RAM 10-019-1975 Expansion: Workshops, Visions, Growth
This document dated September 20, 1975, is a transcription of a spiritual session that includes discussions on the expansion of spiritual work through workshops, publications, and other groups. It addresses topics like spiritual growth, distribution of spiritual information, and research readings on specific subjects. The session also covers organizational aspects, duties within the spiritual group, the credibility of the channel’s information, and interpretations of dreams and visions.
Ram Reading 10-19
Oh God, our Father-Mother, Thou who has created us, Thou who has given us the Christ, be with us now that we may be as tools of Thy work, as channels of Thy blessings, of Thy love, that others, oh Lord, may be blessed by Thee. And as our Brother gave, “Others first, Father, others first.”
Oh God, I give thanks to Thee! Oh God, I exalt Thee! As is given, “Come unto Me all ye that travail and are heavily laden and I will refresh thee. For Thy name is Wonderful. Then hear, oh children of the One God, His name is Wonderful.”
We are here, we have this group. We are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 131, 172, 146, 114, 178, 169, 185, 107. The date is September the 20th, 1975 and the approximate time is 7:45 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the group, and we will give this reading that is sought after. But first we would know to thee that His name is Wonderful. We are ready for questions.
Expansion of work: workshops and experimental groups
Q These are some more for (126). “Would it be appropriate or beneficial to plan and to develop things such as interpersonal communication workshops, or experimental groups which could be based upon spiritual concepts from this Source and implemented by using group counseling techniques? The idea would be to aid in the facilitation of personal spiritual growth for those who would come seeking the way.”
S It may be first used, you see, in conjunction with that which is as the establishment of Adam, see, in the camp, see, as retreats, see, prior to that which would be used as organization of any kind. For this, through other organizations, will be used rather than that which is as the core group, see. That is to say, through that which is the camp and other facilities will the entities use that which is the material from this Source, from this core group, rather than this core group establishing those things which are as tentacles from self rather than spokes.
Expansion of work: publications and other media
Q (126) also asks, “As more and more information becomes available through the channel, what method and means would be best for distributing the information to the general public, for the present and in the future?”
S There will be that which is printed material. There will be that which comes in book form, as to be written or is indicated to be written. This, then, will be the better. For then as released knowledge, backing that which is word-of-mouth knowledge to others, or pamphlets, or flyers, what have you. Then in that which are the deeper writings will come the pulling together and the pointing in the direction.
Expansion of the work through other groups
Q (126) asks, “As new individuals come and begin to form the concentric rings, what is the function and the structure of the relationship that they should have with the core group and the channel, especially as they relate to direct involvement in specific projects of the work?”
S As these projects develop, as they are brought to the attention of the channel, the core group, therefore there will be given that which are instructions. For ye cannot cross the bridge before ye reach it. Ye cannot climb the mountain that is not there. Wait and be patient.
Should there be research readings on topics?
Q These questions are for (126). “Should there be research readings concentrating on specific subjects such as the second coming, earth changes, et cetera that are exclusive of the work readings and individual readings or should questions on topics of this nature be randomly included within the work readings?
S They may be included. There will be those times when it is given at the beginning that the next reading will be on a certain subject for certain understandings or ramifications or use for that which are the followers or the understanders of the Christ force within the earth.
Creating an organization around the work
Q This one is for (126). He asks, “Please comment on the transcribing process as outlined in the flow chart. Is the procedure and structure we have developed acceptable, or in other words, are we trying to move too rapidly or too slowly? Are we becoming too organized or is there a need for more detailed planning?”
S There is no organization. There is that which will come as it will come. As the instructions are given through this channel, so shall it be done by those who have the faith. Those who would worry, those who would find fault, or those who would find no fault are equal or equally that which is not having faith. For by faith you question, but by faith you also accept.
Duties as spokesman for the RAM group
Q What are my duties or responsibilities as a spokesman for this group? (131)
S To spread that which is the understanding, to tell those who would have the time, the patience, the intelligence, to investigate, to ask, to question. Give them that which ye know is best for them. Give not that which is past them in your judgement and let the inner guide, guide the outer self. For He that is the Christ is ever with thee. Call upon Him before giving and thank Him after giving. For all will go, then, as it should.
Cayce readings to validate RAM
Q. (197’s) second question is, “In promoting the mission of the core group through other groups and individuals who accept the validity of the Cayce information, are there Cayce readings which could be quoted which would help to more quickly establish the credibility of the current channel’s information? For instance, are there specific predictions regarding the present channel and his work?
S There are but let us say this: For those who believe, they will seek and they will find. For those who would have God will know inside of selves. Let them then turn this way. For how many that would be swayed, only because there was written before this or that, are worthy then. For those who have faith and seek inside of themselves, with the information given, finding validity, they will know. For it is in the search within self and the faith that comes from that which is the knowledge that pours forth from inside of self that will lead those who will follow, to follow. Ever has it been such. Ever will it be. It is in the selection. For if it were not this way, who would have accepted that which was Cayce, his work, and that which came through him? For where and whom would they have used to substantiate his work, see?
The return of the Christ: Cayce and RAM
Q When referring to the return of Jesus the Christ in the Edgar Cayce reading 365-8, the Source said in answer #1, ”As given for a thousand years, He will walk and talk with men of every clime. Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a thousand years for this will be when the changes materially come.” Would you give more on this, especially when referring to those of the first resurrection? (185)
S Those who resurrect within the mind that are alive are the first resurrection. And those who resurrect again are those who come in, who have earned, who will resurrect, even as He has given them life to do and to be, as they have met and made the selection and overcome.
Q Is the 144,000 in Revelations pertinent to this, sir? (114)
S Not to the number of individuals, but that which are and makes up the spiritual centers of self.
Bible – clarification of James’ indentity
Q Please clarify the individuals named James in the New Testament. Which one, for example, wrote the Epistle? Which one was the leader in Jerusalem after Pentecost, et cetera?
S James, the brother, was the leader after the Pentecost, while James, the other; was that which did the writing.
Q. Was this James the son of Alphaeus or James the son of Zebedee?
S James the son of Alphaeus. He is that which wrote.
Q I see; the one that wrote. Can you please tell me anything I should know at this time to enable me to do a better job? (114)
S Don’t be so worried about that which the future holds. Don’t be worried about the financial conditions. They will improve immensely in the short time to come.
Aspects of the soul
Q Does an aspect reincarnate or does each aspect continue to grow and progress until such time as it is integrated with the total soul or entity?
S Have ye been in a house of mirrors where a hundred mirrors may reflect one body material? Such it is with aspects. As ye go in the house of mirrors, your image is reflected a hundred, a thousand times. As ye exit, you are one again.
Christing: meaning
Q What does christing mean? Does it mean the overcoming of this system, the seven levels, planes, planets, senses, et cetera of this system and being able to go to other systems or regain the senses, et cetera, associated with the attainments gained in other systems or does christing mean going all the way to the Father? Please explain.
S There is that which is the christing which allows self to put aside and become one with the Father on the plane, or that where ye are, or those places where ye are, remembering this always: part of self, that which you could consider the core of self, that which is the main aspect, that which tantalizes the soul, has remained with the Father and is with the Father, waiting for reuniting of self. Christing means that which becomes one with the Father, with His will and self’s will as one. Your will does not evaporate but becomes one. The total christing, “eye-ya-hoo-nah”, becomes that which is as He, the Master of Life, the Prince of this plane overcome, to that which is the totality of God.
Q Would you translate “eye-ya-hoo-nah”?
S Untranslatable to you.
Mayans: from another world?
Q This question was asked by (200) and I’d like to ask it also. Did the people we call the Mayans come to this earth from another planet or another world? (146)
S Negative. As that which was one of the five main races, the red race – more pure than those others found in that which is North and South Americas.
Planet between Mars and Jupiter: asteroid belt
Q According to Bede’s law devised in 1776, there should be a planet between Mars and Jupiter in distance from the sun. There are only thousands of fragments called the asteroid belt. Was there a planet there at one time that exploded?
S Yes.
Q Was it inhabited?
S Yes.
Q What caused the explosion?
S Selves.
Earth changes
Q I have two questions for (197). His first one is, “If earth changes bring large groups of refugees into the Tucson area in the future, what measures should be taken now by concerned groups and individuals to help alleviate attendant problems?”
S Trust, pray, and love. Put aside that which ye can. But know this: not those great amounts that ye would have, or think will come, will come. For there will be many that cannot flee, cannot escape the wrath that they have incurred upon selves. For this is just. This in itself is mercy. For they will pay in that short time, to themselves, that which they have earned.
ARE clinic in Casa Grande
Q This question is for (201). Her question is, “What should be done at this time to further the cause of the A.R.E. Medical Clinic in Casa Grande?”
S Prayer, faith, love, and spreading the word as to that which is the purpose and the means and the needs of that center, the organization.
MK-3C psionic device
Q This is for (207). What changes should be made in the MK-3C psionic device to improve its effectiveness?
S This will have to be calibrated, you see, with that which is oscillation in that which is the ear of the individuals through that which are the decibels, the decibel readings, to make that instrument correct or to be adapted to the individuals using same. For those who would be tested by decibels, those in the lower third would receive an adjustment to that which is more the saline content. Those in the middle decibels would receive that which is to the iron qualities, or quantities in the body. And those that are in the upper- third to that which are as the sulfur contents within the body.
Q That first word you used, was it acceleration?
S No. That which pertains to the sound or that which are the waves interpreted by the oscillating of that which is in the ear, see?
Time of birth
Q What was the exact time of my birth in this life? (169)
S 9:14 am.
League of the White Dove: purpose
Q Is there an organization called the League of the White Dove with headquarters at St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada?
S There is.
Q Can it be given as to what the purposes are of this organization, and do they help people as they have claimed?
S To a degree have helped but do not foster independence of thought or of union of others with God directly, but through themselves as channels. Therefore, it is doubtful that that which they would do or purport to have done is of the better or the greater nature.
Q Do they have the amount of membership amounting greater than two million as claimed?
S Well, less than two thousand.
Mormonism/Joseph Smith
Q Did Joseph Smith have visions of a divine nature with instructions to follow and what were the instructions?
S He had. The instructions were to bring forth again a community of thought, a community of purpose, to behold the workings of God within those people who would work with their hands, their minds, for the enrichment of God in the earth; His purposes, His love, His means, His ways, His truth.
Q Were there plates of gold, and if not gold, what kind of metal were they?
S Mental plates.
Q Mental plates?
S Mental plates, not metal – mental.
Q Then they were not of gold?
S Gold of love.
Q How did Joseph Smith get the information contained in the Book of Mormon?
S It was given, even as that which you would call to revelation within self, but transcribed or passed on verbally, you see, through that gentleman where there was not the clarity of passage and the influence of others that it did not come out exactly. But this, you see, is common in that which has been given through past times to those that have been the sages, those that have been as the channels of love and understanding. For there is that incorrectness that is innate within the human body and the human understanding that passes this forward. And yet, there is that which is truth and understanding within much that was given.
Q Was he a psychic then, the way we think of one?
S To a degree a psychic.
Q Did Peter, James, and John confer the Melchizedek priesthood on Joseph Smith?
S No.
Q When Joseph Smith was asked about the status of the Negro, he replied “They came into the world slaves, mentally and physically.” He also said they have souls and are subjects of salvation. What is the status of the Negro and what was he trying to imply about them?
S They are slaves as to that which are the basic, or base, desires of this plane. That is why each and every individual in this room has been black in one life or another. For ye must go through that which is the slavery of that which is the mind to the body. Even though it is reflected in other races, this is that which, for all purposes, is the more base in the desires of the animal or that which ~he desires basic to that which is the physiology of the being and therefore they came in as slave to that. All have souls, all are redeemable, regardless of race.
Q Well, I heard the inner voice say one time that the Book of Mormon was about 5% correct. What was it telling me? (169)
s For self it was 5% correct.
Q How much of it is correct for …
s For some, a hundred.
Q But in truth?
s What is truth?
Q If God is all that is and ever was, where and how did He learn all?
s Because He is all – and was all!
Etheric body leaving the physical body at death
Q This question is for (209). She says, “It is my understanding that the etheric body takes eighty-four hours to leave the physical body after death. Therefore, what happens to the etheric body of the person whose physical body is destroyed at the time of death such as by burning or explosion? Also is all record of that lifetime lost?
S There is no loss of record for that which is done is implanted on that which is the skein of time and space. It is in the mind of God, for God is within and God cannot be destroyed. There is no time limit, nor limitation, to the processes of the leaving. Within the twinkling of an eye there is a separation. Or, that which is long drawn out. There is no set hours or days, remembering for days and hours are for this plane. The etheric body is not of this material plane.
Soul during a coma
Q What happens to the soul when a person is in a coma, a long coma?
S It acknowledges, it knows, it records, it lives.
Lemurian greeting in reading 10-001
Q In a September 22, 1973, reading, a greeting is given in another language. Can you identify this language?
S Original Lemurian.
Q Should this be translated into English for purposes of transcribing the reading?
S It is only that which acknowledges the one God.
Q Can the Source give a translation or suggest someone who can?
S For what purpose?
War on other planets
Q In our last reading we asked if there was war on other planets, or in other worlds and we were told “not as we know it.” Could you please elaborate on this?
S There is a war of the wills even by objects that move not but are stationary. Forever is, even on other planets, though not as this planet is, that the will is free and there are those beings, even as here, that would dominate rather than do that which they know innately, is wise, good, and of God.
Q Are they killing each other?
S Not as you would understand killing to be, for the bodies are not as bodies here. It is the mind, or those planets of the mind rather than of the materia1, where this goes on. Fear not. For selves do not go through these. For ye have chosen the material route rather than the mind route as they have.
Uriel the flame and the Garden of Eden
Q Also in the last reading in – at the ending of it – Uriel the Flame and the Sword bade us the Lord’s blessing and the Son’s love. Was it Uriel who was stationed at the gate of the Garden of Eden with the flaming sword when Adam and Eve were expelled?
S It was. And it will be he that leads the way, that steps aside, that the Christ may enter in.
Q In that connection was there an actual physical Garden of Eden or is this a symbolic story?
S Both. Physical but symbolic too.
Number of Senses: 110
Q In one lesson the Source mentioned that there are 110 senses available to be used. Do these include those sensors that run the physical body such as monitoring the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in the blood and other similar functions?
S Yes. If you were to look in your body now, the millions of processes that are going on now – yes, millions. The feeding of each capillary to that which is the cells, the opening and closing of the cell structures themselves, the movement of the crystalline forms within the body, that which is the moving within selves of the gaseous states, that which are the oxidations within self that must be carried on, that which is the balance of the carbon system within self. Oh, yes. The thought system. All that is, even the spiritual system which runs on many senses itself.
Date of birth
Q Was I born September the 5th? (169)
S September the 5th.
Divine love: Christ consciousness
Q Does the term “divine love” as given by the Source throughout my 1972 reading have the same meaning as Christ consciousness? (185)
S It does.
Q Was this the state of consciousness that I was in for most of February 4th, 5th and 6th, 1974? (185)
S Quite a bit here.
Q How can I prevent my consciousness from going into such a low state after leaving this high state? (185)
S You can’t. But realize that when one goes up, they come down, but they rise higher, for longer. And it is as a graph, see, going up and falling and rising and falling but not as far, and going up higher and falling but not as far, until there is that time when the valley is higher than the first peaks.
Q Then is this a preliminary to that point of being christed?
S It is.
Q Is there anything more that can be given me at this time that would help me to attain this state of divine love? (185)
S Find more peace within the mind, realizing more fully that this is as an illusion of learning that ye are in now.
Souls returning: in There is a River
Q (215) asks, “In the philosophy section of Thomas Sugrue’s, There Is A River, it states, ‘Some souls choose their own entrances and set their own tasks; others, having made too many mistakes and become dangerously subject to earthly appetites, are sent back by law, at a time and under circumstances best suited to help them.’ On a soul 1evel how can such mistakes be made?”
S A misunderstanding of what is a soul and what is that which records and what l is that which makes up the mental, the physical. For ye come in soul level but the soul is made of parts, you see. You acquire that which is the subconscious, you see, to be as that which is the recorder – not on the soul level but on the mind, or mental level. You have that which is the aware mind or the awake mind which, then, at the subject of the will determines what you will do, to the urging of the subconscious, and has the ability to seek for that which is the higher consciousness within self, if the entity will. Here again is free will on three levels.
Q Could that be – for us to try and understand that – these people that are sent back. Could this be that their overpowering of what we call the subconscious mind (becomes the conscious mind in that plane) by the superconscious mind…
s It can. That which is the superconscious mind, allowed, can bring about that which is not the overpowering but the balancing of same. It can be that which is the tool that redeems the subconscious or the individual personality before it becomes that which is the Christ personality or God.
Q In the philosophy in the paperback book, There is a River, by Thomas Sugrue, on page 312 it states, “Of the souls which God created, and He created all souls in the beginning (and none have been created since) only a comparative few have come into the experience of the solar system. Though many have gone through or are going through a similar entanglement in other systems.” I’d like to know if at some future time God will create more souls. (169)
S No. But selves will.
Q Well, then, is the cosmos forever expanding, in a steady state, or pulsating?
S It does neither. For God has no measure and ye are within God.
Aspects of a soul and personality/ego: differences
Q Please discuss the difference between aspects and personality.
S Aspects in a sense are certain personalities that are shown forth and can be called forth or are at levels to do work. For even as given before, that which is self is as a diamond with many facets upon self. Ye see one now, one being polished and developed. There are those that are the permanent aspects that have achieved. There is that which of the diamond that has not been faceted but is waiting to be polished and in those lives where one does not achieve, the aspect has not been polished, therefore is not, and does not, or has not achieved but will rotate again to be buffed and cut until it becomes that which is precise, that which is beauty, that in which reflects the God image as that 1ife is meant to show it.
Q How many aspects does a person have?
S As many as God would have you have.
Q Please discuss the difference between aspects and the ego. (101)
S Aspects have not the ego. They have that which is the facet or building block of that which is the force of God or the personality of God within each individual. Were it to take a million blocks, see, to mirror God or show God’s face, then a million aspects would be needed. Each and every individual, then, in a life that attains, is a building block or has overcome in an aspect that which is as a portion of that which becomes the portrait of self or the portrait of God. We would then give the example of David. David, though he blundered, though he broke the laws, showed that which is as love, divine love. Not the Christ love as seen in Jesus, but love, nevertheless. God love. Therefore, that aspect assumes that which is that portion of love, shedding that which is the negative to be overcome again in another life where those earthly desires, those ego desires to be overcome in another life even as it were, you see.
Q Please discuss the difference between aspects and the soul. (101)
S Aspects are those facets that are as projections or as that which would focus upon the soul those pictures of the ultimate of the soul power or that which is the soul in totality. That which is the soul within the entity now that questions is a fragment, you see, or fragmented, from those aspects of self that have been accomplished, but on going out of the hall of mirrors will the entity then draw together all that is self. For. even as ye came in, in those times of not understanding, of seeking, even as the first Adam came through the ·door and became then as the mirrored image as so many times over and left again as Jesus, went forth. Then self will come into that which is the totality or the understanding of what you were before only with the understanding of the truth rather than that which is not learned, the truth, as ye came in.
Review of life after death
Q Are we faced with an accounting or a critique of our earthly life after we leave this plane? (146)
S Ye face yourself.
Q Do we understand clearly and unequivocally wherein we’ve failed, or wherein we succeed? (146)
S As ye have developed, ye understand the more. For those who are crude and 1ow, that have not developed in the past, there is not that deep awareness or understanding. For even as you have heard or have read from other places, or from this Source, there are those who do not even know that they have passed over. For theirs is that which is the low development. And yet there will come a time when they may know that which is the higher self and understand all that is, and all that has to do with understanding.
Value of life seals from Cayce
Q What is the value of the life seals as given by Cayce?
S Little.
Jesus’ return to the Father
Q Is it correct that no other soul in the cosmos except the entity who is Jesus returned to the Father?
S As total return, is correct.
Earth: how it came into existence
Q Was the earth ejected from one of the planets in the solar system?
S No.
Q, How did it come into existence?
S By thought.
Multiple personalities: possession
Q On the 17th of this month the evening paper carried an article about Mrs. Chris Sizemore, Fairfax City, Virginia. She has revealed that she was the subject of the movie, “The Three Faces of Eve.” It is said that she has manifested twenty-one different personalities. Is this caused by a mental illness the doctors have called multiple personality or were these previous lives or aspects that somehow were able to take over her body? (185)
S Possessions.
Q Would that be by other entities?
S Entities other than self.
Q Was there any significance to the three at a time? Possession or…(131)
s Only that the entity allowed same. There are those who have shown as many as seven or even that which is in biblical times nineteen.
Q Well, can you open up the spiritual centers in the wrong way to have this happen to you?
S Is correct.
Adrenals: misuse
Q Well, I’ve read that some athletes get so accustomed to adrenalin stimulation that they sort of become addicted to it and they seek it just for this reason alone. Does that constitute a misuse of a spiritual …
S Misuse.
Puerto del Sol at Tiahuanaco
Q What – one theory for the Puerto del Sol found at Tiahuanaco is that it represented the Venusian calendar with space figures. What did this Puerto del Sol represent? (146)
S Even as given, that which is the sun, or the port of the sun, or the entrance of the sun, or the doorway of the sun. S-U-N at that time, though underneath, subconsciously, S-0-N.
Q Then it wasn’t a Venusian calendar?
S No.
Q Was Gilgamesh a living person or purely a literary figure? (146)
S Or Golgamush or Gilgamish, Gilgamesh – was as representational of series of persons.
Q A series of whom?
s Persons.
Q What did they represent?
s Persons and their experiences with the life force, with God, with fighting within themselves and with the earth plane, with the desires, the material, the mind, the will.
Camp in Arivaca – southwest of Tucson
Q Could I ask for clarification on the answer that was given to (131) just now about (126’s) question? You mentioned Adams and you mentioned the camp. Were you speaking of Arivaca? (178)
S Yes.
Q Please evaluate the material in the book entitled Urantia, indicating its value to humanity and its percentage of accuracy.
S Deals to an extent with those who need such. However, the accuracy is about 50%.
Individual’s Visions and dreams: interpretation
Q Concerning the dream of several weeks ago in which I lost a fairly large quantity of fresh, bright blood. Was my interpretation, which was related to the channel, accurate? (178)
S Accurate.
Q If so, then, is the resulting action appropriate? (178)
S Appropriate.
Q On August the 17th, 1972, I heard the inner voice say, ” (130) has money invested in ELCO with (114).”I have no idea what I was being told. Is there anything important here for me to know? (169)
S That the functions of both, to their level, though separated by degree of thought, are equa1. For all are equa1 in the eyes of God. It is for the individuals involved to do THE WORK properly, as given. One sees and does; the other, at this time, has walked away from that which was first seen and known.
Q This is for (210). It concerns a dream she had at approximately 2:45 AM on August 22nd of this year. She was concerned about various members of our Search for God study group. After the meeting on the 21st several members were overtired, showed signs of strain, suffering from broken bones or were not just plain feeling well. She dreamed, “Someone was coming to help us. We are in a mess. A book was suggested. The colors grew to green to blue on the cover. No title given. We as a group gathered to wait for Him, hoping it would be better than last time. She could see (197) smiling.” And this is all she remembers, sir, of that dream. Would you please explain it?
S And she turned and saw that which is the Radiant One on the return. For this is that which is as a warning, as a promise, that He, indeed, will walk among thee. Be ready. Be content even with that which would come as suffering, sorrow, tumult, destruction, or those negative things recorded within self, and recorded on the material. For He will make right that which is not right. He will wash that which is filth and make clean. For He will restore, even as He did once, the Kingdom of God within this earth beyond that which is the under- standing of those present here or beyond this room.
Q I frequently have a quick vision where I see a man just outside the front door of our house, inside the house near the front door, just outside the house near the kitchen door, or in the back yard near the house. A time or two I have heard a knock on the door before the vision. No words are ever uttered, but in the last vision I had the man was dressed in a sky-blue uniform with a flimsy gun on his right shoulder. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something. What do these visions mean? (169)
S Use not that which is the flimsiness of life to be that which is the strength of life but turn to that which is the strength of life, the Christ force rather than the external, see?
Q In the group reading of February 22, 1975, question number 62, I asked for a dream interpretation. I’m going to read a statement made by the Source as part of the interpretation and I’m going to quote. “For in that which is self ye have seen that which is the programming of self towards that which is the coming and the heralds therein, the messengers within self.” What is meant by “the heralds therein, the messengers within self”? (169)
S For there is communion with this entity of the angelic hosts, that this entity has served with, and for, and over at times, that the entity may call upon, that call forth in joy and love. For the entity has had positions that guided same in other places, other spheres.
Q In (l85’s) reading of August 8, 1972, he asked about a figure in white that stood near the doorway. The Source said, “in a sense this was an apparition but not the apparition of ghostly form but an apparition just the same.” Would you please explain the difference between these two types of apparitions?
S One is that which ye would call “the shade”, see, where that which was seen was that which is the mental projection of the higher state of being of another who could not appear in the understanding of the entity in a form that the entity could see or record within.
Business/relationship advice to members and friends
Q This is for (211) and (214). “We are involved in a situation of great unpleasantness. What is the lesson involved for the souls of (214) and (211)?
S There was a cooperation and a misunderstanding in another time and place where the one who is as one of the questioners was indeed an author of a greater book, transcribing and yet running afoul of one who persisted to say that he was of the faith. Also, in this life there is that which are the ramifications of the bringing forward, or over, or with, that which is the karmic destiny of the physical selves to learn through those processes that have found in selves that which you would call an undermining of the principles of balance within the bodies physical. And yet, as the entities are well aware, the balance of the spirit within, with that which is the mind force of selves will overcome that which is the balance with others and the-balance within. For all is balanced. Only man in his choice and the freedom therein imbalances the balance.
Q This question is for (214). Other than the production of a book on psychic archaeology, for what reason have (211) and (214) come to Tucson?”
S To begin the writing on that which is the understanding of the platform in conjunction with that which are the thoughts that have gone before, or are present from other sources, other places, and that which is the understanding of that which man must face, must do, and the Father’s business within the earth; the understanding of that which is as the banner of He that will return in glory as before to that which is the glory of God.
Q This is another question for (214) and (211). How can they best act that they may do that which the soul seeks in this matter and act correctly in accordance with the Christ spirit? This question deals, sir, with the problem they are having with the cooperation with the collaborator.
S Even as that which has oft been given before in loving indifference and as ye have turned the cheek, then ye may turn and walk away leaving to that which are the problems their own solution. For each must make the choice and as ye turn away in loving indifference and forgiveness, even of self for those times that self has gone astray, then you have done all that ye can do.
Q How should (214) and (211) deal with (216) that their actions may be in accord with what the Christ …
S Firmness, firmness, firmness, and justice, but firmness always.
Q You mean they should take a firm position with him about writing this book?
S Firm. Firm.
Q How should they (214 and 211) deal with (188) that their actions may be in accord with that desired by the Christ consciousness?
S We find in that one too much negativeness, too much interest in the material that does not coincide with the wishes, with the choosing of those who are the questioners at this time.
Q How should they act, sir? What should they do as far as the outrageous…
S They must make their choice as they understand it to be. They cannot, you see, bend themselves, or make themselves what they are not, you see. Therefore, the choice is theirs to do. It is not for this Source to give that which is for independent thought and balance within selves to choose.
Q On that subject, sir, you’ve indicated that (211) and (214) came here with the purpose of the platform. Is the time here where they could start to write a book to present the platform to the world?
S First in small amounts before there is that which is total publication. Can be used as subject matter for accounts. It may be used as subject matter for discussion in other books, or tracts, what have you. But not yet are the books, or the books that will come, ready for publication.
Q Is the apparent difficulty some of us are having in attending to, or meeting our day-to-day commitments a function or a by-product, of membership in the core group?
S Partly so, partly the karmic reaping of others, that which you have carried over yourselves, world thought you see, also, that which is as pointed towards the destruction of that which would be to the benefit of mankind, to those who would serve the living God.
Q What spiritual lesson am I to learn, or what opportunity is there to gain by being in Room 11 at Dunham? (199)
S That thou are indeed thy brothers’ keeper.
Q Would you clarify that?
S Would you go into self, asking what that is? That which is thy brothers’ keeper? What does it imply to self? Analyze, evaluate, and ask again.
Physical readings given to members of the group, family and friends
Q In what way should my diet be corrected? (178)
S More roughage at this time. Q
Q Am I still supposed to be having quinine water? (178)
S Only small amounts necessary. Q
Q And still a lot of peaches? (178)
S Yes, peaches always. Not as much as before, but more roughage.
Q What about this meat that I have trouble swallowing? (178)
S Have you cleared your mind?
Q I have recently had two more skin malignancies removed even though most days I do take three almonds as recommended by Cayce. (178)
S Mind is ever the builder.
Q Well, do you see any malignancies right now that should be removed? (178)
S In the mind.
And now we would give the blessing of the Lamb, of my love unto thee, through God the Almighty. We are through with this reading at this time.