RAM 10-012-1974 Session: Harmony, Prophecy, Channeling
Dated August 24, 1974, this is a transcription of a channeled spiritual session discussing various topics such as the nature and purpose of spiritual readings, the mechanics of channeling, preparation for sessions, and the selection of group members. It also addresses conflicts with other organizations, the importance of harmony in the group, prophecies, diet recommendations, and interpretations of biblical passages.
RAM Reading 10-12 9-28– 74
Our Father, our God, be with us now as we seek to see and know Thy face, to find Thy Way that we may be tools of Thy use to our fellow man. Oh Lord, we ask this knowing that it is Thy wil1 to be done, not ours. It’s for Thy glory, oh Lord, not for ours, now as we ask in the light in the manner as Jesus the Christ, our Light, our Door, our Way. We thank Thee, oh Lord, for we know that He will be with us now as we gather in His name for Thee.
Hear the voice of the one who cries in the wilderness and know that life and love are at hand, the Lord hears those who cry in the spirit of holiness; who cry in righteousness; who seek His name.
We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.
Q Those present in the room are 110, 199, 131, l01, 178, 114, and 146. The date is September the 28th, 1974, and the approximate time is 7:40 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group and answer the questions that you feel are necessary to be answered.
S We have this group. We have the inquiring minds of this group, and those forces that belong to this group, and are of this group, and act upon this group. We have that which is the will of the Father that overrides all things, and we will give this reading that is sought after.
We are now ready for questions.
Readings’ use of see?
Q Why is the word “see” used so frequently in the readings? (199)
S To punctuate, and to ask those if they do see or understand, see?
Identity of the Source for this reading
Q Will we be able to know who is speaking with us tonight? (178)
S A friend.
Preparing for sessions with channel and Source
Q Should we as a group continue with questions to the channel when we have not gone over the original or first readings carefully, or together? (10)
S As we find it, this group should concentrate upon that which is given and, for a time, not come to this Source as a group. We find that there should be no more readings such as this until December. Close to that time, though inadvertently wrong, but through that which is the making of the mind is the celebration of that which is the birth of the Prince of Love in this earth. Though dated wrong, the mind corrects same, and it is adequate and correct then. Use that time, then, for another reading such as this.
Q Could you give us the correct date? (131)
S Well. It wouldn’t do you much good for as we see the movement, as we see that which is your earth time and the changes therein, even wrought by the minds of man, we could give you three dates.
Indexing and numbering systems
Q I hold in my hand an outline for a possible system for numbering the readings given through this channel along with one possible assignment of numbers for this group and the members of this group. Please examine these and comment as you find appropriate. (131)
S Stick to the numerals. Make the numerals the basis. Not that we find the confusion among selves but the confusion among others that would study, that would learn. We find that though selves could document or find the documentation or arrange or categorize by these readings or all readings given through this channel, it would bring confusion to later peoples and so maybe we see a possibility of upset in this group and we must have harmony in this group. Therefore, we would stick to numbers even as ye would have it, or as we see set forth here in the manner of the classification number and a reading number.
Q These were all numbers? (131)
S Yes, but we find in the mental imaging of many here, you see, we find that which ye have preference in yourself as the correct way.
Choosing new members of the group
Q Several of us have been thinking that we would be choosing our new members this evening. Is this premature? (10)
S There is not sufficient cooperation in the mental outlooks and the spiritual outlooks of the entities in this room. Though there has been much advancement, more in this last thirty days, than there has been for the months prior, we would use that time, if ye advance the more, in December, to bring about an expansion of this group. For there would be only more turmoil and a lessening of the efficiency of this group by bringing in names until selves have come to more agreement, more love.
Conflict of interest with other organizations
Q Would (132 – local non profit supporting metaphysical endeavors started by 114 and 178) be a conflicting organization for the members of this group or should we be involved in both? (199)
S See, you ask that which is almost impossible to give. For each and every member, each and every soul entity, because of those forces behind selves and the forces of the mental conditions and the aspirations, the desires of each member, are as different as night and day. And yet, we find that which is conflict, yet that which is as a union, see. Therefore, we can only give that which is a guideline. When and if any organization draws self away from the idea of this group or interferes with that which is as the free play of the group, or even to the harmony (or mass harmony), then evaluation should be taken. This is even to say Then self must evaluate first self, rather than that of the force or that which ye are involved in. First, weigh self and the truth of self’s desires, being honest in finding where the conflict comes. And if the conflict is in self and from self, then change self. If then the conflict is not truly from self, but from other sources or involvements, then evaluate the involvements and the sources and make the conclusion. For it is given that no one can serve two masters. Decide which you would have: self, another source, this group; or be that which is in harmony with self, other sources, and this group . No one can make the decision for you. No one can set up guidelines for each individual. For each must make his own decision, find his own way, make his own guidelines through that which is the interpretation of the greatest needs of that which is your fellow man, always lastly putting self in the proper place.
Q In view of the answers given to questions two and three of the June 26, 1974 reading, would the Source please clarify the relationship, if any, between (132), (10), and RAM? I think you touched on that but I don’t quite understand. (114) and I had thought we could serve (10) through (132). (178)
S We find first that RAM is the overriding authority or movement here – the change of mind, the uplifting, that which gives voice to the glory of the Lord, that which will balance and bring forth in others the acclamation, the veneration, of the one God. Secondly, the group activity, then, should be one, or the core group, but another name for the activities of RAM, or the center of RAM, see. As to that which is (132) , that may work with this organization, may serve in several ways with this organization, but it is not as that which can be of (10) or RAM . It must remain as a separate entity, see? Whereas all other organizations must remain so, for that which would be the ramifications to other organizations, if they were directly tied to this organization, or this group, or this movement, or this thought, any others, see? For this causes conflict in others and brings negative barriers from other sources, for they see once again that which is a threat to the power, that which is a threat to themselves, that which might lead to others straying or leaving their organizations, see. That which is (132) may be used as a supportive element or as long as it is seen that this organization receives not preferential treatment but sees that, or in it, that all organizations receive the same thing. This is to say there cannot be, you see, a center in (132) for this group alone, lest it is equal to all others that may use or be invited to the facilities.
Q Would you please elaborate on the earlier statement that you made this evening on the conflict within myself between (132) and this group? (101)
S Self lets activities and even statements, sometimes misread, to irritate self or to cause conflict in the mental apparatus; even as given here before to others, or even in the statement of the economy. Ride it out. Be more calm. Use loving indifference when self is irritated. This applies to other things too.
Harmony and the group
Q What aspects of myself must I work on to bring harmony both within myself and to this group? (146)
S First, harmonize that which are the feelings toward self and the world by finding self to be much easier to get along with than self has seen self to be. For we find more conflicts within this entity towards that which self finds the irritations in the limitations of the body and the mind. And be relaxed, meeting each day as it comes rather than looking to tomorrow or yesterday, but meeting the day. Greet yourself each morning with a smile, physical and mental. Look into the mirror; when you see yourself, smile and mentally — or even aloud — say “hello” and congratulate yourself for beginning of another day, a new challenge, a new chance, a new opportunity to be as thy brothers’ keeper, to be about thy Father’s business. This will balance the entity the more in all things.
Energy behind the Source
Q Please elaborate on the statement of “that which stands in the way else this circle would be obliterated with the power generated from that which is the heavenly Source”. (101)
S We use here, you see, as transformers, to put it into that terminology ye might understand, a relay system, where we can focalize into this channel that which is centered, or comes from the center, or the highest. We can act as the go-between absorbing the great energy, the great truth. For if the truth, if the energy were to be released or unleashed, the power is beyond the belief or understanding of man. Were we not absorbing and retranslating the energy, the thought, this room, these beings, would be as a nova, see. For there is no understanding present in this room that can understand the power of the Lord. For even those angels who are not designed or created in the design to be at the feet, as you might put it, of the Master of Life, or God – they, too, would be, well, reconstituted would be a good word, for they would be obliterated as that certain angel and be recreated again. For they cannot absorb, cannot even receive partial impact of the thought.
Prophecy (Joel)
Q Would you comment on the article, its validity, in the AUM magazine on the future of the economy? (199)
S Read Joel. The answer’s there.
Jesus becoming Christed
Q Do we understand correctly that the Christ was not in man until after Jesus overcame the earth? (199)
S Now do not be confused at what we will give now. The I AM was in each man. The I AM is what Moses revealed to mankind, for Moses was the first to meet the I AM in truth. He that had the I AM in perfection, Jesus, brought forth the Christ, brought into self the Holy Spirit, the working end of God and became Christed. And His gift, the Holy Comforter, is the Christ force that now is in all men. This is what is meant when there are arguments as to those who are born among heathen peoples now, not having the knowledge or the benefit of the Christ and should not be punished, as they would put it, by hell’s fire, damnation, or even that which is re– entry into this earth, and yet all now are gifted and through their deeds, then, they must come to face the Christ force, the I AM and God.
Prayer – invoking the name of Jesus Christ
Q Is there power in one’s prayer if they pray using the name of Jesus Christ? (199)
S What did we give earlier in this reading? Through the Name, through the Pattern. It’s both. For He is the pattern. He is the light, the way, and He gave His body, His life, that His friends might live the more, asking in His name realizing that He, as an individual, goes before the Father as an advocate. And yet, in His pattern too, you must go. So, you are calling on two aspects: the individual in His Christ perfection, who knows what turmoils and tribulation that man goes through, when even the angels cannot understand. And you are calling upon His way, His pattern-the Christ-becomes one and the same and yet is distinct. Just have faith. If it’s not clear, just know that He is an intercession, an intermediate. He’ s the Advocate.
Biblical questions
Q Proverbs 9: l states that “wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out and set up her seven pillars”. What are the seven pillars of wisdom?
S Even that which is the endocrine system within self; even that which is together makes the holiness among the peoples, makes the holiness within self. It is that which ties together, which brings the seven spiritual centers into that which is the attunement with the infinite, with the glory of the Father, with God Himself. It is the gift; it is the presence; it is the reality of self within this world; it is the reality of self in the spiritual nature of things.
Q What is the meaning or significance of the thirteen silver cones that the channel has seen for this questioner? (131)
S These are like, or likened, to that which are the horns of Moses, see, as seen in the Bible. Horns of knowledge and of spiritual progress, that may be used correctly or incorrectly. As given in the Old Testament in a description of Moses – “he had horns” – see, described as two, and yet Moses had many more. This is also that which is the life and light, silver being that element, you see, that reflects the highest quality in that which is the silver, or even as the silver cord of life within connecting to life without – thirteen being that number even as among the Master of Life and disciples, see? Those which connect the twelve nerves and that which are main nerves, or pairs of nerves, and that which is as the central being the thirteenth that connects the pituitary and the pineal bodies.
Q In Habakkuk, chapter l, verse 6, who or what is symbolized by the Chaldeans? (131)
S These are the forces of the nature of self that would overcome the spiritual self by being more the mental, driving the physical and the spiritual into submission.
Q And in 1: 11 of Habakkuk, who or what is referred to – “then shall his mind change and he shall pass over and defend imputing this, his power, unto his God”?
S This is the individuals who have or who have become monumental in the use of the mind, impeding that which is the Christ force and as the crossing over is symbolized here, the destruction, or the overcoming through the acceptance in the mental conditions (or the mind imaging) that self has reached an apex and then must turn to that which is even higher, higher than self, higher than that which is the nature of self in the mental or the mental powers.
Q In Habakkuk, chapter 3, verse 3, where or what is Teman? (131)
S That which is the aspiration of man, that which is even builded up falsely at times, as to that which is the goal of man in life.
Q Where or what is Mount Paran?
S This is that which must be surmounted in self, or gotten by, to reach the higher glory. Even more descriptive is that which is the desires or the baseness of self to be mounted over, pushed aside, towards that which is the higher envisioning, or that even which would be as making God the center of the life.
Q In the following verse, verse 4, what is meant by “he had horns coming out of his hand and there was the hiding of his power”?
S This is to say that which is the power of the mind in the deeds, for the hands are the deeds, see, and the horns are the power, is the knowledge and that hidden from others, and self, by the use through the hands as tools rather than that which are the deeds of the mind or the spirit.
Q In Habakkuk, chapter 2, verse 4, what is meant by “Behold his soul which is lifted up, is not upright in him”? (131)
S This is as the meaning of the soul force used wrongly in man. That man, many\ times in the spiritual sense, or thinking in the spiritual sense, is led astray by the force within self to, in a way, glamorize self and become even as that which leads others in the aspiring to higher spiritual conquests. This is why it is always given by this Source, and other Sources so involved in the truth of the spirit, to turn within rather than be guided by the mental, the fascinating and desire, see. For desire is that which we have given before: should be erased, eradicated, lest it interfere with that of the higher nature of self. You may even call, to an extent, the desire to serve as being wrong. To aspire to the higher being is more the correct in selves. Therefore, self is not upright, or an entity is not upright in the Lord, if they are led by the desire rather than the aspiring.
Q In the next verse, verse 5, what is symbolized by the word “wine”? Is that desire? (131)
S This is desire. This is that which becomes “heady” see?
Q In the July reading the Source stated that Job’s three friends were trying to tell him how good he was. It seems to me that they were telling him that all these calamities came upon him because of how sinful he was. How do you reconcile these?
S First, they were giving his importance as a being, that it was God’s fault, not his. Then with nonsuccess in such a manner, they turned to humbling him, or destroying him as an entity, or as a thinking entity, by giving that which is the corrosiveness of that which is as self-doubt, self–criticism, self-disgust.
Preparing for transition (death)
Q What can we do while we are in the material plane to prepare ourselves in such a way that there will be a continuation of the spiritual search after the transition we call death? (114)
S By concentrating on those qualities given so often: love, understanding, noncriticism, charity, forgiving, seeking, praying, meditating. These then continue as a path. For stepping to the other side isn’t as difficult or different as many would have it. It is only a slower pace in the ability to attain on that side for the time element is not there, see, nor are those opportunities of the material overcoming there to be overcome. By concentrating in this life on being all that He set forth Himself to be, by using that as the criteria of the life, then what will follow (what) will follow, always remembering that mind is the builder. If ye set for yourself goals on the other side to be used for the goodness of thy fellow man, thy fellow entities, rather than for self, then the opportunity will be there waiting, for He knows the sincerity and He knows thy needs.
Q Please discuss the economic situation in the United States and its effect on this core group, giving any suggestions as to what we and our families can do to counteract the inflationary tendency. (101)
S Ride with it. Have faith. Do not give it impetus by that much attention, knowing full well in selves that each day is the challenge, that each day must be ridden through, that you will seek more to help others than even looking at self or self’s future. And it is now the time, it is now the challenge to give the more to those who have need, whether it is financial or spiritual, the helping hand, the helping word. Seek not to converse or to give that much attention to that which is the superficial showing of man’s greed in motion; but rather, as given, ride it out, go with it, and love the opportunity that is presented to selves to grow spiritually. For it will be that selves, as well as others, must sacrifice. Do it cheerfully. Do it in that which ye must understand. It is a cleansing process, see, not only of a nation, not only of a people, but of a world, see. And pray that those who become desperate will not lead this nation or any other nation into that which is the desperation of seeking alternatives that would rend and destroy the cultures, the peoples, and that which is as the driving force of mankind to be human or more human towards that which are the spiritual necessities of life.
Four basic desires
Q Are these the four basic desires that dominate me as mentioned in the last reading: central desires such as feeling, tasting, and so forth; ego or self-importance; worldly possessions; power over individuals and things? (199)
S To a degree, yes, but that which is the taste and that which is the feel also is that ego desire too, see, rather than a separate desire. It comes under the manifestation that is from that of the ego or the desire to control others; is also the desire to control self and that which comes in self. They go hand and glove.
Three higher senses and centers in the body
Q Reference question 98 of 27 July: it is spoken of the three higher senses that are used in the communication, the understanding of the word, and the lifting up of the self above that which is the physical plane and that which is the physical being. Please enlarge upon these three higher senses. What are they and how can they be exercised and developed? (146)
S Well, first we give you the basis, see, of that which are the higher senses. The higher senses are those which are the even the imaginative range, see. Even that which is centered in the third eye as to the understanding or the seeing or the feeling of the elements of the beyond. Example: that which is allowed to be seen by the channel of those beings so robed is the opening or the understanding of the higher sense or those senses, you see, that are in self that rise above the everyday play of the body and the mind. When self accentuates the physical, then blindness occurs – so does deafness, by the way – that is to say of the spiritual nature. But when one becomes as a servant of the most High, loving, compassionate, charitable, understanding of others, subjecting then those lower desires of the body, those that gratify selves. For what is that which holds man so often back but self-gratification in one manner or another – whether it’s the ego, whether it is the physical desires of the appetites, what have you. It is that which keeps away from that which are the higher senses. These senses, then, are: one, the imaging or imagining of perfection; two, that sense that see beyond the veil; three, that sense contained in the pituitary which brings forth the hearing and the opening to that which are the higher elements or the higher areas, see, even in self but without of self also. These three senses contained in the two higher centers of the body are that which are given, but must be overcome, or rather the overcoming, of the lower centers, the lower desires, even though they seem to be that which ye would have as a higher desire to serve to be this way, that way, that lead slightly away from the true purpose, the all-enveloping of self in God. This is where those of the East have progressed in some estate more than those of the West, by enveloping self in the God rather than the desires of the body and the mind – though they have their drawbacks, too. This is that which they have perfected so well. This is why so many of those see and hear beyond that which the Westerner sees or hears.
Q There’s been a new diet. It was presented in Cosmopolitan. Apparently, it appears to have quite a scientific base, linking nucleic acid which is an element of protein as I understand, with longevity and listing a group of foods and recommending these foods to strengthen the body and lengthen life. Is there anything to this? (114)
S There’s quite a bit to this. Even enhancing man, but, yet it is the spiritual nature that in reality points to the longevity of man, to that which is the aging process. For look ye into those early days that lived hundreds and hundreds of even your years. It was by the spiritual means, not by the diet, but by the spiritual means. And yet we find in this diet as given here, much that would help entities to achieve the more in this life physically, but remember it is always the spiritual diet that leads the entities on.
Q In Edgar Cayce’s material, he linked the elements in seafood, particularly conch and oysters and crab, and lobster and shrimp to the question of longevity, as does this new diet. However, Cayce also mentioned the gold-colored fruits, peaches, apricots, yams, et cetera, that have the gold color, and said that they were high in this life-giving process. Do these fruits contain this nucleic acid? Is it something they just haven’t reached through yet? (114)
S The acid is contained in that especially of the skins of these. But the understanding here, you see, is also the color. For the color vibrates to that which is love and love is ever present, ever living, for it is God. God is eternal and forever. Therefore, that element is attuning to even to that which is the deeper senses within the cell structures themselves. That is why so often in those diseases gold is a curative, for it brings that element that is knowledge, or awakens the knowledge, within the cells themselves, individual though they may be, the cells themselves. Be careful, though, of those elements especially in the seafoods now that have contaminated the seas, that have contaminated the beasts of the seas, even the conch, et cetera, even that which are the fruits on land, for much elements in the atmosphere, much elements in the water, have tended to dull or destroy the life-giving qualities of those foods so named.
Q I interpreted a dream I had many years ago to mean that I should not eat beef. I have been eating a little of it recently. Do you feel, do you see, that within my body it’s better that I not do this? (199)
S Do you believe that it is wrong? For in the belief, much is the acceptance, see? We do not recommend for this entity the red meats other than liver. Yet it is the interpretation of this entity which programs the body and the body’s responses. If ye feel the better, mentally, towards the spiritual things by not eating this or that, then by all means do that. For as the mind is the builder, and mind sets the pace of the body, that which you would feel as a negative influence within self will be a negative influence and even a greater influence as self puts it. Therefore, decide in the mind, and honestly, how you feel, and then partake as ye know is best for self.
Q Does it open one to more negative thought? This is something that I’ve heard. (199)
S It can open self to negative thought, especially because not so much as ye have heard that it holds back the body for its digestive purposes (which it does), but any animal – and the higher the animal – the more influence of the mind of the animal and the death of the animal upon the cells of the animal. That is why those species that prey upon members of their own species – cannibalism – produce the lowest organisms that are on this earth. Even in mankind, those who partake of human flesh are the lower, and often end up in that area of the lowest terms, in that which is the borderland. Some have just come from there and have not grown out of it, see. Therefore, as the higher elements – this is why so much the lighter flesh is the better, for there is less of the death or the shock of death and the poisons therein in the lighter meats. This is why in partaking of any meat, self should thank God for the goodness and then ask for the washing away of the detrimental. It works!
Q Please discuss the matter of physical fasting: for what purposes should one fast, in what manner, with what frequency, for what duration, and what precautions should we take? (114)
S The first aspect of fasting is to deprive or put in place the physical being, the animal desires, the base desires, the lower centers. The second is to cleanse the body of those drosses and those imperfections that come in with the foods that are retained in the body as poisonous matters. The third is to attune the spiritual nature of self, allowing the vibratorial forces to be more implanted in those areas and radiating from this implantment into those physical, mental, and spiritual bodies of the entity, in all aspects of same. That which is the purpose, is that of attuning self the more. Even as the Hebrew people, even as other people, do sacrifice to an extent, it is good for entities each one and everyone here to do this. But what is the greater? That of the body or the mind? And since the mind controls the body, even as given, and shown so amply among the Yogis, the entity should purge the mind bringing not those desires into it or focusing upon those desires but aspiring to the higher nature of self. This, then, is the fasting of the mind – more important even than the body. As to the precautions, each and every entity should first put faith wholly into the purpose, for if you go into this without the faith, without the true purpose, then you might as well not go into it. As to that which would be also watched is when the entities feel weak and dizzy. Yes, you may feel weak but only when the dizziness accompanies should the entities then partake, but of those which give more of the stimulants, then , rather than the body of foods such as meats, vegetables – the stimulants, see. Then into that which is as the proteins and to some extent the natural sugars to replenish the body. For all entities here, never more than three days fasting. If ye would begin fasting, let it begin in the morning, the first light of morning, to the last light of day.
Diet and the subconscious mind
Q This goes along with that reference in your question 71 of 27 July. The Source stated that even that which you eat affects the mind. I would like you to expand upon this giving a diet or the type of food best suited for the enhancement of the subconscious mind. (146)
S Not so much for the enhancement of the subconscious mind, maybe more the putting aside of the subconscious mind. For much that goes into the diet, or the desires of the conscious mind, is put there by the desires of the subconscious mind. For instance, those who rely so heavily on the red meats are ones who have put into their subconscious the more the need. For the protein need is there but may be satisfied in other ways and there is much, see, the same with spirits – that is not to say discarnates – but spirits, alcoholic beverages, et cetera, brought in at the behest, see, of that which is the subconscious yearning put into desires form in the conscious mind. We would give to the entity, then, meditate always on the needs and desires for the next day after self has eaten, about two to three hours afterwards, deciding in the mind and then, in faith, asking that the desires be channeled into the conscious mind for the needs of the next day.
Getting back to the land/ food scarcity
Q It has been thirty years since Edgar Cayce stressed frequently that people should get back onto the land if they did not wish to go hungry. Just how urgent is this advice today? (114)
S More urgent than it has been for years. But the crest, as we see it, of the want is fifteen years away yet. Therefore, build slowly, build steadily, as ye would towards this. And as this group, as this channel, receives the strength to do the new, the greater – to recall , to recount that which is as the Prince of Peace in this earth, to once again herald His coming, you see, there will be that which this group has builded, that will see this group through if the entities so involved will have it so and bring unity among themselves. But as we see now, though the pressures will be on to be quick about it , the real needs will come about fifteen years from now when the first great earth changes will occur. There will be primary changes in that which is the earth prior to fifteen years from now but that which is the great turbulence, the great movements, will begin in fifteen years.
Spiritual growth/overcoming stumbling blocks
Q Have I brought over stumbling blocks from other incarnations that are impeding my progress now and, if so, what are they and how can they best be overcome? (146)
S Dear little one, if ye had no stumbling blocks from other times, ye would be arisen and gone. Anything that holds you back – do not think of them as coming from another time – but placing them on a day-to-day basis. There is much in this entity that can, through the power of the mind and the will, and the love that is so dominant in this entity, overcome all stumbling blocks whether they be created this day or a thousand days ago, or a thousand years ago.
Discarnates influencing individual
Q The roof of our house recently developed a leak and it happened to be over my side of the bed in the bedroom. And I would like to know if there is something that I have been doing improperly to cause this. (101)
S No. Someone else has! Therefore, take into thyself , lest other irritations begin to develop in your home: I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK . I TRUST IN THEE, OH LORD, TO PUT AWAY FROM ME THOSE ENTITIES THAT BELONG NOT IN THIS REGION, THIS PLANE. Have faith, for while ye still may be bothered by this and that, from small inconveniences, but the will , directed correctly, will push that away.
Q Are you saying that this is a discarnate entity? (101)
S This is a discarnate entity – a mischief maker.
Q Could that have had anything to do with the breaking into that house? Where the glass was broken twice on the door and yet nothing was taken? Was this a Poltergeist phenomenon? (ll4)
S Not quite poltergeist, see. But an influence upon another to do this. Whereas the hole in the roof was directly caused by this mischief maker. You see, there would be many little ways through others and through itself that this entity can cause troubles, see?
Q Then do we not need to be concerned that the person who did break into the house is coming back? (101)
S There could be a concern here especially if the minds dwell upon the coming back. As ye wish away that which is the power that brought them, or pulled them towards you, or built in their minds (for there were two of them, see, a third interested, too) the breaking in or just the troubling, you see. Youths often are led this way and that not realizing it by entities from the other side – for they are susceptible so easy, to influences while their minds and bodies are in some change in turbulence of growth and changes in the endocrine systems.
Q Then were they possibly acquaintances of (767) which would explain why his room and the other boy’s room was not touched? (101)
S Within a mile radius.
Reincarnation/time between lives
Q Can we be told what the average time between lives is of those on the cycle of reincarnation? (114)
S There is no average. For you see some of those who come back are just coming back now from the last destruction of Atlantis – some Lemurians, too . Yet some people come back about forty years. Some try to come back immediately. And some do! There’s no average. Usually we would give, the better is more than twenty years of learning in other planes, other planets, and other systems.
Q Then I have been wrong in wishing to come back quickly to serve others? I should allow for a period of time on the other side before coming back. Is that… (114)
S Channel the wish that God Himself, the Creative Force, will put you back when you should come back.
Mind power and prosperity
Q Several of what are termed New Thought churches emphasize and teach our right to be financially prosperous through using our mind power. This philosophy does not appear to me to be in keeping with the parable of the rich young man . Please elaborate and discuss this. (114)
S First, it is as given, “Where thy riches lie, so lies thy heart”. If ye would have prosperity to be equal to that of the spiritual, little less, or even more, there will your heart be too, and in truth can serve not two masters. Prosperity is that which comes in many forms and if you receive it in faith, not sating the desires of the body or the desires of the mind, but rather using it as a tool of love and goodness, even to the necessities of self, it will be as that which is a gift. But where, ever so slightly, you see, there is that impelling force that begins to feed the desires of the body and the desires of the mind the more, then stand back. For much, see, is brought to self in the way of temptations. That which is given is correct by those peoples and those churches, those institutes, that it is correct. God has never wanted His people, His children, to go in want. But what is the greater? The spiritual want, or the mental and physical want? Each entity, each individual, must make his choice. But be wary when self is channeled into a direction of easing the physical comforts, easing the physical situations and sating the mind and the mind’s desire. Look out for the rationalization in self and others. There is plenty available. There always will be. But receive it in faith and do not lay up your riches where the corruption or the moth will destroy it. Rather turn it in the good deeds and in the way of good deeds that others may benefit. But here again, be careful, for when you sate the appetites and desires the more the physical beings of others, you have not dealt with them in good faith. This is why so much that the governments of today miscalculate and do wrong for cradling, for giving the more to those who have come in to find their way, to gather experiences in the needs of the mind and the body, to overcome them, through that which is the spiritual way. And how can you be led in the spiritual way when uppermost in your mind and all those around] you is sating the physical and the mental man rather than the spiritual? Where all is given and all emphasis is in the giving rather than the doing on their own, see? This is not to say that those in need are not to be helped. But to only be given that boost that they may help themselves and help others that they, too, may be servants of the God that serves.
Bermuda Triangle
Q What has happened to the many airplanes and ships that have disappeared without leaving a trace in that section of the Caribbean known as the Devil’s Triangle or the Bermuda Triangle? (146)
S Now we have here two conflicting, see, forces. One from the outer – that is say, outer space – which finds this area the better area to, in a manner, prey upon the species – even as people, or scientists, probe the depths of the waters with nets, so they’re netted here. But also, you see, that which is yet to be discovered, that which is the great crystal, not destroyed in that which is the destruction of Atlantis, Poseida, we find to be active, to an extent, that pulls and destroys or captivates objects in this area. If selves would visualize this area, selves would superimpose that which is the continent (or was the continent) of Atlantis, selves would understand, then, why this area and none other. This is also the reason why there is so much turbulence in the lands of Mexico in a direct line from that which is the southern-western angle of the triangle.
Q One of the theories has been that there is a black hole there, that matter (the magnetic pull of it) sucks everything into this black hole and they come out in another dimension. How does the crystal work? ls it similar? (146)
S Can we describe that crystal to your minds? This crystal is that which gives life, that which gives destruction, that which (is) causes the negative to happen to the atomic, or the atomic explosions. If you have seen or dimly understand that which happens in a nuclear reactor, or a nuclear explosion, the immense giving off of energy, reverse it. This is also one of the aspects of that which is the crystal, see, one of the aspects used in controlling the cellular bodies within people of the times, or even the things, to cleanse the system genetically, cellularly, into its proper state for human existence.
Q Following up (114’s) question about this diet, are the, is the Source able to tell us which waters are more polluted, the Norwegian of the Portuguese – the Portugal waters? (178)
S Oh, the Portuguese by all means. We find here you see.
Q You mean that’s more polluted? (178)
S Yes, that’s more polluted. For you see here we find atomic wastes that are not apparent or greatly apparent in that area . We find, you see, that there is atomic rubble caused by the loss of an American warship in that area and also dumping by the British of certain waste materials that have flowed into this area, so even though there are more oils, even though there is more of such garbage or sewage in the area of the Norwegian waters, that is toward Sweden the more, the Baltic the more, we find it is better for those of the North Atlantic rather than the South Atlantic or even those areas of the Mediterranean.
Q What about shrimp from the Gulf of California, lobster from Australia? (114)
S These are the better, though we see now that there is a tendency to destroy the Gulf of California because of plants that are being built or contemplated to being built. From the area of Tiburon south, we find that still the shrimps in this area, the fish in this area, to be very good. We find that especially that which comes from South Australia and the east coast of Australia to be the better.
Yeast/physical and spiritual
Q Reference question 58 of June 21 reading: What, just what, is the yeast that is to be taken into the body in order to raise the forces to turn the leaven of the body into that which is of the spiritual? (146)
S That yeast is that which raises the faith within self, the calling on the Name, the Name of Names, that His light, the Light through His way and His being may come into thee to raise ye up that ye , too, may be as He, and save others. For even as it is given in St. John 15:8, look up and see only Him, none other, no other way. For He is that which raises in self the thought, the way, and the deed.
Names/true name given by God
Q What is the difference between the name woven together of all names had by an entity, and the true name given when an entity goes to his Father’s house? (101)
S The true name is that which God has given thee in the beginning and added to or supplemented by the names that the entities have woven or constructed or created as they go, washed clean by the name of names that thy God will know thee for what thou art: pure, clean, whole. Active on other planes at night
Q If we are active on other planes at night, should we concentrate on being more helpful? (199)
S Concentrate on being more spiritual, and the guidance and use will be there. For as ye act in the day and as ye set your mind, so self goes in that which is the crossing over or going out in those periods called sleep.
Other teachings and teachers
Q How would the Source evaluate the teaching of (1169 Gurdjieff), a Russian?
S There is much here to be commended. However, that entity performing a different job, a different function, than the members here would be about, see. For there are those who are attracted only through such minds, such representatives, as they would find in this one. More that which would be the scientific, more that which are the nongodly, see, or those who believe themselves to be atheistic or scientifically motivated, tend to find their way the more through an entity such as this. But those who seek the spiritual path, or are awakened, do not go this route, though this entity, endowed with much of the understanding of the spiritual nature through those faculties that lie or lay open within this entity, did much for a special group that needed the guidance here.
Q I’ve been intrigued, or I’ve been being talked to about this (1170 – Skarin) who’s supposed to have been translated, left her body or took it with her, and comes back, and goes back and forth across. Also, if we die and leave our body here, we have failed. Is there such a thing as taking your body with you when you die?
S What do you need it for? Would you sink your feet in cement and take yourself swimming? No! No, no, no.
Q Is this a fraudulent thing, then, that she’s publishing these books? (178)
S Ye cannot operate in another realm with this earthly body. It is physically impossible. Even the Prince of Love did not take His body, as ye know it, across. There is much here, you see, of wish fulfillment. There is much here that is don in the direction of the thrill, the fascination, for others. There is much here done for the monetary reasons.
Q Who is the entity (202) and which spiritual centers are emphasized in him? (l31)
S We will not comment on this entity, for we find that the knowledge of this entity, his purpose, or cross-purposes, is not for this group, is not for the inner knowledge of this group. If the entity that is the questioner would take it into self, the knowledge will come to self. Be not biased in any way, for or against. But for the general knowledge of this group it is not presentable at this time.
Visions and Dreams interpreted
Q Who are the tall beings in brilliant robes that (110) sees from time to time? (131)
S The entity is seeing into those higher planes of those who are allowing themselves to be seen from the higher, or the sixth plane, giving the visual images though they do not appear even so as seen. And yet, each wears that which is an example, or that which the entities have achieved upon, even crudely, very crudely put, angelically or through the mastership, not to be confused with the one Lord Master, but the mastership of their areas, their endeavors and that which each may put upon themselves, and clothe themselves, robes far finer than anything that can be manufactured or done in this life. What they wear are their deeds.
Q Please explain the dream that (110) had that contained the polar shift in it. (199)
S We have that which is as that of the dream or the warning of the way. Once again this is two-fold as often we find the channel’s dreaming. One, that there must be a shift in the polarity, or the polarity of the entity towards that which is new and different, towards that which is more the way than for self or self’s diverse desires. There must be that which is the faith, and yet the great warning lies here. For, as seen, the polar shift will occur; that which now is the south as seen by the entity in that which is the vision rather than the dream, the warning of that which moves the poles on their axis, shifting more towards that which is north and east of Greenland, and to the west and south of the south pole. That is to say, the south pole moving west and that which is the north pole moving east, shifting, as seen, not as an overnight shift, but slow and steady. This is not to say that the shift will not be perceptible to those who see and those who know. It has already begun to move. We find it moving roughly to a stationary objective 727 miles from that place it is now, not to be in the equator as many have believed, but a shift of 727 of your miles.
Q I have a symbol that appears in my dreams, or did appear in my dreams frequently and I’ve had it once again recently, of a purse especially one that is lost or stolen or left behind or something. What does this symbolize? (146)
S There is a trifold meaning for this entity. One, there’s been a bothering of the entity of the financial or that which are the entity’s investments or that which the entity has to use this way or that; the entity has been unsure. Secondly, that is also a symbol of that which the entity holds dear, the force of love and goodness within self; and the third, is that which the entity holds dear as to those who are close to the entity familywise and friendship wise. These are the three symbols, and they may be interpreted in each dream as to that which are the forces or other symbols that surround the entity where they are concerned, see? Q
Physical readings for members of the group and family
Q Is there anything I need to know about all of the new lines that have appeared in my left palm in the past few months? (131)
S We have an indication here of a shattering, see, of concepts and of the will to hang on doggedly as the entity does at times. A moving to a freer roving mind and a change from that which the entity has felt in self as the critical to that which is the noncritical. It is a movement. It is that to be watched. It is also that which indicates a change in that which is the physical being of the entity towards that which is the more balanced entity, the balanced body going with a more balanced mind.
Q A few new lines have also appeared in my right palm. Is the signification of lines in the right palm different than those in the left palm? (131)
S It means you have met, conquered, and overcome; you see. It means that you have made the progress that is only appearing in the left hand to show or to shadow that which is occurring.
Q Could you please tell me where I can get the copper and the zinc when I need it? (101)
S The entity could cook in these. The entity could also wear that. Both are available readily in many forms and many places. The entity can even find them in buckets, in utensils here and there. They are readily available just all over the place.
Q Then the physical need in, not a need to eat but to simply have around? (101)
S Have around. It is absorbed from handling. It is absorbed from, see, in particles atomically as the atomic particles break off. They imbed themselves or are drawn into the body if it is worn. That’s why people react to certain metals, certain stones, that they wear on them. It is not that these stones give off the vibrations, or the metals give off the vibration. No. Atomically there is a mixture, or an admixture, that occurs here as particles are taken from one body to the other. For the living body, you see, is more of a magnet or an attractive force, rather, than ye would know. That is why even thoughts of others may be imbedded within you. Even though you do not accept them, they physically become part of you. That is why prayers of cleansing, prayers of love to the Father and asking His way is a necessity in every individual. This is why those who become hermits, or go to hermitages, or those monasteries, can do so much mentally, physically and spiritually, for they are away from the world thought the more. They are away from the negative thought the more, and those around them concentrate on the cleansing and the higher attunement.
Q In the last reading when I asked a question about (203), the Source indicated that she was outside of Flagstaff. Upon checking with her, I found that she was physically in Flagstaff. Would you please comment on the apparent discrepancy? (101)
S No discrepancy when you realize the many aspects of this entity. There is much in this entity that causes trouble in this entity because of that which is the separation at times of the different aspects of the being. The physical being, being here, where you have projections of the astral body of this entity and the controlling factors, causing chaotic conditions at times with this entity and cross– purposes of the mind, see, and misinterpretations of the bodily functions even, in this entity. You understand?
Q I have no question but if you have something that would be of benefit to me, I’d like to hear it. (199)
S Look upon the lighter side, for often this entity does not see the lighter side, and even if those who in a jokingly manner call the entity sometimes prudish, this is the description of the entity many times. Remember, laughter is a gift given to man that no other, not even the angels, possess. Though they may seem to sound like it or give those things which might create laughter, they cannot appreciate it, not as man can. Be more lighthearted. Be more free with self.
Q Do you think that it is necessary for me to continue to go to the chiropractor at this time? Or can I give this up? (199)
S We find definitely at this time this entity should continue chiropractic adjustments. However, as the entity grows in spiritual, mental, and physical, the entity will drop off this. We can see that if the entity applies self properly, another sixty days should be sufficient unless the entity dis-adjusts self again.
Imbalance/physical and mental
Q It was mentioned in the last reading that each of us is imbalanced in one way or another. In what way or ways am I imbalanced, and what can I do to correct it? (101)
S First, the entity is imbalanced in that which is the physical self, needing more of that which is the copper, now at this time, in the entity. There is a shift here. This entity fluctuates between the need of copper and the need of zinc back and forth quite frequently. Also, the need of iron, which at this time is steady. We find also that in the mental conditions of the entity there is a tendency to (though the entity has widened in view on many things) to narrow sometimes, especially in opinions of the entity’s involvement in that which is (132) and this group.
Q In what way, or ways, am I imbalanced and what should I do to correct it? (178)
S As always, and ever, this entity should partake much of the fruit to balance selves. But a greater balance here is to have more humor in that which occurs to the entity, even when others would sting the entity or would give to this entity, then, that which are rebuffs or the caustic remarks or the irritating remarks. Greet them with a grin. Smile your way through the days, for this is a gift to self. For in this entity the smiles, the cheerfulness, and the humor balance the entity more than much prayer, more than much medicinal qualities, more, than that which is even the dietic, or the diets, or the cleansings of the diets through the dietics. Smile! Be cheerful! Shrug off that which are the irritations and the stings of others.
Q What is imbalanced in myself and what should I do about it that I may better serve? (114)
S Relax! Relaxation in the mind and the body in this entity are imperative for the entity to achieve, to follow those lines that this entity should follow. The entity becomes too tense mentally, too tense physically, though there is in this entity a quality that helps or tends to relax the entity more physically than mentally. Be assured that the word comes to self, the direction is given to self and be as that which is guided by the friendliness in self rather than that which becomes tense and sharp at times, and which is a double-edged sword and rends the entity more than those that the entity becomes tense and sharp with. This is a physical, this is a mental manifestation. Relax, relax, take it easy.
Q In the light of the changes now going on in me, are there any imbalances or is there any new advice, or modifications to old advice, that should be followed in light of these changes? (131)
S Keep trying, first of all. Keep accepting that self, as all others, must change, must come to that state that is noncritical even of self. For there is much in this self, especially in the subconscious nature of self, that which is critical of the physical self. Beneath the mental self is the spiritual progress, relaxed in self. Have confidence in self and ye will find much more is achieved this way. As to that which is the physical nature of self, do less with that which is as the stimulus in foods, that is to say, the more highly seasoned foods; not to say that it should be a bland diet. No. But not so much of that which tempts the physical self more in the highly seasoned foods.
Q Like (199), I have no further questions but also like (199) if there’s anything that I need to know I would appreciate for you to tell me of it. (178)
S Know that self has acquired much in this life and now is the time to assimilate, to discern the greater motives, the greater use of that which are the knowledge and abilities that self has acquired . Sit often in contemplation, before meditation, upon the positive aspects of the life and then question as how they are to be used in the helping of others.
Business advice
Q I have a desire that comes and goes, to form a children’s museum at some future time, possibly during retirement. Is this something that is practical or is it pure fantasy? (146)
S It’s practical.
Q Should I work on it? I mean, think about it, work on it? (146)
S You may work on it. Make it a desire. Make it a part of the good desire, the aspiring to show others the way, to give the good to others, that knowledge may be used to be more perfect, for knowledge is a gift and the acquiring of same.
And now we would give to each of you, oh, children; oh, brothers, sisters; that ye are my friends, that l am your friend, that the Christ is your friend, that this Source is your friend, for in friendship is the comradeship, the chain formed. Be not as the servants, but as the friends. And to unto thee, the love, the blessings, the Holy Spirit, of the Father and of the Son, be upon you, in you, and remain with you.
We are through with this reading at this time.