RAM 10-014-1975 Session: Biblical Insights and ChannelingRAM 10-014-1975 Session: Biblical Insights and Channeling

This document dated February 22, 1975, is a transcription of a spiritual session. It discusses various spiritual topics including the significance of missing books in the Bible, the foreshadowing of series of readings on the Bible, insights on channeling, the role of mediums and psychics, and the concept of this core group as Essenes returned. There are also questions about the relationship between past and current spiritual works, the interpretation of dreams and visions, and guidance on personal, physical, and mental well-being.

RAM Reading 10-14 


Our Father, our God, look upon us, oh Lord, as Thy channels of blessing to be used, oh Lord, as You see fit. And not as we, oh Lord would have it’, but always as You. Use us, oh Lord. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ, our strength, our guide, our brother.

S Bring forth Thy strength, oh Lord, that these may know and do, that Thy word may ring upon the land, and Thy strength, Thy love, Thy mercy may be known even among

Thy children, oh Lord, who have sinned and walked astray. 

We have this group, and we would give to this group that which is the lesson of the day. Behold the Lamb that cometh, He whose sins have washed away through His service to the Lord. Then follow His way that ye, too, may give to God that which is God’s. Behold Him, ye souls, that which the mortal eye cannot see. Revere that which is His way for He is the strength and light of the Lord. And be ye assured (even as He gave) His way is sure. Find the path. Live in that which is mercy and love rather than that which is self and selfishness. Make bold the way of the Lord for in truth He doth cometh, and for what? That which He has made in glory – the souls of each and every entity that would turn to Him. 

We are here We have this group. And we are ready for questions.

C Those present in this group are 110, 199, 146, 131, 169, 178, 172, 107, 114, 101, 185, and 180. The date is _February the 22nd, 1975, and. the approximate time is 7:54 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.

S We have the inquiring minds of this group and that which is the performance of each and every entity in this group recorded upon that which is the soul force of each and every entity, as known to the I AM of each and every individual. And we will give this reading, this work that is sought after. 

Missing books in the Bible

But first we would give to this group, that upon completion of this work reading the entities should read that which is the 79th Psalm, the 82nd Psalm, Mark 17, ** and in thine own time, Micah, see. For Micah is that which is happening to thee, the awakening. 

**The following explanation was obtained March 3, 1975, following an individual reading:

Q At our last work reading a reference was made to Mark 17. Now in our Bibles we only have sixteen chapters in Mark. What was meant by this? (131)

s The 17th are deleted chapter here. Yes, deleted for the obvious reasons. The 17th begins in this manner which will give you the clue to the reason why it is not in your Bibles:

“And the acts they performed through the glory of God and the Christ that lay within, was to all known who they had been, and were. Their past and their future and in the glory of God walking among them, they spread that which was the knowledge of love, truth, that all men have been, are, and will be again. That in the acts of mercy and goodness God has given a way for man to make up to himself that which is his downfalls before. And those who know, glorify God, for his love, his mercy.” You see? 

Q Are there any manuscripts extant, existing anywhere in the world that this has not been deleted from?

S Oh, yes. The better of the complete 17, 18 and 19 and 20 of John, or as was given, Mark. And we have that which was given from John, that which was deleted from Matthew, and even alluded to in the Acts, as being in the Vatican now. Kept in a vault along with those remnants of the ark, with those tablets, with the staff of Moses, with other religious treasures. Yes, it’s there. Not in the library, but in the vault.

We are ready for questions at this time. 

Foreshadowing of the work to come on the Bible

Q I was wondering if it would be possible through the use of this Source to put together a book, or booklets, to help people better understand the Bible, and if so, how? (180)

S This can be done through readings and is advisable in the future that the understandings, the teachings that are enclosed, encased, within the Testaments, within that which is the Torah., and the basics of Christianity, Judaism, other religions of the west may be examined, may be published for those who would have eyes and those who would have ears. Through readings, through selvesquestions, in a manner of first the New Testament, for this that which is sought by the most. For it is the example and as the understanding of same is brought forth and the word is given, then for those who be scholarly, then for those who would see the chain that – which is the Old Testament. But you are asking a monumental task. For the material is so vast that it must be gleaned before it may be put to use. That which is the questioning must be well thought, well planned, and that which is the Holy Spirit must be consulted within each and every entity that would be given this task by this group.

Q No matter how varied the questions are, the Source has the answers immediately. How is this accomplished? (169)

By the channeling of that which are the higher forces. That which slows down at times is that which is the inability of the channel and those that surround the channel to remove their own personalities, their own selves from that which is the channeling. Were it more so, ye could hear and know in any language, any thought, anything, on any subject relevant to God and to man, and the manifesting of the forces of love in all things.

Q We were told by a· young man doing psychic research and who is traveling over the country that there are thousands, well, suppose it’s only dozens, of psychics throughout the country doing readings virtually indistinguishable from Cayce even to the frequent use of the word. “see”. Could you please comment on this? (169)

S Oh, yes. This is programmed.

Q This is what?

s This is programmed. Many can read and remember, and the subconscious uses it. But know them by their fruits. They may pour out this. They may pour out that. But look to that which is the healing, look to that which is the prophecy, to know. Look to the fruits – the long-term fruits rather than that which is so easily given. For there are many who seek, remember, that would accept only in that which is the vein as given in Cayce, and look to them in question who do not say that the Christ is the answer, or who do not say turn to yourself. For then, that is a key. For if they glamorize themselves, then they are not of that which is the Holy Order.

Core group as Essenes returned

Q What do we as a group have in common that we were chosen to do this work? (172)

S Ye have in common that the Lord, thy God, has chosen thee. That is what ye have in common! Ye have in past times chosen to serve the Lord, thy God, especially among those called Essenes, especially in those times preceding and after the coming of the Prince of Love within this earth. This is what ye have in common: the love of God and the search. However the many mistakes you have made it’s the search. Keep it up.

Cayce and RAM connection: Continuation? Culmination.

Q Should we start anew, or should this work be a continuation of the Cayce work?

This is the culmination of the work. This will be that which is builded upon. And what are the building blocks? Patience, love, virtue, faith, all in one, all that is positive.  But the greatest building block is that which is harmony. Without it nothing can be achieved. Look not back at others’ work, though take in mind it is the material for thy use. But look forward. For this is that which ye would build for Him Who is thy Lord and Master·. Even as that work was as the beginning, so this will be as that which is the ending in His day, in His choosing. Look not for tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day. For His coming is in His time – not yours.

Replenishing and rebalancing the channel’s energies

Q. Oh February the 11th, after a triple reading by the channel, this questioner was channeling some energy to the channel to replenish and rebalance his energies. At first the energy flow was experienced by this questioner as a cool flow, then later as the usual warm flow. What was the significance of the different sensations of coolness and warmness? (131)

S The flow of coolness is that where the spirit or that which are the spiritual forces have been drained and are renewed; that of the warmth being of the physical or that of the body nature, as the animal body. See?

Q This means that the channel’s spiritual forces were at low ebb at that time?

S Much used. Correct.

Differences between men and women emotional/intellectual

Q Please give the fundamental inborn emotional and intellectual differences between men and women. (146)

S Well, how many days have you? How many nights? We have here in capsule form of vying for the balance within an individual. We have here that which is the forcefulness, that which is the thought, that which is the will, and that which is the mind as represented in man. – the mind; woman – the will. These are the basic differences in a nutshell, and yet the ramifications and the stratum of same are varied. In that which is the perfected individual is a true balance where can be held the female and the male, that which is the balance between the mind and the will, neither overcoming the other, but both in harmony and in balance. The fundamental difference, here, is that mind of man is that which is the more analytical may be found in the female. In the female, that of the will, or the use of desire, or holding in the proper place, the proper aspect, the thought; the desire, or the perfection of desire, that of God. Not as personal desire, or desire of 1the body, but the perfect desire – and it. may be found in man – both the tool and perfection of that which is the spiritual nature of self.

Starvation in the world

Q Could you comment on the reasons for the· starvation of so many babies in the world? Is it karmic or is there something that man can do to alleviate the situation? (172)

S First, man can love and forgive. For you see, this earth could stand the billions more if there were but love and forgiveness.

Souls leaving the body before traumatic death and warning about mediums

Q In a book recently published in South Africa and written by Jaspar Swain, the death of two young people is described in a terrible automobile accident. Just prior to the crash they were lifted up about thirty feet above the car and from that point witnessed the crash and then went down; floated down, to see their broken bodies. It was stated in this book that this is customary procedure preceding catastrophes such as this. Please comment. (178)

S Not so. For how many who have been, or had their bodies for so long for the trauma that comes with such a passing are prepared, slip away, or are lifted up by heavenly host.

There are those who are chosen to be lifted up in such a matter, but for most, traumatic death is that which causes entities to sleep for great periods of time. It is that which is through the understanding of each and every individual and its path that the passing, or the crossing over, is achieved in the manner of same.

Q In this particular book the person who wrote it is completely sincere and thinks that he is actually getting these messages from his son who’s passed on. What is going on here? Is it just his subconscious fooling him? (114)

S No. The entity is getting messages. But look to that which is the scriptures. Beware of those who are as mediums” – and it’s meant. Many would glorify the mediums.  But why seek from those who do not know but only can see from· their own vantage point? Therefore, turn within. If the questions are important, turn within. It’s all there. Ye need not someone elses mentality to pour forth.

Bible: clarification and meaning

Q. In referring to Judas Iscariot in Act’s, Peter is quoted as saying, “Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity and falling headlong he burst asunder in the midst and all his bowels gushed out.” Matthew 27 says that the chief priest took the money he returned to them and that they purchased the field. Also, this gospel says Judas hanged himself.  So, we have a flat contradiction in the King James version as to who bought the land and the manner of death which bothers many people. Why is there this discrepancy in two matters of fact?

S Not matters of fact. The first being that which is as descriptive even as man’s fall from grace and the bursting of that which is the body, that which is the relieving through the sin, and the awakening to same. Whereas the other is that which physically happened to the entity.

Q Would you please explain how a spiritual inheritance can be passed on by trickery such as with Jacob and Esau? (146)

S Well, this was not trickery. This was the overcoming of the self, or the animal world, by the use and utilizing of the spirit of the mind and the physical in coordination. For it is not trickery to subdue that which is the animal, the base, that which is below the spirit only appearing to man in his justification of things as that which is trickery. It is using the forces that are given to overcome that which is the lower self. For you see, subtly man has been taught this and that. By whom? By selves. For much that is held, even at this time, as to be that which is looked upon as right, or righteous, is but the tools of the Satan within – that personal Satan. Even as ye have a personal God, a personal Savior, so ye have constructed Satan. These lead astray often in the guise of that which is nationalism, religion, philosophies, people saying this is right and that is right, by their standards, not God’s.

Q Is this self then what John was speaking of when he said the. prince of this earth stands condemned already? (146)

S The prince of this earth, is that which ye have built and that which is condemned.

Q That’ s self?

S That is self – Satan.

Q In the Old Testament women were termed unclean after the birth of children. Why was this so? (146)

S To establish the dominance of the mind over that which was the will.

Q Why, then, was the period of purification longer when the baby was born a girl than when the baby was born a boy? (146)

S Well, you see, in the Eastern philosophies, even practiced today, the female is not of that which is the breadwinner or the defender. You must realize in that when it was established, there was a matriarchal/patriarchal rift and fight for power that destroyed whole tribes and the power of tribes, of cities, of states of the times, those ancient times, those ancient peoples, whether they were small or large. And by today’s standard all would be small as groups. Yet they were that which were the results.of even those thoughts that projected themselves from those continents, and those peoples that were destroyed before, for that very thing the struggle for power. It is power that is the nemesis of mankind.

Ten Kingdoms in God’s way referenced in Cayce readings

Q In the Cayce reading number 622-6, reference was made to, “that he may be made ruler not only over the five senses but the ten kingdoms in God’s own way.” What are the ten kingdoms referred to? (131)

S. This includes that which is the galactic, or that which are all experiences of mankind in the earth plane, and in the heavens, and in that which are the galaxies, the universes, the cosmos That which are all the experiences, all the planes included.

Q There have been reports from at ·least two groups who are supposed to be in contact with extraterrestrials and who are thought by some to have a good accuracy with past earthquake predictions that there will be an earthquake in the next three months with its epicenter in California that will register 8.0 or more on the Richter scale. Is there any validity in these prophecies? (131)

S There is. validity. There is a tensile strength in the earth itself at the crust of same, thin as it is, that will only take so much thrust. And the thrust is caused by the thought of mankind. If mankind would turn its thoughts to peace and love and nonmaterialism, there would be no earthquakes, no volcanos. There would be peace and harmony within that which is the being of the earth, which registers, even as a thermometer registers, the feelings of the earth. Therefore, cause self not to worry, cause self not to anticipate; cause self to love and ask for peace and mercy not for self – for thy brother, thy sister, and even the earth itself. For lo, that poor being needs so much love. 

Q. Can you give us any probability indication of something like that occurring in the next three months?

S There is a probability because that date is being focalized on by groups, especially those who have great mental powers, and these groups really hope it will happen. Remember that it doesn’t take many minds focalizing upon a subject or a thing, to cause it.

Q Should those of us, and there are several, who have relatives in California, suggest to those people, those folks, that they leave there? (178)

S Would be rather to surround them with love, protection, to ask for peace and quietness and the vanquishing of man’s sins that the event will not happen. 

Names: Given and changing names

Q (130) was told when (401) was an infant that (401) should never be called anything but (401) and when he was an adult and this advice was finally followed, the course of his life changed. When one of us asked what name should be used, the Source indicated that it didn’t matter. Is the use of a particular name important or not, and if so, why? (178)

S Each and every individual. has the name. As for (401) for him it was a calling, or a key to the personality, a key to the reawakening. For was it not known even then ·that there would be pitfalls, and that which would lead astray? It has its bearing, but what ye are called has no bearing upon the soul force of self, upon that which is the search. For ye are given that, which is the freedom of choice to search. It is true for this one or that one there must be a keying of a certain time, a certain place, but this is as the choice of the entity – not of this group but of that entity and other individuals. For many change their name for good or worse, as they have chosen, or have been chosen, and made known to them before the entry into this physical plane.

Q Which happens first? The name change, or the change of course and then the name change?

S The course is within self. The name change may come before or after, as the entity, in subconscious, would have it. Q

Q Does this mean that with some people numerology is more effective than in others, that it’s a question of individuals?

S Quite correct, even to that which is astrology, see?

Past lives

Q In a previous reading that was given by this Source in September of 1972 you stated that I had seen the messengers of God themselves and heard the rejoicings of the angelic host. I’d like to know when and where this happened and who I was. (107)

S This has happened in a multitude of times for this entity. Heavenly messenger such as angels, has the entity seen and understood. The entity has also· been aware of those times when there was a choosing among the heavenly host as to who was to go to this realm to help the brothers, the sisters, who had been entrapped – entombing themselves in flesh and blood. The entity’s name was Ezekiah. At that time the entity saw and heard the heavenly host proclaim the day of the Lord and was a handmaiden to that one who was chosen in another time to bear the message·, to bear the fruit, to be as God’s love.

Q Why does (206) call this questioner by the name Frank so often? (131)

S Well, ·the entity was Frank to that entity. Cousins, yet separated by that which is known as·the channel today the Strait of Dover today where self was among the franks and was called Frank for lack of a better term. See? But, you see, welded together by intermarriage to that which is the Celts, cousins, related even by blood that aided and abetted each other – not in love, but in understanding in that which is tribal warfare and invasion.

Visions and Dreams: Interpretation

Q Please interpret this dream of last Monday evening. (400), my boss, received a call from Washington stating that our project was receiving funds for the next year. Instead of the regular amount per child, it was going to be ten hundred dollars per child. After she received this call, she put her arms around me and told me the news. (199)

S What is the news? The good news – the gospel. What is that as illustrated, is that of – even would be considered the chain of command from the highest source to the high source, to self – that which is the reward, or that which is given in the children, the perfect number, multiplied, that which is being created in self. Therefore, faint not, fast not, for the soul is fed, for the mind is fed, for the subconscious and the body is fed by that which is the Source within and without. This is the message.

Q Did it have anything to do with the real funding of our project? (199)

S What is your real funding? What is your real project? But the soul force of self and of thy brother and thy sister. It is that which has to do with that which is the faith of self rather than an object .in the material world. For even to that that is given, more will be given. Fear not for the material but live for the spir1tual.

Q Please comment upon the dream of February the 20th concerning individuality and personality. (110)

S Rather of February 21st. We have the…yes, we have it. What is being explained here to the entity is that perplexing subject personality. For each and every entity is a product of, lo, those many lives, those many entries, into this plane. A product of that which is gained, or garnered, between the entries, from here, from there. In short, this is the personality. It is that which. Is the drawback, that which holds an entity, that which is self. In short, it is the negative aspects of all ye have become. In individuality is that which is joy to the soul for it is the awakening. But in the individual awakening, that of individuality, you will come at cross-purposes with thy brother, thy sister, thy neighbor. For fear not in this. For even individuality, even so much sought after among the youth of today though mainly lost, or misguided – is that to be replaced by personality again. What personality? The personality of God. When you see that which is negative with thy brother, it is self’s personality, and their personality. When they question, when they quest, when they seek, when they do that which ye cannot understand, and is different, and calls upon self or selves that do this, the wrath and indignation of the establishment, or that which is the established way, then know, even if it is contrary to self s belief, it is the individualism of the entity finding the path in its own way, that it may become the personality of God again. It is a slow~ hard, and even hurtful way – but it is the way. For Jesus Himself became not a personality, but an individual. He riled others. He bent that which is the way, the procedures, and out of it came the perfection, the Christ, God.

Q Please explain what is meant by the term true eyes used in the December 4, 1974 reading when describing the viewing of a comet or the glory of God? (101)

S This is the spiritual understanding, that which comes to self sometimes, and others, as sudden vivid pictures within the mind, superimposed over that which is the natural eyes, see, and at times even blanking them out. It is what many would term visionary. This is that. It comes through that which is even as the third eye center.

Q I had another dream –  (this was last week)..that I would like to have interpreted. I dreamed that someone came to our house and stole. the whole living room – the whole room – and also stole my turquoise jewelry. (199)

S It 1s a warning. Get on the ball. For self will cause trouble to self ·through the loss of others near and dear to the entity, if total understanding of the spiritual nature of self is not more prominently sought and understood. It is that which is given as “forgive thy brother, thy sister” and understand that the ways of God are often closed to the understanding of the individuals. And where ye would see unhappiness or distress to self and others, it is but the working of the hand of God – sure and steady, and merciful.

Q I have a dream that I would like to have interpreted. On June the 12th, 1974 I had this very, vivid dream. We went to the (110’s) home for some type of gathering.

(110) greeted us and many people were there. Someone said that the angels were coming that night. It had been announced somewhere before. Others knew about it, but I hadn’t heard about it. All at once they are!” We looked to someone said, “Oh, there the north mountains, the northeast mountains, and groupings of beautiful orange lights came out from between the high peaks of the mountains. Then this ceased for a while, and then it started up again and there were even larger clusters of these lights. It was electrifying to watch. We looked towards the east, in the sky and we could see orange vapor. Something was being printed in the sky. I could only see a little of it because someone was blocking my view. I felt people everywhere must be awed by it all. All at once an angel, angels in some kind of a vehicle zoomed by us in the sky. Then an angel in light gray stood by me and said, “Well, we are here!” I told her we were happy that they were here, and they mingled and talked with us. I was amazed that some of them looked so much like us but were dressed in clothes from long ago. And then some of the angels wore beautiful, long chiffon dresses of pastel colors. I was surprised to see members of my family there, but we didn’t speak to each other. Later someone asked where (110) was, and someone said he was giving a reading. Later an angel gave me a box of jewelry, or some gold – I’m not sure which it was. I put it in a large overnight bag I had that was quite full of other things. Later! (199) said, “I’ll be getting in touch with you this week”. And there were other things to the dream that I didn’t remember when awakening. Could you please interpret this? (169)

S Revelation, beloved, revelation! For in that which is self ye have seen that which is the programming of self towards that which is the coming, and the heralds therein, the messengers within self, and without of self. That which stood in the way is that which is still self, from seeing the entirety. However, you have seen the preview of that which is even as the angels would appear so that you might recognize the heavenly host. Were you to look around you now, and know, ye sit in a heavenly choir, who are gladly preparing to sing for that which is the Coming. 

Q This is in regard to a question I asked in the first reading I was given through this channel regarding the experience that happened in the spring of 1971. One morning, (169) and I were still in bed when (111) came into the room to talk to us. I saw a figure in white which followed (111) into the room, staying just inside the doorway. While (111) talked to (1690, I viewed the figure, thinking it must be (169′ s) mother, and wondering why she was there. The Source said, “In a sense this was an apparition, but not the apparition of ghostly form, but an apparition just the same. An apparition of a heavenly messenger about to impart news, especially to the subconscious of yourself. And mark this well: the possibilities are strong that you will meet this apparition, this heavenly messenger, and others, as will others· that are in this room. If possible, I would like to know who the messenger was and the news that was given to the subconscious mind. (185)

S You have met the messenger. The messenger has spoken to you, to all in this group, even at this time. And that which is the news is that each and every one has been weighed, and found wanting, but has access to the light and total forgiveness through the working for that which is forgiveness. Even as you would term the Man of Nazareth Who stands in thy midst at this time, blessing each and every entity and prayerfully asking that they not persecute Him the more by being even as He, tying no strings to love. That even as ye do to the least of these, so ye have done to Him. For He bled for thee. Can ye not treat Him as He should be treated, with love, respect, and gratitude?

The following is an addition to question #61 of this reading. It is a continuation of the quotation from (185’s) reading of 8-8-72.

“For there are sights and sounds that abound in this world to help guide the Lord’s people in the times of trial and tribulation that are at hand. · And more will be learned of this as the entity searches into these fields, and more comes to light, not only through others, but through the press, and through photography, and through television as more and more of these appear in this critical, crucial time!”

Q I believe this experience occurred in October of 1956. My family and J. were returning to Tucson from a visit to Utah. It was about 10:30 at night as I drove the station wagon through northern Arizona (169) and was asleep on the front seat. (111) and (109) were asleep in the back. About 75 miles north of Flagstaff, when I noticed a white light, a little to the right of the highway, quite some distance away, I thought it was a lantern indicating road work ahead. As I continued to drive it did not seem to get any closer, but stayed to the right of the road, and a little above the ground. I would watch it for a while and then I would not see it. Then it would be back again. Finally, I did not see it any more at all. When we were about 25 miles north of Flagstaff, I turned the car off the road, on the right side. · Rather than go on to Flagstaff, I decided we would sleep in the car that night. I was still wondering why we had never passed the light or seen any roadwork as I expected. I got out of the car and looked back to the north to see if I could see the light. Instead, ·I was startled to see two large round lights in the air, possibly 100 feet above. the ground on the other side of the road. These were the most unusual lights I have ever seen. Each had a point of white light in the center with lines of white light radiating outward in all directions. I went back to ‘the car and woke up (169) and took her to see the lights also. As we watched. one of the lights began to shrink in upon itself, and continued to until there was nothing left but the white point that was in the center. and then this point, too, disappeared. Soon another light appeared almost in the same spot, and it looked just like the other that disappeared. Now the other light, the original other light, began to shrink in upon itself, leaving a white point which then also disappeared. This was followed by another light which appeared in its place. And this continued, appearing and disappearing for some time. At one time there were as many as three lights. The third one was smaller than the other two. After watching for about twenty minutes, none of the lights came back and all was dark. (169) got back in the car. However, I was not satisfied so I looked again to the north and saw a small, round hill on the left side of the road – some distance away. Extending out a distance from the hill was the same kind of white light as before. It followed the round shape of the hill. I had (169) look at it, too. We watched for a few minutes and then the light began to shrink in towards the hill until it disappeared. This ended the display or whatever you would call it, and we slept in the car that night. I should state also that there was a wonderful feeling of peace all during this experience. Can an explanation be given for this? (185)

S The entities were being watched and metered by benign forces, drawn by that which are the intentions, the gifts, the talents, and that which the entities will be as tools. Benign beings, who to a great degree are enlightened, in some areas, more so than those upon earth, and yet, held back by their own disabilities in other areas, but using· that which is the benign, the benevolent, to find out what they can through their own methods. A race of entities unable to meditate, and therefore seek that which is the peace through meeting those in the galaxies, in whatever form, be it vibrational. or the more solid vibration known as matter. More as peoples of thought form, than as people of bodies as known to self. Be thankful that they are those who have chosen to look at you. For in every experience, always assume that self must be surrounded by the light of the Christ, for He supersedes all. He is God in action throughout the universe. And if self, will but contact, always it will be the safe thing to do.

Work/business/relationship readings

Q Could you tell me why there is so much strain in the relationship with my son,(402) and his wife, (403)? Is there something specific I can do to help alleviate it? (107) 

S Well, that’s a two-way street, you see. For self, there is a choice. That which is the loving indifference to be borne as thy cross and the prayers that this entity will not face karmically the fruit that is being sown.

Q This will be a personal one, but one which I have been dealing with for some months. At the end of February of last year, I was given a second reading through this channel. One of the questions and its answer dealt with (404) and my being a freelance photographer. The Source said it was best for me to form with others at that time, the company so designated, in order for me to have a financial basis for extension into other fields; even that of the photography – to do this photography in-my spare time , and as success in it came I could gradually withdraw from the (404). To date, for various reasons, this -company has not succeeded in a financial way. I believe it has now reached a point, however, with the added services to be started soon, that the success, especially with Cibachrome color print material, would be possible. (405), (169), and I have been investors. There are others that are involved in it, and I particularly have handled the technical part, (405) the more or less term of boss, of the operation. Recently I took over, more or less, the entire operation and have done the best I can to keep it going. He has, at various times, indicated that maybe it ought to be closed down. I have followed what was given originally and tried to stick it out. I don’t know whether this was the right thing to do or not and would appreciate any suggestions of the path that I should follow. (185) 

S Have faith and go within. For all answers are there. But the negative attitude of certain individuals, so associated, have caused that which is somewhat the derailment. For they are open to that which are the negative influences of the world, that which focalizes upon the negative or that which are the destructive forces. For self, there must be a re evaluation of those around self. And always, always surround thyself with the white light of love. Pour it forth and forgive each and every entity that may have foul bruised thee. But have faith. For in the trials and tribulation, in that which is the thanking, in that which is the trying, comes the triumph. For even though ye cannot see or know to the fullness thereof that which is the rewards, that carrying thy burden and thy brother, even it be spiritual more than that which is material, the gains itself, soul wise, can make. It is good for this entity to call upon others, even this group, for prayer power, for help. For you see that which channels towards you, or the enterprise therein, is channeling of the destructive elements in this world. Even that which has made itself known in the economies of this country, this nation, and in other nations abroad. Therefore, ye are combating a massive amount of that which is the negative influence. Don’t give up. Be steady. Base thyself in Him. For if you could look within yourself, you would see the sacrifices that have been made before. Cast them not away. For in other lives, and other times, each and every member here, of this group, has given of self for even lesser things as seen by man.

Q Is there some way wherein l can have better communication or harmony with 405? (185)

S Well, the entity here is so full of self that it is vastly difficult to touch the entity. But keep up forgiving. Keep up the blessing and ask God that this entity can see the light for his sake, and not for self.

Q This question I’d like to ask in behalf of (106). For the past three years she has had a strange mental relationship with a man named (407). She feels it is karmic but at times it is very distressing to her. (107)

S Well, this is almost like. hypnotic suggestion here. See? A carry-over from other times and places where the entities were as a team, working with that which you would term now as hypnosis, mental telepathy, though poor terms, see, and is a carry-over and it is just as detrimental to that entity as to your sister (106). See?

Q Is it something that she should put aside and get away from somehow?

S Oh, yes, because it interferes with the free choice in matters.

Q We’re just getting ready to start development in a small way as we can of the youth camp and conference center for the P.A.F. (Psychical Aid Foundation) in Arivaca. We have a piece of land, the south half of parcel number 156 and the north half of parcel number 160. We need to, we would like to know if we can be told, the best place to drill for water, where we can get the best supply of water for this which we consider a worthwhile purpose. I have here a grid. It’ s laid out in 100-foot squares except for two edges where they are 120 feet by 100. I’ve numbered them A, B, C, from west to east and I’ve numbered them l,2,3, to 13 from north to south. Could you tell us within which one of these squares we’d get the best results in drilling? (114)

S Well, first of all there is a rocky shelf, you see, that extends laterally across all the lots. Anywhere in that which is the southwestern area is best. Self could well consult a dowser for the better location. There are some holes, some cracks that extend laterally, not diagonally, but laterally across the area in that which is the lower elevation, and some in the higher, that may be fished through. There is a very good chance of striking water at 104 feet.

Q Please clarify the role to be played by the channel in (132) and how best he might perform this? 

S The entity is to give love, affection, and guidance as is needed, but must slowly withdraw the name and the use from that as the time comes when there cannot be an association, by name, to any group – only that which is the core group, or association by position with anything else but that which is the platform. Though, as given, love, guidance, assistance in gathering the forces that will make that project a success. And what is a success? If one entity can achieve towards God and find the path, it is a success. 

Q At the same time that we are drilling for water for the camp and conference center, we’re planning on drilling for a home for ourselves in that area. I also have a grid on the south half of parcel 160. Can anything be given to me as to the exact point to drill there, or do I again, should I have to rely on a dowser? (114)

S A dowser will be best, but however, that whole area is good.

Q Please clarify my role in (132) how I can best fulfill it, and the effect on the core group. (101)

S Fulfill it as honestly as self can. And where there comes between self and the policies or the progress of that group, that which is insurmountable to self, then know that you carry with you that which, then, would be detrimental to your functioning in this circle. And if self feels at an impasse with self as the mentality and outlook of self are applied to the organization and to the individuals involved, then know that ye have done all that self can in the light of your knowledge and your abilities and for the good of the organization, step aside, for another who may fulfill the more towards that which are the functions, the cooperation and the peace of that organization. For until that organization finds peace within itself, and forgiveness, it will be stymied by its own self.

Personal/physical/mental readings for members and their family members

Q Our son and daughter, (111) and (109), were involved in a car accident on January 2nd of this year, caused by another person running a stop sign. (111) was not injured but (109) was thrown against the car door and her right arm and shoulder were injured. She went to a specialist in Las Vegas, Nevada and x-rays were taken which showed that the bones were bruised. She was told to have some therapy treatments in Bullhead City, Arizona, where she lives. The treatments have helped, but her arm aches when she writes. Would you please tell me what she can do to clear this up? (169)

S Rather look to that which is the nerves and that which is the cervical area of the entity as to the trouble here, rather than in the arm and the shoulder. For we find here in this entity disjointment. We find that which is bruising. We find that which is irritation caused by misalignment, misplacement, of that which is the vertebral column, especially to the second, the third, the fourth cervica1s, and to the axis itself.

Q They would like to know what lesson they are to learn from this experience. (169)

S That the rain will fall upon the good as well as the bad; that in the karmic order of things, to be part of this world is to be part of thy brother, thy sisters’ karma. That that which others may incur upon self is not always that which is earned by self. What is the lesson? Be patient, be loving, be kind regardless of the situation, having mercy, charity, upon all of those who have offended thee or find offense in thee.

Q What should this entity work on in particular to be of the most help to this group? (172)

S Well, faith in self. The entity often debases self, not giving self that which is the full authority that self has, or the faith in self through the works. For well is the name of the entity given, even as the entity is aware. Then be as that; that which has been given to the entity before. (172’s first name if Philip) 

Q I have a question about atomodine and iodine. How do atomodine and the iodine in kelp differ, since they both have iodine in them? (199)

S Well, first the kelp, you see, is the living plant. That which is given in life possessed in life, gives more life. That which is atomodine, or as you would understand it, is very basic. Self could find this out if you would but look. Look it up. It is the altering of the structure by that which is radiation, changing the structure. Therefore, it is not the same. And as the entity would understand, one affects the thyroid the more, while the other affects the thymus the more, being irradiated.

Q I have some pretty bad back aches particularly at night in my elbows and arms. Can you tell me what that is and what to do for it? (146)

S Result of not enough rest. Result also of misconduct of the cells. It is a result of thought vibration of self. It is that which the entity has builded over years of mind processing, even to the great amount programming the body to what the entity would consider the step-by-step progression of the body towards certain ends. It is that which is attracting the negativeness, once again, of man’s thought and the progression of same towards that which is the free movement in self. To counteract same, the entity should seek more sunshine, especially on those parts; should rest, rest, rest – the mind also. For mind is ever the builder in this entity, as in all, – and much of the confusion, the anxieties, pour forth in that which settles in the joints. Metaphysically here, the understanding is: it stymies the freedom of movement even as the thought stymies the freedom of the spirit.

Q. Is there any way to keep. the physical body from deteriorating with age? (146)

S It is so deeply programmed in the entity and those around the entity that it is at a late stage to try to fight same. But bear in mind that what ye build today is what you are tomorrow. Therefore, begin programming that, if self would return, that the perfect body, the perfect processes, will be in order at that time.

Q I have some personal questions I’d like to ask. These are important, I feel, in order that I might be a better channel of blessings to others. I was told by the Source several months ago that surgery was not recommended for me at that time to take care of a physical condition I had in which a medical doctor had advised surgery. I followed the instructions given by the Source as closely as I could. It appears to me that the condition has been cleared up completely. Is this correct? (169)

S We find it correct at this time.

Q At one time I enrolled in a yoga class. This seemed to help me a lot with meditation. Would this be a good thing for me again at this time? (107) .

S Oh, yes. The bodily movements – but be wary of too much bodily movement until self has relegated and begun to reuse that which is the musculature and the skeletal being of self. Rather concentrate first upon that which is the mind and that which is the breathing, and slowly into the movements. For too much of a good thing can hurt.

Q Would you give suggestions as to how I may improve my general health in order to be of better service to others? (185)

S First, by relaxing. It would be good for this entity to study the method of relaxing used in the Eastern philosophies – the relaxation of the entire body. It would be good also for this entity, before doing same, to bathe in hot water, as hot as the entity can  stand, clothing self in that which is the softest raiment the entity possesses, lying down with hands folded across the chest, concentrating on the well-being and the peace of the body; visualizing each and every cell as a glowing, living example of a world, of a universe, of a galaxy in itself; of its own – that peace permeates these galaxies . That peace is the power that holds, that relieves, that gives life to all that is self, the heavens of self , the worlds of self; relaxing, strengthening, joyously freeing self of the aches and pains of this material body, this material world.

Q In regard to the sinus trouble that I have. Is it causing the eye trouble that I also have? (185)

S Yes, but self is not seeing the world quite as well as he should. For that which is the sinus; how about trying some eucalyptus? Two drops in about a gallon of water, in a vaporizer, with one drop of oil of wintergreen, as to not be over impressive to the olfactory nerves of the entity will help a lot.

Q Would you explain the reason for mixed dominance? This is when the right eye And….(180)

S Yes, we understand. This is that which comes from the devil of self. Mixed purposes in other times, mixing up of others, unsurety in that which is the situation, and many times and most times that which the entity was in the choosing; not ready and willing to come back, but coming back just the same, through that which is more of the force of self, knowing that the choice must be made to come back.

Q Is that my reason for mixed dominance? (180)

S Yes. This entity didn’t really want to come back because of the trials and tribulations suffered in the last entry, even that which is humiliation when there should not have been.

Q Would it help if I knew what this was in the last… (180)

S No, because it would tend to feed the fires of ego.

Q I wake up in the morning feeling very tired and sometimes I don’t get much energy until the afternoon. I have gone to (272) who has prescribed some vitamins for me to take, and he has given me adjustments… (169)

S Try that which is protein. The more the better. The entity suffers much from protein starvation. Feed self, massive amounts last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There’s also an iron deficiency here, and a lack of Vitamin A and Vitamin E.

Q One more. Can you give me any vitamins or minerals, or whatever I need to get myself physically in better shape? (172)

S It would be good especially for this entity to take many of the red based cherries, not those that are canned or bottled, but when they come on the market, get a hold of as many as possible and fill yourself with them. As of now, much spinach is needed by this entity, fresh, if possible, and if not, the frozen variety rather than canned. Use those mustard greens also. There’s much here. It would be good for this entity, too, to listen much to the chants, to chant himself, and to concentrate upon the thymus. For this is the regulator of the· body processes as to the defenses and to that which alleviates the tensions, the neural involvements, and stimulates the other organs and the other centers of the body. It is good for this entity .to take fresh cod liver oil, too. It is good for this entity to apply to the area of the thymus warm to hot packs of castor oil twice daily for no less than fifteen minutes and no more than twenty. It would be a good time for the entity to concentrate on that which is the affirmation such as this: 


Q  I’d like to ask about the health of (408). His stamina and endurance seem to be down lately. (107)

S Yes.

Q He overworks a lot.

S We find in this entity there is – hmm – there is much – wow! You are three million red blood cells short at the time, fellow! This entity would benefit from much liver. This entity would be suited with much iron. Once again, no limit Vitamin A, as much as 50,000 units a day. Rest for this entity – mental rest, too. And massage the extremities, the hands, the feet. Relax with the feet raised. Arms in slow movements back and forth up and down the chest to the sides will help this entity. Rotation of the head and the neck will also relieve this entity, and a full range of the B family vitamins~ especially B2, B1, and B6 in that order – as much as the entity can take.

Q I’d like to know if my palm is a good description of my state of being. (180)

S Oh, to some extent. But don’t let that or numerology, or astrology guide this entity. Let the will of self become that which is the factor of bringing out the spiritual, or the real self. For it is ever the will in this entity. Even now much that bothers the entity physically is brought on more or less by the misuse of the will in the activities of eating, sleeping, and not listening to the better advice and counsel of those around self towards the health matters or the matters of the mind.

And now as we find that the entity that is the channel is somewhat tired, we would give, then, the blessings of Father God, the Son of Man, our Lord, in His workings. and know ye this: each has been chosen and each has chosen. Therefore, ye cannot turn back lest ye destroy yourselves., though ye may part, if choosing to. Be ye about your Father’s business, never turning from that which is the goal of love, the goal of peace. Be charitable even as He, Jesus the Christ, the Man of Nazareth was charitable, loving, forgiving. Know ye this: in patience ye are built, and in mercy you are born, and in love you are redeemed. Therefore, do this for thy Brother: forgive, love, have mercy.

We are through with this reading at this time.