This document is an in-depth analysis of Genesis Chapter 5 from the Bible, focusing on exploring genealogies and its spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It delves into the lineage from Adam, exploring themes such as the longevity of the early generations, spiritual dedication, and the significance of the biblical genealogies. The material emphasizes the deeper symbolic meanings and spiritual lessons derived from this chapter.
Prayer – Channel
Beloved and most merciful Father-Mother God, once again we seek Thy love, Thy guidance and ask to be a part of that which is the building of Your world as You would have it be. Use us, oh Lord, for that which You would have us be and do. Others first, Father, others first.
Let thy heart sing, let thy mind rejoice, let thy body receive, for we have the Word and the Word is with God and the Word is God. And we would give to you this thought, this meaning, that will have weight upon the soul and clarification to the mind: look about you in this world, look about you in all things and see that which is cause and effect. And know, because that you see cause and effect and are, in effect, cause and effect, that you have not received the Word, that you do not understand the Christ, that you are not saved. For if you knew the Christ and were saved, you would be free from that which is cause and effect. For He came and took that which is cause and effect away from thee, opening then the door of grace to you. And until that time that you then receive His mercy and the enlightenment you are, then, in the world of your creation, cause and effect. Understand that which comes to you, whether it be joyous or sorrow and tribulation, should be received as joy. For it is to your benefit in the state of your being that you face that which comes to you, knowing it is in your being to understand that which for so long as been your law and gives to you, then, the opportunity to achieve. And, yet, remember that which we have given: if you were to accept sacrifice of Him who became the Way and the Light, you, too, would be with the Way and the Light. For all things then would be equal in the eye of the Lord.
Q During the time in Alexandria, 250 years B.C., the Source states that there was the compiling of the Old Testament or the Scriptures into, as given at that time, forty-five books versus that which we presently use as thirty-nine books. What happened to the other six books?
S They were deleted and compiled or copulated partly into the others.
Genesis 5:1
This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;
S This chapter is a chapter establishing lineage, establishing that which are the parts or forces of mankind, and is not at this time important in the search or that as we would give you to understand or the meanings that will help to establish you upon the path in the search for the presence of God within your lives. We would rather that you go to the next chapter for further comments.
Q In chapter five, verse two it uses the term, “and called their name Adam.” Does this refer to the duality of the soul or to the five races?
S As given, the duality of the soul, the duality of the mind force in the spiritual functions
Q Please expand upon “the duality of the soul, the duality of the mind force in the spiritual functions.”
S You have dualities in all things to make a balance. You have the duality that is the moving force of the spirit or the soul. You have that which is the quiet side of the soul or as a reflection of God who is the Creator who rests after creation. So you have that part of the soul that must reflect God or copy God as you might say. And you have the movement side which is the Christ Force or the Holy Spirit side, you see. This is the duality of the soul. All things must have duality that they may see that which is movement and nonmovement, that which is creation and the holding of the thought of creation, the active and the passive, or you cannot have that which is the learning or the growth to reach that which is the epitome that each and every individual must reach in their climb for that which is ascension or to that place where they receive that which is grace manifested in all facets of their being, their lives (10-138 )
Q What is the significance of the people in chapter six, living such long lifetimes – seven, eight, nine hundred years?
S And in chapter five also?
Q I’m sorry; I meant chapter five.
S We would say this: it is to establish that there is no ending to that which you would find the spiritual dedication of God. Many have thought that the years were different, that time was different, and in truth, this is so. But the establishment here is that God can give any amount of time to an individual or wealth to an individual or abilities to an individual as God sees best. At this time, length of life was essential to establish that which God would have established on this earth.
Q Was the production of offspring an important element for the length of years, too?
S Absolutely. This was the foundation of that which was to come or the tribes of Israel.
Q The Source said at one time in the past that time began to slow down around 50,000 B.C., I believe it was. Going back in this early time of Adam and thereafter, we would obviously have a faster time and so it would seem to indicate that the orbit of the earth around the sun was different than it was at the present. Is this correct?
S Slightly, getting a faster rotation and spin, the farther back in time you get until you get to that which your scientists would say is the solidification of the gasses or that which is the magnification of the gravitational forces upon that which is the atomic structure which created your physical mass that you call earth, where it was spinning at a tremendous rate, so fast that you would get that which would be the total molten state at one time.
Q So the day was also shorter, too; possibly around 20 hours or so?
S This is correct. However, understand this: the whole solar system was moving at a different rate at that time, too. This is the tunnel effect of time upon mass and energy within your understanding of the physical world or that world, the world of material or matter meets the world of time and place.