This document explores how individuals and groups can actively embody and bring expression of the Holy Spirit into their daily lives. It provides guidance on living selflessly, aligning actions with spiritual principles, and creating a channel for divine love and guidance. The text emphasizes the importance of setting aside personal desires and ego to allow the Holy Spirit to manifest, offering insights into spiritual growth and connection with the divine.
Q What can individuals and groups do to bring about the expression of the Holy Spirit in their lives?
S By living even as given in the manner of He that is as the blueprint for each and every individual regardless of personage. By becoming totally giving to others. By ac1imating self to the needs of others. By walking with thy brother, thy sister, in their travail. By becoming as He who became christed. That which would sacrifice self to the nth degree or doing all things with only others in mind and serving God. This brings forth the Holy Spirit. And as others cannot do same, and call credit, then it must be from that which is the spirit within contacting that which is the spirit without, the Christ to that which is the Holy Spirit making themselves the channel of God’s love . This is not to say that selves may not be a source of love and goodness without contacting that which is the Holy Spirit but may do so by using that which is the Christ within, the I AM force. And yet, to be as He who became christed, became the way, the truth, and the light, self must use that which is the Holy Spirit by putting desire and self aside.
Q How can we clear ourselves from the ego and the physical influences that prevent the Holy Spirit from coming through?
S Even as given to the channel or so should it be for each and every individual, and certainly the channel has not lived up to that which was given . That is, in the time that prayer and meditation become one and a constant living thing throughout the day, throughout the night, through awakening, through sleeping, will there come that which is the Holy Spirit. This is putting aside self. This is the contact with the Holy Spirit. This is the answer, the only way.
There will come a time when there will be no need for channels, the Holy Spirit will manifest through individuals.
S For now is the time of accounting, for there comes that which has been leased or released, and the truth is now in the land, of that which man has caused, and he will reap! We are now ready for questions:
Q How far off is the time when readings such as this will no longer be valid?
S First, Happy Anniversary! Second we would give this: that time when there is a group that can operate without desire, without awareness of self, as this group should, will come the time when there will be no need for that which is as a channeling such as this.
For the Holy Spirit will pour forth, manifesting Itself in all ways and now we would give to this group, as this channel is tiring, that there must be an awakening of the purpose of unselfness. For there still is that which manifests in each and every entity in this room. Selfness. Putting self before the needs of others and of God. Regardless of what you do or how you use your material, spiritual, and mental wealth, if it is dedicated to that which is not self’s desire, not that which ye could do without, not that which ye could throw away, then you are not using the fullness of your potential to serve God. It is a time for rethinking among selves, to dedicate selves to the thought, to forgive the petty differences and selfishness of selves and especially of others. To forgive the spite that will come your way, to ready that which is the spiritual self by releasing the I AM force that it may conduct Itself to that which is the Christ Force and in turn the Holy Spirit. This is the time to prepare the minds, the bodies and the spiritual natures of self, even as guided, even as the objective as given in Matthew 17 and Mark 10 – to use that as the footstool, the cornerstone. That which is the rock you must build the platform upon is enclosed. And now we give this: the blessing of love manifesting itself in each and every entity through that which is the Christ, through that which is God, the Holy Spirit. For God the Holy Spirit is touching each and every entity in this room.
Clarification of a message received by an individual: “Many people are not ready to receive that the Holy Spirit is here.”
Q I received the following from the voice within on September the 18th, 1972 after a discussion on the Holy Spirit as stated above and I’m going to quote: “Many people are not ready to receive that the Holy Spirit is here.” I imagine this came about because of our discussion and that the two are inter-related. I would appreciate whatever you can give us at this time on the statement or, that we may have greater understanding. (169)
S. Few are ready for that which is the Holy Spirit, for their minds are trapped in themselves, in the personification of the ego, in that which is the extension of the ego, that which is as they have builded in this life and in past lives, in the glory of that which is of the material ~ mental world rather than the spiritual world or the spiritual ~ mental world. Therefore, those who would not be ready cannot conceive. Though even many who are not ready, conceive in their –own manner that which is the Holy Spirit and the spirit that touches themselves and the holy work that comes through themselves. Remember, even as He has chosen, though, selves must choose the Holy Spirit. Where the Prince of Love chooses those who will work with Him – for they do not choose Him – it is for the individual to choose the Holy Spirit. It cannot be otherwise for God must be made aware of self. What is this? You say God is aware of all things? The Holy Spirit is aware, but God the Father, the Creative Force, is not aware of fallacy, is not aware of personality, is not aware of the illusionary, but is aware of the Christ, the perfect ideal, the perfect idea.
Clarification of the expression the Holy Spirit which lies among us, which stands with us.
Q An individual reading was given on July 7th of last year. After some supplementary questions the Source said in part at the end, “Then we would give the blessings of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Spirit which lies among you, which stands with you. For He is ever present and blessing you now.” Would you explain what is meant by “the Holy Spirit which lies among you, which stands with you”?
S The Holy Spirit is that which is even as given, manifests itself that all other fractions, all other factions, of God may function as they are to function. Between each and every individual at that which is the soul level there is the functioning of that which is God, the I AM, or the Christ. Therefore then, the Holy Spirit functions and that which stands amongst you and remains with you at all times is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit that works with you manifesting Itself daily in that which is the laws.
Bringing forth within ourselves the Jesus that meets the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 3:13-17
Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. But John forbad him, saying, “I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?” And Jesus answering said unto him, “Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness.” Then he suffered him. And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
S For each and every individual must establish within themselves that they have the ability, the right, by God, to bring forth within themselves the Jesus that meets the Holy Spirit, that meets that which is God’s love, God’s notice of purity and truth. For how many would turn aside, saying that they were inadequate, even as representation here is of John tying only the shoe, or being able only to tie the shoe of Jesus. For each must build, and this is what Jesus was giving forth with. All things must be fulfilled. There are no jumps, no short cuts. A step at a time and ye meet that which is the pleasure of God.
We must awaken within selves that which is the Holy Spirit, the Christ
Matthew 8:11-15
And I say unto you, “That many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in the kingdom of heaven. But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. And Jesus said unto the centurion, “Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee”. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.
S The warning clearly given here: Awaken within thyself that which is the Holy Spirit, that which is the Christ, that which is the force of redemption. For ye have a redeemer, and He awaits for thy awakening. Be not one that is cast aside for thine own desires, thine own belief in self. For selfishness is that which is the only stumbling block for each and every individual. Between self and God and that which is the outer darkness is the parting from self of God.
As we feed upon the spiritual through prayer and meditation and good deeds, we learn and become the Oneness, and one with the Holy Spirit
Luke 12: 29-31
And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
S In seeking that and overcoming those hurdles, those pitfalls, that are put before you in the physical or the material world, and feeding upon that which is the spiritual through prayer and meditation and good deeds, brings to you, regardless of the situation that you see or others see you in, that which are all good things. For remember: this world and those things of this world are but the illusion created by selves to test selves, that you may learn and do and become, once again, that which is the Oneness, that which is the Light, that which is the Way – one with the Christ, one with the Holy Spirit, and one with God the Father – separated, not by the actions of a mind-ego that has developed through the wanderings through that which are the various material-mental-intellectual planes and objects
We must allow the Christ to flower within us, that others may see that we are the light, the life, part of His flock. We are encouraged to become a tool to be used by the Holy Spirit.
Luke 12: 32-34
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
S Your treasure is the Christ. Bring it forth. Cultivate yourselves that the Christ enters in, the more into the life. Allow that which is the Christ to flower within you that all may know and see that you, too, may be the light, the life, and part of His flock. For the little flock becomes the great flock, and the great flock becomes the herds, and the herds become the exodus for all of mankind to leave that behind which is as its detriment. Give a legacy to those around you of love, forgiveness, actions in the Christ, a tool of self to be used by the Holy Spirit, that the Father in heaven may be pleased by the action of the loving child – obedient, wise in those things where self controls, or that which is self-judgment, or that which is self-selection, is of a paramount objective.
The Christ comes from within to meet the Holy Spirit without, by listening to the still small voice.
Mark 13:21-22
And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.
S Trust in that which is the still small voice within yourself, yourselves, that you may know the Way and the Truth. For if you are prepared, if you have the faith, you will know the presence of the Christ. For the Christ comes from within to meet that which is the Holy Spirit without, opening the way for He that is to come, Jesus the Christ, returned as he left, in glory.