This document is a detailed analysis and interpretation of Mark Chapter 5 from the Bible, focusing on the spiritual journey; its metaphysical aspects and spiritual teachings. It explores themes such as faith, spiritual awakening, the power of prayer, and the deeper symbolic meanings of Jesus’ miracles and teachings in this chapter. The material includes discussions on the metaphysical interpretations of specific verses and how they apply to personal growth and spiritual development.
RAM Reading 10-50
Prayer – Channel:
Our God, our Source, our Love, we ask that Thy mercy be upon us and in us, that that which comes forth is of Thee. For no other will do, oh Lord. Therefore into Thy love, into Thy mercy, do we put ourselves. For we have faith in Thee.
Arise, oh children of man, that ye may receive the Word and the Word made whole through that which is the sanctification of the minds and the bodies, directed by the spirit that lies within. Know you this: it is through effort, constant effort, and the effort to understand that which is change within selves, within the brothers, the sisters, within the cosmos. For regardless of that which is seen by self as the negative, it is that which occurs within self and through selves that has the impact and the direction that ye seek. Therefore, let the eye be single and faith be the guide that ye may ask of the Christ for the Way. For He is the Way, He is the Truth. Remember, if ye seek, ye shall find; if ye ask, ye shall receive; and if you knock, the door shall be opened. For He will be there. He awaits. And know this: there is no other way. Know ye this: that as ye judge, ye are judged. Therefore be noncritical of each other or of selves. For as each and every member of this group, or any group, would find the negative in that which is criticism, so the ship that ye ride in is tilted and therefore loses that which is the straight way.
Mark 5:1
And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gadarenes.
S You have that which, (even as this chapter heading denotes five), the overcoming of the physical senses or the physical being. Therefore the crossing must be made in each and every entity in the seeking for the path; the overcoming of those senses; the crossing over to that which is the higher way, the higher path. That, too, is the overcoming of the five lower senses, or that which is putting them in that which is the proper place, the proper stance, the proper flow within selves.
Mark 5:2-3
And when he was come out of the ship, immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no man could bind him, no, not with chains:
S What are the tombs but the burial place of that which is the carcass or even that which is the carcass of the past. What comes forth? The Christ or the soul force released within self to meet that which is even as the karma or the karmic past, and that which is the presence, or the present, you see, of the negative or the wayward thoughts of self.
Mark 5:4
Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains, and the chains had been plucked asunder by him, and the fetters broken in pieces: neither could any man tame him.
S None can contain the will. None can contain the desires and the forces of the urges within self unless he turns to that which is as the Holy Spirit, which is as the Christ, which is as the soul force of love within self. For man-made, or will-made chains, fetters, cannot hold that which is the selfishness or the ego-centered mind of mankind.
Q In this example of a physical condition which you have explained as how it can be applied to us individually, what was the actual physical condition as a doctor would diagnose it?
S In that which is the physical presence of that entity as came forth from the tombs (and in reality did so), there was that which would be considered the paranoid, or the paranoia, present, but also that which is as the manic-depressant, see?
Q Is this what gave him the strength to break chains, and so forth?
S That is what, in the paranoia, or rather that even more so in the manic-depressant, is a total takeover by that which are the adrenals in the body – misused, you see – giving that which is the strength and power beyond normal man’s ability.
Mark 5:5
And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones.
S Here you have that which are the highs and the lows, the seeking for help and the regressing and running away, the destruction of self foremost. For, you see, in the tortured, twisted mind of that individual, even as in self, is the hatred of that which you would see as sin or the missing of the mark. For as that entity would release himself from that which is incarceration within the physical body, so at times within each and every individual are those urges to even destroy self or change self. And yet, it cannot be done unless it is done through that which is as the spirit of God working in man. There is no release through self-destruction of the physical body, no, but that which is the negative or the rebellion, or the rebellious body created by man so named by man – karma.
Q What is the significance of “cutting himself with stones”?
S This is taking that which is the hardness of the heart, or the hardness of that which is as the mental, you see, to try and destroy that which is the physical. For how often does mankind blame the physical for that which is the mental being, the mental ways, misused intellect, the ego-centered man?
Q Can we tie this and relate this to those who practice flagellation in the belief that they would acquire spirituality?
S There was misconception, you see, that came from that which is the land of India, where there was practiced that which is, even today, the releasing of demons through the penetrating of the body, especially with pins, nails, what have you. That which was taught at that time, misunderstood by so many, applied by many even today, with misuse of the will and the understanding of the body processes, by even that which is self-hypnosis, controlling that which are the cellular bodies of selves and penetrating selves with instruments of destruction and yet not causing pain, or even bleeding to an extent, or to a great extent. Yes, there are those who misused same, and fashioned within that which are the religious principles of selves, or self, the idea that to castigate the body was to drive out that which is sin. Whereas it is through the mental processes, cleansing themselves, as hyssop was used upon the body. So that which is as the cleansing prayer and meditation cleans the mind.
Q Please comment on the relatively new practice called Rolfing. Does it have any help in release along this line?
S Only as an entity wills it in the mind does it have that which is as a release. Many consider that which is the physical punishment, you see, even as in times of old, a release. It has a bearing upon those who have internal adhesions. But for the greater gathering of physical bodies, it does little. In short, it is the mental condition plus that which is as the physical condition known as adhesions that it has a positive effect upon. And in some it has an adverse effect by aggravating that a tendency within, especially that which would be considered the pleurae, or the pleural cavities, or the mucus lined cavities within the body, and forms that which is an excessive mucosa within these areas.
Mark 5:6-7
But when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshiped him, and cried with a loud voice, and said, “What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.”
S Oh, how the aware mind reacts to the presence of the Lord Christ making Itself known within the being. How often does an individual within awakening, or even an awareness (and awareness and awakening are different), cry out to be left alone, to be upon its egotistical, egocentric, selfish ways. And yet, the awareness is there. And once the awareness is there, woe unto him that turns away from that which is the path or the seeking, for how he compounds that which are the negative aspects, to be overcome again and again.
Mark 5:8-9
For he said unto him, “Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.” And he asked him, “What is thy name?” And he answered, saying, “My name is Legion: for we are many.”
S Here you have that which is name of Legion, or even as normally used among the Roman peoples (a legion being that of 6,000) but legions being multiplied here, you see, as that which is a thousand-fold. Misuse, you see, of that which are the five lower centers plus that which is the second to the highest, or the pineal body of self, reacting to the higher source, or the highest center within self upon the awakening. It is the cry of legion or that which you might term as basoling, basilic, [basilick], or that which is representative, or the other name as used, basolik, basolik, meaning that which is Satan, or using that which are the forms combined with the lower elements – the lizard and the cock*1, you see, being that which is the cold-blooded and scaly, clawed, and that which is the flighty, and self proclaiming that which then is the devil incarnate within selves.
1basilisk: A legendary reptile that is hatched from the egg of a seven year old cock and that has a fatal glance and breath.
(Webster’s 3rd International Dictionary)
Mark 5:10-12
And he besought him much that he would not send them away out of the country. Now there was there nigh unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding. And all the devils besought him, saying, send us into the swine, that we may enter into them.
S This, in truth, is itself washing away of the spirit of evil, or evil within self, as the thoughts do materialize into that which is as thought forms to be washed away. Into what? Swine. Oh, how this passage has caused consternation among those who would call themselves Christian and see only the superficial. For how often has it been said, “Jews raising swine”? And yet remember, among the Jewish people were other peoples living that ate of the flesh of the pig, or the swine. And it occurred. The swine being that which are the ways to be cast aside. Then throw the thoughts into the ways that they may be cast aside and the body, the mind, be that which is cleansed and made whole.
Mark 5:13-14
And forthwith Jesus gave them leave. And the unclean spirits went out, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the sea, (they were about two thousand;) and were choked in the sea. And they that fed the swine fled, and told it in the city, and in the country. And they went out to see what it was that was done.
S The word attacked might be better used here. For the meaning is better, you see. Then that which were the thoughts attacked that which were the ways that were not of the Light and the Truth. And when that which is, even as given, the devil is divided, it cannot stand or be, and is cast into that which is the cleansing force of the sea, or life in the Christ. And it is true that within self, at each and every time that you cast aside in truth that which is a thought, and cast aside that which is a negative way, or habit, or action, so the cry goes up through the body of self at the victory of the Christ within the self, that the Leader, or the Christ, the Ram, has thus led part of self, that which is the flock, or that which is the cellular structure of self, to a victory.
Q Is this symbolic or did it actually happen?
S It happened. Oh, yes, as given. There were those who raised the swine, you see, who were not of the Hebrew peoples, but rather those who lived upon that which is the flesh of the swine. And that which were the thoughts, the negative thoughts, you see, were cast out of that man, that entity, that body, into that which were the swine (or better “attacked” rather than “into”), that the two, the actions as represented, you see, within the physical bodies of the swine, destroyed themselves.
Q Would this be possession, as we understand possession?
S Not in this case possession. For you see, this is aimed at you as well as all present here, and all that see and hear the Way, the Truth and the Light. For who among you has not had that which are the thoughts that are not of the Christ, that are not Godlike. And yet, who among you cannot throw them aside, make them attack their own actions and be rid of them.
Mark 5:15-17
And they come to Jesus, and see him that was possessed with the devil, and had the legion, sitting, and clothed, and in his right mind: and they were afraid. And they that saw it told them how it befell to him that was possessed with the devil, and also concerning the swine. And they began to pray him to depart out of their coasts.
S Even as those, regardless of their understanding of God, act in that which is the light of their knowledge of God, and are rejected by others and asked to leave that which is their awareness, for they would rather not have God. So within self will be those forces of the mind and of the body that would ask, demand, that self be rid of the Light, lest the Light disturb the darkness and the darkness be cast aside that the ways of selfishness (and all sin lies within selfishness) would be cast out.
Q Why did they use the term devil? That has confused so many people that it’s actually an entity.
S We have answered this over and over: that it was to the understanding of those of the time, especially those who wrote this, you see. And remember, that thought forms can take, and do take, hideous aspects. And that actions do become as a devilish thing. And to many, the devil does become that which is a form, concrete to them. It made sense to those. And to those on certain levels of understanding there is a need to have concrete things. Remember, for many who would profess to know and see God, do not. The seeing or feeling of a devil is a greater inspiration to adhere to that which is a way towards God. For how often are men deterred because of consequences they can see and feel, and of that bug-a-boo fear. For where fear lies, remember, there is not God.
Q How can we cast out our negative thoughts, or rid ourselves of our negative deeds, without harming other people?
S By not trying to. By concentrating upon the positive. By diminishing the desire and allowing God to flow through. Even as ye do the small act, there is a crack in the dyke that the waters of life may pour through, ever widening the channel or the way. Even as that which is the dam or the dyke crumbles and is destroyed of the water itself and the pressure therein, so that which is the negative is destroyed, washed away, and self is made clean. Normally in that which is the true way, the true awakening, the individual is not aware of the crumbling and the pushing aside. For it occurs gently, quietly, positively.
Mark 5:18-19
And when he was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, “Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee.”
S Never broadcast thine own deeds, but live that which is the spiritual way. By the actions you are known. Give not credit to an individual, or yourself, but credit God. This is what is meant here. For Jesus had His way, His ship, His path that the other could not tread at that time or come into. For the ship, here, is representational of the body of Christ. That individual, though relieved at that time of the sins, was then in the position to go out, praise God, and live the Way, the Light and the Truth, so that in time the ship, the body of the Christ, would be opened, even as it is for selves to do and to be able to receive the invitation.
Q Did this individual come in purposely to provide this example, like that of the blind man?
S No, not in this case. This was an entity that had acquired. And because of that which was the purpose, and love, and mercy, through Jesus the Christ, so the entity was chosen at that time. For there were others that could have fulfilled. And yet, there was seen within that entity what the entity was capable of doing, and what the entity would in time accomplish, after that which is hit or miss, after that which is entry and reentry, that that entity, too, could be as a light that others might find the Way. For this entity in time became the one known as 1234 [well-known humanitarian], you see, in that which is as the same continent of his original fall among that which was the Pharaoh’s people, to destroy, to heap slavery upon others, you see.
Mark 5:20
And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel.
S Behold! He took that within to himself and raised it to the highest level of the knowledge, or the aware mind, that he was directed and lived by that which is the direction of the spirit, or here represented as the deeds of the Christ. And therefore, though that which are the spiritual connotations were lacking in that life, the mental did that which it was bidden to do. And that which was the will saw to it that the mind behaved, and the body-physical followed suit. In short, the entity received a balance that was proper in that life.
Q Do you mean the Pharaoh that had the Israelites in bondage?
S No. That one, a prince under Pharaoh, general of the armies, conquered that which were the far upper reaches of that which is the Nile country, conquered the land of Punt (a peaceful, quiet people) and enslaved them for the glory of Pharaoh, invaded that land which you now call Ethiopia, extended Pharaoh’s power through Nubia, and was the first to defeat the Nubians in battle.
Mark 5:21-23
And when Jesus was passed over again by ship unto the other side, much people gathered unto him: and he was nigh unto the sea. And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, And besought him greatly, saying, “My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.”
S Here is the calling of a newly found, or a rising faith, not yet made whole as Peter the rock, Petra, and yet at that place where faith can call upon the laying on of hands, or the blessing of the Christ. For that which was symbolized here in the daughter is the soul force, dormant, you see, lying next to that which is death. And what is death but that which is considered, in this plane, this level, life or the living in the material, physical world. Here’s faith beginning to understand that to be chained to this earth is death, and knowing the crying out and the weakening force that becomes the dormant soul force.
Q Several books lately have described the near-death experience of clinically dead people who survived. Some question exists as to whether these experiences can be considered as valid accounts of the true death experience. Please comment.
S There is no true death experience. There is no true death. There is the passing over and there are many forms and manners of passing over. As you live, so you build. For there is a door for each that is as on this side that must be used to gain entrance to the other side. Ye have built the door–the door which you enter. Therefore, seek not in the experiences of others, for that which titillates the imagination or the searching in that manner is not worth the search. Concentrate on that which is faith and love, and in your actions build that which is the door and the beauty that may be waiting for you at that door as a consequence of thine own actions..
Q Does the soul choose the time of departure based on completion
S Even as given as time, so method is as the same. [10-139]
Q There’s quite a battle raging now about abortion and when you consider that 80 percent of spontaneous abortions yield a defective embryo, and what you [have] said about handicapped and defective (as we see it) individuals being a joy and a blessing, and considering the fact that the soul enters the body at birth (the first breath usually), is there ever any justification for abortion?
S Each and every individual must perform to their own tune. They must decide within themselves. Remember, the first and primary goal of individuals within the plane is to reproduce, either of their species or of the mental-spiritual re-birth for others, see? When the selection is made, remember, for individuals must know that life being sacred also cannot be destroyed. For those who are controlled by the mental and physical bodies or understanding, to destroy a life form, such as an abortion, is a death. For those who are controlled by the spiritual-mental bodies, an abortion is not that which destroys anything but animal form and for those who are controlled by the spirit and the intellect of the spirit, nothing is destroyed, only rearranged, and a new opportunity given.
Q Is there ever any justification for suicide?
S No–and yes. Note, we did not say yes and no. No and yes. For most who understand or see suicide as a way of release or out of the body or to destroy or to get back at or for revenge, what have, in this vein: no. Yes, for those who commit suicide for the best interest of others as they have been taught or their understanding gives suicide to be. Note those that die for others, to save others, to sacrifice the physical body of oneself that others may live or in the at tempt to alleviate pain, suffering, or death to others, is suicide, as you would see suicide to be. Therefore, there must be yeses and noes to all question in reality. For it is the understanding of that individual who is doing either the suicide or the sacrifice. For some would say Jesus the Christ committed suicide upon the cross, for He could have prevented it, mentally at least. It is all in that which is the argument and the development of an individual. [10-131]
Mark 5:24-28
And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him. And a certain woman, which had an issue of blood twelve years, And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse, When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment. For she said, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.”
S You have that which even lies within yourselves: those who seek on the mental plane, those who seek on the physical plane, those who cry out and yet know within themselves that, regardless of that which they see or feel about themselves, there is that which is the draining away through that which are the twelve main avenues, or twelve main nerve centers of that which is the physical body, the blood or the force of life, or true life, or the releasing of the spiritual, and not the reclaiming of same or use of same in the proper attitude; calls out and knows that only the meeting of the Christ can cure that which are the mental-physical disparities within the body of selves.
S …For selves are channels of His blessing in many more ways than can be understood or even explained here. But you see, it is as relay points. It is as boosters. It is as that which gives to the power output, the input, see, that each may serve at this time in the great capacity of bringing to a focal point the desires of all mankind (not just for selves but for all of mankind) for the Mercy to again come before the people that they may be washed clean of their sins. Even as His hems were touched, they were washed clean. So it may be again as He walks among His people with all authority, with all power, with all love. [10-3]
Mark 5:29-30
And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague. And Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned him about in the press, and said, “who touched my clothes?”
S Remember, do not believe that something was lost from Jesus. It was not lost in the physical nor was it lost in the soul force. But the entity, Jesus the Christ, knew that faith from Himself had gone out by faith of another, that a cure might be made. At that time, you see, He, Jesus, knew that He had struck that which was pure gold (pure meaning soul, you see; clean – the Truth) that someone had awakened spiritually. And in the healing He knew that a soul would no longer be needed to be returned to this plane and He would proclaim it among the peoples.
Mark 5:31-32
And his disciples said unto him, “Thou seest the multitude thronging thee, and sayest thou, ‘Who touched me?'” And he looked round about to see her that had done this thing.
S Ever is it the present mind, or man mind as you would call it, cannot see, and reasons in that which you would call reality or the superficial. Even as some read the Scriptures superficially, so those, even about the Christ, looked at the superficial, you see, not realizing, even as parts of self do not realize or wish not to realize, the awakening, the Christ within self doing that which is His to do alone by rewarding that which is faith.
Mark 5:33-34
But the woman fearing and trembling, knowing what was done in her, came and fell down before him, and told him all the truth. And he said unto her, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace, and be whole of thy plague.”
S When God acts within your life, proclaim it to your body, your mind, your will, that you may go, too, in peace. And realize that which has occurred within you, whether it is that which is the dream direction, whether it is that which is the cleansing of the mind, whether it is that which is the reward of meditation, whether it is the answering of that which is the prayer that is discernible to your mind, whether it is the repair and regeneration of the body-physical – proclaim it within yourself as God within acting in that which is the Truth, the Salvation, lest you lose the opportunity and must work again. For God loves those that love the entirety of the being in its reality, in its cosmos, understood. If ye cannot love your toe, how can you love your heart. If you cannot love your heart, how can you love your soul.
Mark 5:35-36
While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house certain which said, “thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?” As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, “Be not afraid, only believe.”
S Ever there is doubt, or ever is the will within self, or the mind intellect, or even ego, or past experience, that which would call out “There is no use, turn away.” Be not the defeatist, but listen to that which is the Master of Love within your own life. Whether it be actions of others, or the true action of God within your mind, your endocrine system, what have you, be of good cheer. Do not be deferred, or detoured, from that which is the object of God’s love within you.
Mark 5:37-40
And he suffered no man to follow him, save Peter, and James, and John the brother of James. And he cometh to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and seeth the tumult, and them that wept and wailed greatly. And when he was come in, he saith unto them, “why make ye this ado, and weep? the damsel is not dead, but sleepeth.” And they laughed him to scorn. But when he had put them all out, he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel, and them that were with him, and entereth in where the damsel was lying.
S How the mind and now the awareness of self scorns that which is even the knowledge, or an awareness of the soul force, calling that which is dormant or asleep – dead or gone. This is the force that would scorn even the awareness of God about selves, or within selves.
Q The fact that He took Peter is understandable, but why the sons of thunder?
S For in faith you reach that which is the point, you see, in meditation, the awareness of the Christ Force. For now you have faith, meditation achieved, and Christ hand-in-hand, as must be accomplished within yourselves, that you may raise, going within with the Father and the Mother, which are the forces of God within self, to release, awaken, rejuvenate, the soul within yourself.
Q Is there a symbolism behind the two, James and John, having the same soul purpose?
S Yes, and it is a one purpose. That is to achieve, you see, that is to achieve within meditation. For they are the symbols, or rather they are the twins that make the symbol of the soul reaching that which is the meditation that it may be fed by the Father-Mother God.
Mark 5:41-43
And he took the damsel by the hand, and said unto her, “Talitha cumi;” which is, being interpreted, “Damsel, I say unto thee, arise.” And straightway the damsel arose, and walked; for she was of the age of twelve years. And they were astonished with a great astonishment. And he charged them straitly that no man should know it; and commanded that something should be given her to eat.
S “Talitha cumi” is that which ye must reach within yourselves. Let the Christ raise within yourselves that which is the soul force, that which is indicated by the number twelve – one being God, and two being that which is the awakening through the sons of thunder, that you reach that which is three or the triumvirate, or that which is the triune which is represented of the triune God within self – The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. What is fed to that which is the soul awakening but the Christ Force, see?
Q In reference to Cayce reading 281-32, would you clarify his explanation concerning Father, Son and Holy Spirit in relationship to the emotional, physical, and material forces?
S They may roughly be compared to the forces that you find in this earth or this earth plane or that which is, astrologically speaking, the fire, the air, the earth. You have the creative force, the active force and then in that which is the Christ, you see, that which is the personal god, or that which you become. As that which is explained by Cayce–was given for a specific group, for a specific time. It has the connotations or the overbearing needs of that group [10-118]
Q Do the two, James and John, refer to the two channels, the Ida and Pingala, whereas one must become one in the central channel?
S Oh, yes, and the raising of the force, you see, in that manner.
Q The Egyptians have a concept of three, also: Horas the child, Isis, and the father-god. Where did this come from?
S This was brought in, you see, with Atlantis, or the Atlantins, or the Atlanteans, however you would call them. For, you see, with the understanding of the Law of One, there was the incorporating, you see, of the understanding that the time would come, as man fell away from the teachings, that there would be the representing in the lives of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. There would be that which is the recouping of the losses that mankind had incurred upon themselves by that which is the dropping away from the teaching of the Law of One. It is also seen, you see, in that which is the teaching of Osiris, of that which is the dying and the replacing of life within man’s replenishing nature, or even that which is traced by many as the origin of Jesus in the tomb for three days, raising again; and yet, it is right, but it is oh so wrong, too. For the theory or the practice did not come, you see, from those teachings, but from that which is the mouth of God as given to those, even in the days of old, before that which you would call as recorded history by man’s understanding. There will come soon that which is the unearthing of that which will be termed Runic that will establish after much thought, in man, the authenticity of that land of Atlantis, and the incorporating of those religious ideas and scientific principles among the peoples of the various places upon this earth, mainly in that land which is the Delta area of the land of Egypt.
Q Were there physical human beings who became the counterparts for these gods, Osiris, Isis, and Horus?
S Yes.
Q May we be told?
S There were those who assumed the dignity; there were also those, such as this Source at this time, that came in, in the guise of mankind, that they might find that which is the message, or the rejuvenation of the ideas known within the soul force (and not practiced at that time by man) of God within the earth. At this time there is no need to explain who was what or where or when. It suffices to be that the knowledge is available in the soul force, in the remembrance apparatus that is the subconscious of the individuals, that the knowledge is there.