RAM 10-020-1975 Insights: Channeling, Prophecy, and HealingRAM 10-020-1975 Insights: Channeling, Prophecy, and Healing

This document dated December 6, 1975, is a transcript of a spiritual session. It encompasses diverse topics like prayer, spiritual guidance, interpretations of biblical passages, the mechanics of spiritual channeling, and the selection of group members. There are discussions on the nature of God, angels, and human imperfection, as well as explorations of various symbols, prophecies, and dreams. The session also touches on practical advice regarding health, diet, and personal growth.

Ram Reading 10-20 



Oh Father, fill our hearts with peace, our minds with love, our bodies with strength that we may be in harmony with Thee. Use us now, oh Lord, as Thou see fit, for we have our trust in Thee. We ask this through our Elder Brother, Jesus, the Christ, that He may be with us now to guide us, to guard us.


Behold the Lamb of God – He that taketh away the sins of the world! For it is true, through Him, God has given an Advocate that ye, too, may raise up and be as gods. 

We are here, we have this group. We are ready for this reading.

C The date is December 6, 1975. The time is approximately 8:30 AM. Those present in the room are 110, 180, 101, 172, 131, 114, 178, 107, 169, 185, and 146. You will have before you the members of this group and their inquiring minds and the questions that will be presented to you.

51st Psalm seen as the guiding light for the group

S We have the group and we will give this reading that is sought after. But first we would give to this group, that that which is the 51st Psalm should be thy guiding light and the order of the day for each and every entity in this room to understand the complexities, the meaning, the love, that God has given thee and for that which would be that which is the spark or that which is the kindling flame, that which is Matthew 3:13.  We are ready for questions. 

ARE and organizations become a reflection of the individuals that run them

Q What kind of an entity does an organization or group such as A.R.E. or Psychical Aid Foundation develop or create? (178)

S Either that of light or that of a monster. We find, you see, it is as the sack that contains the potatoes. It is that which becomes almost a physical thing to an extent. It may have tentacles as the octopus, or it may have petals as the rose. This is as is created by those within, even as the lumps of the potato create the lumps in the sack, you see. So, the minds and actions of those within create that which is the entity that becomes not as an entity with a soul, not as animal spirit per se, but animalistic nevertheless. You have your choice of what type of animal it could be.

Q It would be more of a thought form, then, I suppose?

s Thought form. 

Prayer: always use “Thy will be done”

Q In giving healing prayer is it detrimental to the recipient if the prayer – if prior request has not been received? (172)

S It is, for it builds within the entity that which is as the negative impact of interfering with that entity’s own selection for themselves, you see, unless that prayer is qualified by “Thy will be done, oh Father”.

Q Then if always, “Thy will be done” it’s not detrimental?

S Then it is correct. 

Mary mother of Jesus

Q Can it be given what happened to Mary, the mother of Jesus, after the crucifixion? (101)

S Lived to a ripe old age. Did not pass over as most but was lifted up bodily at that time.

God: creation of perfect/imperfect beings

Q I find this a paradox that I would like to have explained, if possible. God is perfect and it would seem to me that a perfect God could create only perfection. I realize that our imperfections are attributed to a fall, but it seems to me that since God could only create perfection, how is it that we human beings are so imperfect? (146)

S The imperfectness of human beings is not of God, but of the humans themselves in their ideas and that which is judgement. Even as given: judge not lest ye be judged. Selves have made judgements because of free will, therefore imperfections, as ye see, in the perfect, abound. But all is perfect. For you have built that which is false, that which is fantasy, that which does not exist but for selves. And in finding the way, so will that which are the imperfections be gone for they do not exist. Only in that which ye have created, which will go when the minds see and know clearly.

Bible symbology

Q What is the symbology of the number 40 as it’s used in the Bible rather repeatedly? (146)

S That which is the multiplicand, or multiplication, of the four lower centers by ten – the perfection, see, to overcome those lower urges, those lower centers, the base desires by the perfection, or the perfect, which is ten.

Q Luke 24:51 says Jesus, “while He left them, He was parted from them and carried up into heaven.” Acts l:9 says something similar. Please explain in words we can understand just what happened. (114)

S Here, there, you see, what is heaven but a state of being with God? And at that time, Jesus, you see, became one with God thought. Therefore, existed in heaven as each and every individual here can and does experience for that fraction of time in that which are the higher meditations that are reached or attained.

Osteoarthritis and balancing calcium metabolism

Q (213) writes: “Many individuals have rather marked osteoarthritic changes. In these individuals the calcium deposits in their soft tissues and in their hair are quite excessive, often being ten times or more the normal level. Mental attunement, meditation, autogenic training, even after periods of a year or two have not had significant effects upon these abnormalities of metabolism.” He asks, “Is there anything metabolic, or medically, or nutritional that can be done to balance the calcium metabolism and improve these situations?”

S First, as ever, as given, was the Word and that which was before the Word and even meaning the Word is that which is the mind, or the thought. For as the mind creates, as the mind builds, so shall the body build. For those to take into themselves more an acid-based diet is a necessity, you see, to break down that which is the calcium that builds within the body, as for that which is the loss or the imperfect conditioning of that which is the thymus and the pituitary, see? For those who have the greater imbalances there should be that which is the adjustment of the pituitary by that which is the intake of those hormones produced, or as would be the product of the pituitary, to that which is the normal, or above normal levels, according to the weights of the individuals involved to be that which would be as one gram per 20 pounds above the norm, or the normal weight, to that which are the bone measurements of the entities, see? 

Q (213) also writes, “Two nutritionists have recently insisted that milk is ‘not fit for human consumption’. They feel that any person after the age of two years should not drink milk.” Please comment on that.

S For some milk is never good; for others milk is good. Those who would have the milk of human kindness flow within themselves must give to others, even in thought, not proclaiming that this or that is evil, wrong, or not good. For each individual, in themselves, must decide. As to the general overlying problem here, we see that for most a slackening off of milk is preferable, but for others the stopping of milk early is preferable. Most adults should not partake of milk, that is that which is pasteurized, that which is homogenized, that which is presented to the general public. Rather if the entities cannot take within themselves whole fresh milk, untouched, unused, unprocessed by man then they should go to that which is the dried, the skimmed milk.

Medulla oblongata: receiving energy when asleep

Q While in a sleep state do we receive life giving strength, and does this come through the medulla oblongata, and is this a system within the physical body or is this a sense?

S First, it comes from that which is the spiritual nature of the body. As the entities leave and go upon those planes, there comes that from which is the center of the universe, or the universal consciousness (not the universe as the entities present would picture it to be but that which is the center of the cosmos), God’s central thought, that which are ever the energies, the strengths, filtered onto those levels of consciousness that the entities enter into, in that which is called the dream or the sleep state – in through that which is the body physical, into that through which is the pituitary and through that, indirectly as given, medulla oblongata.

John and Jesus: reincarnated or aspects

Q Were John and Jesus wholly reincarnations of Elijah and Elisha respectively, or aspects of same? (172)

S Both.

Mind planets and material planets

Q Please elaborate on the difference between mind planets and material planets considering that in this plane we have been given “mind is the builder.” (101)

S That which is mind is the builder, ever is that which constructs, see, even on a material plane such as this as the material subjects are altered, as they are builded by the mind through the actions of the material states of the physical bodies and the physical concepts of the individuals and through that which is the mental imaging, the mental powering of the minds. In those planets, those states where it is the mental states, there are no physical bodies as known to you, but mental states, thought forms, different vibrational patterns, you see, even though they may exist on a material plane somewhat as this, or a copy thereof, they exist and develop, build, live, et cetera, in that which is a mental state rather than that which is a physical state – more as light and shadow, see, than as the material or the heavier vibrational fields that ye would call this earth plane. 

Prayer for soul entering in about to be born

Q (217) states that her daughter expects to give birth in April of 1976 and that (217) has been giving this soul her love and blessing along with other members of her family at the close of her morning meditation. She asks, “We have been given an appropriate prayer for those who have recently passed on but what would be a constructive prayer for a soul soon to enter through a chosen channel?”


Mormonism/Joseph Smith

Q In reading of 7-22-75, question 37, it is asked, “Were there really metallic plates found by Joseph Smith?” The Source said “yes”. What kind of metal were they? (107)

S First, they were mental plates that were transcribed, or transferred, by the mental imaging onto that which was gold.

Q Under what conditions and where did he find these plates?

S The entity found them in that which is as south of Buffalo but north of that which is Pennsylvania under extremely cruel conditions at that time – weather, that is.

Q May we know what instructions were given on the plates that Joseph Smith found that he did not follow? (107)

S Step by step instructions for that which is the raising within self of the Holy Spirit through that which you would term as meditation and those appropriate uses of same. Also, of that which is the primary teaching, you see, of the fact, the law, of reincarnation and karma.

Q Did he create the metal plates from the mental plates out of the need to have something tangible to show as evidence to others? (109)

S This is correct. For the world is ever a skeptical, materialistic world.

The sun/Ra sustaining life

Q. What is the name of, and the relationship to us of the entity that manifests as our sun which sustains our physical life and around which our earth rotates? (178)

S That which is understandable to you is “Ra”. That entity, not as you would understand, see, not as an entity that can follow the line that is conceived by God for selves, but nevertheless a line of evolution, more in that keeping with the angelic host, you see, more even sacrificing than the angelic host, more as the example of giving off, or giving out of self, for man to follow. See?

Preparing for imminent global crisis

Q This question is for (126). “From the sources we have investigated it would seem that the world, and specifically this nation, may soon experience major political and economic cataclysms as prophecies of the times of darkness and the Second Coming come into reality. If this is the case, what preparation, physical and economic as well as mental and spiritual, would you recommend?”

S Trust. For that which are the troubles of the morrow are sufficient to them. Build on this day. Love, forgive, trust. For those who have faith will survive. This nation that ye live in, this world that ye live in, is but touching the tip of that which are as the troubled times that ye find present at this time. Have faith. Let thy mind, through the meditations and the dreams, direct self as to what is to be done in the physical, as to that which is the financial, as to that which is the positioning of self, as to that which are the food probabilities.

Heavenly visitors/messengers

Q Supplementary questions were asked after an individual reading on July 16 of this year. The answer to question number five concerned Ram and those that have come representing God. In the last part of the answer the Source said: “Those heavenly visitors also have come to influence mankind. Though they were not of the human kind or of the human quality not could they in actuality understand for they were but messengers. This description does not fit my understanding of angels. Is some other kind of heavenly visitor meant here? (185)

S The entity has only a slight understanding of the angelic host, for there are so many and different and varied type, you see, that none here have even heard of, let alone can understand. It applied to that which is the angelic host but also to other entities builded not in the human form or the human state, that live, yes live, in a material state in other times and other places more active within the sphere of human influence than of now, you see, and stand at the threshold of once again stepping into that which are the human affairs to help as bidded by the higher powers.

Radioactive appliance as described by Cayce

Q Would the radioactive appliance as described by Cayce and made by (1198) be helpful to anyone in this group? 

S As your mind so directed, remembering that within thee is all source of healing, if but correctly applied, not in self, or selfish, needs.


Q Throughout Latin America there is the legend of a bearded white man who taught the Indians many arts and crafts. In Mexico he was called Quetzalcoatl. Please tell us who he was, where he came from, and where he went. (114)

S He was that which was the Light. He was that which was as the Son. He was that who came and returned to that which is the Source of the Light. In short, the Word.

Q You mean, sir, that this, that He was Jesus?

S He was that which you would term as Jesus, though not Jesus at that time.

Automatic writing

Q What is actually taking place when a person uses automatic writing? And if they do what dangers are involved or what preparation should be made? (172)

S Fifty-five percent of the time, approximately, is possession. Forty percent of the time it is ego (subconscious direction); and five percent of the time it might be that of those who would do good for others. 

Zoroaster: dates

Q Can you tell me the actual birthdate of Zoroaster? (172)

S In which calendar, in which method, in which way, you see?

Q There’s a discrepancy of two different dates that are about five or six hundred years apart in our calendar as 1’ve read. I was wondering if the earlier date or the latter date would be proper?

S In the calendar that ye – Gregorian?

Q Correct.

S We find it to be the earlier date.

Q According to the Cayce material you get into the City of the Hills and the Plains at approximately 9,000 B.C. as we measure time. I’m trying to reconcile the answer you’ve just given and that information from Cayce. (114)

S There’s a forty-two year discrepancy within that date of 9,000 years.

Vitrified stone castles in Scotland

Q (222) asks, “Please explain how the vitrified stone castles of Scotland were built?

s Here is an influence, you see, a holdover, you see, from that which are those who escaped the final destruction of Atlantis through roundabout means through first the Greek, or the Greek influence, or those Greeks (that carried the ideas, the plans, the understanding of the movement or the changing of stone) themselves, you see, and the rising or that which would be considered the flow of the materials themselves as you would find in that stone, you see. The changing of the patterns, unlike that which exists nearby, was the influence of the use of Atlantean ideas and construction through that which is the overcoming of that which are the basic atomic patterns or especially that which are the nuclear patterns of the atom as to that which is the proton and that which is the electron – not the neutron though – flow of materials, especially in metals and in that which is considered the mineral form as rock.

Q How were they able to get such tremendous heat as to cause the rock -to melt? (101)

S Not heat as you would know heat to be, you see. By the change of especially the electron in that which is the molecular, or the atomic structure of the rock itself, causing then a flow pattern, you see. Not as that which would be as lava – no, but as the shaping of a material as a sculptor would shape, you see, so directed by the rods and by the mental patterning of the certain individuals (even) which later became as Druids, you see – though losing that which was the understanding of this type of working of the mind, and the rods, you see. For near those castles, as ye would find, you will find the rods that were used as bronze and gold to determine the extent of the flow or the change or the pattern change of that which are the electrons, and the proton especially, structure of the atoms.

Q Was this by nuclear fusion? (172)

S No. By rearrangement rather than by fusion or fission.

Upcoming election (1976): national politics

Q We’re getting ready for an election in this country fairly soon. Well, we’re getting ready now. Can you tell us who would make a good president in our next election, who we could be…

S Oh, there are several who will never, never have the opportunity to fulfill. For man, as is, has made choices as to that which is the fundamental for themselves which do not follow the pattern. Only that through the constant prayer can guide those who will inherit the leadership, if it comes to pass, in this election, for the better to receive instructions from the internal self rather than the external self that will govern this land. 

Individual’s Visions and dreams: interpretation

Q I had a dream about three or four weeks ago. I would like to ask you to interpret it in its true light. In the dream I was praying to God that if it would be pleasing to Him that I go overseas that He would open the way. In the next instant I was on my way to the Philippines. (146)

S We have that. Interesting mode of transportation. We have the entity, yes, and the dream, and that which is the message. For it is given to the entity that what ye would have ye must build, ye must accept. Therefore, make the selection, in truth, after prayer. Let thy heart be known to all of thyself, not just the mind. What we say here is this: that where the heart is, so shall the body, the mind be with. If self would have it so on any level, at any place, then let the entire body know, the spirit, the truth, and the search and it will be so. If the entity desires this more than any other thing, not rationalizing, ·but finding within self the truth of the search, the need or the expression therein, and in the selection, then there will come that which is the proper choice for the entity. As in the dream or as the dream indicated ye would have it, then it will be so.

Q On the second of this month I had the following dream: The first part concerned preparation for an event, not stated. It was said that (169) would have to play the organ at the proper time so she better know the music. A man’s voice made the following statements: “The true gods will be abuilding. Something will trigger the ancient Pharoah’s hand and it will brush across the old organ’s keys and the toccata and fugue will burst forth. Then the true holders of the Melchizedek priesthood will step forward.” I woke at this point. Can you give me the meaning? (185)

S This is an indication of those times to come, as given before: that the hand of Pharoah will be upon the land. And who is Pharoah? That which is that of material, of the mental conditions, of selfishness that must be overcome. By what? By finding the priesthood, that which is the Light, that which is the Way; by being in harmony; by playing that which is God’s tune rather than man’s tune.

Q Last Sunday, (117) awoke in the middle of the night hearing a squishy sound in her head, followed by several flashes of light something like a flashbulb in the hall. This startled her and she arose and went to the hall but could find no cause for the light. Was this an internal light that she was seeing and what was the meaning or significance of this episode?

S As those who seek, find, there becomes that which are the impressions upon the outer and the inner; that which is the stimuli, that which is the stimulus, you see, to those organs, those centers, within selves, often affecting that which is as the optic or would be seen as the optic or the interpretation of those optic stimuli from outside. For as some would hear bells, some would hear music, or have feelings of lightness, so others see light, others would find light and even thunderclaps, see?

Q Did this have any connection with a dream that she had a few days earlier in which she was carrying a small baby in her hands down to the beach?

 S And also that which occurred to her three days prior.

Q And in the dream the baby’s mother was swimming in the water and some sand got in the baby’s eyes which (117) was very concerned about getting out. Would you please interpret this dream?

S That which is her mind or the thought within self often does stray for other reasons and does not see clearly, even as more clearly stated three days prior to that in the dream the entity had at 2:15 A.M.

Business and relationship advice for member, friends and family

Q. I would appreciate some guidance. I have to make a choice in selecting an intern for the army library program at Ft. Huachuca. The choice is between two people. Both are qualified and have good references. If I choose one, I feel badly about the other, et cetera. Can you recommend with an overall view which would be better in light of the program as well as in view of the situation of each of these people? One is (218), the other is (219). (146)

S Take the names of each, write them down, place them in a bowl – silver, if possible – pray that the hand of the Father will guide thee, and draw one.

Q Is it well, sir, to always to use a silver bowl when drawing by lot? (114)

s It is best.

Q (169), her sister (220), and I have retained a lawyer to help us close out the photo service business. Are we handling this problem in the right manner or is there something we should be doing that we are not aware of? (185)

S At this time it is the proper manner.

Q (220’s) mother, (221), would appreciate receiving suggestions as to how she can really help her daughter and have better communication with her?

S First, cleanse thyself that that which is the channeling of the word of God, the love of God, through self, would be pure, undefiled. For as to that which ye would have for others, so ye must teach through the use of that which are the spiritual powers within self. Read the 51st Psalm, understand it and love.

Q I’d like to know if it would be necessary for me to discontinue teaching piano under the present circumstances. This is one of the things I enjoy the most but it looks as if I may have to give it up. (169)

S Not at this time should the entity give this up.

Q How can I teach in the home under the conditions according to law? It seems that I can’t do this. (169)

S Not in the home, but that of another.

Q In (193’s.) reading, which was given through this channel, the Source referred to “one close to the entity at this time but the entity has not taken much interest in, or even much awareness of, but only casually knows, that has much more bearing upon the entity’s life than any other the entity will meet. For there we find that which is the closer ties and a closer understanding in a more progressive manner towards that which is of the spiritual nature”. (193) asks, “Is (131) the one to whom the Source was referring?”

S Mind is ever the builder. As the entity would have it, so it shall be.

Q For how long may I teach in our home before this change has to be made? (l69)

S No more than six weeks.

Q Is there anything that I can be told that would be helpful to me in accomplishing that I came in to do? (178)

S Be ever mindful of that which is the state of those others around you and become more as the oil upon the water than that which (is) causes waves.

Physical readings for members, friends and family

Q Early this week I fell and hit my left cheek hard against the pavement. Was any inner damage done that might affect the operation for the cataract on my left eye which is scheduled for next Tuesday? (114)

S We find some trauma within. We find some broken blood vessels within – more ~ than without. We find that there is a hairline, very definite, but fine hairline fracture below the left occipital ranging to that which is the mandibular area. However, we find that it will not at this time impair that which are the processes to be given. We would suggest this entity use hot saline packs followed by hot to very warm packs of castor oil to the area that the fall occurred and to that which is the occipital area of the entity or that which is – the rather the orbital area of the eye.

Q Did the blow have anything to do with the hemorrhage that has developed in my right eye? (114)

S Correct. Traumatic but has no bearing upon that which is the surgical area.

Q In the last question of the October 13, 1973, reading concerning a Neptune conjunction in my horoscope, is (193) the one referred to in the answer by the Source? (131)

S As the entity would have it, so it shall be.

Q Should I continue with the castor oil packs for my ear condition? (169)

S They might be augmented more with that which are the massages to the mandibular areas and the muscle structure below. Also, rotation now is very necessary to the entity’s balance especially. That is to say, not balance within but the actual balance. For we find some impairment of the semicircular canals at this time, not caused by the same condition but by that which are weather conditions and the changing of that which you would term as the seasons.

And now we would give the blessing of the Father and of the Son. 

We are through with this reading at this time.