RAM 10-022-1976 Spiritual Insights on the Second ComingRAM 10-022-1976 Spiritual Insights on the Second Coming

The document dated April 18, 1976, is a transcription of a spiritual session primarily focused on detailed discussions about the Second Coming, including descriptions, interpretations of biblical prophecies, and spiritual preparations. It also addresses themes like the role of Christ, the significance of the event for humanity, and the spiritual and physical transformations expected during this time.

Ram Reading 10-22 

4-18-76 (Easter)


Oh, mighty God, loving Father, on this day dedicated to Thy Son, we ask that Thy love, Thy blessing, pour through us that the cups of our brothers, our sisters, may be filled. Give to us then, oh Lord, Thy love, Thy goodness, and only Thine, oh Lord, no other will do.


El-e-lo-he, Israel! El-e-lo-he, Israel! Mighty is the God of Israel! Eliph: e1iph, union, strength, learning. This, then is that which ye must be. In the name of God, you must be. 

We are here, we have this group. We are ready for this reading.

C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 185, 169, 114, 178, 146, 107, 131, and 180. The date is April the 18th, 1976, and the approximate time is 7:41 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group and the inquiring minds.

S We have this group. We have the inquiring minds of the group. We have the bodies, we have the spirits, the soul forces of the group and we will give this reading that is sought after. But mark you, each and every one, that even as a group must be even as given: Elelohe, Israel. That is the altar of Jacob, the sacrificing of self. For Jacob is representative of the mind to have the power over that which is as Esau, the body, the lower elements, the material. Even as the Master of Life washed the feet, the symbol of the materialistic touching of man to spirit, so ye must be too. Make, then, yourself the altar. We are ready for questions at this time. 

Detailed description of the second coming

Q Please describe in detail the event of the second coming.

S That, which is the second coming, is two phases.

First, that which is the resurrection of the bodies of each and every individual by the resurrecting of the mind. Even as you pray, even as you meditate, even as you act, so the body – in turn physical, mental, and spiritual, is affected and is resurrected cell by cell, atom by atom. So it is done whether you know it or not. Cell by cell, atom by atom, ye rearrange your life by the deeds, the thoughts, the prayers, the meditation. This, then, is the first step. 

When those who have accomplished have made a platform here and among the rest of the peoples, then will come that which is the second coming or the presence of the Lamb again, even as He left: in body, in soul, in spirit. He will come in all majesty even as given in the Scriptures, the Word, in a majesty unmatched by anything less than that which was creation itself; in a manner to be seen by all. The first step being, that night will be banished for a period of three days, by that which is the radiance of the Son of Man in the sky. More radiant than the sun that you have now. Then on the third day, or at the end of that which is the third period of twenty-four hours, will come the clouding of the skies – universal to be seen by all sides of this globe, all men. The Son of Man in glory – a glory that will outshine the celestial bodies, not in that which is blinding, but in a rainbow of colors unmatched. For then will the eyes of man see colors that it has not, or has been prohibited from seeing, in its development. Some will say it is an aurora. Others will say it is a comet. Some will say it is that which is the end of the earth, the world, (and in truth it shall be.) For it will be the end of the earth as man will know it in that which is the upheavals, the destructions caused by man to man, to the earth by man, and earth to man. There will be the elimination of those who are not fit to be left to be builded upon for that which is the resurrection of a people. Then the Master of Life, Prince of Love, will come forth to walk with His brothers, His sisters, those who will be the root, the start for mankind to blossom again. For that period as given, a thousand years, will God reign in the form of He, Jesus the Christ, Prince of Love. 

He will come in clouds of glory

Q Is that what is meant by “He will come in clouds of glory”?

S He will come in clouds of glory, even as given.

It will be a universal thing

Q How will all that live upon the face of the earth be able to see His coming?

S It will be as a universal thing, you see. Even as the sun shines upon an entire side of this world, so shall God in His glory encircle this globe and manifest that which is the Christ to all men. Those who have become elevated within themselves shall know their own Christhood that this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ returned.

Q Will the return of the Christ be simultaneous to all men when it happens?

S Oh, yes. For even the spirits of the departed, the entities that have passed over, will know, will see. Oh, they will gather around this globe even from afar, to know that which is the coming of God within the earth again. 

Another sun in the sky

Q Please clarify “that as if another sun, up in the sky” as given in the 12-4-74 reading. Is this the three days of light or is this something in addition?

S This is as the glory of God shown in the Son (S-0-N), the Son of Man returned.

Q In the same answer that referred – first referred – to, “first will be that as if another sun up in the sky” there was also reference to a cosmic reaction that this will bring forth. Can you describe that please.

S There will be rearranging of even the planetary forces themselves. A readjustment even as the bodies of man readjust themselves to become platform, to become that which is a force to be reckoned with against that which is man’s own intent to destroy, so will come that which is the balancing of the forces of the universe, the interplanetary, the planetary, the cosmic, which will cause, you see, earth upheavals and great changes in that which is even the sky, or that which you see as the sky itself.

The role of each upon His return

Q Can we be told what the relationship to Christ has been and what will the role of each be upon His return?

S The relationship for each will be as an individual thing, an awakening in the night, for ye live in night. That which ye will do will be even as He would have thee do to awaken the dead. For who in this world of yours is not dead? This is as meant, the raising of Lazarus, so ye shall do. The raising of that which was dead, or resting, to life again. Even as He gave, “Let the dead bury the dead”, so ye shall give life to life. 

Music of the spheres

Q Please clarify “the music of the spheres”.

S This is the song of God. This is the song of creation. For each and everything created by God is in spheres, you see. Each and all have their notes to blend in the harmony, the love that is God. This is the song, the music of the spheres.

Please clarify “ the music of the spheres” 

S As we have given, even as that which is the song of the stars.

Angelic host seen

Q Will the angelic host be seen with Christ at the time that this happens in the heavens?

S As that which surpasses the rainbow in color. For those who are ready or are chosen, they shall be seen in an understandable form.

1000 years and the 144,000

Q During the one thousand years reign, what happens to the other souls or will there be only 144,000?

There will be as given, 144,000 souls and those who are departed shall wait in the levels that they have earned and learn the more – selected, then, from the higher levels to return to that which is the relearning in the material plane through the 144,000 and the Prince of Love.

Q Is the other three days, and the coming of our Lord, contiguous to the earth changes and will these result in the elimination of the physical bodies of all those who are not fit to be with Him and trained for the future?

S This will be a contingency on man himself. For as man develops himself towards the spiritual, so will be put aside much of the earth changes and that which will be an easing of the individuals away from this earth plane to those higher elevations. But as man in his destructive nature towards selves builds, so will come the earth changes as a chain reaction augmented by man ‘s own merciless use of that which was given to him – his knowledge over that which are the elements and the forces within nature, the forces in man’s hands to help destroy the bodies that house the soul forces of individuals. They will depart and there will only be that which is the 144,000 souls at that time.

Q Will souls from other planets or systems be playing their parts in the teaching, and so on, during the one thousand years?

S Entities from other various places will help arrange or do as they are commanded along with that which is the heavenly host.

Q How will souls come in during the one thousand years?

S Only as the bidding of that which is the mind and soul power of the 144,000 as taught and directed by Jesus the Christ. It will be as selection of the 144,000.

Q What will happen to the earth at the resurrection and during the 1000 years? 

S The resurrection is that which is the resurrecting of the mind, and it is in process at this time among those who pray, who meditate, and do God’s work. It is that which is the rearranging of the body and that which is past the body into that which is the celestial bodies, the planet earth being one.

Q What major points should be brought forth in the classes on the second coming to be given at Mingus Mountain?

S That each and every individual. like a pebble on the beach, like a grain of sand, becomes a part of the whole. That it is not for each and every individual to wish to be as part of the 144,000 but to be as a help to those who will be of the 144,000. For in seeking to be as one of the 144,000 comes selfishness. Then pray and work that those who will be, may be elevated, may be helped the more that they may fulfill that which are the needs of mankind in God’s way.

Q What will the 144,000 be doing during that thousand-year reign of Christ?

S As given to the last question on same, make thyself one and know. 

Q Will any of those that have passed on and are not of this plane be able to participate in those lessons and the training given by Jesus?

S This will be as an amphitheater for those who have earned, even as it is for those who become the 144,000 souls. Remember this: God knows no difference. In the symbol of Jesus, the man, washing the feet of His disciples, was given the lesson to all mankind that the highest is not higher; that all are the same in the end. There is no task too high or too low. All are the same. And as those who stay or those who cross over, it is the same. For in the end all will be as God would have them be. Unless in their free choice they become that which is the oneness with God without the individuality or their true personality. 

Q That is similar to, well, it’s exactly the same as the question of prayer for healing. You don’t pray for somebody to be well; you pray for God’s will to be done. This is what’s got to be applied for the preparation as far as the 144,000 are concerned?

S Exactly!

Time and Half times

Q Cayce readings 262-49, 364-7, 3648, and 5749-4 indicate that “the time and half time has been and is being fulfilled” and “He shall rule for a thousand years. Then shall Satan be loosed again for a season.” Does the time refer to the 4000-year period immediately preceding Jesus’ birth or crucifixion?

S Yes.

Q What event took place 4000 B.C.?

S He that was the Shining One or that which was known as the Man That Was Good, or the Great Leader walked, taught, and conceived among men the ideas of one God, one love, one goodness.

Q Paul said that we see through a glass darkly now. Will we, are we going to be able to see clearly during those thousand years? When do we see clearly?

S Oh, yes. This is the – on the coming, will become that which is the seeing of clearly. So, the mirror will become, not translucent, but transparent. And you will see and know all of yourself that has been, that is, and will be. The training, then in the thousand years will be on that level that ye may use the abilities that lie so dormant in yourselves.

Q Will that be the time when the lion and the lamb lie down together since Satan will be bound?

S This is correct. This is lion that is within self, the predator, the meat eater, the destructor, with that which is the inoffensive, the sacrificial, becoming as brothers. 

Q Does this seeing clearly apply only to the 144,000 who are on the earth at that time or to all entities?

S All who pass over will know. All who stay will know. Universal knowledge. And yet there will be those who choose to lose themselves once again in that old bug-aboo Satan, the mind, unused by that which is the spirit, will shove aside the spirit, making their choice rather to be the ego centered, the material centered, the selfcentered. 

Dates: half times and 1000 years of Peace

Q Does the half time refer to the 1998-year period following Jesus’ birth or crucifixion.

S Close enough!

Q Following a similar line of reasoning would the zero A.D. to 1998 period be considered the time relative to the 1000 years of peace as the half time

S Correct.

Q Such a progression extrapolated implies that Satan will be loosed for a season of 500 years and that an important event took place 12,000 B. C.  Are these extrapolations correct?

S Very correct.

Q. What follows the season of Satan?

S That which is the choosing of the souls where they will go or if they will stay.

Q What was the important event 12,000 B.C.?

S Destruction of much of this world.

Q Do these portions representing cycles represent a portion of the total 25,000 years approximately that the wobble of the earth changes in regard to the position of the stars? 

S Near enough!

Earth changes and destruction

Q Will there be an atomic war in connection with this destruction of the bodies?

S As given. Man has his choice to ease out or to build those forces of destruction. For atomic war is but one weapon that is in the arsenal of man’s destruction. There are those who now have their thumb upon the elements of nature – more deadly than that which is the atomic power, you see.

Q Are there other physical reactions within the earth plane?

S There will be that which is the changing of mountains to plains, plains to mountain plains and mountains to waters, waters to land, cold areas to warm, warm areas to cold earth slippage, eruptions, to destroy that which is corruption.

Q Are there three other planets to be discovered before Jesus comes?

S Not necessary.

Q. In many of the dreams that I’ve had recently it has been brought out that the changes that would occur, especially to the landscape of the earth, and in nearly most of the cases it has been presented is a favorable fashion, rather than in the negative which most human beings look upon these earth changes. Is this the better way to teach about these changes?

S Oh, immensely so. Even as you would teach that death is but a progressive step forward, that there is really through death you receive life, so through that which are the earth changes or the destructions will be that which is the infection in man cast out or cleansed. And those who have the opportunity, or the will, or the authority, among themselves to raise up and become that which they should be, and are in reality, that they, too, may become as gods. 

How will this entry differ from others?

Q How will this particular entry of Jesus differ from the other three entries of Jesus where there was no birth

S Well, never before will all know of Him. For His coming in before was as a quiet, as that which was only observed or known by a few through holy moments through that which is the love of God. Then through the love of God, all will know, all will see in that fantastic time which will erase those who should be erased from the bodily scene. 

Bible: Thief in the night

Q The Bible also tells us that Christ will come as a thief in the night. How is this to be reconciled with everybody seeing Him and coming in glory, et cetera?

S A thief in the night is known when he has broken in, you see, after the fact, you see? So, this, the entry be known only at that time where no lock and key may keep Him out; no mind power shall make a stumbling block for Him. He will come when ye are least aware, or least prepared. Therefore, watch thyselves.

Group members’ past lives at the time of Jesus

Q We were promised in the past atone of our readings that we would be told just what our relationship with Christ had been at His first coming . Can we be told that now?

S When you are ready, ye shall be told.

Entry of souls: directly and through birth

Q Is there any difference in the physical body of an entity who enters directly as opposed to the physical body of an entity who enters by birth as an infant?

S It is more harmonious but in other ways the same.

Fruits of the spirit: teaching and free choice

Q How and with what teaching methods should the fruits of the spirit be taught?

S By letting it pour forth in acts rather than material things; acts of love, -patience, understanding, those things which you have been told over and over. This is the teaching. Then make it so obvious that ye believe and act in belief that it is something that pours from within rather than something that is trained of the mind, that others will ask or seek to know. It will raise from within others the desire from the soul level rather than from the mind level. For ye all emanate that which are the forces, that which is the radiance of God Himself. For in each and every individual is that which is the Christ, the perfect idea, the perfect ideal that God has of thee. The idea being the ideal what you are before you have built about selves the densities that holds back the light. But as ye act, as you become, so ye shed the densities that you pour forth the light even as He, the Prince of Love, that other souls may react. For remember it is given, He chose not they chose Him. He lighted their souls and they became that which is as a chalice that others may drink from and be lighted. 

Q Please discuss the relationship between the fruits of the spirit and free choice.

S Free choice is that which leads to the fruits of the spirit if you choose in that which is the understanding of the mind of the way that the Christ would have thee choose. For each and every individual even at their different levels of development has the choice of bringing to self, and from self, that which is the Christ force. The Christ force is that which is the fruits of the spirit, bringing forth the ideal, the idea of God, that others may react, may be what they truly are. But ye have the selection. Which way would ye go? This is the selection. Would you be as that which is the feet, that becomes that which touches the material? Or would ye be at the other end, the spiritual? This is the selection. This is free will. Ye are not on a string as a yo-yo. You have the selection where you go. · 

Prayer to prepare for the Second Coming

Q What affirmation or prayers could be used to help this group and those outside this group to prepare for the second coming?


What other details following the second coming

Q What additional details about the period following the second coming should we be made aware of?

S None. Be aware of the way to be there. Then you will know.

Resurrection and crucifixion of Jesus of self

Q I believe the following is necessary in order to go back and understand something in order for us to prepare for the second coming. The Source has stated through this channel that our Master, Jesus, was christed at the time of the baptism by John and again before His death on the cross. Does this mean that since He completely overcame the earth at the time of the last christing, this is the resurrection spoken of in the New Testament and not the raising of the body physical after death?

S Correct.

Q Then we have also been told by the Source that one must overcome the earth by completely unlocking the mental and thus unlocking the spiritual and then becoming the perfect person. When this is completely done, is one resurrected?

S They are resurrected. Even as they become step by step the ideal that God has of thee, the idea of man the ideal man, the Christ, step by step and at that time, as given, as mentioned, then you are christed.

Q Would it be of help to those who are studying the second coming to completely understand the reason Jesus was crucified?

S Quite correct.

Q Well, why was He crucified? 

S To show that which is as this: there was no ego left. Ego is of the body and of the mind. In doing that which was the totality of humiliation, what was there left? He gave totally of Himself. No love of Himself. No honor of Himself. Yet He could have called upon God and had it erased. But what would have been achieved? He was showing for His fellow man He would give all, even as you must. That He would sacrifice His image, His ego, His mind. For what did He call out? He called that which was to God, “Eli”, that the body, the mind was left and the spirit was gone. What more can ye give than the spirit of self, the force of God, the Christ, for others? Could you know? Could you guess? Far beyond that which ye can measure. There is nothing like it.

Q Did Jesus say when He was upon the cross, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” 

S He did.

Q What provoked this? Why did He say this? 

S This was as the mind and the body knowing that which is God has fled from self. This is what we were saying. Can you imagine the mind of such a man totally aware and in harmony with God having the spirit taken from the mind? Can you understand?

Q Then it was the mind? Was the mind resurrected or not?

S The mind is resurrected, but at another time.

Q What does it mean in reading 4-12-74 , number 7, “that coming that will be of no crucifixion but the crucifixion of all who would follow the way, who would be the light, who would be the doorway, even as the platform”?

S This is as not the crucifixion of the body but crucifixion of the mind, the desires, that which is the ego. Even as He did same for thee, that selves may become as a lamb, even as He is the Lamb.

Distribution of material to a wider audience

Q There are those that are anxious to hear this material. How soon can we begin to take it to the groups and to friends?

S As soon as ye have processed it. 


Q In the beginning of the reading 7-26-75, the Source says, “In that day He will return as the Prince of Redemption”. How will He redeem?

S Through the soul level He will redeem. By waking anew that which is the God force. By bringing forth within selves the understanding, the power, the love of God, which is you. What is the name of God? You.

Jesus/the Christ/RA/the sun: relationship

Q What is the relationship between Jesus, the Christ, and RA, our sun?

S The same relationship between Jesus the Christ and you, or God and Christ, or God and Jesus, or God and you, or you and you. As to this Ra and that which is God, it is like child to father; as relationship between Jesus and Ra – as brother. 

Teacher of Righteousness

Q Is it pertinent in relation to these questions about our Lord to ask His relationship to the Teacher of Righteousness referred to in the Essenic material?

S The Man of Good who walked 4,000 years ago. One and the same

Q We thought that from the Dead Sea Scrolls, he was only 100 years before Jesus

S Oh, much more. This was carried on even as the traditions are carried on and dating is impossible by your time. 

Q Can we ask, is this a reincarnation, another life of the Master?

S This is a life of the Master.

Services: healing, raising the dead: signs of His coming

Q To whom does this statement apply: (this was also in the same reading only #33.)

“All services from prophesying to the raising of the dead. All may be accomplished as signs, signs of His coming, signs of His love.” 

S This is correct and each and every member may do same. 

Q If this is applicable to others, not in the coregroup, how can we be channels for these services, especially the healing? 

S As ye do not desire to do, so shall come that which you would consider the talents or the usage. Accept them even as you would accept the sun to shine, the wind to blow, or the rain to fall.

Q In answer to question #25 of 7-26-75 reading it states that “the miracles that were shall be again and even greater miracles will be done by Him and those that follow Him” What are these greater miracles?

S Wait and see.

Knowing His presence

Q When Jesus came into the earth as the Messiah, there were those who refused to accept him as such. Could He have come again as the Christ and not be recognized? (185)

His presence is known. He has not returned in that state of flesh to walk about, though He is present even at this time. 


Q I think this is indirectly related. Sometime ago the Source arranged various forms of tithing in the hierarchy. Could you give us examples of the four types of tithing you gave?

S Well there is tithing of the time, tithing of the mind, tithing of the body, (that which goes with the will), and tithing of the material. Therse are the tithings.

Q Yes but I was wondering about an example of each one.

S If you will give your time, your effort, your material things – all are incorporated. For as ye give of the mind, it is tithing for the needs of others, but tithing in the pursuits of the understanding of God. Remember each and every individual must continually search for more truth. None can set back and say, ‘his is the. Truth”. Was this not the sin of Eli? He sat back. He knew the truth and sought no more. There is the tithing of the body where work is given, meditation is given (for it is work for the body) – it’s tithing here – and work given for the others. And then there is the will. To tithe the will means to turn the will towards making self do those things which are best in the light of God and tithing of the body, the works as given. And that which is tithing of the material, of course, is very readily understood.

Q Well, I don ‘ t really understand it because you put money very l ow and yet that is crystallized energy and crystallized time and some of us…

S Tithing of money is as low, yes, for even the lower understandings of man can understand the giving of money. How many can understand the reality of the greatness of giving of the mind and spirit and will of a person? 

Dream: Importance of Faith

Q I’d like to ask about a dream I had. I think it was about the 15th of March, in which I was going up in an elevator with 169 and 185 . We went to the 100th floor and we stepped out and there was – we almost fell. That’s mostly what I remember about the dream. I was wondering if you could tell me about it. (107)

S It’s a warning that selves must continue to have faith even in that which is the resurrection within self. What is the 100th but the perfection and yet falling out? Did not He bid Peter to walk upon the water? What happened? Peter lost faith. Do not lose faith. Even in the resurrecting of self will come those times of double troubles. 

Planetary issues:

Q Reference Ram reading 12-4-74 question and answer 48: Does the awakened return begin in Arcturus?

S Yes.

Q Does “that the planets themselves begin to rearrange themselves” relate to major planetary orbital disturbances associated with the close proximity of the large planets Uranus and especially Jupiter and Neptune in Aquarius in 1997?

S Yes. And they will begin rearranging themselves, too. 

Meditation: light through the pineal and pituitary glands

Q In reading 6-22-75, number 3, the importance of the light through the pituitary and the pineal glands is mentioned. Can you give guidance in our meditations that we may receive this light and send it out to others? 

S Don’t be so stiff within self. Relax the more not in that which is the attitudes but in the striving. For the harder you strive, the more tense you become. Relax. Let it come as ye develop. Remember, each act is a resurrection. Each thought is a resurrection. Each meditation is a resurrection. And your body becomes to be into that which is balance. The balance is the true resurrection. It will come in the form, then, of the resurrecting first of that which is the glandular processes of the body, especially the endocrine glands. Then the light will come and so will knowledge come as how and best to use the light.

Satan: willfulness of the mind, the ego, service to self.

Q You referred to Satan as being the mind and ego centered. If God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, the one power, how can a separate power called Satan, if such be bound literally for a thousand years as in #50 in reading 6-21-74? Is this to be taken literally or is this a symbol?

S Satan is the name of the willfulness of the mind, of the ego, of mankind using self, it, or selves, to become the center of their worlds. It is the selfishness of man. It is the choice of man. It is the use of the will and the mind against that which is best for all or the use of God. 

A now we give this:

Come forth, oh Christ, as Ye will. Behold! He who is the Lamb!

Children of God, beloved, go thy way. Walk with Me. For I am and you are and even as given in this reading: you, is God and you are God. I give the blessing of love, love, love. Resurrect the Father and in joy and in love be one with Me. 

We are through with this reading at this time.