This document is a spiritual and metaphysical analysis of Mark Chapter 8 from the Bible. It focuses on interpreting the deeper meanings of faith and enlightenment and symbolic aspects of the verses and events in this chapter. The material discusses themes such as faith, spiritual awakening, the power of Jesus’ teachings, and their application to personal growth and spiritual development. It includes reflections on how these teachings influence the inner journey towards understanding and enlightenment.
Mark 8:1-5
In those days the multitude being very great, and having nothing to eat, Jesus called his disciples unto him, and saith unto them, “I have compassion on the multitude, because they have now been with me three days, and have nothing to eat: And if I send them away fasting to their own houses, they will faint by the way: for divers of them came from far.” And his disciples answered him, “From whence can a man satisfy these men with bread here in the wilderness?” And he asked them, “How many loaves have ye?” And they said, “Seven.”
S Here is the guiding principle, the guiding light. For why three days? Even as this prepares mankind for that as even He went through, symbolic here of that which must be attained by the individuals before they, too, can raise themselves up through their efforts to meet that which is their God and ascend. They must be fed and must find in themselves their own multitude of beings, that which will provide the food of spirit, that which will raise within themselves, through the actions, through meditation, through prayer, the Light. Even as He fed, so let Him feed you, too. And through prayer and meditation invite Him in. Awaken that which is dormant within thyselves, that ye, too, may be as a salvation for a cosmos – which you in reality are.
Mark 8:6:
And he commanded the people to sit down on the ground: and he took the seven loaves, and gave thanks, and brake, and gave to his disciples to set before them; and they did set them before the people.
S He led them in that which is the understanding (even as He does now) of that which are the seven centers, that which is meditation, that they, too, could sit and raise within themselves that which is the power of God in action – even as selves can do it now through His example.
Q I’m wondering if we could be given some guidelines for teaching children to meditate?
S Oh, broad subject! Yes, first, initially to use a time of quiet, pointing out to children that flowers find quiet, that the breeze become quiet, that a stillness was upon the face of the deeps, and God walked, even as God walks, in silence between the breezes–that even in an instant the soul bears witness to the Creative Force–that there is silence in the sunset regardless of the man understood noises, the man-made noises–that there is silence in the stars, as man sees stars to be. For lo, even as the stars sing there is silence in the singing. But the stars themselves may hear that which is the Word of the Lord. And if the stars themselves must fall silent to hear God (and they, in their magnificence do fall silent), then each soul force should fall silent and be as the flower, the breeze, the sunset, or the stars. For in silence the music of God is heard. For the music of God is life. It is the Way. It is the joy. Children will find joy, for they are unencumbered by that which is the adult searching, long, facade. Even though they come in with that which are the trappings of what they will be and have been, they do allow (for the most part) God, the spirit and love to enter in. [10-108]
Mark 8:7-8:
And they had a few small fishes; and he blessed, and commanded to set them also before them. So they did eat, and were filled: and they took up of the broken meat that was left seven baskets.
S Here is feeding the Christ principles, you see, as even exampled in that of being as fishes here. For in actuality, there were two – one as you would call white fish, the other as carp, you see, giving tha, of returning through that which are as the seven centers, the form of blessing, an overflow that gives to others in more abundance than has been taken in.
Q Was there any marked difference in the symbology of the carp and the white fish?
S That which is as the feeding of the mind, and that which is as the feeding of the fish to the body, to bestow upon each of those two divisions within the body that which is the energy of the Christ. White fish for that which is as the brain, the nervous system; the carp for that which are the physical conditions of the body.
Mark 8:9-10:
And they that had eaten were about four thousand: and he sent them away. And straightway he entered into a ship with his disciples, and came into the parts of Dalmanutha.
S We have the voyage forward that you must take, taking within yourselves that, too, which is as the disciples, or the group, you see. For whither thou goest, He goes. This is within thy daily framework. Know He is with you. Therefore, act accordingly. For here is the ship of life, the state that ye are in. Make that which is the passage smooth and pleasant, even though there may seem to be turmoil, harassment. The peace of God is not peace as man would see peace to be.
Mark 8:11-12:
And the Pharisees came forth, and began to question with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven, tempting him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit, and saith, “Why doth this generation seek after a sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be given unto this generation”.
S You are the generation. Daily He sighs within you that you do not follow that which is faith but seek it to be done for yourselves, even as the sign here was asked, “Do the miracles (as they called them) for us. Cleanse us; feed us; save us.” And you must save yourselves by giving to Him your hearts, your minds, your bodies.
And now as that which is our time to present these things is over, we will give that which is love, blessings, forgiveness for that which ye have done and not done at this time, putting into your minds, your hearts, the understanding that ye may be forgiven, not once, not twice, not even seven times seventy, but over and over as long as you do in actuality seek. But do not take advantage. For when ye may make a decision based on that which you would know you are forgiven for ye have transgressed. Therefore, be as David. Sin but once at each outing. We give our blessings of love, peace. The blood of the Lamb is upon all. We are through with this reading at this time.
RAM Reading 10-53
Oh Father, as always we come before Thee, trusting in Thy love and Thy mercy, asking for Thy divine forgiveness and divine guidance, Thy love, Thy mercy. We ask, oh Lord, now, that the Christ spirit be as our Guide, that we may find the Path, that we may show others the way, and to glorify the Father which is.
Peace, peace. We bring you peace of mind, of body, the force of love to the soul. We bring you that which is the Word, the Light, the Guidance. Ever it is true: seek, and ye shall find; ask, and you shall receive; knock, and the door shall be opened, for this is the truth and this is the law. For the Lord thy God is a loving Lord. Ever is He aware of love, of faith. Therefore we give to you this a guide, a message: Be contrite. Find that which is the contentment, the contentment of the Christ – not contentment as man finds contentment to be (stagnant, selfish) – but the contentment of the Christ. In the giving, you find the Way, the Truth and the Light. For ever is it true: as you give, you receive. Would you walk closer to the Light? Would you know your God? Then smile often, help often. Be as that which, in truth, is a light. Find righteousness. For ever it is true that the righteous will find God. And know this: the path of righteousness is strewn with those who have had the calling but have strayed this way or that way, ever rationalizing to themselves their acts. Beware of that which are the desires of the mind, and pay heed only to the urging of the soul. For well it is that God is merciful and that grace is that which is given to you who have faith. For remember: God is a just God. And those who fail in faith must then face that which is termed in days [of] old as the “wrath.” For what is wrath but the righting of wrong, the facing of that which ye have done by yourself to yourself in the treatment of others and of the faith. For it is written, “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind” – yea, with all thy being. For this is the truth. This is the way. This you must manifest within the life. Therefore, discard that which are the pleasures of the mind and the body and find the pleasures of the soul. This is not to say become that which is the ascetic who would wound the mind, the body, who would castigate and chastise the mind and the body, but rather be one who uses the mind and the body through that which is the direction of the soul force of self. Walk gently. Walk kindly. Be as He you would have as the pattern for yourselves, that the Christ may live within you and be known by man. For whether ye be rich or poor, whether you be gifted, as you see gifts to be, or not, the opportunity is at hand for the salvation of yourselves by glorifying the God that is within, the God that is without. For remember, even as John has given: there is nothing created that is not created by God. How vast, how great is that which has been given to you, even though you have eyes that see not and ears that hear not the divine music. Then came the opportunity through that which is the Pattern to open eyes, to clear the ears. And yet, is there one of you that has seen and heard to the fullest? Each must be a model of that which is the Pattern, the love, the forgiveness, the dedication. That which is faith is the key. Live each day as the Master of Life would have you live it, else you lose the opportunity and cause the grief. We are here. We have this group. We are now ready for this reading.
Mark 8:13-15:
And he left them, and entering into the ship again departed to the other side. Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, neither had they in the ship with them more than one loaf. And he charged them, saying,”Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod.”
S Turn to that which is as the Christ within. Forget that which is of the mind and the body-physical. Know that he has given, and it is true: blessed are those who believe and have not seen, for theirs truly is the understanding of the force of God. For be not as the Pharisees and be guided by the principles and the precepts of mankind – in short, the inflated ego, the misused intelligence, the rationalization of position. But rather be as those who receive the blessings, even as He gave blessings, even as He, the Blueprint, moved upon that which is the ship of life, the ship upon the waters-physical. So let Him take ship within your consciousness, within your being, that He may travel and do those things which are best for you in the glorification of the Father.
Mark 8:16-17:
And they reasoned among themselves, saying, “It is because we have no bread.” And when Jesus knew it, he saith unto them, “Why reason ye, because ye have no bread? perceive ye not yet, neither understand? have ye your heart yet hardened?”
S All have bread-physical. All have bread-spiritual. You may feed the body with that of the physical, but without that which is as the spiritual you have gained nothing. For regardless of what you do great in the eyes of mankind, if you do not do it in the light and the path of the Lord it is not done. This is the bread of the spirit. Feed yourself on that which is Him – The Christ manifested within yourselves. Meet your God within you that you may express His Being to all the world in your very lives.
Q Is the practice of body deprivation a necessary requirement for spiritual development?”
S Heavens, no! That is a misconception. Deprivation of the body means to control the body urges, desires and turn them into that which is a spiritual blessing rather than an animal blessing.
Q Under what circumstances would fasting for spiritual purposes be advisable?
S When there is a need to clean the drosses from the body–the mental drosses and the physical drosses. For fasting helps both. For fasting of the mind for spiritual purposes is training the mind and keeping it on the purposes for a given time period. Even as the body cleanses itself and prepares itself by taking in only that which is the spiritual quality foods and waters, depriving that which is taught as necessary, or good, or fun, or enjoyable, or those things, see, to the body. [10-64]
Mark 8:18:
“Having eyes, see ye not? and having ears, hear ye not? and do ye not remember? “
S Here the remembrance is of that which came before. Open that which are the ears and the eyes within yourself that you will know that which is as your Maker, whence you came and whence you shall return. Know that the Creative Force is love. Love that has given life, that is life, that is your home, your being. Then harken and awaken to that which you know within yourself, even as justice and love call upon those in His presence at that time for remembrance of their creation and their path
Mark 8:19:
“When I broke the five loaves among five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?” They say unto him, “Twelve.”
S Here calls upon that which is the breaking up, the feeding by the spiritual sources of that which are as the five senses, that which then gives to the twelve centers of the being, the cranial nerves that manifested within the body of the individual, comes pouring forth of the fruit of the spirit. Even as He physically did this, so He spiritually did it for all those who would receive in faith. Then lift up your hearts that they may be cleansed of that which is as the physical world that you may have that which is purity within yourselves.
Mark 8:20-21
“And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up?” And they said, “Seven.” And he said unto them, “How is it that ye do not understand?”
S This is the call to revert, to establish, once again, the feeding of the seven centers through that which is the meditation and the development of same, that the physical centers of seven may feed that which are the spiritual centers of seven, and you will return to that which is the spiritual level that selves had at another time, in another place, and in reality waits again for selves.
Q The seven centers work through, as I understand it, through the seven endocrine glands. Are the spiritual centers actually within the glands or just associated and work on the glands?
S You have a physical, you have a spiritual, and you will have that which are the mental conditions. They are as [that] which you might term or see as transparencies, see, one lying on top of each other, projecting, though, through the light, that which is a oneness. Therefore, you do have a physical level, occupied by that which is a spiritual center, as an endocrine gland. You have that which is a mental centering, or that which is the mind intelligence, or that also which are the subconscious levels, that proceed to engulf or wrap around or prepare the spiritualization of that which are as these centers. Then you have that which is the projection into the ethers, which is as that which transpires and crosses from the spiritual planes, or that which you would see as the astral plane to the physical plane, that of the spiritual center locating itself in and around (though you must realize space and time here are peripherous and that a solid mass does not exist), so that you have three different levels occupying the same time and space (though only in conjunction and not intermingling) to proceed to that which is the alivening, or the enlivening of that which is a spiritual center. It must occur on all three planes, you see, to find that which you would call the fire, or the raising of the silver cord, or that which is the uncoiling of the snake or the serpent, or the raising of the forces that are as the spiritual constructive forces within the body. This, remember, is only an essence of an understanding for selves, not the fullness of the meaning. For you do not have words that convey the motions, the light, or the lights, or the vibrations that must be created. You will find it more in that which is the harmony, the melody that is found within the spheres or that which you would call the cosmos.
Q We have been told that the soul enters the body on or about the time of the first breath. When is karma implanted on the endocrine glands?
S When the body has been adjudged the body to house that soul.
Q So that’s before the soul enters?
S Correct. [10-127]
Q The question of the seven centers and going into meditation – do we raise the force from the lowest center, the seat of the creation, the gonads – up to the top centers, and then do they flow down? Or do we go up step by step through each center?
S As given before, it is a twofold manifestation – two centers at a time. Not as so many would understand that to be from one center to another. Yes, you enliven that which is the lower center, but before you can move up, you enliven the second center as a set of two. Then it proceeds, you see, becoming as one, to that which are the third and fourth, becoming one; to the fifth and sixth, becoming one; which in essence, explodes the seventh center to manifest outwardly and down again, flowing straight back down. Also in a circular pattern, going from, as you would see it, your left down and around and right, but at the same time pouring forth in all directions the light – that the Light may be contacted and know the Light is. Oh, you have the light within yourselves created, coming in contact with the Light without, that God may know you are, even as you make God aware of your being awakened. Remember, though, the Christ force knows you, God cannot know you (though He is aware of you) until you are a light, a light that receives the Light, gives forth the Light, manifests and accepts the Light.
Q That’s the reason God can’t see errors – is that correct?
S That’s correct.
Q Could you help us some way to distinguish between an urge of the soul and a desire of the mind?
S You have been given within yourself a mechanism that, through prayer and meditation, will bring out the knowledge to evaluate your thoughts, your actions. And you will know when you have awakened this tool. And until that time, only through that which are as the fruits will you know it. If it is as fruits of the Christ, then joy, love will manifest itself. But they will be joy, love as contentment in the spiritual sense rather than in the physical sense. Though this does not mean that through the raising of same you will not receive the joys, the contentment of the physical-mental man.
Mark 8:22-25
And he cometh to Bethsaida: and they bring a blind man unto him, and besought him to touch him. And he took the blind man by the hand, and led him out of the town; and when he had spit on his eyes, and put his hands upon him, he asked him if he saw ought. And he looked up, and said, “I see men as trees, walking.” After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly.
S Bethsaida here, you see, is that which is the awakening. And the symbol, here, of the blind man is that of a person who is lost in their own righteousness – usually the righteousness of a misused intellect, misused ego. For even those who profess to be humble often are those of the greatest ego. These are the many blind who are self-righteous. And He that is the Light – also meaning you and you and you, all of you. If you would be the light, then that (which) will come forth from you, even as came forth from Him, the Light, termed as spittle, yet proving that the greatest things destructive or constructive comes from the mouths of man. In the case of the Light, it is that which redeems and brings forth sight -true sight. What do those who first see the Light recognize? The tree of Life; sees mankind as life, then proceeds by the Word to find the Truth and the real Light and Sight.
Q In this incident why was it necessary for Jesus to put His hands on him twice?
S To cure that, or to put in order the physical man and the mental man to release the spiritual.
Mark 8:26
And he sent him away to his house, saying, “Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town.”
S By your works you are known, not by that which is the haranguing, the preaching, but by your acts. As was given at the beginning of this lesson, it is the smile, the helping hand, being as a glorification of God in the walk of life, the path of life, being as a savior to your neighbor – not as a blaring mouthpiece, not as a carrier of the verbal word. But there is a proverb of old which says, “Actions speak louder than words.” And it’s true in the spiritual sense to an even greater degree.
Mark 8:27-28
And Jesus went out, and his disciples, into the towns of Caesarea Philippi: and by the way he asked his disciples, saying unto them, “Whom do men say that I am?” And they answered, “John the Baptist: but some say, Elias; and others, One of the prophets.”
S Mankind is ever adjudging self and others. When the spirit is raised within yourself, you must call it by its real name, recognize it for what it is, and move with the Christ Force, the Christ Spirit, not under any other guise, not by any other name. Therefore, it cannot be used for selfish motivation or motives, but must be used in the truth. Therefore, you cannot call it this name or that name, however refined, remarkable to you, or great, or honored.
Mark 8:29-30
And he saith unto them, “But whom say ye that I am?” And Peter answereth and saith unto him, “Thou art the Christ.” And he charged them that they should tell no man of him.
S Behold! When you raise that force of the Christ within yourselves, by your works you will be known, that the Father within you may be as that which is the hand, the voice, the light. Therefore, He charged them, even as He charges you, to proclaim not anything, but let the works be that which proclaim the wonder, the love of God.
Mark 8:31-32
And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again. And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.
S Here you have that within self that will be as the storms, the wars within yourself. For nothing is won peacefully, no, not even peace itself. You cannot overcome your mind, your will, your past, your present, until you have won your intellect. And then this great force, driven by the spiritual motives, will itself raise the Christ Force. For however you would measure intellect, it is naught until it has received, yes, been baptized by that which is the Holy Spirit. And you, too may be as a tool of a loving, living God.
Mark 8:33
But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, “Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.”
S Rather, here, there is that which is a misconception at this time, though there are writings that give this correctly. It was as Simon rather than Peter, the rock of faith, but Simon on the path, and yet even as the blind man evaluating others, criticizing others, thinking that, “I have the Path and the Light; I know the Way.” So often, even as another of your old proverbs would say, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” This is the intellect, free, not bound by faith, not guided by faith, not knowing the path, but only the path of the mind, the self. Therefore, “Get ye behind me, Satan” is correct. For ever is the mind misused, the intellect misused – Satan, see?
Q Then there is another incident where Peter was given the keys to the kingdom?
S This is correct. All of you, in faith, are given the keys to the kingdom. For ye cannot receive until you become as Peter the rock – faith, faith, faith. You must have faith!
Mark 8:34
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, “Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.”
S What a great cross it is to deny yourself, realizing your true self is one with God, that this superficial being, this tiny intellect, this splinter of a personality, is microscopic to the greatness of the individual. Take up the cross. That is the sacrifice of the individuality that you would judge as individuality. But if you only knew that which is the truth of individuality, how gladly you would go.
Mark 8:35
“For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.”
S He is the door. Knock. Give up the life that the life may be God’s, not fettered, not chained, but free. Not bargaining, not begging, but in faith giving your life over to the Christ that you may be one with Him; thence one with God, even as the Christ is one with the Father.
Mark 8:36-38
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
S You have the opportunity to weigh and measure. You have the opportunity to light the lamp. You have the opportunity to proclaim the Holy Spirit. You have the opportunity to give yourself the chance to select a path, however many times you stumble and fall short, but to stay upon the path. This is proclaiming the Christ. This is as the following for those who would turn their backs. Those are they that are ashamed. And woe unto those who have had the opportunity. For it is back to the start to redeem the opportunity to be saved again. And what is being saved but finding the Christ by being that which are God’s hands, feet and lips within this world plane. Remember, each has the opportunity every day – myriads of time to proclaim the beliefs. And yet, the criticism, the disregard, the selfishness seems to remain. Therefore, be unashamed and turn to Him, He who is unselfish, who is totally loving, kind, He who is the Light, the Way and the Truth, known to many as Jesus of Nazareth raised up to the Christhood, that you, too, may find God again.
Q These verses, referring to the soul–the English, as it is written, contradicts our understanding that we “are” souls and don’t “have” a soul. Could we have a translation that would make it easier for people to understand these two verses?
S There is that which is given, as each and every individual is a soul–a soul perpetual. Part of that, though, which is the soul force, each operating as a ray, you see, from that which is the shining light of God–the master soul of each and every entity contained within that which is the forehead of God, the thought of God. Though each and every individual is as an opportunity, is as a light, is as that which is a soul of itself, and yet, as all things joined to that which is as the force of God.
Q Well, how can we lose our soul as it says?
S That which is the individual, or the individual entity soul, when not seizing that which is the opportunity, that which is the glorification of the Lord is returned to that which is the Master Soul, the Master Planner, that which is God Itself. And no longer is free to be the individual–to be as that which becomes the extension of God. But rather is as the recluse and knows not that which is the cosmos, or that which is the multiplication, or that which is the far reaches of God, or the extension of extent of same. Does not have the opportunity to perform and serve the Lord God as the active part of God away from that which is the core or the heart of God. It is not punishment but it certainly is not that which is reward or the opportunity to enjoy, to be fulfilled, in that which is God’s expectation for each. [10-54]
Q As the Source has said that some babies are born without souls, could you give us a further explanation as to why this happened and what is going on here?
S First they are influenced by the mind functions of, or world thought of such things, where people frequently deny the existence of the soul–or even in your contemporary music or past contemporary music which often gives as one’s love for another’s physical being the offering of “selling the soul” for the physical possession of another. These are those functions that soulless beings must perform, too. That is the second reason. A third is, there are those who have brought these beings into their lives for the very fact that they do not understand what they have boasted so much about–that of not believing in the souls and that you are a mind-body individual, rather than a spirit working with a mind-body.
Q When a soul has entered a new body, at the time or shortly after birth, is there a certain length of time in which it is possible for it to withdraw and another soul take over and inhabit that body? And if so, how long a period of time is there for this sort of thing to take place?
S Not long. It is rather not important to the spiritual search, for it is a rarity, to be truthful, and does not often happen. [10-135]
And now we give that which is the Love, the Blessings, the Truth, the Way. For ever we are that which is the Angel of the Announcement. Blessed is he that follows the path of the Light as established through Jesus the Christ. Amen.