The document is an in-depth analysis of Luke Chapter 10 from the Bible, focusing on its spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. It explores Disciples’ Mission and the Good Samaritan; sending out of the seventy-two disciples, the parable of the Good Samaritan, and Jesus’ teachings on priorities and spiritual understanding. The material delves into themes such as divine mission, compassion, and the balance between action and contemplation in the spiritual journey.
RAM Reading 10-74
Prayer – Channel
Father-Mother God, we that seek come before Thee, not for ourselves, but for others. As You have so often given to us – “Others first, Father, others first.” And now use us that those others may be helped to find the Light, the Way, and the Truth.
Behold the messenger! Behold the Light that cannot be withstood! Awaken to the new day and sing praise unto the Lord. For that which is the might, the right, the force of God is on the move. Open your hearts, your minds, your lives, that the Lord of Hosts may use them as is necessary for thy brothers, thy sisters. Behold the messenger! Behold the Way! Awaken to that which is the Christ.
Luke 10:1
After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.
S Even as that which was the Prince of Light sent life outward to announce, to prepare the Way so that within yourselves, that which is as the center or the centers of the body, being seven, cleansed by that which is the Holy Spirit, making it seven times ten, or as seventy, which then goes even as twos, though it would appear to you to be a miscount. For in the seven centers raised up is then the division of that which is as the love center, giving that which are the pairs, or as that which is half of seventy, being thirty five, or eight. Then raising that which is the mental, the physical, to the level of the spiritual, cleansing forth the body, the functions of same, and the karmic order of things.
Q The word Aum is a 35 numerologically, and so is the word Ananda or bliss. Does this relate to the pair of 35s?
S This is often the way that the raising of the forces within the body comes towards that which is the cleansing of the body, but in themselves do not raise self to the level, as given, where the Holy Spirit has raised the body. Though in their way, their manner, they do that on the level that the entity, using same, or those entities using same, must be raised to their fullest at that time before the appearance or use of the Holy Spirit.
Q Were the seventy all men or were there any women among them?
S They went as pairs, one female, one male.
Luke 10:2-5
Therefore said he unto them, “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. Go your ways: behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves. Carry neither purse, nor scrip, nor shoes: and salute no man by the way. And into whatsoever house ye enter, first say, Peace be to this house.”
S When you bring forth that or invite within the forces of oneness from within and without, then you must ask for the peace, the peace that passeth understanding, the work of that which is the Lamb. You must cast aside the seeking in many places. You must cast aside the materialistic, or even that which is as the world about you – meaning that the effects of same must be cleansed from self. Though you are in the world, you see the world, you know the world, yet you are not of the world but proceed through the world that you may do justice to that which has been given to you to do. Therefore, do that which is the Lord’s work rather than your own work. Judge not thy neighbor for his works and understand not your own works. For the Lord is not understood by man. If you are compelled to do this or to do that from that which is the force that rises from within, then do them, and judge then, if you must, by that which is the long-term experience, that which is the fruit. That is the way to judge.
Q How can we be sure that we are doing the Lord’s work?
S You cannot be sure unless it has been released unto you the knowledge of that which is truth, that which is light, that which is love. For One knew the way, One found the path, One received, and One came in the name of the Lord. You are His children to be led. For children cannot understand the ways but must grow in the ways. Therefore, seek not that which you cannot fulfill, but do as you are compelled or must. Judge not yourself nor condemn yourself nor others when you think you have failed. For often when you think you have failed, or others have failed, they are but succeeding on a plane of understanding that you cannot or you do not understand.
Luke 10:6-7
“And if the son of peace be there, your peace shall rest upon it: if not, it shall turn to you again. And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house.”
S This admonishment is intended for those who scatter their efforts, rushing here, rushing there, to hear this one speak, to understand from that one, to compile here, to record there. For ye must find a source, and that source lies within. Therefore, until that time, find that which sparks the most within yourself and remain true. If you must seek here, and must seek there, know that even as you shatter your effort, you shatter your chance, you shatter the opportunity.
Luke 10:8-9
“And into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you: And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.”
S When you have found a source of light, when you feel within yourself that you have found a path, a way, then feed from the knowledge therein. For this is the food that you as the worker, as the seeker, are worthy of. Even if it is not the highest that you may attain to, and in the long judgment you have made the wrong choice, there is the learning. But turn not back. For even those who go on the wrong path will receive the opportunities to change, to admit the wrongness of the choice. But it must come from within. The failing of the peoples is (even at the time of the Prince of Love within the earth as now) of making the mental choice rather than that which is the spiritual choice. How often, how often do we see and hear of those who convince themselves that they have found the way, that they know the truth and do not seek from within.
Luke 10:10-11
“But into whatsoever city ye enter, and they receive you not, go your ways out into the streets of the same, and say, ‘Even the very dust of your city, which cleaveth on us, we do wipe off against you:’ notwithstanding be ye sure of this, that the kingdom of God is come nigh unto you. “
S For there are always those who will not receive you, even as among yourself. Amongst the thoughts of self are those things which cannot be accepted, cannot be understood, for you are not ready. Then go the way, knowing the kingdom of God is nigh, that it lies within and without, to be brought together. Curse not others, condemn not others, judge not others, but do that which is best for self. For you are not to preach to others. You are not to browbeat others. You are to live the life as the Master of Love lived His life – in dedication, in patience, in the fury of the Lord’s way, which burns the drosses from the spirit, and cleanses the soul force within self.
Luke 10:12
“But I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day for Sodom, than for that city.”
S For Sodom, in that time, represents, even as it does today, those who live in a manner that is detrimental to their soul growth, their spiritual growth, the freedom of truth. And yet, they are those who will admit their wrong and strive in the future to find the path.
Luke 10:13-16
“Woe unto thee, Chorazin! woe unto thee, Bethsaida! for if the mighty works had been done in Tyre and Sidon, which have been done in you, they had a great while ago repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. But it shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment, than for you. And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell. He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me.”
S First, you have here the representation, you see, in that which is Chorazin, that which is the non-facing of the spiritual message arrived at within. Those who clutch within themselves or that which is known to be to the individual, to the entity, the spiritual way, the truth; and yet, that entity does not live in the manner as the soul force or the spirit of self would have the entity live. For outwardly they are as others and inwardly they are that which is torn. For the message is there, the life is there, the truth is there (and) as represented in Capernaum, those who are fixed in the Christian principle that has guided Christianity for so long, seemingly to be so correct, so good. It is the pity, it is the sorrow of Christianity, the pity for those others, the sorrow for those others. It is that which is often called the helping hand that does not help, but relegates institutions, nations and peoples to that which is unchristian. For a Christian, based in that which are the teachings of the Master of Life, knows error to be that which is the opportunity, that suffering is that which is the cleansing. You may help, you may understand, you may put yourself in another’s place, but you should not pity, or even have that which is sympathy. Love, yes. But love is not pity. It is not sympathy. It is cooperation. It is strength. It is dominance. It is patience. It is that which raises others rather than relegates them to a position and, if you must, a caste.
Q Clarify how love is dominance.
S Love dominates all things, all conditions, all forces. For perfect love is God. Love that man can attain to is only the shadow of God, a reflection of God. Love dominates illness, foolishness, pain, heartache. It dominates that which is the body. It dominates the mind and it dominates the spirit. How? By allowing the presence of God to work forth. And who can explain that which is God to any that live within the binding influences of the material world? If you had been raised as He that came again to raise you, you would know the glory, the fullness of the Lord. And yet, even He that was love incarnate within these nations, once within the material flesh, could not conceive totally that which He had once known – pure love which is pure thought which, in turn, is pure energy.
Q Are you using the term dominate interchangeably with overcome?
S Overcome to a sense, command in a sense, authority in a sense. Language is a barrier to thought, for language is that which holds back thought. For God is pure thought. Language is a substitute of the material world, a barrier between the soul and the Creator. Even those chosen to work with mankind face that which is the inability, the exasperation. And we, too, learn patience from that which cannot be, that would change your world if you could only communicate. That is what meditation is all about – communication that feeds the soul, releases the prisoner, awakens the world within to the truth.
Luke 10-17-20
And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, “Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.” And he said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heavens. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.”
S You are the seventy. The serpents, the scorpions, the devils are those things that writhe and fight and torment within yourselves. It is your past, your present. It is your own mouth that is as the snake, the serpent, as the insect, the annelid. It is as the scorpion that stings and hurts. The devils are your actions and your thoughts, and you may smash them; you may chain them; you may burn them. For, as given, love is dominant, and whence comes the dominance but from seeking, asking, yes, and knocking, that the God that has created you may release that which is the truth of you to the glory of heavens, that your name will be sung again among the stars
Q Is Satan, here, the ego that falls as lightning from heaven when it becomes attached to the thought of being something?
S Oh, yes. It is the name that you bear, the thought of yourself, the image you have created, the idol that you worship – dashed to dust. Dust to dust!
Q And was Jesus referring to His fall in Eden as Adam?
S He was referring to that, and each individual’s fall which mimics Him. And it has well been said, “God is not mimicked.” Therefore, mimic not the Son in that which is the fall, but collaborate that ye may be risen as He, too.
Q What is meant by “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven”?
S This pertains to many phases. First, it is the mind and the overemphasis of the mind from those hosts, or those forces, that were prepared to give mankind more power through the mind. The mind force has never been used fully, you see, by mankind. Though much was given in those days of old, was misused. For you see, the mind preceded that which was the spiritual growth. Now man is doubling back, you might say, recanting, and allowing the spiritual to proceed before the mental, though you cannot see it so well at your plane level. But this is why, you see, there was the disaster that destroyed over and over again those continents where the mind preceded that which is as the spiritual – and by mind we mean the intellectual capacities rather than the God Force of mind.
Q Jesus made the statement regarding the fall of Satan to the seventy upon their return. What was His purpose in making that statement? Should it be taken literally?
S It was given in detail at that time rather than as you have been given it. For you see, man was not prepared (only a small percentage) to get that which is the knowledge of the ages, that which is the knowledge of the spheres, that which is God knowledge, to the greater degree. For man, you see, as given, is building now rather through the spiritual steps than the intellectual steps, which is more correct, more perfect.
Q What was meant by the term “Satan” in that statement?
S First, the mind power, the intellect; secondly, those forces that were as those who would give man the intellectual capacity or more freedom of the intellect, more full intellect, more total use of intellect, rather than the spiritual-physical. It also represented that which is the force that brought man in, the physical being that brought man into this plane – the mind force. The spiritual body, as one who directed the growth of mankind in this place, this plane, saw to it, or was to see to that which was man’s experience in this plane, through the intellectual-mental being coupled with the spiritual-physical man, that mankind could experience totally all that the material plane could give in that which is the growth of the soul force and the understanding of the creative body, the creative mind, the creative spiritual qualities, or that which is as the cosmic knowledge of that which must be known to man in that stage prior to their own acceptance of that God Force, given to them, that they, too, may be creative forces within and without that of the material world, as you know it – galaxies, universes, et cetera. See?
Q Was the angel Lucifer one of the entities so involved?
S Not an angel, as you would understand angels to be. No. This is a frustrating term. Lucifer was one, you see, as you are called, or in your understanding, not an angel, not a deity. A prince of that which is the expanding word, or work of God, a master of universes, working in that same area as given, Satan and Lucifer together, but not interpreted correctly by those who quite often use these terms to mean angelic host – responsible for that which is the creation or the running of that which is the creation of the material world – this earth, Terra being but one member. The one you question here, prince of that which are the forces, also of the intellect, and that which is the self-choosing, or giving man that which is less latitude in the choosing, and more choosing in that which is the intellectual development rather than the physical development that is necessary. Even these princes, you see, have stages of evolution, development, what have you.
Q Can you say that individuals of the same nature, because of overcoming in other systems, have reached a point of development where they were almost on a par with the angels, and that they did classify them as fallen angels (although they weren’t)?
S Mankind classifies. Not on par with the angels – above the angels. You see, in that fact that they had that which you have too, choice, with the power and authority of choice, and of that as the messengers, or hands, or tools of God. Man coins phrases, man labels, but God creates.
Q Then did Jesus really see anything falling down like a streak of lightning?
S That was the force as spoken. You see, God is lightning as far as you can understand the force of God to be. For lightning is that supercharge of electricity which is in itself mental power, or mind purified. This speaks of God.
Luke 10:21-22
In that hour Jesus rejoiced in spirit, and said, “I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father; for so it seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered to me of my Father: and no man knoweth who the Son is, but the Father; and who the Father is, but the Son, and he to whom the Son will reveal him.”
S And this, which are the revelations, will come. For, He again will walk and talk with those that are chosen, and those that would have the opportunity. Remember, if there had been those who were wise, those with knowledge, and had realized then that which could have been the opportunity to them, would have been that of erasing karma, there would have been no more rebirth for those. And yet, the time was not at hand, and those who thought they were wise were foolish; those that thought they had knowledge were fools; and those that were babes live on and grow, that they, too, may assume that which is their position to then develop that which was given to them so long ago, that they, too, may be about their Father’s business, that others may be raised from that which is a state of babes. They may find the flower and have it unfold that they may be filled with the song of songs, with the light.
Luke 10:23-24
And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see: For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.”
S Those that hear these words, those that read these words, are given the opportunity of opening a treasure. Those that would casteth these things aside are even as those in the days of old that saw not with eyes they thought could see, heard not with ears they thought could hear. Once again is the opportunity to take a step forward, to raise yourself again, to climb upon the shoulders of that which is love, to take the hand of peace, to merge with that which is the Oneness.
Luke 10:25-28
And behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, “Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?” He said unto him, “what is written in the Law? how readest thou?” And he answering said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself.” And he said unto him, “Hou has answered right: this do, and thou shalt live.”
S Here is the opportunity. Here is the signpost. Here is the Way. For God and neighbor and self will be and are as one, if you learn that which is to communicate with yourself, with others, and with God. It is the order to meditate, to pray, to think upon these things. It is the opportunity; it is the cup. Take it, drink deeply that this world may be a better place for you, your neighbor. For God will abound and, in the abundance of God, the rightful place of this world and all that inhabit same will be at peace.
Luke 10:29-30
But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, “and who is my neighbour?” And Jesus answering said, “a certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.”
S First, your ways, your past are thieves. You strip the victim, which is yourself. Ye wound that which is the opportunity. And the Master of Love and Life is that which heals, which corrects.
Luke 10:31-33
“And by chance there came down a certain priest that way; and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,”
S Not only symblomatic here, but a real happening. For love was turning back the pages, was showing that which had been done. The priest, in actuality, saw the man. And though he be a priest steeped in that which are the customs, the understanding, and the ability to deal with wounded or the dead (for the priest thought he may be dead), went his way which was one side of the road, one path of ignoring, and rationalized to himself, “the dead is unclean,” that the dead man would taint self and hold him back, because he must be cleansed and purified in the Jewish manner. And therefore, rationalizing that his time was greater and more important, and position was more important (for selves do this, too, you know, one way or another), and went about his way. And the Levite saw life in the man but balanced that which are the finances that must be used and the time that would have been use and accounted it for a departure of wealth. And feeling that he was a Levite (blessed by God) and had the wealth and the opportunities, rationalized to himself that there would be a squandering of that which was given by God to him because of his special position and would not use same, and went on his way. And the Samaritan, as you would know, was considered to be the lowest of low and untouchable, if you might use that term. And yet, worked the way that that individual knew God would have it to be.
Q It was said that we should not pity or have sympathy, but can’t pity or sympathy lead to love?
S No. Pity, sympathy actually build walls between love. For pity, unlike compassion, and sympathy, unlike mercy, builds upon the human and the ego, builds upon personality rather than non-ego and non-personality. Compassion and mercy are those things that flow from God. It is an understanding, though hardly understood by the individuals that use them, that what is really wrong is an illusion, has been created, and somehow through the proper use of love will be eliminated. For it is not only unjust, it is wrong, and really does not exist. That is what real compassion and love are. For the mercy that God has given, there is an ability within yourselves to pull forth that which is right, whether you know it or not, if, if and when you use that which is contemplation, prayer, and meditation.
Luke 10:34-37
“And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, ‘take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.’ Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?” And he said, “he that shewed mercy on him.” Then said Jesus unto him, “go and do thou likewise.”
S And there is even more here than written. For the inn would not accept a Samaritan. The Samaritan took this man to a place he could not attend to but must deal with the wounds of the man and the needs of the man in the courtyard thereof. And put the man in a bed that he could not sleep in and saw to it that he was fed from dishes that the Samaritan could not touch. And yet, the Samaritan saw no wrong. Therefore, the greater thing is left unwritten here – deleted, you see. For how many among you would do the same? This is the difference between mercy and compassion to that which is pity and sympathy. For those who pity could not have done the same. For they would have pitied themselves. Therefore, put aside those things that would judge others, even as the Samaritan put them aside. Act in that which is love. Know that which is the Lord. Find the way. Bless those who despitefully use you. Find patience with those that irritate you. Give the helping hand of mercy and love. See justice in God and God alone. Judge not your fellow man, but act in that way that you would see the Prince of Love and Peace doing the same. And always, always seek and find, ask and receive, knock and surely the door will be opened. This is the guide. This is the way. How often have you been told same and how few times do you actually use it? And know: your prayers are answered, your needs are met, even in times you do not understand, even in ways you do not understand. Be patient, be kind, cooperate, communicate – one to another, to self, to God.
Q Did the episode of the Good Samaritan and the injured man change the injured man’s life in any way?
S All things that come to an individual are those things of learning. All things that come to an individual are opportunities. This individual received both that which was impetus in some areas but failed to gain in others. The entity practiced, to a degree, that which was learned at that time – “It is better to give than receive” – but was not so abundant in other areas as the entity should have been. [10-75]
And now we give that which are blessings of love, peace, and mercy. To the greater is love.
RAM Reading 10-75
Prayer – Channel
Beloved Lord, make Thy Presence known to us as we gather in Thy Name, seeking Thy comfort, Thy aid, Thy guidance for ourselves and for those who seek. And implant within our hearts, oh Lord, that which you would have us know; others first, Father, others first.
Awaken, awaken. Behold that which is the guidance, that which is the Word, that which is the Way. Now is the time of holding within, of seeking within – not for outward show, but for the gathering of strength within, of developing that which is the outward calm and the inward joy. For now is a time of trial and growth. Now is a time for rejoicing. For that which is as the outward man must receive the inward, making not a show of the beliefs without, but living the beliefs within. It is a time of strife and sorrow for the outer man, but of tempering of the inner. Let not that which are the societies of the day, the fears of the day, or the anxieties of the day penetrate within. Allow not the antagonism of one nation towards another rile that which are the calm waters of the inner self. Raise not that which is the force of anger, frustration, foolishness, at the actions of governments or individuals, but seek, rather, that which is the calm, the peace. For that which you develop within yourself is that which guides the actions of the outer; whether it be that of nature, or mankind, or the intermixture of two – the mind and the physical. Therefore, let not that which is the turbulence that seethes in your world become the turbulence of the inner being. For well it is given in times of old: beware only of those that will kill both the outer and the inner, the physical and the spiritual. And as given in those days, care not for the death of the outer, but rejoice in that which is the life within. For the spirit is greater than the body, the light is greater than the dark, love is greater than hate, and mercy is greater than vengeance. Then heed that which is the greatest gift given to you to know and follow it: “seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened unto you.”
Luke 10:38-42
Now it came to pass, as they went, that he entered into certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard his word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, “Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.” And Jesus answered and said unto her, “Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”
S In a sense you are all Mary, you are all Martha. For most of you are at that stage, which is Martha, though spiritually inclined, much to the outer man rather than the inner. Martha, being that which is the intellect, the physical awakened, and though inclined, and though fired with that which is the spiritual seeking (and to a degree the awareness), is impatient for others to serve, too, you see, to develop that which is the spiritual, as Martha would see it – a good person, but too outward in the understanding, too intellectual or mental, rather, in that which are the precepts or understandings of the spiritual. Well, as Mary, you see, is that which is the inner, or the knowledge turning to wisdom, the understanding of that which is the truth of the spiritual, which is that which develops, blossoms, and flows from within, rather than the show directed by the mental self. It is the proper use of the spiritual awakening, which is quiet, which is not offensive, which is not demanding of others, which is not condemning or evaluating of others, but rather that which opens the door that has been knocked. It is that which you should strive for, especially as given in that which is as the introductory lesson of the times.
Q Was this Mary the Mary of Bethany who was at the Last Supper?
S Correct.
Q What was her relationship, if any, to Mary Magdalene?
S Not as close as you would find it in the hereditary sense, or the genetic sense, yet of the same, might be considered same, sub-area of the same tribe.