Ram 10-09-1974 Spiritual Session: Time, Space, Self-Discovery
Dated May 19, 1974, this is a transcription of a channeled spiritual session. It includes a variety of topics such as the importance of Bible references, management of spiritual readings and sessions, understanding of time and space, the difference between errors of commission and omission, advice on self-hypnosis, and discussions on the creation and development of the human body. The session also addresses the concept of spiritual rays, the nature of angels, and interpretations of dreams and visions, among other spiritual inquiries.
RAM Reading 10-009 5-19-74
Oh, Holy Father, we come before Thee to glorify Thee, even in our Way as He who is our Master, our Elder Brother, our Teacher; and we ask, oh Father, that He walk with us, talk with us, be with us now, that all we say and do is of Thee, through Him, for He in truth is our Door and our Way, for we believe in Him.
Hear the voice of the Shepherd, oh, ye flock, for the Shepherd’s voice is that which is of the Father. For ye that would hear His voice, that of the shepherd, are His sheep. We are here.
We have this group, and we are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 114, 101, 131, 199, 146, and 180. The date is May the 19th, 1974, and the approximate time is 7:55 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group and answer the questions so asked.
S We have the inquiring minds of this group, and we will give those answers as we know is fit to those questions posed to us now. We are ready for questions.
Bible references as important part of the Work
Q This is a question for (178). Why are the Bible references the Source has given us important to our work? (146)
S For they bring harmony to the spirit, harmony to the mind. They put the focalization of the inquiring minds upon that which is the understanding. They also develop in self the harmony that is necessary for even that which is described as the heavens, or even as that which is described as space and time, is harmony. Even that which is the singular note, or the single note, that each and every individual finds in this passage, or that passage, or the search therein, adds to that which is as the concerto of the heavens, which is God, the Living.
Advice regarding management of the readings and sessions
Q Because of the backlog of requests for individual readings, should requests for those which are coming in each day be discouraged for the time being? (199)
S Did He deny His sheep?
Q I feel, then that you are saying that we should not tell them to write back in nine months, or whenever it will be . . . (199)
S Much opportunity for gain has been missed, for consequences within self and without of self, but the opportunities have been passed, for there are those who call, there are those who have need and who is to say which is right or which is wrong, or who is selfish or who seeks for the true Self. Then take those that come and do more work. Much can be accomplished in the time to come of clearing that which you would call the backlog and accepting the new. For, would He turn away the leper? Would He turn away the cripple? Would He turn away those that came to the Mount to hear? Did He not feed all who came? Let those that are the sheep hear His voice. Let those who do not recognize His voice be cast aside. Those that come must be fed. Did He not say to the Pharisees that they, too, would be saved if they heeded His voice? Then can you do less, but to do that which is your opportunity to glorify the Father in the works of the children?
Q Should (110) be present when we discuss the questions which we intend to ask the Source during a reading? (199)
S There can be those times. There should be those times, as certain questions of the channel be put in; however, it is best that the channel be away at those times even as given, for those ramifications this way or that way, that will influence the channel. There is that though we would give to the channel at this time. There must be more study, more understanding. Even He, Jesus the man, though who He knew He was, still studied, still learned, still went that way even though at His beck and call was all knowledge.
The skein of time and space:
Q. What is meant by the skein of time and space when it is said that life records are kept there? (146)
S How can we impart to you that which is beyond the understanding even as that which can communicate through this channel? However, we will give this, that ye may have a glimpse of that which is as the truth, the skein of time and space. We find even that as given, the skein of time and space is that which exists within selves and without of selves; beginning through that which is as the history of selves and the records of selves, in throughout that which is the keeping or the akashic records within self in the glandular system and without of self even as the stars are kept. What is time? Who are thee to understand what is time when ye reckon time to be as even now 1974, when time is of God and God is forever. What is space? That which ye see or understand even as personal space, or as space which occupies this or that, and yet is relegated inside of that which is true space, or God. Time and space. Ye see time, ye see space; that which is the scientist sees: time-space, and yet all are different within that which is time and space, which is again different, and this is that which we will deal in. Time and space are that which are material, see, even as ye exist in material bodies so ye are in that which is as the material of time and space. That which is spoken of as the skein of time and space as seen by selves, in the truth, would be even so as a skein wrapped around, how? In time and space. It is as circular, is as that which would be viewed as a spring, or that which circles in on itself winding ever tighter into that which is to effect a cylinder, to that which is a pyramid, a point, expanding. You see time and space. You hear that which is given, that even the geometry, even that which is the arithmetic of your special place, the earth, the planet earth, is distorted in that which ye are told is the elliptical circumstances of time and space. And yet, ye do not see it in the truth, for there are those who would point out that even that which is the triangle is not the true triangle of this earth as seen in time and space, but distorted, that Euclidean geometry cannot account for, see. And this is called space-time mathematics, but it is not true. For even as we have given, time is not elliptical; space is not elliptical; it is, as given, in a circular spiral pattern even as the spring, as given. That which ye record is recorded upon God Himself: the God within, the God without. For time and space is God. Even as time and space began with the first contraction or thought of God, time and space is thought and for selves, time and space is change. Why change when God is unchanging? So that selves may learn. So that selves may occupy. So that selves may gain. Time and space, therefore, is in self a lesson, practical for selves to grow, to become into that which selves are to be. Now we do not say selfish! We say selves, the God-thought of selves. This is the learning process. Self must change to regain that which has been put aside, or even might be described as lost. Therefore, time ever has been argued by those of science and philosophy as infinite, verse eternal, verse spatial. What is time? What is space? Both all that is given. It is finite and yet infinite: It is relegated by the thought. Whose thought? The creative thought. That which is forever is of God. That which is regulated, or has a beginning and ending, is that which man sees or sets the pace for in the learning. Therefore, time and space are as one.
Difference between errors of commission and omission.
Q How are the consequences for errors of commission different from those of omission? (114)
S Those errors of commission may be faced again and again, until they are overcome; whereas the errors of omission are those gems, those jewels, that come your way and may never come again, for they are as prizes offered for the taking; that which will lessen the trip of selves and others. They are opportunities, and when they go begging they are not presented again, for though every day opportunities come, how often are they taken advantage of? For He who walked this earth, the Prince of Peace, knew and accepted all that came to be as that which was the understanding, the example, the truth. For, if you accept one and not the other, how long is the journey? One is given to you, for you must overcome; the other is given through that which is grace, the opportunity, the love, to cut down that which is the journey, to glorify the Father even as He glorified the Father, as He walked, He talked, as He acted, allowing the Father to work through the Perfect Man.
Q For what purpose and in what manner should (110) use self-hypnosis? (199)
S Even as suggested to a degree, not to be as the trance state, not to fully remove self, but to clarify self, even as the damper is removed from the chimney, that the flames may be fed the more, sucking in that which is the oxygen and passing that which is the smoke, the heat, properly, to remove those visages of self that linger within the way. How else can the pure message, the understanding, the truth – how often is this channel in the way of the channeling, that the proper words, the proper terms, and even the proper languages cannot be used. There is always the difficulty of filtering through the more dense of that which is the fine. The filter must be removed that the proper flow, the proper understanding, and even that which is the mathematics, the formulas, those things that should pass, even that which is the impressions, even that which is the vibrations, even that which is the Law, the Love, for God the Spirit to pass through, for nothing will be forced. It must be opened by the earning.
Q How was the flesh body of man in this planet created, and by whom? (114)
S First we would give this: that the Christ was created, and this is the first son. And the Christ created in likewise; and from the Christ came all that is, for this is the creative force of God. This is the ideal man. This is the idea that God has of man, not as man as ye see him, but the spiritual man, the perfected man, even as reflected in Jesus the Christ. Then came that time, even as ye know of, of Amelius see, and man became enmeshed, or the entities to become into the bodies were enmeshed in that which was of the denser materials, the denser life forms, caught, held, fascinated, curious, curiosity bound. And He descended and saw the situation and called upon those that the Christ Force had given the power, the understanding, to create. And they, through the efforts of the spirit, created that in one stroke that is the body that man inhabits; that is not to say they took a vehicle that existed. No. They looked at those experiments of the nature, or the creative force had put into effect for their learning, and saw here that which was good, and there that which was good, and then created that which is as the human form, to be the vehicle of those entities that they may learn the best, that they may act the best. It was through these entities that descended not into the earth plane, and through Him who descended to see, to know, to understand (and headed by same). For He that led the entities to this knew that the vehicle must be created to lead them out. How? Through the Holy Spirit that was so prevalent and is so prevalent. Therefore, this is the creation of man in a nutshell.
Development of fetus in the womb
Q Why was – is there any reason for the fetus in the womb going through the various stages of evolution? Was this felt necessary in creating the body? (114)
S This is as symbolmatic, see, of that which is the creation or the growth of life in this plane. This plane, based on the water, based in the water elements, based in the sea, or that which is the elements of the sea, even as is the truth, that life was created in the waters and came forth from the waters to be. This is symbolmatic of that which, as man must create in the spiritual from the lowest level to be given birth to the highest level, or that which is the independent, self-willed, self-thinking entity, entities, that they are. This is also emblematic of free will and the choice of the Way, for, from that which is as the lowest form of life, the single cell, enmeshed in that which is as even symbolmatic of the sea, or the sea waters, comes that which may make free choice and exit through the gate of the material into the greater world.
Flock of Jesus, the Shepherd
Q Are there souls in the earth which are not of the flock of Jesus, or those called by some the Adamic souls? Please explain. (101)
S Even as given so well in St. John, that He will take His flock from the flocks. How? They will recognize the sound of His voice and follow the Good Shepherd where those others flee from the voice of the Shepherd. There are those who have chosen rather to be of the darkness than of the Light, and of the Light that Satan himself trembles upon hearing His voice, knowing that he has made his choice. Who is Satan, but the will of mankind?
Personality, soul(s) and entity
Q Please explain the correspondences and the differences between a personality, a soul, and an entity. (131)
S An entity is made up of that which is the soul and those parts of the soul. An entity is that which possesses within itself a personality that is developing. It is that which you see on the outer and that which is on the inner. It also possesses that which is the spark of God Itself, or the Christ Force, the gift of grace that lies within. Therefore, a personality is that which is as developed, to be seen, or to be part of that which is as the overall knowledge of an entity. The entity is that which is made up of the personality and that which is the soul, the soul-forces, especially that of the Christ that lies within. Each has its place and its understanding, for the personality must then become that which is of the Christ. It is as an evolutionary thing, even as given, in that which is as the birth of man through the gates of that which is the material into that which is the free world of choice.
Q This question is for (178). When (178) asked about a civilization in the interior of the earth the Source replied that there are “even entities” there. How is entity defined in this context? (131)
S Entity in this context is that partially built by the minds of the power of others and yet, even as this earth that ye tread upon is an entity, so lies within the soul force of the entity of earth, see, for it has a soul, even as selves have souls. Though varying and of a distant cousin, it is a soul and it, too, has its personality, its Christ Force (as you would have it, for though this is not the terminology, it will suffice), and its soul. See?
Q Could you give us a better terminology? (131)
S That which is called Ethra, or Earthra, is that which is the soul of the earth, and even that term terra, though garbled, is that of the personality, making up that which is the entity, the earth, or so much better termed: mother-earth.
Q Do all the animals, insects, birds, and fish, et cetera, have souls, also? (146)
S Not as ye would understand souls to be, but the spirit, the spirit of life, the spirit that they have taken to themselves to perform in God’s maze, in God’s web of life, even as the smallest particle has life, and life of its own, of that which is a spirit form, lacking though in that which is the true soul form that we find in the higher elements, the higher understandings, that is to say as in the entities of that which occupies the human, and that which occupies the heavenly bodies, see? Q
Q How do we in the earth spell Earthra? (114)
S E-A-R-T-H-I-A, Earthia, to be more exact.
Difference between Father/Mother, Christ and Holy Spirit
Q Please explain the differences between the Christ Force, the Christ, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit. (131)
S First, we would begin (by that which we have given before) with the Christ. This is the first, the perfect idea of the perfect man, even as Jesus the Christ was the perfect man, the perfect physical man, the perfect idea, the perfect expression, the perfect psyche, the perfect temper, the perfect anger, the perfect love, the perfection of law. Then we have that which is as the Christ Force, or that which is brought from the Christ within self to do, to be about the Father’s business. This is the working end of the Christ within self; this is the Christ Force. Then we have that which is the Holy Spirit. This is God. This is what ye call upon to raise in self, the Christ Force to meet the Holy Spirit that ye may be made One, even as He was One and became Christ-to-Christed, see? This is, then, the perfection. This is the idea, the ideal of God.
Q And what about the Father? Then, would you explain how the Father differs, or corresponds, to these others? (131)
S The Father is that which is as the unmoving, the unchanging, the forever, that contracted that became, that contracted the perfect thought, that from the perfect thought came the perfect man, the perfect ideal, the perfect idea of heavens, of the earths, of space, of time, of all things, that the Father is that which ye live within and even would be best spoken of as “father-mother,” for this is the true balance, the perfection that selves will become and know. For this is the true peace beyond that which is the peace that is offered through the Christ and the Holy Spirit in this earth plane -the perfection of God Himself. This is the prime thought, then, for God is the perfect mind, the perfect thought.
Q How does the mother aspect differ from the father aspect? (131)
S For the father is the creative force; the mother is the receptacle, that which grows, that which gives birth, that which is as that which feeds the creation.
Q Please define the words Lord, God, and Jesus. (131)
S As given earlier in this reading, whether you would have this or that, it is but a note. Who can describe the fullness of God’s name, with Lord, with God, with Christ, with Messiah, with Eeal, what have you? This, then, is as one note in the concert. Yet, what does Lord mean? Even as given of old, “Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord is One Lord,” to them it meant God; Lord and God is One. And yet, Lord is a term and God is a term of man, interchanging, interplayable with that which is the Christ. Even as given, though, the Christ is the first Son, being that which is the action of God, being that which is as the perfect or the ideal, or the idea that man is, must be and will be, and is. Christ, then, is that which ye are, and must raise. God being that, which ye understand to a small extent that is the Creative Force, that is Love, that is Law. Lord, the term used interchangeably, even to Him which was Jesus when He was in the acts, or the action of God. War in the Heavens
Q What is the meaning of the “war in the heavens” which was referred to in answering my question concerning the crucifixion, and was said to have taken place at the crucifixion? (101)
S Not just that which is the thunder, that which is the lightning, that which is the voice of angels and God in unison; but, more important, that which was the war in the heavens of self. For those who watched, knew (whether later they rejected or accepted) that this was the Christ, Son of the Living God. There was the war of the personality, the war of the will, the war of the mind, the war of the spirit, for how cried out the spirit of each present, regardless of name, regardless of rank or position, for they knew. Even those high priests were torn within self, for the veil was rent in selves, too, and the knowledge was present, the horror and the amazement at the sacrifice that was done.
Q Then the heavens referred to the heaven of the consciousness within people and not to a mythical place? (114)
S Quite correct.
Need for the crucifixion.
Q Why was the crucifixion of Christ necessary?
S Truly, is it not said, that if the wheat should fall and die and give of its life that others might live, that its offspring might grow, for had not the wheat fallen, there would be no harvest, for there would be no growth. For one grain of wheat – and from one grain of wheat – has spread the legions of wheat, see? And yet, there is more here. Who would follow if there was not that set by example? Who would understand that in giving the life, the life might be had? And who would really search and do if there was one to be called upon immediately in the flesh, and to focalize upon? Who would follow that which is of the spirit, but would be led by that which is the flesh and held in materiality and not develop that which is in self, that cries out to be developed, to be released? For there was that which must be given in each entity, the final sacrifice of that which is as the ego-self. And confuse this not with that which is given by the psychologists and the psychiatrists as ego, but that which is the awareness of self, thrust aside, destroyed, degraded, to find that which is the greater life, the greater love and the truth, and the oneness, and the ideal.
Dove at the baptism of Jesus
Q What was the meaning of the dove that the Gospels record lit on Jesus at the time of His baptism? (114)
S This was as close as an identification could be written. For dove it was not, but the Word, even as the Word had dwelled within God, being manifested, being shown forth. It actually was that which was light, which was music, which was harmony, which was that of the cosmic, or the great musician, see? In symbols, in symbolmatic language, this was as that which is the great peace, for the bird, the dove, symbolizes peace, that which was sent out by Noah to return, that which is the inoffensive, harms not, attacks not, defends not; the dove, the spirit. This was then, is that which is the light, the crowning of the Messiah or the Christ.
Jesus’ mission
Q Did the Master realize who He was and His mission before this minute, or was it an immediate christing at that point? (114)
S He entered as the Christ, and from prenatal times knew. Even the body, not inhibited or inhabited at that time by the spirit, knew who the possessor would be. It was as that, though, that symbolized the Messiahhood, the opening of the Way. He could not do what He did until that was given, even though the studies were made, even though the awareness was there, even though the life was even almost as that which would be described as perfected, and perfect, it must have been, then, through that which is as given, the dove, that he could then perform, and be that which He is, and was; that He would be about His Father’s business, His mission, for was not it after that that the miracles, or that which is called the miracles occurred, see?
Jesus’ miracles
Q Then there’s no truth in the story about miracles earlier in his youth and as recorded in the Aquarian Gospel? (114)
S To an extent. This was as the use of the mind, and the power of the mind, see, not as that which is as the power of the spirit. For that which is the Christ in Him met that which was the Holy Spirit. This is the greater symbol, the perfection.
Q Was David an earlier incarnation of Jesus? (131)
S He was.
Meditation and kundalinic forces
Q Please explain the manner in which the creative force is raised in meditation, the route it takes, and the manner in which it reaches the various spiritual centers. (114)
S Now we have a division here, see: that which is taken by the Oriental, that which is the raising of the kundalini, the kundalinic forces, see. This is that which is raised through the spinal, but so misunderstood, and yet perfected in those times gone by. Therefore, many have inadvertently, or ill-advisedly, raised the forces to self’s destruction; and yet, with the training, it may be used in this manner. But the safe, that which we urge you to follow, is that which raises up through the lower center of self to the higher center, regulated by that which is the thyroid, see, pouring through the body the raised force, raising that, you see, even then, of the kundalinic or the kundalini or that which you’d have of the yeast, to its proper way. This, then, is the proper manner, that the forces may be in tune. For it is that which is the thyroid that must be in harmony, and regulating that of the rest of the centers of the body, else there can be that which is the failure, or even that which is, to an extent, disastrous. Those of ancient times of the East understood this, and vibrated those centers in another manner, then raised through the spinal column that which are as the forces. Best for selves to raise them in the manner from the gonadal center to the higher centers, relating each and raising each. Remember, it is the thyroid, though, that is the key.
Q Would it be permissible to have a special reading devoted to questions on the spiritual centers in man and the seven rays? (131
S It would be, yes, we would agree to that – as to the importance of same . . . Is there a question on the rays at this time?
Q Yes, as a prelude to that reading would you give us at this time the color or colors associated, well, color or colors and qualities, associated with each of the seven rays? (131)
S Well, that’s involved, but we would give you a sketch here. First, there is that which is the ray of factual, which color is orange and responds to orange or to the spectrum of orange. Then we have that which is as the scientific and the ramifications of same (and know not, or understand here, that even that which we label has not the correct meaning to you and must be explained at another time) is that of yellow, or the mind of the learning. Then we have that which is as the third ray, the color of green which is that of the spiritual awakening, or that which is intrinsic, or that which is better known as the spirit side, see, the causal of the spirit. We have, then, that which is the fourth ray, or that which is as the metaphysical ray, the color – to an extent – or the best understood here is coral. Then we have the fifth ray, which is the mystic, self-explanatory here, for all here seem to understand mystic, and that color is red. Remembering, each has a gonadal center, a Leydig center, et cetera, to focus upon. Then we have that which is as an esoteric ray, which is as blue – that of the channel being exemplified here – is the ray of devotion. Then we have that which is as the purple, or the final, or that which is as the absolute ray, which even is expressed within the greater, or the higher center of the body. Question? We might add to that, see, that in perfecting, even as He, the Master of Life, all colors merged to that which is white, the perfection of all the rays.
Q Is it possible for an angel to incarnate through a normal human birth? (199)
S Impossible. They are as that with fixed minds and ways. They are that which are incapable of freedom of will, freedom of self-thought. They may assume the guise, or even that which appears to be of human, or of light, what have you, but they cannot incarnate, see. This is as a warping of the law. It cannot be. For man cannot incarnate as angel. For man, as a messenger, must be about his Father’s business in another way than a messenger from the throne, see? Those messengers from the throne cannot have freedom of will, for freedom of will can garble and interfere with that which is God, and that is impossible, see?
Q Evidently (1140) is not an angel? (199)
S This is the working of the mind, the desire of the mind, a focalizing of other people’s wishes upon one individual who is susceptible, see?
Q Did angels come with the Master Jesus when He incarnated? Were there any manifested in apparent human form? (131)
S There were legions of angels. And some manifested in full-grown human form, to do this, to do that, to cause this, to cause that, even at his beck and call. And yet, did they do that which He could do alone? No. Even selves, with your angelic hosts, must do of yourselves from the spirit within, rather than through others. Even as the temptations, or the Tempter put before Him, that at His beck and call the legions of angels would prevent His dashing His foot against the stones. His reply: “Get thee behind me, Satan.”
Q It is said that certain interests are deliberately planning a famine for the U.S. Who is planning it, for what purposes, and will it succeed? (146)
S What kind of famine do you ask a . . . ?
Q Food famine. (146)
S Oh, there have been those throughout the history of this country, and others, who deliberately plan famines to gain that which is monetary gain, to gain power, more now, see, over the lives, the minds, the actions of mankind. There are those, even that feel in their degree of understanding, to gain control of the source of supply of food would prevent war, prevent anarchy, prevent dictatorship, though they take it upon themselves to be as dictators.
Past lives
Q In a previous reading it was said that a nun, formerly a nun, formerly with (178), (and this question is asked for her), was observing her. For what purpose would an entity, not in this plane, merely observe or watch a human being? (114)
S To learn, to recall itself, those very crises, those very phases, those very other things. Remember, when ye cross over that it is a learning plane, a learning plane much more involved than this, taking longer. Therefore, those on the other side learn much from this, hoping for re-entry to speed up the process, for that which is learned here in a year may take a thousand on the other side. The advantages here, see, are both the opportunities of commission and omission, see?
Q To what does the phrase “brought forth from the subconscious and that which are as connections before, and several times after” refer? (114)
S That refers to that which is, has been done in the past, that is abuilding in the future, and better find the balance, see? For that which is drawn from the past has already been put into the future, if it is allowed to come into the present and be unbridled.
Souls having to start the upward journey again and astrological cycles/Acquarian age/1998
Q Please clarify the statement that there will be those who will pass that time and not accept, will not elect to go forth to those higher realms, and will again be starting over at the bottom, and working, working through those eons of time, through each and every age that comes, for another chance. Is the time referred to the same for all souls, or is the time staggered in a pattern? (199)
S There are those who leave this earthly abound. Even now a soul leaves, and here and there a soul leaves. But as group, to be even free of the elements of this earth plane, or even be free of the materiality of other planetary involvements, there is a time, and the time draws nigh. Then there are those who refuse to be pulled away from that which they grovel in, that they hold so dear, that which is the material and the desires therein. And there are those who, through the frailty of selves, through the will unconquered, will miss the boat and know, even as so, that the path is to be trod again and again and again, until that time that the opportunity arises again, in that cycle that has been part and is part of the law. Jesus the Christ became that which was as the Way to the opening, to that which is the pulling away from this cycle. And yet, as given in this reading, even that which He gave, He is the Shepherd. There will be those that are not of His flock, who will follow not His voice and be condemned of themselves to stay in this earthly plane, to suffer the physical, to be part of the physical until that time that they, too, may leave. As He passes forth, and His brothers and sisters follow Him, those who have gathered in other planes near this earth, or in other planetary involvements, will harken to His voice, too, and be that which moves forth to the higher glory of the Father. And what is glory but service to others.
Q Would you elaborate on this cycle? (199)
S Even that which is given in the astrological understanding of the cycles, through that of all ages once again. And ye are in that which is the period of escape.
Q Is there an escape or graduation, so-to-speak, at the end of each astrological age of a little over 2,000 years? (131)
S Escape only into that which are the higher realms abounding this earth plane. That which is as the graduation is at the end of the entire astrological cycle, prior to the beginning of a new, see?
Q Can you give us when this astrological cycle is scheduled to end? (131)
S At the end of the Aquarian age. The lifting up of the majority of souls to a greater plane abounding, or surrounding this, are as these years now, through that which is as the end, see? For many can be raised now to greater levels in the awaiting of that which is even as the escape. This is partially what is meant by the destruction of even that which are the lower elements of the Father’s house or that which is as the lower steps of heaven. Though at a certain time and a certain place there will be a destruction upon this earth, leaving this earth in a morass of – how should we say – not death, but that which lacks in the oxygens, the breakdown of the carbon elements, thus, life as you know it in the greenery, in the plants, in the animal, will be gone, leaving in a cold, desolate world those souls so choosing through the Satanic impulses of self (that is the lower elements of the mind and the body) to be woefully imprisoned until that time of their choosing that they go back to the Father, not knowing who they are, or what they were, or having no memory or understanding of personality, of that which is the true personality, or the Christ Force within, or love.
Q Does the present earth entity graduate or leave, also; or is it some karmic thing that it must go through, and stay with this cycle? (131)
S It may be raised. Even on that which is accepting the grace as He gave or the crucifixion in self even as He did physically for selves. Q
Q Can you take the literal words in Revelation about the 144,000 souls and the Master, and Satan being bound for 1000 years, to mean that this will happen in the Aquarian age and that the Master will condition 144,000 souls to act as a leaven to try and help the rest of humanity? (114)
S This is correct, and He shall return about that year of 1998.
Q Can you give us the destination that the boat will be headed to with the flock at the graduation? (131)
S To the center of this universe.
Fatima Prophecy
Q Would you comment on the book, The Fatima Prophecy? (180)
S We find here much correct, and yet, much that can be avoided or changed, for it is not the law, but that which portents to the law, or that which points to what will be, even as those destructive elements, of selfishness in the earth. This in itself is only the warning, only the blueprint of that which can be, and will be, unless man in his utter disregard of selfishness follows the path, see.
Bible verse
Q In Philippians II, 10 through 11, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, of things in heaven and things in earth and things under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Would you please clarify the deification and Lordship of Jesus the Christ through those verses? (146)
S Even as He became christed in the act of crucifixion, the total resignation of self to true Self, became One with God; therefore, Jesus the Christ as the Holy spirit, which is God, becomes One. Therefore, even as He gave when He was in the spirit, and in the flesh: “If ye have seen me, ye have seen the Father.” He is one with the Father; He is God. Not Jesus the man, but Jesus the Christ, the Spirit christed in action, in conjunction with the Holy Spirit, being one.
Interpretation of dreams and visions
Q This is for (110). He had a dream recently in which he traveled through tall buildings with bushes close to the side of them, frightened and realizing that he was in a position where he could be easily attacked. And then he passed into beautiful, open country and he saw the Master lying in the burial cloth and he realized that he had erred and failed in this dream in many regards. And he went over and be begged for forgiveness; and in the dream the Master rose and He laid His hands on his head. (There was no word spoken.) And then proceeded to walk through this dangerous city again until he came to a gate where there was a Roman soldier on guard who said, “Halt, who goes there?” And the Master answered, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Would you please explain the meaning of this dream for (110)? (114)
S Not a dream, but an experience! We have that which are symbols, and yet, the truth: one must find the way, however still, however calm, one must walk the paths and not be deviated even that which is ever so slightly, ever so subtly, this is the meaning of that which would be as to be jumped upon, to be pulled into the bushes, see. Even as the bushes were in fine greenery, beautiful and alluring, it is the temptation. What was the path? White and concrete, solid; through that – what – but He that is the Gateway, the Door. Where was He? In that which is symbolmatic of “the grass is greener on the other side,” for it was the fence that was passed through, the gate, to the greenery and He who must be raised. Why did He look the difference? From what self and selves have done to Him; and yet the eyes brightened, the love is there, the raising and the casting off of that which is the death shroud, or even the sindon, see. And what does the spirit here know? What does the soul in self know? Oh, Father, I have fallen short of what my Brother has done for me. Is the word necessary? Not in that, but what was the symbol here? The hand on the left, the hand crossing from the right into that which was the symbol of the TAU, that which are the ALPHA and the TAU, or the beginning and the end in that which is the symbol of the cross, see, crossing that which is the right, or the active, or the mental conditions, or the will, to that which is the soul force on the left side, lying horizontal. Therefore, that is what is given. For the sacrifice on the cross, the crucifixion, is as mercy, is as justice for self. It is that which guides. When that was done, did the entity not walk with He who is the Master of Life through the darkness, towards that which was as the ironbound door of the will? The Praetorian, see, wherein lies the magistrate to do the judging of self, see? What was there that challenged Jesus of Nazareth, but the Roman, symbol of the mind. What is to be overcome in the calmness, the directness, but Jesus of Nazareth. And was it not said: Can any good come from Nazareth? Can there be a Nazarene that is of God? Jesus claimed so. He was. He was the man. You, too, may be the man. This is the symbol of Jesus in the overcoming, even of that which breaks the ironbound door, which overcomes the Roman, which overcomes the flagellation, which overcomes those who would fall aside, even in the paths of righteousness, see, that do not follow that which is the solid, the concrete line. Therefore, this is a symbol not only for the self, for the entity, but those who would be about their Father’s business, those of this group that can give to others, even as the blessing is given in that sign. For it is the sign of the healing of the soul, the healing of the mind, the healing of the will, the healing of the physical. It brings from that which is as the physical level to that which is the spiritual level, the abounding goodness, the love of God. It is the reckoning, or the understanding, that ye only receive, that even that which is to the channel, that which will be the reward, symbolized in that which is as the touching, or the laying on of hands. It is the experience, see?
Q When healing energy was given to (114) prior to the last work reading, what was the significance of the orange coloration in the flow seen by (110)? (131)
S That is the gift of giving.
Business and legal advice
Q I have made a very serious error, and a violation of the Arizona Securities Act. I know that this has got to be met. There was no evil intent, but, nevertheless, it’s been done. Should I wait and talk to a lawyer first, or should I go direct to the Corporation Commission and admit what I’ve done and ask them what to do? (114)
S Go to the lawyer first, for this is the better way. For there are always those in the Corporation Commission that in the spirit of their own selves, or their times, or that which is even as the physical nature of selves boring in upon that which is the mental nature can be discourteous, can be rude, can be that which would see, or at the time, the movement in self to castigate. Rather, see the lawyer first, and know that thou art in good hands.
Q Would you recommend any other choice than our present lawyer? (114)
S Take it into self, for self has freedom of choice. We can only indicate what can be done.
Q If we don’t have another question, in Luke in the 11th chapter, 46th verse, the Master said “woe unto ye lawyers” because of the fact that they cast burdens on people and didn’t take any part of the burden themselves. Was he just referring to lawyers at that time or to the profession in general? (114)
S He was referring to those in any happenstance that would put their burdens upon others, and not only do that, but point the finger and say “tsk, tsk” to those who have erred and gone astray.
Questions re individuals approaching or joining the group
Q Who is the entity (799)? (131)
S One who seeks the way in that which is a combination of past incarnations; one who before has fallen from a high, a high place in that which is as the following, who fell into the worship of the earthly Jesus, or Jesus the man, rather than into that which is the spiritual connotations of same, and now is back upon the path to redeem self. For, even though in this incarnation there surges through the entity who misused, and quite recently, the word of God, even the Biblical God, even the Biblical Jesus, to (in a sense) fleece the people of their monies, and their direction; even though at that time he thought it was the best for self and others, (and groveled much in the material gain); the entity is once again on that path so well-started before to renounce that of the material, and the desires of the material, whether they be of the physical or whether they be of the mental, towards that which the entity knows is best.
Q What are (799’s) rays in this incarnation and which spiritual centers are emphasized in him? (131)
S We would only give this to the entity at that time that the entity would appear before us in receptivity to a reading.
Q Would (799’s) election to the presidency of Friends of Youth be compatible with the ideals and purposes of the entities that comprise this core group? (131)
S We can only give this, that it must be taken into those involved. For once again it is freedom of choice. We cannot involve ourselves to pick and choose.
Q (781) has come from California and is presently in Tucson to help with the development of (661) and (805) in Cochise County. He has a very bad skin condition that is giving him a great deal of trouble and an awful lot of nervous agony. Can anything be given here to help him? (114)
S We have the entity as given. Warm, refined linseed oil to the body, to those afflicted areas after warm baths of Epsom salts. And it is best for this entity to clean self out thoroughly the first thing in the morning. This may be done in a variety of ways. The entity may go on those diets of apples or juices, but it is best for this entity to partake of warm salt waters or that which as aloe vera gel in the morning, never exceeding two ounces, to begin the cleaning processes. It is also good for this entity, several times a month, in the process to take a teaspoonful or two, as the entity can ingest, of olive oil, warm olive oil, never the cold or the coagulated, see. It is also good for this entity to get much vigorous exercise or movement rather, even into the body movements, even into the arm motions, for the circulation is always good through the movement for this condition as we find it be.
Q The entity (176), who was given a reading through this channel a little over a year ago, has just returned from India. I’m wondering if his mission or role in this life is at all intertwined with that of (661) and the work done north of Globe or is his mission or purpose completely separate? (131)
S Interlocking to bring into being, or establish, those of the more Oriental thinking to those of that which is as the Western thought; and to be a bridge here and there between individual entities and groups, as the spirit so moves the entity.
Physical reading for individuals or family members of the group
Q Many of us have difficulty with our eyes, and I myself, am farsighted. Is this farsightedness a karmic thing, or is it symbolic of my thoughts and how I view the world? (199)
S It is more symbolic of self as self is now, trying to see beyond that which is best for self to see. For so often self, and others in same condition, bypass that which is as plain as the nose upon your face or the hand before thy nose and try to see on the other side of the mountain, missing that which are the best lessons, which is the best growth, that is close to self. This is not given as a chastisement, however. We see that in the longing of the soul and those forces of the subconscious that it does this. For the longing is so great in the soul to jump past, to jump ahead, to do that which is the greater, but the lesser is, which is in itself (in this sense) the greater, is overlooked.
Q How can I help this farsightedness? I’ve noticed it’s been progressively getting slightly worse. (199)
S By not focusing the mind upon the problem, by exercising the looking closer in the daily life to the ends and the means.
Q What, then, would be the conditions of nearsightedness? (101)
S Other than karmic, that which is the imbalance of seeing beyond that which is too close and the minor, or those details that are close and seeing the longer run, or balancing the two together. This usually, as we see, is the condition.
Q I would like to ask a question about my aunt. Her name is (187). I would like to know about her physical condition and if I can do anything myself, or if her brother can do anything to help her? (101)
S We have the entity as given. We find a topsy-turvy situation. Where here it’s good, and there it’s bad; and that which is being done in the medical upsets others, other areas of the physical, countering that which is good and done. Just pray for this entity, and make known to the entity of the concern, of the love, and put it in the hands of the Father rather than in the hands of the physicians. For in this case, it is truly said “physician, heal thyself.” The entity therefore is the physician, and, in truth, must totally turn to the love of the Father.
And now as this channel is as tiring in that which is as the vibrational make up we would give to this:
My children, my brothers, my sisters, harken unto my voice as I call, for there comes that time when I will appear among thee; for I am truly the good shepherd and thou art my flock. Stray not, but even if ye stray, know that my voice awakens in you that which is the path, that which is the way, that ye may be for others, that they, too, may be even as I, even as you, the loving children of the One who is the Creative Force, our Father, our Mother.
We are through with this reading at this time.