John 15: Embracing the Vine for Spiritual FruitfulnessThis document is a detailed analysis of John Chapter 15 from the Bible, focusing on spiritual fruitfulness and its metaphysical interpretations. It explores Jesus’ teachings about the vine and the branches, emphasizing the importance of remaining in Christ, divine love, and the nature of spiritual fruitfulness. The material delves into themes like spiritual connectivity, obedience, and the transformative power of Jesus’ teachings.

RAM Reading 10-98 

Prayer – Channel 

Beloved Father, be our voice, our light, that we may accomplish in this life as You would have us accomplish. Father, make known to us that which you would have us do. Show us the way, the Light, that we may be in some way, or some measure a helping, healing force for others, as You would have it, Father. 


It is said that from the darkest hours of the night, then comes the dawn. It is said from the depths of despair, then comes hope. But we give you this: the light which is the dawn, and that which is hope exists at all times and before that which is darkness. You have heard that all was darkness and God created – but it was that all was light, and for mankind darkness came. You live in the opportunity of overcoming the darkness, that which was given to you to overcome; that which you create you must overcome, for He is always with you. And know this: you must search and allow the search to be known to yourself that, that which is God must awaken within you that which is God, that the I AM may be known to you, and you may share in the body, the mind of God. 

John 15:1-2 

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.” 

S Even as God the Father was that which was the tree that Jesus the Christ became a branch of, so He, Jesus the Christ, became that which is the bole, the trunk, that you, too, come forth off of. In His love for you, God does chastise those, those that seek, those that need the cleansing. For you must understand before you may, in truth, become as that which is, in your own right, a god, you must be cleansed. And the cleansing is the forcing of the mind, both that which is the conscious mind and the subconscious mind, to realize, then, not only the body-physical, the body-mental, and the body-spiritual, through that which is suffering, but be aware of that which is as the sacrifice as made by Him, the Prince of Love, that you may, too, become as a prince of love to another. But know this: to the betterment of self and others, to the enlightenment of self and others, it is not just through sacrifice that the pruning takes place. It is through that which grace has earned for you. It is the patience, the love, the working in that which is forgiveness. For even that which you would consider a sage or a prophet must learn patience, forgiveness, mercy. This is what separates, you see, Jesus the Christ from all others. For He overcame all those things, living as the mortal man, living in the fullness of the physical being, not repelling the world, or hiding from the world, but living in the fullness of the world, seeing the beauty, the wonder, not being seized by the world, but relishing that which is the jewel of the world, the peace, the perfection, and that which is the opportunity of overcoming for others. For in doing anything that is worthwhile is doing for others. In this manner, then, you find that (by the pruning) which is the true ego, the soul ego, not the ego as man sees ego to be, of that which is the conscious mind, or the conglomerate of the subconscious mind, but the soul mine and mind. 

Q What is meant by the soul mine, m-i-n-e? 

S Soul mine is that which is Miriam or that which is as the development as Mary, developed for that which was the consciousness or the ability to develop the Christ, or the form of the Christ through Jesus. The Miriam, or the soul of the individual, or even the case of those who would understand Miriam to be as Mary (one and the same) then in mankind the development of the ability to become a soul mind – which is not the same as the mental mind, but the soul mind developed by the spiritual search. And that which is mind the builder then becomes that which can draw from within the individual or those forces around the individual to become a Christ within. The soul mine is that which is dedicated to the development of the Christ – the Christ within. This is that step that must be made before the individual can become that which is a god, a god on its own, a god that develops, that creates a cosmos of self, that has the unselfishness, the mercy, the love, the knowledge, the wisdom, to be the creator, to be as God the Magnificent, to be the extension of the Magnificent – thus, truly one. 

Q As this process you’ve just described unfolds, is the conscious mind aware of it? 

S It has to become aware of it, you see, to develop that which is the state which is sought. For those often as you find in the East (or as you term East) develop the ability to search into themselves to find that which is the Christ mine. It is sad to say that those of the West (as you would term it to be) are so slow, so unsure, and so divergent in their search as not to have developed this so readily or so widely. [10-107] 

Q Please explain the difference between the I AM within and the Christ within. 

S The I AM within is the God Force that has given you life, that has sustained you these eons of time. It is the sustenance of the body. Whereas the Christ is that nature within you that moves and acts in the God manner, in the force that can lift others up, that does the work in this world, that is that which is thought and action (physical, mental and spiritual) of God. [10-107] 

Q Do we understand correctly that the Christ was not in man until after Jesus overcame the earth? 

S Now do not be confused at what we will give now. The I AM was in each man. The I AM is what Moses revealed to mankind, for Moses was the first to meet the I AM in truth. He that had the I AM in perfection, Jesus, brought forth the Christ, brought into self the Holy Spirit (the working end of God) and became Christed. His gift, the Holy Comforter, is the Christ Force that now is in all men. This is what is meant when there are arguments as to those who are born among heathen peoples now, not having the knowledge or the benefit of the Christ and should not be punished (as they would put it) by hell’s fire, damnation, or even that which is re-entry into this earth–and yet all now are gifted and through their deeds, they must come to face the Christ Force, the I AM, and God. [10-12] 

John 15:3-5 

“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

S And now we will turn that which you have been given before so often upon itself. For now you are ready to understand. Mark this: to be a part of that which is Jesus the Christ, you must assume the Christ. You’ve heard this before, but do you know what it means? It means not only becoming the sacrifice, not only assuming the role of the Christ physically, mentally, and spiritually, it is also accepting that which must come to you that you will understand the Way and understand God. Even he, the man Hitler, and others, knew this. You must be worshiped as a god. Blasphemy? No. For ye are gods in the making. It has been said over and over. To assume the mantle, or the acceptance of that which is to be seen or worshiped as a god, is the heaviest burden you will encounter. For He, Jesus, the man, and Jesus as christed (being one) could have overcome the cross as given so often. It would have upset that which is as the schedule, or that which is the scene. And yet, to be that which is accepted as God is a heavier burden. This is the mantle that He, Jesus the Christ, did not wish to assume. For He truly knew what is meant by, “Ye shall have no other gods before you,” also knowing that that which is given in times of old, “There is but one God, there is but one Lord.” Then to be worshiped as God must be the ultimate acceptance of God Himself; calls for the true merging into that which is the Holy Spirit, or God in action. This is the meaning of becoming as the branch or the vine. This is the meaning of the true pruning. This is the meaning of finding the real soul ego. Can you assume same without that which is the truth overwhelming self? 

Q By whom are we to be worshiped if our universes are to be those within? 

S You will be worshiped in that which is this physical world, not the physical world of self, but by others that you would consider human beings in times to come. This is why the man Hitler, so close to your times, was acceptable until the time, you see, of that which is the going beyond that which is accepting the adulation and went to that phase of destroying humanity as humanity. For God does not destroy. God creates. God lives. God is worshiped. God is loved. For God is love. Hitler was both loved and worshiped but carried it too far. That is the step that he crossed the line. How close does it come to those with the great powers, not just as he who could sway others and events, but to him that can create, who holds the forces, who knows the nature of God. How fine the line, more to that which is the adoration of the one Jesus, for He did not exceed, did not pass the line, did not allow even the minute particle of human ego to interfere with that which is the I AM or the true ego. 

Q Would the proper attitude of accepting this worship be to the glory of the Father? 

S You find it in the words and actions of Jesus the man, Christ, “I and the Father are one; if you have seen me you have seen the Father. It is the Father within that doeth the work.” There you have it! 

Q How do you define this worship? What exactly do you mean by worship? 

S How was the man Jesus worshiped? How is the man Jesus worshiped now? How is the Christ worshiped? When does that which are the common religions worship? By becoming, accepting, seeing Jesus, Christ, and God as one. And, in truth, they are not so wrong because Jesus the man, Jesus the Christ, the Christ, and the Father God were one, are one. 

Q Are there others down through history who have reached this point? 

S There are many who have been worshiped, many who could have taken more steps, but not in the manner that Jesus exemplified. For emperors have been worshiped, generals have been worshiped, parents, brothers, sisters have been worshiped. To assume the mantle of anything, one must give the life in dedication to it. but woe to those who dedicate their lives to that which are the wrong concepts, for they must redo in entirety the situations that come to them. For those who would see themselves as part of a machine – political, military, social, even religious – an organization takes on the personality created by those who are in it, and those who are in it absorb the personality and become as that. Therefore, live in that which is mercy, love, patience, harmony, though the world laugh at you, though others see you as funny or odd, stupid or silly, yet the world saw Him, the Christ Jesus, in similar terms and ways. Do what the heart commands. Do as that which is the true personality, the God personality, instructs you from within. 

Q It’s my understanding that we were given in the past that it was incorrect to worship Jesus. How does this fit in with that? 

S Isn’t that what we told you before in this reading? That now we would give you something that would be at odds with that which you have heard before? And yet, it is not at odds, if you will see it correctly. Yes, it is wrong to worship another human. But to become as part of the understanding of that which is God, and as God has created and seen life to be, you must at some time accept that which is worship, even though you are in human form, to understand. But woe to you that cannot accept it in the correct manner. Jesus knew it, didn’t want it, but lived it anyway. Picture yourself in His shoes – awakening the dead, making the blind to see, curing the infirm, opening the ears of those who had not heard, walking on water, creating by the mere words. Oh yes, those around Him were the first to worship Him. And over and over He told them those words, over and over and over, “It is the Father within that doeth the work.” He accepted, He knew, did not want, but understood. 

Q When you put a parent, or a brother, or a sister, in the same category as Hitler, are you implying, then, that it’s not a multitude that’s involved, it could be only one other person, or two? 

S We are not categorizing. We are saying that people worship any manner of other humans for one reason or another. You find a child worship of heroes, sports heroes, law heroes, spiritual heroes, yes, criminals, too, military heroes. You find adults hero worshiping this or that. Putting others on pedestals, in a way, is that which is worship. God worship, though, are to those great leaders that others would die for and believe have the solutions for all problems, that are seen as holy things, or holy ones. Be you, though, as He, Jesus, and do not ask for worship. For this is the man-ego entering in. 

Q Could you liken worship to admiration? 

S No. There is the difference. Those around Jesus did not admire Him; they worshiped Him. There is a difference. For in worship, you believe that life and death lies within that entity worshiped, that it is God in person. Admiration is for the humanness. Worship is for the Godness. 

Q The Bible tells us that every knee shall bow to Jesus. [Phil 2:10] Is this worship? 

S That is worship. It means not only the physical knee, the mental knee, too, and in truth, the spiritual knee, too. For there is that which recognizes or salutes the God force. 

Q Then we worship someone who becomes one with God, is that correct? 

S That is correct. For if you worship God, you worship those who have become as God, or part of God, or the working therein. 

John 15:6-8 

“If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so, shall ye be my disciples.” 

S This further is that which we have given you. What else was Jesus asking, indirectly, than the worship of God through that, directly as given, asking through Him? This is not intercession. This is God speaking. Jesus overcame this world for the glory of God, for the salvation of mankind (yes, and womankind too) that all would have that abundance of life. He brought to you the message, “If you follow that which I have given you, you will see and know God.” Do not care for that which is the physical-mental world. For each person lives day-by-day in that world. And what should it be to you if you give up that day for the forever with that which is God – the presence, the magnificence, the wonder, the joy of that which is God? It’s easy to procrastinate. It’s easy to find the alibis, the tomorrows will do, the maybes, the excuses, the rationalizing. But it’s always today for you. Give up today and forever is yours. 

Q In an earlier reading yeast was mentioned, to be taken into the body in order to raise the forces to turn the leaven of the body into that which is of the spiritual. Please explain this further. 

S That yeast is that which raises the faith within self, the calling on the Name, the Name of Names, that His light, the Light through His way and being, may come into thee to raise ye up that ye, too, may be as He, and save others. For even as given in John 15:8, look up and see only Him, none other, no other way. For He is that which raised in self the thought, the way and the deed. [10-12] 

John 15:9-10 

“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments and abide in his love.” 

S Jesus was stating the true position; His commandments and God’s commandments were as one. He was living in God and through God. God was in Him and He was in God. As is the case today, so then can be for you, too. You must, though, work through that which is the God force in that which is the force of Jesus the Christ. This is the way that no one else can go through, or around, or past. If you would know God, you must go through that which is the Christ way. His commandments were simple, even as those given by God to Moses were simple, that you love God (which is another one, too) and overcome the world by following that Guide. 

John 15:11-14 

“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” 

S Now we have expanded this and told you many times that those that would be in the search for that which is God’s face, God’s knowledge, are, then, the friends of Jesus. That joy that He promises to you, that is found in Him, is the presence of God known. You, too, may have it, but you must humble that which is the drive to be the individual personality of that which is the ego-centered, physical-mental personage, and seek that which is the God, the I AM, the true ego of self. It’s long, it’s hard, it’s arduous. And yet, what little it is to offer for that which is the eternal joy, light, and wonder of the knowledge, and the feeling, and the knowing, and being with the presence of God. How many opportunities will you need before you find the Path? And yet, God waits patiently, lovingly for you. 

John 15:15-17 

“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. These things I command you, that ye love one another.”

S …We would give to each of you, oh, children; oh brothers, sisters; that ye are my friends, that I am your friend, that the Christ is your friend, that this Source is your friend, for in friendship is the comradeship, the chain, formed. Be not as servants, but as the friends. [10-12 closing] 

S It is through love, the laying down of the life for God, that is the service, that is the help to others, and even that which is the offering of the body at those times that are necessary that opens the way to your use by God. For there is nothing an individual can do to assure themselves of the success, but [it] is the calling through Jesus the Christ, when you have achieved that which is given, the understanding of how it feels to be God even though it is in a moment, a flash, even as it is in the christing, the awareness, the sacrifice, the glory that God gives to you – His message, His body-mind, His soul-mind, His way. 

Q Does this choosing by Jesus go back to the first entry in the earth plane, as the Cayce material calls it, the Sons of Light? 

S Yes. For as even you would understand programming, there are those who freely chose to enter and to be, those who fought their way through, that those given the opportunity might see in others an alternate way of doing things, not being caught within the earth planes; that all have the calling, all are seen as friends if they but turn to that which is God, through that which is the opportunity of Jesus, through the Pattern as given, through fulfilling the promises, and becoming one, you see. But it is a choosing, ever is a choosing. Would you be a friend of God, a friend of Jesus? Then follow the Path regardless of that which is the physical-mental world’s acceptance of you. 

John 15:18-19 

“If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” 

S The world hated the man Jesus for no reason. The world hated the man Jesus for He was not of this world, not a prisoner nor a slave, not a hostage to that which is the world’s ways. The world knew there was nothing to fear in the man Jesus. But fear and hatred are of this world and have no reason. If you hold to that which is hate, anger, or fear, then you are of this world and not of the fold. If you can begin even to work away from fear, anger, hate, you are of the fold, you are a friend. You cannot overcome the world in one mad rush, but here again, and there again, overcome it bit-by-bit, step-by-step, choosing that which you can do, and move to that which is the other, and another, and another until you have overcome. 

Q Please define the phrase “Ye are not of this world”. Would this refer to the wave of souls who entered with Adam as a rescue team? 

S It refers to all who have entered at any time. For that of this world is: the animals created for this world, the silicons, the silicates, what have you, the mineral forms that were created for this world, in this world. The souls, the entities, were not created for this world. The world was created as that which would be a passing place for them. For ye are not of this world, but of the higher realms of creation. [10-25] 

John 15:20-22 

“Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also. But all these things will they do unto you for my name’s sake, because they know not him that sent me. If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sins.” 

S As given before, whom the Lord loveth the Lord chastiseth. Physical, mental, and even spiritual suffering occur in this plane. That is why this is the learning plane. There are many ways to suffer, many ways to become aware, many ways to realize and it all costs work. For those who appear to be the most tranquil may be those that suffer the greater. This world, this world created that man could know the difference between good and evil, the missing of the mark, could not be aware of that which is termed sin or evil until good came into this world and opened that which are the spiritual eyes, the spiritual ears, and gave to those people that (from that time on) – the opportunity of choosing between good and evil. True, before the man Jesus came, there were those who talked of good and evil, light and dark, many times and places, but they did not give to the world that which is the opportunity of knowing or choosing. This was the work of Jesus the Christ that must have been done before that which is the redemption, that which is the grace, that which is the escape could be given. This is why He spoke as He did. That is why there are those who are perplexed at what He said, not understanding that which He spoke of. 

Q Is this a correct translation of what Jesus said? If not, please give His actual statement and explain it. 

S Near enough! For what is meant here is the missing of the mark–where there was no mark to shoot at. For it is the christing that each and every soul must shoot for. Therefore, ye could not sin. Astray, yes. Fallen, yes. But not sin, not missing the mark. [10-25] 

John 15:23-25 

“He that hateth me hateth my Father also. If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father. But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, they hated me without a cause.” 

S As given, there was no reason except that which is the earth’s reasoning. For love, mercy, and patience came to earth. You all that seek the Way will know that which is the opportunity of then selecting. And for those who come back again there will be the opportunity of placing yourself in the shoes of Jesus the Christ. There will be those that hate you, those that deride, that find you, as a pain, an irritant, an enemy. And yet, that is your lot, that through that which you do, some other soul will find the Light, the Way, the Truth. 

John 15:26-27 

“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.” 

S All things came from God. All souls that came into the earth plane are through that which are the efforts, or that which is prepared by the Christ Jesus. For all time is one. And all that find Him have found Him before and are finding Him in the future. This is that which is the Holy Comforter, the Christ presence, the awakening of the I AM, the joy. For He has overcome and given you the Light, the Way, and the Life. Waste not your opportunities but become as He, Jesus the Light, the Way, and the Truth. 


And now we give that which is the love, the blessings, the goodness, the patience, that they may fill your lives that others may know mercy and goodness as presented by Him, the Master of Love.