This document is an esoteric and spiritual interpretation of Matthew 14 from the Bible, faith and spirituality. It explores various events and teachings in the chapter, such as the beheading of John the Baptist, Jesus feeding the five thousand, and Jesus walking on water. The analysis delves into the symbolic meanings of these narratives, relating them to themes like faith, spiritual awakening, and the relationship between the physical and spiritual realms.

Matthew 14:1-2

At that time Herod the tetrarch heard of the fame of Jesus, and said unto his servants, “This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead; and therefore mighty works do shew forth themselves in him”.

S This is the understanding: even (of) that which are as the lower elements within self will hear that which is the raising and know that it is the trumpet or clarion call to that which is the manifestation within self of God‘s will, God’s light.

Q Why does this statement say that Herod thought John the Baptist had risen from the dead when he hadn‘t been killed yet?

S It was understood, even at that time, of that which is reincarnation. It is to state that within the being, over that which is the physical or mental man, comes that which is never dead, but carne in with selvesthat which is the God Force, however shackled by actions of the mind and the physical being. Then at that call arises again from that state which many would call death but is actually sleep. ,

Matthew 14:3-5

For Herod had laid hold on Jahn, and bound him, and put him in prison for Herodias’ sake, his brother Philips wife. For John said unto him, It is not lawful for thee to have her. And when he would have put him to death, he feared the multitude, because they counted him as a prophet.

S Here you have that which is as the pulling forth, or that which is as the physical being, the desires of same, trying to destroy or override that which is as the God Force within self. Though even as that which is the mental and physical being knows that the God Force cannot be overcome. This is more that which is the influence from the subconscious mind rather than the conscious mind within the being.


We would give the love, the blessing of the Christ Almighty, God the Father, the Light, the Creator, the Way. Love, blessing, truth be with thee.

Reading 10-34

Prayer – Channel

Oh, Father, through the promises of the Christ,

we ask that Your presence be, to guide us, to

use us, that others may see, hear and know.

We ask for Thy love, Thy wisdom, oh Lord.

As You know is best, so let it be, oh Father.


Hear ye, oh children of the one Lord! There is but one Christ, one way, and He is to come!

Matthew 14:68

But when Herod’s birthday was kept, the daughter of Herodias danced before them, and pleased Herod. Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask. And she, being before instructed of her mother, said, “Give me here John Baptist’s head in a charger.”

S [We] have here that which is as Herod, meaning the forces or the lower elements within the body, that which is the daughter of Herodias, that which are as the forces or the animal forces or the instincts of same, or the desires of same. And that which is as the mother (much of which would be expressed in times gone by as the earth forces or the earthmother) asking for the destruction of that which is as the finding of the truth, or that last step before the understanding of the Christ, or the God Force. This is to say, then, that which are the lower elements appealing for the destruction, or the carrying away, or the turning away of that which is the pure, the good, the light. The voice of that which is God appealing to the inner man, the forces within that are suppressed by the desires and the forces that are of the lower nature.

Matthew 14:911

And the king was sorry: nevertheless, for the oath‘s sake, and them which sat with him at meat, he commanded it to be given her. And he sent, and beheaded John in the prison. And his head was brought in a charger and given to the damsel: and she brought it to her mother.

S This is the fall of man. This is that which holds for generation unto generation, the return of those into the earth plane to learn again and again. For this is the rejection of the way to find the light, or even that which is the sorrow of the mind, or the intellect through turning again to that which are the ego forces, the animal forces, desires, what have you, that lead astray.

Matthew 14:12-13

And his disciples came, and took up the body, and buried it, and went and told Jesus. When Jesus heard of it, he departed thence by ship into a desert place apart: and when the people had heard thereof, they followed him on foot out of the cities.

S This is to say that even when there has been the rejection, or the destroying, or the putting aside of that which is in a lifetime, or that which is as a turn within the earth, there is ever that which is the going again to the Christ, even as that which are the peoples, or the thoughts, or the actions of the many lives, turning again that they may find that which is the truth.

Matthew 14:1416

And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick. And when it was evening, his disciples came to him, saying, “This is a desert place, and the time is now past; send the multitude away, that they may go into the villages, and buy themselves victuals.” But Jesus said unto them, “They need not depart; give ye them to eat.”

S This turns, then, to those who would find the Way, the Light. This is that which spells or tells of the way to find the Christ by seeking. He will not turn thee aside but feed thee. This, then, is then that which is prayer and meditation bearing fruit.

Matthew 14:1 7-20

And they say unto him,” We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, “Bring them hither to me”. And he commanded the multitude to sit down  on the grass, and took the five loaves, and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven, he blessed, and brake, and gave the loaves to his disciples, and the disciples to the multitude. And they did all eat, and were filled: and they took up of the fragments that remained twelve baskets full.

S Here you have that which is calling forth those centers through meditation – the seven. Also that which calls upon the higher senses – the two – to those which are the senses as man would have them the five- to be refreshed, to be again that which they should be, that the soul force may be fed. And that, then, feeds, as the twelve elemental nerves within the body which feed the entire body physically and mentally, of that which is the spiritual bread, the spiritual food.

Q Which are the two higher senses referred to?

S Those higher senses which ye would understand to be those psychical senses, the understanding of which is only, once again, dawning upon man. For it is that which are the spiritual forces within action: first, the psychical forces, then that of the I AM, the Christ awareness, in that order.

Matthew 14:21-23

And they that had eaten were about five thousand men, beside women and children. And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone.

S This, then: as ye overcome that which is the body or the multitude of same, or the numbers which imply that which are (the serve)serving the nerve centers, or that which commands the body elements itself, then ye must go to that which is the highest pinnacle within self, even as represented here as the Christ going to that which is the mountain or the pinnacle. Then, here, ye meet that which is God, the forces within, the forces without, that become one, to adjust, to feed, to develop that which is the God that ye may give to others, or the using of same. ln short, the development or the calling in of that which is the spirit of God within action – the Holy Spirit.

Q Would you amplify that regarding the number 5,000 as serving the nerve centers?

S As to the main flow of the impulses within the body, or more so that which is the flow of the electrical forces, the spiritual forces, that guide the body, that awaken the body, that is controlled more or less, then, to a degree by a spiritual-mental awakening within the body: there are 5,000 centers within the body. Many used by those who understand the flows of the magnetisms, or the electrical fields within the body, even as some would apply pressures or stimuli to these areas to overcome, or to arrest, or to throw out that which is as sickness within the body, disease, or those elements that distress an individual. Whether it be those who work with the feet, those who work with massage, those who work with needles, they work upon those centers. But rather it should be, that through the spiritual awakening and understanding, that there is an overcoming of that which separates from self the functions, that of the 5,000 centers, from the mental use of the bod y.

Q Youve painted the picture of how the 5,000 men relate. What about the women and children?

S These are the complementary forces that go with the centers.

Q A question about the literal meaning: Five thousand were fed, the multiple?

S More than five thousand. Five thousand men. At that time the literal meaning took in that which was understood of the day, the importance being the male rather than the female, for this was a patriarchal society. Therefore, there was a separation. The women were fed and the children were fed, but they were of not of the consequence, you see, of that of the male being fed.

Q Would you explain how the loaves and the fishes multiplied?

S They were not as that as ye would have as five loaves, but that which was an example of the Master of Life using those forces that were at His disposal, or even that which was expected by the masses, to create from that which is God’s abundance, enough to feed. The example is, then, here, that those who have the ability, even only on the mental ability, can do that which is draw from an abundance that lies around all individuals and is limitless, even as God is limitless. This, then, explains those who, though not spiritually inclined, have effects upon others, have effects upon materiality, that can create monsters, or gold, or abundance of food. The Master of Life can, therefore, create even on the spiritual level beyond that which is as the feeding of those that create upon the materialintellectual plane. For here the Master of Life Himself fed that which were the spiritual portions of the entities. That is to say, even feeding the astral bodies of the entities upon the spiritual food, and also feeding that which is the physical food to the physical bodies.

Q Was this part of the symbolism of loaves and fishes? Loaves not only being the earthly five senses, the fishes the two higher senses, but also the astral and physical representation?

S The entity is quite correct.

Q ls there any significance to the combination of the five and the two fifty-two, such as the total number of letters in the Sanskrit alphabet representing all of the petals of the various chakras being involved?

S This is correct. This is the overcoming, then, and the manifestation of the spiritual, even the overcoming of the spiritual which, in turn then, is the total commitment to God.

Matthew 14:24-26

But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying,It is a spirit”; and they cried out for fear.

S Ye have here, then, the example of He who is the Christ, that is within self too, the I AM force, that will come to you at your beck and call. But the lower elements, as spoken of before, have the fear of being overcome by that which is the higher, lest they no longer have command of that which is as the life force, or the life actions within the plane. Ye have here, then, the sea of life as represented on that which is the walking or that which is as the appearance of the spiritual forces, the I AM.

Matthew 14:2728

But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, “Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid”. And Peter answered him and said,” Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.”

S Ever is that which is representative of Peter here, that finding the faith, calling out to have that faith substantiated. Here, then, is that which is the quieting power of the God Force, the Christ, quelling those lower elements, quelling that which is the uncertainty within self. For the personality of each and every individual is challenged, or that which is the outer personality, or the developed ego personality, sees the challenge and has fear. But the quieting reassurance comes from that which is the truth, that only good will come forth.

Matthew 14:2931

And he said, “Come”. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying,” Lord, save me.” And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, “O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”

S Even when ye stumble, ever when ye fail, ever when you fall, even though it be in the depths of self, know He is ever present, regardless of that which ye see in the illusionary world, even so real to self. He is ever present to save thee. For this is mercy, the law, the truth. He is ever present when, in truth, ye call – not for selfbut for that which are others. Or knowing that when ye fail, ye have harmed or led astray others, He is there, then, to save that which is self, that which is worth saving, and to bring that which are troubles to peace, that which is disharmony to harmony, that which is unbalance to balance.

Q Does the water represent the emotions and the wind the mental level?

S Or either exchanged. This is as that also which represents the illusionary that ye sink in or are blown about by.

Q Would you explain how Jesus and Peter were able to walk on the water?

S This is the illusion overcome. For that of this world is the illusionary world. The entity, the earth, is surrounded by illusion. Whether you understand it or not, you exist within that which is as the aura of the entity earth, polluting it to a great degree, bringing discomfort to it. But that which ye bring to it even then is illusionary. Ye cannot be destroyed, but only saved. Therefore, Peter, which is faith, can walk upon that which is distress, emotion, what have you, even as the Christ, which is God.

Q Do other stars, galaxies, nebulae, what have you, that we see, exist within this aura of the entity earth or do they have an existence beyond that?

S Each has its own aura. Each has its own life, being part of Christ, or the moving or working God. Even as that which is the Holy Spirit touches here, touches there, they are touched, too, in their way, being, as ye are, part of God, part of Christ, all one.

Matthew 14:32-34

And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying,” Of a truth thou art the Son of God.” And when they were gone over, they came into the land of Gennesaret.

S You have here the overcoming, then, or the cessation of that which is as the emotional, or that which are the mind patterns, or that which is the upsetting factor and the awakening, then, to the truth. For that which is sea, as Gesarriat  (or Gesareat), is that which is as the spiritual sea, or that which is in truth, is unity of purpose – spiritual. And here, then, lies that which is the opening up, or the understanding, or the awareness, then, of God, of Christ, of the Way, Truth, and Light. 

Matthew 14:35-36

And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into all that country round about, and brought unto him all that were diseased; And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.

S When ye have reached that which is Gennesaret within self, or that which is the unity of purpose, and you live within that which is the spiritual, knowing that ye are doing so for the glory of God, with that thought of others first and not being selfish, then ye can call upon that which is the Christ Force to rid bodily self, spiritual self (for it is clothed in that which is the mental and intellectual self, the diseased, or that which is led astray, or holds back). Then you may be cleansed and made well.

Q Is there a difference between mental and intellectual?

S Yes.

Q Could you explain the difference?

S The intellectual is that ability that proceeds from, or even is as a separate body from the mental. lt is that which comprehends or leads even as an overwhelming or compelling factor within the thought processes. It is the home of that which is of the ego nature. It is also that, though, which can combat the ego nature when so directed by the mental self in accord with the spiritual nature. And it is that part of self that controls the forces that may operate and change things, rearrange atomic structure, make well parts of the body. It is that which opens the way for the spiritual nature of self, if correctly used. The mental, being that which holds the ideas and the ideal, and that which is the repository of that which is as the happening to self, which, in turn, is, then, partially that of the subconscious, or that which holds in place all that has ever happened to an entity. Therefore, the conscious mind is partly that which is the intellectual and partly that which is mental.

Q Does the mental relate to memory?

S Memory, or that which are the thought processes.

Q Does this relate to the Sanskrit word ‘chitta’?

S Yes.

Q Regarding those people that were healed, am I correct in believing that some of them came in for this purpose– to manifest the power of God, let Jesus manifest the power of God, and others were healedbut this meant that they would still have to come back another time to meet the things themselves, is this correct?

S This is correct, that they might show to others what can happen within the body when two forces are used. One, the spiritual force which alleviates the body from its distress forever, or that which is the intellectual-ego force which temporarily relieves or corrects the body diseases or discomforts.

Q If people use this positive power to overcome a disease, they are not really meeting the law, are they? They are evading it and would have to come back and do it again, wouldn’t they?

S They are as much in error as those in Atlantis that used their forces to destroy, or those forces that had been built to help, or be helpful; though many times ‘helpful’‘ was not as God saw help to be, for there was an interference in the life or the life processes or understanding of others. But they used these forces to destroy and had to come back again and again, with forces within their power or their grasp, until they learned the correctness of the usage. Even today, there are those who would pose that which are the spiritual forces or mental forces, and here, then, is the stern warning: if there comes to thee, or to those you know, those who would proclaim themselves the Christ in the flesh, know the Christ is not in the flesh. For when He comes in the flesh, it will be in the body perfected, even as given, in a glory that has been never known upon this earth. He will not hide Himself, nor will He hide His power or authority. If ye would have to test those who would say themselves Christ, whether they be those in the past as Father Divine, or those in the present as 1182 [religious leader in Asia], test them by observing whether they eat, sleep, drink, or require medical or human assistance. If they cannot, they are not the Christ. It is as simple as that! They may possess a Christ, even as you possess a Christ, but they are not the Christ, Jesus returned.

Q It doesn’t seem that it would be wise to seek healing, if it means you have to come back and do something over, does it?

S If ye seek it with the thought, ‘Thy will be done, oh Father. Others first, Father, others first,then leave it in the divine hands, even through the Christ, it will be as that which is acceptable. For often it is not that ye would overcome in this life, but for what ye would overcome it. ln other words, if ye be stricken with a malady in this life, but for the good of others it should be brought to another life, then it is that which is proper always attuning to that which is the Christ, to God, for that which is direction.

Q Is it possible to use meditation improperly to align these centers that you were talking aboutthese 5,000 centers? Wouldnt that help to align the body?

S The man Hitler used that which was meditation incorrectly. Here ye have one who was highly attuned – but improperly not through the spiritual forces.  Many thought at that time and proclaimed him to be the Christ returned. Yet ye see the results.

Q In other words, you have to question what you’re doing by the results you get.

S First, put it in the hands of God, seeking not to align self for self reasons. For remember, even when ye search, or seek for God improperly for self, it takes an awful lot of good and understanding to overcome same – though it can be overcome. Once ye have attained and find that you are giving for others with no thought of self, then you have that which is the attunement to that which is the God Force.