This document is a spiritual and metaphysical analysis of Mark Chapter 12 from the Bible. It interprets unveiling wisdom through the chapter’s teachings and parables, focusing on their deeper symbolic meanings and their relevance to personal spiritual growth and understanding. The material explores themes such as faith, spiritual awakening, and the application of Christ’s teachings in daily life.
RAM Reading 10-57
Prayer – Channel:
Oh Father-Mother God, blessed is Thy Name. We come before you, Father, as always, with trust, with faith, asking to be used as Thy tools – [that] Thy love, thy mercy may pour through us. Oh Father, we ask this through our Brother, Jesus the Christ -Thy love, Thy mercy, Thy presence be made known.
Let thy light be the light of the world. Know you this: in that which are the sacrifices is the gain. For what you sacrifice for the way of the Lord is taken unto the Lord. Behold the Light. Behold the Truth. For your place is in the light of the Lord, that you, too, may be a light. In that which you would sacrifice (that is so small, yet ye think is so great) is that which opens the eyes, the ears, the mind, and the freeing of the soul. Walk in harmony. Be the melody. Lift up the song. For the Lord thy God is at hand. And He that is the Lamb is surely on His way.
We would give at this time: not until that time that you may find the peace within yourself can you truly live that which is the Lord. Find the peace – the peace that is within self, if you would but have it. Delve into self, into that place, that place where you, too, will meet your Lord. For if you would find God, if you would find the Christ, you must find yourself. And your true self is that which is peace, the Lord’s peace.
Mark 12:1
And he began to speak unto them by parables. A certain man planted a vineyard, and set an hedge about it, and digged a place fo”r the winefat, and built a tower, and let it out to husbandmen, and went into a far country,”
S The Lord has planted, within you, the vineyards. The Lord prepares that which is the changing of the grape into the wine – the sacrament. The Lord establishes within yourselves that place that selves may meet the Christ Force. This is the meaning.
Q Is the man referred to here God the Father?
S This is the Creative Force. This is the Lord that is the one Lord, thy God.
Q Is the vineyard the earth?
S This is the planting within thyself, within the earth and within self, that which is the presence that may be obtained of the Christ Force.
Q Are the husbandmen the priests? Also, the mind?
S This is that within intellect – the will and the mind – as the priests.
Q What is the hedge about?
S That which is the protective force of God Himself, from that which are the mental conditions and power of the material world. For then ye can say not that the world intrudes upon the sanctity that you may find within your own being. How often is it that those who pretend, or superficially seek the Lord use the excuse of intrusion of that which is the material world, the physical body, the well-being of that which is of this earth.
Q Is the tower the holy hill within the body or the susumna?
S This is correct.
Q Is the place for the wine fat the heart center?
S This is the heart center between the two where the meeting, you see, may occur.
Q And is the far country heaven?
S This is that, which is heaven, or the heaven, or place of heaven within self – the pituitary.
Mark 12:2-3
“And at the season he sent to the husbandmen a servant, that he might receive from the husbandmen of the fruit of the vineyard. And they caught him, and beat him, and sent him away empty.”
S The tribulation, the turmoil, the violence of the mind and the will, doing that which is to reject the departing from self of selfishness. For selves cling to that which is selfishness, justifying, even as those who would turn aside that or the representation of the Lord within selves.
Q Was the servant a prophet?
S These are the prophets. These are those thoughts that are prophetic within self. These are those things – dreams, urgings, visions, the awakening within self.
Q Is the fruit of the vineyard the soul seeking God?
S This is that which is the awakening of that within self which feeds the soul in meditation.
Mark 12:4-6
“And again, he sent unto them another servant; and at him they cast stones, and wounded him in the head, and sent him away shamefully handled. And again, he sent another; and him they killed, and many others; beating some, and killing some. Having yet therefore one son, his well-beloved, he sent him also last unto them, saying, they will reverence my son.”
S To each of you daily is sent that which is the awakening, that which is the jogging of the being that is the true self. Even as you reject by your actions, your thoughts (even those things that are so well meant), then comes the time when the Christ Force is touched. How will you receive it? Even as they received Him, Jesus, or rather would you receive that which is as Satan?
Mark 12:7-9
“But those husbandmen said among themselves, ‘This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours.’ And they took him, and killed him, and cast him out of the vineyard. What shall therefore the lord of the vineyard do? he will come and destroy the husbandmen, and will give the vineyard unto others.”
S The warning: that over and over you must face that which are the consequences of the actions, of the thoughts, the deeds. And yet, there is the promise, for if not the warning given, if not the love of God, then in the sending of the force, the love. If not the mercy of God, then truly the soul would wail. And yet, there is given that opportunity, over and over and over again, to present yourself willingly, lovingly. True, there must be that which is the struggle for those who have come into this world, and maintained this world, and profited from this world, and have become tied to this world. And yet, He is ever ready, ever merciful, ever willing to lift you up, to share the glory.
Mark 12:10-11
“And have ye not read this scripture; ‘The stone which the builders rejected is become the head of the corner: This was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? ‘”
S Even (as) Jesus Christ was that which was rejected, that which you yourselves reject, may become that which is the bearing of the walls, the bearing of the arch, the focal point, you see, the headstone, that which bears the force of life, that which is as the cornerstone, the foundation of your own being, that which is the truth, that which is the light, that which is the fire, that which is the cleansing, that which is the mercy, yes, and justice, within thy being, for brothers, for sisters, the light, the hope.
Mark 12:12-13
And they sought to lay hold on him, but feared the people: for they knew that he had spoken the parable against them: and they left him, and went their way. And they send unto him certain of the Pharisees and of the Herodians, to catch him in his words.
S The mind and its divisions, how they rationalize, how they fight, how they intend to reestablish themselves one way or the other! How that which is the worship of this land, this materiality, fights for its place! Even as the rat that is cornered fights, so the ego fights. For its place is below, its place is not with that of the enlightened. And lest it be cast aside, it uses its force, its power, its habits, to control, to hold back, if it can, the light.
Mark 12:14-16
And when they were come, they say unto him,” Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not? Shall we give, or shall we not give?” But he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them, “Why tempt ye me? bring me a penny, that I may see it”. And they brought it. And he saith unto them, “Whose is this image and superscription?” And they said unto him, “Caesar’s.”
S Ye are in this world. And how often have you heard; you are not of this world? And that of the world may be used for the furtherance of those about the Father’s business. For the Father has given this world to thee. Use it to its fullest but not in the light of selfishness. For that, would make you subject to Caesar. If you use it to control others, to control yourself, then you are its slave. But when you use it for that which is the Way, the work of the Lord, using it unselfishly, using it for what it is – yours to be used in the correct, prescribed manner, enjoying it only for that which is as the gift of God, rather than the gift to self, to be used for self. You may eat, you may drink, as long as you receive in the name of the Lord. Therefore, forget not whence it comes and why it comes, that you may be in that which is in the enlightenment, even as He, Jesus, did not deprive Himself of those things which would be judged as good, but took them in the light as the gift, the tool of God, and was ever thankful for same. So, must selves do this that ye may then render to God what is God’s.
Mark 12:17
And Jesus answering said unto them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.
S For each day there is the choice, in each thought there is the choice. It has been said (and it is true) that ye cannot know God until you do all those things – consciously and unconsciously – that have been given, using all things to the glory of God. This means, too, not to waste the opportunity mentally, spiritually or physically. For each must sacrifice. And the true sacrifice is in taking pleasure for the Lord and not for self.
Mark 12:18
Then come unto him the Sadducees, which say there is no resurrection; and they asked him, saying,
S They that say there is no resurrection in that time, and in this time, believe in that which is not reincarnation, or that which is the reentry. For, you see, that was the bone of contention at that time – not called by those names, but called by resurrection rather. This is that within yourself that gives and feeds doubts, some from the subconscious, and some from that which is the active mind, too.
Q In that day did not the Pharisees believe or teach that there was a far-off judgment day when the dead would be raised up out of the grave in the physical body?
S They preached same, for they were attached to the body, felt that they were the chosen, you see, would not be judged wrong, judged themselves as to have lived correctly, and that the body was that which was all important rather, than the soul.
Q Is this basically the doctrine that Paul, the converted Pharisee, taught, except that Paul believed that the judgment day was near?
S Paul. You must realize that Paul was raised from infancy, dedicated himself to God, experienced the Christ presence, but never fully overcame that which was the intellect and the worship of same. Yes, Paul taught such. And the Paulian influence was seized upon, you see, at a later time, to be used with a rational mind of man to control that which is organized religion of the Christian, even as those same ideas were pushed so rigorously within the Hebrew faith.
Mark 12:19-23
“Master, Moses wrote unto us, ‘If a man’s brother die, and leave his wife behind him, and leave no children, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.’ Now there were seven brethren: and the first took a wife, and dying left no seed. And the second took her, and died, neither left he any seed: and the third likewise. And the seven had her and left no seed: last of all the woman died also. In the resurrection therefore, when they shall rise, whose wife shall she be of them? for the seven had her to wife.”
S This (even though it was given as a presentation, you see, of that which is the total or physical body) was, in itself, a pared down argument, you see, against those who preached the use of the seven centers within self and that which is the awakening as the wife of each center. For the argument of those who used the intellect and the physical body as the temple, or the dwelling place of all things forever, refused to believe the use of the glandular system; though it was known, rejected by them, you see. As you raise the force, so, then, the force must leave that which is a center, leaving it to die. Therefore, how can it be used, or when can they live, you see, when that which is the total raising within the body (as taught by those who believed in same) would occur. This was a challenge to that doctrine that Jesus preached and believed, was believed, you see, to represent too, that which are the peoples of the time.
Mark 12:24
And Jesus answering said unto them, “Do ye not therefore err, because ye know not the scriptures, neither the power of God? “
S Here is that which is not only pointed at the individual, each and every self, pointed at those people of the day, pointed at those doctrines, you see, which believe only on that which is the word as man puts it. Therefore, the Christ points out, “Look to that which is the truth of the Scriptures as first presented. Look into the Scriptures, not to that as man saw them to be – the superficial word developed, you see, by man.”
Mark 12:25
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.
S So, within self, you rise to that (even upon the leaving of this body that ye occupy now), to that which are the spiritual planes. So, you do same when you raise within yourself those forces through that which is meditation, prayer, to become that which is spiritual – even as the angels. Thence you have raised the forces of love. Even as are forces of love, so selves become as love.
Q We understand that angels have no free will, and yet Cayce describes a tremendous battle in the heavens. If they have no free will, how could they rebel?
S Here you have: that, you see, was misunderstood. Angels do not have free will. But those who lift themselves up to a position of angelic host, and abide, you see (so many in this world with the mental and the spiritual understandings and abilities that become, oh, so tainted because they have achieved, and yet have not achieved), for those who would climb up any other way, as given, are thieves. So there are those who have climbed to dizzying heights, using that which is the understandings as given to man. For all forces of the mind are known and [are] considerable. There are spiritual teachings and powers that are misused. Hence, through the history of mankind, there have been those termed as wizards; those who were termed as devils; those who were termed as genius; those who were termed as leaders; and those who were termed as average mankind, who, nevertheless, use that which are the intellect and the spiritual forces, daily, for selves against that which is the Lord. There are those who have risen so high as to meet the forces, the messengers of God. Remember, your thoughts, even, are as messengers, too, you see.
Q How did the misunderstanding arise among so many people that Satan is a fallen angel, since it was stated that no angel has ever fallen?
S When has not mankind misunderstood and used the symbology that it could understand? When has not mankind taken Holy Writ, gifts of God, contorted, twisted, and judged them by man’s standards? Look you around at the churches. Look you at the Scriptures themselves – deleted, added to, falsified, lied about, used as a weapon, or as a torture, or as a penalty, or as a destruction. Look at the bodies of man. Look at what you have done to your souls. And there is the answer.
“And as touching the dead, that they rise: have ye not read in the book of Moses, how in the bush God spake unto him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?’ He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living: ye therefore do greatly err.”
S Become not as the dead. For often He gave that which was, “Let the dead bury the dead.” Let the dead live with the dead. Therefore, be spiritual. Walk in the Light. Know the Way. Fight that which is the ego. Make it part of the way rather than that which must be buried. Use it, as a tool, but know it for what it is (the superficial, really) but a tool; not that which is the controlling element, or the all-centered being.
Q How do we use ego as a tool?
S The ego properly trained by the mind, by the will, becomes that, remember, which is personality of the individual. It is that which truly becomes, or surfaces as, the soul coming forth. It is that which is the line from the mind to the soul, becoming the expression of the soul.
Q Is it possible for us to shed the ego while we are still inhabiting a human body? If yes, what replaces it?
S It is always possible for an entity to do anything. But many times the shedding of the ego is for ego purposes and serves nothing. To shed the ego does not mean to destroy the ego or cast it aside. To shed the ego means to shed the power of the ego over the mind. For mind is ever the builder. It means to control the ego. For the ego is that part of self that is necessary to be as an individual. It does not mean to be that which is controlling the individual or the individual’s purposes. But it is that which must be balanced and that which must be put in its place–not more, or less, but in its place. [10-131]
Mark 12:28
An one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, “Which is the first commandment of all?”
S Then, when there is the use of the intellect (for this is the scribe – for the scribe puts into that which is the subconscious the inscriptions, the thoughts- but also powers the body and the will. It will come forward in due course that the truth may be known to that which is the active mind.
Mark 12:29-30
And Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is, ‘Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength.’ This is the first commandment.”
S And with all thy might, the Lord is with thee. If you can but live in that which is just given, you will have conquered yourself, your world, and freed that whivh is love withing this world.
Mark 12:31
“And the second is like, namely, this: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.’ There is none other commandment greater than these.”
S When you know all is one, the I Am within self will join the I Am of thy neighbor. Then you are truly free – free of that which is misconception, misuse. You are free in that which is to go on about thy Father’s business, truly knowing, truly understanding, truly finding peace.
Q In the true seeking to find–this is done through meditation, service to others, and nothing more?
S Water seeketh its own level and so should you. And I would add something to what you have said. The way to God is: Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and thy neighbor as thyself. This is the way to God. The key is meditation and prayer. For how long you do each is your cross to bear. For Paul said that you should be in constant prayer, and Paul meant prayer and meditation as an interchangeable, one and the same. Do ye likewise. But follow the commandments given to thee, the love of God and of thy fellow man and all else will fall into place. [ Personal Reading]
Mark 12:32-34
And the scribe said unto him, “well Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: And to love him with all the heart and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbour as himself, is more than all whole burnt offerings and sacrifices”. And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.” And no man after that durst ask him any question.
S Behold! At that stage you, too, may arrive. When you do, you are at the threshold, you are knocking at the door, you are opening that which is the door, that He, thy Lord, may be at one with you, too. So then, know that all is for naught if you do not seek, do not experience that which is given here as the one who used the intellect properly to find, to become one with God.
Mark 12:35-37
And Jesus answered and said, while he taught in the temple, “How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David? For David himself said ‘by the Holy Ghost, the LORD said to my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool.’ David therefore himself calleth him Lord; and whence is he his son?” And the common people heard him gladly.
S At the time, even as occurs within individuals, the man was put first. For those in authority at that time pointed to David, a human, voiced more allegiance to David, the human, than they did to the spiritual presence of God. Though the ceremonies proclaimed to God, though the ritual rejoiced in God, the minds, the intellects, the beings were rooted in David. Here, He, Jesus, was giving to you the knowledge that you must be awakened as David by the Holy Ghost; that you, too, must find earthly love, as David found earthly love. And as David repented in each and every misact, and rejoiced in all that was correct; and as David sinned but once in each of those things where he fell, and did not repeat, and found that which is the Lord, so selves must, too, repent, rejoice in that which is correct; reject that which is the repetition of false sins, mismanagement, misuse of selves, and the opportunities that you, too, may find the way of the Lord.
Q When David said “the Lord” and then “my Lord,” to what was he referring?
S The Lord is He who is the Creative Force; my Lord is the Christ Force.
Q Is Jesus confounding them because of their rejection of the doctrine of reincarnation?
S This is correct. He was also laying the path that those in the future might understand His very words – His meaning.
Mark 12:38-39
And he said unto them in his doctrine, “Beware of the scribes, which love to go in long clothing, and love salutations in the marketplaces, And the chief seats in the synagogues, and the uppermost rooms at feasts:”
S Beware of those who flaunt the Lord, who ooze that which is righteousness, who show themselves to others to be as religious, spiritual. And yet, it is for ego, for selfishness. For they are blind, they are lost, they must repeat or repent.
Mark 12:40
“Which devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.”
S It was a practice in those days, you see, for those who are widowed to entrust their estates to men of virtue – those established especially in the power and authority of religion. What is being given here is: when you dedicate yourself to God, do not do as was often done at that time, where those widows were bilked or misused. For those who flaunted religion, and stole for their own good, rationalizing in their superiority and position, understanding, and as they felt, [a] place closer to God. All have misused position and understanding. Many depend upon cleansing prayer and meditation, too, to rid selves of offenses, and repeat them over and over to degrees, rationalizing again and again. This is not as achieving as David. Though your prayers are heard, though your meditation brings good fruit, your action is recorded, and all things must be adjusted, and all things must be met. This is the law, until it is taken from you in the state of grace.
Mark 12:41-44
And Jesus sat over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much. And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing. And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, “Verily I say unto you, that this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.”
S Never judge that which is your donation, your gift. Never doubt that however large or small your sacrifice, there is a judgment of same. The Christ within you is at that place of treasury, that which records upon the soul all actions, great or small, remembering always those small acts of love or as golden tidbits to be added to your treasure. For in giving you get. The Master of Life, Himself, gave, gave, and gave, and did not see the difference between the crucifixion and a smile. And when you reach this position you are truly a son, a daughter, a loving child of the Creative Force.
Q Would the entity Jesus have been referred to as an angel before his initial incarnation as Amelius, in this previous context?
S Correct.
Q And did He in that capacity, prior to incarnating, have a great deal of influence in Lemurian times?
S Correct.
Q And was He responsible, or at least partly responsible, in developing within man the capacity of intellect or the rational mind?
S Correct.
Q Was this, in part, the leading to his first incarnation?
S Absolutely necessary for the first incarnation.
Q Could that be considered banishment?
S Only to the extent of that which this entity and others would know of the sacrifice at parting from God to become part of that which is the earth and that which is the material world.
Q Was the creation of the intellect or the rational mind the thing that really raised man above the animal level?
S This is correct. It was that which took the rough jewel and polished it so it could receive the full use of that which is man’s birthright.
Q Was the life of Akhenaten the one previous to Jesus?
S No. However, there is a yes, too. How to explain a half-life?
Q Would the Re name have anything to do with it?
S Correct. The half-life is that where the entity came in, you see, physically perfected, mentally perfected, with no stages, you see, as childhood, leaving out that which is the juvenile stage, and coming in as you would term middle-aged, to achieve not that which is a full life cycle for others, but to present that which is the spiritual link with that which were those that sought to reestablish within this earth plane the knowledge that had been destroyed before, or lost, or separated, or to again give a lease to that which was the soul force into that which is the use of the intellectual-mental-spiritual triad to achieve to that which is the overcoming of the physical forces and laws which guard and guide this physical plane.
Q Please explain what the half-life means, pertaining to Ahkenaten.
S Akhenaten was a full life; whereas that force that became known as the Son of man, experienced that which was rulership over mankind. The half-life pertained to that time when the Master of Life, even as others have, appeared full-blown, total human form, total mental being, in this plane.
Q Was the half-life in Egypt or somewhere else?
S In that which is the Palestine area of today.
Q Is our Source of today different from the one of 1970?
S You have a progression.
Q Is the progression dependent upon our own development?
S To a great extent. [10-60]
And now we will give that which is the love, the blessings of that which is the Light and the servant of the Light. We give that which is the awakening, the understanding, that which is the presence of Love, that which we bow down to, that which is the Lamb.