This document is a comprehensive exploration of Holy Spirit and The Trinity: A Spiritual Metaphysical Exploration; the concept of the Holy Spirit within the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. It includes discussions on the nature and role of the Holy Spirit, its relationship with the other elements of the Trinity, and its significance in spiritual life and practice. The text integrates biblical interpretations and metaphysical perspectives to provide a deeper understanding of these spiritual concepts.
A prayer to ask the Holy Spirit to rise up and for us to become an extension of His love and activity.
Ram Reading 10-129, opening prayer from Source
Awaken, oh song of love, of peace. Fill the souls, the minds, and the bodies. Hear the song; be the song. Rise up, oh Holy Spirit, in Thy children. We would remind all the children of the One Lord to live in that understanding as He gave: to turn the other cheek, to realize that in love you must eradicate that which is the negative influence of revenge, of anger, of foolishness towards others and act in that which is the command of loving indifference in all things. For here is a key of the teachings of the Master of Life in this plane. Be as an extension of His love and activity among the peoples of this world.
RAM reading 10-7, 3-10-74 was dedicated to an understanding of the Holy Spirit:
Q The Source stated that this reading should be on the use of the powers that are of the Holy Spirit within self and how it can be brought forth, and how it may be used to the benefit of mankind. Can you please give a discourse on this? (199)
Definition of the spiritual.
S First let us define that which is of the spiritual, rather than those other things that so often are confused or believed to be of the spirit. So often it is confused that the working of the minds – the subconscious mind, the conscious mind – is that which is as the spirit or the use of same, or even of that which is as the stirring of the soul or the soul force. Spirit is that which is of the Creator, that which lies within, that which is the link to that which is the Source, even as the ray of sunshine is linked to that which is as the sun.
The spiritual force can only be brought forth by the subjugation of vanity and self.
Therefore, that which is as the spiritual force that lies within, can only be freed, can only be brought forth, through the subjugation of that which is as vanity. For all that is sin is vanity. That which is missing of the mark comes from this and that, which is as vanity. Therefore, before each and every individual (and who in this group does not fall short of the glory of the Father) can reach that glory, there must be the setting aside of that which is as the consciousness of self, or that which is the awareness of self, of even that awareness that is desire to do good, or to be good.
This happens by understanding the oneness, giving self unto His care, His will.
There must come then that which is as the oneness or the understanding of the oneness by thrusting aside, even by force, but rather, though, through belief. Even as Paul has said, those who live by the spirit will not die. And this is as truth for He died for thee, that ye may be blameless too, that your sins may be washed away even as His sins were washed away. To reach, then, the Holy Spirit and live in grace is to give the full confidence of the mind and the body, that is to say the intellect and the physical, into His care, His being. For He takes on that which is as thy sins, even the sin of intellect. By this we mean using those forces of the intellect and the body only as directed by that which is the Spirit.
How does one know it is the Spirit? By the fruits and this occurs spontaneously without any thought of self.
Not just by the feeling but, as always given, by the fruits. In the examination of that which is done, in action, in thought, in deed, if self is involved, then it is not of the highest order. It, therefore, must come spontaneously without thought of self, but only of others. For until one becomes one with the brother in need, even as He came to die for those who were sinners, or that which was termed as the bad, much easier would it have been to sacrifice self for the good; so self must become so ingrained with thy neighbor, thy brother, as to become one even in his sorrows, even with his travail, even with that which holds the physical, the mental man to this earth, and in so doing overcome his burden for him, even as the Christ overcomes your burdens.
How does this awakening happen? Through faith and one who is filled with faith.
The faith is that which is the truth that sets ye free. Therefore, must come the awakening in self of the true faith, the lack of desire of any kind, the opening of self that the spirit may come through. We see in those in the group, here a bit, there a bit, a crack appears in the facade of the illusionary that is the face that you see yourself, and others see you; and those rays of light, of love, that pour forth at times, a sparkle here, a sparkle there, is that which lies within the spirit. In using this spirit, the Holy Spirit, have trust. For only in faith, only in trust, can it be made to serve as the light that will lead thy brother, thy sister, from the darkness of sin, or that which is the darkest – self.
Clarification of the differences between the Christ Force, the Christ, and Jesus the Christ.
Ram Reading 10-9
Q Please explain the differences between the Christ Force, the Christ, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (131)
S First, we would begin (by that which we have given before) with the Christ. This is the first, the perfect idea of the perfect man, even as Jesus the Christ was the perfect man, the perfect physical man, the perfect idea, the perfect expression, the perfect psyche, the perfect temper, the perfect anger, the perfect love, the perfection of law. Then we have that which is as the Christ Force, or that which is brought from the Christ within self to do, to be about the Father’s business. This is the working end of the Christ within self; this is the Christ Force. Then we have that which is the Holy Spirit. This is God. This is what ye call upon to raise in self, the Christ Force to meet the Holy Spirit that ye may be made One, even as He was One and became Christ-to-Christed, see? This is, then, the perfection. This is the idea, the ideal of God.
Q And what about the Father? Then, would you explain how the Father differs, or corresponds, to these others? (131)
S The Father is that which is as the unmoving, the unchanging, the forever, that contracted, that became, that contracted the perfect thought, that from the perfect thought came the perfect man, the perfect ideal, the perfect idea of heavens, of the earths, of space, of time, of all things, that the Father is that which ye live within and even would be best spoken of as “father-mother,” for this is the true balance, the perfection that selves will become and know. For this is the true peace beyond that which is the peace that is offered through the Christ and the Holy Spirit in this earth plane -the perfection of God Himself. This is the prime thought, then, for God is the perfect mind, the perfect thought.
Further discussion of the relationship between God, the Christ, and the Holy Spirit
Q In Philippians II, 10 through 11, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Would you please clarify the deification and Lordship of Jesus the Christ through those verses? (146)
S Even as He became christed in the act of crucifixion, the total resignation of self to true Self, became One with God; therefore, Jesus the Christ as the Holy spirit, which is God, becomes One. Therefore, even as He gave when He was in the spirit, and in the flesh: “If ye have seen me, ye have seen the Father.” He is one with the Father; He is God. Not Jesus the man, but Jesus the Christ, the Spirit christed in action, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, being one.
Difference between the spirit of the Lord and the Holy Spirit
Q Please discuss the difference between the spirit of the Lord (as given in question number 45 on the 6-21-74 reading) and the Holy Spirit.
S The spirit of the Lord even as that which was given in Genesis whereas it is quoted that the spirit of the Lord walked upon the face of the deep. This is indicating that the spirit of life, or creation, or that which animates, or gives being and substance to all things whether it is crystalline, gaseous, what have you, or even that which is as man, or animal, or beast, is that which is the spirit of the Lord.
Difference between the Holy Ghost and the spirit.
Luke 4:1-2
And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness. Being forty days tempted of the devil. And in those days he did eat nothing: and when they were ended, he afterward hungered. Q Will you distinguish between the Holy Ghost and the spirit for us?
S The spirit is that force that is given to each living thing, in degrees, from animal through vegetable through that which is mineral. All have a spirit quality. In mankind the spirit quality, of course, is much higher than that which is as the rest of nature. Touched by the Holy Ghost, the spirit then unites with the soul force (from which it emanates) and becomes a useable, serviceable quality that can be used in, or by the direction of the awakened will and mind power. No soul can exist without the spiritual nature, and yet no soul is complete without that which is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit brings forth the binding, cohesive which is the Christ or the Christ Force. It is as a barrel with staves and hoops that contains the inner fluid. Therefore, three used for one purpose: the containing or the contained force or life. The staves being that which is the containing force and the hoops which join together the contained, the container, to be one unit.
Q These are the spirit, the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Spirit.
S This is correct.
Q Can we equate the power of the Holy Spirit with the power in the atom, in material understanding?
S This is quite correct. As close as you may understand and remembering that one single atom in its place is as great as your sun.
Difference between, God, Christ and the Holy Spirit
S They believe in the mental God; they have not taken God into the depth of their being; they have not opened the centers. But God is a theoretical, or a mental-imaged thing. Though they profess it and outwardly they believe it, inwardly they do not believe it. For the acceptance of God is tissue-by-tissue, cell-by-cell, atom-by-atom, vibration-by-vibration. Your soul knows when you have accepted, your centers know, and best of all, God knows, too. Make no mistake: though God is unaware of that which is the sinful, the missing of the mark, the illusionary, the Christ understands, knows, feels, and receives. And as you do that which is unjust against yourselves, your fellowmen, and live in the illusion to its fullest, you injure, you hurt that which is the Christ. Make no mistake: Christ has feelings; Christ has awareness; Christ has the realization. The Holy Spirit has redemption, resurrection, joy, fullness, creation.
Ram Reading 10-24, 8-8-76 was also dedicated to the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is the action of God manifest in all things.
Q On June the 12th, 1976, the Source indicated that this reading would be on the explanation and the use of the Holy Spirit. Would you please give us a discourse on same?
S Much has been given on this subject to this group before, and through this Source in readings. We would first, then explain this: as to the actual function of the Holy Spirit somewhat as indicated before and yet more. Whereas ye know there is the Father, that which created and is immobile, in peace, is the source of power and that which is, the I AM or the God force within each and every individual and that which is the Christ or the perfect idea, or ideal of each and every entity. That then, which is the spirit, too, or God in all things, or the action of God. But the Holy Spirit, as given, is God. This is God that can comprehend the fallacies, that which is of the illusionary and know it for what it is. For God the Father cannot comprehend that which is not truth. It is for the Holy Spirit, then to be that link between the Father, the Source of all power, the Creative Force, and that which is the Christ, the I AM and the Spirit manifested in all things. Therefore, that which is the Holy Spirit is the action or the word of God in action, the force of God in action, or action itself, or love.
When the call comes within selves others may know God operates through us. There will come a time when we are along for the ride, the vessel to be used. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as the triad.
Luke 6:12-13
And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God. And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;
S Here you have going through that which is the doubting, going through that which is as the developing, which is the night, where men feel they are not with God, to that which is the awakening, the dawning, the light. And thence will come the call to that which is within yourselves. First, through the neural alignment of twelve, through that which is together (is three), Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, to make a oneness through the triad, that then you may be set free and assume the mantle, even as He, Jesus assumed the mantle of leader first for your body, your mind, and then your soul, thence to others, that by your works they may know that God operates through you daily. Be aware, even as you train yourself, there will come the day or the dawning when no training is needed, no direction is needed, for God will operate and God will do. And you, in so many words, will be along for the ride, the vessel to be used, the lantern to light a way. Therefore, rejoice and cast aside (now you) that which is the motto of this country, this nation, yes, this world, which now is even that of the accursed city, buried by heat and fumes in Italy – “Salva Lucreum ” [“Hail money” or “Hail profit”]. And make your motto be that, when asked: “I go with God”. And when you are asked, “Quo modo, quo vadis?” [How and where are you going?], answer to yourself, to the world, “In Jesus Christ”.
Further explanation of the relationship of the Holy Spirit, the soul, and the will.
Ram Reading 10-021, 2-7-76
Q This question is for (206). He writes, “I am increasingly interested in learning more specifically the true relationships existing between the spirit, the soul, and the spiritual concept of the will. A clear understanding is necessary to my future conceptualization of my purpose and my development to this end.”
S Well, remember this: those forces that push you, that drive you to do these things, this or that, or to want, or to survive, even, is that which is the will. The mind is often (and wrongly so) the tool of the will. The mind is that even as ye see, know, and record, or send into that which is the subconscious area. The conscious mind is that which usually is dictated to by the will, the will being that which is the forces and the understanding of time past within self, those building up of natures within self. Therefore, use the aware mind, the conscious mind, to control the will, to channel the will. For it is a willing servant, a willing part of self if you would use it correctly. The soul is that which is the spirit within self, the moving force, even as it is in God, in given in the Holy Spirit, see. Roughly what we give here is that which is the triune – God and the triune being, see – whether it is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God mirrored Himself and made man like Himself though His body is not as the body you would conceive it to be, but more as the mind which holds the thought, and then the force that brought the thought in motion even as the Son hath brought the thought into motion in being in this world is as the will so used. And you have that which is the soul of God, the soul of man, thus Christ Spirit within self.
Q What is the relationship of the conscious mind to the Holy Spirit, please?
S There is little relationship between the conscious mind and the Holy Spirit. Only as the mind strengthens the tenets, the beliefs, that it has of God and sees that the actions of the mind, the actions of the body are in line with that belief, is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and the mind. Where the mind functions the more and the will is directed to direct the body and the mind, then comes that which is the release of the Christ Force and God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit that may function through the entity to do those things which are the positive nature.
Q In one of our previous readings you differentiated between the “soul ego” and the “common ego”. How do these two different egos relate to the Holy Spirit?
S Soul ego even is that which is abuilded personality of the ego – that partly of God and that cultivated through the many lives in the search for God. Not part of that which is the subconscious, or the ego of the body. The ego that is of the body is the false ego or the ego of the mind – that which is illusionary. But the truth of God’s ego or that which would even be termed very loosely as the personality of God and the personality of the soul is as one density.
Q Is the Holy Spirit a link between us and God?
S The Holy Spirit is God, but is that link between the Christ Force and God. It is the moving power of the universes. It is the power of the cosmos. It is the power that starts the Christ within you to work It is that which is that which is the word, the deed and the light. It is that which is beyond the human understanding, where the Christ Force can be understood by the human mind so desiring. [10-131]