Mark 1: Spiritual Insights and InterpretationsThis document provides a metaphysical and spiritual interpretation of the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew with insights and interpretations. It discusses the deeper meanings and symbolism within the chapter, focusing on themes like faith, spiritual awakening, and the teachings of Christ. The material explores the genealogy of Jesus, the birth narrative, and its significance in the context of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.

Originally Matthew was published as a book and an introduction to RAM was placed at the beginning of the book.

We have chosen to place this Introduction at the beginning of the first chapter of each of the books of the Bible.


 A motto for the group’s work was given by the Source as that which was embodied in the prayer that Jesus said as He walked the hills of Galilee, ”Others first, Father, others first.‘ This prayer is frequently given throughout the subsequent readings as a reminder of the true purpose of the work.

The group was given its name, and the meaning, as follows: ‘RAM, or RAM, is that which will be the working name for the group. That which is RAM is that which guides from the East. This is the word, the name of GOD. For you, or this group, better to use that which is RAM-RAM in the Hebrew tongue is the connotation or the meaning, to extol, to raise to the highest, even to an extent rejoice in the raising of same.

It was later stated, ”It is not the Source of these readings, but the results of these readings that are RAM, for it is the exultation of God that which will  raise up a people that will once again worship in cleanliness and love.”


The Source gave these words of advice, ‘Even material such as we give you must be weighed and evaluated within each and every individual as to the needs and processes that are necessary for the individual. For if ye are fed this and ye are not of this level, or ready for this level, then this is not the teacher and ye would be led astray.

For many are there who, in honesty and in truth, would hear these words, even as they heard the words of the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, who could not receive them, and used and fell back upon that which was correct for them, their religion of the time, even as now. And it was not sinful, nor wrong, nor misdoing upon their part, nor will it be upon the parts of those who cannot accept, cannot believe that which comes through this channel, through this group-for each has his place, his time, and his abilities.And again, “If what is given here does not meet your ideal, it must be rejected.

Only if it gives to you the fruits of the spirit meeting your ideal are these readings, this Source, to be of influence or use to self. See?”

BUT . . . This was also given, “And when the entity sees the fruits-and where the fruits are good, let it be known that it is from the Source of Life Itself.”

Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love.”

Reading 10-24, 8-8-76

The Gospel of Mark

Reading 10-47 

Prayer – Channel: 

Our Father, Who art in heaven, oh Lord, through that which is the Christ, enlighten us, that we may give to others that which You would have us give – love, peace and mercy. Oh Lord, open the Way that we may follow. 


Behold the Light and the Life for this world. Not that which man would have light and life to be, but that which is as the Christ, sent by God, to show the Way, to raise the forces, to redeem the peoples. First we would give to this group and to those that follow the Way, the Truth and the Light: as to the purpose, remember, it is to step-by-step understand that which is as the force of God to man – as much as man is able to understand. For, in truth, man, in that which is the physical, has little understanding and can employ very little of that which is an understanding, and must therefore survive through faith, love, and that which is as the mercy of the Father Creator, the Lord God of all. 

Prologue to the Book of Mark 

Q May the phrase in the above statement, “Christ, sent by God,” be interpreted to mean the individual, Jesus, choosing to come, impelled by the God Force within Him? 

S This is correct as shall be explained further as we give this reading. 

Q Could you give us a description that would be valuable for other people on studying the Bible? 

S One, seek without prejudice.

Two, look for that which gives inspiration to self. 

Three, to ask questions. 

Four, not to take other’s interpretations of the Bible as literal truth, it must come from within. 

Five, that the Bible is not a law, but a lifeline. 

Six, you may reject anything you wish within the Bible. 

Seven, you do not have to carry the word of the Bible as that which is your guideline. For all that comes from within the Bible must be accepted within the individual and the acceptance within self will give a guideline that no written word can give. 

And last, that the Bible itself is but a mirror of that which the individual has faced, is facing, and  will face. 

And it ends in the triumph of that which is the Christ over that which is the plane of existence that is of the ego-material-mental being. 

Q Then the description that you gave of the Bible–this makes the statement from the Talmud, that the Bible should be figured on four levels, the true statement, because it leaves it up to the individual to choose. Correct? 

S Absolutely. And you must remember, even those scriptures as used by your Hebrew brethren have been revised, major revisions being in between 1400 A.D. and 1600 A.D., by your calendar (not theirs) that changed much of the understanding of that which are the scriptures. [10-108]

Q Will you give us what we should have as a background on Mark and the writing of this gospel that will help us and others? 

S First you must understand that which is as Mark. 

Mark, as given before, was the Gemini personality, the step beyond that which is as Matthew, or the beginning, or that which is the use or the development of the will, see, the first step. Therefore, Matthew leads to that which is as Mark. Mark is that which leads to the development, the understanding, you see, of that which is the intellect, and how and the use of same. The how being that which is the effect upon the individual, or the body, or the mind configuration, or that which is the spiritual awakening within mankind. Mark is that which was as the duality, indeed known for that which is as the intellectual ability, the verbal ability, the sophistication of understanding that which was extremely effervescent, that which was as scintillating in conversation – in short, the wit. However, within that which is as Mark, lay that second half, the other face of Gemini, or that, you see, which is as the deep spiritual force, the deep spiritual need, that which must be brought forth to be as on the way to the search. Mark, well named John-Mark, for John being that which shows as the light, the shining, the spiritual quality within mankind. Therefore, John-Mark is that which is as the two parts of the Gemini characteristic. Mark was as weaned from that which is as the material by Barnabas, causing, you see, strife – to an extent sorrow – misunderstanding between the force, the zeal of Paul, and the concentration and peace of Barnabas. Mark became the pupil, as might be said, of Barnabas, though Mark walked behind that which was as those who followed the man Jesus, who listened, who saw, who knew. 

Through that which was represented as Mark’s mother, Mary, that which is as the spiritual, or the disciple, or that which is as termed dedication to the spiritual processes, so Mark had his beginning from Mary. That which is the culmination, or the bringing out of Mark, is as faith shown at that time through the persistence, the love in Peter towards the one whom he called “my son.” Mark is as that which is as representative of bringing forth through the use of all these things as given concentrating upon even that which is as the intellect. Note that this gospel begins as that which speaks of John where none begin as that, though they may carry the name at times. In that which is as the first is given that which is the zeal and the intellect, as John the Baptist showed forth, not as John the spirit of love in mankind, but as the zeal of the intellect caught within that which is the yearning for the spiritual. So Mark begins as that and shows forth that which is as the proper positioning and use of the intellect in searching the spiritual, or for that which is the spiritual path, that each and every individual must at some time come in contact with. As to that which are the writings themselves, they are done, more or less, through several people, guided by that, you see, which is as faith or Peter himself in the flesh, for Peter, unlettered, could not put down that which he knew and was channeled through him at that time. 

Q Is it important to know when this was written in relation to the other gospels? 

S This was as that which was dictated, or given, or a work in some extent of many collaborating, you see, shortly before that time that Peter was, as described, martyred, crucified upside down. 

Q Was the gospel of Mark written first of the four gospels 

S Correct 

Q And it was the dictation of Peter to John-Mark? 

S Correct 

Q And then the gospel of Matthew was written second? 

S Correct. 

Q But it was with Mark already in existence and included some of Mark, excluded some of Mark, and had some other things in there written to a specific audience? 

S Correct. [10-106] 

Q In an earlier reading, in answer to a question about the languages of the original documents quoting Jesus, the answer was given, “A variety. We find here Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and some Latin.” Now, I understand that it was given through Cayce that Peter’s dictation to John-Mark was prior to journeying to Rome. Was his original dictation in Aramaic? 

S It was dictated in two languages at that time, in Aramaic and in Greek. 

Q And was it translated into Latin by John-Mark on the Rome sojourn? 

S Yes, with the help of one Tiberius Antonius Marcus. 

Q Any other languages? 

S There was a beginning of Hebrew but not finished in same. 

Q Did Matthew write his gospel in Hebrew or Aramaic, or both? 

S In Hebrew, but it was followed almost immediately in Aramaic. 

Q Any other languages? 

S Not at that time, but later by approximately seventy year, in Greek. [10-107] 

Q May we have a date of the completion of this work? 

S The completion of this work was not until after that which is the demise or the passing over of Peter. In fact was rewritten, reevaluated through the exalted state, or that which is the illumined state of Mark, closing in that which were the later times of his life – about 40 to 42 A.D. 

Q How old was Mark at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus? 

S Seventeen. 

Q Which Mary was the mother of John-Mark? 

S Commonly called, or called one of the other Mary’s. You will find six instances of Mary’s within that which are the gospels. [She] was not [of] the Mary’s that have been concerned with as Bethnea, Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, but simply Mary, commonly called Mary of the Wall or Mary of Jerusalem. For Mark was of Jerusalem. 

Q Did Mary of Magdala live in the same household with Mary, Martha and Lazarus? 

S Correct. 

Q Had she been married to a brother of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, who died? 

S Not died but separated by distance. [10-107] 

Q Was Barnabas one of the seventy? 

S In fact, Barnabas was one of fourteen. 

Q What does that mean? 

S As ye had the first twelve, as noted, or called the apostles, or disciples, or the first twelve, Barnabas was as the fourteenth. 

Q I thought that the sister of Mary, mother of Jesus, was the mother of Mark. Apparently that is wrong. 

S One of the other Mary’s. 

Mark 1:1-3 

The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; As it is written in the prophets, “Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee. The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.” 

S Even as John the Baptist was as the voice crying in the wilderness, who assumed his teaching within the wilderness, who assumed his mantle within the wilderness, so must that voice appear within selves, crying out in that which is the wilderness, the desolation of that which ye have accomplished over so many lives to make yourselves that which is a creature of this earth, of the material. Then awaken, even as there were those who awakened. First you must be even as the voice crying in the wilderness, aroused and a raised by that which is as Matthew, the beginning, to that which is the opening up and the operating of the intellectual forces within self, though this, too, to be overcome. 

Mark 1:4 

John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. 

S Rethink, rethink. First the mind must rethink the body must rethink. For you cannot accomplish until each and every atom of the body – mind you, past the cell, but the atom, each and every atom – knows love, hope, joy of the Lord. Therefore repent, repent, think again, think again. For in doing so the intellect, limited though it is in mankind, is brought to bear as an instrument that will release the spiritual. 

Q What astrological sign did John the Baptist represent? 

S Pisces. 

Mark 1:5 

And there went out unto him all the land of Judaea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. 

S Here is that which should come forward and washes yourself away. Yes, yourself away that you might find the new in you, that which are the forces, that which is love, that which is God in action, by crossing that which is the material to the spiritual, by changing that which is the mental imaging, the mental forces within self. 

Mark 1:6 

And John was clothed with camel’s hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey; 

S The feeding of self has naught to do with the material, but the spiritual, even though the entity involved here did feed upon the food of the locust, that which is as the carob, and fed upon that which, in truth, was honey. For you see, honey is that which is as the product of the force, or the driving force, as represented in the bee, to that which is God-given, as represented in that which is the flower or the flowering plant. Then you have that which is the girding of self in that which can bring to self, misery to the ego, irritation to the mental conditions, that calls for that which is as the discipline within the intellect that controls the mind-body functions which allows to come to pass (even as that one became the herald) the spiritual culmination of the individual. 

Mark 1:7-8 

And preached, saying, “There cometh one mightier than I after me, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. I indeed have baptized you with water: but he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost.”

S That which is even as the drive or the frenzy of zealousness, as shown by him who was John, must bow down to that which is the truth, the peace, the mercy and that which is as the cooperation of mankind. For in the Prince of Love that which is zealousness must bow down too, going to the lowest, touches the earth, knowing yet this is the foundation also of man. 

Q Was the Holy Ghost always available to mankind in the years before Jesus? 

S No. This is a product of the coming into this world, in fullness, to perfect that which are the forces within individuals, by the man Jesus. There was God Force available, but not that which you would call the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost. 

Q What is represented by the latchet of the shoes? 

S This is where the God Force, as represented in Jesus, touches that which is as the material or the baseness of the world, in that which is the sandal, the shoe. To put upon another’s feet, to tie the latchet, was in those days a sign of fealty, emanating, coming from that which is considered the eastern world. Also, too, it showed the bowing down of mankind, of the intellect, to that which is the spiritual nature, knowing that within the spiritual nature, as represented in Jesus, here is that which is as the foundation that each and every individual must recognize, allow to be its master raise up. 

Q Is this any relation to (as a symbol) understanding? 

S This is as understanding itself. 

Q Is there any relationship between this and the washing of the feet at the last supper? 

S There is that which is the correlation, that which is the washing away the sins, the final motion, you see, the understanding of the washing of the feet, that which is as complete disowning that which you would term as the ego, or the mental-ego man. 

Mark 1:9-11 

And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan. And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him: And there came a voice from heaven, saying, “Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. “

S Even as the intellect, properly channeled, brings forth that which is the spiritual nature, or that which is the truth of spirit, so here the baptism represents in Mark as that which is the dual characteristic in man – the spiritual, the mental man. Where the mental man, the intellectual man, turns to that, baptizes by giving itself to the spiritual chase, the spiritual search, so then out of the water of life comes that which is as the spiritual nature of self, blessed by God, even as seen by those in that day, will be known by the individuals in their own actions, their own faith, their own understanding. It is as a keynote that this group, that Mark, is representative of that which is cooperation, as seen here, and genuineness. For in cooperation all must work together within the body, within a group. For dissension breaks down that which is the spiritual search. Once there has been a beginning, even as a group, even as in an individual, genuineness, too, must be the following of that which is as the truth. For is it not given, now and in times of old, if one prophesies or has prophecy and not that which is love, or truth he is naught. If one has good works and has not that which is love, truth, that which is genuineness he has nothing. How often has man been led astray by those who are as false prophets, who teach love and light and yet do not have that which is the genuineness but that which is as themselves only – their ego, their mind, their intellect. 

Q Why did Jesus go through the symbolic ritual of water baptism? How does it pertain to us? 

S It pertains to that which must come into each life, whether it is by the hands, by the acts of others or through the acts of self, each perpetuating in self that which is the line within (or has been from times of old), the cleansing of self by the Holy Spirit. It may be through the act of the mind or through the acts of the body toward others. The symbol of the water is that of the living life, the symbol of God washing away the sins. It is for self, however, to carry it within and into the actions of self. This is the true baptism rather than that which is symbolic from without. [10-17] 

Q Why was it necessary for Jesus to have been baptized? 

S It is a symbol of the acceptance of the first stage of that which is the initiation into the spiritual, the total spiritual presence of God. Baptism is not just the thing as you would have it of water, but it is that which is symbolized by water or the spiritual entering, as the dove entered Jesus to give Him the impulse, the impetus of the force to move forward then in the spiritual path, so chosen by that entity, to find God for His brother, for His sisters and not for Himself, because He had found God. 

Q What is the symbolic meaning of the dove entering Jesus? 

S This is that which is the first step of grace. It is the opening of self to the duty as claimed (and we mean claimed) from God in that which you must assume for yourselves, the claim of duty to be as a path, a way for thy brothers and thy sisters to attune, to attend, to become one with God. [10-127] 

Mark 1:12-13 

And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness. And he was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted of Satan; and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered unto him. 

S And this is that which are the temptations and the beasts of mind and body, that which is the confrontation between all the aspects that lie within self, all those forces that lie within self, all those forces that come from outside, all those aspects and forces of the world, world thought of others that you must overcome by raising up in self all the questions and then destroying the questions with that which is faith, love, joy, peace. This is as the step that goes into meditation that brings forth that which is the erupting of the spiritual nature of self, the forces of love and good. 

Q In what way did the angels minister to Him? 

S These are as the messengers that came to Him, reminding even Jesus the man, who, remember, assumed Himself into that which is as a man, that He could overcome all temptation, that He, indeed, was as a creation of God, a creation of the First and Prime Cause, that the Creator had endowed Him with a soul. Jesus knew the value and the truth of soul. No man living at this time can say that. 

Q How did they minister to Him in terms of materiality? 

S Not in the material – through that which was as the psychic, that which is through the mind, reminding, never forcing, for He, Jesus, did not use angels as a force. For He used himself. 

Q We are told that we each have a guardian angel. Is there any way in which we can be aware of our guardian angel, or listen to him, or help him to help us? 

S Well, first it’s not a him . . . 

Q Her. 

S . . . or her. The questioner at this time has three around self and there’s a total of nine that helps this entity as the entity progresses. Be aware that with each flower seen, with the feeling of the light of sun, with happiness, with a good word that pours from self unasked, that ye are being aided. They are about. But do not become a slave, as some become, to the angelic host. Some preach that you should pray to, or thank them constantly. This is a misunderstanding. An angel does not work in the principles of the mind, or even of the mind understanding that is in a human, but works upon its own principle. Being rewarded by thanks of you is not one of them. Being prayed to is a disservice to an angel. Angels are even as the light that comes from the sun: to be used, to thank God for, and not to be enslaved by. [10-6] 

Q It is said that He fasted for forty days. Does this mean that He took absolutely nothing or forty whole days? 

S This is correct. 

Q What is the symbology of the number 40, as it’s used in the Bible rather repeatedly? 

S That which is the multiplicand, or multiplication, of the four lower centers by ten–the perfection, see, to overcome those lower urges, those lower centers, the base desires by the perfection, or the perfect, which is ten. [10-20] 

S Be then as the Master of Life Himself, Who, even though in those times of self-doubt, did not harm, did not hurt. . . 

Q We were given that Jesus had times of self-doubt. At what points in His life did this occur? 

S In the wilderness and on the cross. Those were the times of doubt. [10-130] 

Q Did you say that Jesus was the first that was endowed with a soul? 

S No. The first with a soul to understand the soul; first with a soul that could understand the soul. For none have. 

Q Is the nature of the soul totally alien to the conscious mind–the true soul? 

S To the conscious mind, yes. Some who have visionary ability grasp at a time a little of the soul, but only those who become into the position, who become into that position that Jesus, when He was in the perfection, could understand. 

Q To our limited, finite, minds is the description “a force field of energy” something that is close to what a soul is? 

S Yes, or electricity, or electrons or sun power, to a degree in your understanding. But that would be termed a very casual understanding. [10-45] 

Q We’ve been told that the soul enters the body on or about the time of the first breath. When is the karma implanted on the endocrine glands? 

S When that body has been adjudged the body to house that soul. 

Q So that’s before the soul enters? 

S Correct [10-127] 

Q Are all human bodies born into this world intended to carry souls? 

S What do you mean by carry souls? 

Q To inhabit, the human soul. Are many born at this time not carrying souls? 

S There are always many that are the results of thought form formation that come into this plane. There have been many, there are many. They are run by the animal force, the mental force, normally, of their beings. 

Q We would not be able to tell the difference, would we? 

S Most people, if they allow themselves, can feel the difference. 

Q Are there, perhaps, more coming into the world at this time because of world-wide karmic necessity? 

S Not necessarily, no. There always have been tremendous world-wide karmas, individual karmas, but we view karma as that which is too much played upon or thought about. Realize, yes, these individuals exist–and love and kindness should be shown toward them, even as you have love and kindness towards animals and plants. [10-131] 

Q At the time when He came from Nazareth, how long had He been back from His studies in Egypt and India and Persia? 

S Thirteen months. 

Q Did he actually work as a carpenter during this time? 

S He worked as a carpenter before His sojourn and at that time, too. Took great joy in working the woods, especially olive, cedar, and a native pine. 

Q Had He been in Greece? 

S Was in Greece; traveled over into the Near East. From about the time of twelve years old on the entity did much traveling. 

Q What was the spirit that drove Him into the wilderness? 

S His own understanding. It was the spirit of the intellect showing Him the way to that which is the spirit that lies within. For He was full master of the intellect, the will and the spirit. 

Mark 1:14-15 

Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” 

S For the zel, or the zeal, you see, that so was rampant in this world, as you see religious outpouring from many, was not that which was the quiet, powerful way of the Christ – was caged or put aside. For its time has passed. Therefore, those who are pulpit pounders, those who are of a frenzy, those who would preach to the world in loud manners, those who would scream, rant and rave, those who would show, in short, the zealot, are those who have not found the Way. For they are as those who are in the shoes now that John occupied and had to be put aside – imprisoned, you see. Therefore repent, repent. We say again, think over, rethink, that the kingdom of God may be found at hand within self. For heaven does lie within, even as He gave in those days of old. 

Q What was the charge against John that they put him in prison? 

S John spoke against Herod. John saw no man as a master. John proclaimed the Kingdom of God. John despised (which cannot be, you see, in the Christ manner), despised Herod for marrying his brother’s widow. 

Q Why did John despise Herod for doing this? 

S Because the separation or destruction of the family ties was from the one who proclaimed himself patriarch, king, or as Herod. [10-48] 

Q Does this answer imply that Herod killed his brother or was responsible for his death? 

S Herod did not use his own hand (although he did quite often) in this case. Had the feat done for him, even arranged at a time to be at a banquet, presiding over a banquet of great proportions, a pre-celebration and a post celebration at the same time. Make no mistakes. Herod used the wiles, the mental to a great and perfected degree, was not as one would be considered a man mad or a fool. The entity had tremendous potential, and yet, as others have done, has turned it to that which is as selfish interests. Despite what you have heard or read, ran a kingdom in a very exact and profitable manner, not only for himself but assured the people themselves of a sound government, much in the light of the rightist movement in your times. [10-64] 

Mark 1:16-18 

Now as he walked by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And Jesus said unto them, “Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.” And straightway they forsook their nets and followed him. 

S Here you have that which is as all must raise within themselves, bring forth that which are the spiritual values within self – the strength, the effort, as in those – that you may go out by your own doing, change yourself by fishing for your own soul, and so doing set example for others that they may see your good works and know that God is at hand. 

Mark 1:19-20 

And when he had gone a little farther thence, he saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the ship mending their nets. And straightway he called them: and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants, and went after him. 

S Each, as given, (as) represented a center of the body working its way up, therefore bringing first from the lower centers toward the higher centers, that directed again by the spiritual-intellectual cooperation within selves, that which is the overcoming of this world and the going forth through self, and raising within self those forces that will truly touch each cell, each molecule, each atom. 

Mark 1:21-22 

And they went into Capernaum; and straightway on the sabbath day he entered into the synagogue, and taught. And they were astonished at his doctrine: for he taught them as one that had authority, and not as the scribes. 

S Well, here the man Jesus taught not in the manner as acceptable but through His own interpretation, His own power of speech, not using that which was the age old custom of the times or [as] had been developed through the Hebraic peoples, that of the citing of authority based upon the philosophies, the interpretations of one and another and another, especially through certain channels as to that which were the different branches of teachings of Judaism of the time. This is the renouncing of that within self, especially in the intellect, of that which is as taught as organized religion. Does not mean to cast it aside, for Jesus did not cast aside that which were the laws set by, but showed the true interpretation and lived by them. This is more than most organized religions can claim. 

Q How were the Ten Commandments given to Moses? 

S They were given even as represented in that which are as the Scriptures: flame burning that which is the rock, torn from that which is the mountain – all representational of that which is the knowledge that lies within self. For Moses, the law giver, received not only the Ten Commandments but all of that which ye read of that which was the ancient law. Yet Jesus came bringing the true interpretation: mercy, love, to that which lacked love, and above all – grace. 

Q Did Moses owe anything to the Code of Hammurabi? 

S He was familiar from the contacts of the peoples of the area, see? The fame and power of that king was known within the land, known within all the bordering lands. To an extent, Hammurabi was an enlightened individual, not free, you see, though of earthly bondage, yet enlightened for the time, enlightened, in fact, in a spiritual way. But Moses received the tables from the Hand of the Holy Spirit, the Hand of God, you see, the movement, the force at work. 

Q Did Moses receive priestly training in Egypt? 

S Moses received priestly training as son of Pharaoh, had the secrets and the power laid before him. For at that time Pharaoh was acknowledged as head of all religion in the land; had the power, the understanding of the Atlanteans and all others that had come prior to the time of Moses. Moses was one of the great intellects, most highly educated of men, not only of his time but of all times. 

Q Moses preceded Joshua almost in the same way that John preceded Jesus. Is there a correlation here? 

S This is correct. Each and every individual is a step in the rung. Though there be thousands of individuals, each serve their purpose – some, as seen by man, to a greater intensity, to a larger degree, but all serve, even as blocks within a wall, or blocks of a pyramid, see? 

Q What astrological sign did Moses represent? 

S Moses was, in fact, really a duality – Sagittarian, and yet Taurus, too. 

Q Was this a difference between, say, sun and the ascendant? 

S Correct. The moon force (well, we’re looking at it in the Roman way), the moon force being that of Sagittarius, see. 

Mark 1:23-24 

And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, saying, “Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God.” 

S This is as self once again. When you come to recognize that which you raise within yourselves through prayer, contemplation, meditation, then you cast out that which is as the negative, or that which are the negative mind forces, and overcome that which you have established within yourself. Even as that one cried out full knowing who Jesus was and is, so shall happen within yourself, yourselves. 

Mark 1:25-28 

And Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Hold thy peace, and come out of him.” And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves saying, “What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him.” And immediately his fame spread abroad throughout all the region round about Galilee. 

S Even as Jesus did this with the authority of God, so the forces within self, the Christ Force will do for you. Not only with your body, your mind, and your soul; all the forces of self will cry out and you will be noted by others. Your fame, regardless of how it is interpreted, will be your works, and others will know you by this. Whether they regard your works as that of the Christ Force or of the maddened mind, care you not. For in yourself you will have peace. No man can value you or judge you. God has given you the right to judge yourself. Therefore, in the time of judgment you may judge correctly, and as you do these things that come to you, you may know that is as the direction, the purpose of the force within self, the God Force, the Christ. 

Q What do the words “torn him” mean? 

S Physically, at that time, the force was ripped out of him, of the negative. In actuality, it could be seen as a mist leaving. For you see, negativeness is as a fog. As a fog binds the eyes, so you do not see the truth of your surroundings, so the negative force blinds the inner eye. Therefore, torn from self is true. Ripped is even a better term. 

Q This was not possession

S This was not possession. This was as the evil or the negative, or the missing of the mark, the sin that lies within self. Oh, there is that which individuals will have and may come under this very same heading where that which is as insanity, possession, is torn from self. Yet the greater meaning is to that which is the tearing away from self, the negativeness. 

Mark 1:29 

And forthwith, when they were come out of the synagogue, they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew, with James and John. 

S Here you must go within self to raise within self that which is the force of love, faith, long-suffering. This is your house. You must find within your house that which will accept the Christ. 

Mark 1:30-31 

But Simon’s wife’s mother lay sick of a fever, and anon theytell him of her. And he came and took her by the hand, and lifted her up; and immediately the fever left her, and she ministered unto them. 

S This is the sickness of the will as shown here by the mother, as that which is the intellect guides self to receiving the force of God or the truth. All is made well and the will, too, revives itself and does not go on tangents away from that which is the path. 

Mark 1:32-34 

And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils. And all the city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him. 

S Even that which is the recognition, as given here, of who Jesus was, the place He had assumed, what He had earned, could not be broadcast by that which recognized Him – the prince of devils, the intellect misused. So you must bring to yourself all that is the negative, the false, the misleading, all those selfish ideas. Go to the door, even as given so often before, and knock – it shall be opened. And in His good time, in that which ye must presume, must know is correct, you will be cleansed, made anew, raised up. 

Mark 1:35 

And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 

S Here is that of prayer and meditation. For the Master of Life in the flesh knew the power, knew that which was the discipline of prayer and meditation. And often this Individual, this Prince, this Wonder contemplated, prayed and meditated all at one time. 

Mark 1:36-38 

And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. And when they had found him, they said unto him, “All men seek for thee.” And he said unto them, “Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.” 

S The entire body begins to recognize that which you achieve through that which is prayer and meditation. Even though ye do not see the results so clearly each time you pray, each time you give thanks, pray for others, find a joyful prayer. Each time you meditate in that state which is not selfish, but truly for others, then you are going out and preaching and making that which is your body, your mind, your spirit alive and aware of God. 

Mark 1:39 

And he preached in their synagogues throughout all Galilee, and cast out devils. 

S This is awakening in others that which is the need, the force, that of the mind, the intellect, to receive that which is the spiritual. 

Mark 1:40-42 

And there came a to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him,”If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, “I will; be thou clean.” And, as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed. 

S This is that which is the base mind, the base actions, even in its lowness, even in its earthliness, recognizing the truth, the spirit, and so doing in the contriteness of the heart, raised up, cleansed, and given the opportunity to serve that which is the living God. 

Q Was this leprosy as it would be diagnosed today? 

S Yes, but remember, leprosy begins in that which is the subconscious area, past experiences, not always experiences of that time. Therefore, it is as cancer, that which you have decided to face subconsciously. It would be declared a disease of the day at this time, and yet it is a disease of the past. [10-64] 

Mark 1:43-44 

And he straitly charged him, and forthwith sent him away; And saith unto him, “See thou say nothing to any man: but go thy way, shew thyself to the priest, and offer for thy cleansing those things which Moses commanded, for a testimony unto them.” 

S This is showing that once you receive, once you are on the path, stay on the path. Do as that which is directed. Even as that which is John, or Jhonnha [Jahohan] is overcome, the zeal of the intellect, replaced by the intellect of peace, seeking only that which is an understanding that there may be a serving of God, so selves must publish within the land. 

Q What is meant by the phrase “straitly charged him”? Is there an actual charging involved? 

S Yes. It is as the command. It is as an order that once you grasp or take a hold of the spiritual path, you cannot drop or circumvent it. It is a commitment. It is a charge. 

Q Does this commitment extend from life to life to life? 

S It is a matter of selection. It must be a chain at some time, but it is a matter of selection. 

Q When Jesus directed the leper to say nothing to any man but to go his way, was He saying here not to preach but to simply live by his actions? 

S Live by the cleansing, see. That which is base had become clean. In that which were the material circumstances, Jesus did not want to receive that which were the plaudits, but instead wished the thanks to go to God. For He knew man’s insufferable ability, or disability, rather, to see the God Force and only see man. This is why the great commandment: bow not down to graven image, for image itself is man, too, and this is man’s failing over and over to submit that which is man for God. 

Mark 1:45

But he went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter, insomuch that Jesus could no more openly enter into the city, but was without in desert places: and they came to him from every quarter. 

S He could not escape that which are the thoughts, that which is the force of people’s minds. Let you follow that which is the example here. Once you receive the opening up of the spirit (or even search for same) do not bandy it about, do not preach it about, simply live it as if there were nothing else to do or to live by or for. All else will fall in place. 


And now we give that which is the blessing of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, love, blessing, cleansing.