Chronology of RAM - Detail by DateA Chronology of RAM

This document is a detailed chronology of a spiritual group’s experiences and interactions with the RAM Source. It includes dates of work readings, journal entries, specific instructions, and messages given to the group. The material covers the development of the channel, group logistics, study topics, messages of inspiration, and connections to past lives and biblical figures. It provides insights into the group’s spiritual journey and growth, guided by metaphysical teachings and principles.

This Chronology of the Core Group’s experience of working with the RAM Source. Each date designates a work reading and the journal indicates specific instructions and messages given to the group. (Editor’s note: this chronology was discovered at the back of a three ring binder and best indications are that it was kept as a journal for the group by Frank (114) or Dorothy (178) Adams) 

Color coding of topics in the Chronology:

Purple: Steps in the development of the channel and the core group, logistics.

Orange: Guidance, study topics and messages of inspiration, affirmations and prayers.

Green: Past lives, Essenes, connections to Cayce, Jesus and early church.

9/22/73 (10-1)

A Change to a higher Source is announced.

Purpose for the work is given.

10/10/73 (10-2)

Motto and Symbol for the group and the work is given.

Composition of group is given.

Guiding light for the group became Psalm 114 and the Lord’s Prayer.

10/13/73 (10-3)

Formation of the Group completed (first phase).

Duties of each member of the group are given.

We are to continue working in SFG groups.

Group are instructed to never cancel because some members cannot attend and there should never be less than 3 at a meeting.

We are told that we have all been Essenes; eventually we will know our names and of past relationships to Jesus and members of the group.

Core group told to sit in a circle during readings.

Subject matter for next reading was given: Prayer.

Group told to meditate a minimum of 30 minutes prior to a reading, channel is to be separated from the group during question preparation time.

Healing prayer group may be held, but not at  the time when readings are being given.

11/10/73 (10-4)

Reading 10-4 is on the topic of prayer.

Purpose of the symbol is given.

Pray for each other, we are asked to name each member and the group as a whole several times a day if possible.

Affirmation for the group is given.

12/14/73 (10-5)

Color for each member is given.

Diet modifications are given to several members.

Each member told to take into their heart: 14th Chapter of Matthew

Value of readings on the Bible was hinted at.

Some individuals given personal affirmations.

Chanting: AUM chant for the group, Source also suggested Gregorian chants and singing of the 23rd Psalm.

Handling of “emergency” readings was clarified.

The RAM readings are not to be shared at this time except for “nuggets of information” or “whispers of truth”

1/19/74 (10-6)

An explanation was given as to how the readings are conveyed.

Group told that it would be essential for each member of the group to receive “a reading to understand selves the more and the path for self’.

Subject for next reading given: “The use of the powers that are of the Holy Spirit within selves; how they can be brought forth and how they may be used to benefit humankind.”

Direct actions will eventually supersede importance of the readings in the life of the channel.

Platform defined at this stage as: actions*, prayer and meditation

In closing a message to the group from the source: “We are pleased: In Love ye shall walk, In Love Ye shall find your answer. Be one with Me and I am with thee.”

3/10/74 (10-7)

Fatigue in the channel and conductor leads to difficulties in verbiage

Subject for next reading is given: “further growth or outgrowth of the use of the Spirit; and how to obtain better us of the awakening understanding”

4/12/74 (10-8)

Use of RAM symbol given

*Actions (above) were explained (reading 10-8)

Formation of other forthcoming groups is explained.

Indexing: Compilers told that others will come who will have the time and experience to help with the indexing. 

Group told by the source that its aura has increased from fishbowl size to room size (white).

5/19/74 (10-9)

Group told how important Bible references, given to individuals and the group, were and to study them.

Permission was given for a reading to be given on spiritual centers and rays.

Group told that is was best for channel to be absent when questions are designed, unless the channel has personal questions to be asked of the Source for him.

Requests for individual readings were not to be denied.

6/21/74 (10-10)

Nature and identity of Source is explained. 

In view of occasional difficulties in communication we may substitute (with channel’s permission) the word that clearly conveys the meaning for one that does not fit

Procedure for selection of four new members is given – they are to be chosen by lot.

NO organization to be formed until further growth has occurred.

Channel may sit in on discussions of past readings, as long as questions are not designed in his presence.

In closing: Source indicated being pleased with “questioning, and the type of questions that are beginning to evolve from the group”


Explanation of the meaning of RAM is given

Eventually RAM group to undertake publications similar to ARE’s Searchlights.

7/27/74 (10-11)

Group told that we have all contributed to disharmony, including causing turbulence in the local weather.

The process for choosing of new members is described.

This group told they are the Culmination of the work started by the ARE Study Group No.1

The “work” defined

No one person is to establish a fiefdom or to feel threatened when duties are changed. The disciples fell apart over such as this. We are not to repeat that downfall.

Authority will always be vested in the channel.” No one else can fall as far as he in the case of failure.”

Duties of the conductor and other members during readings are given.

Source of energy used while readings are given.

There will be slips, errors, discrepancies until such time as the channel has cleared self of desires in favor of the spirit.

Each member is to study Cayce, if we aren’t already doing so. Begin with Search for God books.; Revelation, “all kinds of material here.”

9/28/74 (10-12)

We are to be “not as servants but as the friends” to the Source.

12/4/74 (10-13)

We are still, as a group, in an embryonic stage; however we are told that we may conduct the drawing of the names of four new members.

2/22/75 (10-14)

We welcome four new members

We are still unaware of the meaning of the platform.

We are to read the 79th Psalm, the 82nd Psalm, and Mark 17 (given later) and later in our own time: Micah.

4/20/75 (10-16)

We are to search out questioners and share our learnings with them, and bring their questions to the Source, not pinpointing the identity of the channel as yet, but being discreet.

Guidelines are given for the function and formation of auxiliary groups.

6/22/75 (10-17)

We are told that we must be more dedicated to the Work.

We are told to read and study the 86th Psalm; Mark 14; and John 7

Ways are given in which people wishing to help may do so.


Changing the method of indexing may be made as a larger number of people are available to help.  As for now no “changing of horse in midstream”

7/26/75 (10-18)

We are told that it is possible to attain the necessary dedication and still live in the everyday working world.

A prayer is given to help mitigate the effects of Earth Changes.

12/6/75 (10-20)

Group told to study 51st Psalm, and Matthew 3:13.

2/7/76 (10-21)

Group are given 24th Psalm; also the 36th Psalm to study.

4/18/76 (10-22)

Reading 10-22, is on the Second Coming.

(Easter) We must each as individuals and as a group be as Israel, that is, the altar of Jacob, the sacrificing of self.

Group are given a prayer to help prepare for the Second Coming.

At this time we are told that we may share this material.

6/12/76 (10-23)

Topic for next reading: The Holy Spirit

Group is given an explanation regarding the use of the Second Coming material (10-22) and that it is not to be bandied about.

8/8/76 (10-24)

Reading 10-24 on the Holy Spirit

We are told that it is now permissible for the channel to be present during the discussion and designing of questions; but to still the doubts of some it is decided it would be better to continue as is.

Group told that our guidance, rock, word, function, law and reason are found in Matthew 17 and Mark 10

Indexing is well underway

12/26/76 We start the New Testament with Matthew

We may use the King James edition


We are given the 101st Psalm to be used to start the day and to start our meetings

We cannot put selves aside until we understand selves.

4/16/77 First 10 chapters of Matthew completed


Now is the time to gently spread “that which is the cultivating” of the material among receptive friends and acquaintances.


We are told again that we must destroy the ego of the self 

The length of the reading the (assumption of time) will be guided by the physical abilities of the channel.

We were invited to stretch out our hands to be touched physically, mentally, and spiritually.


We are to throw away criticism and impatience.

10/30/77 Next 10 chapters of Matthew completed


Group told that the current disability of 114 is a disability of the group; we are asked for more prayer power to uplift the soul force of 114.


We are putting our own goals and entertainments first, ahead of the Work, in our daily lives.

We will not have Peace of Mind until we can merge the brothers, the sisters with the Work.


We have reached the halfway mark of the trial time (20 years are left), a time to choose whether there will be a splintering and a renewal or that of seasoning and tempering. (Editor’s note: Cayce gave the period of 1958 to 1998 as a time of trials and challenges and preparation. 1978 would be half way through that time period.) 


We are reminded again that the power and interest of the group is vested in the channel.

We are given a prayer for greater understanding.


This is the time to cast out fear and to forgive.


A whole lesson will be given on rays, sub-rays and the spectrum approach of the soul force to the cosmos.


The symbol for us is not the cross but the Lamb. 

We have finished Matthew

Upon finishing the four main gospels we will delve into the Apocrypha and some sections of the old testament.

5/21/ 78

We are starting Mark


Individual readings are to supersede research readings for other groups.


The multiplicity of selves (within) must be wiped out that there be only one.


AS we find the negative, the criticism, the ship we ride in is tilted, losing the straight way.


We cannot be complacent but must become more dedicated.

If one of us falters the others must take up the slack by helping cheerfully and in love.


We are to cast aside the desires (mind) but not the urges (soul).


We are given a guide: be contrite, find contentment.

In giving we are receiving; and told to smile often, help often.


As we are on the threshold we are asked to find the path.


Plant a seed here or there and let God do the cultivating.


Now is a time of rejoicing for now is the time of the Lamb rather than that which is RAM.

We are given guidelines for introductions to the printed material.

We are finishing Mark and starting Luke


Source looks forward to the time when the physical vehicle is no longer needed for communication. 

We must strive to communicate on levels of prayer and meditation.


You must forgive so that God will forget.

“Others first, Father, others first” will be the motto of the mind, practice of the body, and  food for the soul.


The hour has come for the personal awakening. 


“We have the seeking; we have the semi-seeking”

Mark is ready for publishing


If we do not bow down to the Lord within we may never bow down to the Lord without.


The turbulence of our world must not become the turbulence of the inner being.


Our very thoughts are signs or as shouted messages.

We must find the path that each travels on their own – but not alone.


Love, God, and Law are one. We are in the world but not of it.


“Thrusting ourselves, our problems, our desires, upon others is the sin”


Once the spiritual force is at work, you nor any force, can stop that which is God in action.

6/28/80 We have finished Luke

7/16/80 We have received the primer so we may understand John, now starting, and which is our ticket, our opportunity?

We are to use the Lamsa edition.

We are given the first objects to deal with each day: The things that we must have within, before we are truly upon the path.

Acceptance, of the Christ;

Strength, of will and purpose;

Faith: the rock upon which to build;

Hope, which buoys up the body, the intellect, and the spiritual.

We are told to concentrate upon these each day


Now is the time of choice.

One who has dropped us, is dropped. Another is to be welcomed.

We are to shape up or ship out for others would gladly sit where we are now.

Woe to the workhorses for assuming their brothers’ duties.

Woe to those who do not do even the little that is asked of them.


“Behold the complete circle!” We welcome our first replacement.

We are told to study section by section, John Ch. 14,15,16,17.

We are given a daily self-evaluation schedule. (Have we got it posted where we can see it often?)


We are not after-thought or by-products of God’s action. What are we? (Look and see!)


We are told what time is all about.


We must become as the good shepherd.

As we progress, free will becomes free will on a higher level.


What we would have for ourselves we must give to others.


We are told to understand and believe the 23rd Psalm.


We are lost if we cannot love and forgive our enemy.

Let not that which has passed be for naught


We must search for the God within that we may share in the body, the mind of God.

We are given the meaning of becoming as the branch or the vine; the meaning of the true pruning; the explanation of having to accept being seen and worshipped as a God.

Those that search for God’s face, God’s knowledge, are the friends of Jesus; those that hold to anger, hate, or fear, are not friends of Jesus.

The Holy Comforter is the Christ presence, the awakening of the I AM, the joy.


“You will get into heaven only leaning on the arm of someone you have helped”: Cayce

“If you would overcome this world it must be done on the shoulders of those you have lifted up”: RAM: The Uplifting Thought

We are given an advanced explanation of why the souls came into the earth plane.

What one asks in His name will be given, if the purpose of the request is to serve others.

Jesus entered the world for us! Not for himself.


Through mental conditioning the spiritual way may be opened. When in doubt: pray. Your prayers will be answered if they are not selfish. 


We can only evaluate ourselves spiritually so that our conscious minds will understand our needs and correct our weaknesses through prayer and meditation.

“All” in  the core group are now in that place of gentle enforcement, of gentle fasting, of the spiritual-mental-physical being.


“If you would seek to see and know the Father, then act and live as if the finding of that which is the Father were the most important thing in life”.

We are faced with the true religious decision of whether to “honor the convictions of a life in the mental physical ego, or to surrender to that which is the spiritual soul force, the God Force–Love.”

Laying down one’s life for others is dedicating one’s life not for ourselves, not for our personalities, not for our own searching, but using our entire beings for the glory of God — which is putting others first.

We have been created in his image. Therefore we, too, are gods — unique and wonderful.

We succeed in the spirit of the search, the spirit of the serving, the spirit of the giving to others and the spirit of the finding.


Our minds may be tombs. Our intellects can make them the burial place of hope, justice, mercy, searching, and goodness. Or, they can be the place where the resurrection of life may occur, when the Christ Force within ourselves may rise.

The only true use of our bodies is as tools of a most merciful God.

A belief is a thing to be respected, not criticized; a non-belief is a tragedy.

Faith and hope together make the key that unlocks the double lock to the christing. 


In order to resurrect our spiritual lives and find the Christ within we must pull our thoughts, ideas, and actions together as fish in a net so that they emulate His example and teachings.


We are chided for showing less than mercy toward one of our own.

We are told that none of us realize how very fragile our group really is; that it is hanging together by only a thread.

We are given a confidence that we may not share with others as it could possibly hinder their acceptance of the gifts that are forthcoming.

Chronology of the specific development of and references to the “Platform”

2/25/78 “We have that which is the platform” (after 4 years, 5 months, 3 days) 

1/13/79 “We have that which is the awakening of the platform”

6/18/80 “We have the cementing of the platform”

6/25/80 “We have that which makes the platform, though incomplete, upon its way.”

6/28/80 “We will establish the platform.”

8/6/80 “We have the platform. We have RAM.”


We are given ways to become more close knit, more cohesive as a group, hence producing a more solidified spiritual truity.

Tensions between group members explained.

We should act through each other, for each other, and for others.


There is no karma if one has faith which is the emergence of grace.

Our work is to ignite the light that leads one’s feet upon the path.

We are given 8 guidelines for the study of the Bible. (see first page of Bible Readings) 

3/13/82 We are given a reading on the Apocrypha. We are in the Apocrypha of self.

Most of us have one foot in the Apocrypha and one in the new testament.

Each of us in this present life has had direct contact with the presence in the physical of an angelic being.


We begin study of the Revelation

“We have rather the discord of the group than the inquiring minds…but discord leads to harmony” (Thank God).

It is the subconscious and superconscious that glean the greater from this book (Revelation). 

In the future we will add four members, becoming 16.


In a sense, since there is no time there is no history – the akashic records are the true history.


Positive or negative, we must choose a path and live it; If we do not we are the losers


Each of us is a musical instrument.

“We have the questions…and yet also will be taken, then, that which is the meaning, the force, the work, to be forged into that which is being accumulated upon another plane that may be used within this plane as a vehicle for that which is the return of the Master of Life to this earth.”


(vehicle clarified)

“We give you, then, that which are the directions to love, to conquer yourselves, that the way may be the smoother for the light foot of the Prince of Peace as He descends upon your shoulders that will bring Him into this realm in His time.”


For us to understand the spiritual is like teaching a dog logarithms.

We are asked to pray for the spiritual needs of the earth.

1/29/83 “We have the light that has been kindled by this group; we have the platform that is this group.”

Since we “have not reached the plateau that the mental or spiritual body can adjust the physical or even beginning with the spiritual will affect the mental”, it was not implied that we should not take medications. 


We must develop ourselves to benefit others


Each of us is asked to examine our daily exercises as to the venture we have chosen, to reflect on how we see the truth of our being, how we face our fellow man and what our real needs are – rather than rationalizing to cover up the negative.

The temple of God is the body; the temple of the spirit is the mind.


“Remember our words: it is up to you to make the choice each day, each hour…find the peace”


The watchword is endurance.

We are reminded that He gave for us as “an individual or individuals” to forgive those who have done wrong to us.


We are given an affirmation to help us progress gently.

Gentle progress is defined.


Contrast is described to us as to what we are if we accept God’s love as offered with what we are if we do not accept it.  


This is a time of cleansing, a time of clearing, a time of being.


Be patient, criticize not.

Patience with others and with selves is needed to complete the building of the incomplete spirit of our group.

Purity of thought creates angels.

We exercise free will during sleep.


We are on the path.


We glorify God with thoughts that do not harm nor hurt.

We must find balance with mind, body, and spirit with none reigning.

We are not to be overcome by mental or physical failings that we find in ourselves.

Growth accompanies stress and strain in the Mind-Body.

It is in the trying that we find success.

We are given a prayer to help us find our mission for this life.


Courage is defined

We are to prepare for the study of Genesis

We are not to feel disappointed or rejected if others cannot see the truth of these readings.

“Go forth” with courage into “new places, new destinies, new things.” 

From 9/29/84 to 3/15/86 Readings were given on Genesis. (10-132 to 10-153)

From 4/12/86 to 7/19/86 Readings were given on Acts 1-7.

Editor’s note:

Reading 10-158 on 7/19/86 was the last RAM reading given. 114 suffered a stroke and was to pass over by January 1987. His departure meant that although the group continued working on the material given to that point, (editing and organizing, and publishing); and the channel continued giving individual readings, there are no records of any further RAM readings.