RAM 10-018-1975 Insights: Prophecy, Dreams, and SymbolsRAM 10-018-1975 Insights: Prophecy, Dreams, and Symbols

This document dated July 26, 1975, is a transcription of a spiritual session exploring a wide range of topics. These include the interpretation of biblical passages, the mechanics of spiritual channeling, the concept of core groups in spiritual work, prophecies, and the role of dreams and visions in spiritual guidance and growth. Additionally, the session addresses the spiritual significance of various symbols, the dynamics within spiritual groups, and the nature of divine guidance. – At the end of this reading Archangel Uriel identified himself as the Source of the Reading.

Ram Reading 10-18 



Heavenly Father, Lord God, we thank Thee for Thy presence, Thy love, Thy guidance. We ask, oh Father, that Jesus the Christ, our Elder Brother, be with us now to be our Host, our Savior, our Intermediate.


Behold the Lord thy God! Bow ye down, oh children of the one God, for His face is beyond thee and yet, seek that face. For it is thy way, thy truth and thy light and He shall come in that which is the Son, Jesus the Christ; in that day that He will return as the Prince of redemption. (See 10-22, Q 36 re redemption)

We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.

C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 131, 172, 114, 178, 107, 169, 146, 185, and 180. The date is July 26, 1975, and the approximate time is 7:32 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group. They have some questions which they would desire to have answered.

S We have the group, and we will give that which is pertinent or that which is just and proper as we know is fit. And we will give that which is to the betterment of selves and others at this time. We are ready for questions.

The meaning of the “Platform”

Q In the last work reading the Source stated that not one member of the core group truly understands the meaning of the platform. Can you give us something which will help our awareness?

S Well, pray. Think. Contrive to understand that which is God in action or that which the Christ or Jesus represented in His time at that time and try to represent in self. Don’t try to visualize in the mind, but open that which is the receptivity and that which is the higher nature of self to the understanding of same.

Effect of members leaving town on the Core Team

Q In the event anyone in the group had to leave the Tucson area, what effect would this have on the group? (10)

S  As long as there are enough to hold a meeting, there is no detriment.

Mary – immaculate conception

Q In Cayce reading 2067-11, Q and A 6, it was stated that Mary was not immaculately conceived. However, in reading 5749-7, again Q and A 6, it says that Mary was immaculately conceived. Could you please comment on this?

S Oh, yes. The body was not immaculately conceived, but the mind, the mental conditions and the spirit of that entity or the force the entity showed was immaculately conceived.

RAM/John Peniel/John the Beloved and entry into India

Q (113) asks, “What is the date of Ram’s entry into India and what is the significance of Ram’s entry into India?

 S Well, by your calendar you would find this 26,000 B.C. Lived there for a good 1800 years. The significance of this is even as that entity was Peniel or the face of God, even as John the Beloved, that here was the stimulation or the giving to or the balancing or bringing about in those peoples with diverse understandings of God, the realization through that which was worked in the very presence of themselves, the understanding of God’s love and the conditions of a one God which survived for quite a long time in that area before moving out to other areas of the world.

Q Were there subsequent entries into India? I ask this because (797) gave me a date of 7500 years ago as one entry.

S We have six entries.

Q Six entries by whom?

S By that which is known as Ram, John Peniel, or that which is John the Beloved.

Q Where does Krishna fit into this picture, sir?

S Well, this is a disjointed view of that which was the fourth entry.

Bible – Questions for clarification

Q I have three questions involving Hosea requested by my son, (108). The first one, he states, ”Hosea was a prophet to Northern Israel, yet his book also has frequent references to Judah. Are these references to Judah from Hosea or from a later editor?”

S They have been edited and changed though he has made statements about that. For you see, there was a division at the time, each representing not only that which was philosophical, theological disagreements and political disagreements, but actual physical disagreements. Therefore, there were statements made and yet changed the more by those scribes later on to adjust to their point of view.

Q. When Hosea mentions the kings during which he gave his prophecies, he ends with Jeroboam the Second in the northern kingdom and Hezekiah in the southern kingdom. Why does he go on so long with one line of kings but stops short with the other line of kings even though there were later ones?

S Metaphysical here; it’s the understanding of their position rather than the line or the actuality of the individuals. You see, each and every prophet has had the reasons for the statements into that which is the understanding, the metaphysical or the esoteric as necessary, but for that time and for later times.

Q The Hebrew text of Hosea 8:10 is confusing. What is the correct translation for Hosea 8:10 or what is the best way to emend the text so that Hosea’s words are clear?

S Well, we would suggest here that the understanding always is this: What has come, has come – not to be too involved in that which is even as the Old Testament or that which are the sacred writings of them, for they have fulfilled their need of the time. Rather, turn to that which is the New Testament or that which you must be living rather than the past, for in it is the present, it is the Christ Force rather than that leading up to the Christ. It is as one who would stay with the basics, rather than advancing into those realms of science or mathematics.

Q What are Urim and Thummim as mentioned in the Bible and how were they used?

S The Urim? Thummim? Well, first you have to understand that which is the process here, see? Used to convey the word or thought of God, even as an oracle or that which is a prophet in lieu of one, see? But first, you must understand this was done before the congregation in front of that which is the Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, you see. You must understand, then, the preparation by that which is the high priest, for only one could do this. For those who would assume the Urim, the Thummim, would be struck down, struck as ye would call dumb, for they could not speak for that. First, the priest, you see, would dress in that which was as the robe of office or the robe of wisdom, the golden robe – the ephod as is called or termed in Hebrew – designating wisdom as given, or God’s wisdom; don the miter, or that which is God’s thought. Then that which is the Urim, the Thummim is as two stones, you see, polished, placed in that which is the pectoral, worn by the priest, with each stone placed in that in the manner as follows: that which was the Urim or the truth, placed as the congregation would see or as the Ark would see, as the priest turned, in the right pictorial, designated by the letter or that which is the character, aleph, And that which was the Thummim placed in the opposite, being as marked with the character or that which is a tau, the stones being as that which is, then, or that stone being that which is named the light, being in the regards as that which was the Thummim, being or termed as you would call ruby, and that which is the aleph being that of sapphire, see, placed in sockets, see, under the letters or characters as given, in that golden pectoral in concentric circles, see, representing that which is the force, the oneness of God. Pectoral, being gold, fastened as a yoke or harness, going in a chain-manner under the arms, over the shoulders, around and connecting over that which is the thymus area to the pectoral or the pectora. As the entity that was the high priest assumed the wisdom, assumed the thought of God, turning then to the light and the truth, as the entity was ready then to receive from God, not having, you see, the Christ Force as those now could have, the entity turned to face the Ark, cleansing the mind, clearing the mind, blotting all that out that was. As that which was the preparation and the cleansing and the clearing of the entity became a triad with that which was the truth and the light, so the entity then made contact with the Higher Forces, the force of God, and was spoken through. This was given verbally, repeated in a song manner by two high priests, one on each side, one in white and one in black, representing the truth and the light, see, giving forth, then, the power of God over night and day, life and death, see, and was related back to the congregation in this manner.

Q What did Jesus mean when He said to Peter in John 21, verse 22, “If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou Me.”

S That means that the spirit or the individual, even as Jesus the Christ enchristed would have it do, would be done. For He then, was invoking that which was the power of God over all things, meaning that as the Christ Force is used, it is the work, the will of God. Therefore, be careful what you would invoke of the Christ.

Q He wasn’t implying, then, that John would just keep on living?

S No. He was saying that if the Christ Force so desired, anything would be.

Q Are either or both of the entities who are the sons of Zebedee, James and John, surnamed Boanerges, or Sons of Thunder by the Master, members in the flesh of this core group?

S One is.

Q I’m a little bit puzzled here. Is Jesus Christ over other galaxies, then?

S The Christ is Jesus the man; was the Christ used in this world, see?

Q But not the galaxy? Isn’t He over … ?

S He was used in this world. The Christ is over this galaxy and all galaxies. You are impersonating this or using it as a personage, rather, than that which is the spirit.

Speaking in tongues

Q She also asks, “What is the difference in speaking in tongues today like you hear in some of the churches and the speaking in tongues as it is found in the Bible or that is spoken of in the Bible?”

S Speaking of tongues in the Bible, is that which was by the spirit, at first. Later on, even in Paul’s time, you see, even as he spoke against same, became that which is an ego mechanism, especially from the subconscious and the endocrine secretions with individuals rather than that which is a spiritual thing.

Q Well, what really happened with speaking in tongues? She mentioned to me that she read somewhere that when they spoke in tongues people understood in different languages what was being said. Is that right?

S This usually is that which is the ego again. Anyone can give forth a babbling, a mishmash, and have another translate it as they would have it be. There are some who speak in that which is truly tongues. However, that tongue usually given is that which is tongue of all western language.

Jesus’ return – what will we see?

Q This is for (111). What are the things that Jesus the Christ will do when He returns?

S He will return in that which is His glory, that which is the work of God. The dead will walk. The sightless will see. Those who hear not, will hear. Those who speak not, will speak. There will again come that which is the reign of love and peace for those who will accept. The miracles that were shall be again, or that which you would term as miracles. And even greater miracles will be done by Him and those who follow Him. There will be light in the darkness. There will be understanding for all ages.

Q Will life on earth be similar to the present as far as our living and…?

S Oh, yes. Only to the degree that those who believe will change it.

Christ can return because all souls in the earth have now been exposed to the understanding of the Christ Force and God

Q In question #66 of the last reading, the Source indicated that the reason Christ hadn’t come during the Middle Ages was because all the souls living on the earth had not been exposed to His teachings or His understandings. Now that we are expecting the return of Christ anytime, does this mean that all the souls that are now on earth have been exposed to His teachings?

S All the souls that are and that will come in, now have been exposed to that which is the understanding of the Christ Force, and God.

Roman metal plates found near Tucson

Q I would like to ask about the metal plates in the museum on [University of Arizona] campus. They were found at Silverbell [Mines] in the 1920′ s. Can you mention anything about these metal plates?

S Well, we see more curiosity than help here. But that which was left by the Roman Galeus – Galechius – as was called, that passed through this area from that area above that which is Yucatan today towards that which was as the area of California, or that which is Baja, California, at this time, is called. Commemorating that which were the deaths by Indians and disease of eight members of that which was the party.

Children with Strauss Syndrome

Q It seems as though more children with the Strauss Syndrome are enrolled in our schools than ever before. Some of the Strauss Syndrome has some of these characteristics: awkwardness, consistently poor motor performance, persistent hyperactivity, faulty perception, distractibility, poor organization of behavior, erratic and inappropriate behavior. And I’m wondering why so many children are entering of this nature and I’m sure many teachers are going to be working with this in the future. Is there anything that you can tell us about it?

S Have ye not described that which is the tendency of man’s thoughts, the actions of nations and peoples? Know that those that are susceptible, or have caused same in the past, have come in as to that which are the recipients of that which they have created and the world re-creates the more. Must be brought then to the peace of mind of those that are in this world to help them the most. Although there is that which may be done manually, manipulations, there may be that which is done through prayer, but it is the changing of the mind of man that will change these children.

Healing energy – physical sensations

Q When channeling healing energy through the fingertips in a manner intended to concentrate or focalize the energy at subsurface levels, there is a tingling in the fingertips instead of the sensation of warmness or coolness associated with energy flow through the palms. Could you elaborate on this? (131)

S This is a degree. This is a difference, see, even as an artist uses different brushes upon a canvas, so different degrees of that which is a projection through self, through even the cellular tissue or the tissue makeup of self is used. It is a matter of degree, a matter of purpose, a matter of that which is the giving.

Q On July 18th when transmitting some energy to the channel after a reading, I felt a tingling sensation in the palm, or more specifically, the heel of the hand. The channel spoke of seeing a red coloration, ruby red I think, three pronged at the heel as well as red from the fingertips. What was the significance of this? (131)

S This is that which is more of the physical or physio-mental healing rather than just physical or neuro-spiritual healing. There is a difference. In this case there’s more of an energy of that which are the life forces rather than the rejuvenation of depleted amounts of energy as recharging a battery, see?


Q On July 6th, (197), had examined the palm of this questioner’s hand and commented on one grouping of three lines, saying, “We call this the trident.” What is the meaning and significance of the trident in the palm? (131)

S Well, for the entity, this is that which it denotes, or connotates, the development of a spiritual trinity, see, or that which is more to be used through the verbal, mental, and spiritual reconstruction or help of others than merely one or the other.

Q Does this have any relation to the planet Neptune and/or sixth dimension?

S It does.

Weather patterns in the Tucson area

Q In the last work reading you mentioned the weather patterns changing in this area. Would you go into this further such as rainfall and water table?

S Because of that which will enhance this area in future times, there will be more rainfall in this area, more winter rain, more sporadic earlier rains in the spring and in the early summer months than the normal pattern of the late summer rains for this area, to raise the water table to provide that which is necessary in the future to be builded up. For that which has drained away so much in this area must be replenished. As to that which is the weather pattern, it will remain as a swirling pattern, going up and down, but the drop in temperature will be marked especially after that which are the upheavals, the sliding into the ocean and the explosive nature of the land change. 

The Lowly Blueberry – benefits

Q Edgar Cayce said that one day the world would come to recognize the value of the ”lowly blueberry”. Could you elaborate on this? What is the value of the blueberry to mankind?

S Here is that which assimilates from all other foods that which is their highest qualities and negates the negative, if you can understand that, you see, putting aside those poisons, those non usable items that are found in other grains especially. This is why blueberry, or blueberry flour, mixed with other grains, other cereals, brings out the higher qualities and will give you a greater quantity of energies, proteins, minerals, et cetera.

Earth Changes – Groups working to mitigate Earth Changes (1975)

Q There are many groups and people who show forth a love for God and His Son, persons who seem concerned about the world and its people. Are these following people and groups affecting the probability or nature of earth changes?

l) World Vision of Los Angeles?

S Yes.

2) Oral Roberts?

S Yes. That entity should control the emotions the more, especially the angers.

3) Richard DeHahn of Day of Discovery?

S Yes.

4)) Ray Mooney of Atlanta? 

S Very much so.

Q What will happen to Florida or how will Florida fare during the predicted earth changes?

S Much awash. Some splitting but not a great deal, unless there is a rapid change in some thinking that has begun to crystallize in that area. We find several groups that are spiritually minded, working hard, you see, for the good of others, not realizing that they are helping the entity of the land itself.

Q (116) who is a clinical psychologist and is one of the foremost practicing astrologers, was recently told of some of the recent earth change readings from Ram. As (116) resides in California, she is especially interested in the probable changes affecting that area in the next decade or so. But she asks the question, “Why don’t I see these events in the charts of many of my clients who live in California?”

S Well, because they are not actuality yet. It is for the conditions of man to determine, you see. Whereas that which are the charts go to the determinate patterns or the determining patterns or that which individuals are determining for themselves. It is mankind as a whole, this nation as a whole, that has the opportunity to change the patterns, the forces. There is a lateral ability to go either way here, you see. Not as indicated because the planets are fixed in their movements, but man’s mind is not fixed in its movements. Man’s mind, at those times, acts as a lever. It is not just for the planets, you see. It is man’s mind which is greater than the influence of planets.

Q Could you describe which planets are primarily involved and are there any special ones for California?

S Well, we find that which is Mercury and that which is Mars especially affecting that which is California. Q

Q Are there any particular planetary configurations primarily involved – that is conjunctions, oppositions, squares?

S Especially that which is the opposition of Mars to Jupiter. That which is as Mars and Mercury in the same house have the greater effect upon California.

Q Which of the twelve houses, then, in the individual nativities would be principally involved?

S Third house.

Q Are there any particular signs involved? ~

s Negative.

Q What was the true cause of the destructive storm that came to Tucson on Thursday, the 24th? Was this group involved with it in any way?

S No. But it was a physical warning for those of spiritual nature to understand that there are cleansing movements occurring and will occur the more, even to cleanse communities such as this that they may be as that which is a spiritual center in that which are the coming actions of God within the earth.

Prayer to alleviate Earth Changes

Q As I see it the possible coming earth changes are to be considered symptoms rather than causes and so we need to work on the cause. Please tell us how to properly pray to alleviate the potential suffering that would accompany these possible changes so that the Source does not consider our efforts to be meddlesome. (178)


Why do we need to let God know of our needs?

Q Since it is true that God knows our needs even before we do, why must we have to ask in order to receive that which He sees we need?

S That ye may become aware of Him and what He is.

Dexedrine and Ritalin – harmful to children?

Q Do drugs such as Dexedrine and Ritalin usually used as an energizer which helps children to calm down or filter out irrelevant stimuli and focus on the relevant – is it harmful to children or is it best not to use drugs on the central nervous system dysfunctions?

S Remember that the medicines act in lieu of man’s own ability to cure or to help selves. Sometimes it is a poison to one and a help to another. There is no blanket statement here.

Silva Mind Control

Q Would it be worthwhile for individuals in this group or the group as a whole to take the (1194) course?

S Oh, negative. We find detriment here. That which is selfishness, that which is selfness, that which is destructive to that which is as the search for the spiritual ends of things. Rather, this turns inward towards self, rather than inward towards God.

Mormonism and Joseph Smith

Q (115) has these series of questions on Mormonism. Were there really metallic tablets which were found by Joseph Smith under direction?

S Yes.

Q Can anything be said to describe these tablets that man does not know?

S Well, that which was given on the tablets was not followed. Therefore, the tablets were destroyed. Q

Q Is the claim correct that Joseph Smith used the Urim and Thummim to translate the plates?

S Negative.

Q I understand that we must follow guidance from the superconscious and we must follow guidance from dreams. What about guidance from the subconscious? I’m thinking of the Source’s response to my question last time concerning the difficulty with swallowing meat. (178)

S The subconscious is a hodgepodge of that which has happened to self – experiences. It is not that which is or should control the body, the mind or the spiritual nature of self. Many misunderstand and place that which comes from the subconscious of self as that which is to be followed in the spiritual nature of things. It is not.

Q This is another question from (115). Joseph Smith claims to have received the breastplate along with the Urim and Thummim. From your previous answer, it would appear that he did not receive the Urim and Thummim. Did he receive the breastplate and what was its purpose?

S He did not receive it. The breastplate was that which is the pectoral or pectora, or even sometimes called the pectorium, which was that which held the stones as given, the Urim and Thummim, destroyed long ago.

Q Did John the Baptist really return to restore the priesthood of Melchizedek to earth and baptize Joseph Smith as a high priest of this order?

S No.

Q This is another question from (115) regarding the Mormon Church. He writes, “The revelation of the Mormon Church is that of pre-existence of the human but not reincarnation. Incarnation is for the purpose of gaining a flesh and blood body. Please comment.

S What’s there to comment about? They do not accept that which is reincarnation, which is a fact. They do not want to come back in other conditions as those who builded the Mormon religion or that which were the laws of concepts of the religion did not want to come back less than that which is the upper crust of the religion or that which is the prophets as they felt themselves to be. Even as others in other times and places, even as now, would rather not come back as that which is lesser in status in that which is the material world than they are at that time.

Q And his last question is: Was Joseph Smith a true prophet? This question is, of course, tied in with the previous questions.

S The entity was not as you would call even a prophet. The entity was one who was divinely inspired to a degree, but allowed too much of the humanity of others, especially, to influence self in the projection of same. Became somewhat imbalanced in seeing the world. 

Advice for Being in the world but not of it.

Q Is it possible to attain the kind of dedication the Source says is necessary for us as a group and still be part of the everyday working world and all the associations that go with it? 

S Oh, yes. Many have done in the past. However, it does not mean to accept or act as the world would have you act. Remember, there will be those who would insult you or laugh at you for that which ye believe. But hold steadfast. If you see a lie is a lie, do not live the lie. If you see that which is sin, do not live the sin. Do not hold thyself aloof from thy fellow man. For they may think that thou art setting thyself as better than they. But show by thy actions that you love them, and you do that which is best for your belief of God. Hold fast. Be steady. Be true.

Mental body: explanation

Q In the Edgar Cayce reading 1472-2, it states: “There is the mental body, the physical body, the spiritual body.” Would you please give us an explanation as to what the mental body is?

S All that which contains the thoughts, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and, even to an extent the superconscious mind, though it is that which is the tie between the spiritual body and the physical body. In short, all that has ever thought and does think.

Unlocking the mental to unlock the Spiritual

Q In answer to question #4, asked after an individual reading given on the 7th of this month, the Source said, “If you could but unlock the mental, you would unlock the spiritual and exist everywhere, know all, and be the perfect person.” Is this only accomplished when one is christed?

S When you become christed, you’ve done it! It’s a step to it, you see. When you have released that which is self, or the truth of self, then you have become christed. 

Operating on multiple planes

Q In answer to #6 from the same series of supplementary questions, the Source said, “There is part of you operating in another plane at this moment – a greater part of you.” Can it be given as to where this plane is and what is taking place? (185)

S Well, you are operating on quite a few planes at this time, the greater part of you now, of the entity that is questioning, is on the sixth plane.

Reading research for children – laterality

Q Accumulated research indicates there is no difference in reading ability between established and non-established laterality in groups of children. Is this true?

S Not true. 

Q Orton, one of the early investigators in reading difficulties, felt that language functions originate in the left cerebral hemisphere. The left cerebral hemisphere is also the center for motor movement on the right side of the body. Therefore, the language center and the left hemisphere could be strengthened and made dominant by strongly establishing the right-sided motor responses of the body. Right-handed and right-sided activity should be strongly encouraged and practiced while left-sided activity should be discouraged or eliminated. Is this theory correct?

S Not entirely. You see, there are people who are, especially those who are cross-dominants or mixed-dominants, as you would call them, are indeed cross dominant because the halves of their brain, the hemispheres, have been reversedin their order. Even as some entities have the heart or the kidneys in reverse positions, so the neurological patterns in some are not the same as others. In fact, there is not one, no, not one entity, living in this earth that has the same neurological build as another. See, like fingerprints so is the brain.

Scar removal formulae – evaluation

Q Please give a comparative evaluation between the formula of peanut oil, camphorated oil and lanolin which Cayce gave to remove scar tissue or to prevent its formation and the Vitamin E ointment which I’m told is developed at the Shute Clinic in Canada by the Shute Brothers, M.D. which has been effective in rapid healing of leg ulcers and burns with minimal scarring. I believe that Vitamin E therapy was not generally available during Cayce’s lifetime. 

S This is correct. The Vitamin E content in that formula given was found in the peanut oil.

Q I’m sorry. I didn’t understand.

S The Vitamin E content that was necessary at that time was found in that which was the peanut oil.

Q Oh, so that the Shute formula would be all right.

S Yes.

TM – transcendental meditation

Q I was wondering about transcendental meditation. It is being taught so widely here. One of the members of our ARE group is going to participate in it. Is that anything for anyone in this group? (107)

S Well, we find here that what started to be that which is good has turned into that which is a matter of material gain rather than spiritual comfort for others.

Seth speaks: Jane Roberts

Q These questions are for (118). She asks: How accurate is the material in the book, “Seth ·speaks”, by Jane Roberts?

S Not a great deal. 

Pistis Sophia

Q (113) writes, Chapters 15-21 of Pistis Sophia, Book One, indicate that the ability to forecast via horoscope was sharply reduced by Jesus’ taking away a third of the power of those of the twelve eons and by changing their spheres and making them spend six months turned to the left and accomplishing their influences, and another six months facing the right and accomplishing their influences. Does this mean that the astrological bodies, signs, and aspects have one meaning during the first half of the year and a different meaning during the second half of the year? Please explain.

S To a degree, this is correct. Remember, this book is slanted, too. It is not that which is as solid truth. What the true meaning of this passage was intended, as originally given, as originally constructed, was that the Christ Power can change any astrological force, meaning, or thing.

Q (113) also writes: Pistis Sophia represents a scheme of levels, for example, the ineffable, the highest light-world or realm of light with three subdivisions, the higher or middle light-world with three subdivisions, the lower light or eon-world, or the mixture of light and matter with three subdivisions. Are these ten subdivisions or levels equivalent to the ten kingdoms or planes referenced in Cayce reading 622-6 and the work reading from Ram on 22 February, 1975, question 6?

S More or less correct. Yes, we find it as more correct. The less, being that which was the influence taken from other standards or beliefs which this Pistis Sophia was intended to bring together or overcome, but resulted in too much humanizing and human thought into that which had been divine thought.

Q He asks, “Is Pistis Sophia the best and most accurate account of Jesus’ sayings during the eleven years after His resurrection?”

S No.

Q Could you tell us where a better one could be found?

S There is none. But it is not the best rendition or passing or giving of that which is the thought of Jesus the man, or Jesus the Christ. Compare that which as you would have or that which you know as given, even though it is stilted and changed a bit or a great amount in that which you would term as the New Testament, to that with is Pistis Sophia and you will see what we talk about.

Aspects of souls showing up at different times

Q The Source has been explaining to us about one entity being an aspect of another one, mainly mentioning John the Beloved – oh, no, not John the Beloved – the other John – John the Baptist. Was John the Baptist an aspect of something else?

S Oh, yes. Even as you would find pieces of a jigsaw puzzle putting them together to fit the whole, they are all separate pieces and yet one of the whole.

Q So then we could be an aspect of an aspect of an aspect – ad infinitum?

S Of one individual.

Q Can two aspects of the same individual be on earth at the same time in two different places?

S Rarely.

Mediumship: Rosemary Brown

Q Rosemary Brown, in England, claims certain great composers who have died work with her so she can play and write down some of their more recent compositions. What is really taking place here?

S Mediumship.

Q May I ask a question regarding that previous question? On Rosemary Brown, is she really receiving music from the entities through mediumship that she claims she is?

s Oh, yes.

How are people healed by healers?

Q How are people who go to healers such as Kathryn Kuhlman and Dick Colburn healed?

S Partly through that which is the mind- power of the entities and partially through that which is the spiritual. It depends upon the individual who seeks and the attitude and use of the individual that is as the healer.

Q Do most of these stay healed?

S Oh, even through the mind they may be healed, but is it a correct healing, you see? Only the spiritual healing is the correct healing, because that is from, with the blessing of God rather than from an individual for an individual.

Q Is there something the Source would like to say to me at this time? (169) 

War on other planets?

Q Is there war on other planets and other worlds?

S Not as you would know this war to be. 

Individual’s Visions and dreams – interpretation

Q On July 17th, I had a dream in which I saw a grey lizard with a short tail run out of the bedroom where I was, into (ll4’s) study where he was. I said, “There goes a lizard.” He caught it and carried it to the front door which I held open for him and he let it leave. However, by the time he got into the living room with it, it had grown a heavy coat of black and grey hair and had a broad face. Its mouth was fixed in a wide sort of grin, reaching completely across its face but its round face had a vacant stare. It had a large number of rather big teeth which were prominent because of the open lips, more than would seem to be a normal number of teeth. What is this dream saying? (178)

S It is saying, don’t let those actions, those foolish senseless actions of others either bother you, harass you, or come into your life. At that time, the entity was being affected, you see, by actions and words or verbiage of others whether the aware or conscious mind knew it or not.

Q I had an unusual dream on the 18th of this month. In one part of the dream, I was an observer on earth back in Provo, Utah, watching people standing in line to buy chickens or eggs. In another part of the dream, I was in a distant star system, actually taking part in events there. At one point, I was talking to a group of leaders representing the Federation of United Planets. I told the leaders that control of a certain invention should be in the hands of the Federation, lest it fall into the wrong hands. I seemed to choose just the right words to say as if it had all happened before. Later, I left them and went to a room where individuals from different planets or systems were talking together. One individual, lying on a couch, was large in shape similar to a soul body without arms or legs. However, it had a face or a head similar to a human on the round end facing me. Conversation went to what individuals would be like a few thousand years in the future. I then demonstrated, using my hands, indicating with one extended hand, a planet with early life forms. With the other hand, I indicated a planet with advanced life forms 500,000 years ahead of us. I said, “Can you imagine what that would be like?” No one seemed to understand what I was talking about. I looked at each individual and then said in a firm voice, “Truly I say unto you, ye are gods in the making.” After saying this, I walked from the room. These are just portions of this dream. Can you give me the meaning? (185)

S You wanted to know what you were doing on other planes, in other places, or other aspects of self were doing? Well, you found out.

Mental, emotional and spiritual support readings for members of the group

Q I would like to know what I assumed in this life in the way of karmic debts where my children are concerned. Is there anything that would be helpful  for me to know? (101)

S Face each one with love, with patience, and long-suffering and ye will do that which is best for all concerned.

Q Are there souls in other galaxies holding the same position that Jesus the Christ holds in our galaxy?

S No.

Q In the plan of eternal life, do we go through higher learning processes in other galaxies upon graduation from this galaxy?

S Most certainly.

Q Does this continue until we have experienced complete creation throughout the cosmos?

S Until self is so aware of all that is in that which is the glory of God that self can be as God, even as given, in that which is “thou art gods” and that which ye shall do must be in the light of total agreement with God.

Q I feel one of my stumbling blocks is a subconscious tie to the Mormon church that needs to be dealt with … (169)

S Rather a chain.

Q Is the tie caused by, one of the ties, then, caused by my intense dislike of polygamy and the injustices found in that mode of living? (169)

S Partially from that which self has suffered and cannot see as righted. But this lies, you see, from the subconscious rather than the conscious mind. It is best for this entity to learn to forget it. Partly from that which is the hurt in this life from the snub of those the entity would have close to self that has offended self in separation of this entity from that church.

Q Is there anything the Source would like to give this entity at this particular time? (172)

S Ride easy. Don’t use spurs. Be thankful and pray.

Q I was given an affirmation early in these meetings in which it was stated that I would remove the barriers that I have put between myself and God. I would like to know what barriers I have between myself and my Heavenly Father? (146)

S One is the awareness of self as a personality, even at this time awareness of self as a female personality, allowing that which are the irritations of the male or the positions of self to be that which is an irritant between self and God, for one thing. Secondly, is that which is not truly forgiving self for those things self has or has not done.

Q Is there anything else I should know at this time? (146)

S Yes. As given before, you have come a long way. Keep it up.

Q I would like to know if there is anything the Source would like to give me at this time? (107)

S Know that self should use more of the ability of the blessings for as the entity has been gaining in that which is the spiritual, should be shared more with others in the form of the blessings rather than just the prayer power. The blessings are straight from that which is the Higher Self. 

Q What are the blessings that I should be sharing? (107)

S Love. The love, nameless love, for there is no name to God’s love. Even that which is the word love does not do it justice, but let that which is the feeling, the knowing, the knowledge of God pour out to others for their good or as God would have it. 

Physical readings for members and their family

Q (105) has a chronic condition in his knee, which has been acting up recently. He would like to know what can be done to alleviate it.

S Well, these types of questions are not that which should be submitted to this Source in these work readings, however, for this entity – heat treatments, dry heat treatments, castor oil packs to a limit of three times a week would be good for this entity. We find here, you see, tendonitis and if it continues antibiotics should be given. For the entity that is questioner, (101), it would be good for the entity to have adjustments to the pelvis, especially to the right ilium. We find a tendency in the questioner to have pulled that out of place. Q

Q He’s been told to use ice packs continually.

S Negative. Negative. Irritates it the more.

Q This year for the first time I’ve been troubled with allergies first thing in the morning. I’m told that the allergists in Tucson are finding this a general condition and quite widespread. Is this true and if so, what’s causing these allergies I haven’t experienced before? (114)

S You’re getting less of the condensation of the dews that have been normal for this time, you see, causing more of that which are the pollens and the dust to remain in the air, especially from those night blooming desert plants, especially those who give off the pollen by explosive nature.

Q. I have a physical question for my sister, (106). She’s been having a lot of pain in the base of her skull. Sometimes it affects her whole spine and she’s having so much trouble now that she’s living on drugs. She’d like to know what’s causing it and how she can help it.

S Yes. The entity has that which is growth, or a pocket of pus, as that which is between, or lying in and around that which is the axial. We would suggest this entity do more of that which is the physical exercise – not bending, not at this time – but movements, walking, getting the circulation going. Massive amounts of Vitamin E. Compresses daily – three times a day. Hot, moist packs to this area. They may be saline in nature as long as they are hot and moist. It would also be good for this entity to use that which is the ultraviolet treatments to this area or that which is even as the red lamp, see, to this area to (infra-red, that is) to this area to heat, to draw forth the poisons therein. The entity should cleanse the body internally, especially in great amounts using Glyco-Thymoline or some other light diuretic as the entity finds the most.

Q The following is for (109). She asks: “I have broken out in what seems to be hives and these hives are turning into festering sores. What is causing this and what can I do about it?”

S Vitamin B shortage, especially B1. Also, Vitamin P would be good, in addition in large amounts for this body.

Q The adjustments that you suggest that I have done. Should these be chiropractic adjustments? (101)

S Or osteopathic.

Q (112), born May 22, 1922, has a physical problem involving her wrists – much swelling and pain. She has been to many doctors and specialists over the years without being able to obtain any permanent relief. She now believes that only a higher power can help her. Can you tell what is the cause of this condition and what can be done to correct or alleviate it? 

S Osteomyelitic condition here. Drugs will not help. Surgery would cure, but since this entity is dead set against surgery, the entity would be best to use ultrasonic treatments for this condition, hoping that it will relieve the conditions that we find here. We would suggest to this group that this is the place of work readings, not for physical readings therein.

Q Is there anything, any information or help, that you can give (110) or myself? (199)

S Well, more cooperation as we have seen as of late. Is it for the calling? More rest for both individuals. Less involvement in that which is less than the spiritual nature of things.

Q Is there anything that the Source would give to me at this time? (101)

S Strayed from your diet, didn’t you? We would suggest that the diet also strayed from is that which is a spiritual diet. Get back on the path.

Q Is there something the Source would like to give me at this time? (169)

S Depend more on self and self’s ability than leaning on others, even to that which is the past that the entity has enjoyed, or not enjoyed, in this existence.

Q Was Arigo possessed by Dr. Fritz in his healings?

S Oh, yes.

Q Is Dr. Fritz working through anybody else now?

S Not at this time, though it could be very detrimental if he tried.

Q On the night of the 18th of this month, (169) and I were working on completing the transcription of supplementary questions and answers to a couple of readings. I was looking at a card with questions on it when suddenly I realized and said to her, “I’ve gone through all of this before.” No sooner had I said this than I felt a severe pain at the back of my head on the right side. This pain was similar to what I have experienced before at different times. In my reading of 1972, the Source said it was caused by a movement of the pituitary gland. would you explain what happened during this experience? (185) 

S Yes. A painful reminder that you slipped before. Don’t do it again.

Q Now that Dr. (230) has left Tucson and is no longer practicing, can you – what osteopathic physician would you recommend for giving the best job of doing adjustments?

s I think this entity, (101) as I see it now, could benefit by going to anyone where the faith in self, the faith in God will lead you, for it is as using them as an instrument of that which is God. 

And now, as the channel is tiring, I Uriel, the sword, the flame, bid you the Lord’s blessing, the Son’s love. We are through with this reading at this time.