Acts 1: Deeper Spiritual Meanings: Faith, Unity, and Spirituality


Acts 1: Deeper Spiritual Meanings: Faith, Unity, and SpiritualityActs 1: Deeper Spiritual Meanings: Faith, Unity, and Spirituality

This document is an extensive analysis of Acts 1, focusing on its spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It delves into the themes of divine guidance, the role of faith and forgiveness, the concept of spiritual fragmentation and unity, and the significance of Jesus’ teachings and actions. The material emphasizes deeper symbolic meanings and spiritual lessons derived from these biblical passages.

Originally Matthew was published as a book and an introduction to RAM was placed at the beginning of the book.

We have chosen to place this Introduction at the beginning of the first chapter of each of the books of the Bible.


 A motto for the group’s work was given by the Source as that which was embodied in the prayer that Jesus said as He walked the hills of Galilee, ”Others first, Father, others first.‘ This prayer is frequently given throughout the subsequent readings as a reminder of the true purpose of the work.

The group was given its name, and the meaning, as follows: ‘RAM, or RAM, is that which will be the working name for the group. That which is RAM is that which guides from the East. This is the word, the name of GOD. For you, or this group, better to use that which is RAM-RAM in the Hebrew tongue is the connotation or the meaning, to extol, to raise to the highest, even to an extent rejoice in the raising of same.

It was later stated, ”It is not the Source of these readings, but the results of these readings that are RAM, for it is the exultation of God that which will  raise up a people that will once again worship in cleanliness and love.”


The Source gave these words of advice, ‘Even material such as we give you must be weighed and evaluated within each and every individual as to the needs and processes that are necessary for the individual. For if ye are fed this and ye are not of this level, or ready for this level, then this is not the teacher and ye would be led astray.

For many are there who, in honesty and in truth, would hear these words, even as they heard the words of the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, who could not receive them, and used and fell back upon that which was correct for them, their religion of the time, even as now. And it was not sinful, nor wrong, nor misdoing upon their part, nor will it be upon the parts of those who cannot accept, cannot believe that which comes through this channel, through this group-for each has his place, his time, and his abilities.And again, “If what is given here does not meet your ideal, it must be rejected.

Only if it gives to you the fruits of the spirit meeting your ideal are these readings, this Source, to be of influence or use to self. See?”

BUT . . . This was also given, “And when the entity sees the fruits-and where the fruits are good, let it be known that it is from the Source of Life Itself.”

Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love.”

The Acts of the Apostles

Book of Acts 1 – Faith, Unity, and Spirituality

RAM Reading 10-154

Faith, Unity and Spirituality

Prayer: Channel

 Oh beloved Lord, look upon us with love, with mercy, with forgiveness, with patience, with understanding.  And give to us that wisdom, that knowledge, that help that will go out to those who would find the way, the path and the light.  We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Pattern, the Blueprint.


 Hear, oh Israel, the Lord thy God is one Lord!  Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, with all thy strength, and thy neighbor as thyself.  Cast aside that which is judgment.  Find peace in that which is the Lord.  Open thine eyes and thine heart to Jesus the Christ that thy soul may be fed and freed.  Judge not lest ye be judged and find thyself wanting.  On the two great commandments hang all that is the law and all the words of the prophets and until the time that Jesus the Christ comes again there shall be none that supersedes or comes before.  Then in righteousness follow the path.  Though the world may hate thee, though the actions of those around you may chafe that which is the mind, find, then, the strength to overcome the ego.  For it is that which will set you free that the Lord thy God may open up the arms to enfold you.  For not until that time that you can cast aside the foolishness, the hates, the values, and those things that drag you down of this earth will you be on that which is the true path to the waiting arms of God.  Rationalize not.  Replace the emotions with the feelings of love, patience, forgiveness and in these things will find the joy, will find the goodness, will find the peace.  We are here.  We have this group.  And though there is agitation amongst the peoples here, though there are those forces that pull aside, we will give the reading that is sought after for we are here. We are now ready for questions.

S We have this group.  We have the inquiring minds of this group.  We have the thought patterns, the physical vibrations and the energies of this group and we will give this reading as is asked.  We are now ready for further questions.

 NB The questions about forgiveness that followed the opening remarks and message, have been moved to the end of the document after the interpretation of Acts 1.

 ACTS 1:1-5:  

 The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, Until the day in which He was taken up, after that He through the Holy Ghost had given commandments unto the apostles whom He had chosen: To whom also He showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God: And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, sayeth he, ye have heard of me.  For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence.

S Acts of the spirit, acts of the individual.  All acts are of the mind.  All acts that are spiritual are of the mind and the spirit.  There are acts of the mind and the spirit and the physical.  There are acts of the mind and the spirit.  There are acts of the mind and the physical.  There are acts of the mind, the physical and the spiritual that lead to acts totally of the spirit.  In the opening or that which is the writing of the books, as given here, to Theophilus (Theophilus here being that which is the divine light or that which is the coming together of the spiritual forces within an individual or a group or a world) you have a multiple or a multiplicity of action here.  First and foremost these or this that you have just gone over actually occurred, was a physical, mental, and spiritual thing for a group, for the individuals there.  It was that which gave faith and understanding, impetus to that which was the spiritual thrust of the mind and meaning to the physical destiny of the individuals.  It also is that which has the spiritual-mental message that God in His infinite mercy has given to this earth and to its peoples a standard to rally about, a standard to follow, and a standard that can be understood in the overcoming of the world and of all those negative influences or happenings of the world.  Also, it is that which happens within the individual body, mind, and spirit when, in truth, the Christ returns to the individual in a manner that the individual can understand, no longer sleeping.  For the Christ that is within you has been sleeping or in that state of arrest.  Even as Jesus the Christ was the pattern after the crucifixion where the body, the mind and the spirit were separated into that state which you would call death or sleep.  Therefore, the awakened Christ within comes forth to do its miracles – here some, there some.  It is that which overcomes first the body physical, the body mental and unwraps then the spiritual which in itself awakens the truth in the soul that the soul may once again be baptized, not with just the loving waters that wash away the physical-mental damages, but with tongues of fire which, here, represents that which is the actual awakening and calling in of the Holy Spirit, that the baptism then may be truly of God and not only of that which are the forces that you have in command within you in the spiritual sense.   

 ACTS 1:6-8:  

 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him saying, “Lord wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?”  And he said unto them, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto the uttermost part of the earth.” 

 S  Those children present, not totally in the understanding of what was happening to them (even as you yourselves in reality do not yet understand the spiritual meaning for you have not overcome the physical-mental-material world or selves), saw then the reinstatement of the power of Israel, Israel even beyond that which is as a strength or an overcoming of those physical forces such as Rome which held control or sway within the country but that which they saw as the perfect state (or God state) within the earth governed under God’s laws where all Jews were accepted as souls upon this earth.  They had this understanding whereas Jesus gently guided them towards the spiritual meaning, the spiritual understanding, that the Holy Spirit would come upon them to move their souls and in turn cleanse the minds, the bodies, that the overcoming of this plane could be had or could be, in their words, at hand. 

 ACTS 1:9: 

 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

 S That which clouds the mind or the eyes, that which cannot be understood, was the raising of the transfigured Jesus beyond this plane, beyond time, beyond the material, beyond the cause-and-effect world.  In symbology, then, you have that which cannot be seen through, that could not be understood by the common man, that which was thought to be almost such as angels or living beings or living things as clouds.  Thus it was written, though at that time Jesus departed in clouds of glory rather than clouds as you would see as cumulus, cirrus, et cetera, et cetera.  

 ACTS 1:10-11:  

 And while they looked steadfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; Which also said,  “Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven?  this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.”

S  Messengers of the Lord manifested to mankind in a manner understood by mankind as two human figures, giving that which is the promise, restating that which (is) Jesus had given earlier – that He would return in a glory not understood by the average mind or the average person or to be witnessed by the great many at that time, though the multiplicity of beings or the individuals or that which are the fragmentations of the human soul and being would be multiplied to see the return.   

 ACTS 1:12:  

 Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s journey.

 S Olivet has many meanings but here is that which is a precious thing or even as the oils of the olive, the olivet, was precious to mankind at that time, something that the individual of the Middle East could not tolerate the loss of in the daily life for the food value, for the medicinal value, for the value as unguents, dressings, and such.  Here, then, is the return to the commonplace, the common understanding, the bedrock of knowledge and being which is the daily lives of individuals now being ready to receive the Christ in the terms of the people of the time, the people of the place, the people of this plane not being raised higher than individuals could understand or cope with at that time.  

 ACTS 1:13-14:  

 And when they were come in, they went up into an upper room, where abode both Peter and James, and John, and Andrew, Philip, and Thomas, Bartholomew, and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon Zelotes, and Judas the brother of James.  These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brethren.

 S You have a total here, including Mary, of that which represents the twelve cranial nerves and all of, then, those nerves and ganglia that become the mental, the cortex, the power, the retention, the use, that is the human thought pattern and that which guides and directs the body functions as well as the mental functions.  You have the going up, then, which was understood at that time, thoroughly, by many people world-wide, into that area of the upper room or that which is the symbol of meditation, making selves holy, repentant, and cleansing self of the daily thoughts, trials and tribulations, waiting, even as you wait in meditation, for that which is the spirit to arrive, to be known.  

 ACTS 1:15-20:  

 And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,)  Men and brethren, this scripture must needs have been fulfilled, which the Holy Ghost by the mouth of David spake before concerning Judas, which was guide to them that took Jesus.  For he was numbered with us, and had obtained part of this ministry.  Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out.  And it was known unto al the dwellers at Jerusalem; insomuch as that field is called in their proper tongue, Aceldama, that is to say, the field of blood.  For it is written in the book of Psalms, “Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishopric let another take.”

S Faith comes forward.  Faith reminds the conscious and the subconscious minds of individuals, the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems of the body, that as ye sow ye reap, that even one among those who were blessed by the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ within the earth, did not show the faith or the understanding or that spiritual ability that would lead the entity to overcome the world and to receive the promise of God.  Therefore, faith reminds all that is within the entity, the individual, that you, too, can fall from grace.  There is also the subtle reminder here, though, that someone had to be that which would fail or else Jesus the Christ could not have fulfilled His destiny.  It is the reminder that only for Jesus the Christ was this so, not for selves.  It is the reminder that all of self must come to the fore to declare itself as follower and understanding of Jesus the Christ.  

 ACTS 1:21-22:  

 “Wherefore of these men which have companied with us all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, beginning from the baptism of John, unto that same day that he was taken up from us, must one be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.”

 S  A true witness of the resurrection is one who is baptized by the mind in thought, allows Jesus the Christ to come in, sends forth the might and power and love of Jesus through that which are the actions (and one might be reminded here for this group and others to read Proverbs 15; there are many instructions here as to how to allow Jesus the Christ to come in and to go forth from self to others).  Then when the Christ has been allowed to come in to go forth  there is that which is the overcoming, or that which is the understanding, rather, of the part the individual plays in opening self up, in reality, to honor God and to save or to be as a guide for thy fellow human who is lost, that the humanity may be put aside and the human, then, may become the spirit rather than that which is linked to this earth.  

 ACTS 1:23-26: 

 And they appointed two, Joseph called Barsabas, who was surnamed Justus, and Matthias. And they prayed, and said, “Thou, Lord, which knowest the hearts of all men, show whether of these two thou hast chosen, That he may take part of this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. 

 S A lot is a vote.  You vote daily as to what you will be and who or what you will become.  Here, in practice, is the election within yourself of what part of you will go forth and be as that which is representative of God that day – a lower self or a higher self.  For many mask themselves as followers of God, of the Word, of the Light, and yet show only that which is the lower nature of themselves or a lower element of selves rather than the higher element of selves, for they are locked in that which is this world.  Here in the ideal individual, that which is the overcoming of the physical is done by the cooperation, the vote, of those higher centers of self, those neurological spiritual centers or places within the body, the neural system in action with the spiritual system voting for that which is the correct way rather than opting for the minimal way or that which is corrupted by the thought processes that would anchor self in a less high spiritual realm or that which would be tantamount to the physical-mental rather than the spiritual-mental.  

 Q Would chemical or nutritional aberrations affect these choices or these votes?

S When an entity, such as most are, ingests or takes into themselves chemicals, materials, whatever you would call the energies that are taken within self, that are harmful, yes.  To those that are spiritually advanced nothing, nothing can deter or determine the entity in one path or another.  For they have selected and are high enough and powerful enough in that which is the spiritual sense that nothing can stand in the path.  For they have taken the hand so offered by Jesus the Christ, and He risen, and when you have taken the path and taken the hand of Jesus the Christ there is no turning back for there is nothing that can cause the individual to turn back.  For the strength of self and Jesus the Christ has become as one.  This is the acceptance, this is what Peter stood for in the midst of all them, warning of taking the false path or becoming the Juda or Judas that falls and destroys self.

 Q In our Search for God group there is confusion about forgiveness.  We have a new member, a young man, who is asking if he may be told what it is and how it works.

S Total forgiveness is that which is the glory of God or that which you would call grace.  There is forgiveness, that which overlooks the actions and the actions to come of an entity or a group.  That is the second.  There is a third: forgiveness of that which each individual sees as forgiveness for themselves or to others.  Then there is that which is the primary forgiveness which goes out to others first, forgiving them for what they have done to you whether it is in actuality or only that which is the mind shadows.  Remember, forgiveness, in the long run, is forgiving yourself for the mistakes you have made, for the misadventures you have incurred, for that which you have done which is astray from the path, which then leads to the acceptance of God and your value to God, which in the long run or the final run becomes that, then, which is the grace of God, which is total forgiveness of all things and the acceptance of the individual as that which is above this earth, beyond the returning to this earth, and indeed upon that step which is the god in creation.  

 Q We seem to have some confusion as to when the soul known as Jesus entered the earth.  We’ve been told he led us in and also that he headed the souls that came to help those trapped.  Please clarify.

 S First, is this so all-important that you take the time of a reading?  If it is, we will respond.  But think carefully: is it so important to know when and where Jesus the Christ came in or is it more important to know that which He stands for, stood for, is, and was?  Jesus the Christ as an individual, even as the individuals here are, suffered the time to come in and as a fragmented individual, such as the individuals here are, came in as separate beings or separate rays (for this is the shattering of the soul, you see) first as those who inquired, who led, but primarily was One Who created and made that as the prime soul for other souls to emerge from.  Then as the personality of Jesus the Christ was shattered into those rays, that entity not only led in but is that which will lead out on the final ray, which is all paths congregating as one.  For the entity, Jesus the Christ, being that which is the Pattern, then had to find all the highways and the byways to find the single path home to the land of the Lord, the heart of the Lord, Love, and became Himself Love incarnate within this earth (that He in the supreme sacrifice of returning at that time to become Jesus the Christ and to be christed for mankind), the doorway, and in short, the mat that is stepped upon, to be used in the cleansing of the individual even as the mat cleanses the shoes or the feet of an individual coming into the house and it may be thought of then as the door into that which is the home or the house of the Lord.  Q

 Q On the subject of forgiveness, should we be thinking of and declaring both ourselves and all others innocent?

 S You have no right to declare others innocent.  You have the right by the glory of God and in the manifestation of Jesus the Christ amongst you to find that in yourself; but you can never declare anything for another.  You may be the steppingstone, the helping hand, the light, the hope of others.  You cannot erase; you cannot condemn; and in truth, you really cannot ask. 

 Q You mentioned that Jesus split into a number of fragments.  Is that a pattern that was set that is followed by each?

 S As He is the Pattern so you are the patterns, too.  You follow that which He has built for you to learn, to find the way, and to be saved. 

Q Do we all break into the same number of fragments when we enter? 

S No.  For unlike Jesus the Christ who had the fortitude to find and follow the paths, you have multiplied the fracturing of selves that you go over paths over and over until the combination of times and lives becomes such as that which has met all that is required in the learning and overcoming of each path – sometimes the same path or ray (as they are called) may be visited and walked upon hundreds of times.  

 Q What causes the breaking again into fragments? Is that….

 S Where an entity in a soul incarnation or an individual incarnation upon a path falters or does not achieve, which is the normal way, the entity then has those fragmentations or those other illusions that follow the same path, picking up those areas that constitutes a final or an overcoming of the path.  This is why you may meet yourself upon the streets coming and going or in groups or in places.  Therefore, ridicule not those in power or those who have fallen; admire not those who have risen because you may be admiring yourself or condemning yourself.  

And now we give that which is love, blessings, the peace of God Almighty and the hope and glory of Jesus the Christ that love may be with you, on you, and in you.  May you follow that which is the Pattern, the Blueprint, in your minds, in your actions, and honor the Lord thy God.  We are through with this reading at this time.