Understanding 'Christed': Pathway to Oneness and Divine Unity

Introduction and explanation of the term ‘Christed’

During the editing of the RAM material, we kept coming across the term Christed. It seemed to be a strange use of the term, which drew us to understanding ‘Christed.’ Further investigation showed that the term was frequently used. Grammatically it seemed similar to the term knighted.

Therefore it could be said that one is Christed when achieving a oneness with God. Similarly when the squire has achieved a level of accomplishment then the king bestows knighthood upon that person. 

We decided that the references to the term Christed were so numerous, we should gather them into a file. 

We found that there were two ways in which the term was used. Firstly, as Jesus who became the Christ. Secondly, as we have been told He is the way, so we, by following His example may also become Christed. The second part of this file are those references to how our destiny is to follow His pattern and become Christed.

Section One: 

Jesus who became the Christ – or who became Christed. 

He that became truly Christed

This Jesus the Christ did by becoming Christed, pulling that which is the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, into Himself by His sacrifice of that which was the ego put in place, the mind put in place and the physical body in its place.

He that had the I AM in perfection, Jesus, brought forth the Christ, brought into self the Holy Spirit, the working end of God and became Christed.

Even as He became Christed in the act of crucifixion, the total resignation of self to true Self became one with God; therefore, Jesus the Christ as the Holy Spirit, which is God, becomes One.

For a perfect person, therefore, even as He, Jesus the Christ became, all seven rays are then focused at present. Each ray having a different color becomes that which is as in total then, white. Therefore, He, even Jesus the Christ, when Christed, became as the total of seven rays. That is to say, the white light of creation was through and about and of Him, see. There were no sub-rays, no distortions, no division, for in the total of the pulling together of the rays, they became as one. One in what? One in God.  

Jesus became truly Christed and departed from the body.

Mark 15:33-34 

And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? 

S Even at that time, the ninth hour representing that which is the physical world, the ending of same. He that became truly Christed at that time departed from the body, from the personality, the intellect, and that which called out is what will call out in you. Why have you forsaken me? For then that which is the soul force, the power of the Christ, departs from that which is the carnal-centered individual, that which is the meat body, that which are the nerves, the blood, all those things that make up the material man. But remember: the Christ does return to lift that body, and to sanctify that body, as you must learn to lift the body, to sanctify it for the glory of God, that you, too, may become as gods. 

The Master Jesus being Christed before

 Q In the readings it has been stated by the Source that our Master, Jesus, was Christed twice in that life. Was He ever Christed previously in any other life?

S Came in Christed, once.

Q Can there more be given in regard to that?

S This is not the same hristing as you are thinking of but is Christing or that which is the apex of the spiritual being. Came in, to be as a light to those who followed the name of Jehovah or at thatC time. For this was prior to the naming of Jehovah, though. That name more recent had the same meaning-. Yayway, Yahweh, Yahway, at that time. As one who had no father, mother in the sense of others at that time.

Q You mean Melchizedek?

He came as the Way that every individual born of woman could find the path again in overcoming, to find the love.

Matthew 26:29

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.

S Here is the indication for selves, even as it was for Him, the Master, that once cleansed there is no more to be done. For as ye are cleansed, ye have freed yourself forever from that which is as the material world. And yet, He gave also the promise that ye would do this and drink with Him then of that wine which comes straight from the Father of all, the Lord thy God, in perfection.

Q In relation to this sacrifice, have I been correct in stating that when our

Lord came as Melchizedek, he attempted to teach people (having come

into the world without being born) and when he failed, he then realized that the sacrifice of coming into the flesh and going through the mess that we had made for ourselves was necessary? ls this correct teaching?

S This is correct. Though the entity was in a physical body, could not at that time assume the physical totality that was necessary. For then the entity that became christed realized that a total understanding, once again, of the human impulses, the human ignorance, the human organism, must be assumed, that it could be shown in a lifetime that every individual born of woman could find the path again to that which is as the overcoming, to find the love.

In that lifetime as Jesus, he was able to balance the 12 zodiacal signs with the 12 neurological centers of the nervous system.

Q Then the astrological houses or signs do directly relate to, in a given entity, those twelve neurological factors. Is that correct?

S This is correct. And the man who was called Jesus, who became Christed, was one who found the balance between that which are the zodiacal signs and that which were as the nervous system within self, the thought process systems, even which is balancing the twelve times twelve being 144 as representative of the 144,000 centers within self or, as given, as souls that are those which are saved, or are those which bring upon an individual the salvation or the awakening to that which are the God forces.

Michael the archangel, was Jesus’ guardian angel as well as his teacher, and lifted him up into that with is the Christ.

RAM Reading 10-106

Q Was Michael the guardian angel of Jesus, or did He have guardian angels? 

S He was in charge of Jesus Who became Christed. He was in effect the one who tutored Jesus in other planes and places. It was he who brought forth the qualities in Jesus. It was he who assumed that which is the role (unheard of, or unable to have been assumed before) of lifting up Jesus into that which is the Christ. For he acted as the Angel of Death for Jesus from time to time, especially at the time of ascension.

Jesus allowed the Christ to operate and used the Holy Spirit that came to Him.

Mark 15:1 

And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate. 

S Even as you daily crucify the Lord, so you bind and carry that which is the Christ Force away. For there is nothing that the Christ will do within you unless allowed. And as you bind the Christ Force, you are making the selection. For that which is the force of love, truth and light that abounds in each and every entity, is subject to that which is the will, the mind, and the actions of an individual. This individual self has a free choice daily whether to bind the Christ, or free the Christ. Make no mistake. You do have the power and authority within yourself to use the Christ or be used by the Christ; to bind the Christ, or to hold the Christ. He, Jesus the man, Jesus the anointed, Jesus, He that became truly Christed, allowed the Christ to operate; used that which is the Holy Spirit that came to Him. None can bind or hold that which is as the Holy Spirit once in action. Man’s will, man’s mind cannot control that which is the Holy Spirit. 

He became Christed in the act of crucifixion and became One with God.

RAM Reading 10-09, 5-19-74

Q In Philippians II, 10 through 11, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Would you please clarify the deification and Lordship of Jesus the Christ through those verses? (146)

S Even as He became christed in the act of crucifixion, the total resignation of self to true Self, became One with God; therefore, Jesus the Christ as the Holy spirit, which is God, becomes One. Therefore, even as He gave when He was in the spirit, and in the flesh: “If ye have seen me, ye have seen the Father.” He is one with the Father; He is God. Not Jesus the man, but Jesus the Christ, the Spirit christed in action, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, being one.

Being christed was on the cross, not at the resurrection

Q I believe the following is necessary in order to go back and understand something in order for us to prepare for the Second Coming. The Source has stated, through this channel, that our Master, Jesus, was christed at the time of the baptism by John–and again before his death on the cross. Does this mean that since He completely overcame the earth at the time of the last christing, this is the resurrection spoken of in the New Testament and not the raising of the body-physical after death? 

S Correct! 

He who became christed was created from the First Cause and became the Pattern for all to follow.

Q Could we have an explanation of a seeming contradiction to two statements? One was in Ram reading 10-37 in Matthew which stated, “none that comes first. For all were created equal, all were created at the same time.” Now this states that “He being that which was first created – and from Him came you”. 

S In the act of creation, even as that which is developing the time sequences, or patterns, or that which is known as time for your understanding, and for the cosmic understanding, there is a separate creation of that which is life itself from whence all things come. For when God moved, and God thought, and God became, God created that which would deal with all things to be. And from that came selves, or the soul forces of selves. From that first movement, thought, came that which is the Prime Mover – life and light – which became the soul force as seen in the fragment of Jesus, to become the Christ and become Christed. From that which is the direct line of creation from the God, is then, the First Cause, or First Son, from whence all of you have come. Jesus, the Christ, as representing God, is the First Cause, the First Son – though Jesus as an entity was created at the same time as soul entities here, there, or in all places. However, all souls, all spiritual things and being had not that which is individuality. But He became Christed and came first from that Cause and was the Cause, and is the Cause, found in creation of the first, true personality created by God. All beings and all souls came in at the same time, were created at the first as the same, and yet that which was the personality, the individual that became the pattern for all to follow, was created from the First Cause prior to all things. [10-89] 

Jesus is the only one in the entire universe that has gone through the complete cycle and become Christed.

Q When the soul that we knew finally as Jesus left the world as Enoch and regained His stature in other planes and other places, this didn’t constitute Christing, then?

S No.

Q And so when He came in as Joseph, He was not already christed. I see.

S Yes.

Q When you speak of other planes, are you speaking of other planets in our solar system?

S We are speaking of planes and planets. We refer to places as planets: planes are those which you would term, even loosely, etherical, astral, and so forth.

Q Then Jesus is the only One in the universe that has. . .

S The only One in creation that has gone through that which is the total cycle.

Jesus christed through trial and tribulation

Mark 2:8-9 

And immediately when Jesus perceived in his spirit that they so reasoned within themselves, he said unto them, Why reason ye these things in your hearts? Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk? 

S This is asking for the recanting, the changing of the mind in that which is the nit-picking, that which is the binding, that which is the faultfinding and, in truth, that which is the narrow mind of the individual, even as He, Jesus the man, Christed through that which is the trial and tribulation of finding peace and the forgiveness of self, as well as others. 

  1. Was Jesus christed at the time of transfiguration?

S To an extent. But there is not that which we can explain to you. When is gold valuable? When is gold a trinket? When is gold a necessity? When is gold truth? Or is it that which ye must see in its companion surroundings, in the proper aspects, the proper valuation? And each would see it at a different level. So it is that which ye are asking here. Christed, yes, but not fully Christed. Inexplainable at your level. [10-25] 

Section 2:

How we are to become Christed as well

  • He has shown us the way, and He is the Way.

A blessing from the Source suggesting/wanting us each to find the path.

Then we would give this, this thought: Father of all mercies, Thou Who has given us the Christ Force, Who showed so amply in the One, Jesus, Who became Christed for us, that we all may reach this at the time so needed for the peace, for the love of the world and all that dwell within. And let our motto be, “Others first, Father, others first.” We are through with this reading at this time.

And now we give that which is the love, the blessings of the Father Almighty, of the Son Christed, and of the Holy Spirit, that all here may find the path, make the selection, and be upon thine own business to the Father.

Importance of Dedication to find the Way and a prerequisite for Harmony, Love and Light.

But first we would give to this group this thought: it is in dedication that you will find the way; dedication that will make this platform work. What is dedication? Even as Job found dedication to be, even as He, Jesus the Christ, as the man, found dedication so that He, too, could become Christed. Dedication is that which is the giving of self not just in words, or here in actions and there in actions, but in thought, word, and deed. For in honesty look into yourselves to see: Is there dedication? Until dedication is, there cannot be that which is the harmony, that which is the love, that lights the light, makes sure the path. The Savior of this world will come again. Therefore, it is for each and every member here to read, to study, the 86th Psalm. Make it a part of your day that it may bring forth in self a dedication, a rededication, to that which are the objectives of this life, this place, and this time. It is good also for these entities to read Mark 14 and John 7. For herein lies much authority that is within self to digest. 

Explanation of terms related to the Christ and being Christed

  1. Q Please explain the differences between the Christ Force, the Christ, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (131)

S First, we would begin (by that which we have given before) with the Christ. This is the first, the perfect idea of the perfect man, even as Jesus the Christ was the perfect man, the perfect physical man, the perfect idea, the perfect expression, the perfect psyche, the perfect temper, the perfect anger, the perfect love, the perfection of law. Then we have that which is as the Christ Force, or that which is brought from the Christ within self to do, to be about the Father’s business. This is the working end of the Christ within self; this is the Christ Force. Then we have that which is the Holy Spirit. This is God. This is what ye call upon to raise in self, the Christ Force to meet the Holy Spirit that ye may be made One, even as He was One and became Christ-to-Christed, see? This is, then, the perfection. This is the idea, the ideal of God. 

Q Then we have also been told by the Source that one must overcome the earth by completely unlocking the mental and thus unlocking the spiritual and then becoming the perfect person. When this is completely done, is one resurrected?

S They are resurrected. Even as they become step by step the ideal that God has of thee, the idea of man the ideal man, the Christ, step by step and at that time, as given, as mentioned, then you are Christed. 

The “fall of man” is the first step in becoming eventually Christed

Q   Please clarify and explain what is called the “fall of man” and the part played by Jesus. How does that relate to this group?   

S   Well, He’s picked you up before; He’ll pick you up again. He’s very patient about it. And if you will consider yourselves, then, to be typical, an example of mankind, your fall is that which is partially contrived, partially desired, and partially through ignorance. How else could you learn? How else could you follow His footsteps? How else could you become christed if there was not One to show you the way in, and extract you later? You planned your fall; others planned your fall, and you willingly accepted – both your own planning and the planning of others. You then did that which was the necessary thing so that in times to come, when you have the opportunity to lead in and to lead out, you may do it with the assurance that you can and will. For He has done it first and you and He, then, are one. You see, His task is never ending; yours only beginning. But all will be successful in the end.

Again, reminding every individual that they too will be Christed.

Matthew 26:53-54

Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?

S Once again this is reminding every individual that they, too, will be Christed. They, too, have the opportunity. They, too, can raise that which is the power, the forces of God. Even as here you have the symbol of twelve, that which [are] as the great twelve main branches of the nervous system, the 60,000. For in each legion there are 5,000, giving you 60,000, or a multitude of hosts within self to carry on that which is as the work. Meaning here, that you have all power to tap as ye become aware of that which are the forces of good within self- God’s force, the Christ Force. Then use same- but for that which is Gods purpose, not self’s purpose, even as Jesus exemplified here by calling not upon the powers that He had command over. And this, again, was throwing aside temptation. For lo, the karma that would have been lifted for many. Lo, the wonder that He could have done for many. And yet, He would have not fulfilled the way, the earning way that must be for mankind.

Becoming christed in our own way through emulating the path (the Way) of Jesus Christ

RAM Reading 10-135

S This is a magnification or that which we will give as a magnification of that which is already preceded as the entering or entering statement of this reading. For none of you can realize the opportunity that presents itself to you through that which is the overcoming of karma, or cause and effect, by Jesus the Christ. To come to His feet is to the understanding of His way, to become as He or to come to His feat which is the action (f-e-a-t), that which is becoming Christed in your own way through that which is the emulating of the path of Jesus the Christ. Know you this, that though you may not be as He, you may act as He and become as He became. This, then, is the meaning of the second ‘feat.’ (10-135)

Admonition to become christed by perfecting the Christ within and a conduit for the Holy Spirit. 

The Source at the beginning of RAM Reading 10-141

We have the gift of life, which is love, and we would give to this group at this time: though the world you know may be in chaos, though the world you know may crumble, though the world you know may be cruel, yet within you is that world that is true, that is unshakable, that is indestructible. This, then, is the world of God. This, then, is the world to nourish your soul, your soul mind, and your true self. Though the world about you contains your brothers, your sisters, your first rule is to establish the world within, thence move unto the brother, the sister, as is necessary in that which is fulfilling the life or the movement of God or that which is known to you as the Holy Spirit or God in action, God in motion. Then perfect the Christ within that you, too, may become one with the spirit and show the action or be that which is the conduit for the Holy Spirit to work from and through. Be Christed, then, through His actions, through His sacrifice. 

Following His footsteps will release us from and allow us to ascend beyond cause and effect. 

Genesis 8:31-32

Q When you spoke earlier of cause and effect, it seems as though this world is based physically on cause-and-effect laws. Were you speaking only in relation to karma? 

S We are speaking of all cause and effect as you see it in this place. For remember, your world is great and wide, huge, magnificent – whatever you would see it as, is but a speck, and it is not that which follows the law of God. You see your cosmos as that which is bound by the law of cause and effect, but this is for your being, your mental state, et cetera, rather cumbersome and awkward to beings that are not of your world or your status. Jesus the Christ removed cause and effect for all individuals who could come to that point of understanding what He had done and believing in His work, His way, His blueprint. Also, came He to then give the second way to release you from cause and effect, that which is following His footsteps and becoming as Christed as you can, though not in His way, allowing you to ascend past that which is cause and effect. 

Overcoming of the physical culminates in the Christed being.

Genesis 17:19-20 

And God said, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.” 

S You have now the division. You have that which is Isaac which represents the fruits of the spirit or that which leads to the overcoming of the physical through and culminating in the Christed being; where Ishmael is that which is on the spiritual path, as given, who understands, to a degree, the spiritual nature, and yet represents even in his search or the search, as those of this nature are, or those nations, the binding to that which is the mental-physical or the physical world. Hence the great kings which are leaders of men and not of the spirit, of the nations that became the Muslem leaning nations or those who have the word of God and yet have not attained to that which is the Christ Consciousness as you are led to know it to be and therefore stumble and go astray in that which is misdirected zeal, that which is misdirected “spirituality.

We shall become christed making progress slow, steady, and with patience.

Genesis 14:17-20 

And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king’s dale. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, “Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” 

S You have the first and greatest hurdle completed, not yet a Christ awakening but that which is the one step from Christ. For even He that became Christed was a priest even in the manner of Melchizedek or Melchezedek or Melcheazekek, whatever. Therefore, you must make progress, and as we have given at the beginning of this reading, slow, steady progress that makes some fall by the wayside, others seek that which are the quick solutions (as they see them to be) or the quick rewards. All entities must learn that which is the slow, steady, patience that requires and develops faith. 

Not if, but when we become Christed, we will still have free will.

John 10:12-18 

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold and one shepherd. Therefore, doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. 

S Even He that is the Blueprint had free will. Do not believe that when you become Christed you do not have free will. It is perhaps free will on a higher level; free will in the manner of choosing as to how God’s force is to be used, but nevertheless, it is free will. And as you perfect that which is the laying forth your lives so that other lives may become, and that the worlds of your creation will be worlds of life and light, so then you will understand that which is the laying forth as Jesus the Christ spoke here. For He spoke of that which He had prepared, even as He had prepared this world and the worlds affecting this world, and that which is the mind of man, and then did come back and lay down that which was the personal life and the personality of that which was to be used within this world, sacrificing that which was the god perfected within Himself to take upon that which was the human element that you may learn the Way and the Path.

It is for the individual to sit upon the throne and be Christed.

Luke 1:32-33 

He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. 

S Each and every individual must go through those steps. There is no short cut. For though He is the Way, the Truth and the Light, it is for the individual to make the effort, to climb the steps, to find the throne of David – that which is love in mankind – that they may sit upon the throne, and be Christed, and find that which is the spiritual love, the apex, the epitome, that which is the bounty of God. You can, and you will do same!

As we become closer to that which is being Christed we become closer to Jesus the Christ, that became as the doorway.

Revelation 17:3-4 

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 

S This is that which is the ego, which has made the choices, which has bowed to that which is the will misused. This is as He that was the Deliverer as He went into the wilderness for those forty days and forty nights, as He saw His own temptations. There must you be and face the ego and its choices in its freedom – and repent. 

Q Please clarify the statement, “There must you be.” 

S Even as he said, “Lo, I am with you”, so you must be with Him. As you become closer to that which is the Christed, you become closer with the entity which is Jesus, Jesus the Christ, that became as the Doorway. And then act as the Christ or He that was to be christed and feel the emotions, understand the events, and see through the very eyes of that One, or the man of Nazareth. For as you become one, you become one in that which is the spirit, which is far greater than that which is the emotional or that which is the physical or mental being. Even as the individual is an individual, you are one with that which is the thought, the spirit or that which is the Creative Force Itself. And in becoming one, the experience is as one and you then know what was given, what was attained, and why. 

Q Does that mean that you actually experience the illusion that He experienced as well as the perfection? 

S You are one. 

Q You are saying that we are participating in some manner in His experiences in the…

S You become as the being. You become one, connected mentally, physically and spiritually to the wants, the needs of that individual at that time, through that which is opening of the path. Even though you remain as the individual that you are and have become, you, through that which is the spiritual nature of seeking and attaining, become one with the sacrifice, one with the attaining of the Man of Nazareth, the Nazarene, Who overcame that which is the temptation of the physical-mental man 

2) Finding the Christ within and oneness with God and the Holy Spirit

Jesus becoming Christed brought forth the Christ and into the Holy Comforter, the Christ force that is now in all souls

Q Do we understand correctly that the Christ was not in man until after Jesus overcame the earth? (199)

S Now do not be confused at what we will give now. The I AM was in each man.

The I AM is what Moses revealed to mankind, for Moses was the first to meet the I AM in truth. He that had the I AM in perfection, Jesus, brought forth the Christ, brought into self the Holy Spirit, the working end of God and became Christed. And His gift, the Holy Comforter, is the Christ force that now is in all men. This is what is meant when there are arguments as to those who are born among heathen peoples now, not having the knowledge or the benefit of the Christ and should not be punished, as they would put it, by hell’s fire, damnation, or even that which is reentry into this earth, and yet all now are gifted and through their deeds, then, they must come to face the Christ force, the I AM and God.

The decalcifying of the pituitary begins with the search and awakens soul forces to be fed by the Holy Spirit, giving birth to the true I AM. – The flowering of the true and fully christed self.

Ram Reading 10-133, Gen 4:16

S Those that are born with the calcified pituitaries must then respond through that which led them entirely astray, through the use of the intellect and the baser forces becoming a tool or the tool (as has been stated so often) of the will. To decalcify is one who takes the intellect with no spiritual earning, discerns through the intellectual processes that there must be the spiritual side of things, then begins to search step-by-step and in the search begins that process which decalcifies and awakens, once again, that process that allows the soul force to be reckoned with or to be fed by the external forces of the Holy Spirit, then giving birth within self from the primitive I am to the true I AM or that which is the flowering or the fullness of the true and full christed self. 

By pulling the Holy Spirit into himself He became christed.

Q How does the Comforter that Jesus left add to the Holy Spirit? 

S The Comforter, as given before, is that which is the Chris or the Christ within you awakened. For the Christ has ever been and yet not been with mankind. Though the I AM was here, it was not the Christ Force but only that which is the God working, not fully developed as that which is the Christ within you. It takes that which is the Holy Spirit to awaken the Comforter. This Jesus the Christ did by becoming christed., pulling that which is the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, into Himself by His sacrifice of that which was the ego put in place, the mind put in place and the physical body in its place. [10-131] 

The crown of life: self Christed by the Holy Spirit 

James 1:12 

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him. 

S What is love of the Lord but the sacrifice of the ego, the helping of others, regardless of that which is given back, seeking not rewards. To honor God, this is the love of the Lord. 

Q What is the crown of life? 

S The crown of life is Jesus the Christ or self Christed, even by that which is the Holy Spirit. 

To be christed is to have the presence and knowledge of God, and the knowledge of the presence of God.

John 2:23-25 

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did. But Jesus did not commit himself unto them, because he knew all men, and needed not that any should testify of man: for he knew what was in man. 

S This was the understanding that Jesus as an entity had abuilded through the many occupations in life and the occupancy of many individual personalities through those lifetimes – building to that of Jesus of Nazareth. Also endowed with that which was perfect vision, knew every thought even to the multitude of thoughts, as individual thoughts, knowing all men, yes, all women’s and all children’s thoughts, knowing the values and the reasons why, and also needed not man as follower, servant, or even friend. For, you see, Jesus as an individual, and Jesus the Christed, had in common that which was the knowledge and presence of God. You, too, can have the presence and knowledge of God, and the knowledge of the presence of God, if you would but trust, if you would accept those four objects of learning as given in the last reading and make them one with your daily routine. (See reading 10-85, John 1: 40-46, 4 tenets: Acceptance, Strength, Faith, and Hope}.  How little you need to awaken that which is the true spiritual sight, hearing, understanding. Be patient with yourselves as we have learned patience for you. 

3) We must release: self, desires, ego, and illusion to become Christed

Unlocking the mental to unlock the Spiritual, release of self to become Christed.

Q In answer to question #4, asked after an individual reading given on the 7th of this month, the Source said, “If you could but unlock the mental, you would unlock the spiritual and exist everywhere, know all, and be the perfect person.” Is this only accomplished when one is Christed?

S When you become christed, you’ve done it! It’s a step to it, you see. When you have released that which is self, or the truth of self, then you have become Christed. 

Expansion of the Holy Spirit in our lives by putting desire and self aside.

Q What can individuals and groups do to bring about the expression of the Holy Spirit in their lives?

S By living even as given in the manner of He that is as the blueprint for each and every individual regardless of personage. By becoming totally giving to others. By acclimating self to the needs of others. By walking with thy brother, thy sister, in their travail. By becoming as He who became christed. That which would sacrifice self to the nth degree or doing all things with only others in mind and serving God. This brings forth the Holy Spirit. And as others cannot do same, and call credit, then it must be from that which is the spirit within contacting that which is the spirit without, the Christ to that which is the Holy Spirit making themselves the channel of God’s love. This is not to say that selves may not be a source of love and goodness without contacting that which is the Holy Spirit but may do so by using that which is the Christ within, the I AM force. And yet, to be as He who became christed, became the way, the truth, and the light, self must use that which is the Holy Spirit by putting desire and self aside.

Destroying the illusion a step on the Way

And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.

S The sun here is the Christ Force, and if the thoughts have no permanence and are not that which is good, then (they) in the end, as ye become Christed and become the son (so-n) through the light, then that which is the illusion is destroyed.

Overcoming and becoming Christed, is a step-by-step process.

S Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice is that of the spirit. Is it not the Psalms that said that God asks for a broken spirit? By this is meant the humbling of self, the lowering of the ego, the uplifting of the spiritual nature of self. God does not require destruction, bloodletting, or pain. For the overcoming of the world, the questioner has mentioned, is an individual thing. It is a step-by-step process accomplished one stage at a time. It is for those who would be about the Father’s business to overcome this and that, and again another. For some it is the first step in overcoming the material, to overcome possessions. The next step is overcoming pride. Many develop pride in the overcoming of possessions pride in themselves and in the way. It is a progressive thing, you see. There are so many things to be overcome, so many things to do. Some have to learn, first of all to still themselves – and this is an overcoming. Make no mistake, ye must overcome desire and want. And yet we say overcome, dispel – not destroy, not displace, but to put in order that which is a balance, that which is the proper use and understanding of the terms urge, desire, want. They must be put on a level, even as that which is the will, the intellect, and the spirit must become on a level. Then ye have overcome the world. Ye have progressed to the point that ye may be as He, Jesus, the man who became Christed, that you, too, may be Christed.

To become Christed is a step by step process. 

Q Then we have also been told by the Source that one must overcome the earth by completely unlocking the mental, and thus unlocking the spiritual, and then becoming the perfect person. When this is completely done, is one resurrected? 

S They are resurrected. Even as they become, step-by-step, the ideal that God has of thee, the idea of man–the ideal man, the Christ, step-by-step, and at that time, as given, as mentioned, then you are christed. [10-22] 

When we have set aside the ego, and accepted the spiritual personality, then through the mercy of God and the grace of the Christ we too may become Christed.

John 1:13-18 

Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Fathe,) full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, “This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fullness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.”

S And, in truth, John did cry – not cry out as you would imagine from that which is the text, but physically, emotionally cried. How awed were the people of that time that saw none of these emotions come from John except that which was hellfire and brimstone, the warnings, the fury, the pleas of passion, but not the tears. How they were swayed by that which were the tears. For John did not cry out in a loud voice, but was quiet, subdued, overcome with that which is joy, which is love. For you see, that entity knew at that time, as before, (but greater at that time did that entity know) who Jesus was, where in reality they were, what was truly happening, and understood the script as given. For you see, in truth, Jesus retained that which was the line of communication, the spiritual cord, directly to that which was the Creative force, to the Holy Spirit, and released as was the opportunity given, the spirituality of himself, the Christ force. For remember, though Jesus at that time as you see it, as history would see it, was not christed spiritually – emotionally was christed. For all time is one, all happenings are as one, all happening is at the same time. And as the overcoming came upon the cross, so it passed through Jesus, through those lives, those times, that were before, that were at present, and were one – even as that which your own christing will be, that time when you receive that which is the glory of God, setting aside the ego or that which is the ego makeup of the individual personality as created by yourselves, exposing that and accepting that which is the true personality, the spiritual personality; christing yourself through the mercy of God, through the grace of Jesus the Christ, at that time through time, and of all time. You redeem yourself, no longer being in any stage that you have been, but being the true stage, the one stage. This is the promise as given in this chapter (John 1).

Destruction of the ego-centered body to find our own Christing and awareness.

Mark 14:8: 

She hath done what she could: she is come aforehand to anoint my body to the burying. 

S Into that time when you, too, become as Christed, there must be that force, that driving force, whether it be the intellectual used by that which is the spiritual, the will guiding these used by the spiritual, or the entire mind-being of yourself – spiritual mind, active-individual-mental mind. But there must be that that prepares the destruction of the ego-centered body, that you may find that which is your own Christing and awareness.

Q Please elaborate on the terminology “emotionally christed.” 

S In that which are the emotions (which at times govern the mind) Jesus was spiritual in nature. The emotions here were of love of God and God’s love of Jesus. They became one at this time. You might think of it as that which is the frosting on a cake–does not penetrate the entire cake but it is there and affects that which is the taste process of one who ingests same. [10-106] 

  • Being Christed will happen in this plane.

Clarification on being Christed in this plane

Q   Does one have to be in this plane to be christed?

S   He who was Christed first was in this plane and since He has given the Way, the Door to others, they, too, may be Christed.  It is unlikely that this will occur–and yet it is always the possibility; it is the gift.

Essential steps to becoming Christed: making the entry into the spiritual realm that others may find light and love.

Q The Source stated that Jacob was John the Beloved, but partially so. We were also told that Jacob was the 14th life of the Master. It is my understanding that Cayce said that Joseph, son of Jacob, was a life of the Master. May we have an explanation on all of this?

Q Where does John the Beloved fit into this? – partially into Jacob?

S John the Beloved, you see, also faced the same, to become, then, also as the overcoming of the mental man, finding of love was essential even as it is essential for each and every individual also to become as that which is John the Beloved, to make that entry into that which is the spiritual realm, that others may find light and love. It is one of the essential steps to becoming christed. [10-64, 8-479]

Need for physical death to be christed?

Q Is it necessary to have physical death in regard to being christed?

S No. For He has relinquished that for you.

Q Then the cells are resurrected as the Source has stated before, one by one, and so forth?

S All correct.

To be fully christed we must go through the physical plane

Q I assume there have been those that have been fully Christed since Jesus and Mary. Can it be given as an approximation of how many have been?

S There is One that has arisen to that which is the total christing and has gone to Him who is the Center – God Himself. For there are others who are partially Christed, not fully, that have done this and that, that work in many areas outside of this system. But you see, to be fully Christed, you must go through that which is the material plane. There are those who will come in who have been Christed, or partially Christed, to the ability of their level, their plane, and make that one step through at the time that it is necessary for them to do so. But will use this plane as the stepping off place.

Q Well, that means then that the vast majority of us are not going to leave here fully Christed, then, if I understand that.

S You who earn through this plane may be assumed by Him that is the Christ, that is fully Christed through this plane, by becoming partially Christed through this plane. For those who are through another plane must become Christed through this plane through the passage that He has made. But He was Christed for you of this plane, rather than for those on other planes. For each and every world (as you would call or term world, place) must have its Christ. Fully Christed? Not so. For this world acts as a funnel for that which is God in total, the forever, the unending, unmeasurable, that which ye cannot understand. 

Need to be in this plane to be Christed

Reading 10-78

Prayer – Channel 

Lord, we ask Thy mercy and Thy love and that You establish within our hearts the blueprint of He that became Christed, that we, too, may serve You as You would have us. Oh, Lord, we present ourselves as we seek to see and know Thy face and to be about Thy business. 

Q Does one have to be in this plane to be christed? 

S He, Who was Christed first was in this plane and since He has given the Way, the Door to others, they too may be Christed. It is unlikely that this will occur–and yet it is always the possibility; it is the gift. 

  • The Wheel of karma broken when He became Christed

The wheel of Karma was broken when Jesus became Christed and become the Way.

Ye have heard that it hath been said, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor, and hate thine enemy”. But I say unto you, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them whicdespitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust”.

S Here you have that which is an explanation, almost directly, of that

which is the wheel of karma and the directions of how to break it once that Jesus became Christed and became the Way and gave to the world that which is redemption, or the truth of redemption, the true mercy. For you see here, ye have that which is the understanding of reaction and action; action and reaction, over and over again.

  • Forgiveness on our way to being Christed

Forgiveness on the way to being Christed

For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

S This is the basis of mercy. This is the basis of justice. This is the basis of truth. For as ye become as Godlike in forgiving, in understanding, so the same occurs to self. As you awaken to the fact that you live in illusion, however real and concrete to you, it is in itself illusion, and therefore to reach that state that throws aside the illusion, self must forgive, must find gentleness, kindness. But that which is forgiving is the way.

Q Is it correct to understand that grace comes through forgiving others? That

the karmic reaction of ‘as ye sow works in such a way that we have our sins wiped out through forgiving like sins in others?

S When ye have total forgiveness, then ye have reached that which is the God state. For when was Jesus finally, totally Christed? ”Father, forgive them”, see?

Through sacrifice and forgiveness we are on the same path as He who became Christed.

ACTS 3:17-18: 

And now, brethren, I wot that through ignorance ye did it as did also your rulers. But those things, which God before had showed by the mouth of all his prophets, that Christ should suffer, he hath so fulfilled.

S And remember, you are on the same blueprint or the same path as Jesus of Nazareth that you might be Christed in your way and in your time.  Therefore, expect and know that in one way or another there must be sacrifices.  There will be those hurtful things that happen to you that you may grow the more and understand, even as He the Prince of Love, that forgiveness is a great and wondrous thing and that none of you can progress beyond this stage, this level, until forgiveness becomes the center of your awareness and conduct towards others that you come in contact with or do not come in contact with directly in this life.  That is to say, those that offend your opinions or your understanding are not to be condemned but forgiving, forgiving.  For remember, as far advanced as you may think you are or those that you follow are, none is advanced enough that they have the ticket to heaven.  Only He, Jesus the Christ, has overcome and found the perfect way and even He was tempted.  

  • Resurrection, Revelation and Being Christed 

Being fully christed and fully resurrected

Q Does being fully christed and fully resurrected have the same meaning? 

S No. For the Christed is that stage which must be attained to be fully resurrected. There can be resurrections, but not full resurrections until ye have been Christed. That is, then, resurrecting all that is of yourself- has ever been, put in perspective, and raised to that level that God would have it be.

7) Putting “Others first” to become Christed

The Father has destined for us to become as Him, Christed, by giving, that we may be Christed for others.

RAM Reading 10-142


Behold the Lamb! Behold the Door! Pause and enter in. For the hope of the world and the light of the spirit is kindled by that which is the blood that was sacrificed for you, that you might find the way, might become that which the Father has destined for you to become. And through the act of the giving as He has given for you, so you must give that you, too, may be christed for thy brothers, thy sisters and not for selves. 

Again, giving to others will help us to become Christed that we may give grace to others.

Q Please define the meaning of grace. 

S This is the same grace as given where you can become Christed. For as we have just given, in the explanation through that which is the esoteric or the metaphysical understanding of time, all things are as one. Jesus became grace, the opportunity to break karma, to put aside that which is the wheel, to become that which you were created in and of and from. Therefore, it is retroactive as you might understand, to a new time and place as you would see it, or a past time place – and becomes grace. This is the opportunity not only to become christed, but to give grace to others, the forgiveness, the original position, but with wisdom – the wisdom that God had you earn through that which is the experience that becomes non-experience, that becomes the hope and fact of your being. 

In service we can become Christed

Luke 2:13-14 

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men”. 

S If ye would find that peace, then be at peace through the Christ. Find even as Jesus Who became Christed and is Jesus the Christ, that you, too, may serve your fellow man and become Christed – not for self’s sake, but for the glory of the Father and for the needs of thy brothers, thy sisters. 

Q How does this concept of overcoming of self, help put others first?

S When you overcome self, it is by your actions, in truth, toward others. You may desire to do that. You may want to do that. You may feel the urge to do that from within. You must proceed in that manner. But then you must overcome the want, the desire, the urge, and just be. This does not mean removing yourself from the world. For The Example, Jesus the Christ, was in this world, aware of this world, the ramifications of the world, and yet overcame the world. For when you put others first, you are saying, in reality (if you do not understand what is being said) is, ”Guide my actions from thought to movement, from the infinite to the finite, that what happens is You, God, for others”. Ye have not lost contact with the spiritual, the mental, or the physical in doing that but they are in their place. The ego is in its place, properly chastened, properly used. [10-45, 5-7-78]

8) Becoming partially Christed

Q Then there are none who are partially christed yet? 

S Partially Christed – there are many. But Christed, but one. 

Q The source stated that the Master is the only one in the entire universe who has been fully Christed but there are those who have been partially Christed. What is the partial Christing? 

S These are those who could not achieve that total crucifixion. For only one, only one could face that which is the crucifixion of the self as He of Nazareth. There are those who have risen, who have contacted the Christ force, are partially Christed, have done the work of the Lord here in this realm, and in other realms, but none has achieved. For there was no place that the achievement was necessary as it was here. For this is the overcoming of the material plane – though there are other planes, other realms of this plane involved. This is the overcoming. Therefore, the Christ must come through this plane. For Jesus the Christ is Jesus the Christ of this world, but is the Christ of other worlds too. [10-64] 

Q Please explain a partial Christing. 

S A partial christing is that where the knowledge and abilities are shared, as the one would switch on a light – not being the light but switching on the light and receiving same. 

Making of the Chris within, by selflessness and helping others

Q It isn’t necessary for us to die, however, is it, in order to be partially Christed? 

S You have so many ways, so many steps. Each time that you sacrifice the personality (not the true personality, but that which you have abuilded), each time that you squash that which is the ego, each time you correct the intellect, each time you corral the will, each time you smile for another, each time you become as the helping hand, every time you are patient, always when you are loving, when you are kind, you stack another jewel into that which is the making of the Christ within you. The crucifixion does not necessarily mean to be nailed to the cross. It is the crucifying of the personality that is the negative side of self, the material man, the desires of same. When selfishness is gone and the truth of self reigns – in selflessness – then you are on your way. And yet, you have an Everest to climb. But remember, He is there, always waiting. And those prayers that you send forth are those steps. But remember, even in the act of crucifixion, you may only rise as high as the helping hands of those that you have helped will. 

9) Others who have been Christed or partially Christed

Mary is Christed: Incarnations in the earth

Q How many incarnations in the earth has the entity who was Mary had and has she been christed?

S Which Mary?

Q The mother of Jesus.

S That entity has had the same number as Jesus the Christ and is christed.

Abraham: became a path to follow, not christed but well on his way.

Genesis 15:1 

After these things the word of the Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, “Fear not, Abram: I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” 

S The intelligence, the knowledge, mercy, wisdom of God, was the shield given to Abraham and as Abraham became Abram thence God protected the path he was to follow, he had chosen to follow, and would be. For he became a path, you see, for others to follow – not christed, but well on his way. Because the individual was as an individual human, not having the power, the fortitude, even though the entity showed as much as possible in that life, to overcome the humanness, the entity was the intellect, was the wisdom of that time. Therefore, God, in His protection, knew the success of Abraham in his trying, was the shield, the buckler, of God’s might.

John the Beloved, who fell short of becoming Christed. Jesus Christed is the Key to the Christing of all. The law is that all will be christed in their due time.

Questions regarding John the beloved and Patmos from Revelation 1:9

Q Must we wait, then, until resurrection and the life is brought to us, as John waited until the resurrection and the life was brought to him? 

S John would not call it waiting. John would call it supplication, prayer, and love. You see, you are still the victim of those generations which, for good or not so good, has been given time, or a time frame to work from. And waiting, then, is a word and a state of being of time. John was able to a great extent to banish this till it came to him that a heartbeat was as a lifetime, a lifetime as a heartbeat, and there was no waiting for John – only the living in that which was grace. 

Q Where did he fall short? 

S Where all fall short. For all fall short of the glory of God. For it is given, only He that came first as the First Son could lead mankind out to the finding. Therefore, in that lies the shortcoming. It is, then, through He that came first, Jesus the Christ (as you would have Him) is that which is the Key, the Door to the final Christing of all. There is in that, then, the law – the law is as one, and one would be christed – then all in their due time, in all their process, all in their procession as He established. Therefore, to your understanding he did not fall short, for he could not attain to that which was beyond him to do, and now receives that which is the gift of grace through the Christ. 

John the Baptist could not be christed

Luke 1:59-60 

And it came to pass that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child; and they called him Zacharias, after the name of his father. And his mother answered and said, Not so; but he shall be called John. 

S In that time you must understand that the woman had no authority, that the man must speak, and the man’s word was law, and that the children were named by the male. And yet, in yourself, even as happened to that which was Zarachias, there is the correction. For that which holds the seed, that which is the seeking, even as Elizabeth here was, is that which has received the Holy Spirit, is that which knows the way, therefore will speak and name and be as that which is the word – for the word to come. 

Q Is that why he was named John? 

S For the name was given to be John by the angelic host which carried (as they are the messengers) the word from that which is God to the human, Elizabeth. 

What does the name John symbolize? 

S This is the light. This is the love. Therefore, it is not the light of the Christ. For Jesus, which is the hand of God, or the handwork of God, or the exalted of God, comes higher than that which is man’s love or light, which is seen in John. For John could not be christed, therefore did not have that which you would term as Divine Light, though that which is the force of God showed through. For even as he came, he knew that though he voiced the way, he was but that which was the sign, that which was the word for the Word – the one to prepare the way, to fulfill the prophecies, and to return to face that judgment of self that self had prepared before, and to receive that which is the ultimate of judgment, the imposing upon self of karma that could have been put aside, but knew was necessary to fulfill the Scriptures and to show that on the metaphysical plane, that on the esoteric plane, that on the spiritual plane, must be done within the individual – each and every individual – in facing self before that time that you may find the Christ. 

Lamsa was not Christed

Q The late Dr. George Lamsa, who grew up speaking Aramaic, translated that phrase: “For this, I was spared.” Can you explain this conflict in translation? 

S Aramaic, though much the same as it was in the times of Jesus, even now has changed, does change, remembering also that even as he, Lamsa, pointed out, a jot or tittle in the writing changes the meaning of an entire passage, an entire lesson. And remember, also, man has had his changes. Lamsa, though he was a God-fearing, dedicated and good man, became enlightened step-by-step, fulfilled much spiritual needs. But remember, was not christed, therefore was not perfect

John the Beloved who “fell short” and was partially christed

Q In Cayce reading 281-16 the statement was made, “the Beloved, then, was banished to the Isle and was in meditation, in prayer, and communion with those saints.” Now, when was John banished? This was approximately eleven years or less after the crucifixion? 

S Less. The banishment, though, really was in its real meaning the banishment from that which is the world as you know the world to be. For John concentrated then on that which is the spiritual, developing and following that as closely as possible as given to him by Jesus the Christ. John, even at a great age, you see, had practiced and practiced and yet fell short – even through well-chosen and well- founded and honest and true in the use of that which was given to him. For you see, all fall short the glory of God. And yet, as He gave, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Therefore, the resurrection and the life was brought to John by the choosing of the resurrection and the life, which is Jesus the Christ, that He then could give to you and to all that which are the means of achieving, even as John was given those things that would lift you up to the stage of revelation. 

Q So John banished himself? 

S This is correct. 

Q With the statement, “John, even at a great age, you see, had practiced and practiced and yet fell short”, we assume that John the Beloved was not christed in that life. Is that correct? 

S Well, you take first things first, that being of great age (meaning the individual) had established himself through the patterns of lives to be of the search, to be as that which he became, and yet had not attained to that which is the Christing, nor has attained to the Christing. For only One is truly christed and He being that which is the Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ. 

Q Where did he fall short? 

S Where all fall short. For all fall short the glory of God. For it is given, only He that came first as the First Son could lead mankind out to the finding. Therefore, in that lies the shortcoming. It is, then, through He that came first, Jesus the Christ (as you would have Him) is that which is the Key, the Door to the final Christing of all. There is in that, then, the law – the law is as one, and one would be Christed – then all in their due time, in all their process, all in their procession as He established. Therefore, to your understanding he did not fall short, for he could not attain to that which was beyond him to do, and now receives that which is the gift of grace through the Christ. 

Q What would be the purpose that that was done? 

S The entity was not Christed, could not rise as He, Jesus, in that final time did. But being as that entity was so highly involved, or evolved (and involved), the entity was justified in not leaving that which was a carcass behind, but reusing, through God’s efforts, that which was given to be preserved for the entity, to be reused at the time of the re-entry of the Nazarene in the Second Coming, and also to begin that which is the perfection of the body to be re-established as a cosmic of its own. 

Q Was John partially christed? 

S At what time do you speak? 

Q The time of Revelation. 

S At the time of Revelation, he that is known as John was exposed to that which was the christing, not having earned or not having been given that which is opportunity or that which is the movement of the christing. And yet the knowledge is the same, the understanding is the same. For John then shared the mind and that which was the awareness of Jesus the Christ as risen. 

Q What is meant by “the movement of the Christing”? 

S You have here, then, all things are in flux or movement. You have, then, the musical refrain which is movement and this is then that which we would use to make you understand what movement then is. You have movement atomically within your body, especially in that which are the electrons, the protons, and the neutrons. And the movement of same which is, in a sense, disharmonic at this time, and yet in that which is the raising of the forces and the acceptance of the forces in the overcoming of the forces of this plane, becomes that which is in harmony of movement as you would find in music, reaching towards that, then, which is the climactic, or that which is the ascension to the force of God. This, then, is the meaning of movement. [10-114] 

Therefore, the message is from God the Father, through the Spirit, to the Son. It is that which links you to the Creative Force, to the Mother that has held thee within Herself, that you may be as a god. See it as the door that you step through and touch, yes touch, that which is the spirit.