John 16: Jesus’ Final Teachings and the Promise of the Holy SpiritThe document is an in-depth analysis of John Chapter 16 from the Bible, focusing on Jesus’ final teaching and their spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It covers Jesus’ final teachings to His disciples before His crucifixion, including discussions on the coming of the Holy Spirit, facing tribulations in the world, and the promise of peace in Christ. The material explores themes such as spiritual guidance, the transition from physical to spiritual understanding, and the importance of faith in adversity.

RAM Reading 10-99 

Prayer – Channel 

Beloved Father-Mother God, we give thanks to come before You, seeking in the name of Jesus the Christ for Thy love, Thy goodness, seeking to glorify Thee, oh Lord, and in so doing, honor our brothers and our sisters. We thank Thee for Thy Presence, Thy love and the awareness You have of us. 


Blessed is the Name, the Power. Blessed is the Way. And blest are those that seek to see, to know that which is the Way, that which is the Light, that which is God. To seek is to find. To think is to be. And to master is to overcome. He that is the Way, the Truth, and the Light gave you your minds, and He became the Mind so that you, too, could overcome that which is this world. Therefore, dedicate the mind, and the body and the spirit will follow. 

Q Since Jesus Christ is the Way, how then is the Archangel, Michael, “Lord of the Way”? 

S Lord of the Way is the title of that which is for him who rendered to the needs of the Master in this plane, who was that which funneled the forces, the spirit, to Jesus the Christ. Once Jesus became Christ then Michael, though Lord of the Way, was not, then in charge of that which is the Way. For he is in charge of your way to an extent that he then renders to them who seek the help, the forces, as guided by Jesus the Christ. For Jesus is Lord of all. 

Remember this: that you as a child of God have a path that is different from those of the angelic host. Though Michael, archangel as he is (and beyond archangel as Lord of the Way), who traffics between humankind and the very Word Itself, the very presence and touch of God as God is in perfection yet does not hold the ability to become christed. You understand that there are not emotions as you can understand, or knowledge or the use of same through these hosts. Yet they have their own versions of same. They also, in the case of Michael, Lord of the Way, take on the very aspect of God–as God sees fit to use. Hence the title “Lord of the Way.” Whereas Christ is the Way, is God in action, Lord of the Way takes on only that which is the visage of God. 

Q Was Michael the guardian angel of Jesus, or did He have guardian angels? 

S He was in charge of Jesus Who became Christed. He was in effect the one who tutored Jesus in other planes and places. It was he who brought forth the qualities in Jesus. It was he who assumed that which is the role (unheard of, or unable to have been assumed before) of lifting up Jesus into that which is the Christ. For he acted as the Angel of Death for Jesus from time to time, especially at the time of ascension. [10-106] 

Q Speaking of death, in an earlier reading we were told, “for the greater the accomplishment, the narrower the gap, the lighter the passage, the greater the greeters.” What is meant by “the greater the greeters”? 

S It is a matter that you would associate with “peerage” upon this plane. It is a matter of hierarchy as you would find it upon this plane. Though God has created all equal, there are those who have advanced farther. There are also those personalities that are angelic, that have the ranking or authority or position closer to that which is the will, the way, or the Creative Force. These would be termed for you, greater. [10-131] 

John 16:1-3 

“These things have I spoken unto you, that ye should not be offended. They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. And these things will they do unto you, because they have not known the Father, nor me.” 

S What care you for the ways of man, or the god of man. For the god of man is that which is of this world – the material, the dedication to self. And if they should defame you, laugh at you, yes, and destroy the body, what have you lost? If you would follow the Way and the Light, then you gain that which is eternity. Follow, then, the path of light and love that you may lift your fellow man above that which is the material, that which is this world, that which is the illusion. For He, the Christ, came that you may break the bonds that you have forged, that you may cast off that which are the shackles that hold you to the illusion of the reality of this plane. But once again, remember, if you would succeed, if you would secede from this world, you must do it on the shoulders of those that you have lifted up. What care you for this world? What care you for your brothers, your sisters? 

S …You see, subtly man has been taught this and that. By whom? By selves. For much that is held, even at this time, as to be that which is looked upon as right, or righteous, is but the tools of the Satan within, that personal Satan. Even as you have a personal God, a personal Savior, so ye have constructed Satan. These lead astray often in the guise of that which is nationalism, philosophies, people saying this is right and that is right, by their standards, not God’s. 

Q Is this the self, John was speaking of when he said the prince of this earth stands condemned already? 

S The prince of this earth is that which ye have built and that which is condemned. 

Q That’s self? 

S That is self–or Satan. [10-14] 

John 16:4-5 

“But these things have I told you, that when the time shall come, ye may remember that I told you of them. And these things I said not unto you at the beginning, because I was with you. But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, ‘Whither goest thou?’ ” 

S You are like those that must have the life jacket. But He that lies within is that which will buoy you up, yes, give you that which you may walk upon the waters. And even at that time He gave to them that which is the helping hand, the strength and power of the spirit, the soul, the force of the Beloved, that they were kept from that which was destruction, the evils of this world. And yet, He must leave them that they would find that which He gave to them as the Comforter, that they could then overcome that which is the world through the God that lies within. The mission was His. The mission was accomplished. Your missions have begun. Let them, too, be accomplished. 

John 16:6-9 

“But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me;”

S You are your own world; you bear your own sins. You believe or disbelieve as your mind so adjusts. You have heard often that mind is the builder. How true! It is not what you eat. It is not what you is not that which you dedicate to the body. It is not the rays. It is not the pleading of prayer. It is that which is the cleansing by prayer, the meditation, and the actions so directed towards your fellow man that will lift you from the morass, separate you from that which is the physical. For He has given you the Holy Comforter, yes, the Christ spirit that lies within, that you may discern between that which is light and dark, good and evil, joy and despair. It is in the mind that the dedication, the seeking opens that which is the door. For He has promised to come to you, but not on your terms – His terms. Therefore, meet Him. Dedicate that which is the body, the mind, that the temple, the soul may have that which is the awakening that is yours by right. 

Q Can more be given on the difference between the Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit? 

S The Holy Comforter is that which is the Christ Force in action. For when He, the Prince of Love, sacrificed Himself, He gave a path that each and every entity may use, that which is the Christ Force–giving to them for the first time the Holy Comforter, that which they could not use before. That which is the Holy Spirit releases the Comforter in each and every entity. [10-24] 

Q Was the Holy Comforter an essential element to the soul, or was it added by Jesus? 

S That which is the element, the Comforter, is that which was dormant from the time of creation of the souls, the individuals, as made by God, to be awakened at that time that the christing (or the perfection, of the first Adam, to become the second Adam) was accomplished. [10-25] 

John 16:10 

“Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; “

S Righteousness, righteousness for each and every individual in the earth plane is that which is dedication. If you would seek to see and know the face of Thy Lord, then dedicate yourself through the blueprint as given Him in the manner of living, the manner of receiving, yes, the manner of acting. Then this is receiving and giving righteousness. Know your faults for what they are, but condemn not yourselves. For ever is mind the builder. Then use that which is the intellect to build the way, to overcome the foolishness, to justify the means. 

Q Why did He say, “You will not see me again,” when we are told later that they did see Him after He arose? 

S But they recognized Him not. For He was not in the flesh as known to them, but that which was sanctified, even as He called upon the sanctification before that which was the trial and tribulation of the Mount. They saw Him in the perfected form, you see, not in that which was the earthbound form, the physical form for the material plane, the material mind, the physical understanding. 

John 16:11 

“Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.”

S What is judgment but the evaluation? Evaluation in that time of yourselves is your judgment. Evaluation of that which is the Christ is your privilege. Your duty is the evaluation of that which ye have done each life. God does not evaluate as you know evaluation. Judgment, the reimbursing, the overcoming is yours. If you then would have that measure of comfort, turn to the Christ. For He is the means of overcoming, the means of mercy. And by Him, that which is the bug-a-boo of karma is cast aside; that which are the sins of this world are washed away; and your omissions become the opportunities; the remissions, those things which would be as the stepping-stones, then. For the opportunities will return. For he has given mercy. He has given grace. He has given the opportunity for you to live the fullness as the promise is. 

John 16:12-15 

“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. How be it when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine and shall show it unto you. All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, ‘that he shall take of mine, and shall show it unto you.’ ”

S You are His own. And if you find Him and know you are His own, then He becomes your own, and the Lord thy God becomes your own, and your brothers, your sisters who have found the face will become as your own, and you their own. For even as God has shown His glory in the heavens, in the individualism of that which is the sun, the moon, the stars, those planets, to give that sign to you that you may understand, though they are of God, they are as the individual. So have no fear of losing that which you hold so dear – yourselves. For though you become as one, you are as the cosmos – individual, unending, in, out, around, down, up, and through that which is God. 

Q Some of us are confused. We’ve been given to understand in the early parts of our lessons through you, we understood that we had sinned and come into the earth. It was our defying God and coming into the earth that got us in trouble. Now we seem to be given the information that it was all a blueprint of Jesus, that it was a lesson that we had to face. Is it appropriate now to clarify this for us, or should it be given at a later time? 

S You came into this earth because you were to sin, because you are what you are. Jesus, yes, the plan, Jesus the Creator, did then build the best way for you to learn the lesson and to overcome. For had a lesser built, it is doubtful that you could overcome. For the sins are yours, the missing of the mark is your choice, and even those who came in to save others became mired in that which are the sins of others and themselves. For the wanting became wants and desires. For Jesus, as is given (and we give Him that which is the name that you understand Him by), truly was with that which was the Creative force, or God, before the foundations of the world, became the justification for the world, and in assuming that which is the Way and the Path, then assumed the burden that no other could assume – to build a school that the waywards could use, learn, and graduate from. For God, in His wisdom, in giving the free will (knowing the power of the will) then gave Jesus the ability, the intellect, as you would have it, to build the minds that could comprehend and compensate for this world, learn the tasks, employ the intelligence, overcome the desires, and amplify that which is the spiritual through the lessons within this earth. There is not one – no, not one – that can escape the lessons of this plane, this earth, once they have fallen within that which is the choosing of the learning was made, there is or was no escape. For then you fall under that which has been given, that to climb in any other manner than by Him, through His name, is as a thief. You cannot escape. You have the immortal choice of the return as nothingness, or to be about the Father’s business of becoming as gods, that the creation may go on forever. Therefore, as is given, then, for your understanding, all things you need are known beforehand by Him that has given you life. For He knows you before you know yourself and knew you before you were. Therefore, your actions and reactions – though not predestined – are known to Him. For they are not predestined because all things occur at the simultaneous time. So that which you are has already been. That which you will be has already been. That which you are, is. That which you were, is. For all is one. Don’t strain your brain. Just put it aside or accept it as you find fit. This is choice, this is freedom. 

Q We are told that He, the Creative Mind, the Creative Force, that led us into this star system and fell, knew that He had to lead us out or there would be no salvation. After going through 114 star systems, returning then all the way back to God, what was different in this star system that caused Him to fall? 

S You. All of you, all mankind, all His brothers and sisters that came forth here. A fall here is not a fall as you would see it, into the depths of Hades, or the physical fall such as from the back of a horse. The fall, in reality, is going from the high to the low. If you would but picture a waterfall, the water is the same at the top as it is at the bottom – rather different in shape but still the same physical and, in essence, spiritual qualities. In that which is the return (which is a better term than the fall) the entity was assuming a different place, a different shape, physically and mentally. This, in itself, though more than drastic, was more disgusting to the physical, or in taking the physical-mental world as you have it, rather than being in that which is the spiritual-mental world and pure spiritual-thought world which that entity had ascended to. 

Q What was accomplished by Jesus the Christ returning all the way back to God? Please explain. 

S In His return to God all is accomplished – your salvation, the resurrection of the worlds as they should be, the expansion of the system forever through that which is the growth of the individual into that which is a god, the galaxies, the cosmos of God, expanding then forever that which is the love and mercy of the Force that is the Creator. This, then, is what was accomplished. 

Q Do you have then an expanding cosmos as far as God is concerned rather than, as some scientists would suggest, a pulsating universe? 

S You can’t even term it as expanding as you would understand it expanding or they would understand it expanding to be because on all levels it is going in, out, furthering itself. For God is everywhere, everything, and all things. There is no void – only God. You cannot understand the spiritual nature of expanding, or that which is becoming more – you have no measurement upon and in this plane – just as it is impossible to give to your physical-mental brains the experience of truth, the experience of light. [10-106 

John 16:16-20 

“A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me, because I go to the Father.” Then said some of his disciples among themselves, “What is this that he saith unto us, ‘A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me: and, Because I go to the Father?’ ” They said therefore, “What is this that he saith, A little while? we cannot tell what he saith.” Now Jesus knew that they were desirous to ask him, and said unto them, “Do ye inquire among yourselves of that I said, ‘A little while, and ye shall not see me: and again, a little while, and ye shall see me?’ verily, verily, I say unto you, That ye shall weep and lament, but the world shall rejoice: and ye shall be sorrowful, but your sorrow shall be turned into joy.”

S Oh the consternation, the woe, for these entities leaned upon the Shepherd, followed as the sheep, really thought not, but felt aplenty. And it is true, the world leaped with joy at that which is the crucifixion. For remember, He is not of the world. For He created the world for that which is the mentality of the world, for those that would lose themselves or find themselves. And His prophecy of that which was their wailing, their tears, their fears, then overcome by the joy, and truly, they began to see Him within their selves through that which is the mind’s eye, or that which is as the inner eye, even as He had prophesied. For even though He appeared in an understandable form that could be touched, could be understood as the resurrection of the body, yet the words were for that which was the spiritual nature, the gift as given – the mind – that the mind could see and understand the fullness of the spiritual self as He presented Himself to them in that which is as He had taught them to do, through the meditation. How else could they overcome the world? How else could they gladly go to that which was their own physical destruction, not caring, only having that which was the glory of God in the foreground of their minds? For they then knew that which you will know, the understanding as you see and know the face of God, through Jesus the Christ, when you reach it in meditation. 

Q In the statement: “really thought not but felt aplenty”, I wonder if thought and feeling are not the same. Please explain what and how they perceived with their feelings. 

S Thought is that which is manufactured within that which are the capacities or the intellectual and animal capacities of a species, such as the human species. That which is feeling is innate within an individual, even to a degree in the animal kind, or sub-human kinds, that is not manufactured or processed by the mental capacities. Rather they are ingested into that which is the system or the reaction-reflex system of a body by that which are the experiences of the lesser organismal processes within the body. Feelings such as fear, hate, distress, are the animal or lower feelings of same. But feelings of joy, love, and peace, are manifested by the influences of the higher elements with the activities or past activities of an entity, or even, to some extent, the animal world outside of the human world. Where feeling becomes true joy, peace, love, it is by thought process and building. An animal such as a horse, a dog, what have you, cannot feel the joy or the peace that a human can. Rather they may feel that which is the hate, the lust, the fear, that humans can. [10-106] 

John 16:21-24 

“A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish, for joy that a man is born into the world. And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” 

S The Christ was giving that which you would understand the message that He had met that which was the travail of the world, had gone through those things that were the temptations, had met them and overcome them, and did not consider that which was going to the cross as that which was travail. His work was done, and He believed. And then He was giving that which is the understanding, that you, too, may overcome the world, that the message to mankind is: the time of travail is short and becomes nothing in that which is the sense of the overcoming by understanding the illusion; that He the Christ promises to be with you and lift you up in those times that only He can do the work. And that what you ask in His name, truly will be given if you would give likewise to others. Be careful of what you ask or would give others. For you cannot be false and you cannot mock God. You must judge your own emotions, your own desires, your own feelings, your own reasons. For the basis of overcoming is selflessness, and it is in the mind more than the material things that you must overcome. How better to reward, to thank the Way, the Light and the Truth for giving you that measure of dedication, that way of sacrifice that you can save others by. 

Q In the analogy of the birth of a child that He uses there, was this changed later on by the founders of the church? Did He say a male child, or did He distinguish between the male and the female in that way? 

S He did. For the value system of that time valued the male as the first born, being that which would ensure the line (and here it’s a spiritual line, you see), act as the material-physical protector and provider, you see, both as the farmer, the herder, and the warrior. This was understood by the minds of the day, had no offensive meaning to that which were the females of the time, for they looked upon this as the same. Later it was used in terms to dishonor the female, but not among those that Jesus associated with, or the Hebrews of that place and time. Later as the Oriental influence occurred the more within the realms that are known as the Holy Land, so, then, the influences became to the negative rather than to the positive and was seen as a slur or putting “the female in her place.” 

John 16:25-30 

“These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall show you plainly of the Father. At that day ye shall ask in my name: the Father for you: For the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” His disciples said unto him, “Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: but this we believe that thou camest forth from God.” 

S Since you cannot understand God, but can in the mind, as controlled by that which you have built in it, understand the personality of a single individual, a face, a being, you may understand God, through the understanding of Jesus the Christ. If you first understand Him as a man, faced by all those things that all face, or have faced, can understand that He has built Himself through the incarnations into that one which was the epitome, Jesus, and can realize the good and the overcoming, then you may begin to understand the spiritual nature or the Christ side, and through this gradually understand the Father that has given you life and light, and the Mother that has preserved you and protected you. And as He has given so often, all things are possible to those that believe. And once the belief is true belief, you become acquainted with the aspects of God. For God, too, has aspects – the first three being those that you have heard of so often as being that which is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. But realize this: that even as many have laughed at those of the Hindus, who believe in the 33,000 faces of God – are not so wrong. For the faces are merely as that which is their expression of aspects. Know this: you have been told that often you meet and walk with angels. Now know this: often you meet and walk with God. Now treat your fellow man in the manner you would treat the Father-Mother God. For the one you treat may be God – not in the personality of another person, but God, pure and simple, evaluated by your mental conditions and conditioning as a fellow traveler in this plane. There is not one that lives today that has not brushed God in this form at one time or another. Therefore, you can understand when He gave that He was the one that asked for water (and you gave, or you did not give) what He really meant. 

John 16:31-33 

Jesus answered them, “Do ye now believe? Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

S He truly has conquered the world – not for Himself, but for you. Believe and it is true. For what is belief but faith? And faith, as given before, is the key. It is your way, your ticket. Now that which we give you to do and I say not unto you, that I will pray is to find your belief, your faith and practice it. 

S For all must realize in their choosing to come in at this time, whoever they may be, that in the times that are troubled, in the times as are seen now, there are gathering those forces that you would term as evil, or that which would manifest the negative qualities that feed upon these times, places; that would disrupt the thought, disturb the forces within. And by doing so (not consciously, but subconsciously) cause those barriers to be thrown up that would prevent or lead astray from that which is the straight and narrow path, for all individuals who seek to find the light and the truth, and the love that is. Remembering this for those who seek and search: there, too, is the sensitivity that draws the more, those powers that would attack, destroy or set astray the individuals so inclined. By inclined, as given, those who would search, to seek and know the way. Therefore, realize that each and every individual now who seeks, who searches, to be about thy Father’s business, rest assured that the troubles, the attacks, the negative forces, will be swirling about selves to cause that which are as the storms (whether they be human verbiage, human physical, or even that which is the physical aspects of nature) to accumulate about those who because of the seeking become targets. For those who seek will be the target of a non-understanding people, a non-understanding world. 

And in the times then, what is that which is thy defense but love, forgiveness, prayer, meditation, and to gather the forces of love about each other–prayer, and eternally, the forgiveness. For who has not fallen short of the glory of the Father? Only He, that became as the perfect vehicle through that which is the perfection of the mind and the body in conjunction with that which is the Holy Spirit that lies within each and every entity… But trust in Him Who is the Way. Turn to God and know that all is well, allowing that which is His shield and buckler to protect thee. And knowing as you receive, you have earned. And in the rewarding of others, so ye shall be rewarded. And then when evil besets thee, return it with love, kindness, charity, forgiveness. And as that which are tribulations mount, surmount them in peace, seeking not the rebuttal of force, but be that which is the flexible; be that which will bend. Even as a good sword would bend but not break, let thy spirit bend but not break, allowing that which is the soul to be tampered and tempered by that which are tribulations that surmount thee. Whether it is the normal run of the day, or those of greater importance, remember the Father knows the truth of each and every individual, knows what you are. And whether thy name be Joseph, or Mary, or Richard or Adams, or who you are known as, He knows thy truth. Therefore, treat it as same, knowing that which ye see as yourself and condemn, (or that which ye see as your neighbor and condemn) is but that which is as builded in the illusion of this world and has no place in the truth. And as that which is the glory of the Father grows the closer, rejoice within selves. For even as He, the Son, gave that the trials and tribulations that beset thee are from the world that hated Him first and must hate you, too. For those of this world will strike out at those who are not of this world. Therefore, turn the back upon the prince of this world who stands condemned of his own being, and turn to the Prince of Life and Love, and act as same, through same, that ye, too, will not stand condemned of thy selves. 

…And as ye conduct yourself in the daily discourses and actions between selves and others, so ye stand before thy Maker. And as ye treat your enemy (if you would have it as enemy) so ye act to your Maker. For even the brother, the sister, that is lost, is equal to those who have been found. Therefore, rally to thy brother, thy sister, in love, whether they be risen or fallen, and make hast in that which is the spiritual development of self through the actions of the mind, the actions of the body–and the actions of love that you will have created will reach out and grasp His. [10-15] 


We give that which is the love, the blessings, the key, the Way. Use it and open the door. For He awaits.