RAM Reading 10-007, 3-10-74
Oh, Father, we come before Thee, in the full knowledge that it is Thee, and not ourselves, that is the goodness and through Thee is the accomplishment and in no other.
Abba, Father, Abba, behold Thy children. Behold that which would glorify Thee, oh Father. We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 178, 131, 199, 146, and 101. The date is March the 10th, 1974, and the approximate time is 8:10 PM. You shall have before you this group and the questions that concern same.
S We have the group and we will give this reading that is sought after even though we find in the body of the channel that which is as to an extent, force, or that of in-ease, that constitutes that which is as partial block to be overcome by the channel by the proper approach to the cares of the mind and the body. We will give this reading that is sought after and we are ready for questions.
Q The Source stated that this reading should be on the use of the powers that are of the Holy Spirit within self and how it can be brought forth, and how it may be used to the benefit of mankind. Can you please give a discourse on this? (199)
S First let us define that which is of the spiritual, rather than those other things that so often are confused or believed to be of the spirit. So often it is confused that the working of the minds – the subconscious mind, the conscious mind – is that which is as the spirit or the use of same, or even of that which is as the stirring of the soul or the soul force. Spirit is that which is of the Creator, that which lies within, that which is the link to that which is the Source, even as the ray of sunshine is linked to that which is as the sun.
Therefore, that which is as the spiritual force that lies within, can only be freed, can only be brought forth, through the subjugation of that which is as vanity. For all that is sin is vanity. That which is missing of the mark comes from this and that, which is as vanity.
Therefore, before each and every individual (and who in this group does not fall short of the glory of the Father) can reach that glory, there must be the setting aside of that which is as the consciousness of self, or that which is the awareness of self, of even that awareness that is desire to do good, or to be good.
There must come then that which is as the oneness or the understanding of the oneness by thrusting aside, even by force, but rather, though, through belief. Even as Paul has said, those who live by the spirit will not die. And this is as truth for He died for thee, that ye may be blameless too, that your sins may be washed away even as His sins were washed away.
To reach, then, the Holy Spirit and live in grace is to give the full confidence of the mind and the body, that is to say the intellect and the physical, into His care, His being. For He takes on that which is as thy sins, even the sin of intellect. By this we mean using those forces of the intellect and the body only as directed by that which is the Spirit.
How does one know it is the Spirit? Not just by the feeling but, as always given, by the fruits. In the examination of that which is done, in action, in thought, in deed, if self is involved, then it is not of the highest order. It, therefore, must come spontaneously without thought of self, but only of others.
For until one becomes one with the brother in need, even as He came to die for those who were sinners, or that which was termed as the bad, much easier would it have been to sacrifice self for the good; so self must become so ingrained with thy neighbor, thy brother, as to become one even in his sorrows, even with his travail, even with that which holds the physical, the mental man to this earth, and in so doing overcome his burden for him, even as the Christ overcomes your burdens.
How does this become? Through faith and one who is filled with the faith. The faith is that which is the truth that sets ye free. Therefore, must come the awakening in self of the true faith, the lack of desire of any kind, the opening of self that the spirit may come through. We see in those in the group, here a bit, there a bit, a crack appears in the facade of the illusionary that is the face that you see yourself, and others see you; and those rays of light, of love, that pour forth at times, a sparkle here, a sparkle there, is that which lies within the spirit. In using this spirit, the Holy Spirit, have trust. For only in faith, only in trust, can it be made to serve as the light that will lead thy brother, thy sister, from the darkness of sin, or that which is the darkest – self.
Drawing names by lot: Holy Spirit
Q Yes, now this question is for (114). In the last reading (on page 8), we were asking about how the choice could be free choice, or the choice by the Holy Spirit, when it’s drawn from a container. And the answer said, “When truly put before the Holy Spirit, but it must be put before, see.” We were wondering if five or more people select the name to be put into the container without the conscious knowledge of the person whose name is in there, is this really “put before” and is it really a choice by the Holy Spirit? (178)
S Remember there is a connection always between self and others, even on the subconscious level, even on that which is as the master level within self, or that which is the higher forces of self, linking into one, the Oneship with the Father that even all of self would be as. Therefore, the entity on those levels as mentioned, the superconscious, the subconscious knows what is and what is desired by the entities and the entity himself or herself. Therefore, the will of the Father is at work whether it is to the conscious mind’s understanding or not in such cases. For even as has been stated so often, when ye ask in His name knowing it will be so, it is so.
Sinning against the Holy Spirit
Q Yes. In the Bible it states that everything can be forgiven man except to sin against the Holy Spirit. What does that mean? (146)
S To sin against the Holy Spirit is to repress that which is the God within by piling upon it that burden of self, ego, vanity, that precludes the use of the free flow of the Holy Spirit; for those, an example of those, who are even as those Atlanteans that missed the boat, that went astray, holding back even as ten thousand, twenty thousand years in that which is returning to this plane. This is holding back the Holy Spirit. This is the sin against the Holy Spirit. This is what torture the soul. This cannot be forgiven man, for man must thrust it aside and become more than man, leaving the curse with man, even as you would leave this body, in grace, and become one with the Father.
Opening self to become a channel for the Holy Spirit
Q How is it possible to put aside the mind, the consciousness, the intellect, in order to open the channel for the Holy Spirit? How is this accomplished? (146)
S By focusing the intellect upon the idea that God is the center, and that the intellect is subordinate. For, you see, that which is the driving force of the intellect is the will, and the will for so long has been that which has been allowed free reign in self. It is the willfulness of this, the willfulness of that. The will is that which builds the intellect for the ego. The will can be the greatest tool you possess, if it is slowly turned first to that idea that you wake with the idea, that you live with the idea, that you go to bed with the idea, that the Father, love, is at work, is the center of self, is the center of the world. Slowly, but slowly, will become the awareness in the will itself that the Father is the center, and is at work, and is love. Then will come the use of the intellect to that which is the means of the will, and the will the means of the spiritual.
Logistical questions regarding sessions and readings
Q Should we have a reading in April? And if so, what should the topic be? (199)
S Yes, there should be a reading. The topic then should be as the further growth or outgrowth of the use of the Spirit. It should be as a determiner to what has been done in the group, for the group, and for others that are not in the group. These should be pertinent questions upon the activities of self and the repercussions among others and self and how to obtain better use of the awakening understanding.
Q I’m concerned as far as how many questions we should be asking the Source at each reading. (199)
S As many as we find the channel able to contend with.
Emblem for the group: critique of painting (logo for the website)
Q Please give a critique of the picture that was painted by (110) concerning the Paschal Lamb. (199)
S We have some comments here. First, we’d center on that which is the symbol of the Lamb, making it more obvious to the eye. There could be the tilting of the head or the remaining at the angle that it is. Its presence though should be more aware to the eye both physically and to that which is the spiritual eye of others, for vibration reasons, whiter white. We find that the moon is not the new moon but that which is as the last quarter or the last moon. Turn it around. Face it the proper way and you have that which is given. Then we see the entity (quite by mental error but by some suggestion from within) created eight points to that which is the sun, rather than the twelve that was intended by the entity, and unawares to the conscious mind put in eight. Though there are some discrepancies, they may be remodeled, redone. Remember, this is as a remembrance rather than a crutch or a focal point, but a remembrance symbol to be about thy Father’s business and to be that which is as the platform or the plane of building, for thou art truly the stones that will form the platform. Be so strong and good, keeping in mind that the cornerstone was rejected by the people at one time to become that which is the cornerstone of the redemption of mankind.
Second coming: Will we know Christ when he returns?
Q How will we know Christ when He returns since the Bible tells us that even the faithful will be led astray by those who claim to be Christ? (146)
S When He comes, all will know. For even as given, He will come in clouds of glory. Al will feel; all will see; even the doubters will know this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ. There will be nothing as like it that has happened to mankind since the day (or that which ye term as day) that the stars sang, that there was creation, that man became. There will be no doubt of who is Jesus the Christ. Even if the souls of selves did not respond in such a joyous manner, the eyes, the mind, would behold such a sight as even the imagination would be staggered by. Don’t worry. He’ll know you and you’ll know Him.
Sleep: soul activity?
Q What is the soul doing at night while the body is asleep? (146)
S Learning, giving, crying out for help, praying for you, looking to God. Sometimes it’s here, sometimes it’s there, hoping, hoping, ever hoping that you will awaken to that which is the truth and that the world will too. For it’s been a long, long haul and, boy, is the soul tired.
S The entity known as Buddha who has returned again is not the selfsame entity as the first Adam and the last Adam. No, yet in them there is the common bond that confuses many: the sharing of the Christ Force, or the understanding of same, doing that which was given to this group to do, to be, to shine forth, even in that world who condemns, who would destroy. The entity known as Buddha, one who rose to a higher station, a higher plane, there to teach, there to be as a guide, as an example, has returned again and again in other forms, other races, even to that which is the female incarnation, to help, to do that bit that must be. There is the term, the Lord Buddha. Be ye sure that it is an honor, an honor well-earned, though Buddha is not the Lord. Buddha was one who raised himself in consciousness, to be an example especially for the Oriental thought, to be as a center that those inquiring minds could focus upon, even as Jesus became the focusing point for the Western mind, the Western thought. And he that is Buddha is as close to Jesus the Christ, as the right hand of self is close to the right arm.
Q I would like to have some clarification regarding the response to my question on my relationship with the archangel Raphael at the last work reading where it said, “In relationship also is, ‘Baby, we hope you will bypass us as you’re supposed to.'” This appeared to be messaging that I should not pursue the development of mental understanding or creative abilities, and mathematics, or the understanding of philosophies, psychics, et cetera. Is this correct? I should close all of these doors, or is the message more one that the goal should be altered, that these subjects should not be pursued as ends in themselves, but as means to a greater end, that is service to others? (131)
S The entity should never forget that there lies a greater realm than the angels that in subtle Ways, influences of thinking, that the angels are as a rare bird, as one might say. For self should not throw aside those talents that self is using and has used. No, but rather remember always that self though at this time lower than the angels, is created to be a co-creator with that which is the creative force itself -love. And that in love the entity can reach beyond that which is the angels who have no free will, and self can then become even as given a cocreator, a higher being than even the angels that so impress so many as to that which is their high place in the scheme of things. Self at this time is upon a path that leads ever upward. Never falter, never be dazzled by others, or positions, or even those things which seem as phenomena or those powers that even come from the Creative Force itself. For self must realize that within self is that Creative Force and it is not a wonderment but a fact of love, of peace.
Numerology: birthdates
Q As this questioner’s first seeking through this channel and this source occurred on a date that can be reduced to a 10, 10, 10, or further to a 1, 1, 1 or 111, and the word Kristos is 111, does this coming Friday, March 15, 1974, which is the questioner’s birthday which also totals 111, have any special significance for the questioner? Is there some new blessing due then, and is there anything I should do in preparation (131)
S Oh, always birthdays are exceptional days. The numerological event coincides with some astrological changes for this entity. Yes, it is an important day where if the entity really puts self into the meditation and love, there will be an outburst in self of that which is the use of love within self, even to that which is of the healing forces and the healing forces within self even, putting more to objectivity, that which is as the use of same for others.
Levels of consciousness/awareness
Q In our last meeting it was given that the throne of God is at the eighth level, or highest level. Is this based upon the first level being a material level, the second being a physical or etheric level, the third being an astral or emotional level, and so forth? (131)
S In essence this is correct.
Q Is that the correct numbering, I mean then on into the fourth level being an intellectual or lower animal? (131)
S That is correct.
Q Would then the fifth level be the intuitional or a human-mental level? (131)
S This is correct again.
Q What would then the sixth and seventh levels be? (131)
S The sixth level is that which is as attainment or that which is as the awakening of the spiritual level. The seventh level is that which is the oneness or the understanding of God Himself. The eighth level is unattainable.
Breathing exercises and meditation
Q Now this question is for me. Considering the symmetrical, bilateral structure of the nasal passages and throat, how is it that breathing three times in one nostril and three times out the other, and three times through one nostril and three times out the mouth, has anything to do with meditation? (178)
S First, it is as priming the pump for so many have to be primed, see. Or even as a motor with a carburetor such as most are familiar herewith, must receive the first dose or load of fuel to bring forth in itself more to start. There starts in the body here in most entities, a flow correctly of that which is as the electrons or the electronic movement in the body, bringing forth a flow, you see, or that which brings from one side to the other completing as a circuit would be completed. It is the beginning step for most to bring into being that which is as the correct or proper flow. However, most entities forget that there are words to be said, thoughts to go with that which is as the breathing, even as shown in those readings by Cayce.
Second coming: schedule to follow?
Q Can you give us an idea as to when this group will have the vibrations ready for Jesus the Christ to come again. Is there a schedule we should be following? (101)
S As so often given, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and that ye must build stone upon stone, brick upon brick. Thy handiwork sets the pace. The time is coming but look not to the morrow but today. For that which is today in the building of that which is to come; it must be upon the basis of today, a solid foundation, not sand but rock, faith, works, even as explained as the use of the Holy Spirit. As for a schedule, God sets the schedule. You will know what to do as the time comes, as the doors open, as the call comes forth. Even as given, seek and ye shall find, and ye shall find; ask and it shall be given, and it will be given; and then knock, and the door will be opened, for He is ready. The time as seen from here is short, but from your plane, from the anxiety, the searching, it is quite a time.
Praying for others: mechanics and process
Q You spoke of us overcoming the burdens of others. Can you give me any suggestions as to how I can help (1146)? (101)
S First, as always through those prayers of intercession, asking that the Lord thy God, in His mercy deal in mercy to this one. And then turning and in all phases of understanding of self first, have that which is empathy rather than that which is as of contriteness or sorrow – empathy. Pray always as that the light will so shine to lead this entity, to correct this entity, to bring forth in this entity the responding light, the responding way. But always remember that self cannot be indulged, that self cannot be overcome. It is a wholehearted feeling of help and remembering self can never help. It must be the Holy Spirit pouring forth from self. And yet never cast aside the thought or the understanding that self is as a tool, as a channel, as even a pipe, and put it in God’s hand, trusting and knowing. This, then, is the pattern.
Business/relationship/karmic Advice
Q This is for (114). His tour is going very badly. What is the problem and how can it be overcome? (146)
S First, the problem is California – a pool of negativity. And yet the light is coming better for this tour as we see it now. There is the learning here, then, of patience, of even overcoming of the frustrations of the mind, and yet even of the body, and that which is bringing forth the knowledge within self that now is the time to turn to other things and other means; that there will come in the long run more out of this trip than the entity believes at this time or even will believe on the return. For the seeds are sown, even as given, and some have fallen on the rocks, and some have fallen in the barren places, in the shallow ground, but some have fallen in good ground and will grow.
Q I have been told that one is placed at the right place at the right time and that, whatever comes into an entity’s life, that entity is ready to handle it. I do like my job very much; I like all the people involved but there’s a possibility that I may be given more responsibility – up to 16 classrooms – and I’m wondering if this position is more than I can handle to really be of service to myself and to my fellow man. Can I really help people I’m involved with, or should I try getting a teaching position closer to home? (199)
S The entity must take this into self, especially to the dreams. We would caution the entity, however, to get too entangled into that which is the world of others, will be neglecting that which is the primary objective for this entity at this time and in its sojourn to be as that group which helps prepare the way (as even a key functioner into the group as it grows) for that which may even be the call soon to turn aside from all other things, to devote all the life to that which is the preparation in direct use of self in that field, rather than the direct method of applying self and self’s thoughts to others in the periphery, even as self is doing now.
Q Will I be guided as far as knowing whether or not I should take this on? Will . . . (199)
S Do you have the faith?
Q Thank you.
Advice for a student of a member: dealing with trauma
Q Yes, one of my remedial reading pupils has been classed and labeled as a slow learner for at least six years and she’s really very smart. How can I best help this child? Only Spanish is spoken in her home. (178)
S Do you have the name of this entity?
Q (162). She goes to Robinson School. I don’t have her address.
S We have this entity. Trauma. The entity suffers from trauma from that which happened to the entity at age two. Only through competent use of suggestion, only partially from self, but from one who is competent in the forms of suggestion through hypnosis and even through the power of mind to erase or to bring into focus the true nature of the happening to this entity, will this one be able to overcome that which is even as karmic in self the more. Therefore, prayer as ye have given, and continuing prayer, but focusing on that which would give to this child the subconscious understanding that all is now well and all is good and peace is the core of self. For love is the core.
Past life detail of 1153
Q In the last reading, you gave that (1153 – Nixon) is Titus. Can you tell us which Titus? (101)
S He that was responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem, the enslavement of the people. This is why so much in him points to that which is the survival of Israel. It is the guilt that wells up within, though the conscious mind of the entity, (1153), sees it as other things.
Q When I came to get my book of readings from previous times out of the drawer today, I found that it had gotten wet at an earlier time. Can you tell me how this happened and if it is anything I should be concerned about? (101)
S Curious eyes, curious hands. Of no concern for here is the inquisitive at work which may help another.
Sleep: body orientation
Q I normally sleep with my head toward the northly direction and feet toward the south. Would it be desirable to be more precise in the north-south alignment and would it ever be useful to sleep or meditate with a different spatial orientation or alignment for specific purposes? If so, which directions for which purposes? (131)
S For the spiritual self, pointing to the north with the head, with the feet to the south is best; for those that are of the material or the physical, from the head to the east, feet to the west are preferable.
Q I have a page full of names in this little book. Should the purpose, or this plan or project be pursued with this channel and with this source? (131)
S It may be, yes.
Q How soon?
S As soon as the entity feels safe to do so in self. Q
Questions covering individual needs and experiences to further their spiritual growth and to be better channels.
Spiritual gifts
Q What spiritual gifts do I possess and how can they be brought forth and how can they be used for the benefit of mankind? (131)
S First, this entity will be as a spokesman for this group time and time again, as an arbitrator, as that which is a go-between, using the mental intellect, highly honed, and the understanding of same to be as that foil to those who would at times question, at times attack. For the entity, so well-versed, should keep in that line of the intellectual use of self. The entity has the ability to teach, to help, to show the way, to make clear for those who do not have the cognizance of the entity. The entity also possesses the ability to use hypnosis, to use the healing forces, to use telepathy, and at those times that the entity begins to feel the need, the urge, and sees among his fellows (not for self now, but for others) the need of the use, ever so quietly, not so publicly, then these latent forces within self, even as telepathy, even as healing, those forces may be brought to bear, to play, not for self-reward at any time, even as the entity has in mind that selfishness is not. There can come the subtleties, see, that would lead astray at his role is as one to show, to make others aware of, by thought, word, and deed.
Q Yes, I would like to use (131’s) first question for me. What spiritual gifts do I possess, how can they be brought forth and how can they be used for the benefit of mankind, and how can I best serve this group? (178)
S First, the entity is endowed with the ability to fix in mind, or fixation, the objectives of self and others and bear in peace the thrust or brunt of the drive that is necessary to make a success of those ventures and those needs. For the entity is as a leveling or even as a quieting force upon not only members of this group present and not present, but upon others associated with the group. And only in those times the entity comes in direct conflict with entities on a karmic level of vast magnitude, does the entity react. The entity also has a tremendous ability in that which is as the mental leavening of others to bring a constant surge in others rather than an erratic exchange of ideas. The entity also has the ability of healing even to that which is the laying on of hands. However, that which is given first is the priority for this entity.
Q Thank you. But the readings that (1156 – Betty McCain) gave throughout her lifetime – were those accurate? (178)
S To a degree, of about 72 percent.
Special talents:
Q What special talents do I have that can be of use to this group in helping it with its purpose? (101)
S The entity has that drive to see that things are correctly done. The entity has also that ability to make a cohesive force of self to draw others into the patterns that should be used. The entity has the understanding of that which is the hypnotic state which may be used at times to alleviate problems that arise in others and also to teach same that others may use this force to the glory of the return of the Son of Man.
Q What spiritual gifts or talents do I possess and how can they be used to benefit my family, my co-workers, and this group? (146)
S The entity possesses a tremendous amount of telepathic powers. That is to say, the entity possesses much ability to focus in the mind the idea to be presented or that which must be overcome by others who are placing in their paths great stepping stones that are too high that become stumbling blocks and can be alleviated if the entity practices that. That is not to say to make your will theirs but to before even projecting these thoughts can be made to be the Father’s will through self by projecting the thought, “Thy will be done in me, through me, oh Father,” and then when the okay is given within self, project these thoughts outward to overcome the stumbling blocks in others, especially in groups and in group understanding.
Visions and Dreams: interpretation
Q Well, I didn’t know there were words to go with it. Then the other question I have is about a dream of February 6 when I came to this house, (199) and (110’s) home. I saw new landscaping, new construction, a large dining room about as big as Furr’s dining room, beautifully paneled, tables seating six to eight people, beautiful linens and silver, water being put into the glasses, relishes being put on the tables, plush rug and drapes, and everything really nice. And I said to someone, “I wonder if either or both are going to stop teaching,” but the person I was talking with didn’t know. There weren’t very many people yet, but obviously two or three hundred people could be seated. My mood was one of surprise, and pleased, and awed. We would like to know what this signifies. (178)
S Signifying that which will come to pass as that which is feeding the multitude with the spiritual understanding through the efforts, not only of those as given in the dream but those who would bear witness to the witness, for those who would support and be as channels themselves. For as truly given, ‘I send my messenger before thy face to give to that which is the people the word of the Father,’ see?
Q Please explain or clarify the dream that (110) had concerning hypnosis. And if he should try hypnosis, who should he have do this? (199)
S The hypnosis here as suggested in the dream, or by the subconscious of self, represents two things: that is, that which is putting aside the fallible world through the understanding or calming (or even putting aside) of the conscious mind, see, even as done in hypnosis. The second is that to at times release in self at the proper time, those other forces that tend to be as learning forces for others, healing forces for others, and those various forces. There must be the putting aside of the personality even as suggested in the word hypnosis, or hypnotism, which to the subconscious mind is the sign of putting aside the personality and letting go and God do it. For there must come a time when even as the raising of Lazarus could be accomplished by the entity that is the channel. But there also is that which is even to the good of the entity to progress, to learn that which is as self-hypnosis from any number of those that are even in this group here present, or away.
\Q This morning, during sleep or during transition to wakefulness, I heard the name (131) called. Does this have any special significance? (131)
S We find here that one that was close to this entity before has been hovering around the entity for some time wishing to help but be wary here though help is on its way for this entity. This one would more be of a hindrance. So even if the call comes, listen awhile, but if it is as suggestions to self to do this or to do that, heed them not for it is not of self, or the higher nature of self, even though it comes from well-wishing and a helpful person that thou has known before. Cast it aside. For even to their good, these entities must be allowed to go their way rather than be caught trying to influence this plane or even to help. Send this message:
Advice: business, relationships, karma, spiritual powers
Q I’ve always understood that when a person understood the reason for a problem, the problem would be solved and go away. But I still have a problem, as I discovered two or three weeks ago, in going to church and the Source gave it to me that as a nun I had been excommunicated and killed as a result of false charges. Would it be helpful if I knew what I did to bring that about or am I ever going to be able to go to church comfortably? (178)
S The problems – there is misunderstanding here. First of all, when dealt with, the problems will go away. Knowing the problem will not make it go away. The overcoming will make it go away, even as physicians treat the symptoms of disease rather than the source. Masking it will not help it go away for the entity. It is possible for the entity to heal the wounds that lie so raw within the subconscious that they well up into the conscious mind. Through suggestion, through that which is even given earlier in this reading, self-hypnosis to an extent to put into self the proper perspective and the understanding that to heal the wound is to allow the Christ Force to flow through that which is the conscious and subconscious mind even to the physical level, adjusting the understanding and the scope of that which is as the injury to self and even through the soul level. That which the entity was punished for was as for another’s crimes, was laid upon self, for the one who was as the Sister Superior in that entity’s downfall was one who took that of gold, especially silver, and precious objects, from the treasury of the nunnery, see, to further the goodness of the family or that one’s family to bring about a better living standard, to line their coffers with gold and silver, to bring about health, or the treatment of health problems in that family, as well as financial. Then, in the finding out of others that these treasures of earth were used, the guilt was placed upon self. For self, had access, into a degree, to the treasury and the accounting for the convent, the abbot’s nunnery, see.
Q Yes, I know, you explained that before and I thought by understanding that everything would be all right. (178)
S Not by understanding. By overcoming through the Christ Force, the healing nature of self.
Q How can I best use my spiritual power for others? (101)
S First, by concentrating on peace: peace of mind, of others close to self and then spreading it further. Spread the knowledge of love. God is love. And never be afraid to, when asked, present the idea and the ideal that is the center of self, that God is the center. Be not afraid, for even as the world hated Him, and hated those who were His disciples, so shall it hate you. For in essence, ye also are not of this world and they of the world will hate you. Forgive them and love them and wish them peace. This is the start for self.
Q Can you give me some guidelines for handling the situation about to occur with the visit of (212) and (163)? (101)
S First, in self. Care not for the morrow, the morrow will care for itself. Place trust and faith that the best thing for self and others will occur. And regardless of what happens, know that whether thou knowest it or not consciously, it is the best that will happen. Pray, therefore, that the Father’s hand will guide thee and all others in this case. And pray often that the Prince of Peace and Love will be at hand and He will.
Q Are the study and all the reading that I do and the study, does this inhibit the . . . (146)
S No, no, no. For it is even using the intellect as an exercise and gives more muscle to it. The key is the will. The muscle may be used in a manner needed by the will when the time comes for the spiritual nature of things.
Q This question concerns (180). He has high ideals as far as conduct is concerned and sometimes, he gets bored and he wants things to do, but he would like to be active with friends who have somewhat the same kind of ideals. How can he best accomplish this? How can we help him? (199)
S Only in this one through the outflowing of self, and by putting aside of the barriers that self has imposed around self to keep self from being injured in the mental conditions of self, will the entity find the will to search – search out those who have the similar spiritual and mental outlook on the world and upon selves. And there are plenty. The entity is overly cautious for fear of being rebuked, fear of putting self into the position of offering self as self’s friendship and having it thrust aside, partially from other times and partially from earlier experiences in this life.
Q Sometimes (110) and I come home from work very tired and we don’t feel like giving readings. Should we try to make more of an effort to give them even though we are tired? (199)
S Not if the mental conditions or the physical conditions are upsetting for they tend to interfere with the flow. For even as we give readings, see, we are fighting the conditions of the entity for there has not developed the sufficient understanding or capacity in the entity at this time. That is to come. We are restricted, so often, in the presentation of material, the verbiage necessary even to that which is the language that should be used, speaking in that which are as other tongues used at this time or in the past, to clarify, to bring forth understanding, even to that which is the terminology that may be used in diagnosis or that which are as the more metaphysical terms or those which are scientific by nature. Understand?
Healing advice to help members, family, and friends
Q My most immediate desire to serve others has related to the present or recent upsets in the health of members of my immediate family. How may I serve them better?
S First, in self. Since those entities are at some distance, visualize these entities aligned. Visualize the entities concerned here each separately, taking one at a time, after prayer, after meditation. Contemplate and meditate upon these entities. Picture the head of the entity facing to the east, feet to the west. Mentally picture self’s hands going out to this entity, the right hand to that which is as facing the entity on that portion of the entity’s body facing up that is afflicted, with the left hand upon the reverse (the dorsal side of the entity) palm up; whereas the palm of the hand immediately above it on the abdominal side faces down as if about to applaud. Placing the hands thus mentally, even as ye would physically do it were they present, praying that which is as the prayer given to thee by thy Elder Brother and then using the 42nd Psalm and then clearing the mind by giving this affirmation:
In this manner self can focalize the power of love, which after all is God, to do the repairing that is correct to be done.
Q In one reading you gave me that part of my problems with my arms is faulty thinking. How should I change the direction of my thinking to help bring about the healing of my arms? (178)
S Oh, keep in the manner you are. But we also would bring to the understanding that there are thousands of lives implied in the faulty thinking. This is just that which is showing its (or rearing its) head at this time. Continue in the line that you have chosen. It is also a remembrance to put in the mind, that the body is that which is as an illusionary tin can that will be put aside at the proper time.
Q I have had some difficulty with my back lately. Does the Source also see that I am not to dig in the yard? Or can I -do – just very light digging? (199)
S We would say to the entity that digging and such has become almost an obsession to the entity because, as it has been given to the entity, it frees the entity into past times more pleasant in some things, recalling to the entity the freedoms it had at one time in another life experience, or in several life experiences. We would caution the entity, yes, never, never, for there is a tendency in this entity to overdo, never overdo. Never overdo the indulgence that self is doing when carried away with a project, the ideal of puttering around in that which is the dirt, et cetera. The entity may do a limited amount, but not for the time being should the entity try those strenuous things even those that are rationalized in the mind, that so often happens so easily with this entity when once there comes into this entity’s mind a desire. At this time the channel is becoming physically tired. Therefore, we would end this reading now with this thought:
We are through with this reading at this time.