The document is an in-depth analysis of Matthew 28 from the Bible, focusing on Resurrection, Awakening, and Our Mission; spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It covers the resurrection of Jesus, the reactions of the disciples and others, and the Great Commission. The analysis delves into the symbolic meanings and spiritual messages behind these events, emphasizing themes like resurrection, spiritual awakening, and the spread of spiritual teachings.
Matthew 28:1-3
In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:
S Even as happened to them, the opening within self will happen. Even as they saw the tomb, so ye will see the tomb. And those things, faith, love, perseverance, and good works, as represented in the two Marys, will have its say, its way. For they held true at that time, and it is the thoughts and emotions and work within yourself. And when we speak of emotions here, we speak of those two supreme, true emotions, where all others are false emotions: joy, which is the opening of self to God and love, that is to say, the action of God through self towards all things and all people.
Matthew 28:4-7
And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, “Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay. And go quickly and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.”
S Here, then, is to spread the word within yourself. This is making sure. This is believing. For belief spreads through the entire body when it is true belief. Where will you – even as a disciple, even as an apostle, even as a true believer – meet Him? ln that which is the Galilee of self, that which is the mountain of self, the force, the spiritual center of self, through meditation, where He will feed thee with the power that is represented here as Galilee.
Matthew 28:8-10
And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word. And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying,” All hail”. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them,” Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me”.
S Let it be understood, here, that in that which is given as holding Him by the feet, it was going to the lower order, or that which is as the supporting structure, as they knew it. It did not mean they touched His body. For at that time, it was forbidden. And yet, what is this but faith, a falling down, the understanding, the seeing that which is as the Christ arisen within themselves and, in truth, before them.
Q Does being fully christed and fully resurrected have the same meaning?
S No. For the christed is that stage which must be attained to be fully resurrected. There can be resurrections, but not full resurrections until ye have been christed. That is, then, resurrecting all that is of yourself- has ever been, put in perspective, and raised to that level that God would have it be.
Q Is it necessary to have physical death in regard to being christed?
S No. For He has relinquished that for you.
Q Then the cells are resurrected as the Source has stated before, one by one, and so forth?
S All correct.
Q I assume there have been those that have been fully christed since Jesus and Mary. Can it be given as an approximation of how many have been?
S There is One that has arisen to that which is the total christing and has gone to Him who is the Center – God Himself. For there are others who are partially christed, not fully, that have done this and that, that work in many areas outside of this system. But you see, to be fully christed, you must go through that which is the material plane. There are those who will come in who have been christed, or partially christed, to the ability of their level, their plane, and make that one step through at the time that it is necessary for them to do so. But will use this plane as the stepping off place.
Q Well, that means then that the vast majority of us are not going to leave here fully christed, then, if I understand that.
S You who earn through this plane may be assumed by Him that is the Christ, that is fully christed through this plane, by becoming partially christed through this plane. For those who are through another plane must become christed through this plane through the passage that He has made. But He has christed for you of this plane, rather than for those on other planes. For each and every world (as you would call or term world, place) must have its Christ. Fully christed? Not so. For this world acts as a funnel for that which is God in total, the forever, the unending, unmeasurable, that which ye cannot understand.
Q When the soul that we knew finally as Jesus left the world as Enoch and regained His stature in other planes and other places, this didn’t constitute Christing, then?
S No.
Q And so when He came in as Joseph, He was not already christed. I see.
S Yes.
Q When you speak of other planes, are you speaking of other planets in our solar system?
S We are speaking of planes and planets. We refer to places as planets: planes are those which you would term, even loosely, etherical, astral, and so forth.
Q Then Jesus is the only One in the universe that has. . .
S The only One in creation that has gone through that which is the total cycle.
Q Is it correct to say that Jesus resurrected His spirit mind and spirit body by Sunday morning, and by Monday afternoon He had resurrected His physical mind (including the subconscious mind of the body and body physical), and then He combined the two minds and two bodies into one?
S First, remember in attaining then, time was forgotten. It only pertained to this earth -though there was a time within this earth where it was significant to others, and only significant to love because love had not fully brought together all that was to be brought together. Yes, in essence what you are saying is correct. It might be regarded as a reverse pinwheel effect, or an implosion rather than explosion, a bringing back and reuniting, even in the aspect of the mother (or the feminine aspect of self) present at that time, bringing into balance all, then, and making aware. For at that time, you see, in His overcoming, His totality was overcome (where the aspect being that which was Mary) and became what you would call He-She, or rather, and best, just Truth.
Q How does this relate to Mary, then, when she was raised?
S Remember, you must understand that time is of this world, this place, created for the material, and corkscrewed, convoluted, whirlpooled, into the time necessary, making the time of the resurrection and the time of the uplifting of Mary as one – though out of sequence in time, as you see time, but in correct sequence outside of time, in Truth. Got it?
Q: Can only an aspect, then, of the soul, a full soul, exist in this world? Is that why Jesus is coming back as… ?
S Yes. You’ve got it. Correct.
Q What were they seeing in Egypt and in the Middle East when they thought they saw Mary?
S They were seeing the will manifested, even as the term apparition has been used. How to make you understand? As you see the rainbow -is there, not there, but appears to be, though it isn’t! You are seeing an essence, a thought, a will, a way. Remember it’s hard to explain even will to you people. lt is hard to explain thought and make you understand when you cannot even understand light, life, darkness, or yourselves.
Q Would this be similar to some of the apparitions of a mental projection that somehow or other solidifies to the extent that it can be photographed?
S This is correct. For see, even as you are solidified thought, so thought from higher beings -so higher elements can project themselves, too. [10-46, 5-13-78]
Matthew 28:11-15
Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done. And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers, Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept. And if this comes to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him and secure you. So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.
S This is the lying, the cheating, that goes on within your own minds, in the minds of individuals that cannot believe, cannot find the way, will not search. Forever is it converted into that which is the material, or the passing of money, to be that which is the most important, and the saving of themselves or their bodies from that which is the wrath of the governor.
Matthew 28:16-1 7
Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them. And when they saw him, they worshipped him: but some doubted.
S The eleven, you see, being that which is the master number going to that place which is as the mountain, or the strength, or to Jesus. And yet, there were those who doubted, holding back from that which is the complete raising in self of the Christ Force.
Matthew 28:18-20
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen”.
S And, lo, I am with you ever and ever” – not a hollow promise. Forever is He with you, even unto the ends of the earth. For in the ends of the earth is the destruction of that which holds you back. Even as all, then, were converted at that time, even as the completion came to them, and they were full, so it was at that time that the blessing, the opening, will come to you, even if ye live by His promise. For He is ever present, ever loving, ever merciful, ever kind. For He knows what ye have endured, and endure, as servants of that which is the material. For ye still are servants there. And yet, ye are shearing those chains when ye search for Him, even as the doubters came to Him, and their lives were reconstituted, reevaluated. They were reimbursed with that which they had been given at the beginning of time and before time -the spiritual quality, the soul force, God.
Q What do nations refer to here?
S These are the powers. These are the peoples. These are the forces that lie without each and every individual. By what means will you convert them? By your acts, by your deeds, by your love, your prayers, your meditation, your mercy.
Q Was this sentence, then, the basis for forming the missionary groups and societies?
S This, as it was understood to be, to go forth. Yet the realization at the beginning was a different realization than came later, as ye would see the missionary groups to be for the greater part at this time.
Q In verse 17 it states ”they worshipped him.” I’ve always felt that He said to worship God and only God.
S Here is that which they worshipped. They worshipped the God that lay within. For, as we gave, this was also that which happened within themselves at that time. The realization, then, that God had arisen within themselves.
Q I would like to express my thanks and gratitude for the opportunities given to us and for all that He did for us.
S Gratitude is shown by works. Therefore, let thy works be as thy heart would direct thee, to love, to live, even in the pattern as given by the Master of Life, Jesus the Christ, the only pattern that ye may follow.
Q Which scripture should we turn to next after Matthew?
S We would have you turn to that, then, which is as the Gemini – Mark -that ye may learn the division and the pluses within man, between that which is the intellectual man and the spiritual man as represented by the Gemini, Mark.
Q If it can be given at this time, we would appreciate receiving what the Source would give us of that which was deleted from the book of Matthew.
S You ask too much at this time. Seventy-three verses have been deleted, a total of 800 passages deleted. To give you an understanding of the amount that you ask, next time you have an idle hour or two, count the passages that are in Matthew now, comparing it then to 800.
Q What happened to them?
S They were deleted for the very reason that too much would have been given to some in the understanding of that which is as the reincarnation. And later more deleted to support those who were in high authority, in and without of the church, that they could enforce their ideas, rules and regulations upon the peoples. The first deletion was, to a degree, noteworthy, and to a degree, correct. The second deletions -the greater amount of deletions – were destructive and harmful, especially to those who did the deleting.
Q Can we have the dates of those deletions, or is that just curiosity, or would it help us in any way?
S Not at this time. But in the future time it can be given so that those who would write of these things may give an accurate description, and even leads to where materials supporting same, from the past, may be obtained. [10-45, 5-7-78]
And now we give that which is the love, the blessing of Him who is the Lamb, the Light, the Blood. We give mercy. We give that which is as the forgiveness. Though you have strayed, though you have misstepped, we are here holding out the hands, ever ready to assist. Our love, our blessings from God the Almighty, from His Son.