Revelation Prologue: Spiritual, Unveiling Mystical InsightsThis document is a prologue to the Book of Revelation from the Bible, focusing on Revelation Prologue: Unveiling Mystical Insights. It includes a prayer, a source channeling, questions and answers about the context, authorship, and the language in which Revelation was originally written. The material also explores the spiritual and symbolic significance of the Revelation, its relationship with other biblical texts like the visions of Daniel, and its relevance to spiritual growth and understanding.

Originally Matthew was published as a book and an introduction to RAM was placed at the beginning of the book.

We have chosen to place this Introduction at the beginning of the first chapter of each of the books of the Bible.


 A motto for the group’s work was given by the Source as that which was embodied in the prayer that Jesus said as He walked the hills of Galilee, ”Others first, Father, others first.‘ This prayer is frequently given throughout the subsequent readings as a reminder of the true purpose of the work.

The group was given its name, and the meaning, as follows: ‘RAM, or RAM, is that which will be the working name for the group. That which is RAM is that which guides from the East. This is the word, the name of GOD. For you, or this group, better to use that which is RAM-RAM in the Hebrew tongue is the connotation or the meaning, to extol, to raise to the highest, even to an extent rejoice in the raising of same.

It was later stated, ”It is not the Source of these readings, but the results of these readings that are RAM, for it is the exultation of God that which will  raise up a people that will once again worship in cleanliness and love.”


The Source gave these words of advice, ‘Even material such as we give you must be weighed and evaluated within each and every individual as to the needs and processes that are necessary for the individual. For if ye are fed this and ye are not of this level, or ready for this level, then this is not the teacher and ye would be led astray.

For many are there who, in honesty and in truth, would hear these words, even as they heard the words of the Prince of Love, Jesus the Christ, who could not receive them, and used and fell back upon that which was correct for them, their religion of the time, even as now. And it was not sinful, nor wrong, nor misdoing upon their part, nor will it be upon the parts of those who cannot accept, cannot believe that which comes through this channel, through this group-for each has his place, his time, and his abilities.And again, “If what is given here does not meet your ideal, it must be rejected.

Only if it gives to you the fruits of the spirit meeting your ideal are these readings, this Source, to be of influence or use to self. See?”

BUT . . . This was also given, “And when the entity sees the fruits-and where the fruits are good, let it be known that it is from the Source of Life Itself.”

Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love.”

Book of Revelation

RAM Reading 10-110 

Prayer – Channel 

We ask that Thy love and Thy mercy be with us. Be merciful to us, forgive us, and use us as Thou knowest is best. We ask now that the Christ be with us to guide us, to show us the way, to enlighten and to bring us all those promises as given by Jesus the Christ. We ask also; make us, dear Lord, worthy of Thy trust, Thy work. 


Beloved of the Word, the Master of Light and life is upon you! Walk in that which is the Way and the Truth. That which is to be given is as the light, and yet, as given, the world comprehended it not. Seek to know; seek to live, to believe. For in faith, you are made whole. As has been given of old, “I have chosen you”. Therefore, know in your hearts that the Lord thy God is one with you, and all will be made right. 

Prologue to The Book of Revelation 

Q Will you please give an interpretation of the Book of Revelation as recorded in the King James version of the Bible and answer questions which will be asked regarding the various parts of this book? 

S We will give that which is the interpretation and give those answers that are right and proper at this time. That which is the Revelation is as that which was given at a time when mankind that knew of that which is the Life and the Light within this earth were troubled, torn, dissenting, fighting, and giving up. It was to show the strength, the promise. It was a kindness and is a kindness. It is also that which you must understand is as the resurrection. It is one and the same. It is that which Jesus the Christ has accomplished. It is that which each and every individual to be christed will accomplish. It was given to John the Beloved through that which is as direct contact with the spiritual messenger and message, which is the Christ and the christing within. It was that which was given in symbology, that the minds of man would be challenged, that the spirit within would answer. It is that which is the message of life and that by giving to the world, gives the hope and the means within the body. For it gives the purpose of John and those other scriptures. It was given in that state which is as the spiritual state one step beyond that which is meditation, into that which is the lighting or the line to the Creative Force which is the touching of the Christ to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the message is from God the Father, through the Spirit, to the Son. It is that which links you to the Creative Force, to the Mother that has held thee within Herself, that you may be as a god. See it as the door that you step through and touch, yes touch, that which is the spirit. 

Q When John wrote this could you say that he was speaking in tongues? 

S No. It was a thing of the mind, interpreted by the mind, which was of the spirit. It is hard to explain. It is light in the absence of light. It is love in the absence of love. It is the filling in the void. But not as tongues. 

Q When was Revelation written? 

S By your calendar, first century, sixth year.

Q Which John wrote Revelation? 

S The Beloved. 

Q Is that John bar Zebedee? 

S Correct. 

Q The sixth of the first century. Sixth year? That’s the second century, 106. 

S One hundred years after it was given in the oral tradition. 

Q What language was Revelation written in originally? 

S A form of Aramaic; not Aramaic, as you would have it. Called by the priests “The Tongue” – not Hebrew, but “The Tongue”. It was as an archaic form. 

Q Is this what was referred to as the secret Hebrew of the Sanhedrin? 

S This is correct, The Tongue. 

Q How does the King James Version of Revelation differ from the original work of John? 

S Oh, close enough for you to get the meaning. It is not punctuated the same or divided the same. For often where you have the “Amen” is the beginning of a new chapter rather than the chapters as you have them now. They were not W

Q Was Lamsa’s version any better? 

S No. Essentially, they are the same. The idea is the greater than the prose. 

Q Who was with John when this Revelation was given? And how was it recorded? 

S There were forty present, and it was in the oral tradition, memorized. 

Q How long was this after Jesus was crucified that these visions were had and given in the oral tradition? 

S Approximately eleven years. 

Q You mentioned that it was given in choruses. Does that mean that it was originally sung? 

S As close as to your understanding, it is correct. Remember, music is as close to speaking to God as you can come in this plane. Likewise, those individuals or things as given, such as the beast, are musical, too. 

Q We have been led to believe at least that the vision and the taking it down was done at the time that John was banished to the Isle of Patmos. Apparently this is not correct.

S Patmos is a state of being, a state of mind. It is that which is past the meditation step. 

Q Is this beyond the Ajna chakra, between the sixth and seventh? 

S It is; correct. 

Q How much, if any, of Revelation as given originally has been deleted? 

S Insignificant amount to make a difference in the understanding that the revelation is as the resurrection. 

Q What basis is there for the statement that Revelation is not in the proper order. 

S There is a basis as given already. It was in choruses rather than in chapters, punctuation differences, and there have been so-called chapters out of order. However, there is no bearing upon that which is the spiritual discussion, the spiritual attaining through them. 

Q Why was the Revelation given in a form that is so difficult to understand? 

S That the mind of the human would be tantalized, titillated, that there would be the seeking to find out, and in the seeking the taking within through that which are the optics of the individuals that would be translated to the subconscious which would dredge from itself the wanting, the search, the need, the understanding. 

Q Does this refer to just seeing with the physical eyes or does it mean the pictures that come with visualizing these passages? 

S It means both of those and it also means by doing this you pull forth from other realms and experiences that which unite and fire that which are the spiritual furnaces within self. [10-112] 

Q Was Revelation dictated by John at the time he received the information or at a later time? 

S In a form dictated that others would hear verbally, verbally and understand that they could sing it themselves and pass it on. 

Q How will a knowledge and understanding of Revelation help us to develop and grow spiritually? 

S By first the study of that which you have already been given, through other sources, of that which are the mental and physical attributes or influences that lead to these readings, that you may understand the spiritual nature in more depth, that there will be a clarification for the minds of many points and give a focalizing, of the search, of the use within your own lives in that which is the resurrection or, as to you, the revelation. 

Q Who were those that shared the Revelation at the same time as John? 

S Do you wish all forty names?

Q Those that would be pertinent to know. 

S All were pertinent. 

Q Were they Essenes? 

S Essentially, at least half were Essenes. For there were some that wavered between that and that following totally of the man who was Jesus the Christ. 

Q Please explain the implication here as to the Essenes’ loyalty to Christ’s teachings. 

S Even in those that are dedicated to finding the way, the truth, and the light, there are implications of self. For you are each an individual and that which manifests truth within each individual varies as to its interpretation by the mental processes of the individual, no matter how highly they are evolved, unless that which of the spiritual overrides the mental foundations or manipulations of each individual. Even so, at the time of Jesus the Christ were those who saw and knew and yet wavered. It is that which mankind has as an essential force within self, a doubting, or a searching for furtherance of that which is seen for the individual to be as the truth. Remember, not all experience that which is the spiritual awakening or the spiritual take-over that is acceptable to the mental conditions, the physical conditions of the body and the mind, or mind and body combined. For each of you hear these words as an individual, each interprets as is best for that entity, or as the entity has processed, or built the processing abilities within self. Therefore, there were those who wavered, or did not see all that could be seen, hear all that could be heard, or feel all that could be felt. Remember, the essence of that which is faith is in itself not just of the mind or of the body, but in itself is a feeling as represented in the spiritual quality of the individual. 

Q How much of John’s experiences apply to us? 

S All. 

Q Is it possible to understand Revelation at a conscious level? 

S No. Only a small part, a spattering, you see. And yet it is the subconscious and superconscious that glean the greater from that which is the Revelation. 

Q Why have we been told to study it? 

S As given, that you will begin the search and focalizing on that which is the use and the point and that which is the resurrection for each and every individual, even as it occurred to Jesus the Christ. 

Q What is the numerological significance of the 22 chapters of John’s Revelation and the numerological meaning of the number 22? 

S This is the Master.

Q At the end of the chapter 22, John says, “Come, Jesus.” Is this reference to, in addition to asking for the return, but also asking for the Christ? 

S It is that which is the Christ within becoming the Christ of totality, one with self – self and Christ as one. 

Q Please explain the relationship between the visions and prophecies of Daniel to the visions and prophecies of John in Revelation. 

S Oh, quite similar. Given at different times, Daniel was laying the groundwork for the Revelation. Daniel was laying the groundwork for the resurrection. If you would understand the more of Revelation, also study Daniel, that you may know how it applied to the people of the time and to that which were those in the time of John the Beloved, and your time, too. 

Q When you say to study it, could you give us any guidelines on how to do this? 

S Yes. As you get that which are the interpretations of the Revelation, take those interpretations into that which is Daniel and interpret as you see as best for you as an individual – that which you know from one to the other. This is part of the search. This is the foundation. This is laying the groundwork. 

Q Were Daniel and John aspects of the same soul? 

S Quite correct. 

Q Are any of the other Old Testament prophets related in any way to this Revelation? 

S Yes. The greater number of the prophets were present at the Revelation. 

Q How does Revelation relate to us at this time?

S That you may know that even as Jesus the Christ resurrected you shall resurrect, you will resurrect. You have chosen a path and the path is the revelation. 

Q If we follow the two great commandments, why do we need the Revelation? 

S Do you understand the commandments? How do you love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy mind, with all thy body, unless you follow that which is the Pattern and learn the pattern. It’s an easy thing to say. And yet, if you do not live that, how then can you honor the Father-Mother? 

Q At what physical location on earth was John when he was spiritually in Patmos and received the Revelation? 

S He was in (that which was later) that which was called a villa close to the sea on the Island of Samoth. 

Q It was assumed that this was spelled S-a-m-o-t-h. I could not find this spelling on the map; however, I did find an island called Samos, spelled S-a-m-o-s, off the coast of Turkey, north of the Isle of Patmos. Is this the island referred to? 

S This is correct. Originally it was called Samothrace. 

Q Is there a symbolic meaning to the island of Samos? 

S It is that which is symbolic of receiving God’s word, above that which is meditation, which means that you are actually living the word. 

Q Is the statement, “Behold He cometh with the clouds” a correct translation or should it be “through” the clouds?

S Either or either here, for He will be upon the clouds with a radiance showing through the clouds. 
