This document delves into the distinctions and connections between the Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit. It explores their roles in spiritual guidance, the impact of Jesus’ teachings, and the awakening of the Christ force within individuals. The text integrates theological perspectives and metaphysical insights, offering a deep understanding of these two spiritual entities.
Difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy comforter.
Q What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Comforter, or are they one and the same?
S The Holy Comforter is that which you would know as the Christ inter-woven throughout that which is the existence of mankind, brought into being in the totality for mankind by Jesus of Nazareth, who then, and was before, and at the time of acceptance, the Christ. For even as He gave, “I will give you that which would take my place, I give you the Holy Comforter,” was removing the personality (as man knows personality to be) and becoming that which is the salvation, the God action, the pureness of the Christ. But God acting as God the Creative Father, not in the silence, not in the peace, not in the unmoving but the moving, is the Holy Spirit. All are one and yet separate. Make no mistake about the authority, the power of each – interwoven and yet separate. For it is the Holy Spirit that commands all things, can end all things, and begin all things, and yet is shackled to and part of that which is the Christ, which, when you call upon, will answer, not, however, so often in the manner you would assume but in the manner that is of the Christ or perfection.
The comforter is the Christ that is awakened within.
Q How does the Comforter that Jesus left add to the Holy Spirit?
S The Comforter, as given before, is that which is the Christ or the Christ within you awakened. For the Christ has ever been and yet not been with mankind. Though the I AM was here, it was not the Christ Force but only that which is the God working, not fully developed as that which is the Christ within you. It takes that which is the Holy Spirit to awaken the Comforter. This Jesus the Christ did by becoming christed, pulling that which is the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, into Himself by His sacrifice of that which was the ego put in place, the mind put in place and the physical body in its place. [10-131]
Q Can more be given on the difference between the Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit?
S The Holy Comforter is that which is the Christ Force in action. For when He, the Prince of Love, sacrificed Himself, He gave a path that each and every entity may use that which is the Christ Force, giving to them for the first time the Holy Comforter, that which they could not use before. That which is the Holy Spirit is that which releases the Comforter in each and every entity.
Clarification of Jesus’ Christing and His gift, the Holy Comforter, is the Christ force that now is in all men.
Ram Reading 10-012, 6-21-74
Q Do we understand correctly that the Christ was not in man until after Jesus overcame the earth? (199)
S Now do not be confused at what we will give now. The I AM was in each man. The I AM is what Moses revealed to mankind, for Moses was the first to meet the I AM in truth. He that had the I AM in perfection, Jesus, brought forth the Christ, brought into self the Holy Spirit, the working end of God and became Christed. And His gift, the Holy Comforter, is the Christ force that now is in all men. This is what is meant when there are arguments as to those who are born among heathen peoples now, not having the knowledge or the benefit of the Christ and should not be punished, as they would put it, by hell’s fire, damnation, or even that which is re–entry into this earth, and yet all now are gifted and through their deeds, then, they must come to face the Christ force, the I AM and God . Q
Difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy comforter.
Q What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Comforter, or are they one and the same?
S The Holy Comforter is that which you would know as the Christ inter-woven throughout that which is the existence of mankind, brought into being in the totality for mankind by Jesus of Nazareth, who then, and was before, and at the time of acceptance, the Christ. For even as He gave, “I will give you that which would take my place, I give you the Holy Comforter,” was removing the personality (as man knows personality to be) and becoming that which is the salvation, the God action, the pureness of the Christ. But God acting as God the Creative Father, not in the silence, not in the peace, not in the unmoving but the moving, is the Holy Spirit. All are one and yet separate. Make no mistake about the authority, the power of each – interwoven and yet separate. For it is the Holy Spirit that commands all things, can end all things, and begin all things, and yet is shackled to and part of that which is the Christ, which, when you call upon, will answer, not, however, so often in the manner you would assume but in the manner that is of the Christ or perfection.
Q Is it true that when Jesus the Christ gave us the Holy Comforter, He made it possible for each of us to link together the Christ within and the Holy Spirit in order to act as God? Would you explain?
S First, mankind was linked by the physical laws. Then mankind was linked by the mental laws or that which govern the mentality. But then came that which is the touching of the spirit. You may see it as if you were looking down at a coliseum and could see tiers of walls going up, or tiers of bleachers going up, one ring after the other getting higher and higher towards that which is the spiritual nature. The spiritual nature is that which you might see as a tent, apex in that which is the God Force, or that which is the Holy Spirit at work, flowing down, encasing and touching all who become the walls, the roof of the tent. The tent cannot exist without walls, without a roof, or without an apex. This is that which ye have asked. [10-106]
The Holy comforter, the Christ spirit that lies within, the seeking opens the door but in His time.
John 16:6-9
“But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me;”
S You are your own world; you bear your own sins. You believe or disbelieve as your mind so adjusts. You have heard often that mind is the builder. How true! It is not what you eat. It is not what you wear. In short, it is not that which you dedicate to the body. It is not the rays. It is not the pleading of prayer. It is that which is the cleansing by prayer, the meditation, and the actions so directed towards your fellow man that will lift you from the morass, separate you from that which is the physical. For He has given you the Holy Comforter, yes, the Christ spirit that lies within, that you may discern between that which is light and dark, good and evil, joy and despair. It is in the mind that the dedication, the seeking opens that which is the door. For He has promised to come to you, but not on your terms – His terms. Therefore, meet Him. Dedicate that which is the body, the mind, that the temple, the soul may have that which is the awakening that is yours by right
The Holy Spirit was always available, it activated all, bringing for that which is God, dormant within the individual or in the world.
Q In John’s gospel, Jesus is quoted as saying that He would send the Comforter to them, which would appear to be a much later period of time than this particular occasion. Was the Holy Ghost available to people before Jesus gave this instruction before His death?
S The Christ was not available; the Holy Spirit was available. For the Holy Spirit was that which activated all the, all the prophets, and was active through Jesus the Christ, bringing forth the Christ, or that which is God dormant within the individual or in the world.
Q When He referred to the Comforter in those final words after the Last Supper, was He referring to the apostles particularly getting the Holy Spirit?
S It was in reference to the Christ being awakened not only within the apostles, but all the disciples, and henceforth to all those who would believe through that which is the Christ, or that which is through God, in many paths towards the fulfillment of the Oneness, through justice, mercy, love, forgiveness. In short, it was announcing and giving at that time: grace.