RAM 10-108- Metaphysical Teachings: Truth, Faith, and KarmaRAM 10-108- Metaphysical Teachings: Truth, Faith, and Karma

(ED. Note) This reading was given as a check reading for clarification; and questions regarding the Bible readings given to that point – Mark, Luke and John; and the question and answer were added to the original Bible readings to which they referred. There were also non-bible related topics and questions. These have been placed at the beginning of the file.)

This document “RAM 10-108” is a spiritual transcript focusing on metaphysical teachings, biblical interpretations, and the exploration of spiritual concepts like the role of faith, karma, and the path towards truth. It also delves into the deeper meanings of biblical stories and characters, discussing the spiritual journey and individual understanding of truth.

Ram Reading 10-108                                                                                                                      



Beloved Father-Mother God, we seek to see, to know, to find Your presence, not for Self-fulfillment, but for the help and needs that others have, that others would find. We ask, then, that through the Christ, Your love, Your mercy will come forth through us at this time. We ask this in the name of our Elder Brother, Jesus.


   It has been given in days of old that the Truth shall set you free.  But then we give this: the Truth is that elusive ray of light, that distant sound of music, that act of love.  For all that is given is but that which steps closer to the Truth for the individual, and not for all.   The Truth that, then, is the finding of the Father, is the understanding of the role the individual plays in the search and the finding of that which is, then, the individual truth. So know you this: there is no karma if one has faith. For faith is that which is the emergence of grace. And yet that which you would term as karma, or the negative, must be that you will find the Path or the rightness. That which, then, is karma is that which is the exploring of what not to do so that you might winnow that which is what is to do from life. These readings, these lessons, are not the ultimate, are not the final word or step. In fact, they are not that which is the ultimate truth. For all those things must be found within the individual and that is the truth. What care you for that which are the answers to the physical-mental mind that are found within these readings or asked within these readings? For they have no bearing. It is the spiritual answers, the spiritual light that is the important ingredient of these readings. What care you if tens of thousands turn away from these readings because they cannot find that which they would have in order or as their truth? If one, yes one soul in ten thousand, or a hundred thousand, or more, will find that which titillates the imagination, raises the soul, excites the mind, and starts one on a true journey. What care you if some will take these readings and follow a path and go beyond that which is given in these words for then the readings will have done their work. What care you if none follow the words and guidelines of this reading, or all readings. If the work of this group ignites the light that leads his feet upon the Path, then the Work is done. Too often the measure of the word of the Lord is by that which are the human standards, even coached in that which is the metaphysical, the spiritual. And yet, the Truth must be for the individual and not, as you would see, for the conglomerate. Then let that which is the Light kindle within you the flame of desire for the Lord, the urge for the Christ, and the love of each other. We are here. We have this group. And we are ready for this reading.

 C   Those present in the room are 110, 101, 217, 107, 114, 178, 185, 169, 146, and 131. The date is February the 6th, 1982, and the approximate time is 8:12 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.

 S   We have this group, and the inquiring minds of this group, the thought forces of this group – those present and those not present. We have that which is the force of love, the force of good, and that which is the overbearing, overriding force that is the Creative Force, or the Father-Mother aspect. And we will give this reading that is sought after. We would give to the one that is (199) the understanding that the brown horse or horses is the symbol of somberness within the life and the life forces. We are ready for questions.

 Advice on reading the Bible

 Q   Would you give us a description that would be valuable for other people on studying the Bible?

S   One, seek without prejudice. Two, look for that which gives inspiration to self. Three, to ask questions. Four, not to take other’s interpretations of the Bible as literal truth – it must come from within.  Five, that the Bible is not a law, but a lifeline.  Six, you may reject anything you wish within the Bible.  Seven, you do not have to carry the word of the Bible as that which is your guideline.  For all that comes from within the Bible must be accepted within the individual and the acceptance, then, within self will give a guideline that no written word can give.  And last, that the Bible itself is but a mirror of that which the individual has faced, is facing, and will face.  And it ends in the triumph of that which is the Christ over that which is the plane of existence that is of the ego-material-mental being. 

Undivided soul, greater soul and aspects of souls

Q   What is the correct terminology for the undivided soul or entity? 

S   You’re digging deep now, for the true undivided soul entity does not exist at this time. The master soul, or that which is the greater soul (which is the better term) is divided or fractured into the multiplicity of souls as represented, you see, in aspects within and without of this plane. If as given, the truth is for each individual and not for the masses, you must understand, then, there is a kaleidoscope of meaning to that which would be as master soul, undivided soul, et cetera. For then, in truth, it must be considered God. 

Q.  Under what conditions does the greater soul divide into aspects?

 S   First to give birth to that which are the waves known as individual entities, or in this case, as human or that which involves the human body, mind and spirit. It is a learning device, a creative device, and this is why the division. 

Q   As an individual soul entity, can I pick up on other lines that are not directly connected to mind but still going back to the master soul that we have spoken of already, and confuse and get those connected with my own. Pick up, in other words, on this. . .

S   This is akin to that which is so often found among the psychic peoples who have that which are the sympathetic repercussions within themselves, i.e. to that which is found in a physical suffering being transferred, mental suffering being transferred, until an entity understands this and can build that which is the wall that cuts off that which is the vibrational pattern that is much as we have given before like a spider web connecting all entities to that which is the master soul. If the entity can disconnect “that which are the impulses” the entity then can overcome these feelings, or, in a sense, misconceptions. 

Q   This has also been done by others in regard to myself. The channel himself has assumed that I was a certain individual and apparently this picks up the other way, too. Is this correct?

S Yes. Some individuals develop that which is as an antenna, or receiving system that programs themselves, or picks up the programs of others, and demonstrates, or passes them on. In a sense this is what a psychic or medium does, and others do it without knowing so. 

 Teaching children to meditate 

Q   I’m wondering if I could be given some guidelines for teaching children to meditate?

S Oh, broad subject! Yes, first initially to use a time of quiet, pointing out to children that flowers find quiet, that the breeze becomes quiet, that a stillness was upon the face of the deeps, and God walked even a God walks in the silence between the breezes, that even in an instant the soul bears witness to the Creative Force, that there is silence in the sunset regardless of the man-understood noises, the manmade noises, that there is a silence in the stars as man sees the stars to be. For lo, even as the stars sing here is silence in the singing. But the stars themselves may hear that which is the word of the Lord. And if the stars themselves must fall silence, or silent, to hear God, and they in their magnificence do fall silent, then each soul force should fall silent and be as the flower, the breeze, the sunset, or the stars. For in silence the music of God is heard. For the music of God is life. It is the Way. it is the joy. Children will find joy, for they are unencumbered by that which is the adult searching, longing, facade. Even though they come in with that which are the trappings of what they will be and have been, they do allow (for the most part) God, the spirit, and love to enter in. 

 Flourescent light, microwaves and hyperactivity in children

Q   I’d like to ask a question, but it’s not on the plane that’s been here this evening. I’d simply like to know whether fluorescent lights are harmful to children or to adults?

 S   It is on the plane of this. Yes, to those who do not, or have not developed that which is the liberal protection of the body to that which is the negative vibrations, or as the body sees as negative vibrations, oh, yes, it is that which frays the nerves, disrupts neural impulses, to an extent destroys different minerals and vitamins within the body. 

Q   Is it true, then, that this is one of the causes of hyperactivity in children?

 S   In many children it is the rapid flickering that acts even as high pitched sonics would to disrupt or disturb the entities.

Q   Is it because of the discontinuous spectrum that the normal fluorescent has that most of the problem is?

 S   Yes.

Q   Are the few that are available that supposedly have all the colors of the visible light, are they all right to use?

 S Much better, but not perfect. 

Q Well, since we’re on this physical subject, what about microwaves – microwave ovens, for instance?       

 S   Those first were produced were in a way devastating to that which was the aural arrangement of individuals. However, as they have been perfected the more, they have become more acceptable and individuals because of being bombarded in many places and times in the daily life by that which are microwaves from many sources, have developed quite a tolerance to them. 

 Muliple Ameliuses –

Q   Can we be given how many Ameliuses were there totally? We were told of three, I believe.

 S   Six as to that which is the teacher.

Q   Can they be identified for us and the purpose for each given?

S   The purpose is of importance only as that which is the Amelius for each of the major centers, and that, then, which is the return of Jesus the Christ as the final Amelius which will then go to the seventh center and the perfection of same for mankind. It also has to do with that which is the coming discovery of that which is Vulcan. 

Q   Have all six Ameliuses entered at this time?

 S   Correct.

Q   Was Enos, son of Seth, also an aspect of the second Amelius?

 S   Yes.  

Q   Was Abram a life of Enos or Seth?

 S   Seth.

Q   Into how many aspects did Abram divide as signified by the change of name to Abraham?

S   Four. 

Q   Did the second Amelius fall during or after the life as Ram?

 S   After the life as Ram.

Q   Was this then before the life as Seth?

 S   Correct.

 Planet Vulcan and the appearance of the Christ

Q   In reference to Vulcan, are you speaking of an additional planet?

 S   Correct.

Q   Is this planet one of the larger planets like Saturn, Uranus, and so forth?

 S   Pluto?

Q   Yes. No. Vulcan? Vulcan, I mean.

 S   Vulcan.

Q   That’s what I had reference to.

 S   Vulcan is so big that only the sun is in the same category. But it has not lit its fires as yet to be picked up by mankind. For Vulcan is that which represents the zenith, even as the 13th member of the twelve symbols became Christ. So the tenth planet, then, becomes the perfection of mankind and is the essence, or in essence is the sign of the return of Jesus the Christ as Master of all.

The Truth and individual interpretations

Q   Concerning this truth you’ve described for individuals, are you saying that it doesn’t matter how each of us individually interpret the truth as long as it’s right for us, even if we disagree?

 S   Absolutely correct. Because for each and every entity the truth must be different. For all see it from different platforms, different stages, different internal eyes, external eyes, hearing, et cetera.

Q   Is there any time when we will all agree as to Truth?

 S   When the Truth does set you free, then you will see Truth as Truth is. For Truth is God.

 Clarification of Silas as a member of the Group

Q   Nine or ten years ago the Source referred to me as Silas and expressed a sort of horror about the way I’d been treated. Is this the Silas that was referred to by Paul in the Epistles? (114)

 S   The entity has been Silas twice, Silas Appegidee as the one who was keeper of the books, and Silas, as given, friend of Paul.

Q   Is there any, what’s the relationship between Silas, the friend of Paul, and the Roman tribune who followed Paul?

S   One and the same, for the entity became that which was the convert.

Q   Was Silvanus a middle name for Marcus?

 S   Correct.

 Selecting the Higher Elements in this plane

Q   In the reading of July 26, 1980, page 1, line 14, “this group must cleanse and perform that which is its duty by selection of selves and of that which are the higher elements.” Please explain “higher elements”.

S   Higher elements are those portions of self that are the ideal as you are restricted to ideal. It is also that which draws the higher elements from around selves, that which abounds in this plane and other planes surrounding that which you would call your globe, earth, or home.

 Clarification of Moses’ staff

Q   In 10-107 the Source indicated that Moses’ staff does not exist at this time. What happened to it?

S   When the power went out of it it became as another hunk of wood and followed that which are the laws of this plane and decimated itself to e recreated in other forms. 

Q   When did this happen?

 S  When Moses left this earth plane. 

 Q   Why was the rod preserved?

 S   The rod is the symbol of that which is God’s protection, that which you may attain. Therefore, in metallic form it was given that which is the life to protect itself. That is why it still persists, for that which is God’s protection, Who cannot ever be dissipated, destroyed, put aside. That is why the symbol of same for mankind is still here.

Q  Will not be used again because the time is passed?

 S   It will be used on that which is the time that the Master of Life returns in His glory. For then it shall be raised to His right hand where it belongs. 

 Preparation for next set of readings: Apocrypha and Revelation 

Q   Should John be issued in xerox form as the other gospels?

S   Well, all should be put out together. However, to those who have already received that which are the copies of the other gospels, they may be given. Of course, through these people others will see same, and yet there should be a minimum amount of this as possible until all four may be put together in one binding, or out at one time that they may be used in the correct order. 

Q   Can these go to existing people before or after permission for printing the Lamsa version is gotten?

 S   After. For there is always choice, and they have choice.

Q   What preparation should we be making for future readings?

S   First as given, prepare for that which is the Apocrypha; then following that, Revelations; following that, Acts. et cetera. 

Q   Should there be any particular book or chapter we should be looking at in the Apocrypha?

S   It would be good for you to look at the different versions. For you see, that which will be the reading on the Apocrypha is how to use this rather than a step by step process of understanding the names, the places, and the actions. It is as a book of searching for selves.

Q   Then, the actual reading from the books will not be done?

 S   Not necessarily unless there are those stories, or as Paul would put it, allegories, that you might question or find most absorbing and interesting.  Q

Q   What type, is there a specific type of preparation that we should be following?

S   It would be suggested that you look over at least one version. Try and apply the knowledge you have received in these four gospels to that which is the understanding, and then ask questions as to your interpretation or misinterpretation of the material. 

 Clarification questions on the Bible inserted into Bible readings:

Q  Questions 7 through 11 of reading 10-107 concerned an entity identified by Edgar Cayce as “the other Mary” who worked in the Zebedee household and married Roael, who was an elder brother to James and John. Later questions in the same reading concerned Mary of Bethany who was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Were these two Mary’s the same entity or two separate entities?

 S   The same entity.  

Q   And so Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus was the one who was married in Cana?

S   Correct.

Q   In the last reading in question 65 it was asked whether one or more aspects of the Abel entity were direct disciples of Jesus and the Source answered James but not John. Was the Source referring to James bar Zebedee and John bar Zebedee?

 S No. 

Q   Was the James, then, one of the others; the son of Alphaeus, the son of Cleopas, the brother of Jesus?

 S   Son of Cleopas. 

 Q   In the same reading John 4 is quoted, page 10, line 23, verses 20-24. Jesus is speaking to a woman by a well and He says, “You worship what you do not know, but we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews.” Please explain, “salvation is from the Jews.”

 S   The Jews, as given so many times before, is that which is the title or name of those that seek and are on the Path.  

Q   Is that the same, then, as Israel?

 S   Israel is that state of mind rather than the total ability or the total consumption by that which is the search. 

Q   As I remember, the Source stated some time ago that there were two female writers of the gospel of John. Edgar Cayce refers to several writers. Were there other writers of the gospel of John besides Mary of Bethany?

 S   There was a stable of writers, but those which were the most important have been given. It is as those who were the assistants, were the ones who checked for errors, made sure that the manuscripts were correct, that in case of controversy in that which was written that they had their notes present. They were more as those which you might call stenographers today, keeping a type of shorthand notes to fill in for that which was given at the time. Also kept records of surrounds, dates, et cetera, of that which was the recording of the statements to be made into that which were the scriptures. 

Q   They might also be called scribes?

 S   Not quite so as the term of scribe normally is given. Scribe really is a title of a master recorder. Misused quite a bit. Yes, in a sense, there were scribes but not as the ones who were in control, or those who were the most important. Might be more termed as apprentice or underlings, or even as “reserve scribes.” 

Q   Was Mary Magdalene one of the major writers of the gospel of John?

 S   Much so. For this was the one who expressed the love as understood through that which was the feminine aspect which in this plane is the greater. 

Q   And Mary of Bethany was the other major. . .

 S   Correct.

Q   In respect to John the Beloved, that is the son of Zebedee, he did dictate some material. But I presume, from what’s been said so far, that the bulk of the material as far as being authors are concerned, actually came from the female side. Is this true?

S   They wrote down that which was given much as your recorders now take down that which are the verbal statements as interpreted by that which is the neural system of the entity that is the channel.  Q

Q   Question 7 of reading 10-107 gave some quotations from an Edgar Cayce reading concerning background information on the Zebedee family. Our Source stated that there were three versions of this information. Later in answer 8 our Source said in part, “there was deliberate distortion for the needs of that time and place. for even those so entrusted often were, as now, led by that which were their own motives, ever so good and yet distortions all the same.” However, what concerns members of this group is the statement, “as now”. Have we as individuals or as a group caused distortions in the readings of the recent past?

 S   For what is the truth but that which goes to the individual and seen and interpreted by the individual? All things distort that which is the truth until all things are put aside and only God exists in that which is the mind – physical, mental and spiritual being of an entity. God understands that for the Creative Force patterned that which are the individuals that they might find at their rate, their understanding, yes, through their distortions, that which is the truth. For even as optics distort that which are images within your earth plane understanding, so then that which is the word of truth must be distorted by the individuals. For noneno not one that lives in this earth plane of yours can take that which is the power of truth directly from that which is God. It is impossible for the individuals to even conceive that which is the power of truth. Therefore, that which is distortion or the filtering of same, truth, is necessary. this is not to say that there are not distortions of truth by that which are the pressures of individual minds, and desires, and urges. Not so among this group, though, at this time. 

Q   Also in reference to reading 10-107: in reviewing questions 10 and 11 and answers given by the Source we learn that Naomi was the one brought into the Zebedee family that brought the balance necessary for James and John. We learn from question 51 and the answer by the Source that Mary Bethany was brought in and was younger than John. Question 54 and the answer by the Source indicates that Mary was the name chosen as an adult who was the sister of Lazarus and Martha. It was not the name she had as a child. It would seem that Naomi wads the name given to Mary of Bethany as a child and that she chose the name Mary, or Mary of Bethany, when she became an adult. Is this correct?

 S   This is correct. 

Q   An individual was given readings by Edgar Cayce and identified in a past life as being Naomi, sister of James and John Zebedee. Her name number was 540. May we have an explanation of this seeming contradiction regarding the two individuals both being Naomi, or later Mary of Bethany?

S You have, then, that which is the dualism, or that which is the approach at that time of the entity because of the abilities and that which was the makeup of the spiritual nature, or understanding of the spiritual nature even in that which is confined to the learning process that is of the human mind and body in conjunction with this spiritual nature. The entity was able then to learn in a dualism rather than a singularism that is so often necessary because of the denseness of that which is the understanding and ability to understand by the individual. 

Q   The Source told us at one time that after we complete John we would go into the Apocrypha. Is it time to do that and if so, in what way?

 S   You might have even said apothecary. Yes. Oh, it is time. Yes, you may go into that and prepare that which are the questions on the understanding or the broad understanding or uses of that. Q

Q   In Galatians, chapter 4, verses 22 through 24, St. Paul refers to the story of Abraham and his two sons as an allegory. Is the story both allegory and historical fact?

 S   Correct and more. Not only as an allegory, not only as that which was an actual fact, but that which was a sign post to be acted upon and out within the individual entities. It is a necessary achievement within that which is the development of the individual search for God.  

Q   Verse 25 repeats that Hagar is Mount Sinai. Is Mount Sinai symbolic of the Ajna chakra?

 S   It is. 

Abraham and Krishna

Q   The sons Ishmael and Isaac symbolize the separation of Abram into divided consciousness at the Ajna chakra or the pineal center. Did this division occur during Abram’s life or before his entry into the earth plane?

S   In his life.

Q   How many years after Abram’s entry was Krishna’s entry?

S   By your standards over 900 years. 

Q   Was Krishna a separate line, that is, was he a life of Enos?

 S   Yes, and more. For there was influence – well, yes, put the influences aside. It would be singular. Q

Q   Legend says that Krishna had 16,000 wives (although 16 would seem more than enough to keep an even realized soul fully occupied). Did the number of wives symbolize a further division into more aspects?

 S   It symbolized that which was the overcoming of the multiplicity, the extreme multiplicity as found in the feminine nature of selves.  Q

Q   But there wasn’t then a further division in the Krishna entity?

S   No.  

Q   Krishna is sometimes referred to as “the dark one” because he took on the karmas of his disciples, making him dark. Did he really do that?

 S   As given earlier in this reading, karma is that which is only there that you might find which is not the correct path to take. An entity so stating that they take the karma of others is denying that which are the lessons to others to find that which is the correct path which must be learned by trial and error. For this is why this plane has been developed, that entities may learn. In truth, he was called the dark one for that which was making obvious to others their error and giving them, then, the Path. And for those who were steeped in that which was the visual precepts, the entity then developed the hue of darkness.  

Q   Was Jacob one of the four aspects of Abraham?

 S   The last. 

Q   Are Jacob’s twelve sons symbolic of subdivision into twelve aspects?

 S   Yes, but also stand for that which it has been seen as the twelve tribes, the twelve sets of cranial nerves. If you will look into that which is the exploration of numerology in that which is literature both east and west, and the scriptures, you will find twelves, twelves, twelves, over and over even as that which is the Greek mythology of the twelve gods. You will find that as the twelve disciples. you will even find that as used so often in the west as the twelve steps to the gallows. Q

Q   Also the twelve petals of the heart chakra?

 S   Correct.

Q   Is that where the division occurred?

 S   Yes.

Q   Did this division into twelve aspects consist of eleven new aspects with Jacob remaining as the twelfth or were there twelve new ones?

 S   There were twelve new ones. This is also seen almost parallel in that which is the religion of the Aztecs themselves. Q

Q   The Youngest son, Benjamin, was one of the aspects. This is indicated by the fact that although Rachel called him Benoni, meaning son of my sorrow, Jacob called him Benjamin, meaning son of the right hand, as written in Genesis 35:18 and further amplified in Genesis 44:30. Is this correct?

S   This is correct.

Q   Also the blessing of Moses in Deuteronomy 33:12 refers to Benjamin as “the beloved of the Lord”. Were any of Jacob’s other sons aspects of Jacob?       

 S   No.  

Q   Or of the other three aspects of Abraham?

 S   Yes.

Q   Could you identify which ones?

 S   This is not essential to that which is the trip or the journey at this time. The line of questioning up to now has been reasonable. And now the entity is going too much into that which is the satisfaction for others of that which is the intellectual absorption in the patterns of names, families, and forces. It will be given or the entity may ask further soon when entire readings will be given to this subject, though not so much for publication as for the understanding and enlightenment of that which will be published later for those who need to measure to find their truth. 

Q   One further, if it’s not going too far. How about the two sons of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephraim, which Jacob adopted as his own? Were they aspects of Jacob?

S   No. 

Q   Were there any further aspect subdivisions between that point of the Jacob dividing into twelve and Miriam, the sister of Moses – along that line?

 S   Not of importance at this time. Question. If you have a measure of understanding of that which is the division of soul forces, read the 85th Psalm. It is a pleasure that was given to the musicians so long ago.

Q   One of the great love stories of all time is that of Ram and Sita as told in the Hindu epic The Ramayana.  Was Sita an undivided entity or an aspect of an already divided consciousness?

 S   This was an entire entity and consciousness that came in to fulfill that which was the need for fulfillment of two individual soul forces.  

Q   Did Ram and Sita continue to incarnate together in later generations?

 S   Oh Yes.  

Q Was Sita Seth’s wife or Shem’s wife?

S   Shem’s.

Q   Was Sita, Sarai, Abram’s wife?

 S   Correct.

Q   And did she divide into aspects when Abram did?

 S   Yes, but now you’re getting into that line again. . .

Q   Was my wife, (193). . .

 S   Ah, ah, ah, ah. . .going too far. 

 Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot twin aspects

Q   What is the difference between twin aspects such as Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot and non-twin aspects?

 S   Twin aspects are those that are not necessarily in the same order of incarnation or from the same soul force.  They are those that are twin aspects as you would have left and right, right and wrong, light and dark. 

Second Coming and the 144,000

Q   We are told that 144,000 entities will remain on this earth to assist Jesus after the Second Coming. Are these to be individual entities which are undivided, or are they to be aspects, or both? Please clarify.

 S   Oh my, this seems to throw people over and over and over. They will be the individual entities, but remember they magnify themselves as necessary with that which is enlightenment into the necessary amount of aspects, which includes so many, many, many, many others. 

Q   So it isn’t really 144,000 then?

 S   Well, 144,000 times whatever.

Q   Yes, that’s what I thought. Education process would not be complete. If Grace is God’s love is unconditional, how does the concept of grace being God’s choosing fit in as mentioned in 10-106, page 19, line 25

S Through the concept that God is perfect and does not operate through the human concept or mind. Men or mankind (which includes women) program themselves to have understandings and see that which is a variance in that which the concept of Grace and God’s choosing. For mankind then seems to want to put laws to God rather than God putting laws to mankind. They are in accordance. It might stir a few minds to try and delve into that depth of same and try to come up with an understanding, but believe it is true. And because of Grace there is a choosing.

Q   Back to the references made to the other Mary. Does it always refer to the same person?

S   No. As the necessity in what is being told, Mary, you see, has many meanings. Quite often the other Mary means that the use of the term Mary is to that which is a meaning of embroiled, nonrestive, rather than that which is the quiet, the cool, the selah, that is found in the ordinary meaning of Mary. 

Q   Who wrote the Psalms? How many did David write?

 S David wrote 17, revised 54 others. 

Q   Then the description that you gave of the Bible, this makes the statement from the Torah that the Bible should be figured on four levels a true statement, doesn’t it, because it leaves it up to the individual to choose? 

S   Absolutely.  And you must remember, even those scriptures as used by your Hebrew brethren have been revised, major revisions being in between 1400 A.D. and 1600 A.D., by your calendar – not theirs, that changed much of the understanding of that which are the Scriptures.  

Q   Was there any soul link between Paul and Silas?

 S   No, not as you would see it be from the same master soul or line of what you might term evolution from one direct soul body. 

Q   I thought they were both aspects of Abel, were they not?

 S   Yes, but they are developed on different lines. You must see that you have that which is a starting point which breaks out into a series of divergent lines that come to as intersects, and then diverge again and again becoming their own line. this is what you find in the development of the galaxies which you mimic within your development physically, spiritually, and even mentally.  Remember this is controlled by that which is the planet Pluto–which in itself is representative of the Infinite which is the soul force–then, becoming that which is the multitude of souls even as God gave birth, in a sense, to all souls and the multiplicities of the multiplicities.  

And now as that which is the entity which is the channel is fluctuating in the abilities to receive, we give that which is our love, our blessings, our hope, our joy as is the right by the grace of God to give. We are through with this reading at this time.