This document is a deep metaphysical and spiritual interpretation of the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke. It includes discussions on Spiritual Awakening & Metaphysical Insights; themes such as faith, spiritual awakening, and the application of biblical teachings in personal growth. The material explores the deeper symbolic meanings of the events and teachings in this chapter, emphasizing the journey towards enlightenment and connection with the divine.
Originally Matthew was published as a book and an introduction to RAM was placed at the beginning of the book.
We have chosen to place this Introduction at the beginning of the first chapter of each of the books of the Bible.
A motto for the group’s work was given by the Source as that which was embodied in the prayer that Jesus said as He walked the hills of Galilee, ”Others first, Father, others first.‘‘ This prayer is frequently given throughout the subsequent readings as a reminder of the true purpose of the work.
The group was given its name, and the meaning, as follows: ‘RAM, or RAM, is that which will be the working name for the group. That which is RAM is that which guides from the East. This is the word, the name of GOD. For you, or this group, better to use that which is RAM-RAM in the Hebrew tongue is the connotation or the meaning, to extol, to raise to the highest, even to an extent rejoice in the raising of same.“
It was later stated, ”It is not the Source of these readings, but the results of these readings that are RAM, for it is the exultation of God that which will raise up a people that will once again worship in cleanliness and love.”
The Source gave these words of advice, ‘Even material such as we give you must be weighed and evaluated within each and every individual as to the needs and processes that are necessary for the individual. For if ye are fed this and ye are not of this level, or ready for this level, then this is not the teacher and ye would be led astray.
For many are there who, in honesty and in truth, would hear these words, even as they heard the words of the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, who could not receive them, and used and fell back upon that which was correct for them, their religion of the time, even as now. And it was not sinful, nor wrong, nor misdoing upon their part, nor will it be upon the parts of those who cannot accept, cannot believe that which comes through this channel, through this group-for each has his place, his time, and his abilities.” And again, “If what is given here does not meet your ideal, it must be rejected.
Only if it gives to you the fruits of the spirit meeting your ideal are these readings, this Source, to be of influence or use to self. See?”
BUT . . . This was also given, “And when the entity sees the fruits-and where the fruits are good, let it be known that it is from the Source of Life Itself.”
Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love.”
RAM Reading 10-24, 8-8-76
The Gospel of Luke
This is the time of healing. This is the time of awakening. This is the time of dedication. For now in Luke, you see, you have that which is as that which overcomes or surpasses Matthew and Mark. You have this now that appeals to the spiritual nature of rendering unto mankind in the form of acts, in the form of deeds, things that may be understood by those who study, by those who reason, that will then put aside the very intellect to allow that which is the birth of the spiritual process, that others may know from the spiritual to the intellectual rather than the reverse.
Prologue to the Book of Luke
Q What did Cayce mean when he said, “From now on you can accept Luke as correct”?
S Because, you see, there needed to be the basis of understanding before Luke could be seen as correct in that which was given to them in the understanding of the real Bible, the real religious situation of the day, and prior to the day of that which is given in Luke. For Luke, you see, begins in that time when you find the word first given to Elizabeth, and the conceiving by that, or of that, of the messenger which is essential to the understanding of that which is the Immaculate Conception, and that which must occur within yourselves before you, too, may find the correctness. Can you understand this?
Q In another reading, the Source, referring to the books Matthew, Mark and John, states: “You have first the gospel for the physical man; you have second the gospel for the mental man; and then you have John, that which is the gospel for the spiritual man.” In the light of this explanation will you give us what the book of Luke represents?
S Luke represents that which is the physical-mental man instead of just the physical and mental. This is as the go-between or the changing from one to the other, or the awareness of one and the other. [10-106]
Q Was there more than one Author of Luke?
S There was a triumvirate. However, this is not as the importance. But it was a trio, you see, representing the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit – the mind, the intellect and the spirit.
Q How did the writer or writers of Luke get this information?
S By direct dictation through that which are the spiritual sources.
Q Earlier, we were given that the gospel of Mark was written first of the four gospels–and that it was the dictation of Peter to John Mark–and that Mark was in existence when Matthew was written.
S Correct.
Q And then Luke was written, it could be said, that Luke was really written by Peter and Matthew in addition to Lucius of Laodicea – not Luke, the physician, who wrote Acts?
S Correct.
Q So those are the three authors of Luke?
S Correct.
Q Did Lucius of Laodicea originally write his gospel in Greek?
S Yes.
Q Any other languages?
S Latin. [10-107]
Luke 1:1-4
For as much as many have taken in hand to set forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, Even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.
S Theophilus is that which is the mind or the understanding. Here you have the writer giving that of the enlightenment that had occurred, that all things were understood. For the enlightenment had occurred and many at that time knew, though many did not write it down for they were not select. And the trio that wrote this knew exactly from whence they spoke, and for what purposes they spoke, and that the rendition of theirs would be the least touched by man – yea, by woman – that it would remain intact the more for its importance.
Luke 1:5-6
There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless.
S In that which is the tribe, you see, you find that which is mankind represented – the sins, the mortality of man, the mortalness, the birth, the living. It is mankind as it is now, from whence comes that which is the awakening or awareness of God in Zacharias. You have, from Aaron (or the priest), understanding (or the full understanding, though not applied or used) the birth of one, Elizabeth, that could carry the word, the belief, and execute the just, the righteous way, through belief, sincerity, through actions, through love. Thence came that which is the coming together from mankind in all its aspects – wisdom unused, sin, if you would have it, though not understood as sin, missing of the mark because there was no true mark to understand, you see, at that time. This is yourselves. You, too, have a Zacharias; you, too, have an Elizabeth; put together, thence comes the messenger that leads the way to your understanding, your awareness, Jesus the Christ, the rebirth in self of the Son.
Q What is “of the course of Abia”?
S This is that which is the tribal, or the tribal understanding, that is mankind.
Luke 1:7-9
And they had no child, because that Elisabeth was barren, and they both were now well stricken in years. And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest’s office before God in the order of his course, According to the custom of the priest’s office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.
S Though your lives may seem barren, though you may not have achieved to that which you would conceive of yourself achieving, know it is the time of the Lord. For all things are possible with the Lord. This is patience. This is that which is faith being practiced here, you see. Faith, not established as in Peter, but faith nevertheless – necessary to that step forward. Then that which is the incense representing, here, the time that you come before God in prayer, loving meditation, hiding not behind that which you conceive yourself to be, or would have self to be, realizing that God knows all, is all – that in perfection of the Lord is love, and joy, and mercy.
Luke 1:10-11
And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense. And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
S As it happened, so it shall happen to each and every individual. It is a must. It is that which cannot be assumed for others to fulfill the task. You must meet that which is the messenger of God. Behold! Behold the messenger that awaits for each and every individual with love and truth to give you the word – even as it was given here – in that place of silence within yourselves, where the altar of God exists as true and full as in any church, any tabernacle, any temple.
Luke 1:12-13
And when Zacharias saw him, he was troubled, and fear fell upon him. But the angel said unto him, “Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John.”
S You who pray for the Light, for the Way, for the Life, shall know the joy of the Lord. For all prayers are known. And at some time prayer is answered – always. Therefore, make your prayers not selfish, but loving, kind, and for that which is the use of others, that you, too, may be a fulfillment of God’s desires in this earth plane.
Luke 1:14-15
“And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.”
S For John is the light, the light that shines within each and every individual (often shrouded, often hidden, but it’s there), that all may be as a messenger, a forerunner, a hand, a foot, a mouth for God. Can you ask for more, or for less, that you may find the faith, the strength, that you may fulfill, even in the depth of selves, that which is the task that you have set for yourselves to do. For all mankind is alike. From that time of the entry into the material, all mankind knew that the task of returning would come, that it is upon the deeds of your brothers, your sisters, and to your brothers, your sisters, that as a group, you may return to that which is the Father.
And now we give the love, the blessings of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit.
RAM Readong 10-63
Prayer – Channel
Father-Mother God, restore in us that which is Your pleasure. Make us aware of what it means to live by, “others first, Father, others first.” We ask that the Christ be with us, be our guide, our comforter at this time, that we may be tools of Thy love, Thy mercy to all Your children.
Father, awaken to Thy children. Know them, oh Lord, for they do seek. Behold Thy children, oh Father. Children, awaken to the Father. Behold thy Lord and the Christ arisen. Make way for that which is the spiritual and know and live that which ye seek and ask of – “others first, others first.” Therefore seek, ask and open.
We have before us this body, this mind, that ye term group. Oh what a pleasure it will be at that time when the lips, the larynx, the lungs and those things of this world no longer are needed in that which is the communication between selves and all things. Therefore, strive, strive to communicate at the level of prayers and meditation that your minds may be as one. Then that which is the true ego, the ego of the spirit, becomes one with the spirit that is God. Thrust aside the ego that is the personality as you have constructed it to be, that you may commune with all that is through the spiritual nature of selves.
Luke 1:16
“And many of the children of Israel shall he turn to the Lord their God.”
S In the seeking (which is Israel), the children shall open the door, that the force of love and mercy will be comprehended in the time of communion.
Luke 1:17
“And he shall go before him in the spirit and power of Elias, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”
S Even as the force, even as that which is used in that of the material plane, following that which was the law as established in the mental man by Moses, is that which becomes the mental-spiritual law and way. This is what goes before, even as that which must come as the evolution between that which is the child and the adult. It is the metamorphosis of that of the physical and moral laws as seen by the mental, becoming then that which is of the spiritual.
Luke 1:18
And Zacharias said unto the angel, “Whereby shall I know this? for I am an old man, and my wife well stricken in years.”
S And the seeker (which is that of the mental capacity being directed by faith), then comes to that point where it seeks the spiritual love and understanding through that which is the divine nature of self looking for the door – here termed as angelic, or angel.
Luke 1:19-20
And the angel answering said unto him, “I am Gabriel, that stand in the presence of God; and am sent to speak unto thee, and to show thee these glad tidings. And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak, until the day that these things shall be performed, because thou believest not my words, which shall be fulfilled in their season.”
S Within each and every seeker comes that time when it must face that which is the force of the spirit, the striking of that dumb, or making that which is the ego of the personality as nonexistent, and, yet, not ready for that which is the true personality, here using Gabriel, or that which is the awakened portion of self that stands before the throne of God within the very being of each and every individual as that which is the force of the awakening, to do that which is the summoning of the divine powers.
Luke 1:21-22
And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple. And when he came out, he could not speak unto them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and remained speechless.
S When that which is the awakening occurs in those individuals that truly seek, that come to the threshold, before they may take that which is that step across into that which is the inner sanctum, there is that time within the body and the mind (seen here as the peoples) where there is not the understanding, nor is there the awareness that that which is the seeking has struck, lo, that which is the personal I, not to be confused with that which is sought – the I AM. Thence, the body, before that time of rejoicing, must have wonderment within itself, even as there is turmoil within the precincts of a country, a nation in those changing times, what have you, of government, war, all these things which is that which is occurring within the body, even as happened at that time with the individuals so named in that which is to do the duty to the awakened spirit.
Luke 1:23
And it came to pass, that, as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house.
S When you do your duties to your fellow man, it must be followed up by that which is the going within, seeking that which is the direction to correct those things that you have not done to the highest of your ability, to seek that which is direction in that which is finding the highest ability, to clear self of the clutter of the mental-physical world, to throw aside the materiality, and to find that which is the direction from that which is the I AM force of the Christ – the God within.
Luke 1:24
And after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived, and hid herself five months, saying, …
S Here is that that takes the vessel, as Elizabeth, which is even that which is the corrected or the attuned will of self, that oversees or pulls from that which are the five senses, the five lower centers of the body, and quiets and conducts them to be that which are the tools of the waiting period, that the work of the Lord may be accomplished.
Luke 1:25
“Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men.”
S In the time that you truly seek, in the time in accordance with the awakening, in the time that the will finds the strength, then that which man thinks of you, or does to you, will have no weight, no account. For even those words that He gave, “Forgive them, they know not what they do” is true within self.
Luke 1:26-27
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary.
S Then comes within self, or even among all selves, that time when the intercession of the force that stands upon the threshold finds in that which is considered the nothingness (which is as Nazareth, or the mediocrity of the body and the mind) that which is Mary, or that portion of self that can hold and control and develop the spiritual necessities, that there can be the reception of the word of God, the Christ, the action, and that which is the Holy Spirit, to self.
Q Why is it that the name “Mary” was used so often during the time of Jesus? Why was it so commonly used?
S The vibrational pattern of that which is “Mary” fit the more with that which is as the counterpart, Jesus, as you would see them or hear them at this time, or the translations of same. It was that which held within its name and essence, the spark, the calling. It is as the repercussions of the Holy Mission finding Its way into the hearts and minds of those who were receptive to that which is the spiritual calling (or the spiritual network, as may be termed) of that place and time. Remember, the name Mary was unique among that area, those people, of that time.
Q Was Mary the actual name used or is that a translation of what was used at that time?
S This is a translation, but it will suffice as to that which is as a thing, as a force, as a reality. [10-106]
Q In an individual reading, the Source indicated that the person was to be “a light in the darkness, reflecting that which is even the symbol of Mary or Marianism.” What is meant by this?
S That which is Mary, or Marianism, is that which is the ability to keep focused in the mind or the overcoming and training of the will. For it is that which Mary became, holding fast to the perfect idea, the perfect way, through all trials and tribulations, through all [of] that which came in from the outside – the material world and from other spheres. That which would be disquieting was held away [from] that which was the perfect idea, the perfect mission. For unlike as many would give, or have you believe, Mary knew, long before that which was the annunciation, what the mission in life was, even as He, Jesus, knew through His life what His mission would be. It is in Mary that one develops that which is the holding to the mission, the perfection of the idea – of what? Of the Christ within. [10-17]
Luke 1:28
And the angel came in unto her, and said, “Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.”
S Then that which is the intercession, or that which is the prayer power, that which is the meditation, prepares that place within yourself, that the seed of truth may be watered, nourished, nurtured to the point that it may come forth.
Luke 1:29-31
And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, “Fear not, Mary: for thou has found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.”
S In that which is the success in nonselfish meditation, you, too, may bring forth that which is the Son, the blessed Christ Force, even as He, the perfect man, brought forth that which is the perfect spiritual rendition of the tune of God, the song of the heavens – Jesus, Christos, Spiritos, Sanctos. In that time there is that which are the blessings and that which feeds the body, the mind, the true personality, and the spiritual qualities of self, that the soul may rejoice and be whole. For the whole of the soul is not in any individual at this time, only those that have been raised up. Find that which is the fullness of the soul, that is to say, the aspects of same, and that which is the Christ Force that binds together and makes whole the soul force, or the truth of God’s creation, which is you.
Q Has this happened to anyone yet?
S Only He, the Man of Nazareth. There are those who have held back that you may be (the) served the more in that which are the spiritual delights.
Yes, there are those who could step forward, but since the Prince of Love has blazed the trail, has opened the door, they then will help those raise themselves, direct themselves towards that which is the worship, the true worship of the Father, the Mother, the Creative Force.
Q Then there are none who are partially christed yet?
S Partially christed – there are many. But christed, but one.
Q The source stated that the Master is the only one in the entire universe who has been fully christed but there are those who have been partially Christed. What is the partial Christing?
S These are those who could not achieve that total crucifixion. For only one, only one could face that which is the crucifixion of the self as He of Nazareth. There are those who have risen, who have contacted the Christ force, are partially christed, have done the work of the Lord here in this realm, and in other realms, but none has achieved. For there was no place that the achievement was necessary as it was here. For this is the overcoming of the material plane – though there are other planes, other realms of this plane involved. This is the overcoming. Therefore, the Christ must come through this plane. For Jesus the Christ is Jesus the Christ of this world, but is the Christ of other worlds too. [10-64]
Q Please explain or expand upon “other planes, other realms of this plane involved.”
S This plane involved, or the material plane, is separated into compartments, even as you are separated into compartments, even as you are built in a copy of this universe, so this level is a copy of other planes that exist beyond. You have an overlapping and an imaging everywhere about you. There is aping of other planes within this, other existences. If you would see yourself (this plane, rather, in self) within this plane, you would see it as a sandwich mixture, overlapping. For, in truth, this plane exists (though it is governed by the material), exists as a physical plane and you see it in your body; as a mental plane–you see the results in your body; and a spiritual plane, which someday may overwhelm and overcome that which hold the other two back. You have ruling classes within these planes. You have planes that you cannot see or even feel occurring throughout your material world. You have the complex worlds of time and nontime existing in this plane, whether you know it or not. You have your shadow worlds that see your world as a shadow. You have worlds that are the borderlands. You have grey area worlds that are near you and influence you and you influence them. And you have (in sum, for individuals here) those higher planes that are ruled by the spiritual, by the light, by the God forces in action–and for those who develop themselves it is but a step upward and beyond. [10-131]
Luke 1:32-33
“He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”
S Each and every individual must go through those steps. There is no short cut. For though He is the Way, the Truth and the Light, it is for the individual to make the effort, to climb the steps, to find the throne of David – that which is love in mankind – that they may sit upon the throne, and be christed, and find that which is the spiritual love, the apex, the epitome, that which is the bounty of God. You can, and you will do same!
Q The angel Gabriel tells Mary, “He shall be great, and shall be called Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father, David.” Does this refer to David as His father rather than as in verse 27, “Joseph, of the house of David”?
S This is that which is the pioneering spirit, or the step forward, that which was first, really you see, to recreate the throne within selves or His self – that which is the meeting of God. For though there were prophets who knew that which was the meeting of God, and those who meditated and found God, there was not the reestablishment of an individual, not raised, you see, totally in the holy ways as prophets were. He then found, as you must find, through daily living, God, to build step-by-step through the lives. For, you see, David was unsoiled from the world for, oh, so long. Through that which was childhood, David really represented that which was purity, you see. Then came that time when David as a man must face that which are the tribulations, the temptations of life, and did so. And each time fell victim to that which was desire of this, desire of that, or selfishness in itself. He regrouped, rethought, and redid, and relived -not repeating that which was the failing – creating truly, once again, the throne where man has lifted himself up. For, you see, David is the forerunner of Christ in the earth. It is a stage that each individual must go through, a stage that you are now seeking and establishing. Once you get to the point that you do not repeat that which is the error (but not for selves, you see, but for God), then you have established the throne. Oh, you may be meeting God in your meditations, but you have not established the throne.
Q Was David the life immediately before he was Jesus?
S No. It was the life of Jesus, but not immediate preceding, you see.
Q How many in between were there?
S One other [10-37]
Q What was the relationship between the entity Jesus and the entity who was Jacob?
S This was as the 14th incarnation of the man Jesus.
Luke 1:34-35
Then said Mary unto the angel,” How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?” And the angel answered and said unto her, “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”
S There is not doubting in Mary. There is not doubting within yourselves, in the Mary of selves. It is that they must accept not a false Christ, but a true Christ. Therefore, when that is done, so shall the Christ come within, developed from that which has been placed within you by that which is the choice, by the choice of the Holy Spirit. For God ever has choice. And who is to know when you will be chosen? Therefore, make yourself prepared. Make ready the place. Ascend the throne of David that you may govern, direct, build, create, worship.
Luke 1:36-37
“And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
S For though man has laws, man has morals, man has standards that shift and change, God has the power of all things, and changes that which are man’s illusions, that there may be the awakening. For so often [it] has been given, “Seek, and ye shall find.” For it is true. And yet, it must be selfless seeking, not the emotional, selfish seeking that is so often presented, but seeking to be for God’s sake a tool, a helping hand, a breath of life, a drop of blood, bread and wine for those that are lost, those that are the sheep without their shepherd. Be the light!
Luke 1:38-39
And Mary said, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” And the angel departed from her. And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda;
S This is the promise. This is the devotion. This is the will. This is the strength to truly go within to the hills where is thy strength, the strength of God, to that which is the place of waiting, that which is the place of conception of that which is the force [that] waits to arise within for the glory of the Father.
Luke 1:40-41
And entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:
S That which is joy, that which is comfort, is awakened at that time in thine own self when there is a presentation within yourself of a true dedication, a true knocking upon the door. For there is within self, where you have placed that which is the seed to be nurtured, the awareness that now nothing stands between the soul, God and the creation.
Q Was this the time that the babe was filled with the Holy Spirit also?
S All things were filled with the Holy Spirit at this time. For that flash, that moment, the song of songs was heard within the cells, within the atoms, within the vibrations of those beings.
Q How old was Elizabeth when she conceived his son?
S In your terms?
Q Yes.
S Seventy-six.
Q And how old was Zacharias?
S Eighty-three.
Luke 1:42-43
And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, “Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?”
S How the body, how the mind perfected then to that point of understanding can rejoice. For it knows there will be a great uplifting of that which is the physical, the mental and the spiritual being for that which is God’s due.
Luke 1:44-45
“For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed is she that believed:” for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord.
S The Lord promises not unjustly, not in vain. For the Lord is true. The Lord is everlasting. The Lord is perfect. And as the inner ear of self becomes attuned to the still small voice that responds to that which is the implanting of faith, love, mercy, toward your fellow man and for yourself, so then comes the announcement, so then begins that movement that leads to that which is the birth of the light within your own being.
Luke 1:46-48
And Mary said, “My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.”
S The lowest within yourself then becomes the highest. For there is the selection regardless of the forces of desire, regardless of those forces of emotions, regardless of the physical, the mental. For then is established, through the efforts of self, the way to touch and be part of that which is God’s spiritual realm, to be a key for others, a light, a constant prayer in action
Q Does this mean we would no longer be subject to planetary influences?
S You would be subjected, not subject of, but subjected to influences of the body-physical, the body-mental, the physical, material world, which includes that which are the planetary influences, the weather, what have you. But it will have no bearing upon the truth of your being. And that which is the truth of your being will be made known to that which is the subconscious nature of self, and eventually to the conscious mind, or the aware mind that you use in the present stage of development.
Q Please explain the difference between the subconscious, the sub-subconscious and the super-conscious.
S The sub-conscious is actually group, group experience, thought. It is that storehouse (the Pandora’s box, so often) of all you have thought, done and experienced in the sum total of all the experiences from the time you were created to the present. It is that which becomes the subconscious when you attain to that which is the true conscious of self. Your subconscious mind (which at some time becomes that which is your conscious mind) is that which holds the experiences necessary for you to use, overcome or what have you, in that which a particular lifetime or experience within the earth. You have that which is the super-conscious, which os the Christ force, the God force within yourself, which on attunement and attaining to that which is the higher level of your nature becomes blended into that which becomes your conscious mind, and that which becomes your subconscious mind as you have become the fulfilled entity.
Q You say it’s used sometimes on this plane, the subconscious mind? How and when is it used?
S Many times those forces that overtake an entity such as unexplainable rages or wave of love, hope, that seem to stem from nowhere or that bit of courage or force or strength that comes in time of trial or necessity is the coming to the fore of that which is the subconscious mind making not only an impact but actually becoming the thinking mind of an individual (though they don’t realize it at that time). [10-105]
Luke 1:49-51
“For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath showed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.”
S He has cleansed the mind and the body. For that which you request will be answered in His time, in His place. Fear not. For as ye seek, surely you will find. This is the law. This is love. This is mercy.
Q What kind of fear is meant here? We’ve been told that “where fear is, God is not.” What kind of fear is this?
S This is fear that the personality or the personalities developed by individuals (seen in the aware or the conscious mind) has for the fear of losing its dominance over that which is the prison that keeps the truth of your being in charge.
Q “From generation to generation” – does this refer to reincarnation?
S Absolutely
Luke 1:52-53
“He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away.”
S You will have, and you have had the opportunity to be rich, to be poor, to be mighty, to be humble. For in that which are the generations and generations, through the multitude of generations that you have lived and returned in that which is called reincarnation, so you will experience all things. But also, those that are poor in body, those that are poor in mind (which means to humble self) will become filled. So it is with all these things as given. For there is a spiritual, there is a mental, and there is a physical meaning in all things as given.
Luke 1:54-55
“He hath holpen his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed for ever.”
S The promise has been given that the hand of Jesus the Christ is ever extended to those that would seek Him, that His face is not hidden from those who would see it. For if ye love the Lord, so there is the Christ – willing and able – the Ideal, the Idea in that which is Jesus as the man and the Christ as God, united in the perfection, ready, willing, and also exceedingly able to raise you up if you would be used, if you would designate the mind, donate the body, wash away that which is selfishness for His cause.
Luke 1:56-58
And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned to her own house. Now Elisabeth’s full time came that she should be delivered; and she brought forth a son. And her neighbours and her cousins heard how the Lord had showed great mercy upon her; and they rejoiced with her.
S There is that which is the experiencing in the life which is the half mark, or even as that which became the harbinger, could not come on equal, but showing the presence of that which is the awakened man, must be that which is absolutely half to the day, to the hour, of that which is the awakening of the Christ, or that which is the Christ within yourself, even as the birth of He, Jesus, who became that which is the Christ. For there is in the third month, or the symbol three, or that which is as the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, that which must precede or come before that which is the term of six, the teaching or learning, which comes here as the harbinger. Though you see it in that which is the revision, or reversed situation, of one coming before the other – you see it in that which is the level of mankind, rather than its truth. For the Christ was created before that which was the harbinger, or that which were selves. For you have selves, harbinger, Christ. But, in reality, you have proceeded the wrong way and now must right it.
Luke 1:59-60
And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. And his mother answered and said, “Not so; but he shall be called John. “
S In that time you must understand that the woman had no authority, that the man must speak, and the man’s word was law, and that the children were named by the male. And yet, in yourself, even as happened to that which was Zarachias, there is the correction. For that which holds the seed, that which is the seeking, even as Elizabeth here was, is that which has received the Holy Spirit, is that which knows the way, therefore will speak and name and be as that which is the word – for the word to come.
Q Is that why he was named John?
S For the name was given to be John by the angelic host which carried (as they are the messengers) the word from that which is God to the human, Elizabeth.
Q What does the name John symbolize?
S This is the light. This is the love. Therefore, it is not the light of the Christ. For Jesus, which is the hand of God, or the handwork of God, or the exalted of God, comes higher than that which is man’s love or light, which is seen in John. For John could not be christed, therefore did not have that which you would term as Divine Light, though that which is the force of God showed through. For even as he came, he knew that though he voiced the way, he was but that which was the sign, that which was the word for the Word – the one to prepare the way, to fulfill the prophecies, and to return to face that judgment of self that self had prepared before, and to receive that which is the ultimate of judgment, the imposing upon self of karma that could have been put aside, but knew was necessary to fulfill the Scriptures and to show that on the metaphysical plane, that on the esoteric plane, that on the spiritual plane, must be done within the individual – each and every individual – in facing self before that time that you may find the Christ.
Luke 1:61-63
And they said unto her, “There is none of thy kindred that is called by this name.” And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. And he asked for a writing table, and wrote, saying, His name is John. And they marveled all.
S For then there is the understanding in that which is the overwhelming, or the male, or the driving force within self. That which has been given through the spiritual qualities must be attained, must be followed. And this is the writing within self, and upon that which is the karmic tablet of self, that ye have made the choice. And lo, too, you will then be able to speak and be unlatched as to that which is the spiritual tongue.
Luke 1:64-66
And his mouth was opened immediately, and his tongue loosed, and he spake, and praised God. And fear came on all that dwelt round about them: and all these sayings were noised abroad throughout all the hill country of Judaea. And all they that heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, “What manner of child shall this be!” And the hand of the Lord was with him.
S Within self there is the awe, even as among those people. For how many professed the belief in God, but, when faced with His works, fall, or cannot stand, or do not believe, or are awe struck. And yet these same individuals see the hand of God each day in that which you call nature, yourselves, in all things. They are blind. And this is that which is spoken of – those that have eyes that see not.
Luke 1:67-68
And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesied, saying, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people.”
S The world, the nations, the people, the elements, the forces, all things in their beings, in their vibrations, know that there is but one God, one Lord, one Creator. And all things are made by Him. Oh, modified at times, allowably, by man, that they may learn, that they may do, that they, too, may then share in the understanding of creation and the part, the role, that each and every individual must play at some time.
Luke 1:69-70
“And hath raised up an horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David; As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began”:
S The prophets, those abilities, those channelings of that which is the word, the truth of God, those things within yourselves, creation awakened, tools, lights, these things that lead the brothers, the sisters to that which is redemption. For there is a Redeemer, oh children. There is a Redeemer. Father, be aware of Thy children lest they forget, lest they not be aware. Make them remember, oh Lord, Thy Spirit that has created. Let them know that we are one.
And now we give that which is love, blessing and freedom to each and to all. Be wise, be merciful, be kind, be understanding and patient. Take on the mind of the Christ. Take on the mind of Jesus the Pattern. But do it! The love, the blessings.
RAM Reading 10-64
Prayer – Channel
Beloved Father-Mother God, we seek to see and know Thy face, not for our glory, not for our curiosity, but that Thy love will work through us for our brothers, our sisters, that indeed in our small way we, too, may glorify Thy name, even as the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, has done. Father, we come before You now, with love, with faith.
Behold Mercy! Behold Love! Behold the Truth, the Light, and the Way! Know this: if you would be healed, realize within yourselves that you may reach within and touch the Christ. Know this: that each and every one has stumbled and gone astray though they may be considered saints, prophets, what have you; though their lives may seem as spotless, they may, and have stumbled in that which may be the physical, the mental, oh yes, the spiritual. For though they have ascended to great heights, none has overcome the Way, the Truth, the Light, and the Life – Jesus of Nazareth. Therefore, pattern yourselves in the mold, in the way that He has set forth for you, knowing that, through His blood and His body, He has opened the door, become the passage. Reach out, reach within, take the hand that is so graciously and generously offered.
Luke 1:71-72
“That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy covenant;”
S His promises are not in vain. And that which you see in yourselves or your neighbors are those things which have been brought upon selves by self. See all things as that which is the opportunity to lift yourself up through faith, through love, through the mercy of that which is the God Force. And know this: that those physical and mental discomforts that come to you are but those things that temper the spiritual qualities and open the path for the soul to recover that which has been lost. Consider yourselves as a piece of silver that is being sought for recovery, as the lamb that has strayed and the Good Shepherd will return, in the promise as given by Jesus of Nazareth, with the power and authority vested in Him by that which is the God-Father Force. Know that even as you love your Father with all your heart, your mind, your spirit, that you, too must love your neighbor. Therefore, love yourself as you would love the Father and the Father as yourself. This does not mean to crown yourself or to place yourself above others, for as given, “Others first, Father, others first.”
Q The enemies referred to are thoughts?
S These are your thoughts which lead to deeds and the deeds are that which is the enemy or the destructive force within the life pattern.
Luke 1:73-75
“The oath which he sware to our father Abraham, That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies might serve him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before him, all the days of our life.”
S Even as Abraham was instructed to destroy or sacrifice that which meant the greatest thing to him, so selves must do same. Be prepared to crucify that which is the injustice, the selfishness, the back-biting, the critical, and all of those negative factors that ye have created through the aeons of time that mean so much to you, that you, too, then may find the covenant of the Father.
Luke 1:76-79
“And thou, child, shalt be called the prophet of the Highest: for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord to prepare his ways; To give knowledge of salvation unto his people by the remission of their sins, Through the tender mercy of our God; whereby the dayspring from on high hath visited us, To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.”
S Even as Jesus came into this world to be the light of this world, to open the eyes of those who were in darkness, so will come your time (in the future as you see time, but in time that has begun and time that is and time that will be), when selves, too, will be as a christ, when selves, too, will be as a god, that you, too, may be the light of many worlds and many peoples. Where to begin? Now, today, at this time, to show, the understanding, the patience, the long suffering, the love, forgiveness. Is it not written that you should pray to God asking Him to forget even as you forgive? Be it ever so humble, be it ever so tiny – it is a light.
Q When a person steals from you and you forgive them, do you release the karma for the other person or just for yourself?
S If it is true forgiveness, you have released it from yourself and given the opportunity that the entity may also release same, or release to another some offense and then that entity is cleansed, too.
Q Can you explain along this line how others are hurt when we sin?
S Well, first of all, sin begets sin. It is like a chain effect as you find in a nuclear reaction. Even the silent, unknown sin spreads forth the misdeeds, or the missing of the mark to others, For remember, each and every individual is linked together through that which is a sub-subconscious network of thought patterns, Also, each time there id a missing of the mark, there is that which strengthen the negative forces, or the pale around this earth, the clouding of negativity. Also, through the subconscious there is a reinforcement of the negative qualities in others. There also is the overt sinning towards others that causes reaction within others one way or another. If there were no reaction, only that which is action, there is no negative effect.
Q What does forgive actually mean? Does it mean forget?
S Partially forget, but to understand that all fall short of that which is the ideal man, only He, thy Savior, was perfect. Therefore, in realizing that which happens to your brother, your sister, the action from them is no different than the actions that self has expressed one time or another (usually many times) over, and over and over This is learning to love thy neighbor as thyself. [10- ]
Q Do “worlds” and “these people” have a literal meaning, a material meaning, or is it symbolic?
S It is literal. It is physical. And it is also metaphysical in its symbolism.
Q Would the outcome that you just described violate the Law of One?
S All things are as one, even as He has given – the Father and I are one, and you and I are one.
Luke 1:80
And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, and was in the deserts till the day of his showing unto Israel.
S In the tribulation, or the tribulations within yourself, the dissoluteness of the desert, the lacking of the spiritual, or that which is the temptation of the physical-mental man to that which is the spiritual being, comes that which is the trying time. And in the overcoming of these things, then you, too, may come forward and be as that which is the enlightened or the one who has washed from self as much of sin that is allowed for self to do, preparing yourself to be a way, a channel, for that which is the spiritual growth of others, that the sins truly will be alleviated and rectified through the Father.
Q Was John actually taken from his parents when he was about seven and trained in the Essene community?
S Was even trained before that but was taken from the parents at approximately the seventh year, being that which was seen as the culmination of the development of the seven centers to the degree that the learning processes, as given, would be correct at that time. John spent the next fourteen years learning, studying and moving about.
Q Was he at Qumran primarily?
S He was there, but not primarily there. Was in Alexandria, also in Persia, also in India.
Q Were the parents upset when he was taken away from them or were they prepared for that?
S Prepared, but, as all parents, grieved a bit. But knew that which was as the honor bestowed upon that one, even as the honor bestowed upon themselves, for being as, to an extent, a channel of love, a channel that brought forth that which must have been brought forth that the law and the prophets would be fulfilled.
Q Who cared for John during the period when he was still a little child?
S First seven years, his parents – natural parents – then those who were instructors. Especially there were two females, prophetesses in their own right, that were much responsible for the second seven years of that entity’s existence, where the entity was among the Essenes, especially preparing for that which was Alexandria and then the journeys towards that which was the Indus Valley region.
And now we give that which is the love, the blessing, the hope, the joy, to each and every individual that seeks to see and know the face of God, remembering that you truly must forgive so that God will forget. And always remembering that both are rooted in that which is “others first, Father, others first.” Make it the motto of the mind, the practice of the body, the food for the soul.