RAM 10-017-1975 Session: Guidance, Dreams, Development
This document dated June 22, 1975, is a transcription of a spiritual session, covering a variety of topics such as spiritual guidance, interpretation of biblical passages, the mechanics of channeling, and the role of group members in spiritual work. The session also addresses questions about other spiritual groups, the significance of dreams and visions, and the importance of personal and spiritual development..
Ram Reading 10-17
Holy Father, Lord of love and mercy, be with us now, for we have come together to seek Thy name, Thy face, to know that which is best for us and others. Use us, oh Lord, as a channel of Thy blessing, now – today.
Behold, the Lamb of God, He that taketh away the sins of the world. Walk with Him, talk with Him that ye, too, may see the light and know the way. Rejoice, oh children. Rejoice in the name of the Lord for He is ever merciful, ever loving.
We are here. We have this group. And we will give this reading that is sought after.
Message to the group on dedication:
But first we would give to this group this thought: it is in dedication that you will find the way; dedication that will make this platform work. What is dedication? Even as Job found dedication to be, even as He, Jesus the Christ, as the man, found dedication so that He, too, could become christed. Dedication is that which is the giving of self not just in words, or here in actions and there in actions, but in thought, word, and deed. For in honesty look into yourselves to see: Is there dedication? Until dedication is, there cannot be that which is the harmony, that which is the love, that lights the light, makes sure the path. The Savior of this world will come again. Therefore, it is for each and every member here to read, to study, the 86th Psalm. Make it a part of your day that it may bring forth in self a dedication, a rededication, to that which are the objectives of this life, this place and this time. It is good also for these entities to read Mark 14 and John 7. For herein lies much authority that is within self to digest.
We are ready for this reading.
Those present in the room are (110), (199), (101), (131), (172), (178), (114), (107), (169), (185) and (180). The date is June 22, 1975, and the approximate time is 7:50 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group and answer their questions so desired.
S We have the group as given and we will give to those that ask that which is best for them to know. We are ready for questions.
The one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way
Q In answer number three of Edgar Cayce reading 262-49, given July 9th, 1933, the Source stated: “soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, ‘even as ye have seen Him go’ ” Is (110) the one referred to? And, if not, who is the one referred to? “
S Even as a voice, crying in the wilderness.
Q A follow-up on my last question regarding reading 262-49. Why was the future tense used when (110) had been born in the earth two years and thirty-three days earlier?
S It’s a spiritual thing, rather than a physical thing.
Individuals who wish to help with the work
Q There are several people who have indicated a desire to help the channel and the core group in compilation of material or any other way they can. How can, and should we, best utilize these people?
S They may be used in as that which is filing, that which is cross-filing, that which is helping to define the literature itself in many ways, even as that which is the typing or transcribing or, in later times, sending out that which is the message, or carrying the message to others. There will be many that will work close to the inner group, close to the core, to be that which is one of the concentric rings that flows out from that which is the core.
Other groups seeking to help with the work
Q On Thursday, June 12th, I attended a meeting with the A.R.E. group in Salt Lake City, and they did give me some questions. I’d like to ask two; first for (225). Her first question was: What can we as a group do to help further this work?
S First go out and visit and give comfort and aid to the widows and the orphans.
Connecting with other organizations
Q Should we establish a link with that organization, (1197)? And should we invite (1195) and (1196) to come to Tucson for a lecture meeting and/or visit? (131)
S Eventually a link can be established. You may invite them as lights in the search for the One God. But, not to be chained together yet, or even, really, to hold hands yet – but an acquaintanceship, most certainly.
Warning of negativity from ARE groups
Q This question is for myself. I’d like to know what the real reason was that the opportunity wasn’t given to present this material to the larger group in Salt Lake on June 18th. (107)
S For the very fact in the larger group there would be more of those opposed to such who would immediately have put the negative into focus and also would have informed others higher in (205) and other places that there was a negative influence creeping into that which are (205) groups. As it is, through the smaller groups it is best.
Mark 17
Q This question is for (146). The Source has indicated that this group has a need to know about Mark 17. Since we have no opportunity of obtaining it, will you please give it to us?
S You have had enough of Mark 17 at this time. Not one has really studied it or what was given. Much talk but little learning.
Q Yes. This next question is also for (146). What did Jesus write on the ground (John 8:6-8) among the men who were accusing the woman taken in the very act of adultery?
S Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy strength.
Q Why did Jesus go through the symbolic- ritua1 of water baptism? How does it pertain to us? (107)
S It pertains to that which must come into each life, whether it is by the hands, by the acts of others or through the acts of self, each perpetuating in self that which is the line within or has been from times of old, the cleansing of self by the Holy Spirit. It may be through the act of the mind or through the acts of the body towards others. The symbol of the water is that of the living life, the symbol of God washing away the sins. It is for self, however, to carry it within and into the actions of self. This is the true baptism rather than that which is symbolic from without.
Q The 24th chapter of Matthew in the King James version: Is this coming to fruition now? (107)
S Oh, yes.
Q This question is for (146) again. What was Paul’s thorn in the flesh and was he executed in Rome under Nero as is commonly thought?
S He was executed the same. The thorn under his flesh wasn’t anybody else but himself.
Q Please explain Jesus saying, ”I must work the works of Him that sent me while it is day. The night cometh when no man can work.” (114)
S Meant, here, the understanding that day metaphysically means the intelligence, the understanding, whereas night means ignorance, persecution, and so forth. And it’s been dark a long time.
Q In Matthew 19, verses 11 and 12, Jesus discusses celibacy and says some men become celibate for the sake of the kingdom of God. He further says only some people can receive this. As it would appear that sex is necessary so that souls can have bodies to enter for lessons, how or when does this statement apply? (114)
S When one’s mind is properly prepared, and it comes first. Those who are in the priesthood and other similar occupations many times, or most times, take it in reverse order. The mind has not become celibate, only the body. It must become then, a dedication of the mind, then the body. And it comes when it comes, when both that which is the inner urgings of the body and the outer urgings of the mind, of that which is the subconscious, the outer influences to the mind, the forces of the body come within conjunction. or become balanced.
Q Does this mean that it’s a necessity to arrive at this and control of the mind before we are through our earthly lessons?
S Yes, but it may come even as a flash of lightning for a brief span of time that cannot even be calculated in your understanding of time. But when it becomes the true knowledge that fills the body and touches the soul, then it is accomplished. It does not have to be thirty years a celibate, fifty years a hermit, et cetera.
Q This question is for (229) of the Salt Lake A.R.E. group. I understand the return of Christ to this planet actually meant the flowering of the Christ spirit within individuals rather than Jesus Christ returning physically. Is this concept incorrect?
S Incorrect. It is the flowering, of course, yes, but it is that He will come, even as He left.
Q This is for (146), too. Where was the soul of Lazarus while he slept during his burial before Jesus recalled him?
S Oh, about three feet above his head.
Mary or Marianism
Q In an individual reading given on July 7, 1974, for (197), the Source indicated that he was to be “a light in the darkness, reflecting that which is even the symbol of Mary or Marianism.” What is meant by this?
S That which is Mary, or Marianism, is that which is the ability to keep focused in the mind or the overcoming and training of the will. For it is that which Mary became, holding fast to the perfect idea, the perfect way, through all trials and tribulations, through all that which came in from the outside, the material world and from other spheres. That which would be disquieting was held away. That which was the perfect idea, the perfect mission, for unlike as many would give, or have you believe, Mary knew long before that which was the annunciation what the mission in life was. Even as He, Jesus, knew through His life what His mission would be. It is, then, in Mary that one develops that which is the holding to the mission, the perfection of the idea – of what? Of the Christ within.
Praying in the name and power of Jesus Christ
Q When one prays in the name and power of Jesus Christ or the Christ force, what is it that acts upon it? What is it that hears it? ls it the God force within or the God force without? Or both? (180)
S It’s both. It’s all. It is recorded on each and every cell within the body. All that you think and do is recorded within the cells of the body but washed clean by prayer. And the raising in self of the Christ force to meet that which is the God without is the apex of prayer and meditation.
Q ls it that asking in the name and power of Jesus Christ or the Christ force that makes the prayer which you pray to the Maker more powerful than the actions of. ..
S Words are words. Thoughts are thoughts. When ye pray you are speaking to God, but when you pray through Jesus the Christ, you are praying through the Advocate. Even as He gave, none can go to the Father except by Him and that is through becoming the Christ, by becoming the blueprint, by walking in His shoes, His ways. This is what is meant. It is more the power when you understand it.
Return of the Master
Q What restrained the return of Jesus during (this is for (146)) the Middle Ages when the whole of western civilization seemed to be centered on Him?
S Aha, in their concept of the time they were settled upon Him and Jesus could not return, you see, until each and every entity that has been in the earth has had contact wit the understanding of Jesus the Christ with the God movement herein. There were many, many living at that time, that had not been exposed to the teachings or to the understanding of the Christ, or Jesus the Christ as the Son of Man.
Paul entering into the Work
Q In the work readings of Edgar Cayce it was said that “just as Paul will enter in -with the work”. (254-53) (1931) Has Paul entered into the work? (114)
S Not at this time. (1975)
John Peniel
These questions are for (224). Reference the answer to the first request in Edgar Cayce reading 3976-15 which was given January 19, 1934. His first question is who and where is John Peniel?
S We have that again, yes. Should have been clarified at the time. We find that, you see, there is a dualism here. For the rising of the Christ, or the raising of the Christ within each and every individual is part of John’s work. And yet, John exists. John walks and talks at this time. John is as an individual to be used and made known, made public at the perfect or proper time. What is John? John is that which is the light. John is that which is the spreading the light and the word. For even as that which would be in this case more pineal and pin’eal body as that which is one step – from what? That which is the center or the Christ, itself, that which Jesus represented in the pituitary, you see. This, then, is the light and the awakening that comes before the Christ return.
Q. Is he an aspect of the entity who is John the Beloved, in a manner analogous to (110) being as aspect of the entity who was John the Baptist?
S Correct.
Q (224’s) second question is: Is he a well-known religious leader and when will he declare himself?
S Not well known. Not even classified as a religious leader. Will be made known at the proper time through the acts of the Holy Spirit.
Q Could you comment on what is called the rapture by some religions? Will it be a spiritual happening or be manifest in the physical also? (172)
S Do not confuse the rapture as many would have it as that which is misuse of the endocrine system, especially of the adrenal glands. The rapture, or that which is the bliss or the knowing, is both physical and mental. It is the spiritual consuming of the mental, the thought processes, the will and the physical.
Food as antidote to atomic radiation
Q Are there any foods or remedies that could counteract the effects of exposure to atomic radiation? (172)
S Yes. That which is found in watercress, that which is found in seaweeds also. It takes massive amounts of fresh watercress and fresh seaweed at that time of exposure. Also packing the body in soda, or sodium – well, soda as you would find it as baking soda is the best.
When is suicide justified
Q Recently one of America’s most eminent theologians and his wife committed suicide. They said they were getting so old and feeble that they would soon be completely dependent on others. Is suicide justified under such circumstances? Please comment. (114)
S Not justified. For, you see, the fulfillment of the entire life had not been made. Many ramifications of an act such as that for the entities considered. It is never right to take a life including that of thine own self. It is God’s right to have you leave or enter at the proper time. Had they committed suicide as others had by working themselves to death for the good of others – this is a different story. But to commit suicide, taking the lives for that reason, not justifiable, though much point can be made in behalf of those entities as we find those entities at this time. As we find those entities, they’re sorry.
Cataract surgery – lens replacement
Q In Europe and in a few places in the United States, operations have been performed to remove a cataract or a lens with a cataract on it, and then sew in a plastic lens in place of the one removed. Would you advise me to have this kind of operation or to have the usual type of cataract operation? (114)
S Neither at this time. However, within one year will fill the bill. But not for the next three months.
Q In the work reading of 2-2-75, I asked about a dream I had June 12th, 1974, and was told that that which stood in the way is that which is still self from seeing the entirety. I feel that one of the stumbling blocks that is holding me back is that which is all-important for me to face in a difficult situation that (185) and I find ourselves in now. I know that in order to be forgiven we must forgive. I did think of others quite often before self in past business and everyday dealings with people. I thought I would be treated in the same manner that I had treated others. Most of the time this didn’t happen, especially in the business dealings with those I was closely tied to. At times I thought I forgave and forgot, but when the same problems occurred again and again, I knew I had not forgiven. As I see it, past sacrifices were thrown away. No doubt there were many other lessons to be learned also. I want to handle the problem correctly this time. What are my big stumbling blocks? (169)
S Right now, misinterpretation of that which has occurred. First, self must continue in the same manner. Self has given and done that which is correct. It is others, now, that have the opportunity to live and to learn, remembering that which ye cannot understand or fully grasp is that this is a trial. This is not just for self. This is for others. Self has chosen to be even the help of others, not realizing that when you pray to be help for others you are the recipient of that which is the others’ actions, giving them the opportunity to be forgiven and the opportunity for them to change their ways. Even as Jesus the Christ was tormented, was spat upon, was beaten. Had He earned in that life? No. You see, it was His giving the opportunity for others and the opportunity to forgive. This is, then, the objective.
Prophecy and the Great Pyramid
Q This question is for (197). In the A.R.E. publication, “The Great Pyramid and Its Builders”, by Lytle Robinson, it is indicated that the prophecy in the great pyramid ends in 1998. What is the significance of this?
S The significance is that the Son of Man shall walk the earth again.
Virgin Birth
Q I recently read in a book, “Words From the Source”, by Brad Steiger that Joseph was the physical father of Jesus. I had always thought that this was a virgin birth. Would you please clarify? (101)
S Virgin birth.
Source known as Louis
Q What is your assessment of the Source associated with a channel named (1195) the subject of that book by Brad Steiger entitled “Words From the Source”, and is that Source compatible with this Source? (131)
S Much the same. A good channel, excellent Source, but sometimes there is the jumbling (as so often happens) especially when surrounded by entities with strong visual-mental (and that’s a hyphen) abilities who pose power upon the receiving, and the interpretation of same. Often comes out to what the others would like, subconsciously or consciously, to hear.
Aron Abrahamsen – earth changes
Q Aron Abrahamsen of Applegate, Oregon, has been giving readings and has founded the Association For the Integration of Man. Please comment on the type of psychical manifestation this represents, his source and percentage of accuracy. (114)
S Percentage is rather high as we have it here. Good source, much information. Not the same source, however, as these readings but a good source. Doing a functional job in another field establishing much for those who would work in parapsychological, the psychological, the psychiatric areas, those also concerned with that which is known as the sciences, or the earth sciences, et cetera. The specific use here is to acclimate many in that which are the academic fields to the understanding of psychical research and psychical powers.
Q His readings contain material on earth changes in the west of the United States. They state, as did Cayce’ s readings, that these changes do not have to take place if people turn to God and try to live His law. In my hand I have a map showing the changes that will occur unless mankind changes his thinking. Is this map an accurate probable forecast? (114)
S Quite accurate, however, or to the lower left not so accurate. It stems out farther, you see, to the left out into that which is the Atlantic farther, I mean the Pacific, farther as we see it here. That is to say, it’s pretty darn close.
Q Does that mean that the line of the shore, the future shoreline, if man doesn’t change his thinking, roughly just close to Phoenix and south of it, and north of Tucson. Is this correct: Or has that been changed by what you said? (114)
S No. Meaning that the fault lines in the destruction will go farther out into the Pacific than – however there – the accuracy toward the south is not perfect. It is for mind power, you see, to establish the shoreline, even as acts and prayer.
Q Was this reading interpreting Edgar Cayce’s dream of being a young man in the 2200’s born on the shores of Nebraska (which fits this map), was this a prophecy or was it symbolic – this dream?
S It’s both. This is what will be. And this is what might be rid of through the proper actions of mankind. You see it will be after that which the Prince of Peace has established Himself once again in the earth. Not as people would understand it to be, but in His time and place.
Creation trilogy by Eula Allen
Q This question is for (227) of the A.R.E. group in Salt Lake City. Is the creation as related in the Edgar Cayce material and written in the Trilogy Creation by Eula Allen true?
S It’s true as any entity would have it be. As we look into that which is the past, yes, it’s basically correct. There has been some freedom of interpretation and some manipulation of that which was given through the readings to satisfy certain peoples’ outlooks both consciously and subconsciously from that time into the time of the writing. But basically it’s correct. But remember, it’s all as each individual would have it be.
Jesus and star systems
Q Well, I’d like to – I’ve wanted to do this before – but guess I’m kind of timid. But I must do it at this moment. I have to give – want to give my deepest thanks to God. I know emotion shouldn’t come in and I will master this, I promise. (169)
S What is there to master here? But love. For you see, when it is based in that which is emotion of love, then there is nothing to overcome.
Q How many star systems did the entity who was Jesus in His last incarnation go through before He entered this star system to help us? (169)
S One hundred fourteen.
African bees
Q This question is for (222). There is a new strain of African bees now making their way north through South America. They have attacked humans and have killed many in Brazil. What has caused this strain to be developed and does it pose any threat to the United States?
S The strain as we find it developed in Africa, yes, brought forth, yes. It at first was caused by irradiation, consequential – consequently, it was brought forth to establish itself for its virility, for its power in that land. How many has it killed? Not many. Every day you kill a hundred times as many on your highways, so worry about more your traffic situations than the bees. They will pose, to some extent, problems, more mental problems than physical.
Madame Blavatsky
Q This is for (228). What is your assessment of the teachings given through Madame Blavatsky?
S Well, there’s a lot here that’s good. However, for the most part, there are better people to work with. But, for certain individuals, it’s very good.
Moral government and power
Q Is it possible for a government to operate morally and retain its power? (146)
S Yes, if the people are basically moral, too.
Book of Mormon – Joseph Smith
Q I feel it would be helpful for me to know the truth about the origin of the Book of Mormon, not only for my understanding but for the understanding of some of the Mormons I am in close contact with and others who could come to me in the future. What is the true origin of that book? (169)
S True origin of that book is partially through that which is the mental interpretation of a spiritual happening and partially through the correct interpretation and passing on of the spiritual happening. It was the spiritual, natural thing, you see, but somewhat complexed by the outlook and the mental anguishing of the man that it came through.
Q Well, Joseph Smith claimed that he talked with Jesus Christ, Peter, James and John and the heavenly messenger, angel Moroni. Did this really happen?
S Talking and receiving from others are two different things. Many babble, many talk, many even take time to listen. Joseph Smith did talk to some, did receive from some, but not as much as that entity finally put down, you see.
Q What does the statement, “Ye are gods in the making”, really mean? (169)
S That ye will have ultimate and positive and thorough control of the universe that are under your making, that lie within, even as the cellular structure of self, the atomic structure of self, will be dispersed and becomes the true worlds. Even as you would view the galaxies now, so self will become in the physical bodies that self has entertained throughout the ages; will come back together making one massive solar system or series of solar systems that self will be god, or gods over, using self and the understanding that has been acquired to regulate, to conduct, to even control these elements.
Q Well, Joseph Smith taught, and it’s strong Mormon doctrine today and I quote, “As man is, God once was; and as God is, man may become.” Would you please comment on this?
S Well, the understanding here is misunderstood completely. That what man is, God was once is true because you are parts of God, cells of God, notes of God, et cetera, and have been dispersed the same. But as to that which ye being God, the God of the creation of selves, being as a human being is erroneous.
Apparitions on a wall in a church
Q This question is for (767). He went to see some apparitions which appeared on the wall of a church. I believe it was in Holbrook, New Mexico. He would like to know what caused this and any other comments that you might have on that.
S Mind forces, here, rather than spiritual forces. Mind forces causing that, even as minds can change bodies, they can cause apparitions to appear.
Puharich book
Q This also is for (206). In the book about Uri Geller, entitled Uri, when Andrija Puharich was with Dr. V.G. Vinod, a Hindu scholar from Poona, India, on December 31st, 1952, at exactly 9 P.M. a deep, sonorous voice came out of Dr. Vinod’s mouth, totally unlike his own high pitched, soft voice, saying in perfect English, without an accent, “M calling. We are nine principles and forces, personalities if you will, working in complete mutual implication. We are forces, and the nature of our work is to accentuate the positive, the evolutional and the teleological aspects of existence. By teleology, I do not mean the teleology of human derivation in a multidimensional concept of existence. Teleology will be understood in terms of a different ontology. To be simple, we accentuate certain directions as will fulfill the destiny of creation. Much more was received from this source of ”nine principles and forces”. (206) asks, what are these nine principles or forces, and what is your assessment of them?
S The assessment is, they are for others to use, to pay attention to. They are as mind forces from other entities, channeling themselves into this. Meddlesome, but with good intent, trying to straighten out this world as to their concept as to how it should be straightened out.
Q Along that line, they also used the names Spectra and Hoova. Spectra was supposed to denote a spacecraft that is 53,069 light ages away. At another time they were told that the spacecraft Spectra had been stationed for the past 800 years over the earth. Hoova claimed to have first interfered with the human race 20,000 years ago when they came on a planned mission from their own solar galaxy. They claimed that their first landing was at the Oak of Mamre in Hebron in Israel where Abraham met them. They also claim that they have interfered at intervals of about 6,000 years and are presently interfering, more for their own purposes than for the good of the human race. Are these statements true?
S Not true.
Individual’s Dreams/visions interpretation
Q I had a vision where I saw the channel’s beautiful painting of the symbol for RAM. I looked at it a few seconds and it was gone. Over to one side I then saw the gold frame that stood out against a dark blue background (at least I believe it was blue, but I’m not sure). What is the meaning of this vision? (169)
S It’s meaning that the platform is being made aware into self; that the full understanding is beginning to bare itself in the mind of the entity for really none in this room have come to that which is the understanding of what’s happening and what it means.
Q The following experience happened a number of years ago. I do not know the state of consciousness that I was in at the time. I was sitting in a chair watching a number of large teardrop shaped beings moving back and forth within a closed area although I could see no walls. One of these beings came straight towards my face and continued until it went right through my head. It later did the same thing again. It seemed to be about the same diameter as my head but with the teardrop shape it was much longer. On the outside I saw a number of short projections about the size of my little finger. Surface details were difficult to see because there was an intense white light inside which came through the outer surface. No sound or feeling was experienced. However, have the feeling that the being going through my head twice was telling me that it was my soul, the God part, the real me correct? (185)
S This is correct.
Q What were the short projections? (185)
S That which are the visual symbols of the processes by which the soul force makes itself aware to others or to even beings; even as you would see or understand a mouth or ears or that mode.
Q Who were the other beings seen that were moving about?
S Other souls that move about at times when they are not within the body and when the body takes its rest. These were not souls that passed over but souls that were moving about learning, passing information and understanding to each other; helping, learning and being about the business that souls have at those times of body rest.
Q I had an early morning dream on May 4th of this year. I was in a very large building with a high ceiling. It seemed I was doing some special processing for (850) making black and white copy negatives from negatives. Somehow or other, I made a color copy negative which was not intended, but I showed it to (850) and two men that were with him. We all marveled at how perfect it came out, knowing it had been made on positive transparency material instead. I left the area and went to another part of the building where the floor was higher. I was looking at the blank wall when there appeared an apparition of a boy, possibly thirteen years old. He was made up like a clown with white paint on his face. He also had what looked like white adhesive tape on his right cheek in the shape of a cross. I don’t know why, but I ran towards him and said, “Jesus, Jesus”. When I was quite close, I looked at the clown face and it peeled back, and I could see the real face underneath which was beautiful with long blond hair parted in the middle. I said to this face that it was pretty. The face replied, “pretty face”. Then the body of the boy disappeared and left the head which tried to go through the wall and after some difficulty it did but made a noise as it went. Later I was talking to (109) about the experience and told her it was the messenger that I saw and that I had seen him earlier. There was a woman nearby at a table which had red roses on it. I did not say any more as I did not want the woman to hear it. Next I went over to a metal sink with various metal objects in it including an eating fork. I turned on the water in the sink and was surprised to see the water react violently with the metal objects as if it were sulfuric acid. I try to turn off the water but could not remember where I turned it on. Part of two prongs of the fork had been dissolved away. The dream ended here.
Can you give me the meaning? (185)
S Well. We find here basically that the entity was being told – though you’ve done, you’ve had the opportunities, that is through which is ray and acting manly (ray being that which is enlightening and acting like a man through it.) Much has come to the entity and the entity has capitalized that the entity had not even counted upon in the coming in. There’s also say though, ‘don’t clown around with that you would interpret as Jesus the Christ and see what that which is the spirit does to all that it comes in contact with, destroying, as you see, the metallic or the hardness of the heart, the hardness of the soul, the hardness of the mind’. And that which were the red roses is representational, in fact, of Jesus the Christ, the perfect flower, the perfect martyr, perfect love.
Q Who was the boy messenger involved in this? (185)
S This was as seen as self, running errands.
Q One other thing about this which has puzzled me for some time. The number of dreams and visions wherein a boy has appeared. Each successive dream or vision shows him older. Can any explanation be given for this? (185)
S Ah, he’s growing up, just as you are-in that which is the understanding of the spiritual things.
Q This is for (206). He had a dream several days ago, where he was traveling or flying through space, passing tall spires, evidently towns or cities. The last one he came to had a name written out in script, ‘ Viloh”, V-I-L-0-H. Then the dream ended. Could you interpret the meaning of this dream, please?
S It means the entity was going to Viloh. Viloh is that which in a language of the past means heaven or heavenly place. The entity was on a spiritual flight.
Q I have another dream which occurred on May 10 of this year. The part that I remember was that I was supposed to produce 1500 sheets of material about seven by ten inches in size in a very short period of time. put the amount I produced on an altar in two piles before God. It was a good deal less than the 1500 and I thought I might be punished because of this. I felt heat in the 1 form of a small square about halfway up my right forearm. As I looked at my arm, four light dots appeared above this heated area. The dots formed a square. After this, I saw a name being written across the area above my right wrist by the finger of God, not seen. From my point of view, it was being done upside down. In the dream I took the name to be Joseph, but it might have been Jacob or some other such name. Later (169) and I were at the (ll0’s) home. I think there had been a meeting of some kind and was waiting to talk to (110) before we left. I wanted to tell him about the experience and the name written on my arm. A man with a cane or a crutch said he was staying a while longer to talk to (110) also. The dream ended with me wondering if I should wait. (185)
S We have that dream. It’s telling the entity there has been an overcoming of that which are the four lower centers in the entity, and now work upon the three higher ones. It is also saying that have no fear with that which ye put before God. He already knows what ye have done. It also says that it is indelibly written upon self on the soul what ye have done and it is further saying that don’t become even as one who would use this channel, this Source, as a crutch, but begin to let others do the waiting and do the solving on your own.
Physical/mental readings for individual members and family
Q Is my ear condition improving? (169)
S Stabilized at this time. Will improve again about the time of the next full moon.
Q Why did Jesus go through the symbolic- ritua1 of water baptism? How does it pertain to us? (107)
S It pertains to that which must come into each life, whether it is by the hands, by the acts of others or through the acts of self, each perpetuating in self that which is the line within or has been from times of old, the cleansing of self by the Holy Spirit. It may be through the act of the mind or through the acts of the body towards others. The symbol of the water is that of the living life, the symbol of God washing away the sins. It is for self, however, to carry it within and into the actions of self. This is the true baptism rather than that which is symbolic from without.
Q Am I getting the appropriate nutrients in my diet? (199)
S No. There is a lack of potassium in the diet especially. Not enough sulfurs in the diet and a great lack of protein that would be found in the by-products of milk or in the light-colored fowls, fishes, et cetera.
Q I have discontinued going to (226) for adjustment and I feel all right. Is it advisable for me to go without these adjustments? (199)
S Remember, mind is the builder. However, check self to see how powerful the mind is and how well it does its job. It would be good for the entity once in a while to get the adjustments.
Q Could you give me any further information as to what I can do about the inflammation in my right shoulder? (172).
S Not so much sunshine; moist hot packs to that area; saline solution is good; however, common ordinary water is good. Drink a lot of that which is the mineral waters or that which are the bottled waters flushing the system well. It would be good for this entity also to rub the area, or have it rubbed with a little bit of one drop spirits of ammonia to one glass of water; add three drops glyco-thymoline and one drop of glycerin. A few drops of that compound, that mixture, upon the area, rubbed maybe twice a day, especially at night before bedtime after a good hot pack (a hot shower might suffice) will certainly help the area.
Q The problem that I have had swallowing meat has been happening more often and sometimes I have to take nitroglycerine in order to relieve the pain and be able to swallow the meat. Is my body telling me that I should go toward a vegetarian diet? (178)
S Your subconscious is.
Q Can you give me an affirmation or something that will help me in weight reduction? (101)
Q Is there anything you could give me that would help any member of my family, in particular my daughter-in-law, (1193)? (107)
S Continue that which is prayers and love. By your own fruits ye shall be known. So, the soul of others responds to your soul.
Personal and business advice for member and their family
Q Can you tell me about our property at Arivaca, whether I’d be better to put in fruit trees or nut trees as a basis for income in this inflationary period? (114)
S Both and neither. There is fluctuation, you see, in this time that could be harmful. Also there is a change in the weather patterns more and more evident soon, in that area and in this whole state. Best at this time to wait a little longer. The entity might find that the fig, if possibly grown there, would be the best.
Q Can you tell me, does this mean a colder climate or a warmer climate?
S Fluctuations between the two. The climate here is getting cooler.
Q Will the job that has come to me through the death of my friend (1192) be a better opportunity for me to progress as a member of this group and in this work? (107)
S As much as the entity will have it so.
Q Just one last one. Is there any formalized spiritual activity that you believe that I should do now or should not do that I have been doing? (180)
S Follow a routine more, not the disrupted pattern of here doing it and then at odd hours doing it again. Make it a routine on awakening, if possible, and on the going, just prior to going to sleep.
And now we would give our blessing. Oh, children of the one God, my brothers, my sisters, the blessings of love upon you. And at this time we are through with this reading. Amen.