Mark 13: Spiritual Insights & Metaphysical PerspectivesThis document is a spiritual and metaphysical interpretation of Mark Chapter 13 from the Bible. It examines metaphysical perspectives; the deeper meanings and symbolic messages within the chapter, focusing on themes of faith, spiritual awakening, and the teachings of Christ. The material emphasizes personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and the application of biblical teachings in daily life.

RAM Reading 10-58 

Prayer – Channel: 

Father-Mother God, find us, see us, know us, oh Lord, that we, too, may be aware, that we may be channels of Thy love, Thy direction, Thy blessing. Make us Thy tools, oh God, for Thy glory, for Thy good, for Thy love. 


Who art thou that ye would come before Me? Who art thou that ye would call upon My name? I AM that I AM. Be thou aware of what you do if you would have Me be aware of thee. Know you not that the Prince of Glory is at hand? Therefore, turn thyselves to the Way, the Light that has been given to you. Where ye have oft failed, now is for that time to begin anew. Let there be love. Let there be peace. Sing unto the Lord. Yes, sing unto the Lord a new song. 

Mark 13:1-2 

And as he went out of the temple, one of his disciples saith unto him, “Master, see what manner of stones and what buildings are here!” And Jesus answering said unto him, “Seest thou these great buildings? there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.” 

S Unless the works be that to the glory of God, and not in the image of man, nor in the ego of man, they shall not stand. For He that is the Prince of Glory, the Prince of Love, was showing here that not even the body, or the mind (as man conceives them to be) is permanent or everlasting, that the buildings, the structures, yes, the earth itself is but naught. For the greater glory and the great permanence is in God, is in the spirit that is contained within the body temple, the body structure. And through this is the guidance ever: to see not as man sees; to understand not as man understands; yet to live in the world of man, but to be that which is the instrument of the spiritual, the soul force in action, the mirror of love, the gateway to truth. In short, act, live in God, rather than that which is the material-mental man manifested world. 

Mark 13:3-4 

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives over against the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign when all these things shall be fulfilled?” 

S Ever is the curiosity. Ever is that which caught you in this world. Ever is the temptation to know for self, rather than the good of others or for the glory of the Father. In yourselves you question, you ask. But if you have that which is faith, you need not a time nor a place, only that which you find within yourself as the time and the place of meeting there with that which is the God Force, the Christ. Therefore, be not as those who would doubt. Cleanse the minds. Cast aside that which is the temptation of curiosity and be steadfast in that which is the belief that the Lord has given you – a salvation, a path, a help, a cleansing force, the Protector, the Christ.

Q Were there any female disciples present? 

S Not at that time. 

Mark 13:5-6 

And Jesus answering them began to say, “take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, ‘I am Christ’; and shall deceive many.” 

S For many deceive themselves, thinking that they manifest the Christ. And many for the power of the mind and the power of the mental conditions therein, and the power of the material conditions, would say that they are the Christ. Know you this: each and every individual is the Christ, but not manifesting themselves. For the Christ is ever present, ever at work, ever putting forth that which is the helping hand. Turn not to those that would call themselves the Christ but wait in faith upon that time that the Prince of Love will make Himself known to the faithful of the land, and in another time to all of this world. 

Mark 13:7 

“And when ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, be ye not troubled: for such things must needs be; but the end shall not be yet.” 

S Among you now are those who faced that which is termed now as martyrdom and went gladly with no fear. Can you do less now? For how often through this chain (the chain of lives) have each and every individual faced that which is war, rumor of war, catastrophe, disaster, yet joy, yet happiness, yet fulfillment. But where does man’s mind dwell? Not on fulfillment, not on happiness, not on joy, but on war, rumor of war, and all those things that you see about yourself, yourselves, at this time. Your newspapers, your radios, your books, your magazines, your television, your movies, all glorify that, in its way, that is disaster, war, foolishness, selfishness. Then look to that instead, which is truth, light, the life, love, joy, fulfillment – in short, God. 

Mark 13:8 

“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.” 

S In yourselves, when you find the path, even when you are on the path, within yourself will come these things that are spoken of. And know that when they happen within you, that it is the struggle for dominance within yourself, yourselves, of the forces of love against the forces of selfishness that you have built within yourselves, yourself, for so long, so many lives. And yet, know this: in that which is the illusion, so created, the truth is love, joy, God, truth. And the Light is ever present in the darkness. 

Q It was given four years ago in June 1975 that the first major earthquake could occur in California, four years from that date. As it is less than three months off, could you please give us an update?

S There are forces of disaster (as you would term them to be) in that land; to an extent, in the area of San Francisco, through that which is as the San Andreas fault, and even farther east, you see, with tensions abuilding, especially in the area of Bakersfield, California, curving south, north of San Diego, south again towards that which is Baja California. And yet, it is the mental mind conditions of mankind, and their actions, that control same. Know you this: if there is a failing in that which is as peace in the area of the Palestine, that there shall be many earth tremors. And yet, look not for these things, but have faith. And know that whatever happens is as right in that which is the karmic order of things, or the bypassing of karma through that which is grace. For even as He has warned: these things shall occur as long as man is inhibited from God, and inhabits this earth plane. For these things are of this plane, for this plane, and, in truth, a cleansing in this plane. Among you now are those who have suffered the cleansing process among those Roman peoples at the foot of Vesuvius. And yet, it tainted you not, but cleansed you the more. Therefore, worry not. For he who worries has not prayer. Turn to prayer and meditation, to God. For you cannot be hurt in the spiritual sense by what happens to the body or the outlook of the mind. For the heart is that which is ever important in the building process for each individual in the attaining to that which is the spiritual way, the spiritual goal. Thrust aside all negative thought. And destruction, regardless of where it occurs, is negative. Even when it is for the positive reaction of cleansing, it is the result of the negative rather than the positive. 

Q Does California have any special symbolic significance to mankind? 

S Especially for those peoples of the United States of America, it is a symbol of that which is wealth, that which is the perversion of the mental-spiritual link. Even as New York is that which shows the material-mental prison, the binding, or the holding down of the freedom of the individuals to exist in harmony with nature, with man, with God. 

Mark 13:9 

“But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.” 

S Ever are those actions that you do in the Lord’s way brought into self, that self would castigate, chastise and throw out, for that training you have had for so long in selfishness, materiality. And even in the physical world, as He warned, there will be those who would throw the verbal abuse, the mental abuse, and the physical abuse where possible, at those who would work in and through the power of the Lord; in and through the understanding, the love of the Lord; in and through the dedication to that which is God. It has been so. For this is man’s way in himself and towards others. 

Mark 13:10 

“And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” 

S Your body, in its entirety, must know that which is the Christ. Not a false Christ, not a self-proclaimed Christ. For how often when you do that which is good, or you see as good, you congratulate yourself for living in the Christ. And this is the false Christ. Therefore, turn yourselves to that which is truth by being a willing object of use, letting self be a conduit for that which is the force of goodness, love, beauty. Live all things in joy. For remember, those things that you do, asking, or knowing, or feeling that you will be rewarded, will become as that which is the boomerang. 

Q It was my understanding that when you do something good expecting something in return, you’ve already gotten it, but can you give an example of how a good act can boomerang? 

S A good act is, even as given, God in action. When the action of the individual, regardless of how God has worked through them, is seen for gain of that individual, the opposite will happen to the individual. For this is law. You cannot be a channel of God, a working partner with God and be selfish. God is not selfish; the partner cannot be selfish. The instrument can be selfish and this is the difference. God would work through anything. It does not make that thing holy. Those who take upon themselves the reward reap that which is the judgment, for they have then attacked the Holy Spirit. For this is the God in action; this is that which has been spoken of in the scriptures as those who turn aside from the Holy Spirit, those which abuse the Holy Spirit, those which deny the Holy Spirit. Even though they work miracles, they have denied God, though God may have used them. [10-13] 

Mark 13:11 

“But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.” 

S When you are in faith, even as these words are given, even as those words were given, you will act, you will be as a tool of the Almighty. For God’s will is that you return in love, in joy, to the state you were created to be. And that step forward is to accept the Lord, knowing full well He will, in His love and mercy, provide what is necessary. Remember, always, to know whatever happens is as right – and it will be so. Even as He gave in faith, where one or two or more are gathered, He is there. Where two or three are gathered, in His name, He is there. And know, even as given, wherever you are, He is. Whether you be at war or peace, in a crowd or alone, He is with you – not as that which you would fear, not as that which you must be afraid of. If you would have fear, if you would be afraid, let it be of the actions of self, rather than the punishment you feel or have been taught is so necessary. 

Mark 13:12 

“Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.” 

S Tumult, turmoil, forces that vary within yourselves and without, can only be contained, soothed, wiped away through that which is the Lord. Therefore, make each day a prayer. Make each day an offering before thy God, that you will be as the drop of oil upon the troubled waters of self, of the world, your brothers, your sisters. 

Q What does the death signify here?

S That is the separation, always, of man from the spiritual. For does not your soul feel that it is in Sheol now, the place of waiting, the place without joy, the place of sorrow, of grayness? That is the death. 

Q Is it our thoughts, our desires that keep us separated from God? 

S Yes. 

Mark 13:13 

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.” 

S Those that persecute, those that prosecute those that have found the Way so often do it, for within themselves (though suppressed) is the knowledge that those that have found the Way, or seek the Way, are correct. The more vicious the attack, the more acute the feeling within those that will be the prosecutors, the torturers, the judges. Even as given in times of old: judge not lest ye be judged. Therefore, judge not those that would attack you for your beliefs, for your actions. But weigh carefully your beliefs and your actions to see if it is self, selfishness, ego, or is it the Truth, the Light, the Hope of the world. 

Q Referring to the Christ, it was stated that He would make Himself known to the faithful of the land and to all the world in another time. Would you please explain this? 

S This has been covered before. There will come that time when He shall return in clouds of glory, seen by all mankind, simultaneously, around this earth, by those that have passed over, by all the planes that surround this earth. And this is why you exist at this time – to prepare the way, to be the guide, that His footsteps shall be heard by man, that His light shall be seen by man, that He will be sure upon the way. For He is coming. 

Mark 13:14 

“But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:”

S Daniel the cleanser, Daniel the preparer, Daniel who found love, Daniel who faced himself. Be as that which would be saved. Those who are aware, those who are awakening will be warned. Even as you in yourselves must become Daniel, even as you in yourselves must flee to the mountaintop (which is meditation), so must mankind find the path to God again. 

Q Does this also have reference to the Middle East situation? 

S Yes. However, remember – have faith. Put aside what others do. For if you do, you will be as the lever for that situation or others. And even as the huge block is levered into place, so that which is your opening, your putting aside of man’s interpretations, putting aside the selfishness, will be as the fulcrum to the lever, that you may, too, move mountains. 

Mark 13:15 

“And let him that is on the housetop not go down into the house, neither enter therein, to take any thing out of his house:” 

S Stay in that which is the exalted state. Be ever situated in that which are the spiritual-mental conditions rather than the mental-physical conditions. For here is that which is meant going back into the house. Be guided by that which is the still small voice that lies within selves. Look for that which is the face of God. Listen for that which is love. Fear not for what happens to the body, or the material being. For it is the spiritual being that has the importance and the link with that which is the mental-intellectual man, serving that which is the spiritual, that is important. 

Q Is the housetop the heart center or the fourth chakra, and the house the third? 

S More or less correct. 

Mark 13:16 

And let him that is in the field not turn back again for to take up his garment. 

S There is nothing of this earth that has importance that is of the material. The one important thing of this earth outside of your own spiritual soul-self is the spiritual soul-self of your brother, your sister. This is not a garment. For a garment is that which covers the body. For it is (of) the mental-physical being and the field is that which man garners a living from – the material world or sustenance. 

Mark 13:17 

“But woe to them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days! “

S Woe to them that are pregnant with that which is the material love, the material being, the material chains, and feed from same. So it shall be in yourselves if you do not reach to that which is the height within yourself, yourselves. For it is the searching, it is the faith, it is the trying that will be successful in the salvation of that which is your place. And what is your place? At the foot of God, where ye may worship Him and glorify the Father-Mother God that is. 

Mark 13:18-19 

“And pray ye that your flight be not in the winter. For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of the creation which God created unto this time, neither shall be. “

S Winter is that time, that thing where there is not that of growth, that life ceases to abound, reproduce and grow (man’s interpretation, you see). Therefore, make yourself spring, that the growth may be, that the days may be joyous and full of life rather than death. 

Q Would the wintertime be referring to the end of the Age of Aquarius? 

S Also to. Yes. 

Mark 13:20 

“And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved: but for the elect’s sake, whom he hath chosen, he hath shortened the days.” 

S Remember, all are chosen. And yet, some will go, some will not. The centers of your body have been chosen, and yet may be damned. It is for selves to make known to God you are aware of the choice. It is for you, in this plane, in your free will, to choose whether you shall be of God or of man. Choose wisely. For it will be a long, long time (as you term it to be) before the opportunity will once again arise, that presents itself in the Christ and the return of same. 

Mark 13:21-22 

“And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.”

S Trust in that which is the still small voice within yourself, yourselves, that you may know the Way and the Truth. For if you are prepared, if you have the faith, you will know the presence of the Christ. For the Christ comes from within to meet that which is the Holy Spirit without, opening the way for He that is to come, Jesus the Christ, returned as he left, in glory. 


And now we will give that which is the love, the blessing of truth, of light, of love, and of the servants of truth, light and love. And we turn to that which is the Light, the Creative Force, to love – all encompassing, all merciful, but all just. 

RAM Reading 10-55

Prayer – Channel: 

Oh Lord, to Thee we pray. Oh Father-Mother God, oh Beloved, use us at this time for those things, for those purposes that You know is best for others and for us. Be with us now; be our Source, our Strength. Fill us with Thy wisdom, Thy knowledge, Thy love. Through the Christ we pray. 


Awaken to the Light! Fill thy eye with the Light! Follow the purpose. Seek the just. Open your hearts and be as that which is as the tool, the spokesman, the hand, that the brothers, the sisters might find in you that which delights the spiritual nature of themselves and awakens that which are their own needs. Seek the Lamb! Open your hearts, your minds, your arms, that ye may enfold that which is love and life. Behold the Light. 

Mark 13:23 

“But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things”

S From the beginning to the end, the Christ is ever ready to give you these things, this guidance, this knowledge, the wisdom, if you would but proceed to that point within yourself where you will meet Him in that which is the temple of yourself, where the throne of God is, through that which is meditation. Seek what you have been given. 

Mark 13:24-25 

“But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken.” 

S In the time of the awakening, or even to an extent the judgment within yourself, yourselves, you shall find those forces within yourself, even as the examples of [the] sun and the moon. These are the forces, the Christ Force divided, you see, even as you find it within that given as the entities Jesus and Mary. So those things will be put aside within you that you may judge yourself correctly without the mercy, the tenacious love, as represented by these symbols, that you may judge honestly and truly. This is not to say that the Christ Force within you is not honest and not true. But it is merciful and would give mercy rather than justice. And all must weigh themselves. And you will weigh honestly. For remember each and everything you do may be used as a tool to further the advancement of your soul through the help of others, regardless if it is the difficult, the troubles, the tribulations. For remember: if troubles or illness come to you, it is but the purging of that which is within you that needs to be purged. So is that that comes with wealth and power. They, too, are the purges that come to you. Therefore, all things may be used for the cleansing of the body, for the advancement of the soul, and the edifying of the mind. 

Q What do the “stars of heaven” symbolize? 

S They symbolize that which are the directions, the deeds, the lights, even as the angelic host, or as each and every individual has that which are the guardian angels (too sanctified by many, and yet are present). Should not be ignored, for their duty is to help, you see. And in the falling you see, is to them as that which is the descending into that which is chaos, for they no longer, at that time, can assist in that which is the judgment of self. For they would protect, they would aid – for this is their mission. 

Q How much does this protection by the angels interfere with material things, or is it just to prevent vibrations on the spiritual level from hurting? 

S This is more a peripheral thing, you see, peripheral. That which, when the mind (and for the good of self or others) is called upon by the individual, that the play is put in. It is the urgings that you feel many times, or that little help, so that others (more or less) are not contaminated or hurt. It is an involved situation, for it does not take away your karma, it does not sanctify your self, does not take away your punishments, and yet it is that help when the spirit sags, when the odds are heavy. For the angelic host, you see, is just that which is an offshoot a working of the God Force. Therefore, they are not deified, worshipped in any way, but are as your hands are in this plane. So angels are that which are the hands of the spiritual forces at work so often within the lives. For if that which is God’s Force, or the true Christ Force, or the Holy Spirit were to work directly and come in contact with an entity of this plane, it would cause a disaster. For you are not built physically, prepared mentally, or awakened spiritually to receive that which is the energy of God. 

Mark 13:26-27 

“And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven. “

S Even as the awakened Christ within yourself gathers those forces within your body, your mind, and your spirit, so He the Christ, at that time of your reckoning, your personal judgment, gathers those forces, those thoughts, those deeds, and weighs them, as you look upon yourself in all lives and in each individual existence. 

Q How will we know Christ when He returns since the Bible tells us that even the faithful will be led astray by those who claim to be Christ? 

S When He comes, all will know. For even as given, He will come in clouds of glory. All will feel; all will see; even the doubters will know this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ. There will be nothing as like it that has happened to mankind since the day (or that which ye term as day) that the stars sang; that there was creation; that man became. [10-7] 

Q I’ll have to paraphrase this because I don’t have the Edgar Cayce reading at hand, but there is one prophecy where he states something to the effect: between 1958 and 1998, the forty-year period, His light will be seen in the clouds. To the best of my knowledge there is no clarification in the readings as to what was meant by that. Can we know what that meaning was? 

S There will be that which is the approach of what you might call a super-comet that is unlisted by astronomers, or those of the past also. At this time it is in the making in that area that is beyond the planet Neptune. Whether and when it comes is determined by that which is the growth of the human ability to shed itself from that which is its selfishness and call in its need upon the name of the Lord–whether it be through that of the western religions, or eastern religions, or the general realization that there is a God, is an answer, is a truth, is a salvation. This does not mean that the majority of people upon this planet will ask, will call, or realize. It is for that dedicated group that are brothers in the search (regardless of names, races, creeds) call upon–not in selfishness but in love–for that which is the light of the Lord. .[10-107] 

Q Will the return of the Christ be simultaneous to all when it happens? 

S Oh, yes. For even the spirits of the departed, the entities that have passed over, will know, will see. Oh, they will gather around this globe, even from afar, to know that which is the coming of God within the earth again. 

Q Will any of those that have passed on and are not of this plane be able to participate in those lessons and the training given by Jesus? 

S This will be as an amphitheater for those who have earned, even as it is for those who become the 144,000 souls. Remember this: God knows no difference. In the symbol of Jesus the man, washing the feet of His disciples, was given the lesson to all mankind that the highest is not higher; that all are the same in the end. There is no task too high or too low. All are the same. And as those who stay or those who cross over, it is the same. For in the end all will be as God would have them be, unless in their free choice they become that which is the oneness with God without the individuality or their true personality. 

Q That is similar to, well, it’s exactly the same as the question of prayer for healing. You don’t pray for somebody to be well, you pray for God’s will to be done. This is what’s got to be applied for the preparation as far as the 144,000 are concerned? 

S Exactly! [10-22] 

Q We are told that 144,000 entities will remain on this earth to assist Jesus after the Second Coming. Are these to be individual entities, which are undivided, or are they to be aspects, or both? Please clarify. 

S Oh my, this seems to throw people over and over and over. They will be the individual entities, but remember they magnify themselves as necessary with that which is enlightenment into the necessary amount of aspects, which includes so many, many, many, many, others. 

Q So it isn’t 144,000 then? 

S Well, 144,000 times whatever. [10-108] 

Q After the physical bodies and the souls that are not fit to be builded upon are taken from the earth, will there only be 144,000 individuals upon this entire planet, or will there be others here that can be builded upon at that time? 

S There will be others, but they will be deformed physically, mentally and spiritually. The 144,000 will be as that which overcomes the body of mankind to establish a spiritual realm, that which is the glory, the truth, the love may manifest itself within this earth plane, doing that which is necessary in rebuilding the structure, physically and mentally, of mankind to carry better that which is the spiritual growth. There will be in essence, some seventy million of these for the 144,000 to work upon. And through the 144,000 and their ministrations to others will come that which is the growth and return of those other souls that will re-enter in this phase of growth. 

Q When you speak of people being deformed physically, mentally and spiritually, are you speaking about as we are now? 

S No. As a consequence of that which is pride, egotism–those things, man will deform self through the action of man bringing upon destructive elements within the bodies–some from that which is the cosmic forces doing its cleansing, and those physical forces released by mankind through the mental endeavors. 

Q Are you speaking of nuclear accidents?

S Biological, nuclear, terrestrial manifestations of man’s destructive nature. 

Q What events immediately follow the Second Coming? 

S First, it will be heralded as has been given. The following will be as that which is the appearance of the Lamb, the Love incarnate–that the Prince of all worlds, all light, will visit, teach, bless, and love those elements, those forces, those individuals that have chosen the Path, the Way, the Truth. There will be that which you would consider gatherings, meetings of the minds, physical bodies, spiritual natures of selves. For the individuals will begin to know and realize the oneness of creation, the gigantic proportions of God’s creation–and the cleansing beginning in a circular pattern and spreading over that which is the globe. 

Q Are these the exact words the Source gave as an affirmation to be said concerning the Second Coming, “LET THE LIGHT OF THE CHRIST FORCE SHOW THROUGH THIS GROUP THAT HE IS TO COME, WILL KNOW THE WAY IS LIT, AND THAT HIS FEET ARE SURE UPON THE PATH. AND HE WILL COME”? 

S This is correct. [10-64] 

Q What does it mean in reading 10-8, “that coming that will be of no crucifixion but the crucifixion of all who would follow the way, who would be the light, who would be the doorway, even as the platform”? 

S It is not the crucifixion of the body but crucifixion of the mind, the desires, that which is the ego. Even as He did same for thee, that selves may become as a lamb, even as He is the Lamb. [10-22] 

Mark 13:28-29 

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near: So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.” 

S As you begin to bear the fruit within your frame of existence, in your everyday life, in your working conditions, within your mind and body, as dictated by the spiritual nature of yourself, so that fig tree of your own being begins to put forth the leaves, calling for the Christ. Therefore, be prepared. For when you seek, when you ask, you are truly seeking and asking (whether you know it or not) and you perform before that which is your Master. Remember: nothing you do is unnoticed. But when you call the attention to it, when you seek, then it becomes magnified. Then it becomes a focal of attention. Then it becomes the greater thing. And each and every thing you do is inscribed the deeper on that which is the skein of time and space, or, as you would put it, the Akashic Records. 

Mark 13:30-31 

“Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done. Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”

S The heaven and earth of this body, the heaven and earth of this plane, will surely pass away before the word of God, before the word of the enlightenment is ever affected. Remember, you, too, are gods on your way, and cannot be hindered by this plane, this place. 

Mark 13:32 

“But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.” 

S The Father directs all works. No man, no woman, no child, dictates to God. It is a fallacy to believe that even your prayers affect God. Your prayers are things. They are tools. But they are directed more to yourself than to God. For God knows all things even before you think them, how you will think them. This is not predestination. For you have formed your pattern, you are working within your world, and even as an apothecary puts together a brew, so your thoughts are put together. Thus before the thoughts become, even as you think instantaneous, before they are put together, God knows (or that portion of God that is aware of you). And only then the perfection of self goes forth to God the Father. Therefore, in all things, not even the angelic host knows, for it is strictly between you and the working of God how all things will be. There are those tendencies, there are those things which will occur and are occurring now, that though you think some things precede others, they do not. For you do not understand time and space. You do not understand the material world, the spiritual world. For things you have done in your past have not been done as yet. And things you will do, or conceive to do, have already been done. So let not your curiosity, your fears, what have you, stumble over that which has just been given to you. 

Q Is it correct to think that the real effect of a prayer is conditioning of the subconscious mind so that we create a pattern within and react properly when the stimulus occurs? 

S To a degree. The proper place of prayer is more the cleansing, more the help for others, more the hope for others. And then that which you have given as that which is the conditioning, or even as Pavlov’s dog within yourself, so that you, too, may react to that which is the bell, that which is given, or the awakening of the Christ within, or even those influences from without. 

Q Is this also the effect of mantras, or do they have their own effects?

S This is first effect. Second effect is to attune that which are the body forces, or the song of the body, to that which is the song that is found between and in the spheres, you see, or that which is the symphony that is God’s voice in all creation.

Mark 13:33-34: 

“Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.” 

S For each individual has a different time schedule, lives on a different plane. Though it may seem the same to each individual, yet it is not. For each person, each soul entity, each mind entity, each physical entity, moves at a certain pace. For even on this plane, time is not the same, mentally or physically. For there will be a time when all must face at that oneness, or one place in the movement, their God. And yet, each individual will find the Christ at their time, preceding that which is the meeting of God, as a body, or as all humans, before that which is the body of God. 

Q Please clarify “as a body” as it is stated here, “each individual will find the Christ at their time preceding that which is the meeting of God as a body, or as all human before that which is the body of God.” 

S This is the understanding of the body within yourself or the true body. Not the physical body, but the spiritual body, which is part of God which comes together, which is enlightened by the opening of self that you may see and become one with God that is the true body of God, all things being as parts of God. [10-64] 

Mark 13:35: 

Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: 

S Even as you do not know when a stranger you see on the street, or meet in a room, is a heavenly host, or of the heavenly host. Even as you do not know which is your opportunity, so you do not know when the Christ appears or becomes part of your life. Therefore, treat all instances, and all actions, and all individuals as the moment that you may be meeting your Christ. 

Mark 13:36-37: 

Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch. 

S Don’t be asleep at the switch! Don’t lose the opportunity! For though you miss it, there will be another. But think of that which you do to Him, the Prince of Love, your opportunity, He who has given His all that you might find grace. Therefore, if not for anyone or anything else, for Him. Do not miss the opportunity. 

Q What major events would have to come forth to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus, like today if He came, it would be inconceivable. 

S Well, it is inconceivable because there is not the basis or the platform for His coming. Those who live right–and by right we mean in the ways of the Lord. That does not mean a certain amount of prayer is given, a certain amount of washing is given, of feast days observed, of fasting days observed–but fasting of the ego, the centering of self in God, and becoming servants of God by being thy brothers’ keeper. This is that which become the rock-hard base upon which to build. [10-13]