RAM 10-023-Spiritual Insights, Guidance, Holy SpiritRAM 10-023-Spiritual Insights, Guidance, Holy Spirit

The document appears to be a transcript of a spiritual session, focusing on various topics such as spiritual teachings, guidance, and personal inquiries related to spiritual growth and understanding. It includes questions from participants and responses from a spiritual source, covering a range of subjects like the use of the Holy Spirit, sharing spiritual material, modern day Essenes, teachings on the fruits of the spirit, music for spiritual elevation, and other diverse spiritual topics.

Ram Reading 10-23 



Loving Father, in Thy mercy, be with us now. Show Thy love, Thy light, that we, oh Lord, may receive to give to others that which is Thy goodness, Thy mercy, Thy love. 

We ask this, Father, for our Elder Brother, that we, oh Lord, may form that which is for Him, the base, the platform.

S Sing unto the Lord a new song, a song of love, of faith, of victory. For He is ever present, and He is thy Holy Way, thy Comforter, thy Host. We are here, we have this group. We are ready for this reading.

C Those present in the room are 110, 199., 101, 169, 185, 178, 114, 180, 107, and 131. The date is June 12, 1976, and the approximate time is 7:41 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group. 

S We have the group. We have the inquiring minds of the group, and we will give this reading that is sought after. But first we would give to those present that ye are at that stage which as the beginning of the race. At that which is the first step forward, the collecting of selves, to peer into selves, to in faith – use selves, rather than turn to other means and other methods, using that which is the Source of Life. Have faith within selves. For His mercy has given thee that which is the channeling to Him, through Him, and of Him. Therefore, use it the more. Go unto the world and show the world thy way. Not a group way, not another’s way, but thy way – thy way being that of the Lord. Live as ye know is best for thee to live. Spread the word as the opportunity gives to selves. Rely not on thy brother, or thy sister, but on thy selves, and use yourself wisely. Now is the time to depend less upon others and more upon selves. For each and every one can and will do that which is best. For each has their niche, their way, which is in the will and the way of God. 

We are ready for questions. 

Topic for a future reading

Q Is there anything that you would recommend for this group in terms of a reading, a work reading which would follow at another time? (See reading 10-024)

S The explanation and the use of the Holy Spirit. 

Sharing Second Coming material with others

Q Are there any restrictions that we should keep in mind with regard to the last work reading on the second coming in terms of sharing it with other people; giving it out? Or with the one editing is this sufficient now, that it could be given out?

S It can be given out as the others seek it from you. It is not to be bandied about  or projected. But as others see or question answers, then much can come from these – that reading to be given to others.

Modern day Essenes

Q Are there a lot of souls in the existing A.R.E. study groups that were Essenes before the birth of Jesus that are back to help with this work? 

S There are some here, there are some among those which would be termed the Eastern beliefs or path. We see several prominent Buddhists that are in this country as Essenes of quite influential beings at other times.

Visiting Cayce Study Groups

Q Would it be advisable to visit study groups in areas where I will be traveling this summer? For instance, San Francisco area or the Salt Lake people? (107)

S It would be recommended.

Teaching the fruits of the spirit

Q In answer number 22 of the April 18 reading the Source stated that the fruits of the spirit should be taught “by letting it pour forth in acts rather than material things.” How does this fit in with “mind is the builder”?

S Very much so. For if the mind is channeled to those things which are not more the materialistic, then there the acts as given, pouring forth. For mind may be used by the spiritual part of self, the soul force, to focus as a tool upon the use, or the object, or even the way.

Music for elevating souls for the second coming

Q (210) will be teaching a course on life seals and symbology as related to the second coming. She asks along this line, “What musical composition or song should be used in elevating the soul toward preparation for the second coming and what note or key should be employed”? 

S For each and every individual there is a different song, a different tune, a different harmony. For each must become part of that great song unto God. For each and every individual it must be that which is not one note, but harmony – harmonious music. Each and every individual must make their selection. But stay from that which is as those that would use the lower centers – not in harmony, but by rhythm. For it is not rhythm but in harmony that the higher states are reached within an individual, or an entity, or a group. For that which would use the endocrine glands more of the 1ower center are less desirable. Therefore, ply to that which is the higher states of being through the higher centers rather than the low. Not ignoring the low, but by using that which are the higher centers, and that which harmonizes the higher centers, so that the lower will be brought into focus correctly. For the entity that asks the question (210) it is the harp and the full range of the harp rather than other instruments.

Q (210), again for help in the course that she will be teaching at Mingus Mountain, would like to know if you could suggest a chant which can be used by groups for emphasis in working towards the second coming?

S Using the lower range that which is simply God, God. But given to the singing or the song, the slow range chant, the low range chant.

Q In what symbol or symbols should be used to prepare us for the second coming and what colors should be used in these symbols? This is also for (210).

S Once again, that is the symbol of the Lamb white always, for the symbol of the Lamb.

Radha Soami faith: Charan Singh Ji

Q He also ask, “The masters of Rad ha Soami Faith in Punjab, India, teach that all masters of the highest order such as Jesus, Kabir, Nanak, and the present master, Charan Singh Ji are equal before God and that they save, liberate, only those who they initiate during their lifetime. Please comment on the truth or error of this belief”

S First, all are equal in the eyes of God whether it is you, the questioner, or Jesus who became christed. As to 1iberating, only God can liberate through the efforts of the individual. For not even Jesus the Christ, the Prince of Liberation, could liberate one soul.

Q The next two questions are also for (249). The Radha Soami masters also teach that the living master as he initiates disciples, creates a spiritual form, or replica, of himself for that disciple. This form becomes the inner master. It administers the disciple’s karma. When the disciple learns to go within the inner kingdom, he sees and converses with his own master who eventually leads him safely home to become one with God. Many disciples claim to have experienced this process and testify of its validity. Please comment on the truth or error of this belief.

S Some would even have their master within as Satan. As ye focus, so it will be. Who could have less than Jesus Christ as his Master? 

Q He also asks “It has been said that animals have group souls. Please explain group souls and how they function.”

S There are not group souls, but group spirit. It is like a pool. Those who are of the mammal, have as mammal. Those of insects have insect. Therefore, they draw upon experiences and the group mind as directed by that which is the angelic host who watch over and guide the growth of same.

Date for the teacher of righteousness

Q In the reading of April 18 of this year, question 42 asked, “What event took place 4000 B.C.?” The Source answered, “He that was the Shining One, or that which was known as the Man That Was Good, or the Great Leader walked, taught, and conceived among men the ideas of one God, one love, one goodness.” Later in this reading, question 49 asked about the relationship of our Lord to the teacher of Righteousness. The Source, said, “The Man of Good who walked 4000 years ago, one and the same.” The Source also said this was a life of the Master. Since both references seem to refer to the same life as the Man That Was Good, which date is correct – 4000 B.C. or 4000 years ago which would be about 2000 B.C.? 

S 4000 years ago.

Q In this life mentioned, was He also known as the Pharaoh Akhenaten (pronounced Ahk-en-AH-ten)?

S This – no. As that Akhenaten (pronounced ACH-na-ten) the entity was some time after the Teacher of Righteousness, but all the same.

Q Can we be told the name of the Teacher of Righteousness?

S As close as you could understand to the pronunciation would be as Rauh – Rauh, R-A-U-H – R-A-U-H.

Previous life of a member: with Jesus

Q I don’t know whether this concerns the Shining One or not, but in a previous dream and other references, as Re, who would that be referring to? (185)

S Is best not for us to elaborate more than to say, has reference to self and the acknowledgement in self of that which was previous experience in a life with the Master before that which was as Jesus.

Q (136), a member of our study group, would like to know if she had a previous life in the Holy Land during Christ’s ministry and if she was a positive influence on others.

S For what reason do we see this question? Is it for soul growth or is it for the ego? We will not comment on that which is the first. But the second we will say this. Yes, the entity has had many lives. The entity has been influential on others, some to the positive and some to the negative. Therefore, turn not into that which is the past to seek that which would be as a guide to self, but 1ook to the present for the present makes the morrow. Ye walk and talk with Christ now. That should suffice for any individual in this group or anywhere. See?


Q In one reading through this channel we were told that no member of this group should fast no longer than three days, and there’s been some confusion with my relations on the question of fasting. Fasting – does this mean complete abstinence from food? Is this the definition as is was used?

S Fasting is an individual thing. For some, fasting is not taking into self, thoughts that are contrary to the individual’s way of being. For others, it is not taking food between dawn and sunset. Each entity must decide which is best, through prayer and meditation, for that which would be the definition for the individual. For most it is taking drink, but not food for the hours of daylight or that time which the sun or sunlight is present. 

Q I was trying to understand the difference between a diet and a fast, as it was used, and you said that nobody in this group should fast more than three days. Now am I to understand…

S This is as a dietary thing.

Q Could you please comment on the orange juice diet as given by Cayce as applied to members of this group?

S For most members, this or lemonade diet is correct.

Pyramids: construction/orientation

Q A lot is being written about the power of pyramids. Some cal1 it bio-cosmic energy. What is the principle involved in the pyramid structure and how should it best be put to use?

S (It)does the triangulation. It is that which is the refracting of that which is the spiritual forces breaking it into that which is the three particle rays of the spiritual endeavors, see? Recreating and renewing that which is the cellular, the atomic structure, of all substances. But don’t overplay it, see?

Q. Could you give a description of how the blocks were put in place in the great pyramids of Egypt?

S That, as given before. They were floated in place.

Q Would a pyramid shaped house or a pyramid frame surrounding the house be recommended for (193) and me to build? (131) 

S Not so. It would tend to bring into the entities’ mental faculties illusions that would tend to lead the entity to warped decisions.

Q When using a pyramid. Should it be oriented toward geographic north or magnetic north? (10)

S Much depends upon the entity involved. Those that are of the first six astrological houses should have it to the magnetic north, where those who are in the last should then make it to that which is the true north.

Q For use with plants, would that be toward magnetic north?

S Yes. To magnetic north. However, we would give this suggestion for all uses of it. The true and most beneficial, if you can some way calibrate to that which is Arcturus, is the most or greatest benefit.

Q Orienting one side facing toward Arcturus? 

S Yes. Correct.

Q Is Arcturus the turning point of the wheel of systems such as the Earth’s, the solar system?

S For this solar system, correct.

Earth changes

Q Are there any major earthquakes to be expected in the near future in California or Arizona?

S Please explain “near future”.

Q In the next couple of months.

S A possibility of only one, slight tremors, especially near Bakersfield. However, we see near Fresno that at this time which approaches major catastrophe.

Q Does this relate then? – I’ve heard reports that Odka through Ray Elkins, had indicated that a major quake extending from San Francisco through Blythe is anticipated around July the 13th. 

S Mind is ever the builder.

Q I’m especially concerned about the Monterey area as my honeymoon is planned for that area from the June 20th through 27th period. (131)

S We don’t see at this time any devastation in that area. The only possibilities as we see at this time are minor in nature. 

Q (232) asks “Is the theory tectonic plates, correct?”

S Yes to the greater degree. 

Q He would also like to know what the correlation between the tectonic plate is theory and the earlier statements from this Source regarding earth changes in the Southern California area?

S As to the slippage, on the pressure, and the movement of plates upon that which is not only the surface, you see, or those other plates coming in contact, but rather more to that which is the care, or that which lies below the mantle, of the earth.

Right and left handedness

Q This question is about (251). He has not established dominance in terms of right and left handedness. He uses his right hand for some things and uses his left hand for some things. Would it be a recommended procedure for me to help him establish dominance? He is right eyed. (199)

S The entity can establish his own dominance, especially through that activity such as ping-pong where there’ll be the established side. Then that which is either the eyes or the muscles, or that which is the nervous system here, will adjust itself to that which is the more dominant area. The entity can switch eyes or sides ·almost at will and one will dominate through that which is the games played.

Q Then I should recommend to the parents to do this kind of thing? (199)

S That’s right.

1998: Appearance of the Liberator

Q The following is a quotation from Edgar Cayce’s reading #294-151. In speaking about the great pyramid in Egypt the Source said, “It was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra-Ta in the mount as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this particular solar system circles in its activity, going towards what? That same name as to which the priest was banished – the constellation of Libra, or to Libya, were these people sent. Is it not fitting, then that these must return? As this priest may develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a liberator of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998.” The statements contained in this quotation have puzzled me and I’m sure many others who have read it. Could we be given more on this so we can understand what is meant?

S Bring forth the question on the statement, or parts of the statement, that trouble you.

Q Well, in the first place, as liberator, it would seem to me that that would apply to Jesus and not to Cayce.

S All using that which is the Christ force may give to others that which will give them the key to their liberation. None can liberate another. This is as giving the key to someone locked behind bars. It is for them to use. The term could be used as liberator or turnkey – what have you. But it is up to the individual to open the door. 

Q On the last part does it refer to the Master’s return in 1998 or Cayce?

S The Master of Life and Love.

Bible: Circumcision

Q This question is for (211) whom you have had before. He asks, “As circumcision appears to have been an essential element in the covenants with the Jews, was Adam’s body created already circumcised?” 

S This is a physical question and has no meaning to Adam, you see, as Adam was. A circumcision of the flesh has always been symbolic for that which was circumcision of the spirit, or the mind. Adam had circumcision of the mind and of the spirit but abandoned same.

Q What is meant by the term “resist not evil”? 

S Resist not evil means react not. Ye have been given the definition of action, reaction, and non-reaction. That which is given as the 27th Psalm would certainly give this entity (107) a way to go, in understanding what this is.

Q My sister, (106) asks “Will the 144 ,000 that are left to start anew have members from each of the five races of mank1nd?”

S That’s correct.

Q How long was the period of time between the crucifixion of our Master and His ascension?

S Well, you’re getting into something I don’t think that you can understand. I will give you this: too long for Him involved, but very short as ye would see time. Ascension was, as your timetable, within 72 hours.

Q In the reading of April 18th, the Source said, “The mind of Jesus was resurrected at another time rather than when He cried out as the Spirit was taken from the mind”. When was this other time in relation to that moment?

S Repeat the question, please.

Q The Source said; “The mind of Jesus was resurrected at another time rather than when He cried out as the Spirit was taken from the mind” When was this other time in relation to that moment?

S As you view time, when the Master walked and greeted those first who were to see Him and yet did not recognize Him on the day following, or that time following the emergence.

Q What was the reason that they did not recognize Him? Was this because He had taken a different form?

S Because of the re-arranging of that, not only of the atomic structure, but of the spiritual forces that though not under – or as you would say – loosed, but yet not bundled (if we can use this term). There is distortion to that which the human eye sees.

Cayce Study Group

Q When our group, Search For God Group, finishes Book II of the Search for God, would it be better to study Cayce on Revelation or Cayce on Attitudes and Emotions using Jeffrey Furst’s book as a textbook?

S Either would be suitable.

Q This question is for (217). She would like to know who are the spiritual beings referred to in the Search for God study on Spirit as “the sons and daughters of God, offspring of the Adamic race”? 

S There are those who are in the earth, though not of this earth, being explained here as that which is more the spiritual forces who have come in, temporarily housing themselves in that which is or appears to be as male-female humans that are those who would loosely be called by many religions as angels, but not so. More as entities as selves are, and yet not captured or conquered by that which is the spirit of the flesh. But are directed by the spirit of God and freedom the more. They are here, then, to direct those who have been more misdirected.

Q Are we in contact with any of them?

S Each and every individual here has made contact many times with no knowledge, sometimes with an inkling of these beings.

Negative Ion Generator

Q A number of reports over the years have indicated that negative ions in the air are beneficial to the human physical body while positive ions tend to be detrimental. Would you discuss this in detail, please?

S Yes. Even as ye have polarization or that which is a north or south; so the body tends to have too many positive electrons or positive flow within the body. Therefore, the negative ions tend to bring harmony and for those who have too much positive there is that which is the disharmony or that which is interruption of especially the mental processes leading to much of that which is called insanity, paranoia especially. 

Q I have purchased a negative ion generator that was manufactured by (207). What frequency and duration of operation would be recommended for (193) and for me with this machine? (131)

S Both together never above that which is the medium range which fluctuates, you see, as to that wh1ch is the mental being of the entities. For that one which is as the questioner (131) the lower range. For that one which is as (193) the medium to lower-high range, never exceeding that which is the three-quarter or the three-fourths -range to the higher.

Q What time duration would you talk about here? There is only one “on” setting on the machine .

S We see that as the range as the medium range, no more than 22 minutes. For that which is the three-quarter range as no more than 35 minutes. 

Q Is that daily?

S Correct. 

Entity/teacher conscious of the Christ spirit

Q (253) asks, “Will a spiritual leader appear in this part of the world who is fully or to a very large degree conscious of the Christ spirit and if so will this entity make himself known to the multitudes and will the appearance be in the Tucson area? 

S That entity has made the appearance and has traveled quite extensively throughout the Western world and somewhat to the Eastern world and has appeared in Tucson.

Q First of all, I’d like to follow up on the earlier question for (253). Could it be given who this spiritual leader is?

S That will be for the entity that is the spiritual leader to announce the purpose, the mission, although many have already begun to guess from that which emanates from that entity.

St. Joseph of Hope readings

Q This question is for (255). Please tell me the source and degree of accuracy of the St. Joseph of Hope readings.

S Well, the source is that which is as discarnate, see, though to a great degree the discarnate is correct and well-motivated. Once again, though, it is discarnate and there is always that which is to be weighed carefully into taking that which is an entity’s version or influence.

Mary: Incarnations in the earth

Q How many incarnations in the earth has the entity who was Mary had and has she been christed?

S Which Mary?

Q The mother of Jesus.

S That entity has had the same number as Jesus the Christ and is christed.

Musical instruments

Q Can the Source make a general statement concerning musical instruments? You recommended harp for (210) and I believe I read that Cayce suggested that none of us should listen to saxophones.

S All brass instruments tend to pull from the lower areas. Those that are more harmonious are the woodwinds or that which is especially the stringed instruments. Be careful of the use of the drum, the tambourine, for they are also of the bodily influence rather than the spiritual influence.

Discoveries in Egypt: Dating pyramids

Q (211) has had problems with the book he is writing on the question of Egypt. It is so hard to prove the statements that Cayce made are correct and science maintains that they can prove definitely that the Great Pyramid was built by one of the later Pharaohs and is completely out of phase with what Cayce said . Could you comment on this? Can you offer any help as to how we can solve this problem?

S There are at this time several “digs” that will help authenticate that which is given. But the greater being within a two-year span from now where much will be found that will bring to 1ight more evidence to substantiate that which was given through Cayce. 

Q Is the Cayce material based upon physical reality, not just symbology?

S Much physical here, much symbolic, too, but the physical, yes.

Entities from other Universes incarnating

Q (217) asks, “Have some entities through the ages voluntarily incarnated from other universes into this universe and if so are there many. representatives of these other universes present in Tucson at this time? 

S Not many. But some have and some are present. But we understand this: these are those that come in their own time and it takes thousands of years to develop a soul to that point.

Q What is the purpose of these entities from other universes?

S To bring love and harmony and help. 

Souls entering during the millennium.

Q How will souls enter the earth during the period of the millennium for the relearning in the material plane?

S Each and every individual that comes in, or is in now, has come in through the birth channel. So, it will be then. 

Master Jesus being christed

Q In the readings it has been stated by the Source that our Master, Jesus, was christed twice in that life. Was He ever christed previously in any other life?

S Came in christed, once.

Q Can there more be given in regard to that?

S This is not the same christing as you are thinking of but is christing or that which is the apex of the spiritual being. Came in to be as a light to those who followed the name of Jehovah or at that time. For this was prior to the naming of Jehovah, though. That name more recent had the same meaning-. Yayway, Yahweh, Yahway, at that time. As one who had no father, mother in the sense of others at that time.

Q You mean Melchizedek?

S Correct.

Individual’s Visions and dreams: Interpretation

Q The following questions are for (249). He says, “Approximately fifteen years ago while driving north on the highway just past Galeana, Chihuahua, Mexico, a ball of light rose up some 500 yards to my left and came up almost over my truck. As I started to stop, the light suddenly turned north and vanished. What was the light, and does it have any significance in my life?” 26

S The significance is that no harm was done to self through that which is intervention of higher sources around self. That which the entity saw was as a being of another dimension, another time, intruding upon the time and space where that element did not belong.

Q On May 1st, (169’s) sister, (220), was visiting with us. I was talking to her as she ate a sandwich in the kitchen. when she finished, we went to the living room and (169) joined in the discussion. As (169) spoke we heard one of the kitchen chairs being pushed. We went into the kitchen to investigate the sound. The chair (220) had sat on was completely into the table. Can it be given as to what was meant here? Did it refer to anything regarding (220)? (185)

S Mind force, negative influence upon the entity. Could not touch the entity because of that which was the protective attitudes of others and the entity combined, especially in that which is the triangle – therefore vented itself in another area.

Q Did it have anything to do with the discussion that we had? (185)

S To a degree, yes.

Business and relationship advice for members of the group, friends, and family

Q (146) presently assigned to an army base in Germany, asks if there is anything she should know at this time especially in regard to her new position or to herself? 

S She must depend upon her own wits, her own way, but seek within self for the guidance that is there and is necessary for the entity. In other words, this entity has had in the past and in the present a tendency to “hoot from the hip”. Therefore, the entity should think and allow that which is the nature of self from within to pour forth into the mind and guide self. That is not to say, not to use the mind. Oh, no. As we have given, depend upon self, but be guided by that which is within.

Q (211) asks if the opportunity offered him by (250) is in accord with his soul’s purpose and if he should seriously consider it.

S Yes, by all means the entity should consider this very thoroughly.

Q He wonders if it’s in accord with his soul’s purpose?

S Yes, as given. 

Q This question is for (154). He asks, “I am planning to retire in two years and would it be advantageous for, my spiritual development to live in Arivaca and work with the New Age Camp”?

S To an extent. But let the entity know there must be in the entity a peace before the entity may seek and find in any endeavor. As we see the entity at this time, there is not that which is the peace that must be found first. The entity may find peace within himself by coming to grips with the truth of the nature of self and the surroundings rather than seeing only partially into self, or of self, and that that occurs to the entity from the exterior. Therefore, the entity must turn within and yet not ignore the world as the entity tends to do when those things which are controversial to the entity’s thought patterns enter in.

Q Do you have anything that you would like to give to either (193) or me at this time? (131)

S I give you that which is the understanding that when one or two come together in His name, He is with you. And in this case, one and one become two, even as that which is as the first step in that which is the viewing of heaven: cooperation, the loyalty, the love. Blessings.

Q I just made a major life change by resigning my job. Is there any guidance that I should have at this time? (178)

S Then find peace and humbleness in that which ye have chosen to do.

Q But I haven’t chosen anything, yet. (178) 

s You have chosen not to do something.

Q Does the Source have anything for me at this time? (107)

S The entity has grown so much. I am pleased. Take the blessing in love, in grace for it is yours

And now as we find that which is the channel is tiring, I give you that which is the love, the peace, the mercy, of the Father. 

We are through with this ·reading at this time.