Divine Guidance: Role of the Holy Spirit in Choosing by LotThis document discusses Divine Guidance: Role of the Holy Spirit in Choosing by Lot; the spiritual practice of selecting participants for spiritual endeavors through the process of drawing lots, and how this can be guided by the Holy Spirit. It explores the metaphysical and spiritual dimensions of this practice, considering whether and how the Holy Spirit influences such choices. The document delves into the philosophical and spiritual reasoning behind this method of selection, emphasizing the role of divine guidance in seemingly random choices.

Choosing by lot and the Holy Spirit

Choosing participants in a spiritual endeavor is done by the Holy Spirit. 

Ram Reading 10-106, 1-19-74

Q We are told that nothing happens by chance and some people wonder how it is that choosing participants in a spiritual endeavor by lot can be considered a choice by the Holy Spirit and, if so, how does it work? (178)

S Well, when truly put before the Holy Spirit, but it must be put before, see, must be self-choice, see. When not, then it is not spirit-choice. In that when putting aside self, what is left? Only that which is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, that which is all wise, that which is all wisdom, that which is all knowledgeable, then the Holy Spirit in the knowledge, not only of the present time but of the future and all the ramifications, not of this time or this generation but of all generations, past and present and future, makes the choice, for the choice has already been made, it is already known, but it must be in the fact that selves are put aside and in truth the Holy Spirit is allowed to flow through. This is as irrigation or the opening of the floodgates and letting the waters flow as they will, so to speak. The waters here being the waters of life, the spirit of life, flow through those channels so made. 

Follow up question on selection by lot. 

Ram Reading 10-007, 3-10-74

Q Yes, now this question is for (114). In the last reading (on page 8), we were asking about how the choice could be free choice, or the choice by the Holy Spirit, when it’s drawn from a container. And the answer said, “When truly put before the Holy Spirit, but it must be put before, see.” We were wondering if five or more people select the name to be put into the container without the conscious knowledge of the person whose name is in there, is this really “put before” and is it really a choice by the Holy Spirit? (178)

S Remember there is a connection always between self and others, even on the subconscious level, even on that which is as the master level within self, or that which is the higher forces of self, linking into one, the Oneship with the Father that even all of self would be as. Therefore, the entity on those levels as mentioned, the superconscious, the subconscious knows what is and what is desired by the entities and the entity himself or herself. Therefore, the will of the Father is at work whether it is to the conscious mind’s understanding or not in such cases. For even as has been stated so often, when ye ask in His name knowing it will be so, it is so.

Clarification of choosing by lot (the Holy Spirit is at work) and being named to the group

Ram Reading 10-011 7-27-74

Q Why were some members of the core group picked by name and others by lot? (10)

S Well, we’ve waited for this one. Why tookest you so long to reach it? This is the working, then, of the Holy Spirit, showing the way, that though the Holy Spirit would name the names, selves have the Holy Spirit working in selves too, and may make it work to that which is the glory of the Father. Therefore, the naming of the names and the drawing through selves is one and the same. Selves are channels of the Holy Spirit. Selves are equal, see. Yet forget not in the equality who is the greatest use and through whom the success, or the failure, will be heaped upon.

Further clarification that members are chosen by the Holy Spirit

Ram Reading 10-011, 7-27-74

Q Are there particular criteria, or qualifications, that we should be considering in regard to the forthcoming new members of the core group? (10)

S Even as given, take each name into prayer and meditation and allowing the Holy Spirit, not selves, not for likes, not for personal wants, putting selves aside where friend exists. Take many names, and allow them to come to selves, evaluated in selves, and then if self does not have the opinion of who should be mentioned or put forth, let self become a tool of the Holy Spirit and draw the name that self would submit to this channel for selection; and if there is fear in self then come before the channel stating so and allow the channel to draw the name, verbally or in hand.

Numerology of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ.

Q In one form of numerology the words Holy Spirit total 151 and the words Jesus Christ 2 also total 151. Is there some special intrinsic value to that number that you could comment on?

S When self reaches 151 in the essence of the body or that which is the weight of the body spiritually, (and don’t ask us to explain that yet), then self becomes as He, the Holy Spirit, Christed, the Link.