RAM 10-016-1975 Session: Group Dynamics and Divine Guidance
This document dated April 20, 1975, is a transcription of a spiritual session discussing topics such as the purpose and dynamics of the group, the selection of new members, outreach to other like-minded groups, roles and responsibilities within the group, spiritual guidance, and interpretations of biblical passages. It also includes questions and answers about various spiritual concepts, group interactions, and individual spiritual paths.
Ram Reading 10-16
Our Father, our God, we come before Thee as always trusting in Thy Holy Name in Thy love, Thy wisdom, that we may be used for Thy purposes and not those purposes of our own. Therefore, Father, we put ourselves in Thy care, for we believe.
S Sing praise unto the Lord with that which is the soul of each and every individual, with the conscious mind, with the body, with all that is; for He is a gracious and loving Father.
We are here. We have this group, and we will give this reading that is sought.
But first we would give to this group that the purpose for this group is that which must begin: to give out that which is the love, patience, the charity, the long-suffering. These things that are the virtues that make a soul grow – and for what? That thy brother, thy sister, may find their purpose and knock at the door -that He may enter. It is time, then, that a coming together among selves must be to set the ways and the means for same, that the word, that the understanding may go to those that ye would have go to. In conjunction with the teachings of others, the Light as seen through others, that there may be clarification made as to that which is the way, the purpose, and even the truth, that the questions of theology, that the questions of philosophy, may be made the more clear; coming to this Source for clarification and understanding that others may present to you for selves to clarify to selves that which is the truth from that which is not so true and return the information to those who would have same. In those ways of tracts, those ways of words, let it be done, searching out the questioners and bringing their question that this Source may clarify, may point the way, may strengthen, but always remembering that it is for this group to reach those that cry out and more will do so as these days go forward. It is for this group, too, to become as a hub of that which is the prayer [that] the Father may show His mercy to those peoples, those nations that now writhe in the agonies of that which is the karmic order~ including this nation that ye are from. Therefore, send out thy blessings daily, calling upon the will of God that His work may be done through selves that others might live, even as He gave, that they might find life more abundant.
We are ready for questions.
C Those present in the room are 110,199,146,107,131,114,178,101,172,169, 185 and 180. The date is April the 20th, 1975, and the approximate time is 6:12 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group and answer the questions so desired.
S The blessings of love upon each and every individual here. We are ready for questions.
Selection of new members of the Core Group.
Q I’m concerned about two recent readings by the Source and need an explanation, or clarification. In one reading we had the admonition to select persons within our geographic area for choices as new members of this group. Then the Source’s selection of someone quite distant who refused that selection was made. Can you clarify this? (146)
S The entity had the ability, had the opportunity, to make a selection to become part of this area, this place. There were no strings attached to that entity whatsoever, whereas other entities are bound to their areas or must sacrifice others to come. This entity had a clear and free choice and made same.
Reaching out to other like-minded groups
Q It appears that it is now the time for this group to begin contacting other groups and individuals who are seeking. Would you go into this in more detail? (10)
S Each and every individual here has an aptitude, ability, has ways and means. It may be brought into the conversations, into the way. It may be brought in as the printed form, or suggestion, or clarification, giving the name of the Source as Ram, or Rahm, if needed. And allow to be given out where the entities feel is best, not pinpointing, however, the identity of the channel as yet, but to be used as locally and then more widespread as time is ripe.
Q In the April 1974 work reading, the Source made reference to the formation of other groups. Are these other groups to have specific functions or defined areas of interest such as Bible study and interpretation or healing? (131)
S They may work with both. They may be given certain areas to work from, mainly that which are the works of God in action, that of showing brotherhood, of love, of equality, of doing those things and being the hands of God in action. They may also choose to work in those areas so mentioned, as to different lore, as to different philosophies, as to different questionings, as to different methods, that may be clarified and used.
Q Should these groups when formed be brought to the Source or should their questions be channeled through members of this group? (131)
S First, channeled through. There may be times in meetings of groups with the Source through this channel, however, at this time physically impossible for all to be met.
Q What is the first such group that should be formed? (131)
S As to that which is the selection of these entities after prayer and meditation, that is this group, may formulate a path trusting now, and having faith, in the work of the Holy Spirit within selves.
Roles and responsibilities in the group
Q Would you please give some specific assignments for each member of the group with regard to unity among selves and with other groups that are seeking? (10)
S This is as selection by the group as to their abilities and that which are their obligations of the time and of the abilities.
Q In going out, and giving out information, how would you see that I would be about this in my position? (180)
S Your turn will come. Q
Q Meaning not now? (180)
S Not at the present. Q
Description of how the channel works
Q In a previous reading, the Source referred to the channel acting as a “filtering or a conduit to pour forth that which is the information”. We were wondering which does the Source mean as we understand filters and conduits to have separate functions. (178)
S One and the same, see. Filtering draws through and processes and makes usable as the conduit pours through. Both are necessary.
Q What guidelines can you give us for removing our own personalities from the channeling as mentioned in question number 31 of the February 22, 1975, reading? (101)
S Be lost in the way. Become so part of God, remembering that ye have your gifts, that you, too, are special and yet the same; that you are as a link in this chain, in this circle, and truly a brilliant light in the great light of God. Diffuse yourself into the great light to make it that more brilliant. This is the way and the only way. By forgetting self in the purpose, in the search, and even the accomplishment to an extent.
Q The other problem was the admonition to read the 17th chapter of Mark which does not exist in our Bible nor is it available to us. Why were we asked to read that? (146)
S To find out.
Q The aspect that I’m speaking of is of the, shall we say, the individual that was, at the time of the past life, John the Baptist. (185)
S Correct.
Q This has continued down through the centuries, evidently, almost in a sense living a life of its own in order. (185)
S Correct.
Q …to accomplish that which the higher forces would have. (185)
S Correct. And to meet that which is the individual karmic order of things.
Q In Matthew 17, Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James, and John and appeared in glory with Moses and Elijah. Does this transfiguration with Moses and Elijah, plus that which Jesus later said to the three about John the Baptist, refer to the important spiritual events of the past, those events of their day, as well as the future events to come where Jesus had, and would, figure prominently? (185)
S This is correct.
Q Anything more that can be given on the transfiguration at this time? (185)
S Well, you see, even as to those who were present, or even as Moses, being the first word, the first use of the will, whereas Elijah being that which was the overcoming or the will in motion- for look at the tempestuous life here, the going forth, the coming back, the being as that which is as the wrath of God and then discovering in the old age that God has no wrath. Then as John the Baptist being that which was peace and harmony to the extent that there was no wrath, no hate, no individualization of self’s desires. And as then as Jesus in that which is the transfiguration being the One who had overcome the physical of Moses, the mind of Elijah, and had become that which is the perfect pattern, the perfect way.
Q Did Jesus use the analogy of ”cast your bread on the waters”, and if He did, what was the complete expression He used? (114)
S The Master of Life used this phrase, but somewhat differently than given. And He was quoting, see. He said, “Throw the living bread into that which is the waters of Life and so God shall return it to thee, in full.”
Q In Ecclesiastes 11:1 is the source of this quotation of Jesus, ”Cast your bread upon the waters for thou shall find it after many days.” believe bread symbolizes energy, spiritual energy, and the waters symbolize the spiritual area. Please comment on this interpretation and explain the other statement that follows it: “For thou shall find it after many days.” (114)
S This is as an investment to explain, see. Investing, it will come back to thee, for God ever has the law of replenishing, of supply, of spiritual, physical and mental growth through the giving. As to that which is the meaning, it’s almost correct as given, though it is not just the energies but that which are not considered the energies in all things. This is to say, it includes that which is less vibrant, the material, to the most vibrant, the spiritual energies.
Q In the following verse in Ecclesiastes 11:1 is the extraordinary, almost incomprehensible, statement which refers to giving portions to seven and eight. What does this mean, please? (114)
S We are speaking now here of that which are the seven spiritual centers of each individual and the eighth being that which ye would attain to or the highest in God. It pertains and works into all areas of the human life, regardless of how you would see it so. The feeding, the giving to others, the building in self of same is toward one and one attainment, the eighth level of understanding – the highest that an individual can go into his Father’s house. That is to say, the oneness with God, the true brotherhood, the true oneness. This is that which is being given here.
Q What is referred to in the warning about entering in some other way than through Jesus, being a thief and a robber? (178)
S That there is only one way, that is through Jesus the Christ, the Christ force that lies within. This must be the way. If ye would try to go another route through that which are drugs, through that which are the drugs of the mind by misteaching where self is the center rather than that to be put aside, where the truth of the being is not God but self-anointed, self-appointed, then this is by another means. This, then, is so much what is preached at this time through various means and methods. It is not directly going through that which is God’s force, the Christ, through the Name, the power of Jesus the man as the blueprint, the Christ as the way. Seeking even in other names is not wrong. It’s the method. It’s putting self ahead of others, putting self as the central focus rather than forgetting self.
Q Was the Sermon on the Mount given at one time in one place? Please explain and comment on this incident. (114)
S Eighty-seven incidents put into one, so that – by the writers – to bring a prominence to certain teachings. We would comment to say this is the backbone of the teaching of the Prince of Love within the earth.
Q Please explain Jesus’ statement in Mark 16, ”He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that believeth not shall be damned”. This is a difficult statement to grasp with the concept of the Prince of Peace and Love. (114)
S Well, it’s been elaborated on since the speaker was at that time pointing out that this is the way, this is the baptism of the spirit, not of the water. And the condemnation was the return over and over on the wheel of karma until there is a baptizing of the spirit and that which is the mercy, then, and the grace, pulls the entity away from that karmic wheel. Too wordy for the ancients and. too. many did not understand.
Past lives
Q I’d like to know when I was Ezekias. Was I a handmaiden to Mary at the birth of Jesus? (107)
S The entity was a handmaiden before, a friend and confidante. during the life of the Master of Love in the earth.
Alcohol harmful?
Q I understand that alcohol may be harmful to some people and harmless to other and sometimes Cayce stated that this to a particular person is poison. ls alcohol in moderation harmful to the body of the questioner? (178)
S Not as we see it unless the entity has had too much of those, either antibodies in the system, produced outside the body and taken in as help; those drugs called “wonder drugs”. Often for this entity when the level in the body of either estrogen or thyroxin are high, the entity should not partake of alcohol. That is to say, on ingestion or taking in of same the entity should wait several hours at least before taking that which is the alcoholic base, and then for this entity, not great amounts ever.
Peace and Quietness
Q Please discuss the difference between peace and quietness. (101)
S It’s a large order here. Quietness is the ability of the individuals or an entity, or a unit, to still self, to function only at that level that is quiet, to push away, or to stop the infusion into self of that which is disharmony or even that which is falseness. Peace is not what you understand it to be. For the true peace is the true peace of God where action and stillness become one, that may be seen in that which you would call the cosmos, or the cosmic effects that surround this planet, or these planets. There is movement, there is joy. Joy is never peaceful. Joy is force. Joy is motion. Joy is movement. Joy is song and harmony. But this is peace. Even as He gave, His peace passeth understanding. It does pass understanding to the human mind. You may grasp elements or an inkling of same, but not the truth of same until you have experienced same.
Nutrition and vitamins
Q In the answer that was given about kelp and iodine in the last reading, you stated kelp was the living plant. “That which is given in life gives more life.” In relation to this, would you distinguish the difference between synthetic man-made vitamins and minerals and natural vitamins and minerals in vegetables and plants? (107)
S Always the natural being the better. Not only does the body utilize them the more and synthesize the more with them; whereas not being life products so often, or being that which is a product of man’s tampering with that which nature has possessed, or given, that which is synthetic tends to turn off the body’s synthesizing and production of the enzymes and that which are the vitamins themselves that are produced within the body under the proper circumstances. See?
Shaklee (1174)
Q Could you tell me about (1174)? What purposes and ideals has he pursued in this life, and do his food supplements reflect that natural life force? (107)
S One is the dollar, the second is the product – in that order. The entity set out to make a fortune and has. However, the products have achieved very high abilities, and we rate them very good. The entity possessed a genius of sorts and a will, a drive, and that idea to give to others a better source of health.
Q Could you explain in organic gardening – I understand all plant life has to take its nutrients in an inorganic form. Why is it necessary to use only organic materials and have them go through the process to become inorganic before the plant can accept them back into the plant system? (172)
S It is very similar to that which is described in that which is taking in the vitamins. The plant does not then use its potential, or its fullness, does not synthesize within itself, does not develop the proper production of its own vitamins, its own minerals, its own enzymes within self. It is – becomes dependent in more or less (even in a spiritual sense) becomes as that which would be considered a parasitic plant and has the same function, or same ramifications when taken into a human body. Therefore, that which is synthetic is never as good as that which is natural.
Q When a plant can be described as parasitic as you just have, sir, is this an attraction to insects? ls this the reason for insect scourges? (114)
S This is correct to an extent. It also has the detrimental effects of a parasite within the body of the host taken in, see, that would ingest the plant, cannot get its full potential because there is some drawing away or taking away from that which has now become the plant, or animal, being fed.
Colors, metals and stones for new members of the group
Q Please give the colors, metals, stones for the latecomers in this group that they may use best for attuning each to the higher forces. (172)
S For that which is the entity that speaks now, (172): onyx, the stone; gold or silver is that as a metal that is good for the entity and the color for this entity is white, bringing back from those times before where the entity has sought so diligently in the way to find that which is the truth. As (107), we find that the color is blue or white, or a combination of same, that the stone is either the sapphire or the ruby and may be worn alternately or never together. The metal is always gold for this entity, none other. For (169), we find that platinum is that metal that brings peace of the soul to this entity, that rejuvenates the body and the mind. The color and the cloth is gold. We find also for this entity that at times the pearl clasped in the hand will bring relief to the body and the body symptoms and to that which is bringing to the focus the mindpowers to overcome the stumbling blocks of the day. For (185), we find a variety here even as another (R) present, we find the emerald to be very good for this entity and the colors of purple and green also. But we also find for this entity that there never should be worn black at that time of meditation, for it tends to be a power drain on this entity’s mentality and spirituality. We find, though, in those times when this entity has a tendency to be distraught physically or mentally, that red is a good color and ruby is a good stone. As to that which is best for this entity to have about self as a metal: gold, for it brings to this entity the vibrations that are necessary for this entity to flow the more fully through self and out of self.
Thirteen unknown elements
Q The thirteen unknown elements mentioned in the December 4th, 1974, lesson: what are their atomic weights? (172)
S Oh, there’s variation here. There will soon be a release from the Russians as to a discovery or the understanding that another element is present. In time each will be released. The Russians at this time are very close to bringing this element forth.
JFK – assassination
Q Can you tell us why (1179) was assassinated and who was responsible for it? (146)
S That entity was assassinated, predestined to be, see, selection by the entity to face that which that entity had caused for others. For that entity was instrumental in several assassinations or deaths of leaders, see. Even to that which was Julius Caesar, see. That entity, therefore, took it upon self for it was destined to be, for that which this nation must face, in turmoil, to bring forth the opportunity for these people to come to grips with themselves and to begin to see themselves. It was a warning in itself of that which was to come and this nation fell in anyway without the proper investigation, without the proper knowledge being brought forth. For there were many who knew the truth of the assassination and those of high place in this government, of this people, of this nation (and other nations) that were involved. It is not for us to say or to give the names, only that this was not of one party of one people, but that which was of a greater group. This nation, then, had the opportunity of understanding same and preventing that which was the Vietnam war, that which was the drain upon the finances of this nation and others, and to even have prevented that which is as the Arab-Israeli confrontations in that which was the awakening of the propriety of selves, of power and the use of same. There was brought upon this people because of those in that which is authority subverting that which was the best for the peoples, the trials and tribulations that are at hand at this time and grow worse. Therefore, pray for their forgiveness even as Stephen prayed for those who stoned him, that God would forgive them. And even as the Prince of Love so gave, “Father, forgive them, they know not what they do.” These entities, though knowing full well the ramifications, the repercussions of that which they did, or brought about, you see, do not know – or did not know the full meaning or measure to themselves and others of that which they had wrought.
RFK assassination
Q Was (1180’s) assassination a part of this? Was he linked to that? (146)
S This is another group. It was not a single man. The person that is held is not the guilty party.
National karma
Q Is there any way that we can escape the karma that is being developed by our country? (146)
S By loving, by being a channel of mercy, love, charity, forgiveness, patience, virtue, and faith.
Q. Edgar Cayce recommended that cremation is the best way to dispose of the physical body. Could you tell us the reason for this? (178)
S So often, you see, if there’s not cremation, the spirit, well not so much the spirit- but that which are the forces built within the body’s mind, (at that time being in the earth or the awareness) would cling to the body, would cling to that which is the physical world through the body. Also, there is a lessening of others’ attachment to the body as a focusing point for the aware mind and the subconscious minds of selves and holding the entity back, and themselves to the material. That is to say where others are concerned, when the body is cremated, there is less of a focus upon that which is as the physical body though the mental body may be retained in that which is the physical image. But there is a discontinuity then in that which are the mind forces in the holding.
Q Is there any length of time that should intervene between the passing and the disposal? (178)
S As soon as possible.
Q Is (1169’s) idea that life exists in classes, each class being supported by the class below it and in turn supporting the class above this level itself? Is this a true picture? (178)
S To an extent. However, only on the lower order of things whereas the higher you go, they may be removed and the class, the high class, still exists.
Joseph Smith
Q Is the book No Man Knows My History by Fawn Brodie an accurate history of Joseph Smith’s life? (169)
S Not accurate, but much is there that is correct in that man’s existence.
Q Well, in the discussions perhaps there will be something said about the Aaronic and Melchizedek priesthood. Were they set up by God as stated in the Bible or did this originate with man, and what is the true meaning? (169)
S It’s man’s interpretation, you see. In a further time when we delve deeply into this as so that there may go forth the learning process, the opening up of the minds, we will explain the depth and breadth of this.
Q Do angels have wings? (146)
S Only in the minds and the paintings of man.
Q Does that symbolize something – in the minds of men? (146)
S Well, yes, it symbolizes that which is to be lifted up, that which would soar above the common, the ordinary. For those first painters who did so, it was trying to bring that into focus which was, might be called, the auric patterns of these messengers.
Q What word was that you used, what pattern, sir? (114)
S Auric.
Q. A-U-R-I-C?
S Yes.
Q In the January 1974 work reading, the Source made reference to one hundred ten senses. What is the maximum number that anyone in the earth plane has ever used? (131)
S He, Jesus the Christ, when being christed, used them all.
Q Would you please name as many of these senses as we might possibly understand beginning with the lowest or the first to be developed from an evolutionary standpoint? (131)
S We would only give one above that which ye have developed now and use so poorly. That which is in your terms esoteric sight. This is the understanding, not just the sight as you would understand it by eyes, but to pull in that which is the song of the spheres and that which is the balancing of God’s creation. In short, life.
Q What number would that be? (131)
S That would be the seventh sense. Q
Wearing black and other colors
Q Would you please make a general statement concerning the wearing of black? Is this mentally or physically harmful to most people? (178)
S Oh, for some it is that which pulls in the spiritual forces or is greater. Also, for many it is the mental – it helps build the mental. For some wearing red is destructive, purple destructive, white even is destructive. Colors, shades, hues and tints all have their meaning to each and every individual.
God and creation
Q. In the book, There Is A River, by Thomas Sugrue it states and I quote: “God desired to express Himself and He desired companionship therefore He projected from Himself the cosmos and the souls.” And in another place, it states that, ”We are as a corpuscle in the body of God.” To me this is a contradiction. Is creation taking place inside of God, or outside of God? (169)
S Not so. All is within God (of projecting of Himself out into a greater area) for God was, oh, in very tight mass or density and by thought, as given, the big thought, spread Self out through that which ye would call the cosmos, or the galaxies – what have you – the many universes being part of Self. There is no word or words, that can project, or paint, to you, the identity of the body and the force of God. Corpuscle is rather a poor metaphor here, but was best that Tom could use. To self it might be that self is a jewel in the crown of God, that self is a pulsation in the smile of God, what have you, that self is a note in the melody of God, more apropos. But to each and every entity there must come the understanding that you are a shining light, loved by God within Himself – which is everywhere and everything.
Q Well, then, how and when do we become true companions with Him? (169)
S When you come to the understanding of who you are and who God is.
Visions and Dreams: interpretation
Q Please interpret my dream of this morning concerning the steep ascent to board an airplane and the many-colored angels’ wings we were all given to put on. (101)
s Well, it’s very obvious even to the entity. The entity has an understanding here already: That to climb aboard that which is the celestial way depends upon that which is the perseverance of self, the help of the divine forces, and ye then may even act as heavenly messengers in love, charity, and hope for others.
Q Yesterday afternoon I had a vision which puzzled me as to the meaning. Was shown a chart with a column of figures on the left side. Each number listed seemed to be large, running into the thousands. This column of figures was moving downwards bringing larger numbers into view. It was difficult to see the numbers as clear water was flowing upwards from the bottom against the column that was moving downwards. (185)
S The entity had a vision of that which is as the numbers of the souls at this time seeking, plunging, falling to that which is as their destruction and can only be raised as to the raising of the living waters, the Christ force. This is as directed for this group to begin doing – going out to those who have needs, giving them those tidbits of information that may titillate that which is their search.
Q I would like to ask about a dream I had last Monday morning. Would it be necessary for this Source to give any further information? (180)
S Recite the dream, please.
Q The sky was darkened with clouds and there was a funnel cloud off in the distance. In front of the house in the driveway there were carryall type vehicles and on one of the vehicles there was a candelabrum, and you were there, and you said, “Your mother must have left this out here.” A bunch of people had come (I think they were members of our family or relatives) with the one van who was supposedly (130’s) and it had big windows. Then I went into the house and later on I talked to someone. Also, I knew that the people were going to leave because the storm was coming. I went into my room. I fell on my bed or got in my bed ’cause I was very tired, and I went to sleep. While I was sleeping, up over the ceiling, over the bed there was a white light and it kind of of looked like there was a map – I’m not sure – on the ceiling. I woke up ’cause I thought it – that this was a white light that I was thinking to protect myself. As I looked out the window the funnel cloud went by the house, by my window, without making any noise and without destroying anything. Then I saw the people coming back through the driveway back to the house after that. Then, as I saw this funnel cloud had passed, I saw the end of a shotgun. Then, when my father had come back, I asked and I said, “I think I saw somebody out there with a shotgun.” Then I went out the back door, or the side door, and I went around, and I saw a funny looking man and I don’t recall if he had a shotgun or a shovel and I fought with this man and finally I hit him with a shovel, knocked him down into a hole, and then mother didn’t want me to kill him. But I hit him, and his body fell away and the only thing that was left was a gland, or an organ, and I said, “So that’s what a thyroid looks like.” I think I said thy raid. (180)
S All right: We have here, then, that which is as the trials and tribulations of self, and as of the world, as of the group. The entity was seeing that which is coming to pass as has been warned of: that the days of attack will be imminent, that all who seek to see and know the face of God will be subject to ridicule, to attack. Yet you must go forward even as ye have in your life and salvage that, for the overcoming in self is the falling away of that which is the material and finding the way or the will, of the entity so named in the thyroid. As to that which is this group, and self, becoming that which is the light. The light to whom? Those others who must come forth to find the way themselves, who are dedicated as in same as seen in that which is seen as (130). We find also, then, that which is the light that self has brought about in mapping the way for self to be, to go about.
Q A few days before my mother’s funeral, January 11, 1974, I heard voices around the television. It was turned off at the time. And I also heard them in the bedroom coming from an area near the ceiling. Whose voices were these and why did I have this experience? (169)
S Friends and relations getting ready to greet the coming over of the soul, the spirit, of the one that was about to depart the material existence. There is always a gathering of same and when many are attuned to both the person that is passing over and to the spiritual way, they may be heard, they may be seen.
Q Well, it seemed like some of them were arguing up near the ceiling and this went on for quite some time. (169)
S Remember, they have only crossed themselves and are not exalted bodies. Others would have things done now and others would have things done later. Others would greet first; others would greet later. They are just like the rest of you.
Q I’ve had very little contact with my mother since she passed away. Could I be given any information about her at this time? (169)
S When your thoughts turn to this entity be sure that that entity is around, even as now in the questioning, that the entity (clothed in blue in the manner that ye have seen before) is extremely well off, happy, and sends love and understanding with the position of self, and the families.
Q During the last work reading, I asked about the apparition of a heavenly messenger seen in 1971. The Source of the work reading identified itself as that messenger. I had believed that the original messenger seen was John the Baptist because of a reference to him in a reading given to me in February 1974. Is this so? (185)
S Correct, remembering that there are aspects of each and every entity abounding. Whereas the entity may be seen as one form and then as another, as to that which reflects the needs and necessities or the outgoing part of that which is the totality of any entity, even as given here as the messenger.
Q You partly answered this. The Source of my 1972 reading said the apparition seen was not the apparition of ghostly form but an apparition just the same. Is this messenger an aspect of a living being on the earth which is controlled by the higher sources so that John the Baptist may be the herald of the return for Jesus the Christ, or is this something else? (185)
S Well ye have the spirit at work, you have the aspects at work. But do not confuse a carcass with that which is the entity, or the entities themselves, remembering that a diffusion can take place where even as part of the personality is here – the true personality – and part another place and on another level or even at another time. You do not understand time in its entirety but take it as steps, figuring that in that which is as a stairway, your personality, even as an individual, you as (185), may be as someone five steps below, three steps above, and on the same step that you are functioning now, being past, present, future, or even on another plane present.
Q. The following is a dream I had on March 14th of this year: I was in a country of the Near East. A number of people were being told by an official that they either had to leave the country or could stay a little while longer. As I watched I did not realize that when he got to me, he would order me to leave the country now. As I left the room, I backed out bowing towards him (this being the custom). Next, I was in the living quarters with another man – some kind of officer, I believe. I saw something through a glass in the door and I warned him. The door flew open, and a small, older woman came running in towards him. She had a knife in her hand. He said she was a hired assassin, and that she had fingers of steel. She tried to kill him with the knife, but I grabbed her hand and forced it down towards her abdomen and could have wounded her deeply, but I could not do it and I relaxed the hold I had on her hand. She tried to kill herself but failed. And then she went after the man again. I don’t know what happened next for the dream had me outside apparently with the same man. We were leaving the country in a small blimp. We took off and soon we were traveling through the air. He said we were going to Australia, and we were almost there. I didn’t see how this was possible in so short a time since it was so far away. Can you give the meaning? (185)
S The entity was involved here with self, bringing to the fore those things that come into the life where the entity was seeking instructions, directions, from a higher source. And yet from within self, came the hired assassin, that of the material world, that of those thoughts, those daily activities, that would tend to try and destroy that which is the word within self. Self, acting in the propriety of manner, disarmed that which is the worldly thought coming in, but did not kill it. For the entity has not yet reached that ability as yet. And then was taken away from the scene to a higher understanding. And yet there was a lack of faith in the entity which is telling the entity: work more on that which is faith and love, and believe in that which lies within yourself.
Q On April 19, 1974, I had a dream which seemed centered around a woman and some men which I saw some distance away. heard a man’s voice that was firm and almost bitter say, “In my hour of need, where were you?” I did not see the man speaking and the statement woke me. (185)
S The entity here was being paged by brothers from afar – not one, but many, that more prayer, more love, be sent out to those who are in trial and tribulation, that the entity, the world, needs loving thoughts at all times. It is good for this entity to pay heed to this prefacing the prayers with THY WILL BE DONE FOR MY FELLOW MAN, FOR MY FRIEND, THE EARTH.
Q Sometime later I was almost asleep when I heard a man’s voice saying, “Came action from the Prince of Peace.” (185)
S This is the direction self must take as the Prince of Peace was the blueprint, so must be the blueprint within self, in the actions, in the giving of self to others. Personal readings; physical/mental for group members and family
Q When I asked about my son, (402), and my daughter-in-law, (403), you said there was fruit being sown that this entity will not face karmically. I thought you meant the daughter-in-law, (403). Did you mean me also? (107)
S All concerned.
Q The Source has said that my cataracts are slowly dissolving due to change in attitude. On another occasion I was told that I may have an operation. Would it be best for me to have the operation in the near future or wait for the cataract to dissolve? This is asked because curtailed vision reduces the safety factor in driving. (114)
S We find the diffusion here is that which is bothering the entity the most. It is dissolving but for the entity an operation is a possibility or at the selection of the entity to speed the process up. For even as the cataract dissolves, great amounts of time are necessary through that which are the processes of the entity’s mind and physiological being.
Q Could psychic surgery help this condition? And if so, who should I go to? (114.)
S Not for this condition.
Q In our last work reading I was told to take massive doses of protein, last thing at night and first thing in the morning. What protein would be best for me to take at those times and how much should I take? (169)
S We find especially for this entity that the nonanimal proteins are the best, selected from that which are other sources than the animal world if possible. The entity may find almost any, that is on the market today, good for the entity. Always pray over it, though, adjusting it for thy body in this manner:
Q What can I do to clear up the virus infection I have had in my ears for some years? (169)
S First, we find to that area which is as the mastoidal region of the entity, apply packs of castor oil (hot). To the interior of the ear, one drop in the morning, one drop in the evening, of that which is Glyco-Thymoline. To take into the body a combination of the following: 1 drop olive oil, 2 drops Glyco-Thymoline, 1 drop lemon juice (pure), and 1 aspirin (any brand will do). And take this internally in the morning and in the evening. Continue that which is the vitamin E in this entity and have a little healing prayer from those who can give same.
Q Is there anything the Source would like to give me at this time? (185)
S The first through third cervical of this entity need adjustment, the second through fourth dorsals, the third, fourth, fifth lumbar – will help the digestive processes of the entity relax that which are as the nerves of the entity. Go a little less on that which is the intake of the carbohydrates and sugars. Try to relax the more. It would be good for this entity to do body movements, bending, stretching, reaching up to the skies, standing on the toes at the same time, relaxing, moving the body in a rotary manner from the waist up. This, we see the best for the entity, will help the mental outlook and the physical being as well, then as enhance the spiritual search.
Q Could you tell me about my mother, (1015)? I’d like to know about her health and if it would help if I visited with her and my sisters. (107)
S This entity is in poor condition at this time. We find that there is a lessening of the spirit in this entity, that there is at this time the understanding in this entity that those things this entity has come in to know, experience, and be about, have been accomplished. The suggestion for this entity was always be good, not only to think of this one, to pray for this one, but to see this one occasionally. We find that there is a frailty here of the will to stay, of the purpose to stay. For as given, the accomplishments have been met.
Q Should I go soon? (107)
s This is as to the discretion of the entity. As we see it, there is still time.
Q Well, I would like to know, if I did go there, there’s a small A.R.E. group there. Would it be possible to share anything in these readings with them? (107)
S This is correct.
Q Is there anything at this time that this entity should know about the physical, spiritual, emotional or intellectual condition? (146)
S Of self?
Q Yes, of self. (146)
S Well, we still see the ups and downs in this entity, the fighting for this and the fighting for that, the preoccupation of the mind over the rest of the body. Subject it a little more, bring the will into play at use of that which is as a tool of that which is the spiritual nature of self. You’ve come a long way; you’ve done a lot. Be happy with self – but not so happy that you don’t follow the advice.
Q I feel that maybe my mother at this time would like me to ask what could be done for (576) for his protection, his life? (169)
S Surround the entity with the love, the white light. But you see, when emotions come in play there is a detriment here. For it is in the fact of becoming nonemotionally involved to a single entity, but to all entities on par, that the most may be accomplished. That is why a group such as this can send more help, more protection, more guidance than an entity that is close to another. Understand?
Q Is there anything that you would see that I would need to know now? (180)
S Continue to follow the dream advice. Be not so inhibited about sharing same and remember as given before, write, and write them down so self may have a record, may go back, follow the advice, keeping it clear for self and others.
Personal and business advice and relationships
Q What advice and guidance can you give my husband (222) and myself regarding the future growth, and/or expansion of his business, (1171)? (101)
S Live each day, and at the beginning of the day trust in God and at the end of the day, thank God – knowing that all that comes, whether you would see it as gains or losses, are truly gains. They are opportunities, and well met, are jewels in thy crown.
Q Is this a good time to expand the business, (1171), into another location? (101)
S We even see two locations.
Q There are certain discrepancies in the reflexology charts of (1172), (1173), and the Ray-max system. Which would be the best to follow, or are all feet different? And am I qualified to do this work? (172)
S You are qualified and the Ray-max system we find to be the better.
Q Why does my wife hold the feeling she does about this group and the study group, and should I do anything other than prayer and ask for guidance? (172)
S Walk gently, speak gently, and love a great amount. The entity has suffered before from being left out, was left out to a greater extent as to the cause of losing the life in one time; feels that self is separated to an extent. There also is in the entity a great drive and desire to be the center of the attention of self and others, the more for those lives so mentioned.
And now we would give the blessings of the Father and the Son upon this group. We are through with this reading at this time.