This document explores various aspects of angels as per the RAM teachings, discussing their roles, nature, and interactions with humanity. It delves into topics like guardian angels, angels as messengers and servants of God, and the theological and spiritual implications of their existence. The material also examines the concept of angels from the perspective of biblical references and metaphysical interpretations.
Ram Reading 10-66, Luke 4:9-12
And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence: For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
S Amen and amen! For, you see, that which we have spoken of is duly transcribed here. For, you see, selfishness was telling Jesus the man, the mental man, to use that which was the angelic host that was at His beck and call. One more stage of selfishness which will fight and fight till the last bit of its strength is used. Then Jesus, even as self, became free.
Q Does each human being have the same number of guardian angels, or does this vary from one individual to another?
S This is variable. Each entity that is born has at least one. You may accrue many, or lose many – all to the needs, all to the purposes. You may summon angels by that which is the karmic order of your life, or that which is the bypassing of karma, as you understand karma to be, then the struggle with self. There is the angel of light that guides a group such as this. There is the angel of death which is the loving and merciful angel. There are angels that precede the Word. There are angels that follow you when you leave the body in sleep. There are angels that hasten the repair and rejuvenation of the body. And yet, the angelic host is not important to man, to woman, and to child. God is important to man, woman and child. Christ is important. The Holy Spirit is important. Knowledge of angels is essential, is correct, but is misleading. Therefore, turn to God. Be not as some who are overwhelmed by the angelic host. For they, just as the signposts of the psychic, of the phenomena, numerology, astrology, phrenology, palmistry, can be that which leads astray. Know them for what they are – servants of God. Then be not less yourselves lest ye fall into the trap that is idolizing the wrong things.
Angels as heavenly messengers of THE LIGHT
Ram Reading 10-5
(Paschal lamb and two angels – brothers Auriello – Archangel of Light and Veilizio – Angel of Light) were the source of this reading)
Oh Lord God, through Jesus Christ our Elder Brother, we ask now that Thy purpose for us be given; that those questions we have, Thou will answer. If it be Thy will, oh Lord, it will be so.
S Yah, Elohim, Jehova Shalom! Behold I send My angel before thee, to prepare thy way. I am Auriello, Archangel of Light. And I am Veilizio, Angel of Light. It is I and my brother that filled the ark and went before Him. And it is I and my brother who go before thee, to light the way for He that is the Light, the King of kings, the Prince of Peace, Lord of lords, Jesus the Christ. And we are here to give to thee that which is as that that must be known that which is the light of the soul in self for the guidance of the platform. That is the lesson for all that are here. Prepare thyself, for thou art as the light for the Light that cometh to return that which is life to this plane, to this people.
Q. Could you clarify who is this “we” to me again?
S As given, I Auriello. As given, I Veilizio, archangel and angel of light. Brothers, see, in the harkon.
Q. Thank you very much.
S Thank us not for it is our pleasure to serve the living God. Even as it should be and is for thee to serve the Light. And remember this: we are ever present to serve His beck and call. Honor us not. Pray to us not. Use us not as a crutch but know we are ever present. For He is Him to be honored, for in Him is the Father, in Him is the Mother-God of the Light and the Life of this earth and of all that is. We are through with this reading at this time.
Note: We were given the correct spelling Veilizio (pronounced Velapriso) and Auriello (pronounced Oriel) on January 19, 1974.
Ram Reading 10-13
Q. At the opening of the December 14, 1973, reading the Archangel Auriello and the Angel Veilizio (I am not sure if we are pronouncing that correctly) and the spelling looks like it should be Valissia , or something similar. Is that correct? (131)
S It is correct as to that which you can pronounce it to be.
Q. Veilizio stated, “It was I and my brother who filled the ark and went before Him.” What was meant by that statement?
S Those that gave at that time the word, or the truth, or the lesson, were to chose that carried the God Force within and walked or carried or became the ark (in an essence were the ark), that surrounded the ark, went before, calling the glory of God even that which was beyond the ears and the eyes of the human understanding. It called upon that which was the glory of the God without and the glory of God within. This is that, then, which they expressed as they, the brothers, that filled and went before. For even as the Archangels are supported surrounded by a myriad of angels themselves, legions of same surrounded the ark, supporting it going before, over it. But only two were within.
Q. In the last question of that December 14th reading, (180) asked for clarification of the Source of that reading. The answer was “as given, Auriello, and as given Veilizio, Archangel and Angel of Light. Brothers, see, in the” – and the next word we could not make it out. It sounded like Arkon or Harkon. Could you tell us?
S Either are correct, see. Arkon or Harkon, meaning that the honor that only they could assume as to that which filled the ark in the presence of God within the ark, see. For He was present there, even more so than on the throne, see where even the Archangels are but servants. Only two. These two filled the ark, gave companionship to that which was the force of creation within.
Q. How do you spell Arkon?
s A-R-K-A-I-N or H-A-R-A-K-I-N.
Q You referred to angels. Is it correct to say they work through the spirit of an individual, and not through material ways?
S First: angels, as given, are the lights, the messengers of the Lord thy God. There are many positions and errands, many uses of the angelic host. There are those that serve in one capacity or another. There are those who are limited to one field alone. There are those that act as messengers, or go-betweens, between the angelic host. For remember, even the angels fall short of the glory of God; and even Michael must kneel before that which is the throne of God. For if God were to touch an angelic host, not in prescribed order, the angelic host would be overloaded (even as the circuit) and be cut off. You as an individual, cannot commune directly with God, for you cannot absorb the power of the Lord. You may only glean that which comes to you. Each and every individual has that which is their own angelic host – guardian angels, if you would call them so. Angels do not do the bidding of mankind. They do the bidding of God but will assist and carry out mankind’s needs when they are in line with that prescribed by God. But the prescription must be of God, not of mankind. If you would pray, then know that it is carried by the angelic host. As to that, it is not serving you but serving God.
Ram Reading 10-140, Genesis 16:7
And the angel of the Lord found her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.
S Here God approaches (or becomes that, or the Word) through a messenger: another way of setting up that which will be used over and over within the Scriptures, to be accepted by those who came afterwards, and to set forth an understanding that God works in many ways and that there is an angelic host that works in this manner to bring to most who cannot receive directly from God or less indirectly from God and must receive through others such as the angelic host.
Ram Reading 10-129, Revelation 22:6
Angel who is the messenger and the Word
And he said unto me, “These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done.”
S The angel here being that which is the truth incarnate, that which is love incarnate, that which is the way, that which is the true justice, that which is mercy, that which is God in action through the being of Jesus the Christ, to give you the opportunity, to cleanse you, to establish you.
Q Jesus is spoken of as an angel. Is this another concept of the terminology `angel’ than we usually think of?
S Messenger, the Word.
Revelation 22:16
The angel who is the messenger to testify unto the churches
I, Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
S Jesus the Christ, the Alpha, the Omega, Servant of God, Son of God, perfect in all ways as serving and as son, even as you will become one with the angels as a messenger, as a servant; one with Jesus the Christ, Who was servant, and became first among all things. You, too, must then follow, as given, to become one with Jesus the Christ and one with God Almighty.
Archangel Michael confirms that Angels have no free will and are messengers
Ram Reading 10-1
Q It’s been said by others that angels can lead astray. I don’t believe this. Would you care to comment? (180)
S You’re correct. They’re heavenly messengers from the foot of God. For even I, in my being, and I use the word “I” as a heavenly messenger, can’t even do as ye do and have freedom of thought, make choices.
Q. Are you an angel? (199)
S This is Michael, lord of the Way
Michael the Archangel, Lord of the Way
Ram Reading 10-106
Q Since Jesus Christ is the Way, how then is the Archangel, Michael, “Lord of the Way”?
S Lord of the Way is the title of that which is for him who rendered to the needs of the Master in this plane, who was that which funneled the forces, the spirit, to Jesus the Christ. Once Jesus became Christ then Michael, though Lord of the Way, was not, then in charge of that which is the Way. For he is in charge of your way to an extent that he then renders to them who seek the help, the forces, as guided by Jesus the Christ. For Jesus is Lord of all.
Remember this: that you as a child of God have a path that is different from those of the angelic host. Though Michael, archangel as he is (and beyond archangel as Lord of the Way), who traffics between humankind and the very Word Itself, the very presence and touch of God as God is in perfection yet does not hold the ability to become christed. You understand that there are not emotions as you can understand, or knowledge or the use of same through these hosts. Yet they have their own versions of same. They also, in the case of Michael, Lord of the Way, take on the very aspect of God–as God sees fit to use. Hence the title “Lord of the Way.” Whereas Christ is the Way, is God in action, Lord of the Way takes on only that which is the visage of God.
Q Was Michael the guardian angel of Jesus, or did He have guardian angels?
S He was in charge of Jesus Who became Christed. He was in effect the one who tutored Jesus in other planes and places. It was he who brought forth the qualities in Jesus. It was he who assumed that which is the role (unheard of, or unable to have been assumed before) of lifting up Jesus into that which is the Christ. For he acted as the Angel of Death for Jesus from time to time, especially at the time of ascension. [10-106]
Ram Reading 10-130
Q. When Michael said to the group, “He is thy Christ; He is thy Angus,” what does Angus mean or represent?
S It means that which is the sacrificial. It means that which you follow. It is that which is inoffensive and yet for those who cannot see the spiritual is their offensive. It is the sacrifice more than anything else. It is as the Paschal Lamb.
About Guardian angels and advice not to pray to Angels
Ram Reading 10-6
Q. We are told that we each have a guardian angel. Is there any way in which we can be aware of our guardian angel, or listen to him, or help him to help us? (146)
S Well, first it’s not a him . . .
Q. Her.
S . . . or her. The questioner at this time has three around self and there’s a total of nine that helps this entity as the entity progresses. Be aware that with each flower seen, with the feeling of the light of the sun, with happiness, with a good word that pours from self unasked, that ye are being aided. They are about. But do not become a slave as some have become to the angelic host. Some preach that you should pray to or thank them constantly. This is a misunderstanding. An angel does not work in the principles of the mind or even of the mind understanding that is in the human but works upon its own principle. Being rewarded by thanks of you is not one of them. Being prayed to is a disservice to an angel Angels are even as the light that comes from the sun: to be used, to thank God for, and not to be enslaved by.
Clarification of relationship between Angels and humans. Question about the Archangel Raphael
Ram Reading 10-7
Q. I would like to have some clarification regarding the response to my question on my relationship with the archangel Raphael at the last work reading where it said, “In relationship also is, ‘Baby, we hope you will bypass us as you’re supposed to.'” This appeared to be messaging that I should not pursue the development of mental understanding or creative abilities, and mathematics, or the understanding of philosophies, psychics, et cetera. Is this correct? I should close all of these doors, or is the message more one that the goal should be altered, that these subjects should not be pursued as ends in themselves, but as means to a greater end, that is service to others? (131)
S The entity should never forget that there lies a greater realm than the angels that in subtle ways influences the thinking that the angels are as a rare bird, as one might say. For self should not throw aside those talents that self is using and has used. No, but rather remember always that self though at this time lower than the angels, is created to be a co-creator with that which is the creative force itself -love. And that in love the entity can reach beyond that which is the angels who have no free will, and self can then become even as given a cocreator, a higher being than even the angels that so impress so many as to that which is their high place in the scheme of things. Self at this time is upon a path that leads ever upward. Never falter, never be dazzled by others, or positions, or even those things which seem as phenomena or those powers that even come from the Creative Force itself. For self must realize that within self is that Creative Force and it is not a wonderment but a fact of love of peace.
Angels and free will and appearing as humans.
Ram Reading 10-9
Q. Is it possible for an angel to incarnate through a normal human birth? (199)
S Impossible. They are as that with fixed minds and ways. They are that which are incapable of freedom of will, freedom of self-thought. They may assume the guise, or even that which appears to be of human, or of light, what have you, but they cannot incarnate, see. This is as a warping of the law. It cannot be. For man cannot incarnate as angel. For man, as a messenger, must be about his Father’s business in another way than a messenger from the throne, see? Those messengers from the throne cannot have freedom of will, for freedom of will can garble and interfere with that which is God, and that is impossible, see?
Q. Evidently (1140) is not an angel? (199)
S This is the working of the mind, the desire of the mind, a focalizing of other people’s wishes upon one individual who is susceptible, see?
Q. Did angels come with the Master Jesus when He incarnated? Were there any manifested in apparent human form? (131)
S There were legions of angels. And some manifested in full-grown human form, to do this, to do that, to cause this, to cause that, even at his beck and call. And yet, did they do that which He could do alone? No. Even selves, with your angelic hosts, must do of yourselves from the spirit within, rather than through others. Even as the temptations, or the Tempter put before Him, that at His beck and call the legions of angels would prevent His dashing His foot against the stones. His reply: “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
Fallen angels never existed. Satan is a personification of evil, created by humans and is a thought form.
Ram Reading 10-10
Q. Please discuss Satan as the fallen angel. ls he the same as Lucifer? (146)
S Well, ye have here a misconception or misunderstanding, see. Satan is that which is the personification of evil created by man and here you have again a thought form for those who would indulge in same or have that come to them. As for the fallen angel, no angel has ever fallen. What ye experience here is that which is the explanation of a higher soul who has fallen and led others to disrepute, others to use the higher motivations, the higher powers, to progress counter to that which is to light and to the good.
Q. ls this the same as Beelzebub or the Devil? (146)
S All could be grouped as one: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer, Scratch, any of these.
Ram Reading 10-24
Q Please define the terms spirit and spirit forces and how they differ from the terms soul and soul forces and angelic hosts and angelic forces.
S That, which is the spirit, is as given before or even as God who created a force within all things that is of Himself. The spirit force is that creative force that is used to maintain the elements of the law within all creatures. It is found within even that which are the forces of the angels and the angelic host though they are governed by a force not unlike the I AM though not as cloaked or clouded as that which is found in man. The soul force of man is that which is the gift of God (that is the Creator) the creative work to the highest degree that can be, yet uncultivated; to be cultivated by that which is the force that is the selection of man as to that which is the freedom of his choice.
Satan and Lucifer are not angels or fallen angels.
Q. Was the angel Lucifer one of the entities so involved?
S Not an angel, as you would understand angels to be. No. This is a frustrating term. Lucifer was one, you see, as you are called, or in your understanding, not an angel, not a deity. A prince of that which is the expanding word, or work of God, a master of universes, working in that same area as given, Satan and Lucifer together, but not interpreted correctly by those who quite often use these terms to mean angelic host – responsible for that which is the creation or the running of that which is the creation of the material world – this earth, Terra being but one member. The one you question here, prince of that which are the forces, also of the intellect, and that which is the self-choosing, or giving man that which is less latitude in the choosing, and more choosing in that which is the intellectual development rather than the physical development that is necessary. Even these princes, you see, have stages of evolution, development, what have you.
Q. Can you say that individuals of the same nature, because of overcoming in other systems, have reached a point of development where they were almost on a par with the angels, and that what they did classified them as fallen angels (although they weren’t)?
S Mankind classifies. Not on par with the angels – above the angels. You see, in that fact that they had that which you have too, choice, with the power and authority of choice, and of that as the messengers, or hands, or tools of God. Man, coins phrases, man labels, but God creates.
Q Then did Jesus really see anything falling like a streak of lightning?
S That was the force as spoken. You see, God is lightning as far as you can understand the force of God to be. For lightning is that supercharge of electricity which is in itself mental power, or mind purified. This speaks of God.
Q What is meant in Luke 10:18 by “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”?
S This pertains to many phases. First, it is the mind and the overemphasis of the mind from those hosts, or those forces, that were prepared to give mankind more power through the mind. The mind force has never been used fully, you see, by mankind. Though much was given in those days of old, was misused. For you see, the mind preceded that which was the spiritual growth. Now man is doubling back, you might say, recanting, and allowing the spiritual to proceed before the mental, though you cannot see it so well at your plane level. But this is why, you see, there was the disaster that destroyed over and over again those continents where the mind preceded that which is as the spiritual – and by mind we mean the intellectual capacities rather than the God Force of mind.
The Devil does not have angels.
Ram Reading 10-41, Matthew 25:41-44
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: For I was an hungered, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee a hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee?
Q How would angels be interpreted in the phrase “the devil and his angels“?
S Remembering that the devil, or Satan, is that which is the intellect; and messengers, or heavenly messengers, are that which are angels. Do not believe that even a personification of that which is Satan, or the devil has angels. No. lt is an explanation and it is the hope for those who fall or are condemned of their own doing. Regardless of the situation, the angels are there to intercede, to plead thy cause at the footstool of that which is mercy itself, the ever living, loving God. For though they fall and though they faint, be they even Satan, God‘s love and mercy is shown in that which are as the angels, the guardian angels, and the hosts that would be as that which would help the lost to repent.
The meaning of “Angels of Thought” given
Ram Reading 10-36, Matthew 18:10–11
Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven. For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.
S All have angels. Here is that which strengthens to man the understanding that you may turn to that which is a higher body. And yet, pray not to angels, but to God. For God is the Creator, the First Cause. There is none other. For even He, Jesus the Christ, though christed, knows the Father rather than the angels, and looks upon same. And yet, the angels of thought are those that are pure and clean. Cast them not aside, belittle them not, love them, use them. For they are that which is as the help that ye are given.
Q In the reading on Matthew 18:10-11, “angels of thought that are those that are pure and clean” are spoken of. What are angels of thought?
S You are gods in the making, and gods create angels just as surely as God the Almighty created angels. Purity of thought creates angels. They become the messengers of the deed. They become that which lights the way for you and for others of your creation in those worlds. Think you not that angels will not be necessary in the creation that you are abuilding? [10-126, 2-4-84]
Q What is meant by “But are as the angels of God in heaven?”
S These are, then, the thoughts of God, cleansing, pure, and clean.
Meaning of “Angels of the conscience”
Ram Reading 10-30, Matthew 10:16-18
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scourge you in their synagogues; And ye shall be brought before governors and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them and the Gentiles.
S Here, then, is that of the body. Here, that which are the trials and tribulations of desire and will. And here you have that which is a misquote, misunderstanding. For so much has been said of serpent, especially that which is as the Old Testament, as you would call it. For these Scriptures had much of the serpent, even as Moses, even as the Garden of Eden. But here you have not serpent, but seraphim – those who are as the angels of the conscience, those who are the flaming ones, those who stood at that which were the entrances to Eden, those which brought pain of understanding to the prophets. The wolves being the mind’s thoughts, that would tear and render at that which is as the spiritual nature of self. And that which would scourge is that which are as the thoughts, the desires of the baser emotions. Therefore, ye must go forth in purity as the lamb and the Lamb that sacrificed even Himself for thee. Ye must sacrifice that which are the physical and the mental attributes of the negative nature and stance.
Angels coming as trumpets
Ram Reading 10-40, Matthew 24:31
And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
S So there shall be known to all, whether this plane or beyond, whether in other realms, that He that is, was, and ever shall be, is as that which is mercy, that which is grace, and all will know. For the vibrational pattern of all that has been created will have been changed to the higher note.
Q What is the meaning of “A great sound of a trumpet?”
S lt is the sound that will be heard in the center, in the pituitary, of each and every enlightened individual, or those who seek. Even as a light, even as a sound – for they shall be one. lt is the trumpet of the soul that will hearken to that which is as the birth again. Yes, the birth of the Prince of Love and Salvation in time and space again.
Do Angels have souls?
Q As angels do not have souls are they just a separate creation?
S They are a force, a life force. They are creation and separate, cannot manifest themselves into thinking individuals, though they possess longing, and are allowed joy and love, and feelings that you cannot understand within the earth plane, cannot make choice however. [10-45, 5-7-78]
Can Guardian Angels heal?
Q Can our guardian angels heal us while we are in this plane?
S This is a complicated question. For mind is ever the builder and quite often the angels act through the mental processes of an individual. This is not to say that it is a correct way, but it often happens. It is better to always ask that which is the Christ to heal, expect Christ to heal, expect Christ to do the work. For then when the angelic host are used in this manner, it is through the perfection of the Christ rather than the imperfection of an individual by the needs.
Archangels and Angels of Death
Q Please clarify the use of the article “the” preceding “loving and merciful angel.” Are we to infer that this angel is the only loving and merciful angel?
S “The” here, is as a group title. For all are loving and merciful (even Michael) and therefore realize that it is only meant to express the replacing of a name for your benefit.
Q Does this actually refer to the Angel of Death?
S Oh, yes.
Q What are the duties of the Angel of Death?
S Well, first of all this is an angel that is given–remember now–oh how to explain to you. First there is the Archangel of Death who presides and is ever present, and all angels of death take on his visage, the power that is given through him from God. The job is loving, helping, rehabilitating, reassuring, correcting, guiding, transporting, repairing, refurbishing, reassuring, but above all–being realistic. For reality to those that cross over can be shattering without that which is the love, the help of the merciful, loving angels of death, or the Angel of Death. And each of you have met these, or that one, many times before and been the better for it. This is why those who have attuned and attained, who have the ability to see and remember have no fear of that which is considered death or passing over. For, in fact, it is a lovely, wondrous experience to those who are prepared and ready.
Q Is there an angel of death present at every death as it occurs – even in battles when thousands are being killed, or like at Hiroshima?
S Oh, yes. [10-105]
Do Angels rejoice when we find the Christ?
Luke 12:8-9
Also, I say unto you, “Whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: But he that denieth me before men shall be denied before the angels of God.”
S This, once again, is the awakening. When you find that which is the Christ, then the angels of the Lord sing praise and love and mercy to the awareness that has been won. And to those who deny, there is the wailing and the sorrow. For there is, again, the lesson to be learned, the lives to be relived, the opportunity to be won, again through that which is the blood of the Lamb. It is often given that you have disappointed Him and this is the disappointment. For those who stagger and struggle and yet proceed and try, there is singing; there is mercy; there is the joy in the heavens and in the heart of Him who is the way, the Prince of Love, and yet the sadness that overcomes all at times when there are those who struggle, who fall, and then who do not seek or try again, but rescind the opportunity and recede in that which is the path.
The Strong Angel
Ram Reading 10-114, Revelation 5:2
And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?
S This is the awakening within an individual, or that which is the understanding or facing of the reality of the spiritual search and the challenge thereof to the individual, which, then, is a meaningful challenge to worlds, races, nations, universes, that are to be, and are existing, and are being created.
Q Who is the strong angel?
S This is the word incarnate. This is the action of that which is the Christ Force being received and channeled into the body as that which is the receiver, or the strong angel.
How we create angels
Ram Reading 10-115
Q Recently you mentioned that we are creating angels. Could we have more on that?
S Thoughts and deeds become, in the long run, angels when they are thoughts and deeds centered in that which is the constructive force of God. Imagine a smile as the root of an angel. For when God smiled mentally, the angelic host was proclaimed.
Ram Reading 10-111, Revelation 2:2-3
I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
S This is the awareness. This is, then, that which calls to the fore (and as are so often given as angels, and truly they are your guiding angels) that there is an awareness within yourselves (not only in God’s creation within and without) of what is right, what is wrong, and what to follow. How many of you really realize that an angel can dwell within you, within your very being, that you are in the process of creating angels, that in the ultimate time of grace you have legions of angels at your beck and call? For that which you will turn into angels and are creating as angels are those good thoughts and deeds – the works. Therefore, that which is God working through you becomes then an angelic force of the future. And since there is no time when you realize what and who you are, when you have received grace and the awakening, behold! you are flooded with angels and you hear the song of songs, even as you heard the stars sing at your creation.
Explanation of: The bottomless pit and the angel that looks into our soul’s history.
Ram Reading 10-118, Revelation 9:1
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
S You have here, the angel that regards that which is the desire within the human. For the desires are of the five senses and you have the bottomless pit or that which is your own personal history, your own person waywardness, your own personal facing of that which must be faced to render self, cleansed before the face of God.
Revelation 9:11
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
S Abaddon. That which is the destructive force of mankind or the destruction of mankind. But as Apollyon, a destruction that leads to the awakening to that which is the Christ Force, or that which is the redemption of this world by the Word which dwells within each and every individual as the God within.
Q The psalmist also said, “Delight thyself in the Lord and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart; commit thy way unto Him and He shall bring it to pass.” Does “the desires of thine heart,” mean He gives you Jesus Christ?
S That is the Lord’s desire, which is the desire of your heart
John Worships the Angel that had shown all things.
Revelation 22:8
And I John saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.
S And in that glimpse that John was given, that moment to understand what it is to touch, to feel, to become part of God, so then John is pulled, you see, away and once again faces the physical-mental side of his nature. And this is the falling down before the angel.
Angels representing the Intellect and the Will, just as Lot bowed down before them.
Ram Reading 10-141, Genesis 19:1-3
And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; And he said, Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways. And they said, Nay; but we will abide in the street all night. And he pressed upon them greatly; and they turned in unto him and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.
S This, as given Lot, is almost the mirror, or is the mirror, of Abraham and represents those who seek what you would call the psychic phenomena, the power of the mind, et cetera. For that which is named here as angel or that which is named here as the two angels, in truth, are the intellect and the will. For much of the psychic, you see, is of the will manipulated, then, by the intelligence of an entity. Both the will and the intellect used for selfish creation, selfish motivations, is what Lot pulled into himself. For his house was his awareness, his consciousness, and though Lot, espoused to that which is the spiritual, was not on the spiritual path but rather, as so often occurs to those who search, on the selfish path.
The angel that God sent to serve us spiritually, Is the angel who represents the power of meditation and prayer,
Genesis 24:5-9
And the servant said unto him, “Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me unto this land: must I needs bring thy son again unto the land from whence thou camest?” And Abraham said unto him, “Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again. The Lord God of heaven, which took me from my father’s house, and from the land of my kindred, and that which spake unto me, and that sware unto me, saying, ‘Unto thy seed will I give this land; he shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife unto my son from thence. And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath:’ only bring not my son thither again.” And the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham, his master, and sware to him concerning that matter.
S This is the order. This is the way, saying that in the service of the Lord or the finding of that which you must do (for the servant is part of self, Abraham is part of self, Isaac is part of self) that you cannot waver in that which is the task set before you. You cannot turn back once the command has been given within that which is the knowledgeable part of the mind and the soul. For the remembrance then of the commandment is before you. It is up to the individual to find that which is, in this case, the bride or the woman and in that which is forgiving same for not achieving is set to that which is beyond the control of the individual in the search. And remember, the search is all-important. That which is the angel that goes before you is the force, the power of meditation and prayer and, in truth, the angels that God has set in motion to serve you in your needs in the spiritual sense.
Seeing angels that represent the might of God
Ram Reading 10-151, Genesis 28:11-15
And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep. And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it. And, behold, the Lord stood above it, and said, “I am the Lord God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed; and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth, and thou shalt spread abroad to the west, and to the east, and to the north, and to the south: and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. And behold, I am with thee, and will keep thee in all places whither thou goest, and will bring thee again into this land; for I will not leave thee, until I have done that which I have spoken to thee of.”
S Because of the spiritual search, the entity was given a covenant showing the breadth of the blessing of God and the result of a spiritual search. It is a sanctification of that individual for the job, for the duty that must be done. Each and every one of you must fall down, mentally and spiritually, upon your knees and then become even as the individual here, that which would lie down upon the earth or that which would take the firmness (as the stones are representative) of a foundation which is faith, and through that which are your acts, your meditations, your prayers, there will come that time when (even as to that individual, the heavens were opened up and figuratively and specifically that entity did see angels, saw the might of God and the way) even then for you it shall be done.