This document provides a detailed spiritual and metaphysical analysis of Genesis Chapter 2 from the Bible. It covers various themes such as the creation of man, the Garden of Eden, Lumuria, and the deeper symbolic meanings behind these narratives, emphasizing divine guidance, the nature of existence, and the spiritual significance of creation events.
Genesis 2:1-3
Thus, the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
S The plan for that which is the growth of mankind into the spiritual mankind, the reuniting of all the aspects of mankind and the ending of the learning procedure had all been cast and were waiting to be completed. That which is the true growth of the creation was made and all the essence of the founding of the many gods and their universes were in the process and, therefore, God knew all was well within creation and then withdrew, allowing the Holy Spirit to be the factor which created the further extension of self, which is the Christ within. This, then, should have been or, in truth, the end of the first chapter rather than the beginning of the second. For it is as God becoming, then, the unmoving and creating the movement for mankind.
And now we give you that which is the love, the blessings, the peace and the path. We give you that which is our blessings and we will return at that time. For we as that which is Lord of the Way will be the guiding force through that which you would be calling or that which you would name as those readings for that of the Old Covenant.
Reading 10-133
Prayer – Channel
Oh Lord, grant us the ability, the stamina, the drive, the faith, to do those things that You would have us do, to live in the manner You would have us live, to follow the pattern of the Christ as set in Jesus. We ask this, knowing that You have love for us and that we have faith in the promises given through Jesus the Christ.
Behold the rod! Behold justice! Behold the staff! Behold mercy! All must be purged. All will be purged. Know that that which is illness, wealth, intelligence, suffering, are but that which are the purges of the Lord.
Q Would you please explain “intelligence as a purge”?
S Even as illness is seen as that which is basic to cleansing mankind, so is intelligence basic to cleansing mankind. For each are barriers to be overcome.
Q Charles Fillmore in his book Mysteries of Genesis states, “The man that God created in His own image and likeness and pronounced good and very good is spiritual man, God’s idea of perfect man. This is the only begotten Son, the Christ, the Lord God, the Jehovah, the I AM. In the second chapter this Jehovah or Divine Idea of perfect man forms the manifest man and calls his name Adam.” This says to me that Genesis I tells of spiritual creation or ideas and the second chapter relates to the manifestation of those ideas. Will you please comment on this approach?
S Adam is a state of being, even as Eden is a state of mind or being, and even as Eve is that which you would see as the mother of mankind or that which is the creative of mankind or that which is the action of the spirit in the creation. Adam is that which is noted as the spiritual, personified then in Adam the man or that which leads in and becomes, then, the creation of God, even as God, as given in Genesis, creates from the dust, for the dust then being that which are the thoughts or that which are the basic elements from which all things are created. Hence, from that which is the thought or the idyllic or the spiritual concept of a being as mankind is one being, so Adam is a spiritual name or the spiritual being that became mankind or Adam as a personage or that which led all others into being or the state of being within this plane.
Q Then is there any difference in chapter one and two in what they’re speaking of?
S Not in reality. You have that which is the blending of the spiritual with the material in the plan of God as creation from the higher elements to the more base elements.
Q Was it because prior to that time the people had fallen so much in consciousness that they no longer meditated and remembered God every day, so that in order for people to be reminded regularly, at least one day in seven, one day was consecrated as the Sabbath and it was made into a commandment by Moses?
S This is the purge of the mind or the intellect.
Q Did Moses initiate the Sabbath day observance, or was it established earlier by Melchizedek or someone else?
S It was established among other peoples of other places by Melchizedek, (by then) or observed by Melchizedek, and then established by Moses among family, friends, and tribes.
Q Were the first three and one-half verses of chapter two added when the ending of the sixth day was changed?
S This is correct.
Q The word Elohim is used in the creation story from the P document, (that is chapter one, verse one through chapter two, verse four), whereas the word Yahweh, from Y-H-V-H in the consonantal text is used exclusively in the J document which includes the account in Eden beginning with the second part of verse four in chapter two. Both words, Elohim and Yahweh, have been translated into the English language as God. Please define each word, Elohim and Yahweh, so that we can understand the differences in their meaning.
S Elohim is derived from Ohalin which is Lord God or even as the Almighty. Yahweh is that which is a scrambled version almost of same, being that which you would term as influenced by the change in language from the pure or more Aramaic, or Syriac to be more exact. For Syriac is the predecessor or the core of the spiritual writings rather than totally being Aramaic, the brother or even that which is the antecedent of, whereas you have that which became, then, changed by the Hebraic or the stepchild of Aramaic into that which is meaning one God or lone God or the Great Spirit.
Q Does the term Elohim include the heavenly host and the Holy Spirit in addition to God as the Creator?
S Elohim is difficult to translate from that which is original, meaning all-inclusive force of life, creator.
Q Does Yahweh denote a personal form or expression of God whereas Elohim denotes an impersonal God?
S Yahweh is that which would almost be as an idol or a single personage into the concepts of the time or the basic concepts, or baser concepts of the time, when the thought pattern of the people and even of those of the priestly class could not conceive of a multiplex God.
Q Was the name Yahweh first used by Moses?
S No.
Q Is the relationship of Yahweh to Moses similar to that of Christ to Jesus, except that Jesus became one with Christ whereas Moses remained separate from Yahweh?
S As seen by the scholar or those people who are scholars, yes, but as to the exact being, no. More as one would see a pope or a being such as that rather than a spiritual individual, totally guided by spirit.
Genesis 2:4-6
These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.
S The spiritual elements of God being in force at the time before man became humanized or man as man is now or the basic concept of man, the spiritual elements here did that which was the adjusting to all things and there was no such thing as evil or that which is here denoted as rain to wash away those evils, the consequence being of man as man became – a tiller of the soil, meaning that which was bound to the earth plane through the own inclination or acts of mankind, causing then the rain to be, or the spiritual to be, for the cleansing of man.
Q What is the mist in verse six? Is it the astral body?
S This is the spiritual or even more dense as the astral body.
Genesis 2:7
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
S As man was captured, then, by the elemental forces of the earth plane that man had come in to learn from, so then the soul force was given a capsule or capsulated in animal form that it would have a vehicle for its learning or its purpose within this earth.
Q Verse seven refers to creation of the physical man, then, with “Breathed into his nostrils the breath of life” indicating that soul entry into or attachment to the physical body occurs with the first breath taken by a newborn baby. Is that right?
S Absolutely correct.
Genesis 2:8
And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.
S Mankind came in in the idyllic situation, that which is the spiritual understanding, the spiritual forte into this plane. This is, then, placing mankind into that which is heaven or the thought of heaven or peace or serenity or all happiness.
Q Does this refer to Lemuria, located in what is now the Pacific Ocean?
S It has a divided meaning. Yes, as a physical thing and no, as a spiritual thing. For the garden of the spiritual was in that which you would term the subcontinent of India. (10-107)
Q Would you please expand upon this at this time?
S Even as you have mental and physical planes so you have that which is the spiritual and physical plane. That which is physical was put in Lemuria that all might have in the physical a place to be, even as the spiritual self may be at one place at one time and your physical being may be in another place at another time. So, the spiritual Eden was located in that which is known as the subconscious, subcontinent (slip) as to that which is India today.
Q Was Lemuria then the original dwelling place of Adam, Abel, and Cain?
S Yes. (10-107”
Q Was that at the time that Ram was in India?
S This is correct.
Q On the personal physical level does it refer to the physical body?
S This is correct.
Q And then on a spiritual or consciousness level does it refer to the throat center, that is the will center which is the fifth chakra counting from the bottom and is related to the thyroid gland in the endocrine system?
S This is correct. For the will overcomes all purging, all things, regardless of the nature of the purge, the severity of that which is seen as the purge and this, then, is the will center or the Eden of self. For when you commit and connect with that, that is the spiritual nature or the spiritual being or I AM, then Eden is achieved once again.
Q So India, then, symbolized really, that fifth chakra at that time. Does it still today?
S The thymus center at this time.
Q Is the garden in Eden the nervous system in the physical body?
S Garden is that which is universal or a universal thing or that where there is a cultivation of the universal force, will power, et cetera. Therefore, within self, yes.
Q Is there a corresponding nervous system in the astral body?
S No.
Q And would the endocrine system also be part of the garden?
S This is correct, for heaven is even as Eden and found, then, in its many mansions within the entity.
Genesis 2:9
And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
S God created, giving all that is for mankind to learn, to be a part of, to see, to feel, to thrive upon. In the midst of plenty then God put that knowledge that would separate mankind from all God’s creation, that which would give the soul its thrust, its bearing. This is knowledge or the tree of life.
Genesis 2:10-12
And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone.
S You have the spiritual fountain pouring forth, then, from Eden or heaven, watering mankind’s search or growth. You have that, then, which is the trial and tribulations as found in the land that ye may find gold, or knowledge, and you have, then, that which are the stones or that which is bdellium and onyx being knowledge and its greater brother, wisdom.
Q Were there originally four major rivers in Lemuria?
S This is correct and used then or transposed or ported into that which was sensible to the Hebrews as their rivers – mainly Tigris, Euphrates, et cetera.
Q Tigris is the Greek approximation of the Aramaic word Deqlat and the Hebrew word Hiddequel. And so Deqlat and Euphrates then were names of the Lemurian rivers which Shem used to name the two major rivers near Ur? Is that correct?
S This is correct.
Q Do the four rivers symbolize the four lower spiritual centers – specifically the endocrine glands associated with each of the four lower centers?
S They represent that which are the lower centers but that which is the spiritual nature of same and that which must be as the tribulation or the battle, you see, as Hakalah is as the land of battle or the overcoming, then, of the bestial or the lower natures of mankind and cleansed, then, that which is the total or important basis for the endocrine system within mankind.
Q Does the single river in verse ten symbolize the thyroid or the thyroid, pineal, and pituitary as a three-in-one trinity of the higher centers?
S These are the higher centers or the spiritual centers or that which feeds the nation.
Q Is Pishon the Lemurian name for the thymus?
S This it is and this is the main or the first river.
Q And Havilah would be the Lemurian name for the heart chakra?
S Where all battles must be fought.
Genesis 2:13-14
And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
S You have, then, that which is a spiritual nature incasing or encircling or enclosing that which is the base nature, or Ethiopia, or that which is seen as the dark side of mankind or that which is the bestial animal nature of mankind, the selfishness. And you have, then, the rivers going forth, where mankind must make/find judgment and must find the judgment of self and that which is the development or that which is the watering of the search for understanding.
Q Is Gihon the Lemurian name for the adrenals?
S Not originally, but it is as useful in this nature.
Q And Cush (which is here translated to Ethiopia) – would that be the Lemurian name for the solar plexus chakra?
S And then used as Ethiopia where the overcoming of the bestial nature must occur.
Genesis 2:15
And the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
S In the garden of Eden, or in heaven on earth, or in earth, as mankind was prepared, so then God gave man those abilities that mankind could overcome all situations that come to him. This is the will. It is man’s own initiative to use the will to overcome.
Q Does this verse refer to the soul entering and controlling the body via the parasympathetic nervous system?
S That is correct and the establishing then of the will as the guiding force over all parts of the nature of man in the physical existence, whether it be of the mind or of the physical body itself.
Genesis 2:16-17
And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.”
S This was the warning that unless the learning took place in faith of that time, not disturbed or distributed by the forces of desire which were at that time basic only, mankind could learn without that which you would call the recycling, the bounce back, or that which is the karmic order of coming and going in that which you would call the migration of soul between learning in the earth and learning beyond and the return then of same.
Q Is verse 17 saying that to enter the Ida and Pingala, which represent paths to good and evil, the soul must leave, or at least cannot enter, the sushumna nerve which represents the path to life?
S Or there is a deviation from that, then, of the learning process. It must be as one or the other.
Q I guess the preferred, certainly the proper way, is to stay in the central nerve, the tree of life, and not to deviate. Is that correct?
S This is correct, even though there are the compelling forces one way or the other. This is where so many make the mistake, going too much one way or the other.
Q How does one strengthen the will?
S By dedicating self to that pattern as set before you in the thought and actions of Jesus the Christ.
Genesis 2:18-19
And the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
S This is the first step in the learning process as individual aspects or as individual soul forces within this earth. Before them, then, were put the choice of learning to control selves’ journeys outside of the body as formed for them by the God forces, or the learning through the experience as extending self into the life forms that were not purposely built for mankind but to serve mankind in other ways and shapes.
Q Is the “man” in verse 18 astral man and the helper fit for him or “help meet” a succession of physical bodies of animals for “man” to inhabit, culminating in the physical body of animal man?
S Not as a series to be entered but to be captured by and then the escape is through that which is the animal body or the human body as conceived by those who were given the subject to work upon, in, and through.
Genesis 2:20
And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him.
S This is the experience. This is showing that, even in the primitive stage of development, the man – soul conflicts knew the need of balance which it had not at that time, even through the excursions into other forms.
Genesis 2:21-23
And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. And Adam said, “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”
S You have here, then, the separation of the forces dominated to begin with by that which was the aggressive nature or that which is the intellectual nature (here as given as Adam) taking that which was more subjugated at that time, the nature of creation or that which was as the holding force for mankind’s spiritual being, thus duplicating then that which is found in nature or the God creative forces, giving balance then to the human body, the human race as you would see race to be or beings.
Q Are verses 21 and 22 a restatement about the creation of a physical body for astral man to inhabit, with the English word “woman” symbolizing “(w)ife (o)f man” in a manner similar to the Aramaic words involved?
S This is correct. Misunderstood so often by those others seeing as “woe,” w-o-e man.
Q Does the rib from astral man becoming the “w(ife) o(f) man” symbolize a projection from the astral into the material plane?
S This is correct, the rib being that structure which is both protective and supportive.
Q Was this identical process used by Amelius, or Adam, in a later existence in this plane as Melchizedek?
S This is correct.
Q Does the “w(ife) o(f) man,” or woman, represent both male and female bodies in the material plane?
S Female only in this material plane.
Q Is the “man” being on the astral plane of two astral sexes or androgynous?
S Androgynous.
Genesis 2:24
“Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
S Even as given through others, that which is a glimpse of heaven, or even as Eden once again, is the combining of two natures, two bodies to become one. It is a brief, and only a brief glimpse of heaven. But so often as mankind is so apt to put things, it is more as a glimpse of hell.
Q In verse 24 does father and mother refer to God, or at least higher consciousness, and “cleave to his wife and they shall be as one flesh” refer to inhabiting the physical body via the sushumna?
S This is the separation of the spiritual to that which is the physical from the force that is the Creator to the more base force. Yes.
Genesis 2:25
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
S At this time there had not been that which is the learning process or that which was the need to hide behind or to sympathize with or that which would protect selves from nature, for nature was not as that which was seen as negative to the growth or physical being of mankind.
Q Does “naked” here refer to the purity from lack of sins, or samscars which would “clothe” or hide the inner light?
S This is correct, for nothing then, could harm an individual that is as pure at that time. Elements as seen in the nature or creation of this plane cannot touch those of pure spiritual being.