RAM on The White Brotherhood

Insights into the Mystical White-Robed BrotherhoodThis document is a compilation of spiritual and metaphysical discussions focused on the concept of the White Brotherhood. It addresses questions about the nature, roles, and characteristics of the Mystical White (robed) Brotherhood, exploring their connection to spiritual evolution, healing, and guidance. The content also includes references to biblical texts and integrates perspectives on reincarnation, spiritual laws, and higher levels of consciousness.

Distinction between Angels and members of the White Brotherhood

Q Who are meant by the saints?

S Those that have come into that which is the understanding through the sacrifice of their own egos, and yet have not risen to that which is the total overcoming. These are as those who quite commonly are called the White Brotherhood but are saints. [1045, 5-7-78]

Q In the reading that referred to Cayce reading 281-16 where it mentions that John was in meditation and “in communication with those saints who were in a position to comprehend the needs of those that would carry on.” Were these saints of the White Brotherhood

S Yes. 

Q Are the so-called White Brotherhood a part of the angelic host in regard to the healing and help coming from the other side? 

S The true White Brotherhood is a neither–neither situation. For they are not what you would consider quite human, but they are certainly not angelic. They exist at a higher level of understanding and control than that to which you would call the human entity. Make no mistakes, they are human entities but raised human entities, who do not cross that which is the line between the living in this plane and other planes. They are as that which you might call the maestro rather than the musician. 

Q This learning process on the other side–would this be through actual experiencing, or through observation of what was going on with others. What would be the method? 

S Entities there see, feel, and understand what is going on in other worlds besides this one. They have the good old-fashioned lecture method; they also have that which you’d best understand by books, et cetera. But you see, being able to see into many planes at one time, and at the same time being tuned into that which are higher elements, higher personalities (who explain, relate, and subject) the entities then grow the more. But remember, what is put in can only be used as the entities progress in that which is the material. In other words, the store of knowledge and experience, as gained in other realms, other levels, is an entity’s to command when they have command of the material situation–and have the drive, the effort, the will, to condition themselves to progress in this manner. (10-105)

Clarification of the White Brotherhood who “shall not taste death”

Mark 9:1

And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power. 

S Truly it is said that there are those who have not met as man would call death to be, and live, and survive – those who were present at that time, now called as that which is the White Brotherhood. And yet it has the meaning, you see, that within each and every individual is that undying quality of the Lord that will stand forth forever. It is also the opportunity given that the individual will not die, does not die in the sense of being a nothing, and returns to that which is the cycle, or the wheel, or that which is the return to this stage, or other stages, in the opportunity to serve God. 

Q Which death is referred to here – coming into or leaving the body? 

S This is that which in reality is one. Coming in and leaving is as one. For it is the grasp and the clasp of that which is as the physical. The coming in is the grasp, the leaving is the clasp, you see – the last hurrah, the last tearing away, you see. 

Q Were these souls incarnated or not that were standing there that He was referring to? 

S They were incarnated, see, to go through that which is the physical understanding, the mental understanding of that which is the trial and tribulation of the human, the entity bound or in the earth, that the understanding could be applied to that which are the spiritual laws in a helpful manner for those generations to come and that generation that existed at that time, that exists again. 

Q Will you explain that “…there be some of them standing here, which will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God come with power. Is it possible for us to understand this? 

S Yes, this is what is termed, in truth, the White Brotherhood, you see. They are in human flesh. Beware of those who give themselves as brothers, or masters at times and say they are not in the body, and only that of life or spirit. For you see, these are those who have passed over, highly evolved, giving great views, great guidance, but yet guidance warped by the personal desires to do, or be, about their Father’s business. And yet it’s through personages that are still vestiges in these entities, these spirits. Those who have not died have clung to their bodies only as that which is as a service to others on this plane, (this is what is meant by bodhisattva) who has not gone beyond, but remained to teach, to give of self a little lower than Jesus the Christ, but yet of service and of good. [10-6] 

Disciples as members of the White Brotherhood

Q Were any disciples part of these that became the great White Brotherhood

S Only the one called John. 

Q Are there many of them, or just a few? 

S Three hundred sixty. 

Q Are there any other names that have been, of other decipher or others mentioned in the Gospels or Testaments that were among these? 

S Not as mentioned in your Testaments.

The “Tongue” original language of the Revelation. Language of the White Brotherhood.

Q Why was Revelation originally written in The Tongue, rather than in a more popular language? 

S For that which was preservation in itself. Look about you at those works of literature that have passed through the human tongue or the popular tongues of nations, and how radically they depart from that which was their original meaning, their original intention, their original flow, their original thinking. To preserve that which is the word, it was kept in that which is The Tongue. For in that which we designate as The Tongue, there is but one meaning for each word, not the multiplicity of meanings you find, say, in the average language for individual words. 

Q Is the Tongue available as a language anywhere today? 

S It is thought by that which you would have as the White Brotherhood, not spoken so much as you would understand “tongue” to mean, or be, amongst the peoples of this plane. 

Q Is it written anywhere in this world? 

S Oh, it is written but it is not at that which is your disposal. It is in those inaccessible places that will be at the time of the return, then, of the Prince of Love and Peace, Peace, Peace. [10-113]

John the Beloved leader of the White Brotherhood

Q How old was John the Beloved when he died? 

S Well, by your terms, fifty-seven; though it was not that which you can term as death. The body was not left behind, nor was it taken as the Christ takes it, but more that which you would say disintegrated and reassembled. 

Q Would you say that that had anything to do with, like those of the White Brotherhood that have stayed behind? Do you mean that method? 

S Yes and no, though John was a motivating factor in this that you give as the Brotherhood. Not by self’s mind power did that entity renew, re-establish, refit, regroup, reassemble that which was the body. But it was through that which is God’s force; it was done for that entity. 

Q What would be the purpose that that was done? 

S The entity was not christed, could not rise as He, Jesus, in that final time did. But being as that entity was so highly involved, or evolved (and involved), the entity was justified in not leaving that which was a carcass behind, but reusing, through God’s efforts, that which was given to be preserved for the entity, to be reused at the time of the re-entry of the Nazarene in the Second Coming, and also to begin that which is the perfection of the body to be re-established as a cosmic of its own. 

Q Has John not reincarnated since that time? 

S John has re-entered, not reincarnated as such, but re-entered preserving, then, that which is the body in step six rather than bringing it back into this plane. And in this plane, then, assuming that which is a conglomerate body or a rebuilt body from this plane, not using that which is his to establish a cosmos. 

Q In the reincarnating, then, he has not come back to earth. Is that correct? 

S Not in reincarnation, but entry, yes, as an individual with a body established from that which is available in this plane rather than bringing back an established form pattern as you have, and all others have, to be reconstituted along with the mental and spiritual bodies of self into this plane. 

Q Which of John’s bodies was on step six? 

S That which is both the material and the spiritual body, extended then into this earth plane by that which you would consider the mental body. 

Q What do you mean by step six? 

S That’s one step from what you would call seven, or the highest level attained in your understanding before that which is God, the God step. 

Q So this is a direct entry then, not born? Not born of woman? 

S Sometimes born of woman, but using that which is available normally, then, out of the cellular structure of the mother-being, to build a body rather than bringing from that which is the other side the stream of particles that it assembles and becomes the body to be used in that new existence. In other words, instead of carrying over and using and expanding by pulling into the mother and building from that which is from the ethers, that which belonged to the entity, more or less, then, the entity borrowed from the host to make, then, a new body for use only at that time for that particular entry. Understand? 

Q Cayce said that, in each life, our body is made from the same elements every time we come in? 

S Yes. But in this case the entity, because of the process that is going on with that entity’s being, borrowed then – which is different than the normal set of rebirth, you see. 

Q So his normal set is what he dissolved, or what was dissolved for him, at age fifty-seven, in the life that he knew the Master. Is that correct? 

S That is correct. 

Q Where is John’s reconstituted or reassembled body now? 

S In step six. 

The concepts guiding the White Brotherhood may go back to the time of Melchizedek

Q Has this occurred many times for entities? Are there others? 

S No. The only similar, but not the same, instance is that when Jesus came back as Melchizedek to be not born of woman. 

Q Please compare the coming in of Melchizedek and Krishna. 

S Mechezedek, Melchizedek, Mekiladek, as even called in the various tongues and forms, is that step that is prior to the assuming of the spiritual status of the Christ coming into its own as in that which was the return of Jesus the Christ after that which was His christing. 

Whereas Krishna was then placed within the body or assumed body and used in the growing step-by-step through that which is the childhood, the adolescence, so forth. 

And he, then, Melchizedek, stepping, as you might say, into the plane, using the features, the material, as assembled into the recognizable, usable body, human almost to the fault, but nevertheless prepared, with no childhood, no adolescence and actually no young manhood. For as age was revered at that time, to then the body was prepared to be at that level which would assume then a standard or meet the standard as adhered to by the people of that time for one who would assume the attention of the people for the age and the veneration of same which was then an outward symbol of success and of wisdom. [10-116] 

John the Baptist and the White Brotherhood

Q In another reading of Cayce it was stated by the Source that John the Baptist was in charge of the White Brotherhood. Is this correct? 

S At that time it was. You see, there are (it is not like a council, like a senate, with a leader) there are those who serve in different capacities. But the overall structure of the Brotherhood is to unite in purpose and oneness. There are those who become leaders temporarily for those things to be done – sometimes one, sometimes another. At that time, once again, John the Baptist had had, or was having a turn. 

Q Then John the Beloved took over the duties from John the Baptist? 

S For a time, yes. (10-112)

Connection between the Essenes and the White Brotherhood

Revelation 7:5-8

Q In regard to the listing of tribes, why was the tribe of Dan left out? 

S The tribe of Dan assumed a function of its own as to be supported by all rather than fulfill a specific function as the tribes were seen to do, being that which was chosen to sustain that which is the force, the spirit, that was to become seen among those which were the Essenes, that which is the White Brotherhood and the spiritual nature of mankind.

Q Why was Manasses included as a tribe and Ephraim, the brother left out? 

S For Manasses is the meeting of the forces of mankind or that which was the symbol of same. Whereas the brother you see became the passive to the active, Manasses being the active. In all things you must have a positive and a negative. In the end the negative is absorbed by the positive or the meeting of self in the understanding of the Holy Spirit. [10-116]

White Brotherhood can influence entities who are highly advanced.

RAM Reading 10-6

Q Who is the entity (148 – Stanley Matrunick)? What powers and forces does this entity represent? (131)

S We have a diverse direction here. There is at times much influence through this entity of White Brotherhood and yet there is a drawing to this entity of what might be called world karmic or universal mind. It sometimes causes this entity to do an about face in the teaching and in the practice of same. But the general fruits of this entity are worthwhile for those who have an understanding, or those who have a drawing in the area, especially of that which are the oriental philosophies or understandings. 

White Brotherhood: highly evolved Sisters and Brothers working to help establish the return of the God force in fullness

RAM Reading 10-21

In answer to my question #87 of the group reading of April 20th of ’75, the Source said, “The entity here was being paged by brothers from afar, not one but many, that more prayer, more love be sent out to those who are in trial and tribulation.” Are these brothers, perchance, referred to, members of the White Brotherhood, or is it something else? Please explain. (185)

S Only in part. Others upon other planes, but also upon this plane and yet of not of this earth, or you see. For you see, there are many brothers all united – sisters, too – in that which is the guidance, the help, the search, to establish within this world and the worlds, that which is the return of the God force in fullness.

Further discussion of Melchizedek

Genesis 14:17-20 

And the king of Sodom went out to meet him after his return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king’s dale. And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God. And he blessed him, and said, “Blessed be Abram of the most high God, possessor of heaven and earth: And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.” 

S You have the first and greatest hurdle completed, not yet a Christ awakening but that which is the one step from Christ. For even He that became christed was a priest even in the manner of Melchizedek or Melchezedek or Melcheazekek, whatever. Therefore, you must make progress, and as we have given at the beginning of this reading, slow, steady progress that makes some fall by the wayside, others seek that which are the quick solutions (as they see them to be) or the quick rewards. All entities must learn that which is the slow, steady, patience that requires and develops faith. 

Melchizedek came in to be as a light.

 Q In the readings it has been stated by the Source that our Master, Jesus, was Christed twice in that life. Was He ever Christed previously in any other life?

S Came in Christed, once.

Q Can there more be given in regard to that?

S This is not the same Christing as you are thinking of but is Christing or that which is the apex of the spiritual being. Came in, to be as a light to those who followed the name of Jehovah or at that time. For this was prior to the naming of Jehovah, though. That name more recent had the same meaning-. Yayway, Yahweh, Yahway, at that time. As one who had no father, mother in the sense of others at that time.

Q You mean Melchizedek?

He came as the Way that every individual born of woman could find the path again in overcoming, to find the love.

Abraham, Amelius, Krishna

Q Was Abraham an incarnation of the second Amelius?

S Yes. 

Q Did the life as Krishna follow the life as Abraham?

S Almost on its heels.

Q His name initially was Abram, that is Ab-Ram. Does the Ab stand for Abba or father?

S Correct.

Q And Ram refers to his earlier incarnation in India as Ram?

S Correct. 

Q By paying tithes to Melchizedek (the first Amelius) wasn’t Abram (the second Amelius) attempting to show the people that they should follow the teachings of Melchizedek?

S It was one of the ways he used. Correct.

Q However the people did not listen.

S Didn’t want to listen. Correct.

Q So both Ameliuses decided that they would have to divide, or fall to a lower level in order to set the pattern for the others?

S Realized that there had to be a base to start from, not as exalted as they had hoped it to be.

Q Is this represented the second time around for the first Amelius?

S yes.

Q The first slide called being from Adam to Enoch?

S Correct.

Q But it was the first descent into divided earth consciousness for the 2nd Amelius?

S Correct.

Q This decision could become earthbound, or to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (that is to be fruitful and multiply) was signified by the addition of the letter H to the name changing it from Ab-Ram to Ab-Ra-Ham?

S Correct

Q And the two sons, Ishmael and Isaac were symbolic of dividing into the two paths, the Ida and the Pingala, at the Ajna chakra as Cain and Abel had symbolized with Adam and Eve?

S Correct

Dream of the Melchizedek priesthood representing the Light.

Q On the second of this month I had the following dream: The first part concerned preparation for an event, not stated. It was said that (169) would have to play the organ at the proper time so she better know the music. A man’s voice made the following statements: “The true gods will be abuilding. Something will trigger the ancient Pharoah’s hand and it will brush across the old organ’s keys and the toccata and fugue will burst forth. Then the true holders of the Melchizedek priesthood will step forward.” I woke at this point. Can you give me the meaning? (185)

S This is an indication of those times to come, as given before: that the hand of Pharoah will be upon the land. And who is Pharoah? That which is that of material, of the mental conditions, of selfishness that must be overcome. By what? By finding the priesthood, that which is the Light, that which is the Way; by being in harmony; by playing that which is God’s tune rather than man’s tune.

 Confirmation that Melchizedek was a life of Jesus.

During the discussion of healing by our Master and those circumventing the Law, the Source spoke of the Master having given warnings in other places and times. What other places and times was this referring to?

S We refer especially as to that which the entity that became Jesus (and then christed) was as he who was called or termed Melchizedek, Melchezidek, Melkelsidek, what have you, who gave forth warnings at that time. This is the primary time. However, that, that which could not be, even though termed as an incarnation, even as that which appeared, called angel, but not so. Even referred to in Daniel as an angel within the fiery furnace, or also referred to in Daniel as the Son of Man – more correctly, see-which gave visual warning, was as the source of interpretation as Daniel gave. The dreams were as Daniel the prophet’s contact, you see, and guidance. [10-46, 5-13–78]

The concepts guiding the White Brotherhood may go back to the time of Mekchizedek

Q Has this occurred many times for entities? Are there others? 

S No. The only similar, but not the same, instance is that when Jesus came back

Melchizedek established the Sabbath

Q Did Moses initiate the Sabbath day observance, or was it established earlier by Melchizedek or someone else? 

S It was established among other peoples of other places by Melchizedek, (by then) or observed by Melchizedek, and then established by Moses among family, friends, and tribes.