Matthew 24: Signs of the Times, Coming of the Son of ManThe document is an in-depth analysis of Matthew 24 from the Bible, focusing on Signs of the Times, Coming of the Son of Man; spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It discusses various teachings and events within the chapter, such as the signs of the end times, the coming of the Son of Man, and the need for spiritual preparedness. The analysis delves into the deeper symbolic meanings and spiritual messages behind these narratives, emphasizing themes like divine judgment, the importance of faith, and spiritual readiness.

Matthew 24:1-2

And Jesus went out and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to Him for to shew Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them, “See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you, ‘There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.’”

S That which, the actuality of this time-it means not for selves yet, but at that time where Jesus did leave that which is the body to show those who were the disciples. For what is a disciple but one who has come upon the truth, and learned, and is ready to go out unto the world to give the truth, the testimony of that which is the Light. And He showed them at that time the full measure of the powers of faith and love, that the body may be torn down. But there He was, the essence, the facet of self, removed from the earthly body. As for the individual, this means, within sight of self, ye must detach yourself from that which is not only the temple of the living God, but so often has become that which is your temple to yourself, rather than a residing place of the Holy. That is what must be torn down in self.

Matthew 24:35

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” And Jesus answered and said unto them, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come   name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

S Beware of both those who would lead you astray, and the thoughts within yourself that put a level, that put a direction that is not of Jesus, that is not of the Christ, and yet would put priority. Therefore, when these things come to yourself, those learnings, those teachings, weigh them carefully. For if they lead you from that which is the worship of God, from the commandments,   way of Jesus of Nazareth, from the christing, then look not to them. Put them aside.

Matthew 24:6

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

S Even within self, there must be the war, the warring between that which is of this world, and of that which is not of this world. Be ye not troubled. For if ye have faith, even in the warring within the body-physical, the body-mental, the will and the mind, yet he with faith, she with faith, will be saved. For after all, ye are here but to learn. And upon the learning, once gotten, ye have succeeded.

Matthew 24:7-8

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

S There will be mind battles, physical battles, thought battles, ideal against ideal, idea against idea. There must be coming that which is the understanding, then, of what is the truth. And hold fast, regardless of that which upsets the mind, the body. For, in those times, physical complaints will come upon you, that ye may overcome them by knowing it is only of this world. Mental complaints will come against you and in you. But ye must cast it aside, knowing the mind, the aware mind, is of this place and not of the place of God. For, therefore, whether they be plagues on the outside or the inside, whether they be earthquakes on the outside or the inside, or what manner of thing happens to you, hold fast to the one bit of knowledge that you do have. There is a God, and Christ is truly working within selves.

Matthew 24:9-10

Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another and shall hate one another.

S Betrayal, killing are of this place. The nations that rise up against you are those forces that have been abuilded within this level. Hate is of this world, even as judgment is because of this world. So you must raise above it. And how they would kill your name, or how, within self, it would kill your ego. Then it must be so. To find the true personality, that which is the false personality must be destroyed. Know this: the many facets of your being are behind you, calling forth with their love, that ye pass this test, that ye may become one again with all that is of self and all of thy brothers, thy sisters.

Matthew 24:1 1-12

And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

S There will be the temptation of power, position, wealth, all the greeds of this earth. Yet do not fall prey but remember this: it is through the spiritual that the soul force will be made free, and ye will relinquish this world.

Matthew 24:13-14

But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

S Ye are the world. Ye are the nations. As the gospel spreads through that which is your being, accepted by the mind, the will, by the body itself, then will come that which is the overcoming of the material world, and ye, too, will be uplifted to that which is even the Christ.


And now we give that which is the love, the blessings of the Lamb.

Reading 10-40

Prayer – Channel

Oh beloved Father-Mother God,

we come before Thee trusting in Thy way,

Thy love. For our faith is in Thee, oh Lord,

and He that is the Son, Jesus the Christ, who is

our Blueprint. Oh Father, we ask for His presence

now that that which comes through us

may be as that which is Thy will, Thy word as

You know is best, oh Lord.


Behold that which is justice! Behold that which is the Way! Behold that which is the Sword of Righteousness that deals as with both the good and that which would be termed as evil. Behold the angel of the Lord that walks before the mighty! For in his hand is that which strikes those who wòuld not come forth to the presence of the Lord.

We have that which is this group and that which is as the reason for this group as meeting at this time, this place. For, lo, this is as the day, the time, that is as the halfway mark as to that which is as the trial time, as given before. For it is as that which is the ending of the twenty-year period and the beginning of that which is as the last twenty year period of the time of trial of this group, these peoples, these tribes, these nations. Well, it has been chosen as that which can be and is celebrated as one day after that which is as the birth of the man Jesus, to become christed, as is seen at this time – though the birth may be seen at other times and dates. Even as the one who is as the channel chose to come in as showing that which was the level, or is the level, of the channel being as that which is below the Prince of Love, choosing, then, that which is as the half year, as seen by mankind, to follow that which is as the Prince of Love. Woe to them that choose the wrong way now. ln (as) the words as given tonight and the explanation of that which are as the Scriptures, or as termed by man now, the New Testament, so will come a rending of the hearts and more so of the minds, and set tracks of the entities in this room, especially, and beyond. For there will come face-to-face with selves that which is the propriety, or the realization, or the choice. For many will recoil from that which will be given, for it will slash at that which is as a mainstay in the understanding as conceived by many in this group. Yet it is as a time of choosing whether there will be a splintering and a renewal then, or that which is as the seasoning or the tempering as a blade upon the forge. For it is a choice of the individual not lightly made. But there must be a choosing and a facing up to that which are the issues, and where the importance and the faith will lie. [Beginning of the forty-year period started in June 1958 – Date of reading 10-40 was January 7, 1978]

 Matthew 24:15-18

When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take anything out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.

S We have here, then, that which is the desecration, or as in Daniel as given, the desecration of the temple. And lo, what is the temple but thy selves. What is Daniel? The seeking, the awareness of the truth, the divine truth. For it is as those who would lead astray, one way or another, that would tear man asunder. This is the meaning of not looking back. This is the meaning of leaving the material possessions, and the mental possessions, behind in the time that is to come.

Q What is symbolized by Judaea?

S That which is the search, even as Israel is the search, for out of Judaea came that which is the Prince of Love, or the understanding of same.

Q What is symbolized by housetop and house?

S These are those who would go up to find that which is theWay, and yet would be led astray so subtly by those who would control the minds, yea, the minds and the wills of others. For it is sin itself to lead others in the path as ye would have the path to be; to set selves as that which is as the pattern, for there is but one Pattern. Woe unto them that miss that which are the subtleties of the false prophets.

Q What is ‘flee into the mountains’? Is that meditation?

S This is that which is the singular path. The individual must find his way to that which is the depth within. For no man can take ye there. No angel can take ye there. Ye must go on the path leading to the Christ in the pattern, in the way as Jesus. There is no other way. For this is truth.

Q. What is symbolized by field and clothes?

S These are the material. This is that which has been plowed and planted and yet must be cast aside, must be left. For they are of the material, regardless of the spiritual connotations that self has seen in same.

Matthew 24:19

And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!

S These are as those who have manipulated, have used that which is the spiritual way for gaining for self, even as those who would be with child or give suck to those who would seek, or solitude to those who would bring to themselves the solitude or the loneliness from God, and depend upon those who would give as a way, themselves.

Q Do you refer, then, to what we term a guru?

S We term as those who are false prophets, who would capture the greatest that is of this plane, the greatest of the material, which is as the mind and will of others, to themselves. They are those who have bypassed and realize [that] material wealth in its greatest form is the individual mind, the individual will, even as they seek in that which they consider to be righteousness but turn others to themselves. For no man can dictate diet, prayer, or meditation, to any other.

Matthew 24:20-21

But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

S The winter and the Sabbath here are those times when there is no work, no growing, for those are the times of rest and when there is the fallow. Even as the fields lie fallow, so that which is as the times of man {that) are fallow. For ye are fallow and ye rest, ye will not seize the opportunity. For even on that which is the Lord’s Day, ye will do that which is the Father’s business, even as He, the Christ, gave.

Matthew 24:22-23

And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened. Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.

S For only through mercy and finding that which is grace will ye as individuals, as a group or groups, or tribes or nations, be saved. For there are those prophets that would seize the mind and there are those who would seize the pocketbook of others. For sin lieth at the door of those who would use the name of God and His way as interpreted by them (no matter how grandiose, how wonderful that is presented) to take more from thy brother, thy sister, than is called upon. For there are those who would give, even in schemes, as service, as goodness to others, and yet would tear from the flesh of others the illbegotten gains. Wherefore, those who would give to others that which would be given or could be given for the lesser amount, but tear and take in usury the greater amounts (however hidden, however dispersed) than is necessary, have sinned against the brother, the sister, whether they be that which is the physician who tears and takes, or the industrialist who would charge more than that which is necessary to fatten the purses of themselves and their workers. Be forewarned! Even as He drove the moneychangers from the temple in righteous anger, so shall He drive that from His flock. For understand, the moneychangers believed in what they did and were pious men. So were those who carne to the moneychangers and had that taken from them. That infuriated with righteous anger He that was the Christ, for they gave service but they charged, they took, they gorged upon the brother, the sister. Well it is for man, regardless of that which is given as the purposes, to realize the ends do not justify the means. In no case.

Q Does this mean that we’re to turn our backs on this industrial civilization? Is this in error – this American capitalistic system?

S When a society or a company or an individual takes more than is necessary, as example: if a product or a service is worth two farthings, to charge ten or twenty – ye have torn from your brother, your sister, his sweat, his toil, and illegally taken. Regardless of that which the service be, regardless of the many who partake of that which is the coin, it is taking an unjust amount from the toiler who has earned. For those who are as the toilers, who because of the foundations or the organizations that they work through or for, take from those who employ them greater amounts than they’re worth, and pass that on through the manufacturer to those who would be the consumer, then there is sin at their door, too. It is not to say that ye can divest yourself totally of that which is the society that you live in. Yet it is that which ye may recoil from and withdraw from to the greater degree so that self realizes, in truth, that ye take only that which is the just due, rather than that which is unjust, from either who you work for, with, or take to. For it is the service that is essential.

Q Is time being compressed or speeded up in some manner?

S Time is as an individual thing for each and every entity that is in as a physical plane, regardless of the world, or the worlds they are in. Time is as determined by the individual mind, need, or karmic pattern, or that which is as selection of an entity to face or be in. How unjustly has man seen the aging process. For they would say, ‘this individual who is cruel, cold, a dictator, has lived, oh, these many years. Yet another who is good, kind, loving, has had but a few, short years.” And yet they are the same in as time. Though the individual cannot see his neighbor’s time as his own, ye live in a moment of now, regardless of that which ye would term as a compression of time, or an expansion of time. For some it would be one, some it would be another. This is as why those who in the sciences are oft confounded by that which is the age of the stars, the cosmos, this earth, parts of this earth, and even individuals.

Q In Matthew 24.23, what does ‘any man’ symbolize?

S Any man symbolizes as an individual that can be found, or lost, but must stay as the individual in the understanding or the seeking. For none can come together in the oneness till they have achieved in that which is the spiritual rather than that which is the mental or the physical.

Matthew 24:24-26

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, “Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.”

S For He is within self, and in self alone, to be touched, to be reached. And as His day approaches, He will be known. And not by the lips of man. Not by the seeking of man. But by His own recognition. Therefore, until that time that He returns, ye will find Him only within yourself-not through another, not through a mechanism, but through that which is prayer, meditation, the meeting in the closet, the temple of self. Then be aware as Daniel of the desecration that may and can occur if ye will forsake the truth and seek to be saved by others, whether they be an individual, an organization, or even that which is given, as the scriptures themselves. Ye must search within self. All others may point to, or start you, but ye must find Him yourself.

Q How far can a leader or a teacher go in working with other people?

S They may begin them. They may start them. They may bolster them. But an individual must come to that knowledge that it is themself, themselves, that must be about the Father’s business, in the realization that no man, no woman, is better or more elect than self is.

Q Going back to Matthew 24:20, we know that the Sabbath day should be every day of our life, but the Scriptures say, six days shalt thou work and on the seventh day rest. Should that be Sunday or, if possible

S The Sabbath, as ye have it, and the rules of the Sabbath are as created by man, for man, to control man. The Sabbath lies within the heart. This is the true Sabbath. When ye rest that which is as the criticisms, the meanness, the grubbing, the harrowing, the hate -this is the Sabbath. And let it be thy day, thy true day, as given in verse ten [Exodus 20: 10]. That which is intended is that which is when man is fallow, even as the winter when nothing of substance grows within the soul forces of an individual.

Q In Matthew 24:26, is the desert symbolical of the silent, internal wasteland where one meets the past of self, or Satan?

S Or, too, that which is all around you now in that wasteland of materiality which destroys the soul forces and feeds not that which are the waters of life to that which is the force within self. Yes, correct in this question, and more.

Q We do have to go through this desert, do we not?

S Ye are in the midst of it now and it tears at each and every individual, more or less, regardless of that which is as the seeming imperturbableness of some individuals, even within this group. And yet, the way word for this group, this generation, those that seek, must be, of all things, contentment. Contentment is knowing self is on the way, that He is waiting, that all things that come as trial or tribulation, or even seeming as rewards, are those things which as are the purging of that which are the mind and body of selfyes, the will of selfyes, the spirit, soul force of self that ye, too, may be as He who came to save this world, these peoples. Yes, the world as an entity. Yes, these peoples as individuals, that they may find that which is the Truth, the Light, the Hope, and the Way.

Q What is meant by ‘the secret chamber?

S That which lies within self, whether it be that which ye would hide from the world, the selfishness, the brutality, the desires of self, or that which is love, kindness, goodness, peace.

Q_ How can there be a false Christ?

S Those that would term themselves and use that which they know of the Christ, even as that which is subtle, or subtly misused, is the false Christ, or the labeling of same. It is that which is used as a warning symbol, or sign for those who would believe in themselves the way, the truth, and the life, who would tear at the minds and enslave the minds and the wills of others, using that falsely which is given in love and generosity of the Creator.

Matthew 24:27

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

S Behold the Lamb whose blood washes thee clean! Lift up thy hearts unto Him! For, in truth, so shall He come as an event that will stir the souls of the entire race of mankind whether it be those who would sin again or never again. At that time, the bodies, the minds, the souls of mankind will register that which is as the coming of Him who is as the substance of God in the flesh, total. He will not come as a shadow or as a princely individual, but as the ruler of heaven and earth for He is.

Q Padma Sambhava, who introduced Buddhism into Tibet, made many prophecies. One that his followers could not interpret until this century was, ”When the iron bird takes flight, the spiritual knowledge will pass to the west.Is this a similar prophecy?

S This is as, yes, there is a similarity here, a great enlightenment and a truth.

Q In Hinduism there are ten orthodox orders of swamis river, forest, mountain, et cetera, but it is my understanding that their scriptures also refer to an eleventh order called the lightning order. Is this also related to Matthew 24:27?

S It is. Woe unto them that are misled in their search, whether they be of the elite. For remember: the higher the understanding, the more powerful that which are the uses of these forces, the easier to err, to go astray. For remember: the greatest temptation of Jesus was as He knew He could change an individual, or a nation, or a world, with but the blink of an eye. And yet, He not once used His influence in this manner, to change an individual, one mind, a million minds, but allowed the individuals that which they were the individual understanding. For even those of high abilities as he, who came after and declared himself a disciple, was blinded by that which was the force for understanding. Tried, yes, and did bring chaos to others by changing their wills, their ways, and suffered the more in penitence of same in his returns into that which is the physical plane to learn humbleness. For even though He that was the Christ was the Son of the living God, He learned obedience. All must learn obedience. And that is the use of the powers towards others.

Matthew 24:28

For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

S For, in many, there are given here the vultures, or the crows, or the ravens. It matters not. For whether it be that which is as the bird of prey or that which is the carrion, they will gather around that which is the carcass, the material man, the material mind, the material way. Then cast them aside as ye would the dung in the field. Let it fall to fertilize the earth, but not touch the spiritual things. For the heart, the soul of self must be in the spirit rather than captivated by those things which man would set before himself as his god within this earth, on this earth, rather than God within this earth, through this earth.

Q Eagles soar high in the air, and air symbolizes mind. From afar eagles appear as dark spots in the air. Do eagles symbolize samskaras of mind?

S They do, and they also show that the mind may be manipulated, even in those lofty realms that the eagle or even the raven would hover and soar and fly within and be captivated by that which is as this earth the more.

Q And is it our samskaras or karmas that pull us back to the body or carcass to fulfill the law of Moses?

S lt is a combination of both, or more so where the training has been the more intense within the understandings of this plane and those planes that lie beyond this plane, or in those planets and areas where individuals have gone to learn the more, that they may proceed to the greater through this which is as the overcoming of the material substance or plane.

Matthew 24:29-30

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

S Behold it will happen in the individuals even as given here. And yet the very words given here are as the truth for all mankind. For the eyes, even those not enlightened, will see the coming of the glory of Him who is, has been, and always will be, who is the light of life, mercy, and justice, He who is that which is grace, that may wash ye that your sins may be naught. Oh man, fall down before that which is as Him, allowing not thy ego, thy lusts, thy desires, to trip, to turn selves from that which is the altar, that which is the love, or the way.

Q In the light of this coming of our Lord again, what happens to those who follow Buddhism, Brahmanism, Mohammedanism, et cetera?

S It is a culmination of the many lives and those ways and measures of learning. For ye may have attained in one and go to another for the learning process. For we have those who are Christian saints (in the true meaning, not in man’s meaning) who have become the laborer in the field, the potter, the ironmonger, among the Buddhists, and among those others, even those who would be worshippers of the stones, the trees, the Tao.

Q Must we be physically present when this happens to partake of it?

S All souls will be present, whether they are of the lowest elements or the highest elements in the earth, near the earth, around the earth. For this is the event, this is the opening, this is that which is the gateway, the light. And, oh, will the souls sing!

Q Does Matthew 24:30 also refer to the sign Aquarius, symbolized by a man carrying a jug of water, or a spirit-filled man?

S This is as the waters of life, the waters of spirit, giving that which is as drink to those who are weary in the battle. Even as in times past, there have been, especially among the Orientals, those whose task was as the water bearers to those in battle. For ye are in battle –battle with selves.

Q And more specifically, does it refer to the accumulation of planets in the region of Aquarius in the 1997 and ’98 time period, especially perhaps Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus?

S Oh, yes.

Q Uranus is the lightning planet; Neptune, a spiritual planet, symbolized by the trident; and Jupiter, the guru planet. Do these relate to the fifth, sixth, and seventh spiritual centers respectively?

S Correct, and more. For together, then, they are that which is as the alignment within each and every individual with that with the cosmic force and that with all of creation beyond this galaxy and all, making themselves, if they are available, if they are ready, as cosmic messengers of that event of His return.

Q Does this also relate to the opening of the fifth, sixth, and seventh seals mentioned in the book of Revelation?

S Correct.

Q Then His coming back refers more to just this solar system. Does it refer to other systems as well?

S To that which is as the creation of God, which is eternal, which is never ending. It is as a note. It is as a song. It is as a light that will beam, be heard and revered through creation.

Matthew 24:31

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

S So there shall be known to all, whether this plane or beyond, whether in other realms, that He that is, was, and ever shall be, is as that which is mercy, that which is grace, and all will know. For the vibrational pattern of all that has been created will have been changed to the higher note.

Q What is the meaning of “a great sound of a trumpet’?

lt is the sound that will be heard in the center, in the pituitary, of each and every enlightened individual, or those who seek. Even as a light, even as a sound -for they shall be one. It is the trumpet of the soul that will hearken to that which is as the birth again. Yes, the birth of the Prince of Love and Salvation in time and space again.

Q Will this be coming in full- blown?

S This will come in full-blown.

Q Do the four winds refer to the four lower heavens or the spiritual centers?

S Correct.

Matthew 24:32

Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

S Be ye forewarned! Ye are in that last section, that last part of the time of trial, as ye have been warned of before. Therefore, ye should take heed to your very thoughts, that your deeds may be as that which are as thine salvation. For salvation is as achieved through thy brother, thy sister, and what ye have done for him or her.

Matthew 24:33-34

So likewise, ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, “This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

S And that generation is within this earth at this time.

Q Does the word ‘‘generation’also refer to an astrological age, or an astrological cycle?

S That, and as to people too. It is a combination that came before and again.

Matthew 24:35-36

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

S Lo, the time is at hand. And the Prince of Love shall return. Know ye this: the time is close. Ye are in that time which is as reaching the peak. Thence, ye shall know; thence, it shall be given; thence, He shall return. Be wary. Be loving. Be kind. Be as a blessing, a channel for those that would come after you, those who would come around you, that they, too, may find the Light, the Truth, the Way.

Matthew 24:37-39

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

S Therefore, let the ark be thyself. Therefore, make the ark thyself (and thy brother and sister awaken to that which is the Prince of Love) Gods hand within the earth, that ye, too, may start again that which is the redemption of this earth and the peoples.

Matthew 24:40-42

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

S Therefore, ye must purify yourselves, your ways. For it is not for your neighbor to save thee, not for your brother, your sister, to save thee, not for your teacher to save thee, not for your king or leader to save thee, but self must be aware of the spirit of God within self and in the land. Then time has no meaning once ye find the path, and ye will receive the day of reckoning as glory – glory unto God.

Q Do verses 40 and 41 refer to the two bodies that St. Paul spoke of in First Corinthians 15:40, with the physical or terrestrial bodies being left and the astral or celestial body being taken?

S Amen. This is the truth.

Matthew 24:4344

But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore, be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

S How often ye have, even as individuals in this group, put off the spiritual until the morrow or the more convenient time. And this is even as all mankind, is a human trait, but not a spiritual trait. Then look to thyself lest ye find yourself wanting at the time of necessity, the time of need.

Q Does ‘in such an hour as ye think notalso refer to the meditative state?

S For as ye become spiritual in the time you receive that which is as the feeding of the soul, or the soul forces, by the Lord thy God, it is at that time that ye have achieved the stillness, the quietness. And ye think not, act not, and only receive.

Matthew 24:45.47

Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his goods.

S All the goods, all the power, all the glory lies within self. For ye are  as the heavens and earth. Ye are as the cosmos. For in that time that ye are rewarded, that ye find out who and what you are, ye are on that way to be even as He created ye to be – as a god. Therefore, conduct yourself as one who would be as a god, by following His way, His path, His light.

Q Is the ‘ruler over his household‘ the ego, the personality, the intellect?

S All aspects of self, in all facets of the aspects of self, throughout that which ye would have as the skein of time and space – now, that which you would call the past and the future.

Matthew 24:48-51

But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

S Make each day a striving to be that much closer to God, each time thoughts come, each time actions come, one more step closer to God. For even when ye falter, and yet your motives are as that which is as the upward movement, ye are attaining. For if ye turn aside and say to self, ‘I will do my job the better later,” ye have fallen into the trap of the mind-will link to that which is the material. And ye may stone yourself for the error committed. For if it is that time of reckoning, ye will have lost the opportunity to raise self beyond that which is as the level of the returning (of) over and over and over again.