This is a transcription of a spiritual session dated October 10, 1973, focusing on themes such as spiritual guidance, the establishment of a core group for work readings, the significance of symbols like the lamb, the new moon, and the sun, and the importance of shared responsibilities within the group. It blends elements of spiritual teachings, group dynamics, and symbolic interpretations.
The core group is formalized, initially 4 are designated and a further 4 are chosen by lot and they are told to become twelve, choosing by lot, within a year.
Ram Reading 10-002 10-10-73
Praise be to God. For His love is ever present and His guidance, His love, His mercy is always there to enrich, to cleanse, to fulfill those who seek in His name and the name of the Prince of Peace. Therefore, those who call upon Him or the First Son are those that will be answered in the way, in the time, of the Lord. Not in their reckoning but in His, through His wisdom. Then it shall be so. We are here and we are ready for this reading.
Q Those present in the room are 110 and 199. The date is October the 10th, 1973 and the approximate time is 8:45 PM. We have some questions regarding the work reading. Should there be present at the time of the work readings a chosen group of people?
S We have the question in consideration, but first we would say this: we would differentiate between that which is as the work readings and as that which are the lessons. For at times there will be such things as that which has been or has transpired, that of the lessons, see? In those times and at those times there will be the submission, then, of this Source here to that which is of a higher nature, a higher being. As to that which are work readings, there can, there should be a core group, see? As to that which a core group is, those who by their very actions, their very lives, their very faith make that whole. What whole? Themselves, the force. And bring into being that which is as the nature, or in this plane, the will of God through love, dedication through that which is as joyful prayer, joyful meditation for one purpose and that summed up by He Who walked those hills of Galilee so long ago, “Others first, Father, others first.”
Now we have that which is as that which should be as the core group. And we find this: that the one who is as the cooperator here, or that which one is the coordinator here, or the questioner (199), is as one of the original group. We also find that the one who is as the offspring or that which is the one as the son (180) who has duties to perform, a way to go in this life concerning that which is as the Christ Spirit, the God Force in action, should or can be present as the entity so involved feels to be present at the time of a work reading or a lesson, see? And we find the one as (114) who is as a driving concern or force in the manner as one who coordinates or gets much going and proves to others the value of that which is as one who gets things done, to be as a part. As for those positions remaining, see, to the original or the core group, four should be selected by lot from those names on the list excluding that of (535) and that of (386). For though they are valuable additions at times or in the future in the enlarging of the group, there are those duties and those pressures will disallow, especially at the chosen dates of these work readings, those to participate, see?
Then let there be found the guiding light, or the guiding principle as this group the 114th Psalm, that which is as the 98th Psalm especially, and that which is as the Lord’s Prayer. Then we would find for this group a symbol, see, much to be used in accordance with this group, this core, this duty. And let the symbol be that of the lamb, white upon a triangle of gold (the background being gold). At the apex of the triangle the five pointed star or that which symbolizes the search or the yearning, that which symbolizes the five races, that which symbolizes the five wounds of the Christ, that which symbolizes as the five senses in this earth plane. Then let there be on the left side, as faced to, the new moon – representing that which is as a new beginning and that which is as the mother figure, that which is as the new beginning, or the beginning, or life itself, see, from that which is as coming from the shadow as the new moon arises. Then let there be on the right-hand side as is faced, that which is the symbol of the sun, that which is the symbol of the Son of Man, that which symbolizes the Christ Force, or in truth, s-u-n, S-o-n, the Christ Force -epitomized in Jesus.
4 Members of the group to be chosen by lot
Q You said that these names were to be chosen by lot?
S They shall be chosen by lot. After this reading, the names should be written and placed in a container to be drawn by the one who is as the channel of this reading, after that which is the silent Lord’s Prayer, followed by that which is as the 23rd Psalm.
Q Is it correct that you said four of these should be chosen?
Four of those remaining, three as given, two deleted as given for these purposes. And in future time, one year, this group should be expanded to include twelve names, twelve entities, twelve sources.
The emblem or symbol of the group
Q Concerning the symbol which you recommended, are these signs to be at the points?
At the apex of each angle beginning with that which is the star at the apex or that which is at the altitude, see, or the highest point above that which is the lamb facing to the right, head toward the viewer, see?
Q The symbol of the moon then would be . . .
S The new moon on the left hand side of the viewer.
Q And the sun on the right? The physical sun that we see?
S Yes, correct.
Advice about a letter to be written to make peace with (130)
Q The yellow sun, I see. We do have one other question that we would like to ask for (114) concerning his letter to (130). Does it state the message that this Source recommended?
The entity knows full well what it should contain. Let the conscience of the entity be at peace. For let the entity know that as the entity views it to be – if the entity views it as sufficient, then the will is done. If he feels it insufficient, awkward, or hurtful, let the entity retrace it. This is as the choosing of the entity, the context. The contents have been chosen, the context for the entity to choose.
Decision making by the group/anyone in charge?
Q That concludes that questioning. I would like to ask one other question concerning the group who will be present at the work readings. Do you recommend that any one person be in charge of this group or that all of us have equal input?
S All should be of equal, though there should be the reminding of the questioner that in all things the one that is moved by the Spirit, the one that is as to be that which does the Father’s business as that which is the Source is using (110), is to be in the final, the one that does the choosing, and upon whose head must come that which is as the praise of doing the Father’s work, or that which is as the chastisement in not doing the Father’s work. There will be at times when there may be a designation for a certain purpose, a certain thing of those who must be in the group. Then let it be through the choosing through the channel or the Source of these readings. Those who will be submitted as at those times, never permanent, to be in charge of this, in charge of that, or to head this or head that.
Q That concludes the questioning.
Then we would give this, this thought: Father of all mercies, Thou Who has given us the Christ Force, Who showed so amply in the One, Jesus, Who became christed for us, that we all may reach this at the time so needed for the peace, for the love of the world and all that dwell within. And let our motto be, “Others first, Father, others first.”
We are through with this reading at this time.