder if you could tell me how she is progressing and if there are any things that she should be doing or that I should be doing at this time to help … (131)

S We have that entity, yes, we find progress here. There will be a tendency in the next thirty days to sixty days for somewhat of a relapse but the entity at this time is progressing well. But we suggest you keep up those thoughts, prefaced with, “Thy will be done, oh, Father”, sending to this one that which is love and that which will establish in that entity’s subconscious mind the control over the individual cell structure in the body.

Physical reading for self

Q Is there anything that I should know in terms of food or just for guidance? (199)

S Well, keep trying. In the trying the entity will find the way. Pay attention to the dream guidance. There’s plenty there.

Q Is there anything that I should do in terms of food? (199)

S Not eat so much of those that the entity finds so palatable, the sweets especially. They have a very detrimental effect upon this entity.

Physical reading for mother

Q I would like to ask about my mother (223). Is there anything that can be given that I could be doing to help her in any way? (131)

s Not much at this time. We see the entity as a recipient of much stress and strain, but the entity herself must in the spiritual nature face most of this. The entity can always be the reassuring hand to lean upon, the arm to hold her up, but that entity must take as much as possible that she may grow the more.

Physical reading for self

Q Is there anything that I need to know at this time? (131)

S No, we find that the entity – well, yes. In the physical nature we see the entity is getting a little heavier again. Cut down on the intake, please!

Physical reading for self

Q Is there anything that I should be told at this time, please, sir? (114)

S Yes. You might try some onion packs, too, to the chest. They may be a little obnoxious, but the entity will benefit quite well from them. Make them cooked onions.

Individual advice requested

Q Is there anything I can do, other than just practicing, to make myself more effective when I’m speaking to others trying to put forth a point? (180)

S Sure. Be understanding. Don’t be too forceful, and don’t argue or put forth just for self and self’s ego. Don’t make ego any part of it.

Q Is there anything else I need to know right now? (180)

S Be more responsive to that which is given to self in love, rather than that which ye have taught your self – to throw up a bit of a wall between self and that which comes in.

Q Is there anything I need to know spiritually, mentally, physically about myself at this time? (146)

S You’re making progress. Keep it up.

Requests denied:

Q If there is anything that the Source would like to tell me at this time, I’d like to hear it. (101)

S We have no comments on the entity at this time.

Q In the reading of October 13, 1973, we did not understand an answer which contains the following statement: “It” (apparently referring to the date of the return of the Master) “will be given to the name through that which will be as the word or the truth but preferring that which is given as the word, and the number associated with the word or even with that which is the true name of God”. I think that was (131 ‘s) question. We don’t understand the answer.

S The answer is a simple one. When the time is ready, you will know.

Q Is this core group ever to have any material manifestation? Or is that the sort of thing that we are to… (10)

S It’s possible but put it from your mind. You see when you want it badly who’s to know whether it is real or imagined.

Past life request postponed

Q In the reading of October 13, 1973, we were promised, or told, that at some future time and place that He who is the Lamb would give the name to each who has come in contact with Him and renew that which is the blessing of life and love . Are we ready yet to receive this wonderful thing? (146)

S Just wait. It’ll come.

Individual advice

Q Is there anything that (110) should know?

S This entity must understand self the more. Eat more regularly and get more rest, especially in the mental attitude. Keep up the adjustments to the spinal column. It makes it easier for us to work through. We would also give. to the entity the explanation of that which was puzzlement at a time, the word YAH. That comes from, or is the poetic form, of Jehovah, or was the stem word for Jehovah, see. The perplexion here is not great but is an understanding for that entity to know. It is the older, or oldest form of God, or Lord, or the Unchanging, see?

Q How is it spelled?

S J-A-H in your language.

Q That is why it was pronounced Jah last, in the one reading?

S Correct.

And now we would give to this group that which is the blessing of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Angels. We are through with this reading at this time.