Mark 15: Spiritual Interpretation & Metaphysical WisdomThis document is a spiritual and metaphysical analysis of Mark Chapter 15 from the Bible. It offers deep interpretations of the verses, focusing on themes like faith, spiritual awakening, and the teachings of Christ. The material delves spiritual interpretation & metaphysical wisdom, emphasizing personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and the application of biblical teachings in daily life.

RAM Reading 10-61 

Prayer – Channel: 

Father, we come before You as always, with trust, with faith, seeking Your love, Your guidance, Your truth. Enlighten us now, oh Father, we pray, that our brothers, our sisters may share that which is given to us, that they, too, may find the Way, the Path, and to seek the Light. 


Seek ye the Light? Do you look for that which is the Path? Would you live as the Master of Life? Then live in this manner: outward gently and inward firmly. For now is a time of gain. Now is a time of expansion. Now is a time of absorption. Now is a time of giving. For as you pulsate, as you take in and give out, so that which is the will of God is expanded among man. 

Mark 15:1 

And straightway in the morning the chief priests held a consultation with the elders and scribes and the whole council, and bound Jesus, and carried him away, and delivered him to Pilate. 

S Even as you daily crucify the Lord, so you bind and carry that which is the Christ Force away. For there is nothing that the Christ will do within you unless allowed. And as you bind the Christ Force, you are making the selection. For that which is the force of love, truth and light that abounds in each and every entity, is subject to that which is the will, the mind, and the actions of an individual. This individual self, has a free choice daily whether to bind the Christ, or free the Christ. Make no mistake. You do have the power and authority within yourself to use the Christ, or be used by the Christ; to bind the Christ, or to hold the Christ. He, Jesus the man, Jesus the anointed, Jesus, He that became truly Christed, allowed the Christ to operate; used that which is the Holy Spirit that came to Him. None can bind or hold that which is as the Holy Spirit once in action. Man’s will, man’s mind cannot control that which is the Holy Spirit. 

Q What is the significance of the morning here? 

S This is the dawn within self, the time of choosing, even in that which you would give as the 101st Psalm. It is the time of cleansing, the time of meeting the Lord. And so often when not met, that which is the day becomes that of the chief priest. 

Mark 15:2-3 

And Pilate asked him, “Art thou the King of the Jews?” And he answering said unto him, “Thou sayest it.” And the chief priests accused him of many things: but he answered nothing. 

S The Christ spirit within self need not defend itself. Though even that which is the chief priest (the ego within yourselves), using that which is the intellect, that which is the mind, that which are the valuing, measuring devices that all possess, knows the appearance and position of the Christ, and yet would deny same. 

Mark 15:4-5 

And Pilate asked him again, saying, “Answerest thou nothing? behold how many things they witness against thee.” But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marveled. 

S There will come those trials, those tribulations, those tumults, those turmoils, within yourselves, your lives. Can you do less than the Christ Himself, Jesus, who accused not, demeaned not? And He did not criticize. Therefore, be gentle on the outside but firm within yourselves, even as He, Jesus, became the example of same. 

Mark 15:6-8 

Now at that feast he released unto them one prisoner, whomsoever they desired. And there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with them that had made insurrection with him, who had committed murder in the insurrection. And the multitude crying aloud began to desire him to do as he had ever done unto them. 

S You have been given before that here is the example of the bestiality of man, of the humankind. Yet it is also that which is termed the humanistic or the good man, too. For even the good man is a murderer of the Christ, unless the good man turn to that which is the Christ, turn to Jesus the Blueprint, the Way. And if not done, then the good man, as termed by humanity, is Barabbas, too. For that which is the mental condition, the intellect trained by that which is worldly thought, cries out for other than the Christ. For, you see, even the good man, in the human sense, is a product of that which is the materialistic mind of man, the self mind of man, the selfishness of mankind. 

Mark 15:9-11 

But Pilate answered them, saying, “Will ye that I release unto you the King of the Jews?” For he knew that the chief priests had delivered him for envy. But the chief priests moved the people, that he should rather release Barabbas unto them. 

S How the ego conducts that which is the intellect and the will to do its bidding, to raise up within self those doubts, those pleasures, those desires, that lead away from that which is as the acceptance of the Christ, the true acceptance of God. The chief priest being that which mouths the goodness, the greatness of mankind. The blessings of God pour forth from the mouth of this one. Yet, that within itself is the selection to destroy, to attack, to chain, that which are the forces of good within self, to deny that which is the Christ. 

Mark 15:12-13 

And Pilate answered and said again unto them, “What will ye then that I shall do unto him whom ye call the King of the Jews?” And they cried out again, “Crucify him.” 

S For all are the tribes. For all are those that seek the Messiah. And yet, that which is the bestial, that which is the humanistic, that which is the mental man cries out not to recognize same. For self would not be the central importance within the individual any longer. Only God would assume that which would be the central ideal, the central idea, the central love, the central path, the central thought – in short, that which is all absorbing. Ego cannot, will not, accept this. This is why then, if you would seek the Path, you must subdue the ego by using that which is the intellect, the will, to do those things which would not destroy or demean the ego, but relegate it to that which is its proper place, subordinate to that which is the Cause, the Way, the seeking. 

Mark 15:14-16 

Then Pilate said unto them, “Why, what evil hath he done?” And they cried out the more exceedingly, “Crucify him.” And so Pilate, willing to content the people, released Barabbas unto them, and delivered Jesus, when he had scourged him, to be crucified. And the soldiers led him away into the hall, called Praetorium; and they call together the whole band. 

S Here, the intellect, somewhat awakened, begins to reason within self, even as Pilate, the man, began to reason for the Christ, yet influenced by that which are as the forces of negativeness, the forces that would demean the true nature of the individual. Such happens in each entity in those times of longing, of seeking, where there is a glimmer, where the intellect does tend to try to establish the truth. And yet, those forces unleashed of the high priest, the ego, overwhelm unless that that which is the intellect is properly guided by the will. 

Q Will the people in the multitude who kept asking that Jesus be crucified have to meet that karmically? 

S Many have already met same. 

Q In what way would Rome have had Pilate handle this incident? 

S Rome would have not allowed that which is the situation to have arisen. Rome had adjusted its policies, you see. For many centuries prior to this incident, Rome had allowed the freedom of worship, the freedom of religion. Only that which attacked Rome, the senate, and the people of Rome, as a unit, combined, was not allowed. Rome absorbed, rather than destroyed. Then came that time that Rome dictated to the world using (that the values, that the judges) those things that had been abuilding in the Roman mind. Rome, you see, was an entity, a conglomerate of ideas, guiding that which are outstretched arms, or that which were the provinces, the colonies, the territories – would have broken the back of the priest subtly and thoroughly. Pilate and others were too weak in the judgment of Rome. Would not have used brutality, you see, but the force of understanding the greeds, the needs of both those in power and the masses. Rome would have not handled it in this manner. And yet, because the proper people were in the proper place at the proper time, that which must be, and that which must have been, occurred. 

Mark 15:17-18 

And they clothed him with purple, and platted a crown of thorns, and put it about his head, And began to salute him, “Hail, King of the Jews!” 

S Here is that which is the search within yourself put down. For that which is purple exemplifies the search, the seeking in that which is the spiritual man, the spiritual nature, finding that, or seeking that which is the opening, the door, to condemn it, to put it to ridicule. Then is what happens so often in the worldly man, and so often also in those who do seek through the religious tenets of established practices, not realizing those things that they put down [in] following the preachments of their particular brand of religion is demeaning that which is the true search, is putting the crown of thorns upon the Christ within 

Mark 15:19-20

And they smote him on the head with a reed, and did spit upon him, and bowing their knees worshipped him. And when they had mocked him, they took off the purple from him, and put his own clothes on him, and led him out to crucify him. 

S The reed is the symbol of knowledge. It is also the symbol of freedom. Here, free thought strikes at that which is the Way within yourselves. Free thought, putting that which is self and selfishness first, rather than selflessness, not realizing that within you, you must be purged. Even as Christ Jesus became purged by going to that which is the crucifixion, so selves, inwardly and outwardly, must be prepared to have that reed strike yourself at one time or another, that you may purge yourself and reverse the situation by then having the reed represent the true freedom, rather than the freedom to choose that which is the wrong way as well as the right 

S …when you pray to be help for others you are the recipient of that which are the others’ actions, giving them the opportunity to be forgiven and the opportunity for them to change their ways. Even as Jesus the Christ was tormented, was spat upon, was beaten. Had he earned in that life? No. You see, it was His giving the opportunity for others, and the opportunity to forgive. This is, the objective. [10-17] 

Mark 15:21 

And they compel one Simon a Cyrenian, who passed by, coming out of the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross. 

S Here is that, that is called upon to bear the cross, to bare the way, to take up the burden, to strike out at that which is the negative within the world. It is that which seeks to do good for others, to help others, to give the example without the outward show, to be as the quiet, silent servant of the most high Lord, that others may see and know that God is. In this case, as you come from that which are the fields that you have plowed, know that your Christ has need of you. 

Mark 15:22 

And they bring him unto the place Golgotha, which is, being interpreted, The place of a skull. 

S Each and every entity must have that which is his own memento mori; each must realize that which is life and death in the physical, and life and death in the mental, and life and death in the spiritual. And then in the realization and the awakening comes that which is the gift, the knowledge of the eternity of the soul, and the love of God which allows you to try, and try, and try, and try again – more than seven hundred times seven. 

Q Does memento mori mean moment of death? 

S A reminder – yes period. Moment of death, reminder of death, symbol of death. 

Mark 15:23 

And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not. 

S This was a rejection of the total, physical being by that which is the mental-spiritual, realizing that now had come the time to denounce the body, to denounce the mind, to become that which is the spirit, to allow the soul force freedom that the spirit, too, may be crowned. 

Mark 15:24 

And when they had crucified him, they parted his garments, casting lots upon them, what every man should take. 

S Let those of the earth take that which they find the greatest pleasure in. For those who would crucify, for those who would lift up, for those who would denounce the flesh, for those who would serve their God, there is no need of that which is the trivial, the trivia of the material world. The greatness of the material world are the souls and minds that lie there waiting as jewels to be mined, to be polished, to be presented to the Lord. 

Mark 15:25 

And it was the third hour, and they crucified him. 

S This is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. This is the mind, the body, the will. This is the soul. This is the superconscious. This is the Holy Spirit. This is the time of reckoning, the time of reasoning gone, the time of trying gone, the time of experiment gone. It is the time, the presentation of the truth of thy being before the throne of thy God. 

Mark 15:26 

And the superscription of his accusation was written over, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 

S He is the King. The Jews here, not representing the seekers or the chosen people, but representing the body, the will, the intellect, the mind, the ego – all those things. And He is the King. Therefore, turn unto Him that ye might find the Way, the salvation of your brothers, your sisters, and so doing find your own path, your own light, your God. 

Mark 15:27-28 

And with him they crucify two thieves; the one on his right hand, and the other on his left. And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, “And he was numbered with the transgressors.”

S There is no difference between that which is right and that which is wrong in the skein of time and space. There is only that which is not presented to the Lord. For the Lord receives not that which is negative, not that which is carnal, not that of the desires, but that which is righteousness, that which is love, that which is patience, that which is gentleness, that which is mercy. These things are what God requires of you and, in truth, they are all that does exist. For that which is beyond God is man’s illusion, does not exist. Oh, for you it exists, but in reality does not exist. So why do you tarry? Why do you wait? Why do you absorb yourself in that which is false, illusionary, nonexistent, away from God, when there is that which is the gold, the joy, the beauty, the peace of God to be had by all, to be used by all? So close and yet so far for so many. 

Mark 15:29-30 

And they that passed by railed on him, wagging their heads, and saying, “Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, Save thyself, and come down from the cross.” 

S There is always the thought within selves, even as these individuals acting, you see (though in more mass thought than individual thought), ridicule. How often in yourselves when you have faced disease, illness, debt, worry, trial, anger, et cetera, have not done same? How often when you are in that position do you pray or do you react? 

Mark 15:31-32 

Likewise also the chief priests mocking said among themselves with the scribes, “He saved others; himself he cannot save. Let Christ the King of Israel descend now from the cross, that we may see and believe.” And they that were crucified with him reviled him. 

S Here is the intellect, again putting forth a central theme of its existence, or that which is the ego putting forth that which is central to its existence, pointing to the intelligence, saying, “See, you must come first, I must come first, we must come first.” This is the coming down and saving self – putting, subtly, self always first – the individuality rather than the truth. 

Mark 15:33-34 

And when the sixth hour was come, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” which is, being interpreted, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” 

S Even at that time, the ninth hour representing that which is the physical world, the ending of same. He that became truly Christed at that time departed from the body, from the personality, the intellect, and that which called out is what will call out in you. Why have you forsaken me? For then that which is the soul force, the power of the Christ, departs from that which is the carnal-centered individual, that which is the meat body, that which are the nerves, the blood, all those things that make up the material man. But remember: the Christ does return to lift that body, and to sanctify that body, as you must learn to lift the body, to sanctify it for the glory of God, that you, too, may become as gods. 

Q Why was Jesus crucified? 

S To show that which is as this: there was no ego left. Ego is of the body and of the mind. In doing that which was the totality of humiliation, what was there left? He gave totally of Himself. No love of Himself. No honor of Himself. Yet He could have called upon God and had it erased. But what would have been achieved? He was showing for His fellow man He would give all, even as you must. That He would sacrifice His image, His ego, His mind. For what did He call out? He called that which was to God, “Eli”, that the body, the mind was left and the spirit was gone. What more can ye give that the spirit of self, the force of God, the Christ, for others? Could you know? Could you guess? Far beyond that which ye can measure. There is nothing like it! [10-22] 

Q What did Jesus say on the cross? Was it, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? If so, why? 

S Well, as some of you are familiar with here, this in essence is what was said. For the body and the mental condition were intact, but the soul force, the Christ, had left, abandoning that, with that great mind knowing so. And when one has been so in touch with the God Force, the Life Force, and knowing the Truth is missing and gone and left–what loneliness, even in that instant, that ye cannot imagine (or even we) that experience. It’s awe-inspiring! [10-11] 

Q What provoked this. Why did He say this? 

S This was the mind and the body knowing that which is God has fled from self. This is what we were saying. Can you imagine the mind of such a man totally aware and in harmony with God, having the spirit taken from the mind? Can you understand it? 

Q Then it was the mind? Was the mind resurrected, or not? 

S The mind is resurrected, but at another time. [10-22]

Q When was this other time, in relation to that moment? 

S As you view time, when the Master walked and greeted those first who were to see Him and yet did not recognize Him on the day following–or that time following the emergence. [10-23] 

Q What does the sixth hour mean? 

S This is the teaching hour, the learning when you come face-to-face. That is the lesson, that is the way. It is the facing of the truth and the final selection. 

Q What’s the meaning of the darkness then? And how was that caused, actually, physically at that time? 

S The darkness, in itself, is that which is the darkness of this world not heeding, not having the eyes to see, the ears to hear. The darkness, as it occurred at that time, was, in truth, the turning off of that which is the power of man’s minds to see the light. It manifested itself over this earth; was known in many diverse places, you see; caused many quizzical dialogues in other places; passed off in others as phenomena (as you would today). And yet, for that time, those instances, that brief time, the light in man’s mind went out. 

Q It isn’t necessary for us to die, however, is it, in order to be partially christed? 

S You have so many ways, so many steps. Each time that you sacrifice the personality (not the true personality, but that which you have abuilded), each time that you squash that which is the ego, each time you correct the intellect, each time you corral the will, each time you smile for another, each time you become as the helping hand, every time you are patient, always when you are loving, when you are kind, you stack another jewel into that which is the making of the Christ within you. The crucifixion does not necessarily mean to be nailed to the cross. It is the crucifying of the personality that is the negative side of self, the material man, the desires of same. When selfishness is gone and the truth of self reigns – in selflessness – then you are on your way. And yet, you have an Everest to climb. But remember, He is there, always waiting. And those prayers that you send forth are those steps. But remember, even in the act of crucifixion, you may only rise as high as the helping hands of those that you have helped will 

Q I believe the following is necessary in order to go back and understand something in order for us to prepare for the Second Coming. The Source has stated, through this channel, that our Master, Jesus, was christed at the time of the baptism by John–and again before his death on the cross. Does this mean that since He completely overcame the earth at the time of the last christing, this is the resurrection spoken of in the New Testament and not the raising of the body-physical after death? 

S Correct! 

Q Then we have also been told by the Source that one must overcome the earth by completely unlocking the mental, and thus unlocking the spiritual, and then becoming the perfect person. When this is completely done, is one resurrected? 

S They are resurrected. Even as they become, step-by-step, the ideal that God has of thee, the idea of man–the ideal man, the Christ, step-by-step, and at that time, as given, as mentioned, then you are christed. [10-22] 

Q The late Dr. George Lamsa, who grew up speaking Aramaic, translated that phrase: “For this, I was spared.” Can you explain this conflict in translation? 

S Aramaic, though much the same as it was in the times of Jesus, even now has changed, does change, remembering also that even as he, Lamsa, pointed out, a jot or tittle in the writing changes the meaning of an entire passage, an entire lesson. And remember, also, man has had his changes. Lamsa, though he was a God-fearing, dedicated and good man, became enlightened step-by-step, fulfilled much spiritual needs. But remember, was not christed, therefore was not perfect. 

Q Was the question of there being different meanings for different words in the language – did this have any bearing on this? 

S Oh, definitely. Aramaic, even spoken in different parts of that world, were different. Even as your language spoken here, English, not only has its world variance, but national variance, colloquialisms. So did the languages of the day, Aramaic, or the root Aramaic. Aramaic was influenced at that time by Indo-European, [a] little by Greek or Roman, but by also those languages of the Far East, [from] which some meanings, especially inflections, had crept into the language at that time. 

Q Well then, what is the correct translation of the words Jesus spoke at the ninth hour? 

S “My God, My God, Why hast thou forsaken me?” This was that which was the mind, the physical body, crying out at the departing soul and God force, knowing because of its high evolution what was taking place. 

Mark 15:35: 

And some of them that stood by, when they heard it, said, “Behold, he calleth Elias.”

S This is a man’s interpretation, always to twist, to take as the individual knows, and then to make it as a truism or truth. 

Mark 15:36-37: 

And one ran and filled a sponge full of vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink, saying, “Let alone; let us see whether Elias will come to take him down.” And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. 

S This, you see, this is man’s curiosity, so often seen religious-wise in, and those who seek the psychic phenomena, those who seek thrills and pleasures, this way or that way. Let us see if He will come down, or if Elijah will bring Him down, or if God will make it known. Man, always curious, often in trouble because of same, chained to that which is this world because of this very thing. 

Q What did Jesus say at this last time? 

S He only called out. He was at that time giving tongue to the pleading to the merciful God to show mercy upon that which is mankind and the entity Earth. 

Q What is meant by the statement, “gave up the ghost”, since the spirit had left him already? 

S This is the residue, but has several meanings. The residue of the force of life, even as Jesus gave up the ghost, the physical ghost. The residue was left or the ghostly qualities, you would call it. The ghost also is the animal self which finds its apex center, or epicenter, in that which is as the mental, or the brain power of an individual. See? [10-64] 

Q Is the spirit that Jesus gave up on the cross the same spirit that was given to Him at His baptism? 

S No, but part of a collective. Once again, you are dealing with that which there is little word image, for the entities here, but view it as a bird with wings. That which was given at baptism was a wing. Another wing was collected later, each wing being composed of feathers to make it fly. 

Q Was He without a spirit prior to His baptism? 

S That which was the I AM was present. That which is the Christ Spirit un-folded, as you might say, was present. But the Spirit of the Lord, or that which was the Holy Spirit in this case, came to the entity. The Spirit of the Lord being present within self, or that animal force too, and yet not used as those others were not used the fullest. [10-24] 

Mark 15:38-39: 

And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom. And when the centurion, which stood over against him, saw that he so cried out, and gave up the ghost, he said, “Truly this man was the Son of God.” 

S The discipline within yourselves will know at that time, as you reach for that which is the tearing of the veil within yourselves to know the place, the Holy of Holies, that truly the Son of God lives within every individual. And the opportunity of freeing same and living with same is for every individual to achieve, if they would. 

Q Is that why Jesus had to suffer so terribly on the cross? 

S There’s a myriad of reasons why the Master did this. First, the suffering of mankind must be epitomized in the highest creation of God. To take on the burden of the world there is no easy way. And what is the hardest way? That of crucifixion and degradation of same. To show man that He truly gave all that He had to give. What greater way to show, to prove–than by the act of becoming the sacrifice to open the gates of grace from the Lord to mankind, who were truly trapped below. There are other reasons; complicated and vast–the minor being the fulfillment of the scriptures so that all that was said about He who would come, would be fulfilled. But those I outlined for you previously are those of the greatest reason and intent. For man caused the crucifixion, even as you present were the cause of the crucifixion. For this could have been avoided had man but listened. For it was truly said, “He came, and the world knew Him not. He was the light among man, and man knew Him not. Man rejected their own and their own was of God.” For had the world accepted there would have been no crucifixion. For this was not the law. A fulfillment of promises and the promises could have been fulfilled in other ways. But man accepted it not, as ye accepted it not. Therefore, He and His great spirit did give entirely of Himself to show that even He had His doubts, had His pain, His sorrow. For He did not go to the crucifixion willingly but opened Himself unto God and knew this must be so to fulfill. For man, given his chance, had gone his own free way. Therefore, he did not follow that which was proclaimed by God. So He, the first Son of God, sacrificed Himself so that He might be the first to truly return to the Lord and to Man. [6-21-69] 

Q How did the centurion know that He was truly the Son of God? 

S Well, all things became dark. There were earthquakes at the precise time. There was a revelation to this entity. For the entity that was as this centurion was, as considered by the spiritual forces, a good and just person who lived by the law, or lived within–truly lived within that which is considered the dharma of an individual to the letter. Therefore, there was an enlightenment within the entity. For there must have been one of authority present to proclaim same. This is as that which was written to be, and was. [10-64] 

Mark 15:40-41: 

There were also women looking on afar off: among whom was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, and Salome; (Who also, when he was in Galilee, followed him, and ministered unto him;) and many other women which came up with him unto Jerusalem. 

S This is patience and gentleness. This is the seeking, the searching. These are those who, in truth, have found Peter the Rock. These are those who live on faith, in faith, and by faith; they that follow the Christ, even as that which you may do also; followed then to the crucifixion; followed then, thereafter, always within themselves showing love and mercy as the Master of Life had taught them to do. 

Mark 15:42-43:

And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath, Joseph of Arimathaea, an honourable counsellor, which also waited for the kingdom of God, came, and went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. 

S Once there is that which is the awakening of the intellect, then comes that which is the good merchant, then comes that which will claim the Christ in love (not for selfishness, but for the love of the Christ), which in turn is the love of God. 

Q Please clarify the meaning of the “good merchant.” 

S The good merchant has many meanings here. First of all, there was an individual considered at the time, the good merchant, who was honest, who worked within the bounds as appropriate for the merchant. But each and every individual has a good merchant. And that is the one who sells by actions, by the very actions of selves, the merchandise of the spiritual to those that would buy same through the asking or the awareness of the individual, and the individual’s proclaiming of God through the actions, or the merchandise of that individual. [10-64] 

Mark 15:44-45: 

And Pilate marveled if he were already dead: and calling unto him the centurion, he asked him whether he had been any while dead. And when he knew it of the centurion, he gave the body to Joseph. 

S Even as Pilate represents a true man, Pilate represents the intellect which then finds the titillating thought. When the goodness within self does seek the Christ, calls forth the reasoning within self to know if there is a Christ, if there is a God, in truth. This in itself is an awakening. 

Mark 15:46: 

And he bought fine linen, took him down, and wrapped him in the linen, and laid him in a sepulchre which was hewn out of a rock, and rolled a stone unto the door of the sepulchre. 

S To put that which is the Christ in its proper place, it is in that which is faith – the rock – sealed by the rock of faith, contained till that time that it may raise up and be as that which is the control of the body, the mind and the soul. 

Mark 15:47: 

And Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses beheld where he was laid. 

S And those positive sides of self-know where the Christ is and awaits.