RAM 10-130- Spiritual Growth & Guidance: Role of Jesus Christ
(ED. Note) This reading was given as a check reading for clarification; and questions regarding the Bible readings given to that point; and the question and answer were added to the original Bible readings to which they referred. There were also non-bible related topics and questions. These have been placed at the beginning of the file.)
This document “RAM 10-130” is a transcription of a spiritual session held on August 11, 1984. It includes metaphysical discussions, teachings, and guidance on various spiritual topics such as understanding the role of Jesus Christ, the balance of mind, body, and spirit, and interpretations of biblical scriptures. It also addresses personal and spiritual growth, the significance of thoughts and deeds in spiritual development, and offers insights.
Ram Reading 10-130
Oh beloved God, we thank You for Your presence and for the present to us of Jesus the Christ to lead our way, to guide us, to watch over us. And we ask now, dear Lord, that through Jesus the Christ You will show us and give us those things, that knowledge, that wisdom that is best for us at this time.
The glory of God is life and life in abundance. As is given to each, so is given to all. God’s gift to thee is the abundance of lives within this plane that you may meet yourself and your Savior and that you may have a mission in each and every life; as each individual then meets that mission, so the soul is one step closer to its relief, its release. Then know this and make this the guiding light, the thought for now, to be kept close to thy heart – for each individual and the group and the nation and to mankind: be creative, be constructive. What is creativity? What is construction? The thought, the very thought of self. Keep in mind that the thought must be good or it is not creative or constructive. What is a good thought? What is a constructive thought? What is a critical thought, not criticism, but critical? Those thoughts that become deeds, those thoughts that are not hurtful or harmful to anyone or anything. Stop and analyze self now as to the thinking. Your analysis of necessity must be brief, but are your thoughts 8? Are they beneficial? Are they not harmful? If they are harmful, nonconstructive, nonbeneficial, then you are not glorifying God or giving God His due. Be, then, as the Master of Life Himself, who, even though in those times of self-doubt, did not harm, did not hurt. This, then, is the cross. This, then, is the light. This, then, is the beginning and the end. We are here and we have this group and we are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 217, 180, 185, 114, 178, 107, 169, 146, and 131. The date is August 11, 1984, and the approximate time is 8:08 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have before us this group, the inquiring mind of this group. We have before us the individual entities of this group and the individual entity’s mind processes. We have before us the questioning minds of this group. We have, then, the soul forces of this group as an individual entity and as individuals themselves and we will give this reading that is sought after. We are now ready for questions.
Message for the group: learn that you are mind, body and spirit and they must be in balance.
Q Is there anything specific this group should know?
S That Jesus Christ is thy Savior and regardless of whence your wisdom, your knowledge comes, the guiding light is ever the path, the blueprint of Jesus Christ, thy Savior, who gave of Himself, who descended from heaven – and make no mistake about that – into the material world. A sacrifice there and a sacrifice of Himself as an individual in the crucifixion. For even as Jesus the Christ learned in the material, you see, even as you must learn in the material that you are mind, body, and spirit, and being of this plane, none can reign -not the mind, not the body, not the spirit. It must be in balance. Were you of another plane, elsewhere, one or the other or the other would rule and be that which was in predominance. But here you must find that which is mind, body and spirit in conjunction. For only in that time that the Master of Life was perplexed as a mind and body was when the balance was broken and the spirit was taken from them to become one with the Lord thy God.
Advice to group regarding next phase of the work
Q Is there a special direction that this group should take at this time? Any special information that we should be studying?
S Prepare yourself for that which is Genesis and take that which is known as the scripture or that which is the Old Testament step-by-step as it is presented in the order, not of time, for it is not in regulation of time (but that in itself is a sign that time is not the important thing), but by section by section, book by book, as you, and chapter by chapter, as you have approached or in the approach you have used for that which is known as the New Testament for the new promise.
Question about the Course in Miracles: up to each individual to choose the best way to become wise.
Q I would like to know: does The Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace offer anything more for me than what can already be found in the RAM material? (107)
S Wisdom is where you find it. Knowledge is where you find it. It is for self, then, to take the knowledge and become wise. If knowledge comes (from) to you from any source that seems compatible to that which you have given, which you feel within yourself is correct, then it is knowledge to be used wisely. Wisdom is that which is given to you by others, by yourself. But the great wisdom is that which comes from the Christ Force within. Take all knowledge within; contemplate it; meditate upon it. If it is good, you will know. If it is not so good, you will know. But remember always, the guiding light and way is Jesus the Christ. For He took the knowledge and used it wisely.
Questions clarifying Bible passages from previous readings
Q In reading 10-116, page 9, line 13, you mentioned that some individuals need to have time speeded up for their own good. Would you elaborate on this, please?
S You have heard that time is of the essence. For some in that mental-physical being time is a necessity, but also, you see, for the spiritual growth there must be a compacting or speeding of time. For instance, some individuals require more protein than others and some more carbohydrates, et cetera. For some, time must be longer that they endure the experiences the more, while for others the enduring of the experience is not necessary and in some cases is conflicting to the growth of the entity towards that which is the spiritual release.
Q Since past, present, and future is all one, we have, therefore, I would imagine, have returned to God or have chosen not to. How does free will versus predestination fit into this?
S Free will is predestination, for you have chosen.
Q We were given earlier that Jesus had times of self-doubt. At what points in His life did this occur?
S In the wilderness and on the cross. Those were the times of doubt.
Q Please explain the meaning of “washed us for our sins in His own blood” which is in Revelation 1 , fourth and fifth verses.
S Water has ever been that which is a cleansing force and used in many religions as that which is a sacred symbol. Not only in Christianity, Judaism, but you find it in such a great amount among the Hindi, among the Muslims, and other peoples. To be clean in body and mind is represented by the washing in water, but the washing by sacrifice is the washing in blood. For He did shed the blood of the body and of the mind and even of the spirit that you might be set free. Is it not written that He shed great drops of blood in the time of agony, in the time of ecstasy, in that time of crucifixion? For it is true, the blood was shed for you and in the shedding of the blood is giving that which anoints the spirits of the individual soul forces that they, too, may be one with the Father through His sacrifice, finding the way then. This is what is meant by the washing clean by the blood of the Lamb.
Q Please explain and expand on the meaning of “speaking from the standpoint of the heart, following the mind but not following the mind and opening of self to the Prime Force.” This is from Revelation on page 13, question 69 of the first Revelation chapter. (10-110)
S This is really commenting on the state of mankind and the philosophical viewing or that which is the rationalizing of the human mind. In all phases man must think in that which is the combination, you see, guided by the spirit in this case. Therefore, the spirit mind is not the mind in the body. It is not the mental mind as seen, but in cooperation with same. For once spirit, in all things, is adjudged to be correct by the mind and the body, then the entity moves forward into that state of being that is acceptable and can accept that which is the spiritual junket from this plane into that which are the higher realms of wisdom and knowledge.
Q We understand that we are moving forward on a path. Is this path also moving?
S Moving as in emotions for individuals, moving as that which represents movement of the spirit. Moving in that which it is, a cosmic thing, the path is moving and is taking those with them that would walk upon it. It’s an escalator to heaven.
Q According to tradition, a Jew was allowed to marry a brother’s widow. Mark 6:17 tells us that Herod married Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife. John states in Mark 18 that it was not lawful for Herod to have his brother’s wife. In reading 10-47, May 21, 1978, page 9, question 31, the Source stated: “John despised Herod for marrying his brother’s widow.” Should that be changed to read “his brother’s wife”?
S Well, became both, it’s true. Footnote can be made of ‘wife’ also, but she did become his widow.
Q That’s because the two of them worked together to make it so?
S Correct.
Q Reading 10-111, question 52 reads: “Is that why harps are associated with angels?” The Source’s answer was, “Well, it might be to a degree, but more it is seen as that which David carried around – which he didn’t.” Please give an explanation of what was meant here.
S David had heart, courage, and love, and carried it with him. Often his heart and soul and body and mind was ruled by desire, false wisdom. David’s heart was good. It was the heart of mankind imperfected. It was the mind of man imperfected and the love of man imperfected. But David became that which learned; David became that which loved as much as man can love. He carried this with him and became one with love.
Q Well, did David play the harp for King Saul and others, as is stated?
S His heart was his harp. He played the harp, but it was his heart that he played. His heart represents that which is love, is knowledge and wisdom as man sees it. The harp is his heart. He was noted for his heart, for his goodness. Yes, he played it for all. He played his heart for all and became the epitome of love. Music, you see, is that which all should learn to love. David knew the use of music to perfect himself, as far as a human at that time of that ability could perfect himself. His heart was that which he played as he played the lute or that which is the harp – hands to fingers.
Q Did he also sing?
S David had an exceptional voice. Impressed many. He could have been that which is the greatest musician of his time anywhere upon the face of this planet because of the musical abilities. But David, you see, knew in his heart who and what he was and what he must do even though he knew his own failings and limitations.
Q Did David have some kind of additional opportunity to learn before he came here as Teacher of Righteousness?
S Yes, he did. But that is not of this reading at this time. It would be good for you to gather more questions upon these matters as you go through the opportunities of the lessons of that which you would call the Scriptures or that which are known as the Old Testament.
Q In 10-126, page 5, question 10 quoting: “the burning away of the spiritual drosses that self has concocted and so liberally painted thy world with.” If spirit be of God, how can the spirit be so misused as to develop drosses?
S Picture the spirit as your hand, hand created by God. Dip it in a can of paint and pull it forth. It’s covered with that which is of this world, a foreign body that is not of itself and hidden from mankind as to what it really is. And until cleansed, it does not resume the shape that is knowledgeable to others. This happens to that which is the spiritual self. Remember, the soul is encapsulated in that which you have built and within the soul is that very spirit of God that makes you live.
Q Is it true that we are both souls and aspects of souls?
S Even as time is now, past, present, forever and is not, so you are yourself a soul, the reflection of a soul, the aspect of a soul. But you are more even than that – which we will elaborate at another time.
Q Then at our resurrection, what happens to the aspects when the soul is resurrected?
S When the soul is resurrected the aspects will stay the same, for they are the facets of that soul and the soul will see itself in entirety, feel itself in entirety and the individual entity, as builded around that soul as a personality, will see the entire self, the entire soul. The soul is aware of the aspects of itself, the reflections of itself. The soul knows what it is and yet is separated or only reflected because of that which you have created as a cloak around that to separate it from the knowledge of itself which is in the mind created by you and is abuilding to that perfect mind that it will be someday.
Personal and physical advice for a member of the group
Q My wife now wants to have a child after several years of not wanting to. Would having a child aid or hinder my spiritual development? (131)
S Both. The entity will be tried in many ways. The entity will find pleasure in many ways. The entity will find that both binding and taxing between that one which is the mate. There must here be a meeting of minds (besides bodies) for the decision that the entity should be guided by. Much prayer and thought should go into this.
Q What causes the network of red veins on the sides of my face and is there something I should do to correct this condition? (131)
S It was given through that one which was known as Cayce that an entity should not worry whether they are tall, long, thin, fat or short. That which happens to the entities happens to most entities. There is a thinning of that which is the dermis of the entity, or the epiderm rather more, showing that which is beneath, as you would call it, just the skin. You have heard these before or most of you present have heard these before; has come to your mind quite recently. It is of no consequence to the health physically, mentally, or spiritually of the entity unless the entity would have it so. And this pertains to all in the group for those things which you find physically or mentally that which would be bothersome or cumbersome. Remember this: a life is but a fleeting moment for each entity. Play it to the hilt; play it as best you can. Be not overcome by the physical or mental failings as you find within yourself. Be not daunted by that which you consider the stumbling, the turning aside. For have faith; He is ever present and if you would give yourself to Him, these things will fall into place and that which happens to an entity is correct. Remember, there is no such thing as growth for anyone without stresses and strains in the mind-body, in the body-physical, in the body-spiritual. This is to say, you will all suffer stretch marks as you grow towards that which is the spiritual apex. Have no fear. The Master of Life bore them, too.
Q In Psalm 19, verse two, what is meant by “day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge”?
S As you live, use that which is in hand at that time. For it is not important as what happens tomorrow but what happens now. These words mean that if you have something given to you now, use it to its fullest and more will come to you. It is as simple as that, but it is also as important as that. Do you understand?
Q Yes.
S If you have doubts, voice them.
Q That almost sounds as though you are saying we should squander things.
S Oh, child, did you squander yourself as you learned your ABC’s, your vowel sounds? You used what was in hand to build for the morrow today. Each day you use to the utmost that which you have, that which you are given. Squandering and using are different things. Believe us!
Q When Michael said to the group, “He is thy Christ; He is thy Angus,” what does Angus mean or represent?
S It means that which is the sacrificial. It means that which you follow. It is that which is inoffensive and yet for those who cannot see the spiritual is their offensive. It is the sacrifice more than anything else. It is as the Paschal Lamb.
Q In reading 941-1 given in 1975, the Source speaks of “meddlesome prayer groups.” In what way is a prayer group meddlesome? Are there meddlesome individual prayers?
S Yes. Those who would force their thoughts and their ways upon others, regardless of how good the intentions are, are meddlesome. Those who put forth great and grandiose prayers in volume meddle with individuals and with forces. Remember, even though this is a material plane there are forces that are beyond the material present in this plane that move in accordance with world thought, group thought, and even individual thought. You have heard the saying, “the more the merrier.” It’s true. The more that voice their opinion in a certain way, the more they affect, and effect, mankind to that which is either positive or less positive. If it is to the less positive, it is the meddlesome. It takes more of your time to find the path, for them to find the path, that the great exodus will occur for souls. See?
Q Does that also affect those other things that are growing upon the earth such as the vegetable kingdom and the animal kingdom?
S Oh, definitely so. If you could hearken back in your own memories to those times when you first viewed this earth plane from afar and view it now, you could see the difference in the beauty, the density, the wondersomeness of that which is the animal and vegetable life and maybe it’s good you can’t. You might weep. Q
Q Is it meddlesome for somebody, following up on that question, to pray for healing for somebody without being asked?
S Always prefix prayers with “Thy will be done.”
Q In reading 10-69, December 8, 1979, page three, question four, the Source stated, “Therefore, heed, then, that there are eleven more complexes within the body than the one complex which is speaking of the mind-body complex which is as Judas and has held us to this material plane.” Would you tell us anything of the other eleven complexes and in what way are these others, referred to as the majority, helping us?
S There are twelve complexes within the body and I think that with a little thought the group could really find their mental powers not taxed too greatly to consider what they might be. Remember, (they) if you take one as mind-body, and one, then, as body-spirit, and one as spirit-body, and so forth, you may find your complexes, see?
Q The implication in this question was that these other eleven were each represented by one of the apostles.
S This is correct. The apostles, just as you find constellations, just as you find individual planets, are representative of the many forces within that which is this plane or even as the individual entity. However, in more cases, this knowledge is not important. For, you see, if you have faith and you use your mind, as given, to figure these things out or to work upon those things which you feel are spiritual developments of yourself, then you are on your way. There will be a time when all knowledge is yours, not through a source such as this, not through your brothers or your sisters, but from God, the presence of God within yourself. See? Therefore, as these things come to you do not let them faze you, put them aside if you cannot understand them, meditate upon them if you must, but don’t let them devour you. For this happens to all individuals and all groups. There is a force within mankind that sets it off on tangents and most tangents are of the mind-ego directly taking or seeking the path that is away from the spiritual development. Yes, all things have forces upon yourself. Yes, those apostles are representative of the forces in many cases, but that is not of the essence or the importance or the driving force – only for the few. Q
Q What other categories besides spirit, mind, and body should be considered? Would ego be one and emotions be one?
S Yes, these work in almost in triangles, as you would see them, starting with the three main gifts of yourself, your mind, your body, and your spirit. And then as you think upon these things, where would the ego fit? Mind, body or spirit? It falls into place and so forth and so on. You will find, then, the forces we are talking about, but if they help an individual entity find themselves, this is good and correct. If they don’t, put them aside. Q
Q Does the conscious mind rationalize itself into thinking the Holy Spirit is giving guidance when it really is not? How can we tell the difference?
S You will know them by the fruits. If that which you do is in line with that which is given by Jesus the Christ as the measure, then you will know if hurt comes from them – now we are talking more of physical or spiritual hurt than mental hurt. For to find the spiritual path, often there must be the mental hurt and sometimes even the physical hurt. But to hurt someone in the spiritual quest, then you will know. You will feel it within yourself if you are honest with yourself. Yes, the mind rationalizes and is opinionated and has preconceived ideas. Yes, you are correct here.
Q Well, where do we draw the line between rationalizing every act as to its correctness spiritually and perhaps becoming indifferent on the other hand?
S Where you feel you are being led into those paths that are not of your own choosing or even forced into those decisions which you feel are not for your best in the spiritual sense; if you feel that you are closing yourself off from that which is a spiritual thing, then put it aside. Stop it then. And if it is a correct urge, you will follow it. If it is an incorrect urge, you can cast it aside. But remember this: it is in the following, the trying, that you succeed and gain. The timid will not succeed. It is the bold that succeed. It is the one that puts the spiritual force forward, the mental force forward, the physical force forward. Many times it is more comfortable and seemingly more Christian to stay put than to move out and grow and be one with that which is your mission. If the entity then would find a value besides Jesus the Christ as the pattern, take to your dreams, take to your meditation that which you would ask in this manner:
Q In reference to aspects, in lives where people have been deformed or born blind or Mongoloid or any of these things, does the aspect become perfect at some point and no longer carries that with it?
S When you have arisen, when you become perfected, all the illusions are gone and only perfection remains. You are that which reflects the God. You are that which reflects the light. You are that which is joy, happiness, boundless. You are that which is knowledge and wisdom, et cetera. Yes.
Q In reading 10-43,page three, question seven, “Remember, even as for you now there are those thousands and thousands of generations of thought that has become almost a seething reality about this globe that cries out and does not want for those to reach that pinnacle as Christ.” Are there not thousands and thousands of generations of thought and prayer that cry out wishing to reach that pinnacle as Christ?
S Of course, or this world would be overwhelmed. But in yourself be honest. Are those thoughts that are Christlike more predominant than those which are not Christlike?
Q Well, of course not.
S You have your answer.
Q But they are, then, floating around aren’t they, among the seething?
S Oh, yes, they are those bits and rays of light that come through that shatter the darkness, that prevent this world from becoming a desert of sin and destruction and fire and brimstone and all those things which many meddlesome prayer groups would have it.
Q In reading 10-32, page seven, question 20, “Those who are divided and cannot bear fruit either way lose themselves and these are so often those who come back as mindless, who come back who cannot choose, who are helpless, invalided, mentally retarded, idiots, imbeciles. These are those who could not choose one way or the other.” This seems to me like to be a catch-22 situation. For how can these poor souls ever make any choice in view of their retarded situation?
S Oh, negative, negative. No, no. View it as this: they experience what it is, truly to make no decision and then they have an opportunity to come back and use their minds again. It is a gift from God. Oh, see it as a joyful jewel. Look at some of your Mongoloids, even as they are, the happiest people in this world, because they don’t really have the decisions to make that they will later on.
And now we give you that which is the love, the peace, the goodness of God the Almighty, the acting prayers of all of those which are the angels, the archangels and the peace of Jesus the Christ go with you. We are through with this reading at this time.