Apocrypha Insights

Apocrypha InsightsApocrypha

This document explores the Apocrypha insights, its teachings, and its impact on spiritual understanding. The material’s focus is on the hidden teachings and spiritual explorations within the Apocrypha.

RAM Reading 10-109                         


Rather than working through the Apocrypha like the other bible readings. The group were told to study the Apocrypha on their own and then to bring questions to the source. 

Oh God of Love and Mercy, God who has given us the Christ, be merciful to us, show us the Way, the Light, and the Path, that we, too, may serve, then, our fellow men, to help them lift themselves through that which is the love and the goodness as demonstrated to us through Jesus the Christ.

S   In these times of stress, of pressure, of world thought, these times of selfishness, impropriety, turn to that which is peace, the softness, the gentleness, the strength. It is of the Lord. Be not hesitant about that which is love, forgiveness, joy. Give to those that seek, the Light. Give to those that would hear, the Word. And be as the action as you know the action to be. Fail not that which is the voice and the word. For this is a time of gentleness, of deep thought, of careful movement. For an even greater struggle of mankind is at this time in the beginning. Even as that which you seek is, even as that which is the Apocrypha that you would find then the Light and understanding of, so mankind is at this time, at this stage, at this place. We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.

C   Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 114, 107, 185, 169, 146, and 178 The date is March the 13th, 1982, and the approximate time is 8:11 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.

S   We have this group, the inquiring minds of this group. We have the Light. we have the Way. We have the peace and the judge. And we have that which is mercy, forgiveness, peace. In the name, then, of God the Almighty, God the Wonderful, we greet you at this time that you, then, may seek that which is the Light and the right. We are now ready for questions.

Angels and archangels: appearing as humans

Q   These questions pertain to the Apocrypha. In the book of Tobit it speaks of Raphael, an angel who appeared as a man and companion to Tobit’s son, Tobias. As they traveled together, Raphael instructed and helped Tobias with some necessary deeds which helped him to attain a wife and restore his father’s eyesight. Now the Book of Tobit is considered fiction: however, would you comment on the practice of angels dwelling among men as ordinary men. I have heard that angels do exist on earth as humans.


S   An angel cannot be human.  An angel may appear in the guise of that which is human.  There are angels among people at all times, and yet it is not for you to seek comfort from them, nor be taught by them, nor be rescued by them.  For as that which is the example given here, was to emphasize at that time there was not the Christ Force within, there was not the Holy Comforter.  Who then could be taught?  Who then could see the Light?  Who then could know the Way?  But only by that which is the intercession of God through the messengers rather than the Son.  For the Apocrypha is that which comes between.  Even as that which you would call the Old Testament, the Scriptures, are that of the establishing of the Laws and the history and is that which is the producing of the basis to find the way, the struggle of mankind to live in the Laws as the Laws pertain to man in the earth. And as you find that which you would call the New Testament, or that which is the Way of the Christ in the earth, as that which man has found the Path seeks to be as that which is the Light and the Truth, that which is the Apocrypha is that of war amongst selves and in selves.  It is twisting and turning to find the seeking which is the New Testament.  It is that, then, which must be overcome to find that which is the true Path. It is the interlude between the awakening and the finding. It is as revolution. It is as turning back.  It is as Gog and Magog, and in truth Gog and Magog are more practical as a term for the Apocrypha than it is to that which is Revelations. For as you have then, in the Old Testament (the beginning), the Apocrypha (that which is the link, and in truth the ending of that which are the Scriptures of the Old Testament) so Revelations, then, is that which is the postscript to the New Testament or the life as life is, then the key to the understanding of mankind.

Q   In reference to the question which was asked about angels by (199): in Fort Worth in 1958 I was asked to attend a meeting in a hotel room, and there was a gentleman there and he spoke to us very simply. While (564) and (533) went to a movie, I went up and heard him. I was very impressed with him, and I’ve had the feeling this was an angel. Was I correct in this? (114)

S   The gentleman was human, but the angelic host operated through that entity much as they do so often to bring the message through others.  Q

Q   I had an experience one time that comes to mind since (114) mentioned what he did, and it made quite an impression on me. There was a gentleman who came to the door and wanted to do some work. And I’m. . .it just didn’t seem to me that it was an earthly being. Am I correct in this assumption? (169)

S   Treat all those that come to you that you do not know with the assumption (and you may keep this at the back of your mind) that they are messengers from the Lord thy God. If you would have them be angels, they will be angels. There is not one person here that has not come in contact at one time or another directly with the presence in the physical of an angelic being. Q

Q   Are you speaking of this particular incarnation or any incarnation?

S   In this incarnation.  Q

People living a long time in Biblical times

Q   In the book of Judith it states that she lived to be 105 years of age and in the book of Tobit it states that Tobias lived 127 years. Is it true that people at that time lived to such an old age?

S   Throughout that which is the history of mankind there have been those who have lived to great age even as here are those in your times who live to great ages. They lived and they passed on to live again. There are those who come in that must accomplish through that which is a long span of time, for many reasons, and there are those who come in for short spans of time. Be not amazed by the length whether it is short or great, for as has been given before, time is a nothing – only a convenience to understand and play that which is your act, your role.

Using the Apocrypha to find ourselves

Q   How do we use the Apocrypha to find ourselves?

S   By understanding that most of you have one foot in the Apocrypha and one in the New Testament. You have come to grips with the laws, the meaning of laws. You have faced mankind’s laws and that which you would consider the natural laws – God’s laws – which govern this universe, this plane, this place. You are in that time where you would turn this way and that. You will have that which are the fightings within. You will have that which are the uncertainties and certainties -and these, then, are of the Apocrypha. You will have that which is the Light, the comfort, the peace of that which is as the life of the New Testament. Therefore understand, when those forces come within, whether they be that which you would term karmic or otherwise, when you have those feelings of revolt, of turning away from the Path, those feelings of guilt or remorse, those feelings of desire for that which are the earthly things, know you are in the Apocrypha of self. do not condemn yourself for this, for it is as necessary as being born in this plane to achieve. The only reason we come before you even considering that which is the Apocrypha is that you may understand yourselves the more and those feelings of the battle. For as we have given, Gog and Magog are those that culminate or are the symbol of the Apocrypha and the battle that must be within selves. It is good against evil, the dark against the light – all for the betterment of self. And when you dredge from within that which are the darker feelings, know that they are for purpose and yet for good. Fear not, then, those feelings that come to you of unrest, anger, yes and fear, for they have their place, their meaning. They are, then, of the Apocrypha. That you may find, then, that which is the Christ you must then have the Apocrypha even as you have had the beginning from Genesis on. Find then the peace within yourself in the knowledge that you are stepping forward into the light from the twilight.

Q   How does the use of the Apocrypha then vary from the way that we would be using the Old Testament?

S   It is that which you must measure, then, the feelings from within and not of others, but from self; where you have the oppositions, where you have the temptations, the tearing and rending from within, where you look at the New Testament as one and the Old Testament as you have asked, as an understanding of your history, an understanding of the beginning and the order, of creation, of laws, of interpreting the laws and establishing the laws, so then, see the Apocrypha not as the most important, but as that which is turmoil – a necessary turmoil. And this is one reason that subconsciously all feel a negative attitude upon approaching that which is the Apocrypha. 

Apocrypha as showing the turmoil within

 Q (217) asks, “Does the story of Susanna show that there is always an effort from our materialistic nature to try to discredit and destroy that which is pure in our lives?”

S   This is the essence of God and Magog. This is the pattern. Remember that ditty, “Oh, Susanna, don’t you cry for me”? It’s the same. It is the same.

Q   She also felt that in reading the Prayer of Manasses, she found it was very difficult to read where he dwells on his unworthiness and sinfulness, God’s wrath and anger, because she doesn’t view God in this light. What is the correct approach to this type of literature?

S   As given, to understand. That is the turmoil from within, that is what rends self before you find that which is your Christ. It is there that you may understand what glory God is bestowing upon each soul. Yes, it is repulsive. It is that which you would put aside. For you are finding the Light and do not want to live in that which is the remorse, the revolt, the rebellion, the war, the greed, yes, the ego.

Q   Does this also show us then that we shouldn’t judge ourselves too harshly?

S   Amen!  

Hebrews do not accept the Apocrypha and the Catholic Church does

Q   The Hebrews don’t recognize the Apocrypha. It’s not canonized literature as far as they are concerned. And yet the early fathers of the Catholic Church accepted it as inspired literature. Why?

S   The Hebrew cannot accept anything beyond that which glorifies their interpretation of the scriptures and leads them to the power. For remember, at the time of Jesus the Christ, magnificence was upon the land and those that followed were given, then, the understandings and knew, then, the place of the Apocrypha, the sacred writings. The Jews feared same, for early Christians used that which is the Apocrypha even as we describe what they are for and of. Even as the Jews do not see Jesus the Christ as the Christ, so they cannot accept, then, that which is the means for the individual to follow the Christ and come to the understanding of that which is the Messiah, for then they would tear themselves down. There is, yes, among those of the most learned of Jews at this time, almost that was abject fear of the teachings that lie within, and so, then, pushed them aside saying they are much like that of the New Testament, even as they claim that the body of Jesus was stolen away and buried elsewhere, and therefore His teachings and writings are of no concern and even that which leads astray, so they condemn that which are the writings and stories of the Apocrypha. 

Apocrypha meaning: hidden (inner) and false

Q   The word Apocrypha seems to have a double meaning. Is the reason the books are described as things that are hidden because they contain esoteric meaning that only the initiated could understand, or because they deserve to be hidden as they contained material that was false or misleading?

 S   They are hidden and termed hidden for it is that which is hidden within you. You hide it from your preset mind. You try to hide it from your subconscious mind, but it’s there. It is you in transit. It is that which is hidden for the very fact if it were not hidden you would not have the battle that you must fight within. The main reason of the Apocrypha is for the person who is not truly enlightened. When you become in that stage a degree enlightened, the reason for the Apocrypha becomes, then, know. the hidden reason is, you must battle for the very fact that you would rather be something better – not for the spiritual rewards that you would if you had been taught otherwise. It is a simple thing of light and dark where the mind feels, not compulsively, not driven by that which is the spiritual, but by the reasoning process that good must be, that there is honor, that there is a better path, that there is goodness, that it is better to be merciful than to be cruel, that it is better to be honest than dishonest, that forgiveness is better than condemning – as a rational thing rather than a spiritual thing. Thence comes the enlightenment and you are on your way to that which is the spiritual unfoldment. This is where the meaning of the plowman cannot turn back becomes the reality. For the turning back is of the Apocrypha, and the straight furrow is of that which is the New Testament, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah and the crucifixion of the ego and all that it stands for.

Q   Did those people understand what that meant then when they gave it that name?

S   Yes, for they were learned people. 

All the books are important – they all deal with the struggle

Q   Which books in the Apocrypha are most important for us?

S   All of them. They all pertain to the struggle and the vacillating of personalities, of situations, of the tearing the pulling, the falling back, the leaping forward. All of them. Q

Apocrypha is one step above the Old Testament and a step away from the New

Q   On the subject of riches I wish to show a comparison between two quotations. First the Old Testament, Proverbs, chapter 28, verse 6: “Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness than he that is perverse in his ways though he be rich.” The second, the Old Testament Apocrypha, Ecclesiasticus, chapter 13, verse 23: “When a rich man speaketh, every man holdeth his tongue, and look what he saith, they extol it to the clouds: but if the poor man speak, they say, ‘What fellow is this?’ And if he stumbles, they will help to overthrow him.” A number of the Apocrypha books are worthy of a place of honor if for further study, and in some cases even more worthy, I feel, than some we now have in the Old Testament, fully accepted these many centuries. Would the Source comment?

 S   The Apocrypha, of course, is that which comes as one step higher than that which is the Old Testament or the establishing and creating of the laws and then that which is the struggle clarifies the understanding, appeals then to the understanding of man through the mental processes and the developing of same. Yes, there is much to be gained but like that which is the Old Testament, do not become mired in that which is the second rung. For you are lifting yourself up through that which is the third rung, that which leads to grace, love and mercy. For the hand of that which is Christ is extended to you now. You are beyond that which are the angels. You are that which touches God directly through that which is the merciful Christ. You may contact that, then, which is the force of love and goodness. You have that which is the spirit that may direct you the more. You need not intercession by others or that which make up the angelic host. For you now have that which is the Holy Comforter. And it is good, then, to find good in the Apocrypha, and it is also good to find that which is good in the Scriptures of the Old Testament. And condemn none of this, for even as they are below that which is the New Testament they are of the essence of importance. And yet, turn your eyes only to that which may fulfill the spiritual need of others as well as self. For look around you – some are still in that which is the purgatory of the Old Testament and are reaching for the Light in themselves in the Apocrypha. And lo and behold there are those who are stepping fully into that which is the mercy of Christ the New Testament. Yes, it is good to find the treasures, the Word, the glimmer of hope and justice. For the Apocrypha, yes, is above that which is the Old Testament. 

Q I was thinking primarily that I was quite surprised to find that some of the books were as worthy as they were, having heard the negative reports as you might say. I have one thing I wrote down just a moment ago that I remembered, I believe it was from Ecclesiasticus, and it’s just a simple statement which seemed humorous to me whether it was meant by the author I don’t know, “Better to slip on the ground than to have the slip of the tongue.” 

S Yes.

Did Jesus know of and use the Apocrypha in his teachings?   

Q   It is written that Jesus had access to the Apocrypha books of that time. If this is correct, I’d like to know what His thoughts and feelings were about it since there have been varying opinions as to its importance.

S   Because He was enlightened, because He was the Christ in the making, He was as that which was to be the Way, knew that He was the Light, and had been educated in all that is that others could understand and beyond, knew the reality and the importance of the Apocrypha, even as He knew that which was as the Old Testament and freely quoted and used to those who were close, or learned, the knowledge of same even as He used the knowledge of the Scriptures for the common mass or those who were not as well educated. Jesus understood the turmoil in man for He has passed through the same; He has done these things. Therefore, in the nature of Jesus was the need to pass on the information to those close to Him of what they were going through and that even as He the guide had found His way through the jungles of self (which is the Apocrypha) that they, too then, would put their feet sure upon the path. Does it sound familiar? It is. For He comes back to you on that Path that you return to Him. Q  

Judgement of nations – judgement of self not of others 

Q   In Esdras it is spoken of the judgment of nations at the end of time. How can this come about? How can this be?

 S   Because you are the nations, and you judge yourself. At the end of time – remember as we have given so often – time is of convenience, is of this plane. God does not measure time; mankind measures time. this plane is of time and at the state of being of enlightenment when you measure your accomplishments, your overcomings, and how you have progressed through the Scriptures, through the Apocrypha, and through the New Testament you will have judge the nations of self – not of others but of self. 

Moving beyond the negative elements in the Apocrypha and ourselves

Q   You mentioned a number of negative factors in ourselves that we are to dredge up through using the Apocrypha. Do we bring this to the conscious mind so that we can get rid of it? Is that the purpose?

S   No. But when these things have occurred to you (and they do come to the mind of clashes with others, of pains especially of the heart, where you have been rended by the acts of others) when those thoughts that you know have been negative or greedy have occurred to you and you remember them, understand them to be that which is the training program – even as a physical fitness program often is tiring, hurting, dull, boring – remember that you have a purpose and that purpose is to find the greater self. There are those who dote upon and actually are captivated by these physical fitness programs (which are not a negative thing unless they become overwhelming), so there are those who would dote upon, then, the Apocrypha for this very reason, pulling from the past not only of this incarnation but of all incarnations if they can, or could, those unpleasant things, those trials and tribulations. They are those then who’d be caught up and not progress. For when these thoughts come to you (and they are more vivid to some than others, and then there are those acts that remain vivid in a lifetime) see them for what they are. You do not rejoice in them, but remember they are the learning method, and that you are going beyond that to greater things. 

Rungs of the ladder

Q   Yes, you mentioned a while ago that we’re on the third rung of the ladder. Is this the same as the third note of the scale, “mi” – do, re, mi?

S   Yes.  

Q   Then are there only eight rungs?

S If you would have eight rungs, know this: there’s an elevator at the end. 

Q   Are all the wars in the first book of Maccabees representative of the battles between the spiritual nature and the physical nature within each of us?

S   Oh yes. Throw in the mental nature, too. 

Q   Are those many slain by the Israelites in the book of Maccabees representative of our own negative and materialistic thoughts which we, too, must slay?

S   Yes, and they also point out, though in, under the banners of glory and of God, people do that which is breaking the laws of God – thou shalt not kill – and yet, it is one more step, a small one, but it is another step towards that which is the overcoming, then, of selves. 

Meticulous setting of dates – caught in the pettiness of the world

Q   The recorder of the first book of Maccabees was very meticulous in setting dates of events in which year of Grecian rule events happened. What is the significance of this?

 S   Of the absorbing idea among mankind that all things must be dated, numbered, weighed, and put in place. mankind has forever done this. Note the religions that each word must be said correctly, each action must be fulfilled to the nth degree, that what is said must be said in certain manners, all things following that which is a certain way or rhythm or formula. This, then, is something carried on by the Pharisees, you see. The word of the law becomes more important of the law than the law. The dress of a person more important than the person. It is that, then, which overcomes the freedom, the flow of God within this world by the mind of man. It is the analytical overcoming that which is the spontaneous. All has its place; all have their place. But to magnify that which is the orderliness is to be caught, then, in the pettiness of this world. 

Jesus broke the wheel of karma and bestowed Grace upon the world

Q   What did Jesus mean when He said, “No jot or tittle of the law shall pass away?” 

S   He is saying that for mankind the laws of God cannot be changed. But He was also making reference that He, Jesus the Christ, was now beyond the law or going beyond the law, and that grace is beyond the law of mankind, even as governed by God for this plane. For a just and loving God does not just punish. Jesus meant that even the smallest mark (and this is what He was alluding to) could not be changed by man. God had made laws but Jesus was that which broke the wheel of karma which led those that were trapped within the earth, out of this earth beyond the laws that God has given this earth. For He, then, was the bestower of grace upon the world. 

Numerology of the desecration and the cleansing of the new altar

Q   Is there a numerological significance or importance in the year 145 when the altars of Judah were desecrated, the year 146 when Judas Maccabees became their leader, and the year 148 when the temple was cleansed and the new altar was dedicated?

S   Yes, you have that then, you see, which was from the learning to the fulfillment and then that which is the basic reestablishment of the one and the three system being four, making then that which is a basis once again as you have found all through that which was the Old Testament of so often using the four system to show that God and that which is the triumvirate of God, the Father; God, the Son; and God, the Holy Spirit becomes One. The three, then, becoming one – three and one, four – which is the establishing again of the temple within that which is mankind’s destiny. 

Q   Is that the basic lesson in I Esdras that man must create the temple within and the whole story of doing this is just an example for us to follow?

S  Correct. For when you have established the temple you have found the place of worship. You may move into that which is the light of the New Testament.

Rabbis and Jewish scholars were familiar with the Apocrypha

Q  Jesus referred to Joseph of Arimathea as a master of Israel. No, He didn’t, it was Nicodemus, I mean. Was He and Nicodemus familiar with the Apocrypha?

S   They were learned men. All of those even of the Sanhedrin would know of the Apocrypha, the meaning of same, and so many of them, then, held the fear of same. All those who were the greater rabbis knew same and to an extent all rabbis knew same. Q

Apocrypha basis for the Kabala

Q   Would the Apocrypha be basis for a portion of the Kabala?

S   It is the basis that led directly to the Kabala. 

Wisdom of Solomon – authorship

Q   Is the Wisdom of Solomon really the work of Solomon or is it the composition of an unknown Jew who used earlier original material for reference?

S   Let us say it is Solomon’s but Solomon’s embellished. Not by one but by a dozen. 

Q   Well, if it was not Solomon’s writing, how was the author given the information in the 18th passage that seems to indicate the actual birth hour of Jesus the Christ which is not in the New Testament?   

S   As given, it is as Solomon’s but embellished by others both earthly and non-earthly. Solomon – we could spend an hour on Solomon and only touch him. Solomon, oh my. Solomon was as man in turmoil with the spiritual, the mental, and the physical, clashing, meshing, clashing, turning, twisting, because of the times, the place and that position that must be fulfilled that all these things could come. For Solomon’s wisdom was not only the high intellect, but also the spiritual direction. He was well aware of this, and as some who have the high intellectual capacity, there is a resentment of the spiritual guidance or interference. That is why he showed so many weaknesses and made many mistakes. 

Q   Is that why the Sanhedrin had these feelings regarding Jesus? Because they saw their Master?

S   They knew without a doubt. The Sanhedrin knew at the time that the Magi came to Herod and were grossly frightened of the prospect. They did not know how to approach Herod because they knew what Herod was. Their patience was rewarded for Herod went out or sent his people out to do the deeds of getting rid of the Messiah, and oh, how the Sanhedrin hoped that they could sit back and let someone do the deed, though they knew in their hearts that God directed and therefore man could not destroy.

Q   Paul must have really related to Solomon. Some of his letters seem to borrow from him – word for word.

S   Why not? He wrote a lot of it. 

Q   He wrote a lot of Solomon?

S   Yes.

Q   Are you saying that he was Solomon?

S In a manner of speaking.

Q   Please explain.

S   Well, you don’t directly have to be a person to become the person. Note those who follow a leader and become a mimic of the leader. Or in a better light, look at St. Francis of Assisi, how he became almost a Christ or a Jesus in viewing the world and proceeding in his tasks. Some people become so absorbed with a part in a play that they actually become the character. Note those who have many times mental breakdowns, not caused by the involvement of outside entities (or that which you would call being possessed) because they become another character, or create another character, or are absorbed by another character. This happens even in that which you would call the religions nature. 

Q   Well, you were saying how they could have been, Solomon could have been Paul. In the story of Esther, Haman sounds like an earlier version of Hitler. He was thwarted in killing the Jews.

S   Oh, my, You see yourselves, you see your friends, you see your enemies. It, they’re all there. Haven’t we told you that mankind in its turmoil is the Apocrypha? Q

Positioning of the Stigmata based on populace’s belief

Q   Referring to St. Francis of Assisi, and the late Father Pio: both had the stigmata; both had the bleeding in the hands, not in the wrists where scientific indications are that the crucifixion had to be. Was this a mental thing because they believed that’s where it was?

S   No, but because the populace of the world believed that’s where they should be. 

Reincarnation in the Apocrypha

Q   It reads in Goodspeed’s translation, page 250 of the Apocrypha* and I quote, “For the beginning the decree has read, ‘you will surely die, like the thick leaves on a flowering tree which drops some and puts forth others, or the questions of flesh and blood. One dies and another is born. Everything made will decay and disappear and the man who has made it will depart with it.'” To me this is a beautiful description of reincarnation. Would the Source please comment on this quotation?

S    Of course it is a beautiful description of reincarnation for those who believe in reincarnation. For others it is a gross ugly fact that they would hide from. And this again is an example of the Apocrypha, that which turns, fights, twists, yes bites, destroys. It is the rebellion from one thing to another. You are correct. It is meant for that which is the understanding that you progress from life to life and those material things are set aside even as the bodies and works of mankind become that which is a better thing in another time and another place. 

Q   This brings up a question that people have wondered about. In Hebrews chapter 9 verse 27 in reads, “And it is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment.” Since this seems to refute reincarnation, please give us the correct interpretation of this Scripture.

S   Jesus the Christ fulfilled it upon the cross. What died? His body was set aside, the ego of man was destroyed, and you are free. 

Strong faith lasting through life times

Q   Then in the Apocrypha there is the story of Daniel going into the, and three companions going into the fiery furnace and not being burned. Several years ago this Source was asked by a seeker as to why he had not been burned in a fire in Benson and he was told that his faith which he acquired when he walked into this furnace eons ago, or whenever, had kept him from being burned this time. And I’m wondering if this kind of faith is a gift and is it everlasting?

S   Remember all that happens to an entity that is in the positive remains with the entity. Those things which you would term negative that are harmful are put aside. Love fulfillment, faith, mercy, goodness, all these things and more follow you, and at the proper time may be drawn upon. For always that which is of God (and faith is) is ever present and in one life or another you show same. This happens over and over. Q

Jewish people being persecuted throughout history

Q   Why have the Jewish people been persecuted throughout history?

S   For they have persecuted others. They have stopped in that which is the advancement and must be goaded on. For those who are persecuted often come back as those who are persecuted. And often those who are persecuted and have not learned to accept that which is the persecution and forgive, as hard as it seems to be, must come back again and again to face that learning situation.

Are we aspects  of the  Soul who became Jesus the Christ?

Q   In reading 10-85 page 11 the following statement is made: “For all of you are son, but He being that which was first created – and from Him came you.” In the light of that which has been given about aspects of souls can it be said that we who incarnate in this plane are all aspects of the soul Who became Jesus the Christ?

S   Look at it this way: if you have a beautiful prism and the light hits the prism and the multitude of lights come forth (even as that which is the spectrum) they are separated and yet their source is the same. This, then, applies to your question. In a sense, yes, for remember: He that you would term as Jesus the Christ is the Creator of this world and all within and the worlds about you. And from that which is Himself, He has created, even as God has created Him directly, so He has created directly. For as God the Father now rests in perfect, well, you would call silence – but is not silence – so then the force of creation if Jesus the Christ’s. And from selves then comes that which is another beam of light that will be the life and light of others. In a sense you may say these are aspects too, and yet not truly so. For even as you are souls unto yourselves, yet ye came from Another. Q

Is the Christ still creating?

Q   Is Jesus the Christ still creating?

S   Always. Even as you create as you are in your fashion (for thoughts are things, et cetera) so Jesus in the magnitude of Himself creates, then, the steps for you to follow, the worlds for you to see, the learning situations of a higher nature that you will benefit from. Yes, and as you seek the Path and He creates within you as you will accept that which is creation and build then, for when you do that which is a positive thing, He acts within you that the positive thing may be. That is creation, too. Q

Son of God and Son of Man

Q   Is there a distinction to be made between the Son of God and the Son of Man?

S   Mostly for the rhetoric. The Son of God primarily is Jesus the Christ and all those who act within the Christ, and the Son of Man is the title given by mankind, or for mankind, to that suggested as Jesus’ incarnation among the human-kind or human type in that which is the human body.

And now as that which is our time draws to a close, we give that which is as love, blessings, and the hand that may lift you from that which is the Apocrypha into that which is the light of the New Testament through that which is the power, the might, and the Word of Jesus the Christ, the Wondrous. We are through with this reading at this time.