Matthew 1: Unveiling Spiritual & Metaphysical Layers of Christ's TeachingsThis document provides a metaphysical and spiritual interpretation of the first chapter of the Gospel of Matthew and Christ’s teachings. It discusses the deeper meanings and symbolism within the chapter, focusing on themes like faith, spiritual awakening, and the teachings of Christ. The material explores the genealogy of Jesus, the birth narrative, and its significance in the context of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.

Originally Matthew was published as a book and and introduction to RAM was placed at the beginning of the book.

We have chosen to place this Introduction at the beginning of the first chapter of each of the books of the Bible.


 A motto for the group’s work was given by the Source as that which was embodied in the prayer that Jesus said as He walked the hills of Galilee, ”Others first, Father, others first.‘ This prayer is frequently given throughout the subsequent readings as a reminder of the true purpose of the work.

The group was given its name, and the meaning, as follows: ‘RAM, or RAM, is that which will be the working name for the group. That which is RAM is that which guides from the East. This is the word, the name of GOD. For you, or this group, better to use that which is RAM-RAM in the Hebrew tongue is the connotation or the meaning, to extol, to raise to the highest, even to an extent rejoice in the raising of same.

It was later stated, ”It is not the Source of these readings, but the results of these readings that are RAM, for it is the exultation of God that which will  raise up a people that will once again worship in cleanliness and love.”


The Source gave these words of advice, ‘Even material such as we give you must be weighed and evaluated within each and every individual as to the needs and processes that are necessary for the individual. For if ye are fed this and ye are not of this level, or ready for this level, then this is not the teacher and ye would be led astray.

For many are there who, in honesty and in truth, would hear these words, even as they heard the words of the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, who could not receive them, and used and fell back upon that which was correct for them, their religion of the time, even as now. And it was not sinful, nor wrong, nor misdoing upon their part, nor will it be upon the parts of those who cannot accept, cannot believe that which comes through this channel, through this group-for each has his place, his time, and his abilities.And again, “If what is given here does not meet your ideal, it must be rejected.

Only if it gives to you the fruits of the spirit meeting your ideal are these readings, this Source, to be of influence or use to self. See?”

BUT . . . This was also given, “And when the entity sees the fruits-and where the fruits are good, let it be known that it is from the Source of Life Itself.”

Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love.”

Reading 10-24, 8-8-76


Prayer – Channel

Oh, Holy Father, Lord God, be with us now.

Be that which uses us, that we and others may

find the way, the light and the truth. We ask

this through our Brother, Jesus the Christ. We

ask His presence now to be our Light, our

Guide at this time.


Behold the star that guideth the wise men, that guideth the wise men today, that ye may search and find that which is the light, the truth and the way.

We have this group, and we have the purpose of this group, and that which are as the objectives of this Source. And we would begin this reading by explaining that which is the reason for the choice as Matthew for the beginning of this study on that which are as the testaments. For Matthew is that which is as the will refined, or representational of the will in man lifted to the spiritual plane in the search. For even as Levi expressed that which was the will in man towards the material, or self, or for self, so Matthew is that which was to represent the selflessness, or the search for the Christhood. It is as that which was Levi, or that which was the parasite, becoming that which is Matthew, or that which was the producer, or the giver to others, that they might find the way towards that which is the truth. This is the reason. For in man, it must be ever a beginning of putting of self aside, and the material aside, that they may find the way towards that which is the oneness and the perfection of God.

Q What sign was Matthew born under?

S The sign of the Lord! Matthew was he who, in your outlook of

astrology, was born a Taurus.

Q Does it have a symbolic meaning to the book of Matthew?

S Yes. For he was a beginning, you see, the foundation. And that requires the strength that is the sign of the Taurus. Even as you come upon the one soon, as Mark, the dual sign, the Gemini being that which is the intellectual and that which is as the spiritual in conflict and in overcoming. [1045, 5-7-78]

Q Regency Publishing House in Nashville and New York has published a King James version of the Holy Bible containing spelling changes. They have changed obsolete spellings in the King James original to the contemporary American spellings. Is it acceptable for us to use these contemporary spellings where used in this Bible, the one that will be read from?

S Realize this: There is no perfect edition of the Bible, or the Scriptures. For man must have his way, even in such things as this. It is the contents, the underlying thought, that is as that which is of importance. Where ye have questions as to the change in verbiage, let it be asked and ye shall receive as to that which is the significance, one way or another, of the change.

Q Is the King James version acceptable for these readings, or should we use the Revised Standard version?

S We will accept the King James edition.

Q The first 17 verses of Matthew concern genealogy. Could you tell us its meaning and importance?

S First, genealogy, so often misunderstood, so used by certain groups and individuals to establish themselves in their minds, whether it be socially or religiously, is unacceptable. Genealogy as given in Matthew is to establish that which is the change from the beginning as Abraham to the change to that which is the Christ, or that which is the building that man must go through to achieve to that which is the Christhood. It is representational of the evolution of the mental being, the will of man, as Matthew, to establish and become that which is a spiritual nature. For in each, as given, the gospels will that which is their meaning, their naming and the indications for same. As to that which is given here, it is the establishing of what each and every individual must change through. You see, not one individual was alike, whether it be Abraham, Isaac, whether it be David or Jesus none were alike, but each was abuilding, representational of selves.

Q The generations are divided into three groups of 14. What is the significance, if any, of this division?

S The first being that which is the indication of the perfection of the centers of the body sevens – twice over, twice over for that which is the overcoming of the material nature of man. The second two are taken together to form 14 and 14 which is representational, then, of the number 22, if divided by that which are the seven centers of the body, being the number, then, of the overcome will (which is representing as Matthew here) which was the number 22 that Jesus attained to the master number. Also, indicating a 14 and 14 being 28 which is the number of chapters within Matthew, which together make ten, which indicates the growing from that which were the material numbers to the earth number eight, the material number of wealth, et cetera, to that which is ten, or the perfection of the being of the Christ within self.

Q In the information given to us regarding the generations from Abraham to Jesus being divided into three groups of 14, what is meant by the perfection of the centers of the body, sevens twice over?

S This is as that which is the perfection, first of the understanding through the intellectual regarding the physical body and the physical use, or proper use, of the seven centers, and then that of the perfection of the spiritual, which is the highest, going to that which are the seven centers. This is the twice over that is done to raise self. [10-45, 5-7-78]

Q I didn’t follow the division by the seven centers in the body arriving at the number 22.

S We have 14 chapters and 14 chapters, making 1,414, divided by 7 is 22.

Matthew 1:18-25

Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily. But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife; for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and took unto   his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.

S We have here the establishing of the pattern that must be done in each and every individual to bring forth their own Emmanuel, by using that which is the perfected will (which is representational here by Mary) and that which is the mind and the way, or the will way in Joseph, who will not accept the power of the will, or that which holds the perfect or the perfection idea within selves. And yet, when that which is as the spiritual awakening comes to selves (each and every individual), as the angel came to Joseph in his dream, so theyou come together with that which is the will holding that which is perfection, and the will way, or the mental way, or the mind way, which is Joseph putting into practice that which is establishing, within the entire body of an individual, the God Force, or the God Way. The result brings forth that which is the Christ, or the Christ Way.

Q May we know when Matthew was written, using the present calendar, basing it on the present calendar?

S The first attempts, and we mean attempts here, were done at that time twelve years after that which was the crucifixion. A final was put together 38 years after that which was the crucifixion, but not published abroad, but kept back for some 47 years, until it was begun to be used by those individuals that had the ability to establish among others the reasonable ability to use that which was the word, or the printed word, or the written word, at that time. Came into more wide usage about 107 years after the crucifixion.

Q Did Matthew make notes? He was able to read and write, we understand. Did he make notes and use these, or was it done mentally by memory?

S The entity kept letters, used letters, recalled same, but was enlightened mainly for the subject matter and that which would be used most or needed most, in the future, by prayer and meditation. Even as Matthew must establish within self, as each individual must establish, by prayer and meditation, to become the producer, so Matthew did same. Capable, yes, of reading and writing, for the entity, you know, was a public servant before that time of becoming the disciple; used that ability, but had around self, others who transcribed that which came to the entity in a manner much as this reading is done at this time.

Q Can you give us the date of Jesusbirth in our present calendar?

S The year three.

Q Three B.C.?

S Three A.O.

Q Why was it necessary for Mary to conceive in the manner that she conceived?

S Because it was done through the mentality – that which is the will subjecting the mental, in this manner, to be free from that which was the touching of others, for Jesus and Mary were as one. The understanding is rather complicated and deep to express, but they are as one, or aspects of the same soul, doing their duty before becoming one again in that which is the perfection of the creation.

Q The phrase is used, ‘save His people from their sins.” Could you explain why this is used: His people‘?

S His people are those people who have been those who believed in the Law of One.