RAM 10-021-1976 Session: Prophecy, Spiritual Guidance Insights
This document dated February 7, 1976, is a transcription of a spiritual session covering a variety of topics, including interpretations of biblical passages, the mechanics and nature of spiritual channeling, and insights into past lives and spiritual entities. It also delves into practical spiritual guidance, the significance of dreams and visions, and discussions on various spiritual concepts and prophecies.
Ram Reading 10-21
Oh, God of love and mercy, we ask that in Thy mercy, You will show us the Way, give us the help, and use us to help others that they, too, may find the Way and the Light – that we all may see Thy face and know Thee, oh Lord. We ask this through the Christ, our Light, our Door.
Be not afraid. For this is His work and through Him will ye live. For there was a Man, who came, who lived, was unafraid. Though He was human, He too, knew God and His Way has made the path that ye may enter.
We are here. We have the group.
We are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110,199,146,101, 107,178,114, 169, 185, 131, and 180. The date is February the 7th, 1976 and the approximate time is 7:49 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have this group. We have the inquiring minds of this group, and we would give to this group that in the 24th Psalm there is much that the group as a whole would find as direction or that which would hold to yourselves; also the 36th Psalm. There is much here as to that which is a directing and the understanding of the forces of love and the forces that are negative in this plane, in this place, this universe.
We are ready for questions.
Jesus’ lives and appearances
Q When you were speaking of the lives that Jesus had after the resurrection which, I presume you were talking about, would Quetzalcoatl, the one that was known as that, be one of those? (185)
S Is correct. However, we see that our answer was not that the three lives came after that which is as the crucifixion. We were answering that Mary had come back since that time. However, the man Jesus came once before the crucifixion in full manhood, unborn of woman, and twice afterwards, see? This is entry rather than crossing over.
Q Where did He come? (146)
S Where did He come? Once in South America, once in Africa, and that which was prior to the crucifixion, in that area which is now the Holy Land.
Martial bun and Samurai
Q Is there any significance, in the martial bun of the figure which is so in keeping with the Japanese samurai?
S Even with that tradition, pulled together you see, to fight that which is the good fight, see? Symbolic of the warrior attitude of overcoming that which is pain, oppression, that which is the body-physical, the body-mental, to become a state of mind even as the warrior state.
Color blindness
Q (217) asks, “Why are some entities color blind or have distortions in the way color is received by the eyes?”
S For they have miscolored and discolored more with their tongues. Also, with that which they see, but more with their tongues, for others, so that others could not see correctly. This is often the reason but remember this: each individual case is for their specific reason, or reasons. There is no blanket statement that would cover same.
Q She also asks, “If color preferences mirror the soul as suggested by Roger Lewis in ‘Color and the Edgar Cayce Readings”‘, what are the implications here for the visual imperfections of the color-blind person?”
S This has to do with that which they would seek within self or develop. As to that which is the desire for color, more often it is a taught desire rather than a soul force desire. For how often would those who have read of Lewis or Cayce, you see, seek out the blues to show that which is the righteousness of themselves, or the purple of that which is the seeking and the fulfillment of – rather than that which are the soul force urges.
Bible clarification questions
Q On September the 20th, in question, last year, 105, the answer, you referred to the 144,000 in Revelations as making up the spiritual centers of self. Please define and elaborate on the meaning of spiritual center.
S The spiritual center of self, or the prime movers, course that which is the third eye area, but all that which is the endocrine system consists of main body cells, see, to the number of l44,000 unvarying in all individuals except those who have taken on to themselves the sign of the beast, see, where there is a merging then in these entities to the singular cell system or bi-cell systems of composite matter or the hardening of same, especially to that which is the pituitary, you see. This is the 144,000.
Q What is the mark of the beast?
S The mark of the beast, first, is that which is accepting Satan, or thought, or the intelligence as the guiding light which manifests itself in that which is the material, that which is seen in man as the hardening of the pituitary, also the sign, seen upon the hand that will be of those who are accepted in that which is the beast.
Q Going back to the mark of the beast. There is a quotation from Revelation, “No man may buy or sell save he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name, 666.” Please elaborate on the meaning of this. (146)
S This is that which is given where the material aspects of life govern. This is 666. Those societies (and the entity is familiar with some at this time) that under that which are the totalitarian or the authoritarian system, will send forth or give out at that time cards, marks, and bracelets – but mainly marks – for those who are acceptable. If you are not accepted by those who give the mark, or the beast, you cannot buy, you cannot sell. You have no rights, no place. And yet, what did He give for situations such as this? “Care ye not for the morrow, for the morrow will care for itself.”
Q In chapter seventeen it speaks of a woman arrayed in scarlet, in purple, decked with gold and precious stones, drunken with the blood of the saints, and the blood of martyrs. What is meant by this? (146)
S Here is that which has come even as the beast, representing itself as the good life, representing itself as having the insight into the proper sides of religion. Hark to those religions who have changed and opened themselves to ‘”the new ways, the new morals, the new moral standards”. Ever are those wrong. Read what Paul said in Galatians, as to that which is wrong doing, that which is even as those who would profane themselves. This is what is referred to here. Also find it in Timothy.
Q What happened to the second set of the stone tablets of the ten Commandments that God prepared for Moses? (146)
S They were kept in that which is the Holy of Holies and in that which was the sack of Jerusalem, were inadvertently destroyed or broken, being taken by Romans, you see. The pieces lie about 75- and one-half kilometers off the island of Cyprus where the galley went down.
Q I have one other question for (217). She asks, “Since the soul entity, Mary, was among those in the earth plane preparing the way for the entrance of the Christ in Biblical times, is she, or will she have a part in the present preparation for the next coming?
S We speak now, you see, of a divided soul force – the man Jesus and that of Mary see? Of course, being one source, one soul, they have that which the duty of preparing or helping in that which is the spiritual way.
Q How was Moses able to part the Red Sea by lifting up his hand and then after passing through safely to raise his hand again and have it close upon the Egyptians? (107)
S, Remember, you live in that which is an illusionary world. And those with the mind, those with the spirit, believing and having faith in God, will have anything done. Moses asked God in all faith to part the Red Sea. And God responded. The illusion was lifted. There was a path. And in that which then would engulf the illusion by the illusion, Pharoah’s people, so it was done. Even as Moses asked in faith, so it was done.
Q Well, then it wasn’t where there was a natural tide like Dr. Lamsa said?
S No natural tide. For what is natural in the illusion?
Q (240) found a book in a second-hand bookstore in New York. It is called The Second Book of Acts. Does this contain any valuable truth? Please elaborate.
S No valuable truth for most entities but will titillate the imagination of that entity and some others in the search for that which is higher understanding.
Q Does the word tithe as given in the Bible mean giving a tenth of one’s earnings only, or can one tithe in other ways?
S First, the greatest tithing is of that which is the spirit; the second, is of that which is the mind; third, is that of the body; and fourth is that of the lucre, see?
Space travel and time
Q Most scientists believe space travel between star systems to be impractical because of the speed of light limitation. Therefore they say we have not had visitors from other star systems. How do the space visitors overcome this so called limitation? (185)
S Simply put, they step through time.
Q We’ll need a little more explanation of that than that.
S As light beams break, as ye may refract a beam, see, so time can be refracted, see, and bent, and warped, or curved. It is as simple as that. With the proper use of the mind, and the tools produced by the mind, those with the intelligence and the stamina of the mind and the bodies physical, may step across rather than going the full passage. It is as a hairpin, see? If you would walk on a hairpin – assuming you were small – it is of quite a shorter time to step across from one side of that hairpin to the other than going the full length from end to end, see?
Sleeping: Head direction
Q Precisely what is the difference between sleeping with the head to the north, feet to the south and the head to the south, feet to the north? (131)
S For most entities head to the north allows that which is the soul force to exit or/and ingress the more easily.
Q Is it better to sleep with the head to the wall or the head away from the wall?
S There is no interference here. It is only that which is psychological to the individuals. For no wall can stop the soul, or the soul forces, or the forces that affect the body and the soul, see?
Short-term auditory memory
Q. What can be done to improve a short-term auditory memory? (199)
S By first disallowing in self that this is a truth, by making a focal point on the positive sides of self rather than the negative sides of self. This is true of all entities. By making the mind understand that intelligence is a very low rung on the ladder. Only intelligence that can be called intelligence is that which is used properly, see? When one can grapple with great equations or thought forms in a valid way, this is intelligence. But so is the intelligence properly used of one who can only make pancakes, see, or clean a rug, see? For who here can judge intelligence, or memory, for that. For even. The greatest among you cannot remember the creation of that which is all things and yet the memory is there within you. For you were there. Can you remember God as you knew Him to be, that your soul knows Him to be? What, then, do you use as a yardstick for memory? How do you value memory? Is the value of the grocery list, or the understanding of a term, more valid than the memory of God? Creation? His love through eternity for self?
Reincarnation: family member
Q I know that this information is seldom given, but I would really like to know. Has our mother, (238) returned in the person of my granddaughter, (239)? (146)
S Influenced, but not her.
Reincarnation: A.R.E. Clinic: Temple Beautifull and Temple of Sacrifice
Q These questions are for (243) and (244). They ask, “In what way does the A.R.E. Clinic fit in with the past expression of healing known as the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple Beautiful? (131)
S Well, there’s what you might call reincarnation of same here. Even as mind entities are built by the mind, so the entity temples have been built and carried forth. For most of those who serve or work there are drawn there from past experience and the opportunity to adjust themselves to more material circumstances than was had at that time. For more was mental and spiritual at that time, even as we see a division of the temples and what they were doing-some to the good ~ some to the bad. For much was done that should not have been touched in others. Now the entities, on a smaller scale, and yet building a base here for a greater use of those powers in a more correct manner totally than before.
Q Can you give any past life associations of Clinic personnel that might be helpful at this time? (131)
S Bear this in mind. All those who work in one way or another were there in the time of the building of same temples and the execution one way or another throughout the years of the formative years of the temple. More that than the declining years. This should suffice.
The first resurrection
Q Please explain the following statement from questions number 104 and 106 of the reading on September 20, 1975. “Those who resurrect within the mind that are alive are the first resurrection” and “you must destroy the individual to become that which is the true personality.”
S Yes, we have that. Those who would resurrect the soul putting aside that which is their determination of what they are, as they see themselves to be in this life. For how often have you heard, “I would not want to be any other person or to lose my personality.” Then this is staying base and not raising self up to the higher being, the higher aspirations of self. Therefore, to destroy that which is the false, or the false idea of self, or false creation, then is raising that which is the perfection within the being. This is the resurrection.
Twin souls and aspects of souls: Mary and Jesus
Q A few minutes ago, sir, you made a· statement about Jesus and Mary. Am I to understand that Mary and Jesus were aspects of the same soul? (114)
S More than just aspects, but as you put it there, yes. A division, you see. Even as twins may be mirrored, so you had a mirroring of the soul forces, to each to do its job, to return to self, in one.
Q Is this saying a concept that I’ve had for a long time that in the beginning when the souls came into the earth that two souls joined together. One gave a portion of the masculine polarity, the other gave a portion of the feminine polarity, and male and female were thus formed and eventually these souls have to rejoin in the end? These two parts of the soul so to speak?
S So to speak. You’re getting into a very complicated matter here. It is much like that of the chromosomes that form an independent body. Chromosomes taken from two different bodies making the total chromosomes needed for each plant, each animal, see. This is the same on the soul force. Note the numbers, how often the numbers come up to that which is ten, or six, or eight, in the chromosome arrangement.
Q If the entity Mary is a division of the soul Jesus, does that mean that she also has no need to reincarnate? (107)
S That entity has reincarnated since that time but not for the purposes of overcoming the karmic order of things as you would understand that to be, but to further the help of others. Not coming through, you see, reincarnating in the body or through another body, but being even as one who would come in as a light or a full-blown body ~ For, you see, Jesus~ the man, had thirty incarnations through that which was the body physical, had three incarnations as coming in full-blown, as you would see a mortal to be – not being quite mortal, not being quite spirit.
Q Were these incarnations after the period of Jesus?\
S Correct
Q In the reading of 9-20-75, in answer to my question #42 I was told that I had served with, and for, and over the angelic hosts at times and had positions that guide same in other places and spheres. It has been my understanding that the angelic hosts are over us. I’d appreciate any information that can be given me on this at this time. (169)
S Ye have read that man was created little lower than angels, and yet man was created to be God. An angel has no freedom of choice – man has. Therefore an angel cannot create, but only do. Those who have served with or over angels have had selected times in other places, other spheres, to work, to learn. (We would suggest to those who are near the channel never to touch the channel when the readings are in progress.) Those who serve with the angelic host are those who are prepared to use the angelic host in other planes, in other places in this universe, these galaxies. Those who have served have learned that which is the work of the angels as messengers and may, when they develop within themselves, use the angelic host for God’s work within this realm, magnifying the personal intent, the personal God force within self to be used for others.
Q I was told that I could call upon them. In what manner and when may I do this? (169)
S When it is not for self. When it is not in desire but only in pure waves of love that they may do the bidding of God through self.
Earth changes
Q In an individual reading for (109), I believe it was in April of ’75, she asked why she was drawn to the area in and around Bullhead City, Arizona, where she teaches. In the last part of the answer the Source said, “However, the entity will also know from the subconscious nature that this area is less subject to that which is as geological, violent changes.” Can it be given as to how long this area is likely to be safe from coming earth changes and also the backedup waters of the Colorado River?
S We see that it’s safe as far as that which would concern the entity. Backedup waters will not occur in the great earth changes. Not of the Colorado.
Q I have here the latest report from the Association for the Integration of Man -Aaron Abrahamson and Doris Abrahamson. He has set a definite date on the beginning of the earth changes in a reading numbered RS-5. He says that the trouble will start in India in ’78 with typhoons, floods, earthquakes. Next it will hit Japan, and then in ’80 – 1980 – it will hit south in Mexico and then work its way up the coast. Is it correct and does this mean that the time is past where it can be changed? Is this now a fixed thing? (114)
S Much is correct here. However, the first wave has already hit. Not in India, but in Guatemala.
Q You referred to Bullhead City in answering (185’s) question. Previously you’d said that the map of Abrahamson was correct. On that map Bullhead City would disappear into the Pacific as it flowed in. Does this mean that it’s going to be much later, that it’s going to come in stages? (114)
S In stages, but this area, you see, will rise up rather than fall even as its elevation now is not its height as it will be. You will have a series of islands from there down, spreading as a fork, you see, going down through that which is as the area near Flagstaff, Arizona, heading towards to some extent, towards Reno Nevada, and a shorter prong of the fork following close to that which is the Grand Canyon.
Q In the work reading of 6-20-75, the Source said there were groups in different parts of the world who because of their dedication to the love of mankind had prevented catastrophes, more than just earth catastrophes. Mention was made of the group in Mexico. Could you tell us something about this group and where they reside in Mexico/(169)
S They will rather make themselves known to you, than you make yourself known to them. This is as much as we can give at this time.
Q Could we be given something on what the next twenty years hold for the people in old Mexico and their land? (169)
S Well, as given earlier in this reading, “Care not for the morrow, the morrow will care for itself.” And we would give this: there is much already previewed in Guatemala as to that which will happen in Mexico. For many of those who stripped Mexico and caused much pain and hardship through the centuries, some Spaniards and others, are present now in incarnation in Mexico.
Nuclear testing: impact on earth
Q On October 28th of last year a news item in the paper said, “Nuclear weapon codenamed, Kasseri, was touched off at 7:30 AM Tucson time, 4150 feet below the surface of the Nevada test site. The nuclear blast was apparently the strongest in several years and swayed buildings in Las Vegas, was felt in Los Angeles and Sacramento.” What effect are these tests going to have, and are they having, on the expected earth changes in the western United States?
S As given, when the earth flexes itself, even as the animal flexes its fur, or shakes itself, so these explosions being for detrimental purposes rather than productive purposes, are as the nettle in the side of the earth. The reactions will come. Time for earth is not man time. Whereas ye would react immediately, so the earth reacts in its own good time – but it will react!
Spirit, Soul, and the will
Q This question is for (206). He writes, “I am increasingly interested in learning more specifically the true relationships existing between the spirit, the soul, and the spiritual concept of the will. A clear understanding is necessary to my future conceptualization of my purpose and my development to this end.“
S Well, remember this: those forces that push you, that drive you to do these things, this or that, or to want, or to survive, even, is that which is the will. The mind is often (and wrongly so) the tool of the will. The mind is that even as ye see, know, and record, or send into that which is the subconscious area. The conscious mind is that which usually is dictated to by the will, the will being that which is the forces and the understanding of time past within self, those building up of natures within self. Therefore, use the aware mind, the conscious mind, to control the will, to channel the will. For it is a willing servant, a willing part of self if you would use it correctly. The soul is that which is the spirit within self, the moving force, even as it is in God, in given in the Holy Spirit, see. Roughly what we give here is that which is the triune – God and the triune being, see – whether it is God the Father, God the Son, and the God the Holy Spirit. God mirrored Himself and made man like Himself though His body is not as the body you would conceive it to be, but more as the mind which holds the thought, and then the force that brought the thought in motion even as the Son hath brought the thought into motion in being in this world is as the will so used. And you have that which is the soul of God, the soul of man, thus Christ Spirit within self.
Benign Essential Tremor
This question is for (241). Also interested in the answer is (242). They ask, “What is the basic cause of benign essential tremor and are there any suggestions for improvement that could be given that would be applicable generally?”
s You have that here, you see, an injury to that usually, or to that area, or growth, or that which is calcification also, or that which is as lesion – any of that which is asked for, or earned, in the karmic order of or growth, or these, you se things, and that which has come upon the entity unasked for, unanticipated. Be that as it may. That which affects this area is that which is the white matter of the brain – not the grey matter, but the white, you see. Now, for the overcoming of same, in most instances, it is a redirection of that which is the electrical forces within self, the synapses if you would have it same, in that which is the counter clockward rotation within the body rather than that which has been redistributed through a broken or a clockwise motion. This can be done with a proper understanding of the electrical flow of each and every entity. Should be monitored very carefully through that which is the brain waves and the devices for measuring same. To really re-establish that which is as the correct flow, the left side of the body should have or be covered with plates at an interim of fifty centimeters or, in those who are very advanced, ten centimeters, making sure that one (always) plate is at the occipital area, copper to the left, silver or platinum to the right. They should be 1.5 centimeters square and should be about 1 millimeter in thickness. Should be connected by the same mineral and the directing forces of light electrical impulses carried through. Never sharp. That should be adjusted to the needs of each and every entity, so that only a tingling sensation is felt. Regular electrodes will not suffice.
Mormonism/Joseph Smith
Q In the reading of December 6, 1975, we were told Joseph Smith found metal plates south of Buffalo, New York, but north of Pennsylvania. What language was inscribed on these plates? (107)
S English.
Q Was there anything found at the Hill Cumorah?
S No, but it was convenient for the entity.
Radioactive appliance: Cayce
Q When you answered (131’s) question when you were describing an appliance – does this have any resemblance to the radioactive appliance that Mr. Meyers is developing, that Cayce recommended? ((178)
S Quite similar. Q
Q Would one do for the other?
S Negative but is quite close. That one who has developed and worked on same could easily adapt that which we have. given for the answer here.
Lapis Lingua: Turquoise
Q In an Edgar Cayce reading, 440-2, given in 1933, question #9, the person asked, “Do you advise a trip to Arizona this winter?” The answer to that, the Source said, “Be very good and especially if you will seek some of those stones that may be found in some of those portions. For this country is full of those things in which the body is interested in these directions, lapis lingua.” Later in the reading, he questioned what the stones were, and the answer said “lapis lingua. It’s blue” as the reference here to blue turquoise?
S This is, yes, this is correct. See, turquoise, well, has a varied, many varied stones called turquoise throughout the world and through past. There was not, you see, the term turquoise in that time, which were the ancient times where the lapis was used quite lavishly for any blue or purple stone – or even dark blue.
Individual’s Visions and dreams: interpretation
Q Please interpret the dream (110) had last Tuesday evening.
S We have that which is the dream, or that which we find as the paramount dream of the night, of the time. We find here, you see, that which is expounding or expounded upon, that which is a situation, or the situations to come, the overcoming of same. First, we have here the symbology, you see, of that which is as life is for the entity, or most entities, not in the fullness of realization. Therefore, the mute, or muted colors, the muted tones, the muted noises. We have that which is as the toy or the toying with that which is as the present, the toying with that which is life, the toying with that which is as religion, or that which is the argument, as seen in the toy machine gun, see? Then we have that which is the encasement within the vehicle and that which is the looking out from the inner self, out through that which is the window of the vehicle, see? Then and there that which is the toy becomes that which is the truth, or that which is the use of the truth in the weapon that becomes truthfully a weapon to destroy that which is the outer influences, the material world, and those forces that would seek to lead astray, saying it had been at that time though the channel realized not. In that which is the knowing, the coming of revolution is also that which is revolutionary in thought, revelation in itself, and turmoil among the peoples. Putting aside, then, the weapon is that which goes beyond the mere use of words, the ideas of same, and is the overcoming of self, see? The representation of the golden rods, you see, the protection of God, as four are used (four is that which is the overcoming of the world, see) the entity putting in place the last rod, see, on the left, meaning the last one left, see? Around what? The symbol of the Christ in that which is the Oriental and yet that which is as pure alabaster, pure white, the purity of the Christ . In knowing the same it is emblazoned upon the forehead, that which is the sacrifice, that which is the Way, the bringing together of all that is Christianity even not named as Christianity, but in truth, Christianity. Here then, the entity is not, or has not been aware of the overcoming or the passing of that which is the old into that which is the new, or the development of the three higher senses. In overcoming that which is the world there must be, then, first the overcoming of the lower centers and then the higher centers.
Q This question is for (235). About two years ago – do you need her birth date?
S No.
Q About two years ago she dreamed of an angel in flight holding out her arms to he and calling her by name, “Come (235)”, and when she awoke fully, she felt as though all of her energy was in her head in the third eye area and she has been wondering for two years what this meant.
S What would the entity have it mean? Often, you see, when there is an awakening to an extent, there is that which is the symbolic, visionary dream – ~ vision – that an entity may have. Here the entity was being told, “You’ re seeking and through that which you seek is the angel of life. Seek and ye shall find. Ask and ye shall receive.” And this is the truth for the entity to grasp upon, to hold upon. For this is the way the entity must go. Continue developing that which is the angelic mold of self rather than that which is as the more material aspects of self and the results of same.
Q Since the dream that I gave to the Source the first week of August, I’ve had two or three more dreams of hemorrhaging. The last was about two weeks ago when I dreamed I was having a terrific hemorrhage. What am I being told? (178)
S That there is a loss of energy in self by a dualistic purpose within the entity. There is the entity being torn by desires to please self and to please others and has not yet learned to put it together to make it one force, one source, one thing. When one is divided, you see, then it is as the loss of the power, the loss of the forces.
Q On 1-18-76 I heard the inner voice say, “For the Egyptian prince now looks like a ‘light Pharoah”‘. Does this have reference to Edgar Cayce? If so, why was this given to me and what does it mean? (169)
S It means so as that entity has been revealed, so self will be revealed to others to that which you have been, and are, and will become.
Q In answer to my question #87 of the group reading of April 20th of ’75, the Source said, “The entity here was being paged by brothers from afar, not one but many, that more prayer, more love be sent out to those who are in trial and tribulation.” Are these brothers, perchance, referred to, members of the White Brotherhood, or is it something else? Please explain. (185)
S Only in part. Others upon other planes, but also upon this plane and yet of not of this earth, or, you see. For you see, there are many brothers all united – sisters, too – in that which is the guidance, the help, the search, to establish within this world and the worlds, that which is the return of the God force in fullness.
Business and relationship advice to members, friends and family
Q Should we seek a tax-exempt status for Ram, or should we incorporate Ram, or what advice do you have for us?
S First, understand you this: that all in the group are Ram. It’s not the Source of these readings but the results of this reading and readings that is Ram. For it is the exaltation of God – that which will raise up a people, that will once again worship in cleanliness and love. If there is to be a spread of that which is the notion, the philosophies, the Way, the Light, the understanding; there must be the expansion of the duties, of that which is contact, and this is but one help. In due course such a step can be made, or moved, within the group, or that which is as Work.
Q I’m asking this for my daughter, (137). She wishes to know which would be the better for her future: to complete the Master’s degree in Sociology at Loyola University in Chicago or to complete it at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu?
S We find pros and cons with both, see? The heart desires to be in one place and yet the mind dictates another. We would suggest to the entity that the matter can be settled only within self, for the results, in truth, would be the same. It is only that which satisfies the soul force of the entity that the entity should choose rather than that which satisfies the mind. We realize that the entity is having the difficulties of choice but rationalize it not and seek that which is the inner satisfaction rather than the mental satisfaction.
Q How can you tell what will satisfy a soul’s force?
S By realizing or evaluating desire. If it is desire, then it is not of the soul. For the soul has only urges.
Q On the 21st day of January this year, (237) died in a Tacoma General Hospital in the state of Washington. (237) may have invented a very revolutionary turbine engine which he said he had worked on for thirty years. He apparently wanted my husband to have his papers on this. I have some of the copies of one of the patents with me. Is there anything valid here and should we follow this up? (107)
S Yes, there is a validity here. Not quite perfected but close to same. Be careful. Guard it carefully. For the value to others is greater than the value to you and there are many who would either obtain it or destroy it for the value contained therein.
Q Is there anyone else that has this information? Or is there some way we can get more on it? (107)
S There are those who know of the thought train. There are those who know of the work, but there are none who have the work or the plans.
Q (211), who has been presented to the channel before, and I are considering collaboration on two books: one about Minamoto Yoshitsune in the twelfth century, and one on the shroud of Turin. As my end of any proceeds will go to serving others, can you advise as to which should be done first and give any advice that will help to achieve the best results? (114)
S Either, or both may be done first. Work upon one or work upon the other, or work upon both alternately. As to that which is the best use of same, the time will present itself when both should be well received. Delve not into that, or search not for that yet, but only upon that which it would be best to produce the works rather than the results of the works, yet.
Q Is there anything in addition to what I am already doing that I could do to help my sister, (220)? (169)
S Continue as self is.
Q I didn’t choose to go to Dunham school. I was placed there and therefore I feel I belong there. But I would like to know – I’ve had some aggravating times as well as some very harmonious experiences with the person that I work with, (236), and I’m wondering just what I am to learn from this experience? And have we been through this before? (199)
S The entity meets self and sees the mirror of self even as much as the entity is now in this life, the entity experiences in the other. This is why, you see, there is not the understanding. There is also that of meeting of the forcefulness of the personalities. The one idea of personality that often grips this entity, grips self so much – the overemphasis upon the line of work are similar in both entities. The search for personal apex or that which would be achievement in self’s light is also seen in this one, too, you see. Therefore, look closely. You see yourself so much.
Q (172) thought that his letter would be too late for the reading so did not ask any questions. Do you have anything for him?
S The entity would continue in the way even as the entity sees so much and hears so much. As the entity grasps in self that there is a revisiting of the old places again will be more forcefully brought into the entity’s awareness, then, the need to work in this life upon that which the. entity has set as goals for self – the finding of the way, the peace, the overcoming of the physical, the mental being.
Q Is there a reason, or lesson, or opportunity for my sisters and I to experience by my mother’s mental and physical condition? (199)
S First, that it can happen to self, if the mind is not prepared. If the mind – you see, the mind shows that, especially in age, what it has built for itself through the lifetime. Observe the reactions of the one in question. They have been abuilded and even as a wall that have finished. That is to say, each stone has been set in place, each block as builded, and now there is a reaping of that. If ye care the more for others, if ye keep the mind alert for others, if ye keep the truth of God before yourself, chances are, that self would never enter into such a state. See it only for the good. For as it is used in this life in that manner, so it will be less to carry over into the next life. Therefore, wish the entity well – not a speedy demise, but not to stay too long, either.
Q My assistant (174) has resigned her position at the hospital. Please give me suggestions as to how I should best conduct myself so that her last week can be the best one possible for her under the circumstances. (101)
S Be happy, but not gay. Be attentive, but not overbearing. Be helping, but not too sugary. In short, go about your way as the best way you know how, living and walking in the Christ force.
Q Can you discuss at this time any of the future developments of the A.R.E. Clinic that you perceive? (131)
S Not at this time. We do not project into the future for organizations such as this that have the ability and the capacity of making self-choices.
Q Is there anything I should be doing at this time to help· any of the members of my staff? (146)
S Continue to pray for the best use of each, of themselves and the self of them.
Physical readings for members, friends and family
Q Is there anything I can do, or refrain from doing, to improve my health in the physical, mental and spiritual areas? (146)
S By always becoming calm. By withdrawing into self when the emotions tend to feel explosive. By withdrawing into self, not as the psychologist or the psychiatrist would call withdrawal, but to pull the emotions into self. Look them over. Handle them mentally, and let the spirit, then, be the guide within. This is the best way for the entity. For there is, or when there is emotional upset within the entity, especially anxieties and frustrations, it is more apparent in the body, even, than in the mental activities of the entity, which are numerous.
And now we would give the love of the Lamb. For He is ever present, more close than you know, of the Father who is over all, and of our love.
We are through with this reading at this time.